AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCuban RevolutionEnglandGermanyImperialismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers Party

PRICE THE MILITANT 2 CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist Lengue of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter. November 28. 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME VI, NO. 54 FWHOLE NO 2011 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1933 PRICE CENTS Biased Judge Rushes American Imperialism at the Montivideo Congress Shoe Workers to Negro Boys to Chair a Merge Unions Independents at Boston Convention prohibi a single bring Hotel Union Shows Gains An union stands in a class by itsellas ther economie penetration by Am. Pention will be the National shoes for genuine Needle Workers mer Nazis Doom 91 related one beiden asemenea Misled by Right Workers as the only Wing in to Long Terms other fuir. He gave the defeuse its dar 100s and those, poorly Organized. constructing something tangible for every week at which the problems ica to export surplus capital The court Issued statements of its vention in its deliberations and Jew lawyers from New York to play Workers Union was no exceptionarily through such forces as she decided. The joining of belboys and, at the same time, enable her own accord. The leuder atletety progressive tendency in the Drive the motion to be the Stass meetings will be held twice Santiago highway to stage of the court stuffelburg Where beating workers on an independent basis The Seventh Pan American Con year military action in Halti, in perialism and of spokesmen for convened December at the present Anancial supervision in the economic factors and ques: tervention in Latin America, and British imperialism.
Montevideo, Uruguay with twenty Haiti which reveals how the Roosetions to be considered at the confer: No Reliance on Capitalist Justice; Only Mass rented nuper listen erican delegation, headed by See with great speed for better imperforms. Pressure of Workers Can Save Scottsboro Boys etter enters are properto de los list domination are attempting to avoid these probhas not lems which will interfere with the sates and to attempt to iron out spoken yet. But it is very doubt further development of the NRA and For the third time in three yearsScottsboro there is no essential and side track some of the most rul, it the petti bourgeois govern the struggle of the Dollar vs. the a jury of his peers has found difference. Scottsboro is a legal difficult problems that are sure to ment will go beyond words, and Pound. The Government is Heywood Patterson guilty of the version of St. Josepl. Priests can set the conference if they are this only rape of Victoria Price, locally not approve it with indisturbed con thrown open for discussion on the ing power and compromise with 9th, which said in part: Unsettled will be on Boston next Monday. Salem, with about 2, 000 members.
the sake of bargain sued a statement on November the The eyes of the labor movement tendent Shne Workers Union of orious prostitute, and condemned sciences. Editors en congratulate toor. This is the first Pan Ameri. American Imperialism. It is very conditions, such as European com December 11, when the amalgam hood of Shoe Workers and Allied him to death. The capitalist best the nation on the triumple of law come interestige bed hela tine saubriters the role valperen Neem desirable for the United station convention of the independent Craftsmen of Brockton, with about The attempt to bring the Brotherprey. The wheels of justice are tic the reformers can alt sleep when the economie life of Latin get a word into the proceedings. tes to forego immediate discussions unions of shoe workers convenes 11, 004) members, into the amalgamamoving now with er speed easier. Capitalism can breathe more America is almost at a standst What opposition does materialize on such matters as currency stabil for the purpose of uniting them into tion movement has not yet succeedthan they did last April at the last freely.
as a result of the crisis within the will be that of the nationalist bour ization, uniform Import body. This convention ed because of official opposition, but trial, almost as fast as the San Jose The Meaning of Justice leading imperialist natiours, parti geols opposition to American imtions, permanent custom duties and comes as the culmination of long a strong rank and file sentiment and St. Joseph lynch noobs did, and These the like.
struggle of the rank and file to for the initiation exists there also Scottsboro should open the eyes cularly the United States of second time for the same crime. meaning of justice in capitalist Latin American have long ago been Clurence Norris is standing trial of the last doubting Thomanto the secondary capitalistatious real discussion on the above the face of the most stubborn re. Independent Unions in Shoe Industry points, and not mere talk by puppet sistance and sabotage of the conThe shoe Industry has tong been the verdict will be in and the trial on one that only the workers powers. The leading capitalist na delegates, would really be stepping servative officials. When the de noted for the multiplicity of indeof the third or maybe even the can get the boys of: only the worktions, such as the United States.
The shoe workers fourth Scottsboro boy will be over. ers organized in a powerful move crisis burden onto the lesser nahave atteinpted to shift part of the reason America hopes to keep these day they will stand instructed by were forced onto this path by the The Impartial Jury points of the Agenda. The ques referendum vote of the organizasystematic betrayals of the official ment of mass demonstrations.
tions of Latin America.
The jury which tried Patterson When the workers put a pressure The conference has been comper tion of debts is important, but Am. tions to take the necessary steps to of Lody, the boot and Shoe and the juries which will try the on the capitalists by protest de erica does not care to talk debts bring about the unification. The Workers Union. Even from the other defendants are supposed to monstrations the judicial fossils wind to the last London conference New York The waiters at the when her creditors are bankrupt referendum carried by the overstandpoint of typical American reand may ask for moratorium; whelming mujority of more actionary unionism, this label be made up of impartial men who discover that any number of laws the capitalist press says the Mona Hotel Montclaid, have gone out on rather it is wiser to see what lave no lixed ideas about the in and statutes and decisions have will accomplish for America, what strike under the leadership of the be done to use these debts as clubs Directly represented at the con zation. The impulse of the work It can 30 to corrupt trupt and boss serving organlnocence or guilt of the boys. They been violated, by Callahan, by the predbe med hit you wish governor, by the president, by god the London conference falled to a Hotel and Restaurant Workers Unline the countries up for furyou can helfeve that they have no iecie. That is the day the 1599 complish for world capitalism. How ion, branch of the Amalgamated. in almost every prejudices against other men mause can be saved from death. That is even in het centrum probiens donaret Food Workers. The strike is a of the Wall Street sovernment hope Workers who are verbinten, tweeters reside through the medium et inde even if economic problems hold the the wage scale of 64 omts a day for to accomplish. America is the proximately 30, 000; and the Inde hess of their movement arose from (Continued on Page 4)
jurymen are all local residents in center of the stage at the Pan Am hours forced on the waiters by creditor, facing this condition, is none too numerous community crican conference, the management after the new opposed to debt discussion; many the inability up till now to bring where the Scottsboro case has been At Montevideo there will be a hotel code went into effect. The of the debtors, on the other hand, the various independent organizathe subject of discussion for years.
a How many sat in the courtroom meeting of unequals. The leading workers demand 12. 50 a week, no hope to force discussion.
tions together; the conservative of during the previous trials? Leastable to hold a conference with 20 with the captains, the house to keep will agree to discuss debts so long ways we are asked to believe that other nations under the self maile uniforns elean, and decent food.
the two main organizations, block as the discussion does not lead to these men heard a good deal of the Monroe Doctrine argument on the case, participated The strike wave of the past seajurisdiction went of which New York. Last week we report decisive action.
the in it, read the editorials in the velt hopes to modernize with his ed the new orientation of the Hotel Regardless of what form the eco son gave the necessary impulse to Southern papers urging them to How diplomacy. Cerhe London cos and Restaurant Workers Union or nomic discussion mayor take me the movement from below and car Synch the damned niggers. and e is ried it forward with a surging still have open minds. One has to imperialists of Europe and Amer workers of the Union understand an American Imperialist set up for militaney to the present result. It be as simple and trusting as a child Los Angeles. The Los Angeles icu: the Montevideo conference is that they can expect very little the benefit of American Imperialism 91 members were arthe delegates at Boston succeed in set up of capitalist propaganda book. These history. Once more the reaction tost of to believe this fairy tale out of the demakers strike has passed into the the delegatemperialism. from the NRA, and that only the To strip the issues bare, the ested in the month of August in carrying out the mandate of the are puppets: is primarily boro bwys no matter what they say istradorably have caused a millore the night or Yankee ihoperial workers that were discharged with standpoint to streugthen their under 1, man taimede sin het program for the final amalgamation of men are all set against the Scotts ary policies of a class collaboration Obers will be forced to complete strength to put back to work the in the following from an economic Dresden by the locul Storm contatto file and come out of the tunt uprising of workers to become ism or stand the consequences. The out any reason at all.
over Latin unannounced in the press the a If there was one among them who discontented and disorganized.
The Despite that The huge new headquarters of ſeries in the struggle against imperialist powers front of the courthouse.
larly, Fugland are forced to pound our Union facilitates much of its other imperialists. To arrange long Bathered in Produndreds of workers for the shoe workers of the counhad any lingering doubt, the way are Towers particu.
Judge Callaban run the trial would Los Angeles is notoriously an of them gain have removed it. Callahan was open shop town with very few un attempt to prevent America from restatwants and clubs take place projects, which will enable Amer bedreission to the proceedings and hope of the advanced Workers The press was not admitted either. everywhere will be with the con in court. Sure, he didn allow the The International Ladies Garment itsele, kugland will do this prim. of the Union are discussed and vital for America Internal life Wescort tricks on the court. He defender lo the rule. The only membership can muster within the Latin Amer. housemen, chambermaids, elevator to use these projects to further couched to the troopwarding the labor movement be strengthen Southern womanhood. Yes, sir. seinad was in the cloukmakers can countries for policies that was men and women se bringing about solidate her Latin American em cvetliche rarested workers ed and encouraged by its success Cards Dealt from the Bottom accused are warned that in case Bright Prospects of New There isn a white farmer in ist leaders. The reactionary right wing and Social. tional demands of this or that trial union, aided also by the com The American delegates are em they disturb the trial by any kind Independent Union the neighborhood who could have uerhaps, a 10 membentukers ld. Latin American country.
ing together of native and foreign powered to offer a half a million of shouts or remarks, they will be the bright prospects for the emthe past, Argentina been boru the to of nocence against the bias of the upthe one right justice charge to the jury tide is and his twowilderius judical hair organization began to pervade the conference, not only because of its in the afternoon. Last Friday eve engineering sarvey for a proposed ment is based on confessions made Howing strongly in the from the bottom of the deck. That the ranks of the cloakmakers be because England has been fighting ported on the fight which we put railroad.
These projects will open ment in the People House. It again that the labors movement what he is there for.
daerah the shaka keras and American Inperialism tooth and up in Washington against the codes the forth errestertone Amer herstate and the people, the issue or arbitrary pattern, but takes its Carlaban does his job well. with it the right to There nothing raw like the stur from then ou cau be marked the within this first rate Latin Ameri. means of keeping our conditions can imperialism. The aims of the ance of legal papers, betrayal of own course in different industries Hortou pulled and the speeches pro turn. The agitation for a com. can country, secutors Knight and Wright made plete organization of the cloak. War and revolution will be dis number of shop delegates, James loan conference are the further ex organizations. of the accused are stances. If the general developments in the last trial. It all strictly makers became less veiled, less cussed extensively in the different Cannon also spoke at this meet tension of American domination under 18 years of age, the major of the past months dealt a crush according to Hoyle Callaban is secretive, more effective. The cloak cauenssex. Bolivia and Paraguay Ing.
the elimination of other imperialist ity are between 18 and 30, one overing blow to those who prescribed carrying out the order of the Supmakers were fully almost com are in the midst of the Chaco war. On Tuesday, November 22, Burkcontenders and a straight jacket for 31 of the men were put under the arbitrary building of new inreme Court to do it over again and pletely and 10 denon art Columbia have not yet barat, cook and bene. Field were the workers and peasants of Latin cross examination the first day of dependent union all song the line cut out the mistakes.
strate thelp came out Nettled the Leticia affair.
Callaban made one serious sline 100 in a o clock walk out and Cuban revolution is in the de the first ones to speak for laboris Amerien to prevent the Soviet identle trial, the remaining 60 on the the specific situation in the shoe hear that militautly demonstrated their or ground. Secretary Hull attempted ing. They took the leadership in olution from becoming a living really about the confessions forced from ot necessity to the constitution of consumed to be out and try naked Sunized strength. At the meeting to inject America good will into presenting the argument for the ity in the Western Hemisphere. ben, others protest openly that a completely independent uuion, reconsumed un bour and a half of of the cloakmakers, a series of de the Chaco War before the couter workers, all the other unions re The conterence is only two days they were mishandled. This is futes the of fetishists no anind the Jury that if they found mands were presented and unani. ence, but Paraguay rejected bis presented except the of Lold. Although it is America set. passed over in silence. The state less conclusively.
labor delegate taking up our demands.
the evidence insulticient to up. There are factors within it attorney asks them whether they The now amalgamated shoe workthe charge against Patterson they eatlling for the general strike if the showed that all was not so well in may do about the Code, the Wall Stket beyond the control of actually believe what they wrote in ers union will not be a dual un prove unanimous adoption of a resolution from Haiti caused uneasiness, and Irrespective of what the NRA that The the tal. Stratige omission! Convenient demands.
will be discussed in that the Nazis set fire to the Reich genuine stag. One of the accused answers try and will be entitled to the un memory! Only when reminded by to the conference, when on the first the eyes of the workers as have later issue of the Militant.
their representatives.
Coincident to the organization of day he condemned American HUGO OEHLER. What Klassenfront reports is the qualified support of the workers in the defense counsel and the pro general opinion of the people. An its struggle for supremacy against secut did he perfunctorily add this the clock makers, came the organi do not believe the of union, the corrupt detail.
xation on dressmakers. The that my other amarades who put out this and treacherous Boot and Shoe That slip gave the whole show difference in the organization of paper would set any false reports away. What of that Bias is no the two groups lay in the fact that atoot.
Tasks of New Union ground for ucquittal in the higher the cloakmakers were, in the main In our opinion the new union The verdict has just been made courts. The learned justices do not old time untou members, with a Less than two months bave piss. In this we proceeded directly from Action Program is the populariza arrive at their decisions by obvious Left wing militant for their man facts and corrective institutions.
tween our question is not whe composed of inexperienced elements claration for the creation of a new to overcome the contradiction be lishment or monthly a theoretica 100 years of prison and 10 years in the efforts to come to an agree ther Callaban showed bias. They who had never before belonged to International and a new Commun heavy tasks and the in organ. We have already made a (The following extracts from a ent) and in waging a determined will take out their legal yardsticka ini, and were represented by ist party in this country. Already adequate forces and material means beginning towards the populariza letter from Dresden, Germany cou battle to organize the entire in.
Brockton Brotherhood (independ and see whether what callaban Pelnberg, class collaborationist there have been a good many in our disposallis to make a bold exction of the contents of The Militant. cerning the trial of the 51 members said ar dil dented the defendant, politician: Rose Pusetta, an anerch dictions of a hearty response from one of the activities. One of We liave reduced its price to put of the socialist Workers Party bens dustry in head on collision with who is presumed innocent until ist opposed to left wing activities: the revolutionary workers. They the most important points in our it within reach of the workers no published in the British New the corrupt Boot and Shoe aff11frightfuly hit by the ravages of er for November 17, 1933. ate of the of The worst proven guilts, fair trial by violat. Paul Bere, Lovestonelte who is come to our greetings in much ing this statute or that law or isOprtunist and at hypocrite and greater numbers than before. Seri OPEN FORUM the capitalist crisis and the new About the methods of investiga danger to the new movement is pre pressure of the recovery meas. tion reports are now coming through sented by those who have some maneuvers with the Boot and Shoe judge no and so in this and that rull of whom worked with the ly, inanifest their live interest in ARNE SWABECK a real builder of this new move it is known that most of the The problem of the new union is Workers Union up their sleeve.
case. You can be as lunatic on the greatest unanimity before and Jur the issue. The response is reflected most directly in the actual grow bench as Itolph of California is in lug the strike.
Just Returned from a Tour ment which, while maintaining eu accused after being arrested were to become a power in its own right of the Country th of the League. New branches tirely. its unequivocal the governor chair, but if you Marxian brought to the Dresden Stormtroops and drive its corrupt rival from the Two days after the cloak position, speaks in terms under barracks in the former Trade Union field with the help of the betrayed want, pour stuff to go over with the walk out dressmakers mass are springing up and nearly every THE PROSPECTS FOR REVWe aim boys higher up you have got to meeting was held where similar de where the existing units are teem OLUTION IN AMERICA standable to the workers Building.
to have it yet more shoe workers still within its ranks make it appear that you are stick mands were put forward and Answer Yes or No ing the influence of the Left Op Friday, December 8, 1933, p. their struggles and aspirations and who only await a favorable oppor ing within the law. If you do they general strike called for. Usually they were brought to a tunity to break away from it and JAMES CANNON serve as an unfailing guide.
will give you the official o.
position and its sympathetic circle.
Leaders Oppose Strike on We plan the publication of a room and commanded to stand by unite with their fellow workers in Learned from Massachusetts To assemble the forces for the Feverish efforts were made by the creation anew of a revolutionary THE MEANING OF THE theoretical organ in the near fu stone pilar. Then a commissioner a genuine labor organization.
And whoever heard of a high leadership to postpone and delay party this is the gigantie task RECENT LYNCHINGS ture. number of new pamphlets been the investigation, continual. The developments among the shoe court saying straight out the man the strike. Every means ware which we have undertaken in this Maryland, Californis, Missouri, are coming up. Organizers are to leged crime was put as a question, tive lesson regarding the real trend What Next?
and when did that happen in the peacefully and conferences and the country. It will test the ability But all of these aims, which are and the rpisoner could answer only of the labor movement. In demon Mooney case? In the Sacco Van the NRA officials. Conference after of every comrade our task is Friday, December 15, 1933, m necessary parts of the big job of otherwise, the stormtrooper punched in the independent union movement stucked against the boys strike, until almost the entire work Cacilitated the labor presteement a 128 mast 16th Street, nr Irving Pl. revolutionary paperces dependent on his face ford that belon tead they prove concretely, at the same all the way up the line.
ing season was over. At the height Whole. The most momentous prob Auspices. Manhattan Branch, Com their fulfilment on the financial struck the stone pillar with terri time, that the organizations of the The strategy of the capitalists is the season, the leadership was lems will be posed before it in the munist Itague of America (Opp. support we receive now from our Stalinists cannot be the medium for comrades and friends. This point results of this treatmnet. The vie. Workers Industrial Union, after It is impossible to describe the its growth. The Shoe and Leather try another Ane lesson. In all the strike, the season was prac correct solution can be advanced Californin. they want to say, and tically over of their own accord, only from the ble of the struggle ADMISSION 15 CENTS RUSSIAN REVOLUTION FILM imperatively. We are depending time almost lost consciousness, and trying in every way to disrupt the crucible rope and the fuggot; but in Alably, they prepared the strike mech: that all the programs will be test scheduled for Dec.
3rd is film on you to stand ow. Funds the more they screamed the more amalgamation movement and to bem they are civilized. There waism while really they maneuvered. To be the most active partici ter Saturday, Dec. ne more work as well as for the promotion. If this first admonition bas been reduced to such a weak pant in it is our alm.
tric chair according to the law. Only two days before the strike held at the Militant Hall, 154 Wat of the new projects in our program they called this brutal treatment position that it had to apply for for years, holding out a ray of hope presented to the strikendomette tory step by openly proclaiming our pices of the film Club of the Io a supporter of the new party of by blows from the rubber trunch convention at the last moment un to them and snatching it away on agreement with a pena master orientation for a new International ternational Workers School. The Communism in a concrete, practic cons on the head and back, until der pressure of its own members al way. Send your contribution to the wretched victims admitted any. The Stalinists contributed nothing again. They learned that from clause Openly, to the members of and a new party. This first decl. ball can be reached by the THE MILITANT thing to avoid further torturo. but disruption and disorganization did Sacco the committee, they advocated its sive step has been followed by the 14th St. Canarsle Line to Sutter 126 East 16th Street In some cases the accused were to the effort to bring the shoe work and Vanzetti.
for beathcombre en el late Profesional dute tot Block Tapete ve New (Continued on page Continued on Page 4)
Between St. Joseph, Mo. and New York City ers together and have completely. discredited themselves.