BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismNazismSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PRICE THE MILITANT 2 CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 128 Eust 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28. 1928 at the Post Once at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME VI, NO. 56 WHOLE NO. 203 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, EMRER 23, 1933 PRICE CENTS Wall Street Rules at Gangsterism Again:Nazis Demand Death Montevideo Confab Verdict for Torgler of WasbNewUpheavalShakesChina Terzani Frame United Front at Minneapolis za Up Smashed will set an The Stalinists are endeavoring to defeat the eleared of Stalinists and the door leading to the political work of the Communist League in Browns. street closed. The Stalinist hoodlume proceeded to ville by methods of terror. Following the Hoffman break the glass of the door and used battering rams Mansion meeting of Dec. 14th, they have system to force the door open, Tariff Plan of Imperialism Designed as Weapon atically attacked our comrades. On Friday evening, When they could not make much progress, a International Solidarity of the Workers Alone Dee. 15th a group of six assaulted four members representative of the mob was sent up to arrive at rs of the Communist League in front and sympathizers Against European Competitor Nations an agreement with us. It was proposed to them Can Save Prisoners from Fascist Vengeance of the Brownsville Labor Lyceum after a Socialist that twenty of their comrades would be permitted meeting. much larger groups of Stalinists at to enter free of charge on the condition that they Although the Pan American Con Celebrate New Years at on Sutter Avenue for this Wednesday Brownsville tacked our comrades who were distributing leaflets maintain order. They agreed. Twenty were per Criminal Syndicalism Trial in the destorbe trial of the Commons ference is not expected to adjourn before December the 24th, it can Labor Lyceum meeting.
No sooner had the chairman, Joe Carter, openan end Gala Masquerade Ball Ends in Hung Jury the ascist Judges are be clearly seen already that AmerILOW in osion deliberating on the Authentie reports inform us that a number of ed the meeting than the Stalinists began asystentican Imperialism dominates the Keep New Year Eve open for our comrades have been marked for physical assault. atle disruption. continual leckling ensued. One verlict which is to be rendered any conference; and nothing will be ap: the gala affair of the season. The proved that does not serve the in New York branch of the Communist Dase!
after another the elique of local Communist party Trial of Pat Chambers, leader of ky now. The trial designated to Individuals have been assigned to lay for Al ently expelled member of the Brownsville leaders rose and recited his piece. Finally a mothe cotton pickers strike in the justify the Naxi regime and give a terests of Wall Street. Cheak this New Sear a day to be remLeague is undertaking to make of American Imperialism did section commitee of the Communist party.
tion was made and carried overwhelmingly that San Joaquin Valley, on the charge local cover for best tat terror camthrough the barriers, but the re embered for every proletarian with The responsibility for such actions rests on the anyone interrupting the chairman or speaker given for criminal syndicalism ended with transformed into collossal exposure the floor would be ejected. Provocative heckling a hung jury. He was defended. of the Fascist monsters before tie presentatives and Puricism from In its reach. To be on hand at this shoulders of the leaders of the Communist party.
ington prevented this and disruption resulted in a free for all fight, with the Civil Jiberties Union attorney, catire world.
Jeopardizing the position of the event will be more than the chiming They will be held responsible before the Communist chuirs and fists flying. For a while the cops look Wirin, who in this case wax The herote conduct of the defendYankees in Latin America. Gir dote new year and bidding the workers and the working class as a whole for the ed on; then they wielded their clubs against all also representing the International of the case against them and the in court, the complete collapse the Cuban delegation lot of time and inore trouble to give we will take all the necessary steps for the defense those present.
Labor Defense launched an attack against Ameri all our friends and sympathizers of our comrades, organization and meetings. We universal revulsion against the can intervention in Caba. He cor the times of their lives and in a call upon all workers and workers organizations to mumber of serious casualties resulted on both The case is of vital importance all combined to deal a powerful one case rectly pointed out that interven revolutionary way.
sides. Stalinist, Kirschner, called a cop to arbecause of the effort of the prose blow to the prestige of the ascist tion has taken place even though join us in our struggle against these reactionary rest one of the members of the Communist League.
its form has become more subtle Firstly, there will be a red hot Fascist methods.
Although he went to the police station to press cution to make the criminal synd beasts who rule Germany. Thuy under the Roles administration, Jaxx band present to keep you mOV Infuriated by the fact that Al Dasch, former Argentina charges of assault, the case of so flimsy that the calism law cover all threats of viol Miled completely to establish suy minister, ning to syncopated rythm till the charges were dismissed.
ence made during a strike. In the convincing proofs of the guilt of the chairman, defended the United sta early hours of the morning. We member of the Brownsville Section Committee of accused and were compelled to acthe Communist party, was to speak on the Comintern Insisting on its right to hold a public meeting at the clifornia courts tes and prevented the criticism are making arrangements so that have knowledge their fallure in the case from developing. prevented a you may dance to your hearts con and the Soviet recognition from the platform of the in Brownsville on the Comintern anul Russian resought to prove that the of three of the defendants Dimi.
Peruvian delegate from launching tent and more if your feet will Communist League, the Stalinists mobilized over cognition, the Communist League has arranged for and Communist defendants were tror, Poport and Tanefr.
carry you.
fifty menubers to disrupt the meeting held at Hoff a meeting on that subject with the same speakers an attack ou American imperialism, revolutionists, trying to overthrow te that the Fascist proseand guided further criticism from a resplendent one. Costumes of all the meeting ended in a riot leading to the interven And our new years affair will be man Mansion, Thursday evening, December 14th. als scheduled for last Thursday meeting, Max Shachtman and Al Dasch, to be held at the Browns (ustry to the workers. Chambers the government and transfer cutor demanded the denth penalty in for Ernst Torgler, leader of the other deluxates, who had courage, into safe channels kinds and varieties will be dis tion of the police, called by the hall owner, who ville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman Street, Wednes.
communist fraction in the ReichSeersey at Conference in other than your usual gurb. cleared the hall by swinging their elubs at every day evening, December 20th.
wars not used of revolutionary stag. The life of Torgler hangs in Various workers organizations have been inradicalism but of leading a strike the balance, and the others also, for as it does not capitalisten confero e polachty parze a warmecraticity As the hall was filling with workers, there was vited to send repreesntatives to this meeting so during which he was alleged to illy new proceedings against them.
the Fascist press is already demand ences. Some of the lesser puppets, best costume. sudden mob rush of about 50 Communist party that in case of a recurrence of the scandalous ae.
have recomended to the cotton The strong hand of international who were not obtaining as much Don forget New Year s, Decem and members to erash through the door. tion of last Thursday meeting, they will be able pickers that they resist all arrests, working class solidarity is all that attention from the de savored and 3rd Ave. The admission is 50 motion and exchange of blows, the staireitse was as the delegation of more ber 31, at Germania Hall, 16th St.
They demanded free admittainee. Aiter some com to place the responsibility on those to whom it even if they put some people in the stands between them and the ex countries, because they had less cents. Be on hand belongs.
with your hospital by so doing Chambers cutioner axo claimed he had urged resistance All the defendants stood by their that the exploiters of the north friends.
only to illegal arrests.
convictions and, in closing speeches wanted, put up a protest against the to the court, affirmed their innoc.
secrecy, but to no avail.
ence of the Mexico led in the attack on the protested conference. This is not surprising.
again against the refusal to allow against them. The charge American relations and domination at him an attorney of his own choosthend stand at a more favorable conposition the delegation desired to than in the past, and the fidence in the Fascist lawyer, Teich The Fukien Rebellion and Its Perspectives Labor Organizations in Unemployment Fight ert, who had been assigned co con devote their time to more trouble.
duet his defense. Continuing, he some spot in Latin America. The declared: am defending my policonference itself is little more than Shanghai. Fukien has rebelled that he is compelled to change the Athos Terzani was acquitted Dec.
Minneapolis. On December 10th movement, to put up with, but tical convictions as a revolutionist.
a rubber stamp. The real work is conducted by means of audiences Prepared for several months, it period for the liquidation of the 13 of killing his anti Fascist con City Auditorium on call two thousand workers met in Thut is why my language is sharpe came about all of a sudden as with the Secretary of State of the bomb thrown into the Chinese three years, what if the combined rade Anthony Ferro, Jury in Minneapolis Central Council frog committee, which is Toomposed politics. Ite public was started strength of both the red army and Queens County Court which deli. Unemployed to hear about the need prorfus itself every charge om here, nor Torgler, nor the Commuuist movement has had auy of those who enjoy this privilege sumed in casting of the Kuo mtina He must have given up the hope of was a victory against heavy odds, sanization in this city. Speaker the host total lack orta under license The greatest confusion rises from thing to do with the Reicbstag is the real conference considering any action of the Tang mantie, denouncing its rule, eliminating the red army altogether. since the judge had been openly after speaker piled up arguments standing of what is a United Front, Torgler suid: my whole life Pan American Conference one must turning such a round about face Besides, the Pukien movement, il Nince the for greittec unity, more hostile to the defense.
organize due to the fact that there has have fought Zor the vital interests in towards the people promising to not quickly suppressaontented milltion, around a common program of never been a correct united front of the German Prosecutor Harry Huber centered demands covering the most element functioning in this city before. Add. Neither the German of working class.
It was constructed by American Imautonomy, tarists of other provinces who can his attack on Samuel Wein, former ary needs of the workers today.
perialism for its own use against treaties and for tarif Communlist ed to this are the innumerable dis Party, nor any member, thought at the other imperialist powers and undertaking to give land to the also come out to denounce Chiang Khaki Shirts member, who testified simple formula for a democra tortions of the united front indulg titt tinie of any armed uprising.
against the weak capitalist coun. Deesants and granting the right to Kai Shek kowwing before Ap that Frank Norter of Philadelphia, tic central organization that woulded in by the Stalinists of the oth because the necessary prerequisites tries and colonies of Latin America strike to the worker, and freedom anese imperialism or to stigmatize a former asociate, killed Fierro in tie the unemployed together with icial which badprejudiced, were lacking. did not have the statutes of the Union, which is people in general wees power, say that the lukien revolt spells Wein had told the grand jury that nal organizations was elaborated by group, of bonest working class ele national exposure of the trial and One of the many jokers in the of convention, speech, etc. to the the corruption et Kuo Min Tang the fight at the Fascist Khaki the workers organized in the trademiseducatel, and finally liquidated slightest thing to do with the fire.
vides that the United States Secret. guaranteeing to such people abso the beginning of the end of the the killer was a man in a brown Dunne, speaking for the Cenments who had sincerely joined the protest against the frame up hata sures American domination, pro establish the ary of State shall always be the linge those who are treacherous to There may be several perspectives said he did this because Commande every trade union, labor political of efforts. The ultra Left policy of proceed smoothly with the execulute freedom and equality, exclud Chiang Kai Shek regime.
suit, such as Terzani had worn, but tral Council. To a central council with the Party to effect unification partly use the ascist plan to president of the Union. Hits at Rivals the nation and workers pled the regions upen before the Pokalen. En verleent send threatened his lice. baki shirts core fraterne samlasdien, stad the united front from below which tion of the defendants. But the delegates on keeps the outside this move langer romuins that they will go Many of the concessions and ing such richts. To overthrow the of overthrow of Chiang Kai Shek Smith General Art agreements for America interest rendal system and to develop nain a quick manner by military com charging again that Terzani shot turn shall organize locals for unem service to the reactionary labor bu protest of the international worktestified, proportional busts. This body in ment, fighting it, is doing yeomen through with it in spite of all. The obtaingd at Montevideo will not be tioanl economy are also points men bination, then it will degenerate Fierro. He wore he accused Flerro ployed workers in various districts reaucracy which is quietly working ing class tout ring out louder than know. But the main proposal pretioned in the declaration of the new and become conservative, throwing that night before Terzani identities of this city, which will be repre against the movement, behind the ever in the remaining days. The sented by Hull, horse traded by the government. What has actuated aside the present revolutionary Mlotter as the slayer. But Patrol sented in the central body on the scenes, spreading pessimism, lies, most efective blow that can Argentind delegates for the Ants this independent movement, especi: phrases, otherwise it can be made men Joha Nolan, state witness, same basis, thus every organized and slander among the workers to dealt to the Paseist murderers at War Paet. and since rubber stampally at the time of the low ebb of dependent apot the mass movement testifled that Terzand accused Mof worker in the city shall be directly the unions and on the relief lines. this time, a blow that would free ed by the conference, is the Tarife mass movement? What is its genand draw advantages from it. For fer five or ten minutes before Smith represented in the Central Council, Plan. The plan proposes reciproc eral perspective and relation to the cxample, the inance of the province accused Terzani.
The narrow minded upstarts in the the prisoners, is a transport boycott.
ity pacts and tarif reduction in or Ichinese revolution.
which pd all forces graced themselves by their antics all separate leadership of the Party locally diswill become ever more inadequate der to lower the present trade bar After the verdict had been an. at hand for the most effective in the October 20th Conference phrases of In spite of the fact that this gov. to feed the growing needs of the RAILROAD ACCIDENTS riers. The proposal called for no treaties, conventions or legal com ernment is called by its enemies army and the way out must be nounced, hand clapping aroused the struggle against unemployment.
INCREASE re of the customs Judge anger. Summoning before which formed the movement. They Growth of the Movement While in 1932 oue worker was mitments by the conference. It is a product of the social democrats sought in the top the him the culprit, Fort Vellona, carand the third party. the former revenue and represente cant minor killed in roud service for left this open for a free scramble.
Since the October 29th conterity of the workers represented 1, 907 employed, in 1931 one work Such Custom Unions obtained 19th route army regarded as the tritt autonomy. In putting a stop toonist for the anti Fascist daily.
by the United States will be an social democratic fundamental mill to the offelals embezzlement ant Stampa Libera, the Judge cut shortence that launched the there, monopolized the floor whileler was killed for every 1, 029 em.
ope. The United States Colombiana social deniocracy in China in ex of the pet bourgeoisie by dimin This case has been saturated with growth of the movement: new ad Jor more, Solted the conference, reed by the Interstate Commerce Codother blow by America against Eur. tary force, in het we have no such corruption, in relieving the bunden his apologies with Don lie to me, there has been steady progress in Irhey bragged and lied for two hours played, according to thgures releaspact has already been signed as people, not to say with the work a corresponding increase on the big wine labor organizations delayed its activities. Naturally, there has ultimata were not accepted. 1929 one worker was killed for straight reciprocal agreement. Nego ersthe military and their puolibourgeoisie. All such needs open comment side rete stellement. cook the below chisconfusione tinch talk, Having issued a statement against every 10 employed, in 1982 the fully considered statement could be and also disruptive activities from the conference the the door calling rate had come up to one killed for for similar bilateral pacts, are al ticians and literati may have con (Continued on page 4)
ready under way.
ceived, such an idea but it never social Fucist. the then yard service the number of The Hull Plan also provides for existed in any tangible form. What broke with the conference when it fatal accidents per 1, 000 employed safeguarding the Internal struggle is going on in Fukien is only a decided for the formation of the American imperialists revolt of combination of ex military organizations throughout rose as follows: through the NRA and similar promen, the military rulers of that trainmen Deaths to yard rose the city, which of necessity would jects. The plan provides that the province, the politicians, the raditarife reductions must not intertere cal intellectuals and the right na. In our last issue we outlined a Point for of the Action Pro. ranks. All in all this gives us a compete with the defunct, sectarian crom 15 to 37 per 1, 000: engin.
with the operation or temporary tionalists. There is a contradiction Program of action designed to ex kram provide for the acceptance basis upon which we feel justified Unemployed Councils.
emergency and other extraordinary between the radical program, and tend the political activities of the of members into the League on afin saying that the Action Programted front policy place themselves in The following letter from tehus the Stalinists with no unt. Drakemen rose from 95 to 237 pet (military in majority. This shows ready been partly carried out. The proposal flows directly froin our a position that exposes them as dis.
recovery programs. This plan tour of comrade Swabeck change of orientation toward the The Action Program marks out rupters and splitters of working worker written after the Bingham.
tarif reduction has stirred up dis clearly that the both over has been completed. It was very creation of a new revolutionary number of various tasks to bel class units before masses of work for wreck last month, gives the chief attention to the cussion in the States.
Some say itchi is a complete change in polley on throw of Chiang Kai Shek by means successful. We have reduced the party. Pred from a number of its accomplished by the Eachers. With a correct united front reason for wrecks and accidents.
depleted maintenance forces as one tariffs while Moley, who just re lo. and intrigues rather price of The Militant and made a former actional limitations, we of them, when consideralone, is policy the Left Opposition is plac Library. Pa: There has been in mobilize the masses for beginning towards its populariza assumes now completely independof a comparatively modest characing itself in a cently resigned Secret any o stato, says the Hunt propres the anti imperalist and anti Kuo tion. At the same time The Militent role. For that we have seen ter. But when the program is tak working managed betina simple nee the last couple of weeks at the al contradicts the NRA. If the Min Tang struggle. The radical tant circulation has greatly in well prepared by our struggler en as a whole it is an ambitious essary demands which they need, creasingly larger number of trala NRA is for the construction of a program and the confused ideology crecsed. Its Intluence is thereby the past. The League membershiped that it corresponds to what is list leaders of the workers, who, it be safety devices have all been one. Nevertheless we are convine together with the accepted reform: wrecks due to negligence on the part of the railroad companies.
self sufficient economy, of capitalism, or of Intra nated are undoubtedly due to the influ undoubtedly extended, but the inis growing rapidly. Since our see possible and to the present growthey falter, disrupt this unity, or Ism minus its Internal or foreign arms.
for the drop in income more than deabled weitere be youth is recorda, there steps are in the conveniente is part of the companies plans en of 750, 000 maintenance men. This part, it is doomed to failure. But It seems unlikely that military by the the real purpose of the NRA is operations will begin in the near Live workers clubs have been clubs are functioning in various to bring us forward struggle, tolers to disrupt this unity, and to economies. They lay of the inen something else; and so long as the future because both Nanking and established in a number of cities. cities, adding new recruits to out the position of an independent force betray the fundamental class inter. who maintain safety devices and activity in the capitalists supplement it with new Fukien must have time to seek clubs sympathetic to and support.
In addition, language workers in the labor movement.
measures at each critical turn it allles, and to get out of the coming the work of the League are of the workers for the sake of safety signals. Those who are left OPEN FORUM In order to carry out this pro their immediate organizational in at work have to do so much that breathing spell. The Hull proposal in the read. Put the alliance be functioning among Italian, Greek gram we make the most urgent ap. terests (the miserable Unemployed they cannot take enre of all the SAM GORDON peal to all readers of the Militant Councils) are the Stalinists. The mileage or the trainmen and endoes not contradict the needs of the tween the peasant army and Fukien and Jewish workers in Chicago and NRA at a certain stage. Nelther is an accomplished fact. This has New York City.
for their full and unstinted support. class conscious workers in the Un gineers cannot live up to the safety But the real test today by which This is now a test, not only for employed Councils should take stock rates. It is easy then for the HOW CLOSE IS WAR!
of American imperialism in gener. which Chiang Kai Shek has enforc the influence of a revolutionary or at ship, but for all revolutionists who and draw the necessary conclu er involved and escape adverse al. It is admirably adapted for ed against the Soviet districts has ganization can be judged les unFriday, December 22nd, 1934 take their endorsement of the new sions. They should join the Dis. publicity.
these capitalist needs.
broken down as the peasant army questionably in the trade, union 8:15 party seriously. To carry the pro trict organizations of the Any railronder will tell that Behind the Tariff Plan Fukien. Thus, the only succes decisive bearing on future develop International Workers School Hallgram into tie the contribution of and in these bodies build up a it hell if you obey the safety duction on a higher level under the which Nanking has claimed for its ments. In regard to this we can re 126 Fast 16th Street, nr Irving Pl. your share is required, even if it constructive class consciousness rules and get your train late and NBA at reduced cost and, at the anti red expedition of the last two cord only initial steps. In carry Auspices: Manhattan Branch, Com has to be done at the cost of a ser and a policy of struggle that will it is hell it you don and get in a munist League of America (Opp. lous sacrifice. Without that the be an ald in advancing our class to wreck. The brotherhoods, to one same time to reorganize labor years has come to nothing. Further, Ing the Action Program to its com Questions. Discussion Program will remain on paper, de the next higher stage of struggle. of which belong, seem powerless if the red army alone could em pletion this particular form of se (Continued on Pare 4)
ADMISSION 15 CENTS vold of Ilfo.
barrass Chiang Kal Shek so much tivity must be strengthened.
to do anything.
claims an every PUSH THE ACTION PROGRAM elves compense duced price