AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceLeninLeninismMarxMarxismParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30 1933 The Railroad Brotherhoods Picture of the League Today MANIFESTO OF THE SPANISH BOLSHEVIK LENINISTS The Reactionary Union Officialdom and cal privilege. This was true o Isadership would be compelled to lour proposal for a new party. We its first steps towards its announce members outside of Chicago. The the workers the support of the new Order The Teachers and Successfull Meet ehe oma the Class Struggle in Brownsville Militant Builders BOOK REVIEW e American look at the League today, in to. But there is such a thing as forefront organizing the local unemits palpitating growth throughout a test of politicai position in the ploġed moveinent and founidng it Madrid, Dec. 5, 1933. The call it is well known that reaction the country and the excellent types crucible of events. In this respect tirinly on a trade union basis, thus ing of the recent elections for de emerges from this struggle strene In discussing the rise and fall ant concerning their best interest of serious tighters it 18 attracting we have found our position stand establishing the used with the puties to the Cortez (Spanish par wing. For that reason we see the between em thened by the victory of the Right ployed and unemployed, at the Ratiroad Unions in this That is the reasons why such lead into its ranks in over growing num. ing firm as a rock.
series of articles we want at the ership must protect itself from the bers, offers a really encouraging Therein lies the great hope for unions taking up the fight for the liament Ed. colucided with the very beginning to make ourselves rank and tilo by ng laws and a picture. It is far cry now from the future stil we are today very needs of the unemployed. There period of the reorganization of the great urgency in making known the who first place we not only admit, but official cannot afford to permit proofrom the official party scorn recognition of this one of our com Canada, although somewhat different de les decisions adopted on threat. This position is summarizdistri point out to the workers repeatedly, gressive ideas to circulate freely fully dubbed us the three geaerrades, a well that every thing we have got 80 among the membership. It would als without an army. Still, there wrote us the other from Oregon, ent in its nature. In that city our an international scale concerninged in the following er day asking the comrades were leading and moving the new orientation towards new In line with throughout Spain.
wages and working conditions, matter how bericflichal it woula be to exaggerate our numbers and in awakening which is now beginning ist demonstration which brought of the working class.
TO THE WORKERS has fluence or to create false impres will not our forces be too change which have been brought about by the to the members.
out between 15 to 20 thousand work the radical Reaction has taken a great step craft unions on the railroads. We it is to the interest of the sions of greater strength than There is so much to be done.
Wiliers in a demonstration coupled with taken place in our intemattomat forward. mortal danger faces the prothat the craft union was a progres against the union officials. It is making a place for itself the con Today we stand before the com came a powerful thrust against the cipate in the elections in complete letariat sive force as long as that kind of for the best interest of the railroad actions now developing in the couning storms. few recent strikes infamous Section 98 of the criminal independence and under our own But the situation is not hope organization was in a position to workers to have free expression in try.
notably the Growth of the League tion strike, indicelphia transport code and restored free speech in banner. The following are the musel less.
function to the Interests of its their unions, but such a change Toronto.
important decisions adopted.
the resistance In the unemployed movement the Being unable in any way to The treasure of enerky and membership. It was only when in from the present gag rule would be With a total of 28 branches spread which is gathering against the combativity of the working class en craft system of organization that enjoyed by the craft bureaucrats. Canada, we have more than doubled conditions. And we need not ex of activity. It is now collaborating Important as those which have ergy and this combativity must the Brotherhood leadership Any proposal for concerted and our membership since the last Namectin advance that international of Chicago to extend this organiza support the candidates of the ofbe organized and directed. There program gradually became more aggressive action for wages. pentional Co national tour larger boxirds will in every case succeed tion of the unemployed to other ficial Communist party, Conference two years ago. union officials or the NRA labor is only o one road for that: the and more reactionary stons or working conditions and on the re formation of a solid bloc of all We must bear in mind that no short hours by the railroad work than the per. very conserva it them, in such places workers organizations to oppose an impassable front to reaction.
useless and reactionery that it did terest of the officials because the held in New York City, a total of tive unions The immediate aim of this bloc not benent few wbo live on spe Craft system will prove itself out over 4, 000 advanced workers arti some stone will be forced to take intained several branches intact where it was impossible for us to forward. In preparation with more than a thousand mem. present candidates of our own.
should be: per of date to such a movement and its cipated in the meetings and heard for that the League is also taking pers and a few additional hundred Naturally, while recommending to Not to tolerate the least chattel slavery and Czarism, and expose hits Wankruptcy to lead in can wy today that the League has objective of rebuilding the left in the work of this organization did not forget to raise all the difCommunist League in cooperating candidates of the official we attempt against the conquests of the working class.
This fundamental principle now such struggle. In other words, definitely become the standard wing in the trade unions.
with a serious determination to help terences which we have with this The defense of the workers The Trerid of the Future.
operates lu the railroad brother we have arrived at a stage of de bearer of the future revolutionary revive the unemployed movement party. On the contrary, the elecorganizations.
hoods. few, the well paid hoods where the crayed against the herald of the future upward be said that in view of the imensity on the Pacifie Const our new ish proletariat understand the urom velopment in the railroad brother party. It reflecte not only this new To make the assembly of The accomplishments are modest cials, benefit by keeping the rail find its leadership membership wih current but steps on the scene as so far. Not only that, but it must New Forces in the West. tion campaign has been an occasion for in which to make the Spanthe elected cortex impossible by road workers divided in 21 indepen. them on every constructive procurve in the working class move of the job ahead our own weakness branches in San Francisco, Oakland gent necessity of organizing a real means of formidable movement.
WORKERS the members, the many, suffer by It is to the interest of This is a decisive hour. Dethis arrangement. It is just on every the revolutionary youth responds ent. The stepw which have been recruited from forces coming doctrines revolutionary Marxism, mand the immediate constitution account of this development that railroad worker to understand this so readily to toe extent that the taken are reflected in The Militant, over from the official party. Inland in the traditions of Bolshevismof the united front.
the interest of the brotherhood of and act accordingly. But we cannot Spartacus Youth movement has in union and strike activities of New York City, where we have our Leninisin.
There is no time to be lost.
acials becomes more and more ser remedy these conditions by leaving grown up within the last year, and our comradas in New York, Miunea largest membership, there are at Each lost minute is an hour In record with the line of gained by reaction.
Ale, and we run into the contra are consentitled to criticize the about a dozen live active branches. But, as an indication for the fu forces also taking the step from struggle followed in the elections to make the assembly of the dietions which flow from these propose something better ourselves. particularly frantie performances of others when we It is also the explanation on separate joints in the Pittsburgh position. Within the official party voting for the workers candidate of formidable popular movement is of the ture, it is noteworthy that in two the official party to the Left Op of November 19th, we recommended elected Cortez iinpossible by means conditions constantly when we We must stay with the organized us by the stalinist bureaucrats, steel trying to introduce needed changes workers wherever they are and do What a glaring contrast this pre hereedy taken the initiativeſ more ominous after the Soviet election, on the second run. It was the Spanish section of the League members of the League itself there is a dead calm, all the having the greatest opportunity of the immediate mullying slogan of in the structure and program of these railroad crafts.
good and faithful work behind consents. On the one hand the League and become the most active organiz recognition batgain. Unquestion opposed to the tactic of the Stal of Communist Internationalists We find the officials against ns practical method in dealing with a walory attracting to its ban tons of the of forward, teeming with iteers of newly established local here will be news forces own candidates on the second run, Opposition Ed. Issued for on every turn because they benefit every day of the uneitsy ar by keeping things in the railroad in their unions, sbow them the need students; the League surging for workers per the more conscious Marxian The Unemployment Movement turning away from Stalinism to even where the Socialist candidate to block the road to the return of uplons as they are. Their fat and ed changes in the program, leader. ward in accordance with the trends become supporters of the new party. had the greatest chance for elec reaction. The new Cortez must be Lurther good indication easy fobs depend upon keeping the shig and structure of the railroad and direction of future struggles. future trends is afforded by the official party organizer in New commending to the workers to vote, the anger of the popular masses for This was already indicated by the tion. Even in this case, while re dismissed through the pressure and railroad workers divided and ignor Tunions. E.
On the other hand the Stalinist examples of the Minneapolls com Castle, Pa. when he atended our on the second run, for the social grouped in organizations for antirates. They have been in the very meeting of my recent tour.
He said, ist candidates, our criticism of the Fascist struggle. In this struggle ing out party. tbe arsenals of re a sound foundation and it has ex. to be the sharpext.
in the front ranks and point out which have long ago been properly cellent forces while the official party We are in the process of gather the roads to be followed to save branded as a curse to the American in New Castle is dead.
ing the details of our participation and broaden the democratic conlabor movement. ARNE SWABECK. in the election struggle. But now quests of the toiling masses.
The Youth on the March One reason teachers have been In Chicago where the Stalinist 747228128228382 Seitetest22283 in order to make them conform Defying and protesting the slow to struggle is that they con threats of the Stalinists, over 500 ferty, infuriated by the progress Thus Chang is convinced that a we had made, came organized in stituted an aristocratic stratum of the working class. Their wage workers, including several dozen large numbers to break up the Communist necessary feature of society is the disappearance of the wage level of the workers. They sympathizers, and a labor jury re League branches have since emerg We want to It is upon njoyed Job security to tent and all sorts of perquisites great ex presenting five workers organized. That is a most Atting answer. marks to our but dress few re AASTATASAAAAAAAAAAACATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA2 division of labor. He reaches this tions and the Civil misinterpreting Liber. To It can be added the fact, which them that The Militant depends for The Marxian Theory of the State, known quotations from that book conclusion by by Sherman Chang, Ph. in his the worker in in mine or factory never des Uncon attended on Wednesday augurs well for further progress, extension into new and wider flelds.
Revolution The State and Marx statement to the effect that According to Chang, had under capitalist rule. And on evening. December 20th, the Brown that in Chicago vur youth movement. It is to them also that the plantop of that they are permeated with ville meeting of the Communist peshaps the most active of any ned transformation of The Militant This book is advertised as the It is interesting to note that such in a Communist society the subjecbourgeois ideology to a degree that League on Russian recognition and place in the country. Two live into an agitation paper will have Grst scholarly book on the Marxist a devoted disciples of Marx had tion of labor dependent upon the places them, in this sense, at the the Communist International. This Spartacus clubs already exist there greut significance. It will facilitate theory of the state. Dr. Chang made 110 mention for these pass present division of labor will disrear of the class.
came to write it by chance. Be ages) in his state and Revolution. appear, and that there will be no meeting was held after the disrup The Chicago Workers School, dirtheir work.
But all that is beginning curiosity Had the doctor devoted a few more opposition between brain and manthis change now. The crisis affecting vious Thursday evening meeting come an excelleut supplementary tant, to develop it into an authentie with a chapter on Marxian theory. weeks to Lebih he might have more at work. Ta on the same subject. The workers them ruthlessly. The signs point ward was well prepared to insuranation of the movement. With ican working class in their daily ten fully on the politica e decid political theory, and that Lenin hadtion of the individual to the yoke theory of had written rather fully on the will disappear. Marx own words attacks on their teaching and live an orderly meeting. In addition, la total of over one hundred enroll struggles wees. to make the communism, and the slavish subordina ing conditions.
representatives of the Conference ments, the school is now expanding more plain spoken, more under. ed to make a deep study of this located other adoratiohande knowled: Teachers salaries in New York Jewish Workers Party (Lett Paole parts of the city. The Friends of eran and above all, mere directly he devoted two years to this deep He might have also learned that appeared, and when concomitantly and elsewhere are fixed by law and Zion. the Industrial Workers of the Militant Club and an influential concerned with the problems of the study, and accomplished precisely the State and Revolution was the distinction between mental and lietoshane et le condo le hable de la time the world. the workers Unemploy: Italian workers club complete the class struggle as they unfold in the what could be expected from here completed as planned physical work has ceased to exist But his two yeurs research auth. Chang then bolsters his mlaLoreal overnmental agency. In the the Socialist Par! y and the Amer To the misguided workers who sense it would be more American. such concentrated effort. In that orizes Chang not only to note with interpretation, by reporting that Arst three years of the crisis prices can Civil Liberties Union fell precipitately. Teachers wages, present as a workers jury to place jack expedition these develon Narxism mto terms understandable quainted with Eed to become ae Interest but also to comment in Engels agreed with him. Engels were participated in the Stalinite It will translate the language of time, he contenenti allochu parently be the responsibility for any attempted should be telling proof of the falsity to the American workers.
a half dozen pam passing upon the relative merits of (acording to Chang) held the view phlets by Lenin, a few extracts by Marxists. No work of Mehring that the division of labor les at We can take steps in that direc Trotsky, and absolutely nothing of is referred to in Chang book, but the basis of the division into class chasing value. This appreciation Two speeches from the floor produce the kind of repercussions tion now. We have already made Liebknecht, Luxemburg, and Mehr he did read a book of Ryazador, cs (The point being that since together awdit the yearly increments attracted much interest. Mrst. which return to annihilate their in a small beginning, but the complete Ing, not to mention such son and this leads our doctor to the classes will disappear to will the some cities, constituted a more or faced his criticism of comrade TAD wrote, It is, Les tendy improvement in their shachtman speech by condemning issues of the movement, and the establishment of our theoretical of the pre revisionist period.
Chang Slant on Marxism should be noticed in passing that fore, the law of division of labor In view of the fact that this Ryazánov as a historian of Marxist that lies at the basis of the divithe hooligan tactics of the Stalin them, will always have to be concles, now printed in the Militant, Only when the crisis began to ists which he witnessed at the presidered squarely. Personally, can be transferred That is on the book bristles with classic quota literature (sic. ranks higher even slon into classes. of course, the tions of Marxism, and also because than Frans Mehring. We need enslaving subordination of the ining of this ideal set up, as in Chic Second, that of a young girl, form the hooligan role in this instance our forces to build our circulation, such outstanding theorists as Bed only remark that Ryazanov ranked dividual under the division of labor ago where no wages were paid for er member of the Young Communist were not at all enthusiastie about The larger the circulation theacht and Trachtenberg seen to have Mehring as the greatest historian as it exists in class society is one teachers put up some kind of a who is well known to the Browns members and other workers who de The larger the Militant clrculation ing Dr. Chang with the better part of a year, at the League and Unemployed Council. it. On the other hand the League greater the influence of the paper been somewhat involved in provid. of Marxism.
thing, and the division of labor itgenuino Literature and History self is something else again. Among lature eut wages about six percent. militaney. She stated that she did spirits. They were defending to the roodbere it withe source our wo go somewhat Into the scope of as to what Marxist literatura con che individual from gubjectlon unFive hundred tenchers joined the not agree with the program of the principles of democracy and tree cal problems, the sooner we will this purported the outstanding characteristics of Teachers Union in New York City Communist Langue, but strongly interpretation of slats of, but he confounds literatura in the period of the wage cut fight. condemned the members of the peech in the labor movement. This have the theoretical organ and the valet Theory, and Chang quall with bistory, and is blissfully under partieular types of the division is something worth fight transformation the cter of Schools everywhere are closing Communist party who had critic for. In this the League already The Militant.
Acations as a scientist and scholar aware that there is a distinction beciety itselt has no intentions of of labor; but the Communist soor curtalling their terms. Teachers ired Al Dasch record in the today performs a service which will in general.
wages are in arrears and are piling she sharply scored the disruptive be of much greater importance to. What we need above all today is in this Marxian study of the philosophy of Merxism) and histor doing away with division of labor.
tween dialectic materialiem (the ing. The conditions for organized in breaking up workers meetings fought with the be les the resistance are maturing.
in New York the. defense fight is the red the previous meeting of the ranks of unusenterades who will take bundles of of analysis) of the Russian materialison is also known as deal. law of the division of labor is one and labor.
Tilitants under their arms, go out Communist Langue, at which centering around the attempt by she had been present, as an exam Test of Political Position to sell them at working class gal Revolution of 1906, and the Oct ectlc materialism. In Pennsyl: thing, and the division of labor 1: was with Will the League play serious thering or in working class neighber Revolution. One is led to vania this passes for scholarship another. But Chang is law unto one mens or another to preventple. Her speech overwhelming part in the grandiose perspective borhoods and solleit subscriptions, the suspicion that Chang reason But these are only the artikels himself, and having confounded so legislative reduction of wages and great enthusiasm by reduction or abolishment of incre majority of the workers present. for rising labor militancy speeded We need more of them. We consi. for studying the Paris Commune, is pearls of his erudition, the genuinettle. he confounds Marxism with and understood many things The learned Doctor has a preface himself rect. But it is not suficient even workers democracy. The Commun: American national economy? That, constantly renew their activities tion among his authorities.
from the point of view of defeating ist League scored another victory after all, is the decisive question and continue without let up. WeChang scholarship. upon that and an introduction to his book Typhical Ph. Thesis attempts to cut wages.
has been said is sufficient Wages are reduced in other ways less remain on guard.
Foralis itu ng great tradition to point already but we are now preparing scholasticism. comshets balkene om bis in his book there is little mention evidence that echangia ihestenicient tahn by legislative action. The gov.
Sea of the Militant circulation. In an of such authorities on Marstam in the introduction ho informs us American standard, pretentious, ernment is making determined ef.
forts to drive prices up to, at least Just off the Press comrades who are ready to enlist and the like. To prove that has a rigid line between economics and from the Marxist viewpoint it to second hand.
the 1928 level.
With wages fixed up by legislative action the rising amongst the staff of active Militant torical materialism 18 monistic, he political science.
refers to the Andings of Kleene ed of this, on the authority of pro Seeking the easy way would use cost of living will constitute a wage builders to notify us by mail.
cut. If the government resorts to and Bober (which serve stren fessor Laski. On his own this book as a source book of quogthen our contention that histor words, and upon his own PIONEER PUBLISHERS currency Inflation to accomplish its There can be no revolutionary though he refers lightinglytato presumptious as to draw a rista ihen what else could be expected ical materialism is monistle.
purpose the real wage cut will be All Chang pleads guilty of herbority. tations. For one thing. Chang been quotes Lepin through Stalin. But drastic.
theorySaid Lenin. revolution Plekhanov as another great Marsiline between Marxian economica from one indebted to Bedacht, er The experience of the inflation of 1861 65, 18 very Instructive.
ary theory cannot be spread eftec Ist. Chang obviously never read and Marxian polities.
Teachers wages then were fixed by tively without the help of a pub Plekhanov classic defense of his cept to cite Stalin as one who His lack of knowledge of Marxian follows Lenin theory of the pro law. Within that period the ever HISTORY AND PRINCIPLES The problem now is to develop when his own authorities fall him economies does not, however, hlo. letarian dictatorship very closely age wage of the teachers on a na tional scale was incressed by 87. OF THE LEFT OPPOSITION our work on a broader scale. An that he reorts to such dubloua der ihm from speaking authorita. Is it astonishing that Chang theroefficlently functioning publishing sources as Trotsky for example. tively about it. According to him fore lists as minor extensions of per cent. But, as a result of the house is indispensable. Every con since even such an authority. one of the productive forces to Marxism, Lenin theory of colo currency Inflation prices rose 116. scious worker, every sympathizer as Max Beer overlooks this charage labor. He contounds pronial revolutions and the theory of percent.
Consequently, teachers of the revolutionary movement, acter of the Commune, it is worth ductive forces with productive re the unequal development of capisalarles, mesured in terms of their every anti Fascist bas, therefore, while to quote Trotaky.
lations. Wage Labor is a real purchasing power, fell to 62. productalism. And that he also includes to do his utmost in the building of tive relation. It is a of the 1800 basis a practical wage bourgeois among Lenin contributions Surprising Discovery a revoultionary publishing relation of production.
Marxism the theory of the pousicat follows that even a successful By MAX SHACHTMAN center. Here is a practical way and that the It is not stop is surprised therefore to The Marxian concept of class bility of the victory of socialism for you to help certifAght against legislative reductions cate in Pioneer Publishers. This at the deliberate falsification of is a closed book to Chang, but this in one country For a summary of wages will not necessarily, prewill entitle the holder to get any Marxism by the revisionists. And, very erudite in his chapter, The refers the readers not to Lenin but vent wage cuts. That does not mean that this fight should be 100 count and books of other publishers his erudition, he suspects that even State. According to Chang the not belog fanns, he is serious!
abandoned. It means that it should most devoted disciples of Marx Intellectuals are be brondened.
at a 20 All comrades who have were not quite so well informed to it is perhape safe to say that even qualifies Chang not only for a doeclass in society.
In all respects, his performance Just as the workers struggle for higher wages to keep pace with Cents in Bundles of ar More; Order from: rising prices so should the teachers torate but for a professorship in the ments for certificates should send Lenin ignorance of Marx The Redacht knows better.
in France. On When the classic Properly signed Class Struggles quotations of present Marx Lenin Institute, under organize and fight for higher wages PIONEER PUBLISHERS. 84 10th St.
in their we will be sent what grounds? On the grounds Marxism run counter and sealed to Chang o the leadership of Stalin.
to meet the increang in the cost of Hyne.
to those who have paid or more that he did not include two well own conclusion, be amputates them, JOHN WRIGHT, PT. STAMM reinforcing Narxia spokesmannen met de or the theme the discovered that no curso madhore covered that the numbers to have come true the listen of labor anderen tha are when 80 TEN YEARS to such as