BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Anti Semitism in Progressive Miner ence kot 12, PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 1933 FROM THE MILITANTS love roureleta toment of the lare termine were ruled out of order and called Evolution of the LEAGUE ACTIVITIES cutiain again and this time they take credit for making the report were accepted without a word.
Unemployed Confab Anti War their 25 who came in a body! Only ul Ulremployment Conditions the Debate Stalinists Mass Meeting Speeches 17 of his bodyguard walked out.
principal sue in the conference The others stayed in the hall and in Minneapolis un, y song, sidetrucking the it, couveued for organizations who couference is, as understand «Fighters» in St. Louis listeyed very attentively to the report on the Co operative Progree on a certain purpose, as it discussion on Germany.
Minneapolis Conference ou jects und making of it a secondary happened in this case The we do opene de etiche sono sempre com ho we and Right from the very beginning, beck spoke to about 100 workers in cr, gave a Marxian analysis of the columns of the militant, the right St. Louis. When comrade Swal The Left Opposition speaker, Payunempluyucut was held in Aliunea assue.
Kansas City, Mo. In the recent polis on Sunday, Oct. 23, in the sible for making it an all inclusive culte front action. For all the was as erst neadquarters of the Central Labor conlere cu Wilu the result that it positive value of the whole of the ton, in all its sections, endeavored and the bankruptcy of the Germaniany but about everything con ers Union bas been analyzed by mooted, the Left Oppose question of Fascism in Germauyed his ignorance not only about Gerers a few of our comrades who have been issue of the Sant. The conferroup to organize a counter conferbeun an unusually long. grand mass but lenin on the gocation Opposition was challeused to ameul.
to reaffirm the attitude and in the Illinois ar Comprinciples of P. We way shortly after clichtbe grounds but ceramico Birst one Stalinist or war.
debate by a rulid Stalinist, Wynmades Oehler und Giganti bave ionist and delegate from the 10th the first conference. In the process spouch that lasted one hour. Then In the discussion that followed shown us with accuracy the trend Ward Farmer Lubor Club, wus we have also come Au coutact with an oter delivered harangue It was in order to achieve this ruth. Wywroti, who was one of entered the Congress held at Am. Tudustrial Union, was told by the electigris, denied that Stalin and of the of Lby Ousting the the Communist ticket in the last ership is following in the footsteps elected tomorary chairman ud some excellent working class ele. which lasted almost two hours. An end that the representative the organizers of the Wood Workers Goo. Beuz, candidate for Mayor on of the and how its leadVolunteer Committee, was elected impressed by our ideas.
tion by party bureaucrats that temporary secretary.
exposed to the complete satisfac Xot to oppose the fixbt against was for discussing the German question of the controversial loro study the dear old public that they Work Flas Only Begun Comrude Dunne, regularly Trotsky ques were respectable.
real working class or elected delegute from the Councils building of united front against what was ble to unite LaborAction, was unwaipy cut has vuly buguu, slucht enough. Now it was the ture leadership. How necessary this stated that he would debate in the a gun in his hand! making Trot ote the M. chieftains is per llowever we are aware that the who might have been ignorant of tuild up in proper Communist glad to discuss anything with astonishment as the words rolled Progressive Miner, for Wriday, Octanybody, and ll expose you. lic chosen by the volunteer Coinmittee uiligent work bus yet to be per for the delegates from the wir, task was has been of mouth about Lenin 27th, the character abundantly name of the Party with the Aky resign. In 1926! And that aded before the eyes of the rank ment Conditious lie was allowed veconic apparcut and we recognize s, the Unemployed Councils, Professor Aibert Einstein was a The debate was announced for Leuin himself had Trotsky expelled and file of the workers in its full 30 minutes for his report which that most of this will have to be the Ex Servicemen Leagues, etc.
was well received by all the dele vertornied by the class conscious to deliver their exposures, which of the original Committee November 10th. As soon as thel in 1927!
called the Congress. Much arty officials learned of this, they gutes with This is the type of stalinists who not satistied merely to their exception ul or bett Wingers. Several traits char weren completed at the end of the use has been made by the Commobilized all the influence they had light counter revolutionary Trot ideological brothers, the of 10 Statists who represented the acteristic of Stalinist couterences session.
Communist Party and its closely also found their way into this coulsymputuctic organizations. this recreuce aud uro being carried over the morning session next day name of Einstein. True, it The Rev. Smith Communist International of the go through with the debate with skin in St. Louis No wonder Lakers, but have gone into the ihe do not want to realm of the American Hitlerie pretenders the Silver Shirts. They employment and led directly up to Cuemployeu. The outstanding one operateranother half dozen speak ready to resist the danger of a new (1) The Party doesn debate the are alming to tmnsfomu what ap the resolutions which he was to is the injection of issues, there peared to be the infant prodigy of makes a mistake. Am With You for present at the end of his report. suid word The rest war.
Luan the one which the conference of conterence session was taken up How little truth there was in it criticizes itself, and doesn need the revolutionary labor movement Forty Nine Organizations Ro in America into the spearhead of was called to consider. This was with the election of a comunittee of this calm, and what little right criticism from outside. 2) The st. a New Party»
reaction. Although their bid for presented the immediate efects of narrowing action, which kev. Smith the Comintern has to make use of Louis has no one capable to report own the forces which can might not suffer a premature Lis shown debate this question with layer of blackguard duty is ill timed, neverChicago. have been a member theless the stench of castor oll, lead recently. Not er to in only send from Chicago for that commendatiou was brought in una dissipates the energy of the groupence in the past.
ganizations were present and a reixation and at the same time illeuce closed, as has been our experi. he attacked with purpose. Wynroth waved sidel Sice 1928, during which time in the following editorial from the Finance was a las he broken off his accepted to beat them uil. Are by exerting it iu too many direc very important Item, was a com the anti war united front committhese reasons. He insisted that he have participated in all the strug Porgressive Miner for October 27, ed by bullot and out of a list of wbich the Central Council is faced which committee everybody was re Belgians joining the army of their the Trotskyites as nothing more have labored day and night in to Visit America.
about a dozen candidates the fol with at the present time and one minded, should include trade union country.
than liars and counter revolution urganization work among the mass There is more than passing s. The District leaders, recognizthat if Were Ists.
interest in the visit of this 80c. Thomson, Teachersaguitst.
lowing were clected: Dunne of the that our comrades ure struggling ists so that the government officials. y transiynot refuse mili On the day of the debate the ing my willingness to work, began called International Salesman Federatiou; Norris, Socialist Party; could uot call it another Com a Belgian would Frank, Lathers Union; Haley, Florical Council is at prestut cuunist committee. Then came tary service in the present cireum. Purty issued a circular letter to al sending me around the state of Litvinoff, who is to sit down to Ward Manecer Labor Club Come to be held on the stanicipale Avede of business resolutions, greetings ancepe reling wholehearteda ese theme orkisignaale helseatinese state our work. com Apen 20, 18SIKI was read with amusement much about arranging for a buge mass meeting one of the most important ordere stances but on the contrary would workers of St. Louis calling upon Allinuts and also in Wisconsin to talk about International atairs, number of votes.
set for Dec. 10.
The CEE KAY. Ing of which took evactly 30 min contributing to the salvation of ed that, Trotskyites debate on Ger sent to Rockford, Illinois to pre once more recogulxing Russia. resolutions connittee Puropean utes, and the discussion less than civilization.
man Fascism brought in unanimous resolutions Following Einstein spectacular munist Party does not debate with windlug that the local comrades that would net America hundreds with the exception live, and the farce was at an end.
one, and that Toronto Conference on exit from the Anti War Committee, stool pigeons. Underneath these were unable to do much, began of millions of dollars. and an one was quickly ironed out on the understanding relative to the floor.
on the grounds that he discovered trimmings every worker was told to hold outdoor meetings that reachThe resolution ou ducentral Anti Labor Laws through the pamphlet of the Labour that Wynroth is not a membered many bundreds of workers. BeAmerica, proposed position of CORRECTION ization of public relief which conwas arrestshould a wir materialize between tained objectionabie phrases about An unfortunate error in our com Party that it was a Communist or of the that he is a scoundrel, cause of this activity.
Japan and Russia Toronto. 0u Sunday, Nov.
one and was remony como base de bere took place in Toronto an brust section has the article the commage itusse. likewise disassociates him an agent or the capitalist class just climt have been arrested for my We are also hearing, much one and was readily adopted ou the cru Cauad Conterence for the recrique on the Blight of Stalinism self as Payer is. That Payer and Co. uctivities in the labor movement. about the possibilities of Mor genthau as likely Ambassador severed my connection with the are paid out of the royalties from home to the Soviet State. Not long to record labor, unemployment insur segislation section us. The Confer the last Issue to the militad. Font Anti War Movement some time ago the ball a million dollars which the fact that because was not ago we read that Barney Baruch shorter work week, Con Cuco Call was addressed to all follows in logical sequence from a Communist body in dlagutse. This press for writing articles against ated against and forgotten in jail sumers co operatives, etc. were also labor organizations so the had been having a long chat with passed.
Litvinofr and about the same Opposition organizations and auxil. in print.
Left the section of the article already had been concealed from me at first the recognition of Soviet Russia by uud, when tined by the courts, the time our unofficial President BarA resolution calling for the seturies sent their delegates.
by an impressive list of non Com The circular ended up with leaders would generously ting up of a permament committee One does not feel enthused in The enthusiasm of the workers unist names and by the title of Give no comfort to these enemies me to serve out my time. At the Karolit while hunting around COUNCIO delegate from turlichting in a stalinist spon was migh. The following week the the organization, which us subofyours. Durhee them out of your same time they pay the fine and Storvensk whese at each organization present and we sorcu conference, because it is board supervisors nainounced a sequently discovered by no means midst for the unity of cake out any member of the of cul family that would bappen revolutionary service to the rank The Militant can perform a great from cach work a class organiza: tact thut not. omo contercuce these new food order with a full choice correctly represented its aims.
blowbach may storite to reople have organized for no mat. within a very wide range of foods These defections should be alone Despite the above warning. to be arrested.
bo known as the Miuneapolis Center whatever yoou purpose bus over and necessities, clotousend WORK THIS type of united front against tion organizer Charity with about 10 swer. Finally, because was of its vigorous criticism upon these enlighten all workers anxi about 100 workers came hear the protested against this were offer and Alle members of the tral Council for the Unemployed, iscrim. and the entire American working ous to fight war; and the falsity of delate, among them the Party secination repeatedly but could ed and a resumption of. showu a successful get class by throwing the searchlight called for proportional representa When our delegates handed in was promised by the 1st of Febru: war, under the guidance of the Stalinist henchmen. They came insistent they began to call me a fakers the Progressive Miners tion to be adopted as quickly as their credentials to the committee in ary. Steele wanted to to Comintern so unably led by Stalin. over in a body, apexrently to break counter revolutionary. The sec misleaders the working class en to propose possible.
charge, the credentials were literally united front call by the debate, or to enarianism and bureaucracy in the emies in the full regalia. We Achievements of Conference throw back in their faces pro all unemployed organizations but Workers! Back to Lenin, and his up to force the many bad fog cedure uuheard of even for Stalin found bimselt Enclog a hostile Sec methods! From the British Red den vor to get control of the hall, party has gradually caused my en just show the proletariat the reIn spite and make it a meeting to slander strangement.
ist conferences. We we asked tion leadership of the Party which Flag.
actionary role of the Messrs. Joe tures of the conterence it cau truth. this stalinist flunkey, who us it branded him as a Social FaseSUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT! was given to the Party disorganizer um believer in revolutionary dis Pearcy, and Wm. Keck as more the Left Opposition. A warning However, bonuse have been a Goett, Edwin Bowen, movement forward and resulted in anticipating orders from the higher The Section Bureau ruled. READ SPREAD AND SUPPORT not to attempt to disturb the mcet cipline, having fought against than a mere trend but an organized e real victory for the ideas of the bureaucrats, by what right he was That the Unemployed Cous THE MILITANT Left Opposition. Wheu it is taken motivating his arbitrary action of cils would issue a united front call into consideration how the volun rejecting credentials which was a demanding road work, unemployIT IS YOUR PAPER meeting by outlining the rules of Fascism in Italy, France and Ger move of the exploiters. To group of many, tried to hang on to the Litvinoff, Morgenthau and Baruch the debute. Chauntz teer Committee was loaded down prerogative only stood up party soon, though, we were ex smacks too much of the ugly methturning his eyes in all directions Delled from the party, myself and ods of ezarism and now of Hitler.
of the conferment insurance, etc.
on the solution of the unemploys are disrupters. To argue with a mediately withdmw from the or their relict if they failed to force to break up the meeting. He cause absolutely refused to ac minds of the workers is still one ment problean; bow it was com hopeless bureaucrat or a fool, what and should affliate with the withdraw from the new Wront and asked for the floor before the cept the sectarian policies and the of the capitalist trump cards, as apparently thumbed down that idea, The held its United and sincere it is true, but who had presented, could serve 100 purpose soud immediately change and a comrade reported that in aclate started. Hlo wanted to make bureaucracy.
ever this specimen of re can be measured by the article in He did, for about 15 have been, now for some time, the Progressive Miner.
scarcely a single idea on the kiud. s0 our delegates placed the question its name to Hayward Unemployed stead of singing the Internationale a statements Tbe will de reading the Mhitant and am in of program that we present ob before the conference when the dis Council. That if this program was they substituted, m so all alone or 20 Jective couditions demund; how cussion of the report of the cred not carried out Steele should be subsequently the united front call late with everybody were bis het accord with its viewpoint. our comrades joined the Committee entials committee way up. placed under discipline as a Sowas started with an article in de identicul words, Republicans, Dem.
Down with Stalin and his clique!
and patiently struggled along; and Down with bureaucracy and Soc.
bow out of this whole affair was because they fourced viou. Webber calcist and the party units tense of Manchurin and ended oerats, Socialists, but it America to fight for a New Intertarlantem.
realized a real program and the tion from the few outside organi These instructions split tho viet Union. Steele was expelled as beenuse they are counter revolution the stalinist bureaucracy. am with you in the formation Forward for a Revolutionary Inor the effect of wide open. Two weeks later a stool pigeon. Now, over ary! He called upon the workers that Minneapolis has ever had, then their actions in the labor movement, two organizations were weakly year later, the Unemployed Coud to honor Soviet Russin by every of a new revolutionary party and ternational and the World Revoluit is clear that our method of work dechtled to back down on their Lunctioning where one had beeu cils still number less than 200 mem one leaving the hall. Not only did will bend my energies in propag. tion.
ing in the mass movement bringa ilunkey stand, und THOS. SABATINI, denied the before. The Welfare Board played bers.
not a single worker follow the ad andizing among the workers for fruitful results. Our comrades whole matter. When we insisted its part and scared out all waver. CRIQUE.
New Member of the Ivice of Chaunts, but not even all of this end.
which have not been able to engult Add to that the growing activity lower to the government for two authorites, without trial (up to six the cotire working class and which of the Hungarian Irredenta and the years to dissolve at any moment months in prison) and again by the were strangled in an uncompleted strengthened demands of the Car whatsoever any political party or tribunal by means of the law for stage.
pathian autonomists, and the de any formation considered a political the safeguarding of the republic, Without encountering the least sire for a struggle against the ex party and that under conditions (penalty of several years. Are not the Stalinists correct in extent tary resistance theireme right and the extreme left which we will see do not dissemhas been able to endow will be casily understood which law opens the door to the governism, by speaking of The de ble their Fascist inspiration. This identifying democracy and Fasc itself about one year ago with sire for a true due of social. Fascism dictatorial powers for anti working would plan the interests of classment to reduce by annulling the in face of the adoption of such a about to celebrate its ifteenth an less tyrumy exercised on Carpath Standard of living or threadset class economic legislation. The des and nationalities the desire mandates of the proscribed parties law by a government that contains Republic this on of wages.
authoritative to reduce the parliaments to the socialist ministers? In reality, Diversary. The foreiga reader, and ian Russia, where for years oue worker during the rising conjunc companied a growing weakening of state becomes ever more insistent uumber necessary to insure a secure this affirmation serves more than also the proletarian reader, is gen gidemic of famiue las followed turewhat was already the stand the The red trade unions The democrats are beginning to democratie majority.
ever to mask the real responsibilerally very poorly acquainted with another and where the highest ard of living of the Czech worker have become pitiful shadows of blast that very thing they have dream of the Ruthenian moujik, is classified in the 13th rank al their former selves.
points le love ea re the essential to her hansituation where the nike places among the Balkan Coub biologie misery imilar to that of dustrial countries of Central Eur able that with the growing pressure the regimes which kicked over the salse time of the present intent or tu. Without mobilizing the petty bour It is therefore quite understand who for years thundered against all canonized up till now. Masaryk, points of The right of proscription not Stalinists, the bourgeoisie succeeds location in the heart of Europe. Is sists literally in being able to eat At first the relatively attenuated social discontent is more and more against the dictatorship of the peo all parties which attempt to replace llegal action, by simple parile not without importance in the im black bread to his hearts content evolution of the economic crisis in seeking a solution from the im. Setariat especially) has made a new.
only once!
Czechoslovakia reflected itself in passe of nationalist opposition Discovery: that the democratic re amentary bureaucratic maneuver.
The legendary personality of the Add to that the peudrik (the the relative stabllity of the bour against Czech imperialism. The given organizations in The proscription of the entire good, doble soldier. Schweik, is police club) tho dally diet of the geois government. Since the fact, in the last epoch, the latter dictatorial regime if this dictator stead of being dissolved, can be Communist press and of several more familiar than the problems xech worker the restrictions tumn of 1929, the time of the the tendencies of the national min men. substitution of the prin direction of the functionaries of has met with no resistance, not and contlicts which stir the social incorporated in the Owch constitu parliamentary elections, Czecholast found itself in serious conflict with ship is led by tested and capable maintained under the control and auxiliary organizations of the life of this state. Perhaps the name tion on freedom of assembly. of Slovakian politics have been directorities. The victory of Fascism inciple or parties by the principle of the state that is to put all the the slightest from the of Masaryk, this type of medio the press and right to organize, ed by a Green Red coalition, in Germany has caused a great deal capable people. This is the first mass organizations at the disposl. During the discussion, in parliacorate med hele per ty me this and pronu have in picture of this which several minority fractions recollida de German Bohemets botes step towards the new idol; Bonaire, Sinterne med kod trace nende putere never get the camerele olsle, and the name of Benes, the gime where the most modern meth have been vigorously suppressed by tised by Fascism. of small obedient school children.
service Wire puller the servicios ods of popular deception are. com: ton are formed by two partiesas tbe proscription of the German of the inane mistakes of the Stal perty of their members by the state. socialist Smeral who has not yet The national pillars of this coall the government which went as far However it would be a repetition Confiscation of all the pro It is the tactic of the old Imperial lal Geneva theatre are known. of the tyranny of the Hapsburg ublican Party (agrarian party. a National Socialist Party.
French fmperiaism in the provinc bined with the well tested methods virstly, the Czechoslovakian Rep Nationalist Party and the German Inists to want to dub every infringe: The prohibitions of all publle forgotten the class slogan of the These two names, which the Tempe monarchy.
party which (while being the most liberal democracy as Bonapartism. its electoral mandates. corre not allow youreslf to be provoked. frost democratic regime in Cen. However, even this empty dem. reactionary) resembles the French the rather teclorable conditions toe Before taking recourse to pure sponding reduction for the number. It is characteristic that during trend the more principale elements the blows of the world crisis. It is basis and its gravity in parliamente vanguard; the desperate and impos: danger of overthrowal by Fascism, The right of the limitation of on the subject of the cathe Un ocracy has not been able to resist Radical Socialist party by its social it, the absence of a proletarian Bonapartism, whose foundations are of the constitutional majority in the discussion of the law in parlia of the social life of this state of precisely at the time when Czechs, Slovaks and Germans in one sings the most beautiful calogies to Czechoslovakian social democracy oiste. has not outgrown its swad the bourgeoisie attempts to trav the personal rights of the members possibility of dissolving the party national life which appears to re Crechslovakian liberty that these which, despite Its erse a series of intermediary stages of the proscribed organizations; without any serious difficulty is a government, and to the scattered nationalities mony, friendship and good will.
present the quintessence of har. creatures are about to bury it in ticipation in the case years per laling clothes, this is primary of in the course of which it proceeds confiscation and censoring of their foregone conclusion for the bourgesilence.
thanks to the genial policy of the The democratic organism in order to telephones and telegraphs; forced depressed and confused attitude of mps forgot add that Crechoslovakia, like France, hes Stalinist leaders, has become in the the petty bourgeoisle and its Fase With constant amputations on the correspondence, censoring of their oisie. The press speaks of last few years a force numberingist factions whose interests and decontinue to condu with residence in determined distri: the nunist deputies frightened this devout democracy, in reality been no reto del corteoste the worsa almost 200, 000 members, 60 of monis recently the Czech fascist the help of the multilated dem. With the right of police survelii. by the severe attitude of the gov, econ. drawn into the vortex of world.
omic and political oppression more than three and one half mil explain this fact, without speaking official membership of the 18 of Benes party succeeded in creat In this connection the Czecho ocratic hypocrisy into the Fascist The political bankruptcy of the ing an oppositionist bloc of ex. slovakian bourgeoisie has llon German workers and petty of certain equilibrium between 30, 000 members. appro language: concentration camps. brings in its wake the materThe aggravation of the crisis was treme right Czechs Moravians Slov. priately chosen its afteenth anni All persons who not only al destruction of its sections; af.
unlimited exploitation of the bro culture and the advantages of the accompanied by a constant regresaks which would have been able to versary to pass a law which makes continue activity in proscribed orter the German, Bulgarian and Austher Slovak people living in un colonial exploitation of the nation sion of the working class in its seriously threaten the parliament the attempt to ward off the Fascist ganizations but who have any contrian parties, it is now the turn of cultivated and pitiful villages, who al minorities by the Czech bour dally struggles. During the four ary existence of the present gov danger, to the detriment of the dem nections at all with them will be the Czech to dle a shameful are aware of the bloody brutality of Ecoste. The ruling classes had al years of economic crists, there have ernment and lay the foundations ocratic system. the piecemeal ell condemned. The punishment and lamentablo death!
the Czech gendarmes as the only ready succeeded, in the years prior been only rare strike movements for the further development of a mination of democracy.
twofold, on the one hand the pen KELLER.
messengers of the new liberty: that to the crisis, in a wholesale deflation of any large scope, movements llarger pro Fascist movement. The new law gives dictatoriallalty inflicted by the administrative From La Verito.
Fifteen Years of Democracy in the Czechoslovakian Republic the affair