CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceImperialismLeninSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1933 Hooliganism Spreads to Brooklyn An Apologist Impressions on a National Tour for Litvinov ucts between League Member AProtest Against Stalinist Gangster Attacks Proof for Slanders present the attempts to the the were the branding. Common has now become a by JA Panorama of Present On my reont tour through the. In. we An Open Letter to the desire to inform you that we will An Open Letter to the Throw him out. He was unable country gathered impressions of Conditions of the to speak and left the inecting The November 25th issue of the a multicolored variety. lu the first District Committee of question in anether manner until it Even this very early stage of the Militant was one of the best nun place une cannot fail to notice that International Labor bers to appear in the last American Worker new deul for the workers heraldwas the Communist Party shall enerzetically bring this issuu months. The Militant the after deceptive glamor of the early eu the coming deep condicts Defense only uppearance New ution within the reuch of our memsuve a true smlysis from the in Suine olu desulate uppearance of the Niagara Falls, however, the warrant caderbiltig. heiser December 16, 1933. bers and friends, before every uniDistrict Executive Committee, ternational proletarian wint of crisis bus returned. Oro dloes not suudustries and allied chemical in Dution on the roles in this case Dec, 16th, 1933.
led front movemeut aguinst Fase International Labor Defense showed the miners defending the Communist Party, isin uud terror and persecution. District Odlice uition by the great imperialist muisance, the traveling salesman, Deeline of New Deal Illusions principles of unionism against the New York, Thore we shall have to demand of 500 Broadway power, the United States. The edit but the endlessly long freight trains Comrades: orial in this number, the article by still carry their loads of unemployilere one of our comrades tolallicials the very union involved evening, meet counting for your conduct and your New York City Last Tuled in the Browo tactics given in the presence of ing was comrade Shachtman, not to swak workers and homeless tramping me all his work in one of the plantat may be argued that this is not ville section under our auspices at workers, of wise attitude towards We are cnwlosing to you ad copy of the letter of cornrade konse on youth roving from pluce to place in woducing the means of chemical Inicnomena in American la warfare for Uncle Sam. Three bor story: That is truc. Isut by the Hofman Munsion on the Sub such netics we feel eutirely Cut u the letter we have just sent to the German party and the let of some new way of gettin15 days of work in one stretch is alluceurig att this time it has a se Mean the End of the Third Inter that you, as well as every other munist Party, New Orleseryeary movement the world over.
which is for the water the forta revolution in were with late the scream, that must follow ut least two days www. tie class collaboration colors of the blue cagle signs in a completely durkened room to barils which tomorrow will be national The speakers aunounc organization, which is called upon from the letter that we are inviting sull explanatory. You preceding westward.
however, the diplomacy ed to address the audience included to expres its opinion on this ques lamber of labur organizations to contraste the Lenin these become rather source. Llore Fold ustant blindness. But joburned into means of suppression of our city organizer, Nux Shachtman. tion, will be held responsible by it on the platform with our speak says, and the diplomacy of the anul there emerge little Buy Now are scarce today. Yet the lifetime and a member of the Brownsville the working class for any positioners at the coming Wednesday eve. Stalin fuction for the last tens. But the attempts to stage of a workor in such an industry is strikes und, thereby, suppression of Section Committee of your party, it may take.
exceedingly brier. The wyesight the very life of the trade unions, comrade A: Dasch.
Fraternally yours, ning. December 2011, mass meeting years. The Litvinoff Stalin burini bemily fall that. The throbbinkive out. Such are soine of the With this machinery the union of Before the meeting actually beorganizatiul, for the purpose and the price mid for recognition hubub of a busy industry is absent. blessings of modern cupitalism. Hell remain sewed up for today City Connittee, Communist or of giving an objective judgment on by American imperialism is a dend within the forest of smoke stacks But all is supposed to be well with and tomorow, because they gan, a crowd of some forty to fifty Lesegue of America Oppo) ug ute ward occurrences that may blow to the international revolu. In the Pittsburgh and Gary steel the New Dell policy, although the agents of capitalism. And with members of the Communist Party MAX SHACHTMAN, Organizer. take place at this meeting, such as the many negyvenee Pace have listing few bhofar their defenders of its redeeming features, els tres tank and file interests will and Young Communist League sought to break into the meeting a pointed out clearly what jointshallini choud. In Week affair.
et ineun Protna at its cross roads. This is true in flict. It is from conditions such without paying the admission fee and with the obvious purpose of We cannot impress upon you too arxian point of view.
The Panie Stricken Seribblers more than one sense. Oh, yes. as there that the coming great la disrupting the orderly duct of strongly the cloths of our feelings they agree hoth supporters and bor struggles will find their reflex Ax. result of this the Stalinist the meeting in spite of this, and sivileges mong the agents of this nous in serious revolts because the subject of the meeting as this, when the labor movement essenger boy s, the Freiheit start, relation fenguinst the reactionary policies and way of such deep concern to the in Demands iures are of positive siguiticance against the officialdom. Thereby revolutionary movement that we felt They mean by that the code and the ryth will be prepared for a new out of existence any tendency to in ppeared every day last week by troduce the methods of reaction the kreat theoreticians against the it only proper to have present as arbitration board regulations which unionism.
many comrades supporting your into the working class, it is tantu Trotskyites. the left Opposition Failure of Stalinist Unions workers within definite bonds of standpoint as possible, we finally mount to giving aid and comfort to the Militant. am not a theore That this path will not be found collaboration with capital, entirely through the unions un proposed to a representative of the Editor of Militant: the enemy when any section of tician, am only a worker. There party section committee; we was present at a meeting ot the labor mwement permits itself fore will not go into a plenic (nt to the Las Angeles Sertion to the latter advantage will Organer of the Communist axpwet bas not yet become clear to turther verified by the most recent members to ecter the ball free of Thursday evening, at Llullman Maw were pursued at last week massimply show what Muissaye Olgin arty)
charge if they will pledge them slon, in the Brownsville section of meeting. The International Labor writes in the Freiheit of Nov. 2001. Los Angeles noticeable throughout, and more experiences. Today one on and selves to observe the customary pro called by the Brooklyn. The meeting bud been Defense las as one of its declared The counter revolutionary TrotDec. 12, 13 parent as one reaches westward: Minery Union in the important cedure and order of a worker gcuss the Comive group to dismis the defense of workers meet. Nky. he says, wrole al article in hr in and Soviet Reings from attacks and intervention 1931, and he predicted that the low Worker. thering. To this proposal, the NRA, which inade it hields oing as far west as illinois party representatives finally agreed. cognition. In addition to this a from the police, and such an aim. will become the strongest power There has come to my attention xynonymous with recovery. with The thousands of miners of Penn.
xylvania and Ohio, who two years ball in the manner described above Section Committee of the Comm We and every other els conscious in the wor! ıl hesenony. And the within the last few tlus a jobs, there is at least only a thin 50 struck under the banner of the Twenty were admitted into the former anember of the Brownsville the roup leartily endorse. Such events. dollar will be the dictator the sale pettel accusation saiustomer left. What stands and they took their places quietly. Ist wirts, Al Dusch, was to explain as the lofman Mansion niccting world over. After a year and wine me made by a number of well more clearly in the readiness to or. union, were this time nis views on the problems before disruptiveness, are directly respon months the world hegemony of Am Rhow party members, namely that senize and the direct response from under Rhe banues or the day But immediately upon the open the Communist movement. sible for the intervention of police crican capitalism is now smaller, am: police spy.
the workers to organisation efforts. striking for the rights of onion re.
ing of the meeting the chairman, The least the party and in labor gatherings.
at present is a weak You are no doubt aware of the Surge Toward Unionization the party representatives one after sucmbers could have done was to On this occasion, the cognition which the NRA was sup The first bis recovery, ebb police dictator in the world market. Actucalentable harm that can be done strike nosed to grant.
interruption calculated to keep the the matter amily. But 110, morrow, they will tise such situa. dictions fell through and were not wible by the warning of irre. when my tour began. Organizacurve or modity prices the efanother began a series of violent come up to the und discuss struck at us, as a suball group. To cording to Olzin all Trotsky pret the working class movement as wave had just about With the XRA came the rising hall in a turmoil and to prevent they chose the method of unthink tions in order to rochie meet ang hot interested here to de ticipants in the labour movement. their former height but neither had lects of which are felt very direct possible rumors about active partion activities were no longer at the meeting from proceedinging muss looliganisin to force their radical group may hold that no curteet.
Neither the chairman nor anyone way in, and then justitied this act inless they are under police for comrade Trotsky, this will you to be aware that the wytirelytered out with the ly. The NRA is just so much quite utter full without being invited a that the radicals no editors of the Militant. But ax jilice pics results in common expression, not only beckled and interrupted by the. com:usal of which shows nothing of the Suger hold any public meetings at would like to know, and thousands ination of the workers ranks and number xurying towards the exist amongst those who still tramp the stant interjections of your members. Kind, urging only a city wide meet all. is that Despite the fact that as at all suching of the party and the meetings (whether called by you for the purpose of discussing the It is your obvious duty to help from the Olyins: it the Is erat wrocateurs when it is the conservative unions, represented amongst the employed as well. For the instinctive mass rese to the them the low wage standard result or by any other labor or German question and Soviet Recus avold such a situation. Wo flere so well in the world hegemony necessary to do at ute of the organwhy did tvim krant loosevelt this is wherully ricos collective training clause, Nuity. It is difficult to make ends portunities afforded by the NRA. from the crisis is a serious realready been made by us, your mem But once in, the party rep, tation in Polved, the end he creare articles and which hele verde Inized by all pole working bers presented the outrageous de Dull, Morris, Gilbert, und kostentative to on meeting for the limitation of the Third and that the workers present the y. lowed that senseless Pure indicated in the enclosirionnl from the Soviet en rigtits allowed to all workers care about with such a rush that within their ranks. One feels perla organization there are cer plemented by the heavily increasing meet. Arim determination is beeconomic pressure upon them. It is to make its appearance elect the chairman. then that one bureaucratic suppression of thoughtlerler. We look forward to un im Store: why did thit Olgin explain who are conseil point and in Also it is well known that 10 by surprist. In fact it was not at before the next storm sure to break of our speakers should speak first heckling. cheap deniagogie tactics, lette reply to our office so that to the workers the of leaders were taken ceptibly that the present lull after and the other last. etc. etc. These sittempt at controlling a meeting the try detailed arrangements the picty Whiy xlonldn the work is the calm ers know about this? And again revolucionary organization absurd proposals were of course not their own. defy, any may be made.
rejected by us proposal was er or jarty member to cite an Fraternally yours, ir Olgin stys that for the last ten or the name xhould chevuruge the their art. They served as an imson with the force of a hurricane.
however overwhelmingly adopted by Instance in which any opposition Conditions City Committee, Communist with other iwwer let him how to be they had olitical or facitation for which came rolling in rumors simply rudiment, gladly collecting the inithe Unemployed those present to the effect that any was allowed to main objectious given stiche. tial differences with the person but rexisting and subotaging organi hem de re many signs of uslugzish And the employed? Amongst one MAX SHACHTMAN. Org. which country when the chairman had procedure of it meeting.
Cessions in articles t. su victimized that we action mustation at every step.
Olgin Explanations eventually result in the completel in KL City, for example, one level afforded by the miserable readaptation to the low subsistence already granted it to someone that was clear to all presente dist PHILADELPHIA In 1921. Olgia continues, hre of those who spread such of our counrades began to undertake lief rations. But these do not preThe audience, composed cutirely of susting party vectica tetiese To Celebrate our Fifth Anniversary Sovie Govern der Lenin mors.
organization in a plant of indus dominate. Most of the various workers, was indignant at the mani li have kuowledgeure erried Benefit The MILITANT leadership sent protest notes to WE cusations must be made trial test attempt on the part of your through with the support of the On Sun. Dec. 21th. P. England, France, Jan, and they should be made only with an ima 09. He collected mutual self help enterprises, based list applicants but pon begring and upon barter of comrades (who were obviously act party leadership. This terrible at Our Local Headquarters Chinat, for not inviting the supporting of the act fomd it impossible to pry the trades tabor for goods, which flourished the cixarmament conference worker leffortled the right to a and labor council loose. He could for a time in several smaller cities, mittees) to disrupt the meeting and from workers, such as ny rude Admit One Subesription 250 In 1922 the Soviet Government was srint before his fellow workers. This hot no attention from that outfit could not survive the realities ar Instead relief work, prevent it from getting under way. tionary union bave never seen Auspices: Communist League (Op. represented at Genea at an inter: ww without waying in a genero entirely oblivious to interests of a society Tumult Brings Police such tactics or shut up, you rat. position) Philadelpbia.
timewe see that est reyolutionaries.
national conference for the first to recognized forstom among hon expenstige ander wethout here working for the city. as it is one expect then from the higher called to Worst of all is the fact that this can have no other cffect than isolMINNEAPOLIS tumult specially wunecessary and sting the party, cuibila ing the NEW YEAR EVE AFFAIR ship lid skak about working to as a whole and in consideration of heading the New York the Soviets under lenin leader the interest of the movement Icircle of the heirarchy? It is with a non existing clignity, is true that the gluttonous inandarius becoming a regular Institution in condemnable in view of our an good work it did, or could possibly Bridge. Dancing Entertain gether with other powers, and were the love, demand the following: workerk union had a special intergular work for a garment many cities. It means to do resentatives would be given adequate st. The panic created directly sunday, December 31, 1933, P. national economie sind wot afraid to participate in inter: that Austin Sullivan, Ilarry Ricet in organizing the whole Indusether, in cusl or in groceries bear relief pittance opportunity to speak in the dis by the party leadership resulted in political Co, Lawrence Ross Stapleton and try as a means of wiping out the ing no semblance to a wage. And cussion frightened the hall pro injury to outside workers.
conferences. This shows Auspices: Minneapolis hraneb in 12 that the others who have made it practice union in the field. But often it is on such projects that re.
at 3001 Elliott Avenue or to call call the police. We sought all this, am obliged to adinit. Opp. larger concessions than she is mak called by the proper rty author. existed as a serious factor and ated, not make or accensing me behind my back where to such competition gular wage labor is directly eliminto have them leave, but they reyet being a very close friend of the Everyboly Welcome. Adm. Free ing now.
Yet it becomes compulsory fused. The effect. in word, was despite the that your comrades brought the handling of my case against the their for those who need the grocery CHICAGO FORUM want to say that Olgin is con. of their sertations and to make their worthy associates did level best to drive the workers back basket.
police who, under the pretext of corrupt leadership (Walsh, Horwatt Lecture by Alberti Goodman maintaining order were inter and Co. is a result of a whip beon that the Soviets should not partici they are not willing to make such lit spite of all this there is no vening in workers disputes with ing weldled over the heads of the SOCIALISM IN THE SOVIET pate in cottomic and political con accusations openly that they be tion and for union recognition.
sign anywhere today of an allrank and filers, the crying death UNION Fayette County Miners embrucing The phot of this disgraceful of politient encation which teads, when and How It Will Recieved ipated in the international confertion ax to the source of these cette conty coke miners in their local groupines and of them there It is true the Soviets in 19:22 pmrti havior. That a thorough investiga movement.
That was the case with the Fay What exists is only the Isolated procedure was that the police in in several, to a policy of cheap, Sunday Eve, January 7th, 8:30 ence in Genon under the guidance or be made because it is a strike ngahust the steel subsidiary are few. Minneapolis the left ally assaulted the entire crowd street corner gangsterism and the with drawn clubs and brought the use of the fist instead of the brain.
National Socialist Institute meeting to an end. In view of the 3329 Douglas Blvd.
by Stalin somewhere in Siberia. Al in the ranks of the workers cratimor the glib tongued, expert into the unemployed movement. In Every reasoning Communist, erconduct upon the part of the bour. can have no other response to Questions. Discussion geoisie of Europe demanded geoisie, the conduct of your com make to the display of repulsive Russia should suppress upon her among worker organization.
her acted worker or confusiontion ti ld, from John Lewis down. Her er demoralse aflilinted to the rades sell the more reprehensible. Party methods than to urgente LOS ANGELES ATTENTION territory all attempts to all rew have a right to expect a reply return to work and to trust to the issues of the unemployed rocedInstead of making it possible to dis luita condemnation of the actions IIIE COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF Olutionary movements in other consonable time what them and to Mr. Roosevelt to pre ed into the background for a time tries.
cuss workers disputes unitedly, of the party at Hoffman Mansion, AMERICA (OPPOSITION)
What Holds that is, on the basis of the workers to press for thorough. going disyou intend to do in regard to this serve the interests of minion organl with the adrent of the NRA Illy of democracy, sou introduce hooligan custon on the German witaution OPEN FORUM Russian delegation to the capitalist which projectont remainit na their cowl rights and made their was experienced a decline. But methods into the labor movement and on Noviet recognition for, to Every Thursday SP. at which allenate workers and facill allow such tactics to continue is jowers? Cieutlenieni, we are ready to real. No revolutionary organiza wn fight for a union, and at that that does not tell the whole story.
121 Spring St. to give you certain concessions, but in worthy of the name permits for the very union headed by Lewis Catastrophie Position of tate the bluck work of Fascism.
ROOM 218 to sanction the growth of black reWe therefore call upon you to action in the party ranks, is to Ollicial Party ADMISSION FREE tional. Of course this was the intant pembers of their organi and the others. Not that the mintake proper and deserved action stile that rich energy which streams GALA XMAS EVE AFFAIR spoch of Lenin and Trotsky in 1923 their individual resumibility with the contrary. When William Feeney lod side of the decline is the against the ringleaders of the group from true Communist thought, is could out mulling them to ask.
Iloping came on October 3, to address which caused the riot and brought to sign away the working class, Sunday, December 24, 1955 not get from Russia in 1992 during to ar from your very on, am inceting near Uniontown of 15. 000 unded the failure of the movement the tendencies within, mainly Hot Bardhment Entertainment, the famine period Roosevelt got Very sincerely yours.
strikere he was greeted with the those of the official Communist ment. Their names are Gilbert, hand and foot, to the police de 1933. TX from Litvinoff in this Amples: Communist League because the Soviet government is partment, is to crush what the buFRANK TALSTEAD Ross, Rubei and Morris. More parreanerats have left of the revolu.
shouts You sold us out in 1922 party and of the social reformists, of Amerien (Opposition)
to at any time seriously aim for the ticularly, we call upon you to take onry vanguard.
Brooklyn Branch today stronger than in 1913 Why Indispensable united front. From Coco this the movement is now suffering action against those committees aid not Moissaye Ol in explain to Spartans Youth Club which are responsible for the mobComradely yours, the workers the stand Brownsville Branch the Soviet Just off the Press the Jeg Causescted by the official The Unemploy: ilization of the Party and comrades who were sent down to Former Member of the Com 151 Watkins St. klyn, y. delegation at the Genoa conference ADMISSION 150 munist Party (Brownsville)
party, which first emerged with the Why falsify? Why not meet the disrupt our meeting for it is the in trothful manner?
powerful spontaneous demonstrasuperior instances which are more confuse the tions, with the auspicious opporat fault than the comrades who are What the Workers Said tunity, during the early part of the really the victims of their instruc MASQUERADE BALL crisis, have either entirely vanished After read the Freiheit articles tions. went down to the market where We wish, turther, to notify you or. wont amounts to the same thing, lead a purely paper existence.
ON assemble. that this Wednesday evening. Des hear In general the decline and the ember 20th, we intend to hold u these articles, so asked some mass meetink in Brownsville 02 HISTORY AND PRINCIPLES sinking into disrepute of the official cloak and dressmakers out them party is so outstanding as to be the same subject, and with the They laughed, and when asked OF THE LEFT OPPOSITION catastrophic. In city after city.
same speakers. We intend to take them what was the joke one of not in the least in the mining and all the stupe necessary to prevent a them said, Trotsky is a countersteel regions, made the same ob.
recurrence of the scandal of last HOT JAZZ BAND revolutionist just as the Freiheit week, which was not, as you are well servation. The official party is diswrites correct labor news every credited to the extent of reflecting aware, the first time such attempts day. The next day was with have been made by you to disperse our gathering3. At our coming meetGermania Hall, 16th St. 3rd Ave.
munism in general. Again and Millinery and Pocketbook workers and when asked them what they again would hear ing, there will be representatives of By MAX SHACHTMAN reports of thought about the counter revoluworkers saying, am through various labor organizations whom December 31st 1933 tionary Trotsky. one of them pullwith Communist Party. or quit we are calling upon to attend in ed a Militant out of his pocket and the Daily Worker some time ago.
order to render their judgment upon said. This is the first time buy How clearly did this Mustrate the the responsibility borne by you this paper: if these comrades are 100 PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES reactions thousands of workers who or anyone else on any occurrences counter revolutionaries will soon have been repelled by the emasculthat may take place.
be in their company.
ated party of Stalinism. For the In conclusion, we feel obliged to Left Opposition this means more declare that a Failure on your part Is it a wonder the last number of Admission: so Cents Cents in Bundles of or More; Order from: emphasis on the duty to build anew to reply to this communication canthe Militant was sold out and is still in demand? The Freiheit ar a revolutionary party in the United not be considered by us as anything States. Our part in this task will but a tacit affirmation of your inticles were good propaganda for PIONEER PUBLISHERS 84 10th St N. Auspiets; New York Local, Communist League of America (Opposition)
tention to condone, which means to the Militant and the Left Opposibe reported in another article. ARNE SWABECK.
tion. SF.
approve and repeat, the conduct of prietor growing movement towards Fascist er verembert Coor. Admission is lts. Cnemployed Free slots feronta Suroexe nema bled between originate withours of the charm orke traders in the class collabora Chiengo one finde still the workers issue he workers more and more?
TEN YEARS the Jewish worker reactions on New Years Eve