AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE MARIA REESE ACCUSES. An Indictinent of the Stalinists by a Leader of the German 10 1320, Cumraue Reese, at that you are at the iroul. Tuws you Hitler bug comrades 18 thelby forbidding me to work, because been in the leaders als of. your tbu Mort. Editorial Note: Unser Wort, comrades in arms. But it is your of Committee Politics and the Ger Red Ald is almost without any ignorance, one which would inform its fate, would not have had to to say that of me, pfui. And centrul organ of the Interua. policy that has prevented a prole man catastrophe. Committee Pol. means for its tremendous tasks. us about what to do when the become headless. You had re then he concluded: One would tionalist Communists of Ger tarian nass movement from being itics permits you to live more con Particularly now it would have been Fascists drew back for the final conciled yourselves beforehand to think that hod know something.
many, publishes in its lust issue created, that movement which alone, veniently. Besides, the line has easy to build it up and to create blow. You were always so boast the heavy fate that was to befall And now comrade Torgler is actual sensitionul letter sent by Maria can offer the necessary resistance, been laid down in Moscow, and the means for genuine support of ful, but that was only for show the working class.
Reese, leading comrade of the ly going through all this. Do you so. But we, who did not previously think that your deletiseless surrenGerman Communist Party, to ly stressed by verbul and written out any discussion we in Germany this and the West European Comin at the convention parades and even bear ourselves with tout Osteutut. der of the working class has had the Central Executive Commit. protests.
slid right down into Fascism. Buttern parties have gone along with a the sessions of parliament, lous, bureaucratic sung froid, be no effect on comrade Torgler, has tee of the and the w not intend to return to the today, the workers who believed in you.
There you gloated over the fear hiud which is concealed most often left 110 trace on him why didn C. We reprint below the suviet Lou In order to sucrince your leadership have to pay for came from Moscow in order to that your wild, but never seriously great egoism; we wao kuow that you heroes tell this to the work statement of comrade Reese my revolucionary work cor a te your irresponsibility. have al bring the Red Aid to the front. In meant, speeches aroused in and the biographical commentthe the workers want to light but noters beforehand? Why did you say averated from niuteriul cures. Alos most broken down under that the interests of the Committee philistines.
to be sacriticed uselessly; we who that the Brueniug dictatorship was ary of Unser Wort. cuw. t, tue commer, not tue strain ever sined February 28. treasury you have seen to it that workers. umiemy counced ut cannot keep quiet until experience not a single meeting was organizou yourselves seriously, you poor And because you did not take saw the whole pititulness of the opeu ascism? Why did you, in disuppointed masses and could not, saying thut, prevent the workers Comrade Nuria keese was one Le correctus ut your pulacy be shall once again prove your policy for this purpose for me. No method wikius of history, therefore you would not wait any longer or trom struggle? Why doesu Heck of Lue bust kuuwn anu must be then ert und wly dou you speak of lovou dass speaker Ok the com Lous to Wicu is sacrick the line which is a crime against the me among your clique. You sucusut the workers kuew that basc we could not imagine in our dreams these and other sis? Do you beшинз Рагу чекашу. All wuriu prolturu, althusa ac re working class. To maintain siceeded in turning the Comintern ism had to be taken surucusly. It that you puur bankrupts would lieve that the German workers Der WLANES usou to be over cognizes you and despist you asence about your EU. De uisung used merset the uvuma le Dankrups you ure; not all MBOW is te tu uve unbelieve in the power and iud in my trail with the money col uhe latter bad not weapoteutuut ur headlusess or in tight that e believe the crime. You no Muenzuberg agent, Kate, follow. courty budda democratic still deign to play the role or loud. wave forgotten this LIUL Le uthier u. apeiker, control over the apparatus. And when met a comrade from uy luV usiwe uli tie tipy continue your Herslip over the the fighting qualities of the work lected for the German anti Fascists, with regard to the working left for lenmark. could have the on the day of the tire puruses unu meaning as yesu ure evolucionary labor muvement ou ing class. Therefore you conclude in order to subotuge my work and and servilu with regard to the also gone into hiding like your und asked her for the perspective anu uy, luuuu LLULL, seriously uerum from the Colle Mouse Alilances with foreign lords and make it impossible.
Comutern, then such vain showelves and could bave ouedou chlug. So you did know what was u Oujuively pomizing against LDUS Paris, Wine you tell the ladies who have as much interest You answered my protests finally wty, like yourselves would not have like you, wence, while the work going on, and yet you did not pre tue poney ul e social democracy. uterud German Working class tout in our hud said sometbing against Muen arty in vain, after the entry memver of the Reichstus, ermit yourselves very easily to not you who are utilizing xenberg and you ceeded in get. THE REICHSTAG FIRE AND THE are any defensive only defensive quarters for yourselves!
cune uver to the Iron und out brave anu provucutive these people, as another comrade ting Moscow to recall me. And you of Hitler into the goverument. TSURUATION OF COM. TURGLER.
As late as February 27, Florin lue after reuning that werdens to which later on the elite of the Political Committee express. inamous bankrupts really imagined and a leading comrade and to liud saw that you but not prepareu suid liessly well met bin in Lue jonkey or the could Le procedure is sacraecu. ed himselt naively. Imperialism is that such as command could sead out what sort of a perspective any cong and tuae corte moment te kechista, where he bud cume Hot lead to socialism but rather uncou utilizing you, in order with your sy lips. Before your latest self. these suddenly silenced leaders ac we only and that could be curusu tor advice to comrade Toryler on alued useim, ker action arous. oble committee beund you, you uctive aid to prevent the mass exposure, before your catastrophic tually bad. For had to appear was the HODIZALUU tue. the matter of pastponing some eu a great UI attention umous the working class at tunt time, and was und by the was maue cue defenseless, are in this way advancing, indir carried it out. But not after that.
The actor the Commutera vance in its own countries. You taken party order from you and a one among you could be reached. Lication or why we did not set ure. etc. That wus always the We were surrendered Just like the decisiag. was in answer. But since when do lead. in Diy Cum against wecause it produced mental slaves, ectly, the Pascist development in THE INGLORIOUS CAPITULA. this, the workers and all of us decusta un bebruary 27 and Cr wait for commends from their the social democracy. After the utcause it maced the democrathese countries and you are thereby who were not in the apparatus. can cxplain why comrade Torger. vidiers? At the same time he also Gerial culustropue, when she e lence of the workers in the striking the world proletariat in TION BEFORE HITLER.
Your whole preparation for Illegal mnocent. As a result of your old me to retain my living quarsaw that the bad col matter of policy and leadership of the back particularly the German!
we would reminue.
eadem carte you dare recentes y consisted in securing the comments user ya video edible soterraterers, perhaps lapsed in Germany and tuut uid Le party and because it thereby and the Russian. That is what leaders, after have learned to timuity of payments of salaries tontier entry into the government puties like cu 10:28. You were so for tue Gurunu proletariat could prevented selective leadership. have been fighting against. Only know your real worth in all your che apparatus people, the sure we to your catastrophe tumure, elpless and he is that you We expected only through inter. Woever toks independency, Cunts the solidarity of the world prole. wretchedues, following Hitler maintenance of muchinery, etc. It suit of despare for the late were left witaout any perspective national sucurity, comrade victim to slauer campaigus. But tariat can help the German work seizure of power? had to pose was only thus that Hitler could tue working class un cullsewus when the cable from USCUw talde Reese went inroad to work for the Yunquisbeu Germuu working ALUSCOW lett you wiluvut com which is threatened by nothing so workers at the muss meeting, but stupid lie that the Communists bude toward u heptul lud. LOUW in that weLLSIVU BILUULUM class and against the busest uie manu, you great leuuers remain much as by the current Comintern you remained and dumb at set thru to the Reichstag, without qual uction so as to prevent tue wws what a catastropue cuu over tacorsip. Comrade Reese was boudies and belusid. The policy.
persecuted for her activity by the workers democracy which could SABOTAGE AGAINST we did not know the least about victory and a dolent without a naght to make a political com revolutionary inevement of couu.
police in Denmark and expelled any of your plaus. could never struggle. Only one le, that it was lumut pust him. It was bevry lucks depuent leuersup.
Irom Sweden.
strength and their mou of strug. THE RED AID nave believed you so irresponsible we who had sex fire to the old dum, cause of your irresponsibility that The fuct that such a comrade bles; which would tave enable you bave sabotaged my work for that you would surrender the work sulticed to unmask all your boasts Was channed and despite your Full of anger, disgust and despair as auriu kouse, who because of sven you doscow parrots to lead in the Red Aid from the beginning. ing class without any defensive and qualities of leadersuip and to culito lords and countesses ut so much irresponsity and at her seuse or responsibility before such a fatal bour you yourselves because the stueuzenbergian Com plan, after posing for years as its make the Germun working class we will be condemned altaousta in be quiet getaway of the leaderthe working US went over to vast. aside disdainrully. Lou du mittee treasury. which is not sauers and after your manifold defenseless, to leave it as a mass mocent, ir tuo international proleship comrade Torgter watered, the e. from the not even begin to mugime but you controlled by any workers organiza promises to lead it in struggle.
aut does not prevent it.
without ledaership.
couscious of his innocence, into touaymakes brouk with the cvulu Even if the prerequisites for a The social democratic leaders. Aud you sit mu Purisian the uscist prisou, driven by Stamist bureaucracy this con e, that the worker bimselt suth a few of his contidantes is much revolution were not at band, be to be sure! If you hud taken your cares and criticise. You play sense of responsibility to the work stituces a beavy blow. Cor stali. So many new experiences in more pleasaut. Thus Muenzenberg cause the social democratic leaders own words seriously, you would roles and do not even appear to img class, He wuuteu ism and a sigui for the German proleturiat. We are truly con struggle from woich you not only able to hide behind the excuse that because our party had failed to fight. But you all set your oporgler is appearmg bezore the orgier cuu defend the Communist vinced thut the most decisive sections of the membership of the order to evaluate them for the want this or that which is to the class by its sectarian attitude didn you? Then why didn you with your tiny bussip, achieving live charge of burning the keichC. will bu toe we way as purpose of the organized struggle. Interest of the working class and in the question of the united front, ever say: We can only tight, it such briliant results tout Romulustag, but be cannot delend comrade heese. All the freuzied shoutug, all the lies and calumn here was not a single meeting of interest of the big busiuess man olutionary army in the ditch with veginning According to Heckert suenieuvergs Legen angruit. the working cluss. Auu tuat is the intion of the bankrupt and appearance of toe de reason why you are letting lov a Commuteru bureaucracy cannot which belonged, utaough pro Toua, according to the comrades, quieted, like all the revolutionarytural conclusiou. But am maiu Rudants, commending Dimitrutt una nuterland discussion Houbim Itupeue this development. Unser used no mes. caturile some lord would not tolerate my workers that met.
The party y complaining that you did not to buluruus tur the bravery which is quite worshy of your am sured the organization construc Committee in Londou at the begin. Is at least necessary to kuow where in the hour of lunger you took por siname! Eveu ir siuenzenuers vanglorious in the um. erawu uuu For mouths have been making the united front and not wing of July, because wanted, in we sad. We can just simply refuge in the bushes without asuudu tuem the assignment, these make the work už ulliur comruues repeated uttempts to clarity VOLILAC Quercus with the party empty banded, because there was ganization in Germany whose mem whole keich. etc. the workers defensively for your command.
amy wuch the workers were turucu buck fact that there is un auxiliary or wt. an order must come for the rendered the workers who waited suit to Torgler their attitude meaut. Bether as great souutis, went use un the score of the tu ckgu sensible way of building Ders risk their blood and their said. It was not revolution, but After several of us, astonished doeiston of who German e. petition to EU vel. com written uiscussion. These attempts ences of the workers were not ucll. victims of Fascism, namely, the Red thinking about and they believed nothing hud been done the workers were that nothing had happened; that which passed a resolution in Paris mittee treasury in we ameruds of the de at the same time and publislied in lood Aid and because it migut Aloscow have been conceuled for cuey did breakthrouge le bonds as to be able to protest against workers could be pulled along and the plans of the Fascists; that at comrade Dutro for bus bravery. stlustead of Muenzenvers social democratie teusivo although you kuew about a humanite, also comending only we or vid to the German untu ruscthe most part, comiscated or simply of the bureaucratic brace in which this opportunist line. Copies of the thus make a revolution possibe. 10 o clock on the morning after the And you mean to tell me that you yourselves.
become vutsiders ou the internal in Brunswick, where tbey united, not perhaps know anything at all seterince their last pennies for the tion; that no action of resistance quite well that the fascists com.
eles con el conte los premios e interes. spontaneously us was the case Shoscow. In reality the lora aid was inevitable instigated them to make alle treply to the necusa. vu de worse than that, ou ku WHAT IS NECESSARY internet and lesolate Lized in order to that they were once again rapidly about this. Katz dictated to preparation of the resistance. ou had been begun after we then, unicate with precision to comrade occlusion to become acquainted with Our lust discussion, to which my al medium was lacking. Only the advancement of the Red Ald must never did have struggle in miud, of an unresisted destruction of the mutrigue that issue forth from you sections. found everywhere the political uccusations were not taken press still boasted, long after the be subordinated in the interests of as little perhaps as Braun ut lake cookies weiter access event of the great united frout the Committee. treasury over which severing. Now the workers must our own initiative to come to the with tois meuus than with any ot and utilize the political situation Lions of september 25. On ta con buted to itset. Moscow had to be trary, for the clarification of the shown how well the work was be controlled by the apparatus of a concentration camps.
The Red Aid treasury is at least ed, tortured and thrown into the what do you do? You can only it is precisely the German Orutionary movement. But all this matter, must add to them and emang done.
withering beap insults on us and from your and particularly its political is made up for by so much workers organization. The money away one by one, due to your head safe hiding places, you call us in cadership that has all the cause greater intrigues. Also with pasize the luct that it is a mat.
In all these questions, iuformed does some good to the victims or lessness and helplessness.
ver of tundamental political ques disciplined and headless. It you to conmend comrade Torgler, for gard to Moscow, which no one dares the but the great strute. ascism in Germany. The Commit. believed and mouy the had iad your heads on your soul res was u political detendaut in co oppose with political arguments, mune. sekmah Sortim sists of the lnud learned tee moneys never reach them, con functionaries with moshat you ders vefore, then those who re a more painful situation not be everyone obres pueden tey cause for de alleged certime, of which dies, the course line of letters were your catastrophies els theses, which they were busy put. account have charge of them. The apparatus of which we were into the working class and sharing overy one knows he is iuuoceut otamution of active combudes er seizure of power. in it is exergy was consumed in the organi ship. This leadership had deserted pressed a typically petty bourgeoisation of the factional struggle they The so called political line is a lack of chilence in the power and conducted for little jobs. You knew its army and tied to the buslies colorful mismash of ultra Left without issuing a single slogan or adventurism and opportunism. Has muss struggle of the proletariat, all this better than 1, and you kuow single word of explanation to its which is increased by you it now. But you knew nothing army, when the enemy was on the ever occurred to you that because or your catastrophic failure jump for the tuul blow.
mis movement, linked up as it is whatsoever at the decisive moment.
In her open letter, published cured. She tried to obtain a changu by Hitler and particularly on the How can comrade Torgler de world have suffered a loss of concommunist parties all over the with phrases and with a philistine you never knew anything and never by the newspaper Unser Wort in the policy of masquerades that course of the Reichstag trial, it send you before the workers? Hesidence among the masses? Don geoisie, which in your view is to be will Maria Reese spoke the harsh and of the revolutionary mobilization is only as invaluable testimony he was not in the German leadership you follow any election results? It substituted for the scarcity of class THE OPPORTUNIST COM. bitter truth about the party to of the world proletariat against letter it is clear even to the blind parliamentaries and uninitiated in rupts do not of their owu will love the like yourselves. He was ouly a such preposterous political bank struggles and for the defeated MITTEE POLITICS.
which she belonged until very re. Fascism. At her every attempt she Communist purty. have been gating against your cently. The German agency of the met just a blank wall. Reese tben how far removed the othelal party any of the plans, not even in any the area of history, then it is time HOW YOU FOUGHT AGAINST MARXIST POLICY?
Committee Politics, because it is nothing, foresaw nothing, prepared sele: she broke with the comintern Hour remontarea preparation for com did, that you could not possibly sweep them away. They must 10 After your sbameful defeat in as nothing whatever to do with placed by hollow phrases and becaud placed berselt under the bansurrection and consequently from desert the proletariat in its most longer pay any attention to them.
crime agaiust the working class and nothing. ktevolutionary work here: boast ner of the Fourth International. the Reichstag fire!
such signals to insurrection as Lateral hour. The situation became but proceed to the creation of party Germany (before which you had revolutionary class struggle. It is fulness. It fooled the workers and After that the Stalinist bureau increasingly sharper, your belpless forces independent of Aloscow disappeared into illegality, in or the decented, of those who have che politics of the despairing, of the party committee fooled even lose politically. expelled Reese The Stalinist bureaucracy takes silence and in a lack of all indica of a new Communist party and Inin and year out. cracy, which has nothing more to She Spoke the Truth ness was cloaked in a mysterious Comintern and to the building up der to preserve your precious leal all belief in the power of the work its own apparatus. People who oc trom the Comintern. But also into revenge for the fact that a retions as to how you evaluated the tornational which will not toler e lost The Central time after the delent, leaving us of the Muenzenberglan congress party like Torgler, head of the all the traits of vengeful and lying self until very recently in its ranka in the this act these bankrupts introduced sponsible comrade who found her situation and as to what had to ate any omnipotent apparatus sit.
be done.
the army of rank and file soldiers comedies, at which telegrams of Parliamentary traction, or Maria impotence characteristic of them. las openly and honestly spoken the YOUR LATEST PEARLS Ling enthroned above it, cut loose without a command. your commit. relicitation from fleinrich Mann or Reese, herself, deputy of the Reich. The main accusation against com. truth about the leadership, the re OF WISDOM trom the working class, but will on the other hand institute a dem.
orced you from the muss movement, place of the united front which moment that the Central Committee joined the camp of counter revolu Comintern. The bureaucacy for Like the rest of us, comrade Tor the apparatus and its exoployees.
ocratic control of the workers over with which you, as representatives is never achieved.
of the bureaucratie party machine, had its plans, that it had prepared tionary Trotskyism. This estime gives, cowardice, forgery, treachery gler was very much concerned over Only this will the working class nave long ago lost all contact.
Dahlem, in his childish enthus. the necessary fighting forces, that tion is not a new one! The rev and betrayals under one condition: this and attempted to reach leadThrough your sectarian policy of usm for the struggles of the good the Comintern knew whither it was olutionary work of the Stalinists to bring no tales out of school. For ing comrades. When he finally be able to carry out its historic to bring about a mass movement in tries against the foreign fascisms, Hitler coming to power and es. Kal shek, Pilsudski, citrin, Wels, responsibility have long replaced most intimate circles, a member of sty. That will be difficult, but it Germany or Internationally. On the only keeps on looking for all kindspecially with the burning of the Hitler. According to this logle, the laws of revolution and of Marx the and asked him for is the only road, because the hope contrary, despite the revolution of sensations and that tion of the masses, you have weak what all the Committee is in fact Reichstag by Goering agents, the Marxian criticism of these crimes Ism. The fight for inflated personal advice, the brave one answered to renovate the Comintern parties ened yourselves. In dospule, you are doing. They forgot completely elements of the party fell into dust. But this is not all. The resolutionsured livelihood have pushed to the all the labor organizations are go was a defeat for the whole world no longer exists. are now seeking succor in the arms that all these things are mere bon. The Central Committee deftir the adopted in the name of the Ger background the the fate. Formatia in ting ervale, mau de ander et proletariat thom punk rupe leader.
is the social democrats did with them a ithy heap of ashes which leadership, without slogans even a few bankrupts hiding in emigra Reese convinced herself or it on struction of the proletariat will be shy with its disastrous policy are Bruening and Hiudenburg.
of. centered to abdicate Ja leadership the revolutionary Your opportunism is so incurable masses the one you are obstruct. treachery on the part of the leaders dering aid to the government of proletariat. Together with her misery, balkanized conditions, con movement will only be carried to thus delivering to thousands and tens of thousands centration camps, war against the that you no longer can concelve ing in its development by your is unknown in the history of the Inter and that roamnighting against the Committee Politics will only have merelationer instrumele de pe des pat the latter, party members and sym. of betrayed revolutionaries bave soviet Union and perhape, in the prepares for health semefing a held Committee Politics, in principle. to sweep away.
the road of the betrayed masses and the proletariat will brand this base ac in jails and concentration camps you in particular these sadistic ever in common with the Wing, bourgeois comrades. In arms that or least resistance and particularly frightful helplessness of the party cusation on the foreheads of the ac they are drawing a balance from somosexuals wala Thange you wit Bolshevik struggle. insult them, because have op at present, when it brings you an apparatus cusers. the catastrophe lived through. The joy in the market place and tor spurn the fleshpots of Moscow An Unbearable Contrast posed your putting them up as the income through Muenzenberg. That Maria Reese is expelled for her letter of Maria Reese calls them ment you to death the indulgence and material maintenance by your standard bearers of anti Fascism, is a source which imperialism will The emigrant activity of Muen courageous open letter and only to courageous revolutionary conclu of all their sadistic pleasures.
apparatus, as long can do anything you deceive the stop, when it has no use you zenberk, Heckert and Co. false re after the appearance of this letter, sions. It is the duty of every rev. shall never forget with what useful for the liberation of the working class. In one common any longer. But by that time the ports, lying correspondence, hollow that is, after she herself broke with olutionary in the whole world to disdain and disgust comrade Tor. proletarint. If you had been 90 front with them you have sabot Red Aid will not have been built up and sham congresses intended to the Comintern. To call the bank publish, reprint and circulate the gler told me this and added in great in the organization of the rev.
Aged my work for the Red Ald and through your false policy for It is throw dust into the eyes, could not rupts openly by the name of bank letter of Maria Reese in all the comment: And these are supposed olution as you are in intriguing for the defeated German working already today left almost without but appear to Maria Reese as an rupts is a direct duty of a true and languages in which the exploited to be revolutionaries! To this end and in political impotence, Ger unbearable contrast to the inner sincere revolutionary. If Reese and the revolutionaries speak.
they have always boasted so, so many would never have known class. When Fascism advances in any means by your politics TROTSKY.
these countries, it meets with no You do not at all wish to dis events in Germany. Maria Reese letter can have any influence on the as to have such a perspective with. Fascism.
resistance from your bourgeois euss politically about the questions demanded a discussion on what oc fate of the Communists persecuted November 10, 1033 out any plan of preventing it. And Amsterdam, Oet. 26, 1933.
aud toe or Maria Reese and the Comintern the ubroud to the point of dea 18 hut is the strongest proof that