BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionFascismHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Soviet Policy and Turkish Terror Notes of the Week wit but tor features are characteristic now of almost every large endorses this protest against the American Stalinists today cau a gusting fawning on the representa you to work pardoned ers bave 64 THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1933 EDITORIAL in, the political or social order of the whole or any The Leipsig Prisoners and the part of the United States, its territories or posses. Stalinist Diplomats Praise Oppressor of Turkish Workers as Best Friend.
Boycott of Germany This treacherous pledge, which brings the blush of shame to every revolutionist, does not refer to The Daily Worker of November, best friend. If so he was un of People Palaces, schools, univTHE DOLLAR isn all some territory on the moon. It refers, directly and 30 reported that a delegation of Atted to represent the Soviet power. ersities, and industrial constructhat As approaches its denouement the workers of the concretely, and at the present moment, to Cuba. Turkish workers in the United Sta If not, why create an illusion and tion, a country whose ruling Ideas Baloney under the NRA. Mr. Al world are called to solidarize with the Communist In our opinion, and we say it with blunt and Turkish consal to protest against character of the Turkish foreign of the Soviet Union is a reaction ne lus bmited interests. Under tes would be visiting the local deceive the masses as to the true are identical with the ruling ideas Smith may have a broau prisoners in the Fascist dock on an international day brutal frankness, it was explicitly so discussed and the murderous persecution of rev. minister and his government?
ary government which suppresses uus brown derby rests the cares of of protest December 19. We are for this action with understood in the negotiations. It our opinion is olutionary Turkish workers by the But Karakhun had inore to say the workers by means of a ruthless u member of the possessing class all our hearts and bespeak for It the firm and un animous support of the workers. Regardless of all party has a way to do it. However, for this, bluster tion will demand, it was announced this city reflects the calm and Stalinist Diplomacy in America dont want then transformed into differences of Opinion or affiliation which may divide and fulmination, lies and boasts will not avail. Only the release of 200 Turkish Com. Liem security with which the new munists facing death To bring this brief study up to Sky sausages.
them, the workers of the entire world ought to a few simple actions are needed.
the Turkish Turkey is built, which supports it date, to show the consistency with stand united in a common bond of solidarity with the dungeons and the restoration of the self upon its own forces and PUTS which Soviet diplomacy has degen What do we have! We leve unLet the Daily Worker print a manifesto of the citizneship of 35 Communist lead. IT HOPES IN THE CREATIVE erated under stalinism, which bas employment, cold weather, low Leipzig prisoners and strive by all means in their Comintern on Cuba!
power to save them from the executioner knife that The organ concluded that THEM ALONE. What have seen the diplomacy of bourgeois states, a lot of butoney promises: about is poised over their heads.
the delegation called upon the work especially in this regard, is not we need only recall one incident of re employment, jobless relict, live The heroic prisoners at Leipzig, facing their seperti meni se da se ne oren het vele strange to me. THEY ARE THE Stavebowa recente visit to the store dag waste and u Su bour week. NKA Fascist accusers Signs of the Coming Storm undaunted and proclaiming their lease of these prisoners, for the STATE OF MIND THAT PRE dinner the Soviet foreign commissar the working people but what does Communist faith before the whole world, are the MONG other characteristics the lynchings wave smashing of the brutal anti working VAILS IN OUR COUNTRY. We permitted himself to inform his it do about tuem brightest symbols and most inspiring representatives demonstrated a feature which can be compared class terror of the Kemalist gove building up our life, our mater listeners how loosevelt had Charmof the liberation struggle of the proletariat. The only with tropical storms. Like its meteorological ernment, which is supported by the land intellectual culture, by based him: find myself still under international demonstration in their bebalf on DeSection Tut of the Recovery Act counterpart, the lynching wave appeared suddenly same Wall Street imperialists who cember 19 is a fitting occasion for the workers to und raged with great violence. Like many a hurtoday. under the New Deal. are be ourselves on the creative lower the churm of your President. he informed the assembled representa grants the gut right ut bota ime roar a might protest against their assassination. We KLAYIURL and collective bargaming.
sincerely trust that no considerations of any kind ricaine et muy reverse les courses and sweep back and murder of the white and Negros onerarent, and the economie vot Aunere anmelis buscort whatever will prevent a united action of the interNot alone the lynching wave comes up suddenly. It goes without saying that every not changed since these words were particularly the Communist work means, as so many of us have disnational proletariat on that day.
But warmly as we support the protest demon and ruus its course with unrestrained violence. These bost member of the Left Opposition tore pertinent to inquire how the ot Roosevelt, this flagrant and dis nire and are at will, to command both. stration we have to recognize that protest alone, no matter how loudly it may resound throughout the scale social event. The strike wave of last summer Vicious kemalist terror, in Turkey, sociute themselves with a protest tive par excellence of American tu op or be thrown out into the world, is not sufficient in this case. The wild beasts bus sue was marked, among other things, by the speed with the Turkey that was liberated action against a government which not capital who Is driving the street altogether. Collective barwhich developed and the violence which accom from imperialist domination in the bas the same ideas as the Soviet workers of this country into ever running any worker who lower depths of privation and mistuy jurticipated in the use of of Fascist barbarism care nothing for public opinion panied it.
and will not be restrained by it. What is needed is In nearly every large strike there was early post war period with the aid government?
ery? How much more evidence is this weapons, will tell you means not only the usual capitalist routine of police brutal of Soviet arms. But we have The New Turkey a ired to demonstrate the ever organized union struggle workers demonstration of power by the international workity, but bloodshed: Paterson, Ambridge, the Penn mind to recall to the memories of But let us on. The well growing separation of the bureau oming up in big bodies to put ing class. What is needed is an action that will sylvania captive mine strike, etc.
the Stalinist editors of the Daily kuowa Soviet writer, Nikulin, cracy of the Soviet Union under across their needs.
strike directly at the Fascist regime and compel the brown shirt murderers to pause in their bloody The farm riots of the middle West last spring paper, certain historical facts which returned to Moscow in July of this stalin from the international work against foreclosures also shot across the social poli: indicate that the Park ish overe: kuy the same Kemalist Turkey In his effort to wrest improve year from an extended trip to Turing class movement?
course. Such an action, entirely feasible and posments from the boss, the laboring tical sky like a meteor. They too were marked by ment enjoys not merely Wall Street about which Karakhan before him bible and flowing with irrefutable logic out of the. man has no strength otger than the violence At Lemars, Iowa, the farmers dragged a support but also the support of the had enthused so fervently. His immelping hand, the common mind and entire situation, is the boycott of transport and compresent stalinist faction which die pressions of the country munication to and from Germany for a definite, bitterness of the lowa farmers and the violent energy ernment.
Judge from his court by a rope around his neck. The rates the policies of the Soviet gov lished in the Boylecry were pub Henri Lacroix Deserter will of his fellow me. The bosy es without has the banker, the police, the gunlimited time comment, therefore with approval.
engendered by it is explicable when one understands man and the dollar on nie wide.
Karakhan and Pasha Nikulin was El Socialista of September 29 pub. And the employing class has made In the proposal for this boycott, which has been that co percent of the mortgaged farms in the United als enthusiastie a for inmade by the International Left Opposition, there is States are to be found in lowa.
1929 Lev. Karakhan, diplomatic re the old Turkey with the new Garciu Lavid (Henri Lacroix)
dividual bargaining in nothing adventurous or unrealistic. Neither is it put As the capitalist system disintegrates further the presentative of the Soviet govern Turkey. stating that the obvious which the latter requests his rein peak of the many ways they have forward with an exaggerated estimation of the re social weather is going to get stormier and stormler. ment, made an official trip to Kem difference between the new Turkey. statement from the of the found for getting around any of sults it can yield. The boycott is possible; all that The great reservoir of violence which these events alist Turkey, where, even at that the Turkey of People Palaces, spanish Socialist Workers Party. the still too few und weak attempts is needed is an agreement of the various workers Indicato is going to burst. Social upheavals, the like time, there was proceeding mur schools, uitversities, industrial con It was only by mistake. writes that have been made to Workers at organizations which will liberate the workers will of revolution struction, and the Turkey of the Lacroix, that he disassociated him. collective bargaining.
to act unitedly in the anti Fascist struggle. The of which the world has never seen, are in store and ary Turkish workers. Karakhan Lex, the yashmak, mental torpor and self from the socialist ranks. Con: will very likely develop with frightful speed.
What the worker is beginning to boycott will not overthrow Fascism for that a reevents we have described are lightning dashes and journalists that the Turkish mint clear to me. From the words of past activity, which was, accord feel more and more is the need for vivication of the labor movement in Germany is necessary. But the boycott can deal a heavy blow to thunderclaps that herald the coming storm.
the Fascist regime. It can terrify the inhuman The reservoir can burst in one of two directlous: hdi Bey, was his best friend and were accepted at their face value, veuture and crime again to the genuine broad collective efort 80 that he harbors feelings of the the workers in the Soviet Union proletariat (sic. that the bargaining won be all monsters with its menacing implications, and wrest in the workers interests or against them. Which deepest respect towards the presi and in other countries conclu ranks of the socialist lackeys oring that the first organized expres.
might be It is interest a for drawing the Lacroix hus thus passed into the on the bosses side.
direction the flood takes will depend on the prepar dent of the council, Ismet Pasha.
concessions from them. It can save the lives of the Intended victims of the Reichstag fire frame up. And edness of the classes on whether the vanguard work Conventional language of diplom sion that there is no need for pro the Spanish bourgeoisie. returnsion for this need comes from the can be an electric message to the tortured proleconstructed a revolutionary Communist This attempted excuse is too letarian revolution in Turkey. Certo Marxism. Less informod employees in an industry that was tariat of Germany that it has friends in the world ready to help them to their feet again. The boycott food can engulf them. We have no time to lose. Au lomacy be consistently distinguisheived and confused by the Stalin his fact. How is it possible that a NIRA code the textile industry.
ed from the diplomacy of other ist seribulers on the Daily Worker, Lacroix, who has played an imcan be a mighty force for the revival of the German the first task at hand: the building of a new and made always clear? And should it brise at the discovery that the portant role in the Spanish op: ERS union, by decision of its execuTHE labor movement in a struggle the overthrow of Fascism on the road to Soviet Germany.
genuine Communist party in the United States.
10 avoid sowing Illusions. por dia cudes in its ranks Karakhan best an accident? It is necessary to informed us on Tuesday last bas For the defense of the Leipzig prisoners and Karakhan really regard Bey as his friend. which rules over a country say that for some time we expected decided to call upon the American the worst, because for some months Federation of Labor to prepare for the beginning of a real international struggle against The Scottsboro Struggle Lacroix conducted a furious struga General Strike to bring about the Fascism the transport boycott of Hitler Germany sle against the International stands on the order of the day. Let us press forward The ellicient judge who presided over the third position and his responsible com 30 hour week and other union de along this line. Let us make December 19th a day trial of Patterson and the second trial of Norris Endes. This structle of Lacroix ha fleste Cedeirad Strike that of united protest leading directly to a united front has sentenced both boys to burn in the chair. The collective bargaining there of action!
trials of the others were postponed until next spring. Continued from page 1)
The Arinour officials, seeing that poisoned character; however, Lac The fact that the reactionary labor The appeal of the defense to the Supreme Court of guaranteed minimum, 40 hour week: the overwhelming majority of the roix declared in each that skate McMahon has appeared as Alabama acts as an automatic stay of execution. the spredup, etc.
recognition of the union; against men were taking no active part in there were no political the chief spokesman for the Cuba and the Comintern the strike, began to utilize the press ences between himself and the Left in this move, is doubly signiFor nigh on three years the fight has been waged the strike was called the follow. to induce them to return to work. Opposition. This statement to save the Scottsboro boys from death and set them ing day and plekets were placed at This was not without effect. The the poisoned character civen by national on the tasks of the Cuban revolution free. It bas been a historic fight, involving hundreds the Armour Co. gates. The pickets workers began to return despite Lacroix to this struggle still more When a McMahon speaks for of thousands of workers all over the world. At succeeded in turning back the the etforts of the pickets to pre monstrous. For if there were General Strike that is a sign that What advice does it offer the Cuban workers for the Chemnitz, Germany, in 1932 workers in a Scottabor 1300 men who were returning to vent them. By Thursday, Novem really no political differences then the textile slaves under him are solution of their complex and difficult problems? And, work as usual, These workers, ber 23rd, the men were streaming ipso facto the sharpness of the pushing hammer and tongs for it.
protest demonstration were shot down by police unnot desiring to still more important, what is it doing in a concrete scab. registered back by the hundreds struggle should have been dimin. When a McMahon begins to give der a social democratic regime.
their lack of sympathy with this Repudiated by the Workers ished.
and practical way to help throw of the yoke of Amthe contrary. Why? lip service to labor action then erican imperialism? These are questions of the greatThe execution of the boys was prevented so far union which claimed to speak in On the following day the union Because political differences ex that means that the McMahonocracy est important at the present moment, and the revonly by this fight. That is true. But we are no their name, by returning to their called a mass meeting of the Swift isted and were deeply imbedded, is holding in store for the tolling olutionary workers of the United States, as of Cuba nearer getting them on altogether. One has been homes and not participating in the workers. About 250 were present. however hidden they appeared over masses bearing down upon the adand the whole of Latin America, are entitled to a The union leaders demanded than a certain period of time. For some vocates of class peace, a betrayal tried three times and one twice; the others once, Pickets to whom we spoke read these men go on strike. They were time Lacroix was a foreign elefar greater than any of those in straightforward answer almost three years ago. Has there ever been ally admitted that men were not answered with boos and jcers. The ment to the Bolshevik Leninista, its the past.
greater travesty on Justice? It should be plain to Joining the union, and that many of men present then decided to con ideas and its methods. His shame It is no small matter. Cuba may very well turn every one that it is not at all a question of deter the workers werd hostile to it. Atinue to work ful betrayal only serves to clarify Watching his fingers closely, the out to be the Achilles heel of the Wall Street mon mining guilt or innocence. The boys are innocent from the unemployed councils of st. same day a group of men who it is opportune to recall here talistle misery will use every meas large number of these pickets were The press reports that on the the past.
workers who have determined to ster. The contradictions between its domination by of the crime charged against them; that is clear be Paul stand up in struggle against capiU. Imperialism and the life interests of the yond a doubt.
and Minneapolis. Lacking claimed to be members of the Ar that each time a Millor a Well mass support, the union was unable masses are at the explosive point there. For many ure to make McMahon and his ilk The capitalists long ago demonstrated their in to picket effectively the huge Armour strike committee went to a deserts our ranks, he states, while live up to their wortive Strike sweep weeks now the struggle has been blazing into a contention of burning them in the electrle chair.
Ilmour plant. Scabs were brought in South St. Paul lawyer, repudiated carrying on a furious struggle ing country wide flagration which the whole world could see. The the union, and demanded that the against the International Opposi is the best and surest way for labor they are still in jail it is our fault. We have not ease.
by the company with comparativo Communist leaders Hurvitz, Kartion (24 hours before the treach to advance its interests at this workers on their own initiative have been taking been able to build a mass movement strong enough sen, und Schneiderman be run outery. that there are no political stage. In preparation for it, pracpossession of American properties and have even, in to force their release. The movement has to be some inste. nces, proceeded to the formation of local be learned our Soviets. The Island is small, but the uprising of its broadened. The trouble with it now is that it is Another German warrants for the arrest on the deferences. These lessons should tical and strategic problem: Doom up big: how to get gether emcomposed almost entirely of Stalinist organizations.
ployed and people has an enormous strategical importance and unemployed, skilled And that, today, is far from enough.
Leader Revolts in whether he was this is true GENERAL DEFENSE AFFAIR workers and the unskilled those moral power. The Wall Street bandits justly regard it with apprehension as the peoples of Latin America The problem is how to get the workers in the hard to say but the fact remains New York. Importunt additiowat already organized and those still and the conscious workers in the look that the police went to the union musical talent has been enlisted for unorganized. Men on the job will to it of independent unions, under the influence (Continued from page 1) hall and arrested the three men the General Defense Committee be discussing these problems in in with sympathy and hope. The bandits stand of the Socialist Party and the and all the idiotic as the other. Naturally we The workers present made no pro annual Christmas Fund entertain creasing numbers and with growing ready to crush the revolt with the brutal force of defense organizations and liberals to get together must fight for a proletarian govern test. Later, on their promise to ment, concert, and dance. Three interest in the coming days. We armed intervention. The workers and the peoples behind the fight soloists will will contribute our opinions in the ment in the Saar and for a Soviet leave town ased these well known concert ought to be shown way At the sing Aida Campomenosi, soprano; general discussion.
The first step is the convocation of genuine uni Germany. But that does not do leaders were unity all their efforts with those of the Cuban workers for the frustration ted front conferences with guarantees of democratic ens how they should vote in 1936. maining pickets were dispersed by scenes with be played by descan Ches Co. gates the few re Vincent Tortora, baritone; and Vin of these designs. Drotsky. ments will be played by Paul Cres the sending of checks to political This is a problem on which the General State Either way there is no time to lose. The legal Today we can tell the workers In this strike the official party ton, pianist of note.
prisoners and their dependents. The lull in the case is not a time to relax. It is an op only this: As long as the Nazis are has once more revealed that it can Class war and classical songs are prisoners include the seven Kenof the World Revolution ought to speak out clearly.
The Comintern was organized for just such purposes, portunity to work, to build a powerful protest move in power in Germany, a reintegrar no longer play a progressive role in on the program, which is to be fucky winer serving lite terms and that is the way it acted in Lenin time. In such ment.
the question for them. The place of a realistic appraisal of the ing Plaza Hall, 15th Street and ima (Wash. jail; Mooney and Bill case under Lenin It would have put the conclu.
has not taken a clear position situation which demanded careful Irving Place. Proceeds will enable nigs; and various others.
sions of international experience at the disposal of the oppressed and exploited in order steer the Why?
bave the opportunity today to de create a sentiment amongst struggle onto the right path. It would have brought liver several heavy blows against workers for a mass strike, the Postscript to the Portrait of National Socialism the weight of its international authority to bear to FOREIGN Commissar Maxim Litvinov was sneaked Nazi foreign policy Consequently, method of bureaucratle ultimatism unify the struggle and impel it forward. Remember unobtrusively into the Soviet Union on Decem we must do that. That has noth was employed. Pulling their handing to do with separatism. The ful of followers out on strike they The first anniversary of the Nazi internal dynamics of the so thorthe bold manifestoes of Lenin Comintern on Ireland ber when he arrived home after having scored the members of the Communead the indstry to follow We are the the tendencies of the regime have ism. The startling sudden turn of and India, the appeals to the Hungarian Soviet, to most signal diplomatic vietory of his career in react to the slogan of their Party naturaly expected the 3500 men In dictatorsbipais approaching All oughly aggressive German capitalthe German workers, etc. Or, closer home, recall the agreement be entered into with Roosevelt at ership like the Russian workers leaders therefore the workers will been taking on a distinct and pre the Nazi leadership towards peace cise character. The socialist revloving, declarations can astonish Lenin famous Letter to the American WorkingReported the New York Times: There was no skais babotaged a peace to be boerene follow me out Fruit of False Policy olution which appeared to the petty only those who are completely lim.
men and a dozen other letters and resolutions, openThe results of such policy bourgeois masses as the necessary ited in their outlock. what other ly and publicly advising how to organize the fight formal reception or demonstration. The public was bers have left the in the last should be carefully considered by complement to the national revolu method than this has Hitler. at his Against American Imperialism. In the present in not informed in the newspapers that he would return few months. Let the leadership every serious worker.
The work to ceas been officially liquidated disposal to throw of the responslstance, Alled with such great potentiallties, the ComIntern of Stalin remains as silent as the grave. And Why?
the necessary details. you houses are now more than ever in of the classes reached its peak shoulders of the external enemy as for Stalin himself, the best disciple of Lenin. his Did the Stalinists perhaps shrewdly calculate The had an opportun the grip of the bosses company in when the possessors waived their and to pile up the explosives of na mouth, as the saying goes, might be Alled with water that prior anouncement of Litvinov arrival might wy to hold the of the Saar tons. Instead of engaging in mill. risht to hors oeuvre and desserts tionalism under the pressure of the. he cannot utter a word of advice, encouragement have lead, not to a demonstration of welcome by the lead to a fighting united front of the time to the poison of class colla. the government in favor of the dis program which was outlined even or hope on the grandiose events in Cuba. Sovlet workers, but to a popular display of anger and proletariat. It has done nothing. beration, the changing adventuriste employment has culm possessed. The struggle against un before the Nazis assumption to Is this non intervention in the Cuban revolution disgust at the Stalin Litvinov sale of the Third InIn power is being ful Alled today with ternational to American Imperialism?
parture from the oficial and retard the movement of the work dividing the existing half starva iron determination before the eyes deliberate policy? Was an express promise to keep Hands off Cuba a part of the Washington agreement Litvinov had to slink home, but. William the Comintern, one of whose first ers and to discredit Communism ion rations in two. There remains of the whole world. The date of only the equalization of the statisthe new European catastrophe is for Recognition? If not, please explain the preciso Bullitt, the American ambassador, who arrived a day the world war. From the revolu That the South St. Paul meaning of the following clauses in Litvinott letter: after him, was officially greeted at the frontier endtionary fighters and members of the will rise again in militant workers tics. Planned autarchy proves to determined by the time necessary struggle be nothing more than just another for the rearmament of Germany. It Not to permit the formation or residence on given a reception in Moscow. It was the first time party do not need to depart. against the bosses is certain. And stage of economie decadence.
is not a matter of months, but Its territory of any organization or group and to in the history of the Soviet government. the New Will go right along with them, but what is equally certain is that as The more impotent the police re neither is it a matter of decades.
prevent the activity on its territory of any organizaYork Times reported, that any foreign ambassador Without Stalin, without the far as the Stelinist Independent gime of the Nazis is in the sphere tew years suffice to stagger anew tion or group, or of representatives or officials of any had been met at the frontier or shown any attention and without the Central Com. Revolutionary Unions are concern of economy, the more it is forced into a war, if the internal forces mittee.
ed the workers in these packing to place the weight of its effort of Germany do not themselves stop organization or group, which has as an alm the whatsoever before arriving in Moscow.
With Communist greetings.
and upon the Held of foreign policy. Btler in time. overthrow of, or bringing about by force of a change Why?
KARL FRIEDBERG. for all That corresponds completely to the November 1988.
Adventurism in St. Paul Strike case diter made eRDE.
the ated houses are thEMELLIAM for ongere.