CominternCommunismEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerLeninNazismSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

PRICE THEMILITANT CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME VI, NO. 57 WHOLE NO. 204 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30 1933 PRICE CENTS Philadelphia Gripped Roosevelt Planned Work Hotel Workers Driving by Transport Strike Toward General Strike Worker Report Amalgamated Union Formulates Program of Demands to doup LETTER FROM MOONEY Hold Despite Fire Trial Verdict Six months of this and ll be pleted the picture. Two or three NRA and Labor Leaders Combine to Outlaw At for the lunatis asylum this days later the pile was carted remark of a former taxicab driver away. If you all take an interest Workers Fight for Bread sums up the attitude of the this here work, they ll promote workers to the degrading nonsenso you to the lunatie asylum said a which they must go through in or Negro worker after that incident.
Philadelphia. Philadelphia is lader to qualify for the Roosevelt There ll be ng work on ChristDole in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. mus but you ll have to come in anbor latest battlefield. Class strug It is not that we are forced to other day to make up for it, we The efforts of the hotel and restgle looks horns with class collaTorgie so hard work for long hours at were told. Give ine some real aturant workers of New York City boration and to obtain serious improvement in ing. The town of the the intolerable conditions now exist a day going through the motions of a week of Christmases in the next demonstrates its inherent strength, ing in their industry through bulldwork. Shovelling dirt on a truck two hours. said in old man.
ing up their union, the Hotel and unspent vitality and capacity for only to see it dumped back exactly struggle by breaking out of the Former building workers, California State Prison Kress adjourned, and the formation Restaurant Workers branch of the bounds set for it by labor ailMand in shovels torout Cartes chauffeurs, takers, clothing workerk yardsers we stand and question our own San Quentin, Calir.
ministration friends and eadof the National Tom Mooney Coun Amalgamated Food Workers, have while wheel barrows to say nothing sanity for putting np with this nonNovember 18, 1033 eft be Action, the activities of the weep to now, the major tasks ers. And, also it is refuting those of trucks are lying idle. Then be sense. There is thing to do, it My dear Comrades and disciplines who for years have been The Leipzig Supreme Court has ing told don take a full shovel, is cold and miserable and we wait Fellow Unionists: shouting all 1x dend in the Committee has been suspended for have been to gather forces, and to During the month of January of the lack of funds to carry on the lead teh workers away from the 11 of company unions. Pushing round Torgler, Dimitrof, Popoff and that piles got to do you, men, for leaning on our shovels, waiting for upward against tremendous pressure Tanev not guilty in the infamous the rest of the day Then when quitting time. whistle blown. this year, irsued a call for a Uni fight. Whether this was deliber militant policy based on the formu lusions of the NRA and toward a ted Front of all working class orately planned or not, am not now 15. 000 workers in various fields of Reichstag fire trial recently cow. we gather in a group to talk, the we stop doing nothing and start forganization to send delegates to the prepared to state, but would like Mlation of concrete demands and the transportation are ont on strike. cluded in Nazi Germany. The flimsy foreman again speaks. Say boys, bome.
Free Tom Mooney Congress, held to get the uctual feelings of all of struggle for their enforcement. The The entire police force in on riot character of the frame up against don stand around talking. you ll At first we were under the juris in Chicago, April 20 to May 1, in those delegates that attended that new phase consists of the preparamobilization. howls are up for then comrades was clear to all be getting me in ay through you kere diction de the bude na te street choco congress a port of personal report tomatoes the enforcement of these the National Labor Board plend for compelled to admit the innocence of doing something. so, we start to been transferred to the Under my direction and Instruc from each slowly two weeks passed without pay. The tions, the Tom Mooney Molders De place there what was the spirit Substantial successes are being peace and patience. the local the defendants friendly Record shouts Do Not The decision of the Leipzig Court into the pile of earth, lean upon it word was passed around. No pay. tense Compuittee spent almost 2, 000 of the delegates towards me, per achieved by the organization drive Strike. To finish it off in classic is a maneuver to quiet the rising for a while, pick it up, dump half no work. and in short order a to organize that Congress. It wasonally, and also towards the Tom thousands of workers have joined manner, Daniel Tobin, Interna wave of protest against Hitler ter the dirt off and with slow and meas parade of about 10 of the entire not my intention with the Mooney Mooney Nolders Defense Commit in the last few months, and hun.
tional President of the Volon deror. It further attempts to white red tread carry a couple of hand crew were marrhing to the main case. Such a proceedyre would tee. Also telling ine what sum was dreds more are coming in every nounces the strike as ontlaw wash the German Fascist Party fuls of carth some 25 yards which according to all available What the Workers Talk About.
Causes of the Strike around, the cause of the delay was minds of the working class, retion in the National Tom Mooney ber of workers coming in bas been evidence, is directly responsible for We walk back in a group and the explained. Similar and much more ceiving appeals from two separate Tag Day Campaign, and what otberweeks, and paricularly since the still faster in recent increasing What is this strike? In short at the notorious Reichstag fire. The mental confusion at the unemploy in the city and also throughout the parts at the country for the same your organization, as pledged as beginning of the stubbornly condramatic action y other groups organizations, from two different sums have been raised by you or is a revolt against the conditions self confessed culprit, Van Der ed is revealed in the conversation nation show that the spirit of the purpose.
tested at.
the NBA defending Work at logic the organized work The verdict does not mean the we need is to bring silver back. also reveal a drep dissatisfaction No Report of Congress left from the Free Tom Mooney Big Hotels Organized ere found their way to class strug freedom of Torgler. Dimitrof. Pop: You Considering the total number of Their lives are lot Wow Roosevelt is using some with the mature of the work.
Bletchat serena is organizations and maker: The Nazise blood ory Sneeds is two or three Musso Out of ine Free Tom Dooney Congress and the later sales of Free ideas What this counthe unorganized workers in the 10 RELIEF WORKER.
Congress Catne the NATIONAL. TO Tom Mooney stampe.
The Tom Mooney made this action imperative. The bounds will release these working linis. In two flags the great BIOONEY COUNCIL OF ACTION. fense Committee te Molders Dedustry, much stili remains to be with headquartere in New York a debt of 4, 000. have just 80e has already been made, particularpenniless, with done. But u magnificent beginning NRA is demonstrating the hollow class prisoners only under the great majority are agreed. Roosevelt ness of its impartiality and defense est pressure. Already, reports in is doing his best for us. The City. This information learned to my credit on the prison books, 1y in the kitchen and dining room several weeks after the Congressed, and have not been able to order departments of the large hotels, of labor. Facing the realities of the press tell of Hitler plan to bankers are fighting Roosevelt and class conflict it can betray and be put Torgler on tray, but lot with impunity nor for reason. The theme of Godish are also responsible for the crisis.
for received one telegram. never did any prison commissaries for the dozens of which are 70 to 85 The third most ropular illusion is long without crack up. This is Rosenberg and other Fascist mur the wisdomi, courage and militancy receive a report from the Congress, post four months. In spite of this unionized. In this teld, the tasks or any one conrected with it, as tremendous obstacle, my defense are to complete unionization in what is happening.
derers against the four defendants of Father Coughlin as a champion to just what took place. did not a 132 page booklet, exposing this ready has members, to organize the the Yellow, Quaker and Brown tive protest of all workers and Our gang started to work Novem attempts were made to destroy the solution, until three weeks after its tell the story that had hoped to coming attarcted to us because of Three weeks ago the drivers of can only be frustrated by the ac of the people.
Brooklyn. In recent weeks two receive a copy of the Congress refoul conspiracy against me. It will houses where the workers are be and White Taxicab companies workers organizations ber just before the city election.
were all relief cases. Welcoville headquarters went out on strike in defense of movement has been set on foot We League. Last Wednes that Congress has taken the trou tell in my recent trial, but was pre our consistent program and our their union, one hundred percent. which demands the immediate and are assigned to The cab companies are all part of safe release of Dimitroft, Torgler, Since our transfer to the on the wall reading. For a New actually happened there.
Prospect Park. day morning, Dec. 20th, the banner ble to make a report to me of what sented from doing so by the power activity, and particularly, to broadf ul bankers and industrialists who en the base of the organization Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co Taner, and Popoff into the hands we work hours a day, three days Communist International! was a month after the Congress ad. Soon as my defense committee can of smaller restaurants now that the the transit trust here backbone of of the International Committee now a work and get Six The tasks are burned the wall itself displaying journed, was told that a debt of secure the necessary funds, this peaks of the industry are well on the open shop and company union in Leipzig. The existing Nation variedl. Gatherina leaves, planting black marks of burning. No other 2, 000 connected with the Congress, booklet will be published. Will you the way to complete organization (Mitten plan)The taxi men are al Committee to Ald the victims of trees, sprending a compost of carta part of the hall was touched show. was still unpaid. From another help me do this? want to circulate organized into the taxi Privers Grim Fasetsm should be broad and they are parte deres se disting one that the wandals were frighten source, learned that each of the three booklets by the hundreds a teenue workers are increasingly codas: izing that they have notning good hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, all workers organizations which one of our first task under RoosStablemen and Helpers of the will be able to arouse the American evelt Five Year Plan is charac, raid of the headquarters took place, canizations, and collect their quota Wednesday, Dec. 27th, another pledged to returu to their home orAppeals for New Campaign to look for in that direction. Both the hotel and the restaurant codes of and hae socialist influence working class in defense of Torgler, teristic of the rest. We were put Banners, articles on the bulletin to pay off that debt.
Some time during November or are understood to be nothing but militant strike policy and sym Dimitror, Popoff and Tanev. to work on pile board, and pictures of Lenin and During the latter of May, December, my attorneys, at. and pathy of the city workers found ine combine adamant. Attacked OPEN FORUIM slopinape, high uil the center and The picture of the latter was torn of Action organized a towards ragged edges. in shreds. The tea cups in National Finnerty of Washigton, enforcement of any provisions which from all sides police and gangsters couple of men, with an engineer kitchen were the Tom Mooney Tag Day, using the will attempt to secure my freedom seemed to offer some protection for on one hand, and pressure of the MAX SHACHTMAN broken. The litera organizational machinery of the on a writ of Habeas Corpus in the the interests of the workers, has National Labor Board on the other, on marked the pileta sinton rectangle ture closet was broken open, Mili. International Labor Defense to United States Supreme Court. been proved by living or experience the union agreou to arbitration. THE WAR AROUND INFLATION Then with shovels and forks our over the floors and some stolen. The first object of this Tag Day, manding my freedom, should pre The workers now realize that only The rejected the offer and gang of 25 went to work with a will. Again some fear of discovery must was to liquidate the Congress debt, cede this more. The United States their own organization can do any refused to reinstate the strikers to Sunday, January. 1934 the end of the day the manure have ended the raid at this point.
their jobs.
of which was first informed to be Senators and Representatives from thing for them 8:15 pile was a beautiful rectangle, edges There is little doubt as to who is 2, 000, and which have since been your state, together with the Presi Demands of the Union International Workers School Hall Square and straight as die, and responsible for these raide. We le informed, by Roger Baldwin, the dent and the At:crney General of The Workers Strike Back.
Aroused to a fight against this 126 East 16th Street, ne Irving Pl. of uniform height throughout.
not the test time there and static Treasurer of the National Tom tohse United States, should be ap or the development of the months Pedestal of Manure arrogant atitude of the bosses the Auspices: Manhattan Branch, Comists have broken into headquarters Mooney Council of Action, to be pealed to cooperate in this move to taken last Friday, December 22, munist League of America (Opp. workers struck back. Despite the secure justice for pedestal of lanure! statue of the Communist League and have only 1, 500.
Questions. Discussion of the author of the New Deal from stolen or destroyed some of its ma(Continued on Page 1)
Want to hear from Delegates.
enclosing a Press and the kitchen departments disADMISSION 15 CENTS the same material would have com. terial.
Since the Free Tom Mooney Con. Continued on page Continued on page 1)
Vandals Wreck League Hall sopranone pile stare berze and of irresu se otsky over et urnes from the wall. ene variantionare Tette ooney Councy Walsh or New Look city, Ena Sohn the apparates of the workers the am herewith thnocent man. when meetings of the dining room Shoe Workers Amalgamate Unions at Historic Convention at Boston fol Boston. The amalgamation con The Shoe and Leather Workers gamation. He stated further with decide likewise to resist being sup, which should couter with repre. General Secretary Treasurer. gen by sacrifice of principles can never vention of independent shoe work. Industrial Union, afiliated with the some bitterness that the principal planted sentatives of the New York dele eral executive board of 21 members operute to disillusion workers.
unions which has been meeting od the first discordant note in the the amalgamation their joining when this Trade Union Unity League, furnish cause of the movement was broke the gation and fron out further difter will represent major districts. Brocton Brotherhood to Come In in Boston since carly December convention by their shameless at their being misinformed as the Hoor of the convention the next ences and then return the document Contradictory Resolutions Paul Salvaggio, originator of the came to a close on the 21st after tempt to back down on their pre attitude of the New England Shue morning the anger of the delegates to the delegates for consideration.
Among the resolutions adopted by planning lard and the leading a stormy but successful session of iously written agreement with the workers toward the of As threw that body into an uproar and This was done. The constitutional spirit for analgamation in the 10 days. This convention trans provisional committee, these. 1) early days of the movement, was formed amalgamation from a hope that they would attend the Was far as he was concerned he was the hooting and jeering of Mahan committee reappeared before the the convention were conven against the of the TUUL, name boded in for any attempts convention the next day with the Condemnation of the NRA as not honored by the assembled delegates to an accomplished fact by bringtion as an independent union like or any other hell. which sums up old union oficials might make to results of their conference.
ing into being the United Shoe and the others, that they would sever the disillusionment of most of these sabotage che amalgamation about two added delegates had requested operable to the interests of workers and it was unanimously voted to Leather Workers Union. It was their connection with the workers. The Industrial Union de to be realized after a difficult year and were granted changes amonnte Demand for the freedom of the constitute his lasters local of marked by threatened sabotage from Bitter Fight over legation was finally forced to com work. There was no mistaking the ing in all to twelve words!
out going eactionary officialdom on the unconditional release of Tom United Shue and Leather Workers bitter flxht on the floor ply and pledged itself anew to sever temper of the rank and sle.
Local Autonomy in New Union Mooney. 4) For unemployment in Union in recognition of his pioneer the one hand and by disruptive lowed their attempt to have the its connections with the New Constitution Discussed surance, cost to be borne by the efforts that culminated in the amby referendum.
Following further consideration Old Officers Removed maneuvers of the Stalinists on the question decisunderstanding the resolution to abolish all offices on the floor of the draft of a contain parts of the proposed consti Petitioning the National Recovery and employers. 5) algamation.
other, but repulsed both determined. Their plea of With the opening of discussions by the convention delegates of cercorernment ly. New nopes of strength in unity terms of the agreement was como of the several independent unions Stitution prepared by the constitu tution it was voted to submit the Board foco appropriations boxo 100 The Brockton fraternal delegates have been aroused.
Resolutions of a political nature by two members of their own dele ordinating committee of 15 to the convention task started of all locals for discussion and for the purchase and distribution Allied Shoe Crafts with 10. 000 mem.
adopted by the convention are the gation who subsequently took the handle the affairs of the new union pago document it was first decided amendment or approval of shoes for the needy. 6) All labor bers announced that they would until newly elected officers leaders should withdraw from the Join the new union very soon, that barbinger of a more developed polloor. The first. Frank Costheir duties in April. was take up to discuss and vote on each article As finally adopted for submission National Recovery Board and the they had been double crossed by tical consciousness in the minds of secretary of the resolutions was adopted separately. After a day and a half to referendum the constitution in the American worker. Alrendy bit mittee, dramatically offered his by an overwhelming majority. This it became apparent to all that such corporates certain features or Labor Advisory Board. 7) Against their leaders and that one local had ter experiences have stripped band resignation in view of the attitude body blow to deposed salarled of a procedure would require several progressive nature compared with compulsory arbitration. 8) For re already torn up its charter.
with with workers concerning the NRA and legation who obviously placed the works.
ages from the eyes of this group of of the leaders of his New York deficials of he old unions set of fire weeks to complete consideration of this industry old unions. Among opening consideration of the NRA in anticipation of trouble shoe code and a demand for the e 30 detiant officials of old unions its paraphernalia.
interests of the ahead the entire document. The major these are provisions for increase for uskilled of 18. 9) In planning board (the original rank hour week and minimum weekly whom it was voted to depose, the Mahan, general organizer cause of the slow progress lay in in their ranks workers in 60, 000 Workers Represented of amalgamation. This was a high of the National Shoe Workers As the petty obstructionist tactles of closely allied to them: leather work commendation of Father Coughlin, and tile body) wos directed to con group of 184 deleates represent point of the convention as this sociation openly defied this con the stalinist delegation of the Newers, counter makers, wooden heel the radio priest for the good worktinue its existence until the last ed soine 50, 000 shoe workers of worker tore hisbadge vention decision in a statement Industrial Union. Their ex. malvers, last and pattern makers he is doing for the workers. bolt is in place. As matters stand locals from Maine to Missouri. The leanings and declared himself in ing that he would not give up con each article acted to further dis generally. There is also provision In connection with this last re ficials of oth the National and the at the time of writing certain of Protective Union 60, the Independ surrounded by agitated delegates ers, and if the new coordinating port for the really meritorious pro for local autonomy means no local stonelte, voted in favor of the Cough up January 18, but it appears that had 79 de cates, the Shoe Workers prepared to leave chtiscedace, he was instructed by the Lynn Shoe work fajled to arouse sympaths and sup locals of a District. Provision Zimmerman, well known Love or the order directing them delimice ent Shoe Workers Union of Silene Wade himne terminoNo. per committee expected him to comply presel se poate dorthin uulonism when charter motrebe efter operatsion that is unies kiest tein de bebis time we momentum of the am Industrial Union of New York 28. He was quickly followed by an Mrs. McGee, official of a Lynn The role of the dele and means also that the form of workers, for example, that the in for them to resist.
and the Brotherhood of Greater New other meinber of that delegation Stitchers local, unsuccessfully at gates as impediments to rapid pro organization shall be decided by flation program advocated by CoughIn addition there were who seconded Costello views, and tempted to recall that locals dele gress was recognized by the con each district. Thus the New York lin is the most vicious attack on it was voted to hold the next fraternal delegates and observers made clear to all delegates that gates at a meeting the same night. vention when a motion was finally Industrial Union may retain its the income and the welfare of the biennial convention in St. Louis on other parts of the country overwhelmingly in favor of amal. tective Unton at a similar meeting draft to the constitution committee to be a General organizer and a ed too bitterly. Influence gained SHOE WORKER.
SAS Germania Hall CELEBRATE WITH THE MILITANT At the New Year Eve Masquerade Ball 16thSt.
Third Av DECEMBER 31st, 1933 ADMISSION: 50 CENTS st