AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1933 «Nol» Unser Wort Reply Red Fleet Greeted with Cry: Long Live Trotsky Statement of Goldman on to the Hitler Plebiscite During Visit to Greece Joining Communist League SO baye Ilie must not with the leaflets of tbe organization bade no gesture and did not ache bureaucrats of the Unemployment Insurance. Slogan to Unite Teachers and Workers the Roosevelt Monetary Policy it Members not yet system as crul years ago.
It was dictated almost completely that this contraction is not a tem ing to present its case for united (The following article, re We Internationalist. Communiste In joining the Left Opposition Stalin path means inevitable disprinted from Unser Wort, the fundamentally have a different Athens, Oct. 28 shouts: Long Live the Red Fleet wear for themselves or for their am doing that which every thinking aster and betrayal of the internaof point of view on the national quesAn extensive agitation was car and Army! LODE Live Trotsky! wives, stockings and watches. They revolutionary Marxist should notional working class, including the Leninists, was published prior to the Nazi plebiscite on the tion. For us, the main enemy is ried on by our comrades among the The second day was the sailors which were it bad condition, sbor: fail to do. That the stalinist bu. Russian. This explains why German imperialism, the represen sitors of the Red Beet during the from withdrawal of tative of exploitation and the artitive days they stopped over in the The sailors, in groups with officers in their noon. bour meal (they ate the world revolution and uses the Nation enthusiasts are tlocking to the League of Nation and the ficer of the next war, and not the port of Phalere.
visit the on the Acropolis) they ate a cheap phrase only in the ritual on holiday the banner of Stalinism at the time sanccioning of Hitler foreign treaty of Versailles, whose abolition museums. It was then that we bud quality of bread and margarine.
celebrations should by this time be when revolutionary Marxists are expolicy. Ed There are many reasons for the cavo conlevere Pollowed en mationalise you to onestroye Stondaye medruku: tensive agitation. group of combuilt in the u. made a well informed can only help our enemies. We and two destroyers entered the the ouportunity to carry on an ex. The cruiser Kranny Kavkaz. clear to everyone who keeps fairly pelled from the Communist parties.
with ideas and When in the early yurt of 1903 Hitler Plebiscite and the withdraw wolicy as do the malerable epigones The first day was del mirals paid he sailors were accompunied up on the journalists and the officers revolutionary Marxist to assert anded the truth of revolntionary Marx.
to officiai rades distributed leatlets in Hussian great impression, by its armament events.
became acquainted with Trotsky al froin the League of Nations. In ot Bolshevism. We have always visits. The eight to them in the Archeologic museum, and generally by its construction, the first place they seem to What it is incumbent upon every immediately know who representfought it as a policy which strengtheir respects to the minister of been dictated by the daily worries thens tive exploiters and brings war the Navy. The minister returned the to the station with sbouts: ong of the Greek IV. They wrote emphasize that the abandonment ism. hoped, however, that the these worries do not permit us of the world revolution represents Communist International would be predict the fall of German Pase this Hitlerite policy which despite miration, etc. The rolice were the masses, today again, against es of friendship and mutual edited Army! Long Live Trotsky! On Concord Square the police attacked The flere left for Naples, Italy in the greatest danger to the Soviet compelled by the force of events to ism, nevertheless we neglect them.
First, there is the trial on the forwar. There is only one way: were full of dicks and bulls. Butler, who had crashed the ranks ortunity, will also be present there tolket gives evidence of his viuc Kichen was not conrade, as well as a worker sympath go dlso to Marseilles. The oppor. lectuals Stalin that it was vessary to folof its pacifistic phrases is preparing the harbor. The streets of by statcaanship concet low comrade Trotsky in making an burning of the Reichstag which is to reject this shameful plebiscite of the admirals leet the murdered lets. Under coercion the sailors Only exists in die mindst Trotsky is the wild revolutionary teties of the Comintern. Only my the suitors and distributed the car to the stilors of the ited Fleet rating on building socialism and transigent truly not a glorious page in the the organizers of hunger and the lor Navy, their auto Wall history of Fascism, and which seri. hungmen: ously compromises the Hitler gov. NO!
and the admirals were greeted with cept the leatlets.
the ernment before the foreign world.
working class revolutionist my wympathics lay. The party On the Acropolis another strong There are also the differences in of comrades inixed with the functionaries knew that followed sailors and discussed with them.
Trotsky weitings very closely and the leadership which they will not be able to stifle or minimize for expressed some displeasure but at very long. There is, moreover, the ed an intense Interest, but the ofrapid decline in the confidence and ficers intervened and pushed them that was not worker but an intellectual enthusiasm of the petty bourgeois it way. There were sailors who insulted the name of comrade Trotmasses gathered from reports of My five months in the Soviet Unall parts of the Reich. All this sky. But a great number remain.
ton in 1988 left me more disturbed makes it necessary to do some The growth of the population, cd teachers. It conforms to the cd silent and showed a kind of The government money policy in of course this is only half of than ever. On the one hand saw something. divert the at the struggle agaiust illiteracy, the bitter need of the unemployed for astonishment to see so many Trot Lelation to the national recovery act the story. The other hall. which torics, while on the otice hand the popular masses, to Tim a specialization of knowledge and sconomizers of a lever to lower the radebalans blom in proche dicer. com. reached a critical stage. strug that without a revolutionary party in the party, and working class body for the creation of a new ods all make necessary an expansion At bottom the problems of the sky is Another, bearing the bourguisie over met beds to be used insignia of the pushed him against other imperialists, the mid. tionary leadership, there cannot be tunately national united front. The field or of the educational system of the educational system are insolubleway and insulted him. For three dle class at home and the workers terul revolution HD mattery In the last month of my came in contact with an Amexternal national police is quite United States, particularly what is except on the basis of the appropriate to this end. Nowhere called the free school system. But revolution. Sooner or later the hours our comrades persisted, sing of the world has been through a low ditent the situation of caprican Jewish worker Kharkov, talism is.
and my first enthusiasm engender had the agreement with the baseist the contrary, under the pressure of will lead them into the channels of Tying them with questions on the NRA this struggle, which was Drastic Steps To Be Taken. by the appearance of huge facthe expulsion of comrade Trotsky Otlicially tories wus tempered by a more inpopulation been greater: nowhere the crisis the capitalists are trying the revolutionary movement.
Inaugurated In the money policy of the govtimate knowledge of the life of the has the noisy work of the Fascistes, among other means, by easing zation of a struggle for defense and Today the problem is the oryant. and the fate of Rakovsky.
clection of Roosevelt, was some crnment, all of the mild methods of Soviet worker as revealed to me by At Every Step what concealed. Now borne better fruit. In no estion the tax burden through monomy to roller. Oks there who efforts the But what caused most surprise broken out in the open.
has intration huve been tried. Now in th New York machinist who left the dications are that more drastic United States because he heard It is no accident that the present steps are to be taken. This is one Olgin. in a lecture, describe the market. Chanks to perimeterum are expense of the educational system. Their growerful enemies. They need as they strolled along in small controversy rages around a second of the reasons for the present at Soviet Union as a veritable parativity of the Socialist and Commun can be gunged from some figures have the same enemies.
The toll this economy has exacted sistere from the workers who groups they encountered Trotsky ary jane such as the monetary luck ist parties, than in this field.
ists at every step who greeted policy. It seems to be an excellent cates. Some say that Roosevelt 18 Testimony of Russian Party given in a recent resolution presentEven if this plebiscite was not ed to George Look, United States In the struggle for unemployment them with the shout: leatlets point of attack for the tating the intiationists with incapitalists. At the same time is Hation, meaning that he is using an organized comedy whose re Commissioner of Educution, by four surance the teachers have a Trotsky! and handed the The economic hardships for the sults are made to order by the Min hundred representatives of forts with that of the workers movement. answered with insults. But some important struggle. Due to his gov. direct currency inflation. Others were not in themselve however, ns of joining their struggle There were cases where the sallors convenient wer for the more mild forms of intation to head on workers and ister for Reichstag Fires, that is, educational organizations. More sufficient the Minister of Propaganda Hitler than 000 children of school in the Cincinnati, 1932 and Wash of them (those who were not ac ernment position Dr. Nprague was do not desire to be kept in the to cause one to change his views ter than on any other. The impos tional opportunity ng results of these elections back 12, 000 rural schools failed to open ment Insurance. We do not expect where the sailors bought foot wearury financial adviser is hailed by the issuance of a statement Indicat. 1981, the effect of the adventurous and the five ror, compared with which the be added the curtailment of school the movement for it of thier ownished to find leaflets of our organi into wharp relief the different view of the present drift in the Roosekulak as class year plan in et union of store employees who were true. Nevertheless the question repean economists visite fully apprent. There was a great in motion by pressure from democratie freedom, will appear in material like text books, the well supplied with leaflets enclosed mains a secondary one.
the eyes of the outside world ed classrooms and the other easily rank and file.
them in the purchases made by the Dr. Sprague Statement inform the dollar defenders which has no real notion of this imagined injurious effects of this The teachers now have an oppor sailors. There were also characthat five year plan would Witness Dr. prugne understands the dif they took the identical steps sev marked improvement.
What was most disturbing was stration of the German people on Whay all this means to the teaches to be mehamettatilor de toe teristic scenes in which on the one of the cancant on this favor of Hitler. There are important es can be seen from statements in tion of Teachers is a part of it. The band the bureaucrats showed their culties of love to which the 1But underlying and more funda. the intellectually ifline atmo of score than his criticisin sailors were subjected tasks of activity and propaganda the same resolution. One in every massage of the resolution for un the mental than the offensive over the sphere in the party. Several times Roosevelt money rolley was the monetary policy of the administra narty members, when with me group of sailors were making following statement by Dr. Sprague: tion is the struggle of the capitalist hone, isked me in a whisper conHitler step the withdrawal celving less than 750 per year. running gives a good basis to raise Capitalism cannot Nurvive un group working for greater govern cerning the whereabouts of Trotfrom the League of Nations Thousands of teachers are receiving the question of doing something purchases at a store. The gulde far deeper consequences than the trivial interests of daily agitation.
Not Temporary Phenomenon the teachers movement a card of the sailors said: No, it is Trotsky solve the major problems which against the capitalist individualists. He was in Turkey. The party mitent There is good reason to believe entry to almost every union meet ist. All the Greeks are Trotskyists are breaking it down, which have al. And also there is the struggle over her had a grotesque picture of only mobilizer Joxen Bureaucrats. nou any that reaking soxution Slike noge und expenses of the govern euston in the parts content ries perialism after the war. The im economy is not likely soon to disthis important activiSTAMM.
who gathered in the Acropolis in the final breakdown will come two ment for which at present there are volved around how best to carry perialist contradictions being op appear. The crisis is not over. The a very wise disturb the fewer, so as not to years from now.
no means of equalixing throughout the party line. It was no longrelations of German Imperialism, suffering in continue to squeeze for greater the two countries. This was the that the middle class will have to living.
Communist er USA at is, group to reach forse resistant to recibo profits and greater economies. And Greetings to Australian Style demonstration of the erstaho: Pioneer Publisher Notes taxes the besedeon tehehe theatre cele recentemente interneto release batera obtain it as an independent force it given the right of entry on the behests of the leader.
succeed in overcoming, it will suing of green backs and currency ing out be endeavors to become an equal ally succeeded by others of a deeper Militant Warships. The most characteristic on Pamphlets inflation is the best method. This Upon my return to the United treated with equality and esteem. character. It our present experithing was that the sallors did not is not only a condict between the states was determined to give For only a war, openly posing the ence means anything It Indicates dare to speak to anyone. Even pamphlet on the history of big capitalists and the middle class, the Chicago workers who were in world, could re establish its own system will increase and cut deep end of the world bearing the title terpreters, the sailors did not acparation and will be published by and maintaining their power at was right in his criticism of Stal status. In this connection, Hitler er.
consolidating convinced than ever that Trotsky 1s only continuing what was begun It follows that tbe employed teach newly formed Austrialian section the Pioneer Publishers. This pam Home and abroad with the least in economie policies in the so The Attitude of the Sailors ler.
of their living and working condi opposition de toeka ustralien Mal as to the general attitude of the Periut showing the revisionist citu ketidan hoe francese, te internet begion strugglerin sente populared Genevations if they do not organize and tant is a twelve page mimeograph. sailors they were silent, austeretion of Soviet foreign policy under tional field is as fundamental as therefore omitted many things in the utilization of the Japanese ex ed teachers and the thousands more problems facing the working class store one of the always withide from the first Commisar of Foreign. at hoine. For, in the last analy simply warned my listeners not to perience. The great powers of the who are qualifying to teach will in Australia and internationally. party insignia, remained outside Affairs to the present incumben, sis, the leading imperinlistx desire so to the Soviet Union for the purLeague of Nations have so demon. never do so they wait for the There is powerful testimony and watched. They all bought foot from Brest Litovsk to Washington. to bave the dollar siling the sven Dose of remaining there.
Comrade Shachtman has been as seas as the dominating internation The German Lesson parture of Japan, tbet Germany, provide them with the opportunity the growing strength of the ideas of CHICAGO signed to prepare this material al exchange when monetary agree It was the German situation and still worker, has permitted itself to Together they should struggle for Marxism as represented by the do likewise.
the expansion of the educational Bolshevik Leninists in the appear. INTERNATIONAL LABOR FORUM This pamphlet is intended for widement can be reached on a basis the insane policies followed by the 2557 North Avenue distribution at low cost. Its quick satisfactory to America. bureaucrats that convinced me The unparalleled economic de system and resist its contraction. ance of a group of comrades and appearance is imperative. Many Every Sunday P.
cadence has forced Germany of the necessity of an open fight to For this they need unity. The a paper advocating them in tar Increase In Foreign Trade workers will be intensely interested look for quick solutions DECEMBER SCHEDULE against these policies. It became The Increase in foreign trade for obvious that not to struggle against to unemployed should support the away Australia. We take particudesert the path of patient negotie struggle of the employed against her ride in making this announce Dee. The Crisis in Chicago Faludding to their store of Narxlan the month of October is reported the Comintern mnemounted to in learning its contents and thus cation.
tions. Experience has vindicated curtailment of school facilities as ment not only because the new knowledge. Financial contributions enthusiastically by the capitalist an actual betrayal. Comrade Trot the position of Germany. No one every successful resistance increas paper is a namesake of our organ GEORGE MAHIN.
Executive Secretary are needed so that wants today to engage in war with the possibility of advancing to and because of its reprinting of Chicago High School can make its appearance without able part of this gain to the desky was absolutely correct in his open and uncompromising struggle to pose the question of sanctions moet the begin to homem plonya particular responsibiliter Dec. 10 Science and social changes to share on Fast 10th Street, reconegut com and trade, through to low prekinge spending agenast false to imagine that Germany cess to this directions removes a section of the Bolshevik Leninista.
credits on American terins, are re: the line, was immediately wants to go to war tomorrow. Sev threat against the lowering of It was the Militant that carried the Physiology Dept. Unlv. of garded as a step to Increase the expilled.
eral years of preparation are nec their own standards through the message to them.
ASPECIAL OFFER exports and regain markets.
essary. Stin less does it Dec. 17. Nationalism: Real and for Revolutionary greetings to our war against France. In this sense pressure of the unemployed In order that the militant work addition to this Americk holds knew, of course, that beer be given the opportunity to know favorable position in the Pan Amertheless would not join without AXIMILIAN OLAY work.
Hitler speeches are quite sinAustralian comades! More power Love Unemployment Insurance For cere They want to buy the dearand so le diplomacy derrussaud that the tinkering with the financial stoneitex and reading their litera to your progress and success in the Teachers est alliance, but not for war in the leader Anstralian labor movement! We west.
real way for war, partiIn Dec. 24. Religion and Social Proof 1918, Pioneer Publishers is mak structure is only a surface scratch ture over again. The more read The fight for unemployment in are wholeheartedly with you gress.
ing a special offer of the splendid of the problems and contradictions of their position, the more talk.
cularly for Hitler Germany, is the surance is one of the best means of your struggle for the proletarian GEORGE KATSIOLIS ly documented volume. Itussia and confronting American imperialisme with their representatives, the East.
uniting the employed and unemploy. revolution in Anstralia!
Communist orator of note. Germany at Brest Litovsk by Judah At the most such measures can more disgusted became. The twoThe decision of Fascist Germany Dec. 31. Workingclass Internation Magnes published first in 1918.
alism and Decisive Crises. This valuable book together with The more funda problems for the Soviet Union and the other only provide short spells. Stalin idea one the correct Stalin bas sown the greatest confusion in the socialist Communist part Just off the Press (An analysis of the causes Arne Swabeck pamphlet, Unem will have to be tackled and the incorrect one for the capitalist les. Both of them, kicking over leading to the downfall of ployment and the American Workolved to prevent a break down countries was sickening. Herberg Marxism, have accused Hitler not the workers Internation ing Class will sell for 25 rents HUGO OEHLER. article in the Modern Monthly nationalism, but of lack of naals. explaining the position of the The whole agitation of JOSEPH GIGANTI Lovestoneites was the last straw.
the up to the month of of Chicago Left Opposition It is pitiful for anyone to attempt tends to to inake such a sharp distinction national demonstrate between Stalinism in the Soviet The Deutche Freiheit stemmers BROOKLYN OPEN FORUM Union and in the capitalist counON.
JACK WEBER tries. It is a denial of Marxism pitifully that the action of Hitler leads to a worsening of the positions on for anyone to say: the principles of Germany as if it were paraHISTORY AND PRINCIPLES THE AND THE AMERare correct, only the tactics are ICAN WORKING CLASS wrong graphs and statutes and not relationship of forces which decide.
OF THE LEFT OPPOSITION Friday, December 8, 1933, P.
The Principles of Marx and Lenin MILITANT HALL atler is still not national enough 154 Watkins St. cor. Belmont St. HOT JAZZ BAND have joined the Left Opports for the We will be curious ADMISSION 10 CENTS because it represents the to know whether the wins of the international revolutionary single Nazl with the help of this working class. It is clear to me actio. But at the same time the THE MILITANT Germania Hall, 16th St. 3rd Ave.
that the principles upon which it has fallen into another Entered as a second class mail stands are based upon the teachings contradiction. While the By MAX SHACHTMAN matter November 28, 1928, at the December 31st 1933 of Marx and Lenin and free from Collows the line of the Post Office at New York, UD.
the Alth and revisionismo eign policy of the S. Litand his obedient satellites in the der the act of March 3, 1879.
vinov has already embraced HerPublished Weekly by the Communist Soviet Union and in the capitalist riot; Pilsudsky and Molotov send 100 countries.
League of America (Opposition)
PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES telegrams of protest against the He who understands the princi EDITORIAL BOARD German disturbed in the ranks of Martin Abern James Candon ples of revolutionary Marxism and the League of Nations. The entire Max Sbachtman who is not afraid to struggle for Maurice Spector policy of the last years has deprived Cents in Bundles of or More; Order from: Arne Swabeck those principles has only one road Admission: so Cents to follow to build a new Vol. VI, No. 54 (Whole No. 201)
party the of its independence on the international arena ar PIONEER PUBLISHERS 84 10th St. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1933 and a new International under the forces it to follow one or another Subscription rate: 00 per year Auspice; New York Local, Communist League of America (Opposition)
leadership of the Left Opposition.
Foreign 50 cents per copy 10. ALBERT GOLDMAN.
question of a new division of tbe that the attacks on the educational receipt of another paper from a tarlases offered their services as in under the Stalin regime is in pre the big capitalists themselves as to the Soviet Union. Though more We are happy to announce the when people knowing foreign langu Soviet diplomacy under Lenin and It is a struggle within the camp of terested a more realistie picture of and delay. Semel all funds to Pioneer preciation of the dollar in relation is gitinst the revisionism of Stalin and The ot TEN YEARS June stoltreachery of Hitler.
MASQUERADE BALL New Years Eve Stalie Former for