BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE THE LANGUAGE OF BOLSHEVIK DIPLOMACY counter «Ours is a People Government «Your Post Is Not Yet Taken by Debs»
to Germany and Austria; but you our promises of the beginning ofsake of humanity and peace we do made many millions in profits out be a league of settlement of all questions affecting six months have passed since sadoul, of the French Military Mis Russia by Allied troops, including nations participating in the begotiaalso at were waging Our Present Tasks we see this in the But the position the working class can and you and attracted you to our side sist them in their struggle for in denied the opportunity to particip the arrest of twenty heads of capl. inderstanding for the purpose of same process is undoubtedly taking must in the process of struggle go we are ready to follow this road has occurred: While the Russian freely elected representatives, in the the control, which by characteristic those that remain alive, when they the social democracy of Belgium in sive, in its turn, must make the democracy not in words butinern front against the counter rev tlong.
government is the worst break on historic de achieve this we must go through is necessary. Well then, make yourerky to organize the defense of negotiations, with regard to the President the sources of future do not at all desire to wage war does not sufice. In the general them but also without detaching to sweep away all the remnants of East to oppose the Czecho Slovaks omic question which are essential riers and that all peoples, control. People Commissars and your post Council of all (Note of Soviet Comissar ef mainstay of the Russian of the commonwealth, working six Foreign Affairs Chicherin to revolution.
hours in the factory, spends two President Woodrow Wilson, Promises and Performances hours daily for several months in transmitted through the Norlearning the use of arms, so that wegian Attache in Moscow, OetTheir counter revolutionary mu Said Soviet Comissar to President the whole people will know how ober 24, 1918. to overcome the Internal menace.
Mr. President, transportation of grain and petroleum on the Volge, which cut of And so, Mr. President, though we In your message of January 8th to the Congress of the United States for Soviet Russia, for you send of your Red Cross Mission, bad been the Russian workers and peasanto the Councils of Workmen Peas, erla; and however poor and ruined have had experience with your propoint, you spoke of your profound Soviets, which under the threat of were absolutely false. There are cho and other materials and condemned ants. and Red Army Deputles, re: Bussie seems to be so bile ready basis your proposals about a peace victims of the preotiations with the airlighty German and assurance that Soviet Russia misted unfortunate people be pro pensaents of a Russia with your Gov. pot: More resident, Betsafdor about capital, which has not at all suf. or Nations in order that the League then conducting, single handed, ves: Brest peace of violence sreetings under the slogan that unless the heat axperiences of the workers and not the Russian people stais about war, and she expects that American Lision your proposals on the League Imperialism. Your program, ernment and your your But for the tered from this war and has even of Nations should not turn out to declared, demands the evacuation Test of American Capitalism of all Russian territory and such a Good Will may find out, among other sources, the year. And then came another not demand as a prerequisite forlof it, will do its part to help these the nations. Should you not agree of capitalists against from the open letter of Captain pertence as attack on Norto concoral peace negotiations that peoples.
Alms of the League of Nations with us, we have no objection to an Russia as will secure the best and then, and the Russian people have wion, how unfounded this chances American troops, their invasion of tions shall be represented by Coun. But the League of Nations should open discussion of your peace freest co operation of the other na bad sufficient time to get actual tions of the world in obtaining for test of your Government and your The Czecho Slovaks would have cause and without without any cils of Peoples Commissars elected not make impossible any wars will accept our proposals as a basis.
Russian terms. ast the first point of your a declaration of at Congress of Councils of Work only liquidate the present war, pence program demands. If you her an unhampered and unembar. Allies good will, of their compre left Russia in the beginning of the war, the occupation of Russian men s, Peasants and Soldiers De in the future. You must be aware we will easily agree on the details.
tical development and national pol sean people of their intelligent un provided ships for them. For sev. Soviet omlicials and other acts of Government will soon be the genot your country are planning to ap Whicly is the Real President?
tical develspurent and staticere pel selfish sympathy. This attitude of cral months we have waited in violence against the peaceful popu eral form, and that a general peace. Ply in the future the same policies But there is another possibility.
your Goverment and of your Alvain for your Allies to provide the lation of Russia.
when nations will no more be of encroachment and of super profits We have had dealings with the come into the society of free nelles Wels show was organized on to leave, the Czecbo Slovaks tions under institutions of her own conspiracy which first of all in the opportunity chooalns, and, more than a wel. Russian territory with the moments have very much preferred the dent, to co operate with Russia 11 them free to put an end to the tearing competition from Japanese and the Siberian Invasion and we come, assistance of every kind that cial assistance of your French AR Russia of the Czecho Slovaks ja order to obtain for her an unham system and the cliques that forced capitalists, they are preparing a have also had dealing with the need and may herself de lies and with the diplomatic co op the results show for what pered and unern assed opportunter, and which will, in spite of sistance which they meet overcome the re president of the League of Nation upon mankind this universal slaugh. military force sire. And you added that the eration of your Government as well object to their departure for ity for the independent determina: themselves, surely lead the tortur Japan. You are no doubt aware of these the real president actually treatment accorded to Russia her sister nations in e months to aks to whom your Government to the centre the released. and her national policy eleuant al peoples to create Soviet Govern similar plans of the capitalists and directing the policies der eine unul good will be the reci comprehet for furnishing every kind of assistance. The best proof of the real object this co operation took the form of their what sive exact expression to Filing circles of other countries icon capitalist Government? Is not Pher needs as distinguished trom made to create a present for de berehe tact Center thought ne centre of troops, and later, in Archangel Agreeing to participate other peoples. Knowing this, you government of the American corIntelligent and unselosh sympathy states by spreading false stories to Slovaks have not taken advantage one but people to use he will of the people we were persons, who have hlways made use short, u sovernment of the American intelligent and eneste stand top the between Russia and the United tlu Siberian railway, the Czecho. Murmansk and the Pur East, ot sent in negotiation with even such will have to agree with us that the porations, of the American Indus. at Brest Litovskers had seized the Siberian rail order of the Entente Governments to the rule of the oppressing and ex. like on our part to against German Imperialism appar. way, ently only intensified your sympathy after them Colonel Robins, the head remained in Russia to become the was overthrown by the dominion you, Mr. President, in detail what of the vast means of production capitalists? And is it not possible but your own officers, and whose directions they follow, have plolting classes, whose pousants of Russia in November de materne, certion you the League created by the masses of the people that the proposals of the powerle 1917. The revival of the Russian the crowning work of peace. You foreign countries in order to reap of Nations will result in new chains LEON TROTSKY counter revolution which has aldemand the independence of Poland, super profits in return for the bene for the peoples, in the organization ready become a corpse, attempts Siberia, Belgium, and freedom for its forced on them, their stuggle of an international trust for the exto restore by force its bloody dom the peoples of Austria Hungary, for spoils, resulting in imperialistic Hoitation of the workers and the suppression of weak national In Ination over the Russian people You probably mean by this that wars such was the experience of the the masses of the people must Expropriate the Capitalists this latter case, Mr. President, you Russian people, instead of co opera everywhere first become the mas. We propose, therefore, Mr. Presl will not be in a position to reply tion for the unembarrassed expresters of their own fate in order to dent, that the League of Nations be to our questions, and we will say a league of free based on the exproporclathered the ware! Millions of your brothers, The victory of national socialism not a question of reformism in the ship. You, socialist workers, domised them, Mr. President, in your nations. But strangely enough, we capitalists of all in Germany brought about in other wide sense of the word but of the not agree to this road. You bope declarations.
do not find among your demands your country, Mr. President, the thrown at each other throats by Communist but of democratie tend safeguard their organizations and gained but also to move forward countries not the strengthening of instinctive desire of the workers to not only to save what has been Wilson Assistance to Russia the liberation of Ireland, Egypt or banks and the industries are in the the bourgeoisie of all countries encies. In an especially clear form their rights. From this purely along the road of democracy. Good!
You have also, Mr. President, pro Philippines, and we would be very capitalists that, as your personal fields, and the capitalist leaders England and Norway.
dependence. Actually this is what ate together with us, through their talistie cliques and the transfer of suppressing with united forces place a a offensive with. we to possess, into the hands of the caused the war!
olution, which has betrayed them Your Post Is Not Yeb Taken ture go through a period of a new revolutionary tasks and consequ. his own way that in the present threatening particular will in the nearest fu masses more susceptible to great deeds. Everybody admits each into German Imperialism and was For the Cancellation of War Debts masses of the world is all that would be required to destroy the by Debs.
political scent. That rcformism ently to our program. But to conditions strong their independence, We would also, Mr. President, principal source of new wars.
while they were using all their en very much like to know, before the If you will agree to this, Mr.
However, Mr. President, since we velopment and that the social dem the period opening up before us party open up a real struggle for their territory against Germany at formation of a League of Nations, wars will thus be destroyed, then against the United States, even 18 ABC to us. But the ABC alone first ranks, without dissolving in for this it is necessary art or su forbed Westerwe lite troops to were to be the solution of many econ be easy to remove all economie bar reto please contaiseurs historic decline of reformism just from them.
as in the decline of capitalism, the feudal state. It is necessary to who were bringing them slavery for the cause of tuture peace. You uing the means of production, will Whoot yet taken by Eugene Diebs The Stalinists (and their miser give the suffrage to all men and and oppression, and to the North do not mention the war expendt be vitally interested in exchanging whom you have imprisoned; since periods of temporary rise are inevitable. The candle burns most able imitators, the Brandlerists) women who reached their 18th against your allies and your troops, turog this unbearable burden which the things they need. It will then we do not at all desire to wago war brightly before it goes out. The declared democratie slogans under birthday, also to the soldiers in which had invaded their territory, the masses would have to carrybe a question of an against. munism to absolutely correct but the world for India which did not legislative and executivo power 10 ary organized by these troops.
renounce payments on the loans to which produces what it can best not yet been replaced by Council countries. De ve a les Presidentthe test of of and the League of Nations of People Commissars with MacThe destructive policy of the son national revolution; for Spain your party open up a serious cam: the relations between the tonited You know as we, Mr. Prest league of mutual aid of Lan at its head; since we have of the workers state has not only must yet find the ways for trans arouse millions of workers, let it states and Russia gave quite die dent that this war is the outcome the tolling masses. It will then no desire to wage war against but has also slven to the social olution into a socialist one; for of the masses. This at any rate have been expected from your mee nations, that the governments of to the limit necessary for the main government of Clemenceau has not compromised revolutionary methods forming the creeping bourgeois rev. conquer power through the drive ferent results from those that might of the policies of all capitalistic be easy to reduce the armed forces France, even though the capitalist by a Appeal to Anrican Workers government of democracy, defiled by crimes and Germany, where the crushed and would be a serious attempt of sage to the Congress. But we have all countries were continually pt1 tenance of internal safety.
treacheries, the opportunity of rats. atomized proletariat is deprived of struggle against Fascism and war. reason not to be altogether din ng up armaments, that the ruling We know very well that the have concluded peace with the ime perialist government of Germany, the counterthat it would, therefore, be ex to create this internal menace, just teater er noe salvation cracy as the earlat of which does not takitolea na uchem o not take upon ourselves have shown the workers and peas. ing paid to these policies with moitalists are now attempting, with as allen as wethe Workmen and The Workers Dread Fascism Tens of millions of workers are ports the suppressing a deep mistrust, sup the political responsibility for the ants of Russia the the stata counter revolutions. and the lions of lives and with economic thoaid e Americite, met gelisah wina Peasants RevolutionaryGoverno alarmed to the very depths of their ism Vandervelded Co. The we would honestly ou in the foreign supporters, thereby creating run, should yet pay to those who French armed forces, to take the ment, from you we finally propose hearts by the danger of ascism. Stalinist deduce the bare renuncistruggle for such a governament; to among the Russian people an iron are really responsible for the war factories from the workers and the to you, Mr. President, that you with you we would repeito will to defend their liberty and a tribute for thelt policies which land from the peasants. But, he take up with your alles the fol destruction of working class organ purely abstract way from the gendemocratie slogans in a gelaat of bourgeois reaction. More the conquests of the revolution, to resulted in all these countless mithe American workers, inspired by lowing questions and give us preizations and of elementary dem. eral characteristie of our epoch than that, we would bind ourselves defend the land that it has given eries. We propose, therefore, Mr. your idea of a League of Nations, cise and definite replies: Do of the will crush the resistance of the governments of the United States ocratic rights means. The Stalin. as an epoch of imperialism and ot beforeTy actions which go be fall of Kazan, Symbryak, Syzran League of Nations. As to the recrushed the resistance of the Ras Russian people until they agree to ists kept on asserting for the last sociallat revolution.
the American capitalists as we have England and France not to undertake any that it has given the workers. The war loans as the basis of cease demanding the blood of the couple of years that there is no yond the limits of democracy (real difference between Fascism and democracy, that Fascism and social Thus presented, the question con ity of the workers has not conduct you, Mr. President, what were the said waste by the war, we believe German nor any other capitalists pay them a ransom such as a med the who has been suddenly attacked which followed your promises of fortunate Belgium, Poland and Stb will then suffice, it every should in this respect ald the un victorious working class, experience of Germany the work. Democratic slogans and illusions revolutionary dictatorship.
member if so, just what tribute do the ers of the whole world convinced cannot be abolished by decree. It Attitude toward Socialist Workers to create a strongly united and dis governments of the United States, themselves of the criminal absurd is necessary that the masses go England and France demand of the For the coming perlod this should alplined Red Army, which is daily ity of such assertions. Therefore through them and outlive them in Russian people? Do they demand the further of the Stalinist the experience of battles. The task be our attitude towards socialist growing stronger and more power concessions, that the railways, deposits, etc. shall be parties under conditions exception of the proletariat consists in coup and non party workers. Having ful and which is learn ally favorable for the revolution ling its locomotive to the train the intend the revolution.
handed over to them on certain conand taken posketches with deve ratte de The attitude toward us which sire of the workers to hold to the dynamic elements in the present tense, we must impart to this de was actually displayed by your. Little by little something a word about the oral concessions, some part serious prole Goveroment ned by your allies worth whlie is rising to the top stalin.
or Caucasin, or perhaps the Mur.
their democratic rights. Thanks to class; we must make the masses tarian their mase organizations and to defensive position of the working rense We must firmly could not destroy us; on the con above all the confusion and from We also hear that platnitsky has mansk Coast. the ten year criminal policy of the draw conclusions from their own say to ourselves, we shall not allow trary, we are now stronger than we State Your Demands Clearly Stalinized Comintern the political democratie logle, we must widen that which occured in Germany! It were a few months ago, and your under the wreckage of the varlous ces estberling materiallaealously hoe one ende konur groups. The old shop is complete from Germany in preparation for people Red Armagpareh guarding sciousness of the many millioned struggle. And on this road quan scious worker permeate himself negotiations for a general peacely in ruins of the Thaelmanists an attack against Heckert.
their territory and are bravely working class masses not in the tity passes over into quality. through through with the finds us alive and strong and in anothing remains and the one where (In the meantime Piatnitsky has tighting against your invasion and form of a decisive alternative: the dictatorship of Frselsm or the dieThe Bolsheviks In 1917 raise its head. It is necessary sys Russia our consent to join the nego is some talk about the Neumanists, seven birth to his scheme in the against the attacks of your Allies.
tatorship of the proletariat, but in 1917 when the Bolsheviks were im round workers homes, publishing you demand in which ernments of the other Powers of form of a more primitive and measurably stronger than any one houses and clubs with a circle of cupied territories as a condition that does concern o seriously that party to be sure, but only so as to prepared plans for the tools 000 Let us recall once more that in tematically and persistently to surtlations. Note to Germany but no one really knows what they form of a pamphlet The present But your government and the goyevacuation of oc want. They have no people with situation in Germany of the the Entente, undoubtedly, have well vague alternative: Fusclsm or dem of the present sections of the Comproletarian guards. It is necessary which must precede the There is however one group be admits several armistice Take the Situations As It Is intern they continued to demand just as persistently to encircle the during which peace the carllest convocation of the Con hearths of Fascism (newspapers, shall begin. We are ready ther. They have put out a circular in of its political line and tactics of your solaters. We will expect treatinituations as without the voting age, the right of sul proletarian blockade. We must one these conditions, and are stile old experienced ones who always has come as a sort of a second adds clearly and definitely. Should we, said what would happen. In the tion of a Heckert resolution. however, be disappointed should we remain always true to ourselves officials, etc. etc. The main slogan tical, trade union, cultural, sport, sident, and your Allies intend to the same thing essentially as we do will be able to. you be the bitch between fait de prepare for selvom slutte die der all conditber; always and un of the Bolsheviks all power to the cooperative and other working class remove your troops from Murmansk, aside from several stupidities and what it means. In much better finite and precise questions we will general we say draw the only possible conclusion we say openly who soviets meant from the beginning organizations for common actions Archangel and Siberia. You refuse slander. One stupidity in their aside from the fundamental pol. that we are justified in the assum.
we are, what we want and where of April up to September 1917 al for the defense of the Institutions to conclude an armistice we are going. But we cannot force power to the social democracy of proletarian democracy. The Germany will stop the outrages power that stood on the order of in the new leadership is a decep governments of your Alles desire our program on the masses mechan (Mensheviks and Social Revolution more serious and thoughtful, the pillaging, etc. during the evacua business but the conquest of the tive illusion, because Joseph can to get from Russian people a Ically. The experience of the Stalaries. When the reformists en less loud and boastful character tion of occupied terriory. We a majority of the working class; we not admit the mistakes in Germany tribute both in money and la na Inists on this score is sufficiently tered into a governmental coalition the work will have the sooner welow ourselves, therefore, to draw had proposed opportunistic bloc pol especially 16 we are to judge from tural resources of Russle, and tere locomotive to the train of the work put forth the slogan down with letariat, beginning with the youth, Alles will order the Czecho Slovaks uulted front with the middle layers any case it only transitory will tell this to the Russimas people ing class and accelerating its move the capitalist ministers. This alg and the surer it will lead to vle to return the part of our gold res of the Above everything an oor those members half in other countries, and the absence of ment forward, the Stalintsts set nifled agato: workers, force the tory.
their locomotive with a loud whistle Mensheviks and Social Revolutiontowards the train of the proletariat aries to take the whole power into baste characteristics of a That is the way plcture the Kazan, that you will forbid them of Thermidor without however takelined to think there is a good deal a reply from you will serve for us and sometimes even collide with it their hands! The political experi Marxien polley for the coming the workers and peasants during sand coples of this truls of pillaging and outrages against blue platitudes. They issued a thou thirst for material, especially with people will then understand that circular. In regard to questions of building the demands of your government The ences of such policy are evident: falsided by the Stalinists beyond Europe this policy will. of course, encourage their speedy departure, a limited number of solid function won soveral very important lies are so severe has fallen a defenseless victim of consists in re establishing the facto on national circumstances. To fol without walting for your order. aries around them; they are merely people from the middle and higher do not even communicate them to the Russian Government.
Fasciam, in others it putting themselves at the head of party apparatus.
has been and drawing from them the neces the situation and all the shifts in the changes in Ours is a People Government, a universal rebellion in order to CLASSES OF INTERNAthrown back to the positions of sary conclusions for the present Yours is Not.
gram of the Left Oppositionreformism.
the consciousness of the masses With regard to your other peace the last remnant of Stalinism and TIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL George Ray.
Our Tasks Today The Struggle for Democratic and to put forth at every new stage terms, namely, that the Government to parade as the saviours in step The classes of the Brooklyn br. History of the Russian Revolu We. Bolsheviks. Rights.
that slogans flowing from the whole sit, which would conclude peace must with the strains of the of the International Workers School tron Sam Gordon.
the real malvation from Fascism uation in this consists the task of express the will their people, you march music. In the circular they will begin Monday, Dec 4th. Class Wednesday Evenings: Fundament There can be no thought of course and war lles in the revolutionary revolutionary leadership are aware that our Government are very careful to cast all thees will begin at 8:00 and end als of Marxism Joe Carter.
of a serious and protracted regen conquest of power and the estab TROTSKY. fully satisfies this condition. Our blame on the shoulders of the at 10.
Principles of Communism MAX eration of reformism. It is really lishing of the proletarian dictator Nov. 7, 1983 government expresses the will of Thaelmanists. It does not breathe Monday Evenings: History and Prol Geltman.
ing up again over the working class century: for Belgium the prole right to explain to the workers the since the outrages all that is achieved during the last We. Bolsheviks, would retain the satisfied with even these results. wed a polley of annexations, and selfisb capitalist class will attempel with Emperor William at its head, be the consent to Deepen the Channels of Strugklo democracy) so long as the major and Samara should make clear to storation of the countries that were sen capitalists, then neither the democracy are twins. On the tragic tains not even a grain of dialectica! ously placed itself on the side of consequences for us of the actions it is only just that all nations will be a serious menace to pays to the one who attacked him?
and it decline de News from Germany mines, ditions, or do they demandestberia territorand ocracy.
and to our so that only scrap is left of the ence of the only successful prole period. In different countries of their forced departure (for we will actuality to be sure, they have only further. Trade Unions. We have and of the governments of your Alconsider