BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerKidnappingSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

LOE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1933 Needle Trades Strike Notes of the Week with leadership rship call dress a certain stage of its disintegration as a social and men launched their the Brakel of constant change and develop continue meeting on the question of EDITORIAL The paychological factors for a rapid transformaThe Lyaching Wave tion of the social conflict out of the realm of legality and parliamentarism into that of open mass violence. Continued from page 1)
militant policy with militant ac them that night. In the midst ou tion and because of which and for the lightning like emergence of a revolution adoption in order to make it easier forced by the leadership to was the uproar which greeted Feinbergs TN THE outbreak of lynchings that swept the counstay announcement, the morning papers try, striking at three widely separated sections ary movement ou the one side and a fascist movement for our union members to do their out of the dressmakers strike and were brought in with the declaruwith the fury of a hurricane, an old Amerlan cus on the other, have an exceptional strength in Amer work in the shops. Los Angeles Lake care solely of the cloukmakers. tion of the bosses refusing to arutLYNCHING IS once again oCtom was repeated with some new and distinctive fen ica; they are routed in the tradition of the country has been so long unorganized we Workers Against Arbitration trute, aud Veinbers, and Pesota tures which are of exceptional significance. In the as well as in the conditions of the present. The dressmakers must be Wala whatever we can get throAmerican people of all classes, by and large, bave posul the strike committee indig that wight, it was clearly seen that you, our maneuvers were. Cur kidnappersaturder of the Clarke At the strike committee meeting and Berg were able to crow, told cuping the center of pubile atten tion. The mob present situation such orgies of mob violence as those in California, Maryland and Missouri do not fit into the old pattern. the strike committee still remembered thut it was Mob murder in itself is no novelty in the United in the way of something they really want to do. The against and demanded a strike im helmingly against arbitration. Itu mere maneuver but a direct Guvernor Kolph brought on its trail almost universal disregard of the prohibitory law is mediately for the closed shop.
a wave of repercussions in mass States. In the South, as everybody knows, it is an an interesting illustration of this attitude on a wide The season was almost over. Only was goiuted out by them that the use om New York which wit sentiment. The spectacle of scule. established institution for the repression of the and order representative endorsing 1a consistently militant strike would outy question to be arbitrated was them tu the arbitration board.
Taking full advantage of the sit chis highest expression of social Negroes, operating all the time as an extra legal sup American labor history has been written in strus call a strike, and did so on October inasmuch as the bosses conceded bution, realizing it was a matter of lawlesstuess could not help bringing gle violent and bloudy. Many u strike took the form 12, after wasting three plement to the regular court procedure. In the precious our other demands, and union, re hours before the bosses accepted a new courage and new verve to the of armed conflict; few pass without violeut clashes. weeks, and laying plans North, also, lynching has been known before, but it in the cognitio was the one point which the uribtration, the is not recognized here as it is in the South and, On the other hand, the American capitalists never meanwhile for the further carrying should not have been urbitrated. Oned a mass meeting of the strikers in the bed testi.
pastime. Aside hesitated to go outside the bounds of their own les out of their class collaboration pol the basis of our militaut struggle for the next afternoon. Allowing from the repetition in St. Joseph, except in isolated instances, has appeared only in connection with social disturbace.
ality when the exigencies of the class struggle re icles.
our successful turn out und our no one on the floor, they triumph Missouri un the liberation of the Turn Out of Strikers quired it. Frank Little was killed by lynchers. So tinancial resources, as yet, we were The frenzied lynching bees of the recent days, however, had their scene in the northern part of the also was Wesley Everest and many other labor millFrom the first the turn out of the in a position to demumuuton reprove the correctness of their manus serious reactions of a more get country, or on its border; white men as well as tuuts. The radical workers were dragooned into workers was remarkable. Thoucosition and the closed shop, Adduvers and to ask for a vow upcrul, wido spread character.
Negroes were victims; there was not workers, unorganized, uw admission of the NKA Board that sent voted confidence in the leadone single support of the war or bludgeoned into silence by up Sunds Mexican and 90 they were powerless to act on thelership. The utrike committee WILS of the New York Times has the educated.
official lynching mobs which supplemented the legal with no understanding of unionism hundruals or coded violations we were to uct ou the questiou otcollowing to report on the subject. The Atlanta, Georgia correspondlynching but three, and those in rapid succession; and the happenings precipitated a hysterical public compulsion of the state de horát siste theodorkels on whatsoever forget to led the last mike bad send is, we resented placing arbitration wacu Hinally the houses When Rolph praise of controversy over yuching Was printed, sentiCalifornia, and other prominent people, including strikes is the work of unotticial thugs and gunmen. The courage of the women strikers our fate lu their hands.
ments in line with the follow God save the mark. New York preacher (who When the two main classes in this country get ready for they composed the bulk of the In the face of these arguments ainded citizens were chosen to ing utteratices indicate the relater recanted. openly condoning the bestial actions to settle accounts, and long before they come to the strikers, is a story that marks aby the strike committee, Feinberg settle the burning question of un action of certain groups. Caliof the mob. It is clear that last week lynching al account, the legal framework of the strug turn in the history of labor union was forced to expose his hand. First, iou revogultion.
ism in Los Angeles. Scabes in other to explained that the acceptance Arbitration Dampens Militarey fornia my new address now, hed special features of their own; they representa sle will have been shattered to bits.
industries will do well to remember was only a maneuver and that the From the day the Arbitration Let send all the niggers to new and somewhat different phenomenon, and they the experiences of the soubs in this question would never come to arCalifornia. That California The reservoir of mass violence in America is a strike.
bitration because the bosses would ard anet, can be marked the de arose from a special combination of causes.
man oughter be President, etc.
buce one, and the events of the past week have de In the midst of such militaney never agree. He explained that cline of the militancy and the low monstrated how easily it can be tapped, and with and after about two weeks ut strikes was only a tactle to win qverering of the morale of the strikers The trugle heroes of most of the what unbridled fury it can raye. The mob of humans in, an invitation to arbitrate was nie strike committee was not slip nut tu yull Scull und to be Lynching bees in American history The three lynching did not occur merely because of popular revulsion at some crime of a particularly turned into wild beasts who mutilated and killed the sent to the union and the bosses easily hool winked Feinber the walking into your shops, escurteurt.
had peaceful. When you see seabs have been Negrues for the greater shocking nature. The California kidnapping was the by the NRA officials. two helpless prisouers at San Jose, and that farlº admit no match that set of the explosions of unrestained bigger mot of vicarious participants who applauded fused the rest ole hea beste decision of the strike committee by police and taking your sotw uwa lymeling began to be kept. says moronic hysteria and violence, but the explosive ma terial itself for some kind of an eruption was already them from afar, have presented a spectacle of men the strikers. In such haste were was, he had orders from New York you are instructed peacefully the Herald Tribune of last acing Implications to the labor movement. they to collaborate, they called to to submit to arbitration and that we meekly allow them to do so. Sunday, to 1932, 3, 745 persons there. It consists of the unrest, and dissatisfaction The same mots can be directed against the work gether a hitherto non existent ex attempted to calm the workers came u braking down of the. 2, 41 were Negrous. The of the people, primarily the ruined petty. bourgeois elements, their uncertainty and their sense of frusderous bands of Pacistes can be organized when there with only one diesenting votee on somewhat by urging them to be picket line and the widance for the mobilitet hun werer beroende a portare the white rulers of the South tu tration which charge the social atmosphere like a leyden jar.
bis exploiters feel the need of them. The working makers, Lutsky. voted for arbi. Instead of stubbornly insisting for. When after a week of arbitra strike terror into the doubly exAll of this has been accumulating during the class had every reason to take alarm at the spread tration of all the International all their demands of lynching and to raise a mighty protest against Ladies Garment Workers Union The Reactionaries Maneuver dered to be militant, few strikersers. By his conduct of the legal crisis years. It presses for outlet and may readily every official condonement of it. But the bare ap leadership, Lutsky is the only one The stupidity of the bosses, forresponded to the call for no one trial of Heywood Patterson, ruling find it in strange, irrational and violent ways. The tl from mob violence to ordered legal processes who nos consistently fought for altunately for the leadership. saved strike was already out of their lot be perfor them to Send felt like going to Jail when the class Judge Callahan assured all bis fellow barbarians that it will lynching hysteria which has swept the country dethe sum and substance of liberal and socialist agitahands. What few were militant rives from the same source as the fanatical millionto California to tion does not touch the heart of the issue. The were sent to jail and the strikers all the headed following of Father Coughlin, the demagogue becamo cowed.
be lynched.
problem is rooted in the social conditions of the priest. The real author is the social devastation The Railroad Brotherhoods class society just as the whole oppressive system of After two weeks of arbitration, wrought by the crisis.
class justice Is. The same class forces which adminthe dress code. csdeca ver uw be the rest of the Scottsboro boys THE TRIAL of Patterson and The material out of which Fascist gangs, antiister the law need only to souse a danger to their Semitism, religious frenzies and moronic lynching role in order to organize and bribe the dress of soCraft Divisions of Workers tween bosses, represented by the dramatizes vividly and with strikmobs all may be set in motion is at hand in the social Slanufacturers Association that ing clarity the social roots of the ciety and hurt them against the workers with untension which produced three lynchings within a participated on the Arbitration Lynch madness. The original frame restrained violence. To rely solely on capitalist legal week. The material for the rapid development of a procedure in the struggle against lyuching and other cadroad workers are divided into exception to this general rule, and were affected. Thiese were to perso Alabama were atleringen is quite generally known, the Transportation we find one notable Approximately 60 of the strikers a time when the black sbare crop revolutionary labor movement is there also in the bitter discontent of the workers but a leading force for the latter. Under different circumstances the 21 separate and independent or this is in the Railroad Unions them go back to the shops on the basis of revolt. The Boss class and its capable of organizing it is so far lacking. The disganizations, in other words, one orehlves. Their leadership anve Note status quo existing day berul agencies are well aware of force behind each is the same.
ganization for each craft tar been able to successfully resistore the strike and were to receive the social basis of the mob murder integration of the Communist movement aids the on the industry cheese Engenhoved one sided expression of the general mass of social discontent in a Fascist direction.
to. on Lynching existence at the command of the capitalists. It Michigan in 1883, the Conductors es both as to program and structure dependent shops continued on strike Shux madu some interesting obser: The popular support received by Governor Rolph, erises out of the conditions created by capitalism at followed suit in 1868, the Firemen of railroad unionism. Seventy years and the Arbitration Bourd was to vations on the causes.
in his stand as the champion of the mob, is a sig came next in 1873, nificent indication of the extent to which public im union in 1883. ment in the mode of transportation union reocgnition: economie system. Its troops, for the greater part, are As the other seventeen crafts em means nothing to a craft union In its reports, the Commission inagination was stirred by the San Jose lynching, and Disorganization of Union vestigates the circumstances that the petty bourgeois elements, ruined and driven to ployed on the railroads matured for Official who is able to draw a salary even of the widespread vicarious participation in it frenzy by the crisis. The movement is aimed, at its organization the fell in line one af. of 15, 000 year When the workers came back, lead a crowd of people into the Rolph, a demagogue of the first water, appears in this instance more as the reflector of petty bourgeois inception, against big capital as well as against the ter the other until the railroad railroad worker tied to the craft they were met with closed doors killer frenzy against the Negroes bosses pleading the slow sea seems, explained it all as a sort lubor movement. The former take over the move workers found theroselves with one system.
mass prejudice and hysteria than as the authentic ment and burl it against the workers if the latter union on the hands for each craft First of Series of Articles spokesman of the decisive sections of the ruling class.
in the industry.
do not show sufficient strength to crush the moveThe above is but a prelude to a workers back into the shops. Work of mid suinmer madness. Lynchings discriminated do, to be sure, occur more often in There is no foundation for the contention (Daily ment of Fascism and gain the support of the pettyNew Methods of Transportation series of short articles. which we against even more now than be the summer than in the other Worker, Nov. 30. that the mob violence was dellbourgeois maskes for their revolutionary program.
naturally olyan This form of force was bewen our working hours, on the time and wages and are rewarded but was hope to contribute to the Militant, fore the strike. They have not seasons, the commission explains, berately unleashed at command of the big capitalists Working and living out of and that Rolph speaks in their name. They will.
in mind in connection with the various manifestations the interest of its members, when articles on this tople we will with a disorganised uuion.
try doors in warm weather, midcome to such a policy in time, of this there is no of incipient Fascism in America. The revolutionary the railroad corporations were small to point out the several progres summer unemployment, landroom for doubt, but it is no part of their design at labor movement and the movement of Fascism both and each one putting up an Inde. taking our organized form inside of trial Unton played their usual sec.
lord tenant relations in summer, the present moment. Just the contrary, as an exand other factors greatly modify grow out of the same social conditions. The dependent struggle for its own exist taking amination of the facts will show.
changed the railroad unions and contribute tarian role. Instead of participant any all weathed explanation.
vastating crisis of American capitalism has prepared considerably since 1963, when the what we can towards coordinating ing in the International as class During the summer months, afthe soil for both. What is most alarming in the pre first railroad union was organized the efforts of these minorities in the conscious workers, they came in ter cultivating is done and harThe inflammatory utterances of Governor Rolph sent developments is the increasing number of signs Locomotives have increased in size right direction on a proper program. Hlustering of their membership in vesting begins, there is little to aroused storm of controversy and revealed a divl. that the restless and dissatisfied petty bourgeois ele regularly about every ten years. In concluding occupy the time of Negro and sion of opinion. This division, and its nature, must ments are finding expression in various ways which, Trains have been lengthened in article On the 18 introductory the Industrial Union, contributed Brother little on the picket line, white workers on Southern be pereelved and understod, not Ignored. The lynch taken together, lead in the direction of a Fascist about the same manner. Repair hoods we urge other railrond work and naved the workers by farms. Manhunts and lynchings afford an avenue of enseing governor was showered with telegrams of ap movement. The lynching orgy of the past week was and maintenance work have been ers to contribute articles through their dualism.
proval. But, on the other hand, the capitalist press, undoubtedly such a sign one of many of the res Improved and modernized by a the columns of the Militant on the The class Collaboration policies of tional escape from a life so drab workers the leaders, the hypocricy and opand unilluminated that any alled by the big New York dailles, and an imposing olutionary counter movement among the masses there ing machinery. The small railroads and thelr solution. Our own Jour portunism of the Lovestoneites, the ternative is welcomed.
committee of citizens. headed by ex president is hardly a trace.
have been merged into gigantic sys nals and Labor are closed to the dualist sectarianism of the StalinHoover, condemned him. The real present sentiment tems. Their ownership and direct ideas of the progressive minority. Ists makes the problem of crystal The honorable Commission bas, of the big capitalists was indubitably expressed by For this one sided development, which is fraught orship interlocked. Other modes of to print and distribute your own lizing a Left wing in the union with Willy nilly, hit the nail on the bead them. And for good reasons with so much danger to the working class, the con transportation, such as Motor and ideas is forbidden bx saklaws. the object the restoring of the mor landlord tenant relations that is Unrestrained, mob action is a dangerous fire to play with under the present conditions. The leading tive requisites for the speedy development of a rev. to say nothing about Pipe Linesity Slovement with a minority press xet the class conscious members per th butt of the Lynch organiz in the Railroad Brotherhoods. Use of the union must courageously set 07 life so drab that any alexploiters will not lightly Instigate it. They do not olutionary movement in the working class have been and the Panama Canal However, amongst all this change the Militant to pronote these ends. their compass in that direction.
feel the of it yet. Mob hysteria might easily ternative is welcomed that is maturing under the enormous pressure of the crisis. and evelopmd in the field of What is lacking to organize it and set it on its feet what makes the poor whites, express itself in a different direction under the slightclassed proletarians, the Instrument st incitement. As long as the rulers feel them is a revolutionary Communist party. The disintein the hands of the landlord Lynch selves secured by the legal processes of repression gration brought into the movement by Stalinism has organizers. Can the basis of this they will not deliberately encourage extra legal mob taken a fearful toll. Stalinism has destroyed the species of human rables be abolishactions. That is why the most authoritative represen Communist Party. We must build a new one without ed without abolishing the system of boss class dominance tatives of capital frowned on Rolph condonement delay. This is the imperative warning sounded again which nur.
tures it? Can the disgrace of of them.
in the events of the past week.
To All Organizations Affiliated to ments at their disposal, are com. the time being, nevertheless, the try without a working class moveLynching be wiped out in this counthe Anti Fascist and Free Speech pelled to resort to such miserable Baselst threat remains. The interment to do away with a lite so Jis stained with the blood of Sacco Conference in Montreal, To All measures to suppressa and Vanzetti, with the blood of Working Class Organizations.
they cannot bear.
taking place. Efforts are being drub that any alternative is welIt was these same Stalinists who made to organize hundreds and thousands of its sons Comrades: comed. closely knit and daughters, done to death under At the 3rd session of the Anti in Germany before Hitler came to party (Continued from pago 1) life imprisonment. When we fall the wbeels of the capitalist jugger Fascist and Free Speech Conference power proclaimed that there was no to bring that night right into the naut. It is woven of the sufferings the delegates of the Lett Opposi distinction at all between a custal uwon the workers in eduile ultitek against Lynching unust ask himself.
the way they have been kept alive courtroom we give the judge of thousands more of Mooney and tion and Spartacus Youth Club were ist democratic regime and Fascism, front of the working class is needed the workers for their part must thus far. That is the only way chance to put on a show of a fair the historic though, so far, unsuc expelled. This was brought about that it was impossible to form a with a program of united struggle make the organized mass protest blood lust of the bourbon tiger. the capitalists are right, that jus If the working class will inscribe from its the conferencadea vedere cinlists were Fascists and he who guaranteeing the right of each or task of their class battle, by the stalinists who are in con united front with the Social Dem for freedom of speech and organize akainst Lynch exponent Rolph and Fascism, while Lagal Lyncher Callahan a forefront There is no other way.
That is where the defense made impartial.
a major strategical mistake. The Change of Strategy Needed conditional and safe release of the fort to hush the voice of the Left questioned such wisdom was Scottsboro boys, and organize to Opposition delegates going even to Fascist himself. It was these same in a construtive manner. Wo win mass movement which has kept TERZANI TRIAL POSTPONED Without the boys allve for almost three years has been allowed to dle down. have a losing any more time we fight for their freedom they can be the extent of trying to throw them Stalinists whose senseless policies fight for the formation of such Kot to change this strategy. set free. STAMM.
out bodily before the first session rendered Hitler the greatest service united front whether along the lines opened. This is the conduct of who served him as a lever without of reforming the present Conference WHEN GENERAL SMITH Here and there they get up a delt the boys are to be saved the people whose policies have been the aid of which would have or if it should prove necessary boy FAILS TO APPEAR raise calling a second one.
Trial of Athos Terzani, accused men en stundberg but the early day. There are four million organized to Workers Get pertence ise kahe having mon arga himself to power.
the movement are gone.
At present the conference is re The puny bureaucrats of Stalin of killing his anti Fascist comPlaying Down Class Issue in the railroad brotherhoods, sev duoed to a stalinist family gather is are far from all powerful. Berade. Anthony Fierro, was postfore an influx of working class poned until Dec. 11 when the proThe policy of playing down the eral thousands more in the T, U, u Long Term Sentences Tracks, and left there for days on ing thanks to their strangulating bodies into the conference their secution declared it was unable to class nature of the case was carried L, independent unions, a stone floor suffering serious con hold on it. The three sessions held out in the courtroom. There was Socialist Party, Communist Party. Continued from Page 1) cussion of the brain without med up to now have shown a sharp and trangulating erip should be de produce its chte witness, Comem workers which drove the nine organizations. We think that all brought in together and had to wit. Seal treatment. It is not knowo progressive decline in attendance finitely broken. We call upon the mander Art Smith of the Fascist boys to roam the country on freight of these organizations should be for their comrades torture, even whewathach methods the confes. The her by these boltomte take alarm at the abuse che telo con was told that a subpoena had been box and looking for work to Supple asked to come together in one united being compelled to beat each other. sions were obtained. The court a communist before being able to be released be them on the good that he had refused to testifs.
drudgery eked out. No word was mediate unconditionate and sato remove desired confessional weeree ach: proof of guilt. some of the pris. the Red Cnited Front that notor werktion est enter the conference time in which to get Smith to apas ed Judge Thomas Kadien for Bebegro masses. It was all al When the united front confer the treatment was no dire accused. never mebmers of the party. being that led to the German catastrophe and fight of the pear by whatever means possible.
legal question with the de ences are we will be whether they were young or old, social democrats, social democratic If this is what the Stalinists want Against Fascism!
fense. At least that is how they there to be in the work, men or women.
Opposing this motion, Arthur Garyouth, or members of the Republic, then they have succeeded. The And we are going to insist on one This inhuman treatment was in an Defense Organization.
For Free Speech!
fought it.
field Hays, chief of defense counsel, For a Genuine United Front!
conference is, at present, a hulk declared there was every reason to On the legal plane It is all in thing: the first duty of the move creased in some cases. 28 year. Considering the demagogy of the vold of anything but Stalinist faith For the Reinstatement of the believe that Smith would never favor of the capitalists. It is their ment is the mobilization of the old toolsmith Gerhard Schwenke. Court, it is admirable that not a fuls. an of Expelled Left Opposition De come to testify against Terzanl. He However, there exists an urgent legates asked Colden to agree to call for are there on sufferance because of strations, parades, in every form of unsuccessful attempt to escape he word against his former leaders, need for an anti Fascist and free International Loft Op dismissal of the Indictment in Smith the hard fight we put up for two protest that is known to the work was beaten up until he broke down, and that a young worker was cour speech conference in Montreal. Al. position (Montreal Branch) is still missing when the case comes years on three continents to save ing class.
streaming with blood. Then he was ageous enough defend the re though the Fascist attacks on work SPARTACUS YOUTH CLUB up again, but Colden refused to do these innocent boys from death or The banner of the working class thrown into the cellar of the bar sponsible leaders of his parts. ers organizations have subsided for OF MONTREAL this.
In future Statement on Montreal Anti Fascist Couference MassFight Needed in Scottsboro Case the