BolshevismBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyImperialismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1933 GE Conditions in the Soviet Union Notes of the Week An American Worker Report on Labor and the Five Year Plan divided to pro Mr.
Proletarian Party Youth Group Out Issizing or EDITORIAL Several conferences, embracing the bulk of the Building the New Movement workers organizations, have already been held; big mass meeting on the unemployment question bas TN breaking finally with the Stalinist party and taken place; the movement is growing and broad.
Some time ago, a criticism ap day bring reports on the great en classes went on in factories. The Comintern, and in striking out an independent ening in scope and the decks are being cleared for a peared in The Militant for publish thousiasm of the workers for build tactory employees were FORTUNATELY, think. path toward the building of a new party, the Comreal demonstration of working class unity and dising experiences of delegates to Soing socialism; they not only accept into about 10 different classes, munist League has taken a step which flows with content that will wrest concessions from the masters. viet Union on the ground that it the plan giveu lucm but add a 25 from the Engineering technicul perhiuks General Electric Owen irrefutable logle from the realitics of the situation; The developments to be seen in Minneapolis already would made a bad impression on stretca plau: the fuctory works 9sonnel, in which are included factory Young, it will be easy to persuade it corresponde completely to the burning needs of the are a herrtening sign of the moving power that re the average casual reader against to 10 hours a day until the plan is administrators and their foremen our people that it is their duty to working class and the political movement of its conhelpers, down to lower and lower consume iuxuries in order to sides in the slogans of struggle against unemploy the Workers state. Maybe so, but fulfilled.
grous cach with different food vide an import balance so that scious vanguard section. The political wisdom of ment once they are taken out of the closed circle of lies. Cain one light against discuse couple of days later the work privuoges, with nothing left for the cotton and our copper may be exthis decision will be verified in life, as in a certain a clique and made an issue of the class.
measure it has already been verified, to the extent In the broad united front of the real workers coms? spent almost two years that they are getting pigs us snall room there were tables for udurulks or the public economic welfare that we steer a resolute course on the new path.
movement in Minneapolis the Stalinists appear only working in the Soviet Union, mostly 25 40 wunds and with that they and now udarniks and of course the can be sately predicted.
Our break with Stalinism, its organizations and usa stall minority of disrupters. The workers in meut industry, and even though cannot dit the share given them. tood was different for both.
Discontent of Workers its treacherous policy, is Irrevocable; there is no Mr. Young made this warm spiel turning back. The time when the faction strugklo turned against them. Before the workers, who are one could not help sceing the dis rain quota was so big that the On the streets te wees, beside or a cold winter evening the concerned vitally with the united fight to make the astrous fects of the adventurous Rollenes had to give all their gruin bread, kerosene or some other line, New York Times list Sunday. As within the ranks of the Comintern occupied the conditions of their lives more bearable, the Stalin policy which undermined all the to the guvernt und there was tired looking fucus dressed shabily luxurius le cies: Cottee, tea, center of our attention is behind us. The main ists appeared as enemies of the movement, resent for principles of the October revolutom hone left to feed the prig, cuttle, asking one another how long will ruit, wia, touc, CIC. Cousiweight of our activity has to be shifted now directly of its success and bent on disrupting and disorgani it you will permit, will give etc. When at the old two this so on, cundemning in low ucrmg all sides of the question into the broad class struggle. Delay or hesitation ing it In this way they convince the workers, on the short sketch of my experience in this our ant rullilled the plan voler stalim and his five year plans, very carecully, we cannot bely with this radical transformation of our work can basis of their own experience, that the Stalinist the Soviet Union.
only mUitate against the movement and our own inIn August of 1931 started from a ry illuence in the Auctory and authority did not hear their re. ut is not too imduly optt Party, which serves the special interests of a tur.
fluence in it.
the bout met our pluut got on the black list marks. There are others muingliuguistic. We know at least halt eaucratio clique, ls a sabotaging obstacle to New York. On who also was worker from At the plitical school which is among the masses who seem to be we unemployeu ourselves that It is not enough to recognize the logic of this development of the workers movement.
going to work in the meat industry held at factory two times a week quite satslied. These are dressed would raty dlake the critice.
decisive turn and to accept it formally. The next These lessons derived from experience are not of the Soviet Union. He was and three cikls are taught my better, their clothing looks much course, in line with the worthy problem and it is a crucial one now is to assimil. the least of the benefits accruing to the general move member of the Communist Party remi tells about Trotsky coulike a uniform with neat tussian sculemus division of consump ate the idea, with all its implications to the very ment from the wide scale uneinployment activity and, just like many of Staliu foller revolutionary propaganda in bots on indbriel Gise under arm. ton theory of economy, and correend, into our blood. complete break with narrow which is being unfolded in Minneapolis. The mem lowers, he went to the Soviet Union America. He should have been a moshchik drives by using to current cudes of fair factional activity and the psychology engendered by bers of the Communist League, while proceeding with to get a ulce soft place and stuy killed, pulite of the functionaries, you em Nitting stix in back competation, tae Aunericum it is an imperative necessity. Only then will we be their constructive work in the forefront of the more here cele mai mica durerile. ale, cum illoin, asks another.
They mson his knees so that Arriving in Moscow Why don American Communists and holding the brief case proudly Rayed miglit atsk, in return for the the publiconviction that it is their duty to able to translate our decision into action. checkLousume luxuries the concession up of our activity and its results since the publicament, are true to its interests in exposing the funderer a little rest, went out for a rien explain that Trolky is in the authority cock onatil be their privilege to conmental meaning of the Stalinist tactics and aiding walk passing by numerons bra Turkey and not in America Ju Maly this year came tion of our resolution on the question of the new the workers to draw the necessary conclusions. Never lines. My friend, in his disitu.
The New Wage Policy America. Mally friends, symptume alsu nome necessities: Such as party, which is in order now, will convince us of this theless, it appears to us, that too much time and Nonment, always managed to avoid Again Tiere is turi: in line of Izers and members of the party, read, butter, pork chops and potOne of the most conspicuous examples of the effort should not be devoted to this aspect of the passing by them. After one week wages. Comrade Stalin wuss there many of whom wanted to go to. atves, for instance fruitful results of the new orientation of the League problem. In the broad movement of the working of our stay in Moscow we were must be wider difference in wages. came to sve me and asked is to be found in the experience of the Minneapolis class it is most important to see things in their tre sent to a city called Armovir in won the professional tud mabent conditions in the Soviet bane But until the necessary arrange the Caucasus. There we started russional workers. Many Party, big to let the same words comrades in the unemployment movement. For proportions. We should be careful not to curry with to work in the meat pucking house. members who told responsible jobs the role in the Daily Worker, ments for this sort of a square long time there, as elsewhere, while we maintained us too many relies Business del reconcluded, we the internal faction struck At that time the working week was camo le enthusiastic in fullting Filet and other stalinist slavets our position as a faction of the Stalinist Party and that dominated our activity for so long a time.
the four days werk, tirthday Tests their tasks because the wages of about have nothing selves with the luxury of of the workers must untortunately content our of its peripheral organizations, the League members The completely independent course in the class hour day. But because the Huth Party members is limited to only in Soviet and other revolutionary workers attempted to parti strugle, which our preparations for the new party anniversary of Red October was 250 rubles munth. From then on to worry about. Of cours could Young ingenious philosophy. We cipate in the Unemployment Councils of the Stalinenjoln upon us, gives us at the same time ihe poor it was decided at the trade or limit to the wages of uly tell them the truth and ex. Suite make the sacrifice ists. futile task and a waste of time, as experi portunity to contrast our polley to that of the Stalin union meeting that we all work members, the lowest Wige for uw press any criticism from a Marxiano consumits it whole. Yet we ence demonstrated. These Unemployment Councila, weeks (20 days) skilled in 45 rubles a month and viewpoint since don believe in wili nibble at it.
ists before the workers in actual practice. This is our Soviet straight (with no rest) ando hour the ways of lower strata should noting the truth.
like all other Stalinist mass organizations are har the most effective way now to complete the task of day. The aim was to fulfill the be fixed acording to his own etlich JOHN CERNICKY. The gist of the idea is that the rowly constructed family affairs, isolated from the annihilating Stalinism and liberating the vanguara quota that was given to our plant ency. few days later noticed old concepcion of world economy actual movement of the masses and serving the labor movement from its disruptive intluence. Our or the months of October and man with book and watch standing veing based on an international special Interests of the bureaucratie machine. They strength in the broad workers movement will know September.
belit me and checking up the division of labor has gone haywire.
Modern technique, communication, far more concerned to keep Trotskyites out tban work performed within certain per most rapidly if we appear there, in relation to the Labor Conditions in Factory transportation bave made it possito get workers in. The attempt to work in the un.
Going to work in the morning we lod of time. It reminded me of Stalinists, not as one faction fighting another, but Die boe every country to build up employment movement under such auspices became rather as the representatives of the fundamental in. often assed groups of about 150 incideve when it revolutionary As own manufactures, its own in200 paskunts dressed pititully, some il controlled by Stalinist in Amm notonous process of squeezing into the so called terests of the class opposing a policy of sabotage and then bare footed in the cold winerien Issued all to the workers Justry. And, as a matter of fact, Unemployment Councils and being thrown out again disruption based on interests alien to those of the ser, escorted ly 10 to 12 police on Chicago Parking houses to strike Str. Loung rightly finds, most counThe more the burden of muss unemployment pressed class. That, in fact, is how the conflict stands in borse back to the house of corruen gainst such enslaving anethods (Editorial Note. The crisis of tries are quite coutent that this the labor movement, which affects should be so. This is called the the workers toward action the more the Stalinist reality. It is up to us to make it clear, in practice. tion (rison. They are kulaks, Bonus system)
in the whole course of our activity, as well as in vaid my foremon with clique blocked the way. resolute break out of this whom Then came the fever of liquidat all workers organizations more new trend to nationalism.
walked to work.
or less, is the Proletarian vicious circle became the condition for a real activ words.
ing classes. Some local newspa Party, a sectarian off whoot of a new quota was given to pers declared that by spring, 1933, That is the way to ensure success in our air ity among the masses on the 1ssue of unemployment.
on the. of course Kuglaud Deeds India American Stalinism, with parti cotton and trauce the Saar iron An Independent course of action was commenced to establish a new and genuine party of Communista ennlimim number of tons of meat id not read Pravda because did cular devastation. Now it is ore and Germany the potassium of by the Internationalists in this field. The sterile bringing a convulsion in the Proin the next months. meeting he receive it ulthough weribed Ilsace Lorraine. But that lies in Councils were left to stew in their own juice. Una great forward leap of the revolutionary movement was called after work, which was the liquidating classes by. Le realm of a division of consumsection of the Party, is the folemplos workers and workers organizations were in America. We have not yet set our feet Armly ou attended by all workers chiens 10 healice user Stalin tarku Youth League, the youth lowing statement of resignation approached with a program of united action. This this path this we must acknowledge. Our line at the gate will not let anyone go throwing in jail those prasants that cnis sime reulan of the dinaud in tactic brought gratifying results in a comparatively years of existence as a small faction fighting to re home until the meeting is over. tried to sell their produce in the signed by thirteen members, res consumption, our nation is the veuls. short time. The will of the workers generally to most advantageous. Its labor is to store the line of Marxist principle a position in the speaker reads the new plane market. That orien led to the consume the luxuries and to furnish get together in the fight against the scourge of unem separable from a certain tendency toward sectarian from the Center and tells the work violent ontbrek am often ers not to be frightened by the bigat got support from the PROLETARIAN PARTY ployment was shown in the widespread response to ism have left marks in our habits of thought as sk given to them, since there is workers in the struggle against the Det. 483.
for the consumption of the others, Michigan our cotton and our copper. Out of the initiative of our comrades. The relative insig pure goodness of heart we will also nificance of the Stalinist clique in the broad move with the old position as a faction. Now we must Viks. functionary propees that the star is the only place Commuter ulter for to the budment, and the absurdity of their claim to a mono break with the phychology of a faction and appear we add to the quota 35. Does where there is still something to submitted to the Prole and generators and dynamos.
Following is a letter that was ding national is our motors poly of leadership, were likewise revealed with in all our work as the banner bearers of an indead The political papers next The oppose that? Silence Acbuy.
following liquidation of larian Youth League) of America, striking force.
pendent party.
Local Detroit on Thursday, Nov. 30, 1933. severing our connections with of the future. The whole plan 18 So much for the general outline 232323232 contradictions. Lodz (Poland) 17 17that organization. We are sending based on an augury that Mr. Young strike, Ruhr miners strike, etc. The this letter to the Militant, Workers las plucked from his own intellecBOOKS FOR WORKERS hird period became the period Art, roletarian News, and Daily Olympus that we have been Worker for the purpose of showing wrong in thinking that a compressThe timber tracts of the Diamom, other RENAISSSSSSSSSSSS 23 ASSASSATA masses, the Anal period of capi anti American our reasons for resignation: ed worldtalism!
TEN YEARS History and Princi criticism of the draft of the First Match Company are located on the oux. They believe in the free Due to the following conditionsrial rapprochement offered by wireessential tol The Sixth Congress was compel steep slopes of the Nevada moun comi the individual. For the less and radio and aviation breaks ples of the Leit Opposition by Five Year Plan, it is led to criticize the policy of Com trins. Here Workers daily risk maintenance of this principale existing in the we the un down national barriers. It raises Max Shachtman. 79 Pages. 106. stress the contention of our dersigned do hereby resign from them instead. An ordinary mortal willing to wed to the above mentioned organization: might be inclined to ask, how? That workers!
Pioneer Publishers, New York. rades in 1927 that the plan of the unists building and their lives in the dangerous task of they ar (This did not felling the trees for the miserable of the dollars which they have stalinists meant industrialization peasants parties.
The makes no at is because he is not acquainted At last pamphlet on the history. The expense of the working class. stop the Stalinists frombuilding wage of three or four dollars a day. squeezed from the hides of the tempt to become the revolutionary lour dimensional approach of Mr.
and fundamentals of the Left Op at the class Young, bowever.
educating the newcomers to ournon proletarian elements in Russia: after the Congress. The Sixth ployed for at least five months ou main merely individuale movement has been precisely the that the living conditions of the Congress not only accepted the of the year due to the heavy snow profits of the company are wet. youth. This is proven by its failStill, if our oracle leaves us in absence of such a historical sketch workers should increase with the theory socialism in one country which make logging impossible for angered. But when the workers are to participate in the everyday struggle and the demands of the organize and conduct their strug The simplicity and lucidity of style development of industry. These for the Soviet Union, but for the the winter months.
Klex gainst their exploiters six workers, the means by which they doubt as to how we can be made N0. American business stands to ing and informative reading even the stupendous gains in production the world and the tasks of the They are forced to live in camps and will be decor for can prove to the workers tu cor quite clear as to why it should be of the First Five Year Plan were Communists in these countries or barracks bastily and worls Do to march forward when the res of their position.
to the uninitiated.
constructed. Built low and or American ag it one lund and 12. The. maintains that line. While rostering cultural In reality the pamphlet is a his achieved, to a large degree, at the cording to whether they could build, hird grade cult luber, they are club in the other and try to drive there is the Negro or Agrarian pro exchanges with the other countries, struggle of expense of the living standard of a complete and isolated socialist hot in numiner and cold in workers Llen and that the approach taken tory of the ten yearvik Jeninists the workers to a far greater ex economy or not! This is important There are no lathing facilities and what is true of the ward them whould by the American big business, in addition Itent than was necessary because such is the theoretical to the philosophie satisfaction of against Stalinism in the Soviet Un.
basis despite inconsistences for the workers can use their rest (un Match commity is true for all the as that taken toward all other work.
ion, as well as internationally, in In speaking of socialist planned the slogan of democratic dictat day) to launder their clothes abers of the America to clars, which means that the T. murturing all the new nationalams, England and in China. The proof economy, it would have been wel orship of the workers and pleasants process which is generally referred that is why they are for the su presenting to demands for these can, as a sort of a by product find its And that the Russiary Question is in to include a brief paragraph con Ten Years was written about anus e any old tin cam or bucketThey want to make rikes and they have the way of tacting lit the different nationalisms come io a boiling up. For this they trial Control bill and the NRA. to a clash of arms in their consump.
munism is clearly presented by the constant check up and experimen a year ago, before the vetory of they can find. The bed clothing aber was hat why Shachtman consists wererully of old, The. an organization of coton, potassium or iron author well knit story of how the tation, as against the bureaucratic Hitlerism. Comrade rassed the workers must solidly organize lion does not site its members there, that is just too bad. But basic theories of the startet bu planning of Stalinism. In this con preface briefly explains the con lankets which have been in 11 lay to ready for the big fight right to formulate its activities, Uncle Sam will always be there to reaucracy flow from the defeat of nection, the reference to Trotsky sequences of that fatal event. It for years: since the camps are welcomhorrow!
even on the principles laid down by pull the chestnuts out of the fire the parent organization, the and the big boys of Wall Street (Proletarian Party) instead, the will be expecting the American and the logical consequences off on the possibility of a 20 annuai phlet would be followed by others, and other vermin abound. The these theories in the centrist is increase of production is insuffici on Germany, united front, trade food served is of the poorest qual. The Montevideo Confab Proletarken Party turist that the whole to lend hathe. wirican zag of Stalinism in Its policies in ent. s entire be com be for the sake of doing their duty workers. Ten Years the Soviet Union, England and added on how he arrived at this (Continued from page 1)
In the box factories of the composed of members of the figure: In that way it could be made showed by all workers whol.
Youth to me more luxuries. Ten Years commences by clear why his figure was renlistic want to understand the conflicts of any in California women and girls power and obtain greater controllane who are also party mem Finally, as an illustration that clear explanation of why a militant sud superior to Rykov and the the past decade in the world come compared to doing the same work over it, coconuters the necessity. at bers, which is an open attempt by muist movement, so as to better in the match factories proper the capital and commovlities. This the element of. members to coated in the old Commission for a nation uniniti in the factional struggle which has wrack The Sixth Congress of the Com today.
tupa national econed the world Communist movement intern (1928) is handled inadequ mon, the match companies being re for. In fact the most urgent. Although the Comrades should note a typogra one of the worst for this.
has lomy all its own without dependence the absolute Indispensability of a atley: The third period of the phical error in the pamphlet.
The But the picture of life other treater slet ille already divided in of the. nonvartsurfers us the example of need of American Imperialism is a member sitting in on all business on the rest of the world, Mr. Young revolutionary vanguard organiza. Sixth Congress was different eighth line of page Ten Years side in the case of the Diamond world. Otherwise the decay will be presentative of the enn. E, by some mystic or messiante Russia.
munist party for the emancipa. Plenum (1920) as the views of seven; the Inst line of page should While the workers toll at these low Suleria fotowe cinco avoid bonis of youth are discussed tion of the proletariat. Comrade Buchurin Lovestone differed from be the eighth line of page.
which road Pthose in which the pro country. why can capitalism.
Shachtman then proceeds with the those of Stalin Molotov. Comrade. JOSEPH CARTER.
his victory for Stalin struggle in 1923 for party dem. Shachtman states in reference to conditions the company reports net these probleans.
We feel that because of the diplomacy.
ocracy in the Russian commun tot een the porume of the time at The Fukien Rebellion is the. profits of nearly 89, 000, 000 every. The administration knows what is absolute control of the the background of the economic was the Plenum par excellence of nounced undistributed profits of organization attempted under the ither join the party, so that we adjustment in this field (the new social difficulties of the Soviet the third period. the same third SE20, 00, 000. The Capital Stock of NRA. Besides the Dollar Pound can help formulate the line of a Civision of consumptive power) may Union. This method, of connecting period which was at first denounc. Continued from page 1) 16. 000. 000 is held by about 3500 struggle, Washington is takug four tion which the shall fol not be abrupt. Owen Young con the political condicts with their ed as an opportunistie idea by the stock holders.
other important steps. Two of low, or else leave the youth league soles us. Russia. will provide social conditions, and the employ. Thaelmann Neumann delegation to great fields for the revolutionary ment of well chosen questions from the Sixth Congress (Page 66. agitation among the masses in de breaking back breaking toil for the Hull Tariff proposal and Tarif being of a sectarian and bureau necessities.
No starvation here. No heart the recognition of the USRS and anizational structure of the diminishing trade in manufactured lending spokesman of the official. The German Sthlinlsts in for and third period stressed the fact of the people. It should be our task Latin America and The political The controversies over The Les that European economy had exceed to put forth the democratic slogans They may live in palatial home two others are the plan to estab party which will emancipate the NTERNATIONAL LABOR FORUM take vacations to Europe and lish CHICAGO sons of October. the theory of so ed its pre war level the 121 a most energetic. marry their fish a privately owned export credit workers, we, as Communists, hand o the counts daughters to hank, througlr which the RFC In in our resignations.
2557 North Avenue Russian Committee and the Britise the conflict between the imperialist its practical steps are really anti. nobility of the Eastern Hemisphere. And the setting up one esporte pats Jones Lovett Every Sunday P.
imperialistic. criticize Gabe Walters Dec. 31. Workingclass Internationwar welcome xion machinery with George leek Wiencek Wiencek alism and Decisive Crises.
despite the brevity of the sections, danger was the paramount with be done 10 we utilize the de in charge. Kach step listed is a Jones Romm (An analysis of the causes all the essentials are expounded which accelerated the claration of principles of the new The Diamond Match Company is quart of a general plan to cope with Walters Brenner leading to the downfall of The highly complicated problem of gle. Who is there who was in the government to deepen the anti opposed to labor unions and all the above burning problem of Am Jones Jones the workers Internation.
the danger of Thermidor and Bona American in late 1928 who inaperialist and the anti Kuo Min erienn imperialism Nagle als. partism in the Soviet Union is ex does not recall how every strike Tang moveinent among the masses masses from the political apathy lining in a big way in order to RUSSIAN REVOLUTION FILM American imperialisin must do JOSEPH GIGANTI plained in very simple language was called a manifestation of the It is usual that the violent col. and will help the spread of Chicago Left Opposition Recause of the highly difficult war danger.
lisions of the ruling factions given of the maintain her clominating worla The Russian Revolution film opposition ideas. as the latter re sition. At rise to task of condensing the ten years Molotov third period was struggle of the Left Opposition in horse of a different color. The What is now incl. movement presents the most consistent dem conference the handles for Saturday, Dec. 23rd. It will be hall can be reached by the revolutionary the Pan American scheduled for Dec. 3rd is postponed ternational Workers School The revolutiona small which she hopes to held at the Militant Hall, 154 Wat 14th St. Canarsie Line to Sutter portant om mlet, a number of be expectCNRS was on the weakening of ery leadership Let us hope ther ocratie wine in the Chinese Revolu whole contine mly under her dominkins St. Brooklyn, under the aus. Ave. or the LRT. 7th Ave. New NIEL SIH. place more economy, the growing the political crisis created by the tion.
ed. In discussing the Opposition latrike wave As a result of aner Fuklen movement will rou. the November 28, 1938.
ation. HUGO OEHLER. pices of the Ellm Club of the In Lots to Rockaway Avenue.
Gimme a Match orgunit Comrades: wes into the cit, Winter.
the Russian China.
en red one other country one single seating are crostales en el centre mest to support the government so far as and was the leading but the sementes lents to are to her of im