Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismInvasionLeninismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorking Class

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE THE NEW DANGER OF WAR IN THE FAR EAST It be Ileavy Japanese the of a Japanese attack on the work. Soviet Union. Only a few ships erings concerning the Philippines, Canton with American capital. Theldes that weinins corre agreements with any army or The Proletarian Party. Position and Prospects does not possess.
period. th.
China one ors, etc.
larly asradio The Collapse of the Brandler Movement the money was put into one jot. calling itself Coinmunist. There is tions thut those still in the party war with each other, joined ress dininitches from the Far in 1927. But there are signs of East tout to the imminence of a Attack on the Workers Fatherland by the Japanese Militarists Imminent their revival, indicated in the rising strike movement in the industrial Trush military campaign by Japcenters.
curry a stage further the grandiose ed for war on the Soviet Union as Japan will in all probability de, Quezon, reportedly sought Japanese, is predicated on the completion of ters into the general drive for dom Tasks it the Chinese Communists are by the late Buon Tamba. with fcrent impurialist powers are never, the Soviet Union has the opportun hippings to the chariot of Japanese gratis on the Asiatie mainland, io of rival imperialisms in which obligated by their revolutionary cach successive phase of this plan, war, but they embark upon war credits, expected to follow recog bered that the memorial words, victorious emergence from Important interests and roles. workersaid in the work of reorwhich is the guiding plan of the nevertheless in the ouse of Japan nition. This view was expressed succueisuges the seizure of the Phil. a war with the Soviet Union is the But in the phases of this drive zunication, give sound political dirTokyo warlords, the danger or war awareness of weakness in certain cinetly enough by George Brunson Hippines in order to round out the condition precedent to a trial of con Which reflect specitically Japanection to the movement. The ofagainst the Soviet Union approach respects is lost in the general Rea, the 30, 000 a year American Empire of the kising Sun and esta clusions with dollar imperialism. American rivalry Japun is in the tical party still maintains its false e apreciably neurer.
wychosis of invincibility, stimu adviser to the new state of Man Llish Japanese hegemony in the The growth of Japano American loud, diplomatically, cconomically course toward the armed uprising, rivalry was emphasized in news and strategically. Tokyo over predicating it upon the existence or truce last May 31, resulting in the the last two years and stin ter York Heraldtarget is appearing week e desilitarizon sospitosinu etely unforgettem victory over the Czarlistot November wisiorke declares that: Soviet Union and not America isicum imperialism is in particularment which time out of bumber unce of peasant guerilla wartare 6, 000 miles of Chinese territory Russia in 1905. If recognition is followed by huge indicated in a report from Mukden seeking set offs against growing has declared it would never enter in remote rural areas in the heart south of the Great Wall, there en Japani being driven along the credits or loans which will enable to work is the perine, Abdul Kerimod nume day that roorganization. bave utready produced concrete democratic slogans around which The Japanese army withdrew to teal Internal situation, reflected in in central Asia and Siberia, then is now en route from Tokyo to of the Japanese fleet on a war basis results. The Chinese bourgeoisie, the city masses can be mobilized toid all the strategic panses into revenues, the light of capital from bright.
As a result of such loans the Soviet borders, to lead a pup Morgan, president of the Carlin Tang government at Nanking, counter revolutionary Trotskyism.
Manchuria und luuer tongulia, in the country, currency depreciation, or credits, he goes on to contend, it government that Japanese tiss Wright Corporation, announced hus moved steadily toward rappro although only nine mouths ago the cluding the important gateway at udvancing unemployment and im the jaws of the Communist mut agents are trying to set up there, in New York the signing of a con chement with Japan during the provisionul Soviet Government at base witnessed intensive prepara un adventuristic trade policy. Her Japan will have to fight for her the Japanese goverument for at for the erection at Hangchow, in much from renewed relationships Aluscow is still not officially cogtions for a fresh military drive. ruling clusa, caught in the vise of lite.
most a year, being held in readiness Chekiang province, of a 5, 000, 000 with the Soviet Union, Nanking nizunt advanced a series of demtrop concentra an economic crisis they cannot ml Sharpening Japano American tions took place at Mukden and tigute, much less liquidate, see their in Sinkiang the role that airplane factory. The Nanking go abandoned all such hope when to ocratic demands in an official mani: Relations the ex Manchu Changchun late in September on salvation from threatening revolu American recognition, while tend Alls in Minchukuo Japanese Initial total of 60 war planes a clared its readiness to sell the Chi born of actuality, this peasant gov.
tot die wat in the go is of markets and throoms have under neously a crusade to free the Farthe Soviet Union, will sharpen JAD the preparations for the coming a short while ago by an American Ever since, with clumsy attempts to as evidence of the mistakes of Borano American antagonisms in fact assault on Outer Mongolia. Hence, 860, 000, 000 wheat advances program of demands which goliu, the next step from which is hevism.
taken the conquest of Inner Mon. Hast from the menace of Bollhus done so already. It was an while it is indubitably true that through the test and cotton lounat secrecy. Nanking has been dick Ithe Left Opposition, nounced from Tokyo on December Japano American antagonisms are Corporation. Earlier, according to Relations of China and Japan Chinese Communist Party and the armed intervention against the eople Government of Outer Mon American recognition of the so reorganised omnes are basis. The sanitation of the Japanese fleet on was concluded for the construction is alapines. prebent position when this day denounce as counter reto Japan has been defined with Siete Coming war against the precludes misuu olutionary Democratie Demands Japan Aims at War ers futherland, we have been tola. would be employed for an assault should be construed as a warning recently concluded Mackay radio spondent of the New York Times. What were these demands? They Remarkable development has are embodied in a declaration isution in the Par ut point in the diplomatic Jargon of Stalin lly intended as a hands off warn Japanese Militarism in a Hurry trol of China radio communica occurred during recent months in sued to the people of China on of the Japanese Imperialists to pit Stalinist seribbers who seek toca are said to have rewuled od for a war with the Soviet Union, are actively bidding for bea notrward the relations between China and April 15 this year over the siguin Japan. Although the Nanking ture of Mao Tse tung, president of their military intocht aguinst the justity a Soviet peace rolley that that secret conversations have he is not even at the beginning International sections of China government has not yet chosen the Provisional Government of the Soviet Uulon without unnecessary involves the desertion and virtual taken place in Tokyo with Manuel of preparedness for a war against air communications.
to risk public displeasure by en Soviet Republic of China. Toward delay. The Tanaku plan calls not repudiation of revolutionary inter Quezon, leader of the Filipino bour her powerful Pacific rival. JapDrive of Rival Imperialisms tering into formal diplomatic the end of the declaration we read only for the conquest of Manchuria, nationalism, will not bear the test geois independence movement, anese war against the United States This American imperialism en, xections of China proper and Inner of examination. American recogniof the Manchurian and you who denounce the democratic and Outer Mongolia, but also fortion of the Soviet Union, insofar as related issues, Japanese diplom slogans of the Left Opposition as the forcible sexure of all soviet it affects Soviet Japanese relations, Discussion Article ucy has made important guins Menshevism: territory east of Lake Baikal ter will more probably hasten the on through informal dealings with The Red Army is ready to ritory richer than Manchuria in slaught of Japanese imperialism on the North China political faction enter into fighting operativo such basic raw materials as coal the Soviet Union. There is no proheaded by General Huang Fu.
and iron and possessing mineral spect of any improvement in Japan It has been scarcely half a military detachment in the fight and other riches which Muncheria internal situation, and the hopes of year since the Tangku armistice against Japanese Invasion under the Japanese imperialists of a sucbrought an end to Sino Japanese the following conditions: The principal danger spot for the cessful against the Soviet Un continued from the last issue. secretary, who shall be the Sec the convention were of a Social hostilities. Yet, in that brief Soviet Union has shifted recently ion can only become dimmed by dethe attitude of the North Cessation of the advance against the Soviet Districts.
from Russia western frontiers to lay in delivering the attack (we are Both these disturbances were a retary of the committee and at all Democratie character. More so China administration toward Granting of Democratie the Far East Germany, as the Left not discussing here the actual pos direct result of the depression. Dur rights to the people of whew The Secretary is not elected by the tion of the Party. The decisions on Japan has been transformed from bitterness to one of ut. free speech, free press, rights of Unser Wort. recently asserted, is in a way the storien ose out an intermeye was comparatively silentile, congress and gets to peter you the farm question, the degro quo inost friendliness and cooperation. assembly, demonstration, organiL. position to make war on the last. Moreover, Japan cannot no one in the Party seriously queste congress. The Central Committion, martial demands, the comAnti Japanese elements in the ad zation, release of political prisonland of the Soviets. Years of pre hope to forge a united imperialist tioned Keracher Judgment uudee elects a Burau to carry on the munist International, were all char.
ministration have been gradually Arming of the people, the who contend that Japan not methods of diplomacy. Fifteen post funds. This is proved by the fact. ccutive Council of the Proletarian understanding, such as for example Weeded out. Intimate relations creation of armed volunteer de adequately prepared either it most war years have proved that im that his books were never audited. Party is comparable, and this Bu. the decision that the farmer is not have grown up between Japanese tachments to struggle for the deſense, Judependence and unity of bulance or relationship of forces, nect to find allies in the west once money got scareer and scarcer. It the Central Committee, but is en Cusly considered by a revolutionary tatives and the North China gov China.
apkineze imperialism is as prepar she has started the fight. became necessary to not only countitled to make decisions for the comparty. Keracher was re elected, as ernment. Within the last month of the National Secretary with all of his Japan has become For New Party in China widuous in sowing good will of the bolder spirits even questioned comtaltee. The secretary of the former power intact.
It we add the obviously requisite whether Keracher was handling the committee is also the secretary of Anderson resigned at the convenN. Times, December 10. Party funds in the most advantage the Bureau. This is democratic cention and Knight shortly afterwards. late how, as evidence of the new there is nothing to cavil at in this The correspondent goes on to re demand for the National Assembly duteront urty funds were mixed of which is incorporated into the arty as a result of the conven Chinese and Japanese troom, which As the program de tobianchinese quisitive and discuvered that the Lowelle fundamental prosciples members of local Detroit, have left place estrange secticle, when rom the bottled up Soviet govern together quite indiscrimately. All the constitution of any organization in decisions. There are Indica a few months before had been at Communist Party its slogans could. become the slogans of the workers. local us that also in America there are Kerr Co. funds, were all put to. Party been organized in this fashion captuvers Many of them have, Fang Chen Wu. But what is of ous aiguiticance. But it is hope (Elitor Note. The interest in the cities and acquire a tremendfor the up ing account of the disintegra currents ainst the stream. so gether and whatever need came Keraciter could never haves curring of Leninism. This will probably is the Japanese view of the streng Less to expect anything of the Chltion of the international organi.
mation of the Right wing Brandthe Gitlow group, which is ap along first got whutever money the Party in his pocket for so many result in other attempts to change thened influence they have gained nese Communist Party, decayed be Left Opposition and the best be described as hacial One of the rank and file was very low. will be other splits, resignations is considered an important factor struct a new party which will enter yond repair by its own vices. The lerist is translated from Die Neue Front, organ of the Gerhas broken with Lovestone. tunism.
As an example of the loose and or expulsious. There seems in the event of Soviet Japanese com into ita man Socialist Workers arty. In face of this mass of ruins we New Opposition in 1932 careless mamer of carrying on the reason to hope that the Party lead. plications, says the correspondent. into its tasks correctly, seriously is an abbreviation for IVKO will clear the path for the Nanking Deal with Japan masses for the third Chinese revthe Internationale Vereinigung der literational muity or al Commun. Anderson, Knight and Novak, ass of criticism of the leaders by the position and become revolutionary It is plain that Nanking has made olution and let y for the international union of Communist correct policy today can be carried undertook to instruct Keracher to that although the Party had to the organization had in the past at least a tentative deal with Japan defense of the Oppositions. Until very recently out only against the and its the handling of press funds, and over ten yours a functioning body has definitely disappeared and the deal that is directed, obliquely twin tasks converge and supplement the IVKO consisted of KP Ger nace, Me: bassrohre Korway. Islation of Brander and Than they elected Hightes pret kuna usisting of those members correchte Paredes de revolutiothans doute lebende any rate, against the Soviet uw ach other content and supplement Norway, helmer will undoubtedly hasten the secretary, and instructed him to who lived in, or happened Workers should be able gain largely the bye product of Soviet Chinese revolutionary field by the in America and introle moment the Kro Germany for the ball majority of the Executive Council Burhouse allikabod was weet ek so drawn from the contender culminating act in this retreat was both the Chinese masses and the kele Sweden, the Lovestone grond wing over de the best elements per separate bank occount for chestionario. and comes understanding det store steps before saranderen en deurention directs to the Chinese paling ready sharp differences have mani fested themselves in the IVKO.
Disintegration Also in Bohemia no circumstances could press fundsecutive and representative body of Critient of our leaders. We must of They have now culminted in the declaration of Brantler, made at oslovakin which shows to what ex later restored, but that this should was never a word in the Party cou must have confidence in those lead. Current developments in the bar forcos in nebulous activities against We have information from Creche diverted to other purposes and be. Es whole yet there have leaders, and the rank and the Eastern Railway Fast demand the closest vigilance imperialism in general.
the Oct. 22 ssion of the Central tent the SPD and KPD have been be done only in emergency whereas station about even the existencers, but those extending the con of the revolutionary movement and In the measure that the Chinese dent Communist Party, to the effect fluence. Orientation towards the acher appaled the decision of the last september when the opposition blind but always alert and that it is excluded from the IVKO. Left opposition is especially mark majority of the Executive Council hard struke sue precious tal whics com este contenerally. war hy Japan against the munist Party, is successful in cur Soviet Union, in which the Kuo thering its own revolution by fightof the IVKO lost its strongest prop. of building a new revolutionary made his appeal on the basis of the lona modest definition of its been quite impossible for me to Purty constitution which, while it wwers and functions.
The immediate cause for the exparty is waining momentum, conceive of a great leader like Stalin, undoubtedly cagender the profount tores represented therein to that king pulsion was the participation of the On the KPO the report says: says The shall have full 1933 Convention playing any dirty tricks ou his fel Sweden in the Paris Conference. disappeared from the face of the ween, conventions are also says for 19:23 and a period of pre conven talling to serve the best tinterests the broad layers of the poor popu: Soviet Union. The Chinese more Our Brandlerites have almost power to carry ou Party work be Since a convention was scheduled low party members or in any way the Chinese working class and in share of the task of defending the But just as in case of the diter: carth due to their eringing jolies The National Secretary shall superation discussion was approaching of the international working class. lation. The Chinese workers are ers are confronted by great tasks.
the before the Stalinists. halt a vise the accounts of the Nation! Anderson, Knight and Novak, decid nacin question revolved around the year ago they were still homce. and also that The National ed to lay the whole matter before Leaders and Rank and File xtill confused and disorganized. They must receive the instinting Futber Secretary shall be elected at the the While there is little comparison largely passive. They have not yet support of the workers of America attitude to Stalinism. The fact strong. They have since that the Norwegian Mot Dag group the majority of their members to same time and in the same manner ostile secretary in the National between the size of the Russian recovered from the catastrophe and other countries. LUCIFER.
answered the enll to the Paris con indifference. While formerly they as the Orlice, through whose bands all cor party and the Proletarian Party wished on them by the Stalinists ference, and would have particip had been much stronger than the on matter of this appeal the respondence must pass and who can understand that if workers, whose ated had not external circumstances lett Opposition, now the is as a whole, under the in supervised the issuing of the dis for years had prided themselves on prevented it, can be interpreted almost twice as strong. Thus, at fluence of Kerachers correspond cussion bulletins, this was not an being super critical, could be 80 that the constitution easy matter. Keracher used all easily deceived by a Keracher it itself in solidarity with the Swed mere handful of no more than gave ish group. so that its official break ten participated.
with the IVKO is not far off.
funds to Keracher and that the big bag) to prevent this matter from viks to be deceived by a Stalin. The statistics press funds should be returned to reaching the membership. After actions of our leaders, national and First National Wild Boys of the dictment of capitalist society by New Rifts Developing serious their treatment Asch KPO comrades for this de: that, having been elected by the Anderson, Knight and Novakit at all times and nothing taken for Road is the first socially Sit would be undust to blame the him. They agreed with Keracher much struggling on the part of international. must be watched at throughout the But with the loss of the quanti Teat. It is the inevitable result of same body as the namely get into the pre convention bulletin granted. While watching our en picture to be made since the crisis we tens of conclusion.
scene disintegration did not reach itsed upon. The workers by luto not even anbject to the but opened and the membership waattoo ant matter we shull pay as the thousands of boys of all ages who threatens to curry a biting end. It seems that a rift is also Flight It the Internal and foreign He contended that not even the NEC rundamental themselves and with absolute was on an equal footing with them. little time to properly consider such workers of Germany are now pay. are driven from home by the press and reach the spot in a man heart and in ing.
ure of the crisis on their families where outrage lives the producers brewing with the KPO. Switzerland alley of Stalin corresponds to Combed power to take funds out of his struct their delegates on them be. In addition to this very importment capitalist society gives them. audience laughing. The audience how they live: and the brutal treat put in some light touch to set the and with the group around Brandler. At any rate the declarations munist interests, this must also hands, and the agreed. To fore the convention opened. ant lesson there is another which of comrade Thuelmann and Bring Intern policy is concerned. And the. members it may be changes in the constitution almost parties and individuals cannot be the scenes on the freight trains as trick fell for the end. The juvenile fe. unilies is faithfully recorded, but most of them that got by this of the bureau are entirely in the from this they draw a conclusion, said that one of them moved for carried. The vote was 12 11 against understood apart from their back: the boys fight with and lick the court judge turned out to be a kind (present Leadership Tr. PO group is absolutely senseless. affairs entirely in the hands of the maneuver on Keracher part by failure to accomplish anything in studio, not copied form life. None hing was going to be alright and of view, that the existence of the the placing of the National one complished essent this we convention scenendsphase Proletardation Parka railroad bulls by throwing fruit at hearted runt who let the boys on nounced himself in favor of a new Nativnal Secretary till the next means of which two prominent practical every day organizational the less some effort was made to their folks would get jobs so they party in Germany. Comrade Brin THE MILITANT kholf at one time made a statement Entered as a second class mail ber moved that the resignation of and Landgraf, who had proclaimed action to the stupid ballyhoo of the paint the police as the brutal rufcond go back home. They left out that the KPD deviates from funda matter November 28, 1928, at the Novak and Anderson from the themselves favorable to the proposed communist Party, thought it was action swinging clubs against kids. face. In this way the picture made the has been degraded to an der the act of March 3, 1879. Questions of Organization Principle Dended from the Party for three encles of the leaders nstrument for Russia foreign policy and that as League of America (Opposition) bers of the Party for the first time excluded from the convention for Communistie Proletarian Partycetesare halled up before a juvenile court straight. And in this sense of Published Weekly by the Communist Under these circumstances inem months on a minor charge and thus the Socialist Party. The utterly un alizing protectors of society. those temporary dislocations in SoEDITORIAL BOARD tariat is concerned the is ab. Martin Abern James Cannon centralism and Bolshevik party history the fundamental principles must be considered definitely as a hit the road. They fix the blame On the other hand the faithful solutely hopeless.
Max Sbachtman on society and make themselves out presentation of much of the brutalFor some time already the relaArne Swabeck tions between the Alsace opposition Vol. VI, No. 56 (Whole No. 203) Principles of democratic centralism ority still supported Keracher, find yze our tendencies in the light of use are obviously put into their workers and workers children are Novak soon discovered that the door of a convention. But the mat.
We must learn to critically anal, to be its victims. The words they ity and suffering which these young group and the feadership to the SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1938 require the clection by the conventus it impossible to believe that a past and present influences and to mouths. The sentiments they ex made to experience by the break KPO Germany have been very tense. Subscription rate: 00 per year tion, or congress, of a central Commander has trusted so many years shake oft mercilessly all outworn press are way beyond their under down of the profit As we see, only the Lovestone Foreiga 50 power over all party affairs till the worthy.
ance is the price of success in our is a new kind of talk for the moving fast and loyal loyal to Brandler Thal READ AND SUBSCRIBE next congress, and that this com Social Democratic Viewpoints work.
KEEP NEW YEAR OPEN FOR helmer. But information TO THE MILITANT mittee shall elect from its members! Most of the decisions taken at JOSEPH KNIGHT. The producers vitlated their in THE EVENT OF THE SEASON it hot lose itself and disperseits Committee of the Swedish Indepen lsink and are still losing In in Keracher did it as a habit. Ker of such a body till the convention tidence must not be deaf, dumb and of the working class movement gen working clas, led by new ComThus, the already shaking structure ed among SPD workers. The idea to the as a whole. Hell in foreing into the constitu Proletarian Party it would have min Tung government would be the ling the kuo jin Tang and the Nanclass only that the Mot Das gront feels the Nov. 1st meeting of Asch only ence, decide control of Party the tricks in his big (and it a might be possible for good BolsheMovie Review by its ments of the IVRO the process of leadership of the KPO has embark subject to the Council but he was short time before the convention friends. If we fail in this import It tells the story of the Paguey peture and, particularly, wynos sting questions be true as far as the Stalin Com Illustrate the attitude of most of But in spite of this the proposed deserves attention. That is that! The break up of working class we sat with did just that.
furth set the the group in America remains stead reaches