BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PRICE THE MILITANT 2 CENTS Weekly Published weekly by the Commun ist Leagne of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1870.
VOLUME VI, NO. 55 WHOLE NO. 202 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1933 PRICE CENTS Finished with Stalinism!
Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Why Did It NewYear Eve Masquerade Hotel Another Leader of Strikers German Revolts Organize St. Paul Packing Strike In different vided all this Onthe Death of Max Hoelz Ball for the Militant This New Year Eve the Militant James McGovern, for And could not remain slis giving its first masquerade Ball the Independent Labor Party lent. looked upon the scene at Germania Hall, 158 Third Avefrom Scotland has the following and, knowing that their favorite nue (16th Street. of It promises to be the gayest affair we have ever sational action at the opening foxes, saw the workers being arranged. Comrades, singly and in of Parliament where he shouted hounded down into the gutter, defiance at the King. We quote the grave, the asylum, and the Editor Note: After the open heavy industrialist Hernann Roech. costumes drawing inspiration from groups, are already planning their from the British New Leader workhonse by the legislation of for November 24th, 1933 this class. remembered those we are in a position how to make League of Nations, the coal mines commune the Russian Revolution. Food Workers Union Knowing that the present who produced the wealth exist Adventurist Methods public another document, no less important that the keese letter.
session of Parliament would be ing. In rags, bootless, hungry.
will be a referendum (similar to etc.
We offer to our readers the let that of Upper Silesia in 1921) astion will be present for prizes are The spirit of bolshevik competiopened by the reading of the pro and sitting before empty grates Strengthens Ranks ter seut to platnitsky the organ to whether the territory to be to be given for the best costumes posed Government by the King, or being evicted from their Cause Bad Defeat thought would like to bear homes.
zntional secretary of the Comlu long to France, or retain the pre also for the worst. Take your New York. The strike of the band, these proposals at first Maxton and Buchanan (Inthe St. Paul. The workers in tern by comrade Karl Friedberg. sent form of realizing that the Insurance dependent Labor Party sracking industry throughout the returned to you, or be choice but at all events compete! Montclair Hotel workers conducted Karl Friedberg is one of the oldBill would mean to the unem Ed. had for a number of years have for some time been disest lucmbers of the Communist program of revolutionary by the Hotel and Restaurant branch The False Policy in the Saar ployed of this country, satisfied with their conditions. The Ikurty of Germany and of the Comrefused to attend the opening of dances specially arranged will be of the Amalgamated Food Workers, Up to August last, the of given by talented comrades munist International. From the failure of the NRA to raise wages arrived at the Bar of the parliament because of their discreated a situation favorable for tirst le has held important, rethe Saur was for the return to Ger. Sympathizers. There will also be which we reported in last week House of Lords and gazed at gust with this show. As saw organizational work. The press sponsible posts in the Comintern many. The leader of the a fine singer of folk songs.
Militant still continues and picket the vulgar display of wealth the performance indignation reports that local NRA officials atal gained thereby, a thorough declared publicly: Even if we will Refreshments of all kinds will be ing is very effective. The National wonderful and expensive gowns, overcame me when recalled the have to face the gallows In Hitler served at low cost.
tribute the unrest among the knowledge of the workings of the Germany, we want to return to the special jazz band has been clair is very stubborn in City Bank which owns the Montpacking house workers to the failure Jewels and tiaras, worth hun human suffering outside, the dreds of thousands of pounds, Means Tost, Unemployment cuts.
of the minimum wages schedules to apparatus of the and the settling Fatherland. For this patriotism, hired.
military and naval representa and the destruction of the social affect any but a small number of Comrade Priedberg break with he received the tives of our own and foreign services. Something within me employees. the Stalinist aparatus is another Roechlins Overe of Hermann The admission is only 50 cents, the strike with the Union. It em.
radio from Get your tickets in advance. ploys numerous thugs who attempt nations. Everywhere looked rebelled and lashed out at the Strikes have been called in varl.
heavy bluw against Stalinism. We grudge hin it. In Auglist Die Rund ments for New Year Eve Cele keep the scats on the job. In spite Prankfurt am Main. Let not be Comrades: Make no other appoint to terrorize the strikers and also to saw wealth, comfort and, self enemies of the people.
ous plants in satisfaction. thought of the Did do wrong? Is there itre sure that his letter will be country. In Austin, Mesogt received with the greatest attenpoor, wretched people outside any worker who believes that the plant of the Geo. Hormel Co.
tion by all party members and of Basle made public the new post big year for the MILITANT and of this terrorista, the strikers were who are to be the victims of fo did not voice the feeling of every a strike took place. The workers, particularly among those who per tron: Red Sanr in a Soviet Ger the communist League of America. strengthened last Friday with an ture legislation and who, by decent human, being? feel ticipated in the first years of the many. This slogan Is Just as who were organized into independ. PRESS COMMITTEE. additional sixty five workers from their energy and sacrifice, pro that spoke Yor the working ent union which embraced the enformation of the Communist In(Continued on Page 1)
class whom represent.
the dining room and kitchen detire working population of the city, ternational.
seized the factory and ejected the company officials. With the ald of November 6, 1933.
They use every means to provoke the local farmers they held out for Dear comrade Piatnitsky: and intimidate the strikers and its several days. State and Company Your invitation to come to Mos leaders. They arrested in officials then prevailed upon the cow has been transmitted to me, Caldis under the false charge of will tration. Recognition of the union Mi to decline the invitation.
the of. being new revolt has broke out in German Communist party; to con. was granted. One of the main friend Max Hoela, believe that met with an accident in a boating be a strong weapon for him in the scabs. These charges, however, will be acting inost correctly when trip on the Oka River (Soviet Un coming struggles of the German were dropped by the very worker the Stalinist ranks in New York. Cect the situation in the different reasons why the bosses were able to accomplish this so easily was devote unyself, for the time being in and drowned. And with that proletariat. Slax Hoelz mind was who made them because he under Three members of the Communist countries with one another is devotem cauf, at the website or the life of a tighter was extinguish set on returning to Germans to Stoconsciously becoming the tool of Design of here in south st. Paul the Young Communist plies to the questions, an attempt mitesence of conscious Left wing When Nearing concluded bls re: the endure the Moscow atmosphere: liye on in the hearts of the revolu as last February, after Hitler had the bosses. Upon realizing this be issued a letter to the District Ex. Joe Carter, organizer of the Brook strike under the leadership of the Hou print, crawlere Gespicably be oux revolutionist who fought with dressed a request to the cominteruers. For the first time in the last ecutive Committees of their organ: League, took the floor and demand ard. the yielded far fore Stalin, etc. Oficial Aluscow determination and strength against to perilt him to return to Germany. 17 years hotel in New York was izations condemning the officialed that the scheduled discussion be more disastrous results today is nothing more than a capitalism and for the proletarian The Stalinist bureaucracy did not forced to close its kitchen and policy on the Gerinan events and held. The demand was greeted by Armour Swift and Oudehy try to sochalistes et les conducted The lessons of the revolutionary prevent him from leaving he was bosses are forced to keep the seabs The statement demands meetingvin About 300 were still pre les the souten last mensenyar pen only in the spirit of the October struggles of 1920 and 1821, which forced to become a Soviet citizen. day and night to be cause in the name een beroligen discussion on ter sent. Al Dasch supported the deploy wproximately in of were out the hotel they immediate the and The state coralled into Stood for a New Party and Trotsky yet beeu eradicated from the conMax Hoelz shared the views si trate rate the the strikers and moved to repeticede a camere discussion was opened by comrede company anions. As a sciousness of the fevolutionary proThe Results of Stalinist Policy letariat. If there was only one mem his friends Wolf and Wollenbe become part of them.
In my letter of March 1, 1933, ber of the of the im on the collapse of the German In bringing home to the workers as the territic speed up and part time Militant. This strike has already succeded The latter attacked Nearing employment under the Roosevelt The comrades condemn the Stali slanders against comrade Trotsky spread the work plan their wages you of my views about the situathe disgraceful, capitulatory defeat early as March he proclaimed the well as to Hotel Men Association ist theory of social Fascism and and openly proclaimed his support were reduced to a starvation level.
tion withic Gorman party and the of the could not have been necessity for the creation of a new that the Union branch of the united front only from below of the Left Opposition. After per. Despite the dissatisfaction of the roud that the leaderless revolution possible. The functionaries who are party of struggle. At the begin in the field to secure decent work ism. They score the comintern forrade Carter was permitted to speak has a negligible section of the men ary German proletariat had to take. whispering among themselves that was in his hotel room on the ing conditions for the hotel and not recognizing that the victory ortor five minutes. Ju his summary organized into the Amalgamated say the leaderless revolutionary Max Hoelz was not a Marxist, that of March there were many disproletariat, because the German o his deeds and those of his group itsuation created in Germany and hotels Mike the Park Central, that Purletben German World Working led, but spoke about the need for men Union, conducted no activity the a united front of all workers or whatsoever.
German proletariat years ago. just fundamentals of the class struggle tory. Mox Hoelz repeatedly express up to now have refused to pay any class. The statement further pro is did the comfotern insofar as the are well answered by the fact that ed himself in this conuection that makes it to their walters, are tests against the propaganda pledge sanizations, including the fourth Stalinist Strike Strategy international proletariat is concern he was not that kind of a Marxist the defeat of the German and calling meetings of their waiters contained in Paragraph Four of International against Fascism.
wages. the Litvinov letter to Roosevelt.
in the Armour plant the the to discuss the question of Statement Distributed to Workers was caused in ary proletariat in all countries be ed. The downtall of the revolution who hides his cowardice behind the by the false policy of the Wat the Union is organizing the workers of Brownsville, com. tr de Constatement of comrades swift Co. a staller group was Marxism.
first Many other hotels have increased So as to insure that the voices of Meanwhile a squad of members succeeded in organizing a small Eun with the expulsion of the outsimply because they these comrades would be heard by of the Comintern in recent years and to League were dis: Workers lodustrial Unido. At dis group of men into the Packinghouse standing tighters of the October An Enemy of the Stalinist Bureaucracy Itevolution, with Trotsky at their particularly by Stalin false policy realize that in the Soviet Union, their workers.
rade Al Dasch, meinber of the Dasch, Lipschitz and Leuser to those formed. The rest of the workers bead to the committed the vie: Hoelz shocked all the friends of the the best revolutionary elements in bear the tedious bureaucracy. He statement, appeared at her publie was an announcement of a meeting head, from the of the The news of the death of Mex brought with it the exclusion of section committee of the party in leaving the hall. On the back of He that vicinity and a signer of the the leatiet containing the statement in these two huge plants knew little or nothing of these activities tory of Fascism in Germany and militant. It is not true, as the so the Soviet Union as in the Comin was kept in inactivity for many meeting on Sat. evening, Dee. 20th. Jon Russian Recognition to be held instead of a campaign in the three the difficult situation of large lay cial democratic and Communist tern. He repeatedly declared that years through the chicanery of the at which Scott Nearing was lectur this Thursday, Dec. 14 at Hoffman big plants to organize a union cup uble of conducting a struggle, and, soviet Union are this en. camisto end has friends was one of the any productive work in order Union, Germany and the United comrades Shachtman and Dasch are strike the three plants and simul.
his wanted to struggle on. He was an ist Party of the Soviet Union.
ternational to speak energy.
The realization that the policy of enemy of the Stalinist bureaucracy.
The statement of the party and taneously, the unlou decided to call the Comintern in the last several The German covered with The revolutionary strength of He was a fighter for the einan Nering speech was a shallow members has had its effect a strike at the Armour plant im whose presentation of the situation in on the party ranks in Brownsville. On November 15th committee years strengthened Pascism of nec built for Hitler victory be hated Max Hoelz was shackled by the caption of the proletariat ensity, and even made it possible and despised it with a violent pas. Stalinist bureaucracy. His pas militancy will be a pattern for us. these counctuatempt was We are confident that it will be from the Stalinist union approach sionate will to struggle could not UNSER WORT.
is suking ever deeper into the con: During the prison years and the the heard byeond Brownsville and willed the Armour officials and pre receive warm response among Com sented the following demands: 10 munist and Left wing workers tighters. Without Stalin there years of his stay in the Soviet Un throughout New York and the Uni cents per hour increase; a 32 hour ted States. Continued on page 4)
spread thesis nowadays. Unfortun study acquired a comprehensive ately, it is correct one. Natural.
ly, you did not want Fascism. But We are now launching another and appealing directly to the mass, bronder basis than before, as we in the last analysis it is the result program of expansion. Its main of the American workers. shall prove by our subsequent rethat counts in politica. Let us refeature is expressed in our decision The establishment of a theor ports in connection with the exto assemble the forces for the crea etical organ The New Interna ecution of the Action Program. We at the beginning of March about tion of a new revolutionary party tional to which the heavier and are thereby prepared to make fur Philadelphia, Pa. The entire, computed to be 09 (nine cente) an also was not an accident. It also the United States has had to be bring the League much more de The acceptance of members preparatory steps to carry the proshop, day and night shifts, of the hour.
Howed from the policy of the Com. hastened by a call for important finitely into mass activity in the into the League on a broader basis am fully into life are being taken Latex Products Co. manufacturing The shop is located and most of intern, in the last few years and work to be done in Mexico City, class struggle.
than heretofore.
it is necessary to dwell upon the specialty rubber goods, is out on the workers live in the vicinity of one country. You all long ago lost paint two murals for the walls of beginning larat great supwing of of united front relations and joint That is the one upon which practic long hours and age as comowe oras been running street meetings re olutionary labor movement in Diego Rivera is undoubtedly the come the means of new inspiration workers organizations, in particular for its effective execution. Finances course of the strike struggle two workers have been coming to the rest of the countries is the best greatest of the revolutionary paint in place of old disappointments with those groupe with which we are the sinews of war and of ac local comrades, Lew Roberts and meetings of the Spartacus Youth tion.
Red Army. Stalin probably never ers in the world today, and is sure which resulted from the bankruptcy have some points in agreement.
Jack Richmond were arrested for Club. What was more naturally had any such conviction We have set the sum of 1000 as picketing. They are now serving a than that, when stirred to fight The Guilt of the great artists in general. His work alongside the manifest corrupting sible of peripheral organizations a minimum requirement, provided sentence of 30 days each in Moya back a rapacious exploiter, they In a conversation we had at the in this country and in Mexico has intluence of social reformism. But (workers clubs, etc. on a broad it is collected by a concentrated mensing Prison.
should come to us for advise and assistance. It was given speedily end of Pebruary (Kuorin was pre. Fifty workers nearly all youth e can and heartedly many other cars, Russian worries. tion cresteci around his name and sequences. The results to be at of the League membership for en some results already which will strike by wretched conditions and moving the shop. going out of The boss kag of selling out that we hace com ho he Worries with the directors of Radio City for upon our supporters. Our proclaim. Various kinds, above all the trade ent issue. Mornwhile we puss the exist. When the day shift came bus perkeltiere was hessene by the the Executive Committee of the demanding that he remove a repro ed intentions can be proved only unions which have a mass characuestion. on to all of our supporters to work Monday at seven o clock, u bsence of strikers for a meeting.
Communist luternational could not duction of Lenin head in the im by deeds.
be in touch with very much that posing muruls he was painting for It is from this standpoint that we The strengthening of the cen sram into life! With was going on abroad, particularly that edifice, was only a dramatic present our expansion program of trai appartus of the League by pro from you, such as can be expected learned of their intention of walk Spartacus Youth Club and Lew tisica portthe full time employment from supporters of the Lett Opposi bieketingas been fuckediately. The reaberts were engloun our for Lerente in Germany, does not serve as an manifestation of his unyielding loy.
excuse for the on the alty to the cause of proletarian rey. today. It is a practical propeat of qualed comrades and the main tion, we shall be able to marca night shift was stopped at three The following morning the vicious contrary, it only makes its gulltolution to which he has dedicated tasks which can and must be car tenance of at least one field organ ward to the buidline of serious o clock. There is not a single seabhar hating Vare henchman, setting up comparatively all the greater. You would have his life and work.
Communist movement in the Uni. among these young We are proud to be able to an summarize herewith in brief form: Fled out. This Action Program welver. series of tours of ted States. We shall be able to nearly all of them, this was their rades on disorderly conduct charges workers. For Magistrate Zweig, gave both com not really belonged to you for years, nouncy that Rivera is already at The transformation of The members.
march forward to the New Inter9. The collection of a if you had left in you a spark of work in the School Hall on special national.
first strike experience.
the limit 30 days. To show tur.
revolutionary responsibility and murals. One of them depicts the paper to be sold at a cheaper price and the execution of each project the Militant into a popular agitation fund to finance the Action Program The demands of the strike are: ther his contempt for the strikers.
conscientiousess. But you haven foundation of the revolutionary (1) separate restroom for women he read in the court room crowded any. leave the Social Democratic Third International, its life and in order as rapidly as the means OPEN FORUM with a conch. 2) One hour for with strikers and strike sympathParty out of all this polemic be the great spirits who brought it are provided.
lunch (at present there is no time izers, the telegram sent by the MEETING Some of the points listed above off they have to eat on the fly. strike committee demanding have already been carried out in JAMES CANNON Party and the Communist Intern with the coming Fourth Interna(3) 40 hour week.
Here Roberts on work 48 to 56 hours. 4) 13. 00 tically (Now they boys regled out their tional with the full knowledge that tional as the heir and continuator DOES THE RECOGNITION OF part. We shall make report.
police who the would not fight but rather of the revolutionary traditions of this in subsequent issues. At this THE MEANING OF THE a week minimum for girls and 15. 00 beat them in the van. IndependentRUSSIA MEAN THE END betray the struggle. Inoment, however, our aim is to for men. 5) vertime. 6) Re ly we RECENT LYNCHINGS ared a lawyer. ndepend be difficult for us to OF THE COMINTERN?
The Comintern appears to be dis. It bring the Action Program to the cognition of shop committee. 7) ently, quickly and efficiently, writs Sleman VAN inclined to learn anything even now. attempt at this time, before the attention of all of our supporters Maryland, California, Missouri, MAX so that they can express their views.
What Next?
Protese stalled. Until now girls hearing in beher court on Lorups Friday. spent several weeks in the Saar. conclusion of his work, to give our AL DASCH at make additional suggestions and That is a cool and Iron territory on readers a detailed idea of the maghad been promised a 00 a week Despite the terror, strikers in the border between Germany and nificent conception that has in Member of the Brownsville Section fully partielpate with us in the Friday, December 15, 1933, p. and men 88. 00. Low enough, but the main are undaunted and more France, east of Metz The 1800 occasion, however, whole spired Rivera work. We take this Committee of the Communist Party further execution of this prograin. International Workers School Hall when their pay envelopes were resolute than ever. Thy reject the territory amounts to at HOFFMANS MANSION We proceed from the firm convic 126 East 16th Street, nr Irving Pl. given out last Saturday all found advice to leave the Reds alone.
square kilometers, but it contains Invitation to all readers to. to dat the tion that 142 Watkins Street 782, 000 inhabitants. It is the most School Hall, at 126 East 16th se. Between Pitkin and Belmont)
We want to hear munist League of America (Opp. that. Pay envelopes were for 4, 00 orders for what they are: an atQuestions 00 and as low as 00. The av tempt to break the unity of the ope. Here resides the well Abbw and be turn the murals while they on Thursday, Dec. 14, 1983, P. your opinion.
ADMISSION. 16 CENTS ADMISSION 15 CENTS The League has attained a much Ierage wage for the day shift was strike, revolutionary States.
THE LEAGUE FORGES AHEAD presente Rivera Murals: Jail Two Philadelphia Militants the the would be an Discussion