BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismGermanyImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

PRICE CENTS THEMILITANT THE PRICE OF RECOGNITION Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1870.
VOLUME VI, NO. 96 WHOLE NO. 200 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1933 PRICE CENTS Stalin Bargain (EDITORIAL) Victor Ain the negotiations which cutminated The Vital The Diplomacy of Stalin and the Paragraphs Diplomacy of Lenin a Contrast and Litvinoff and Bedacht ELIMINATION OF RUBBERSTAMPED The Bourgeois Press Celebrates Resume Trial of Scottsboro Negro Boys erican workers under the slogans of recognition and Was Imperialism Outwitted? Sina Price MERICAN from it can be fully comprehended by a reading of the pledge made by Litvinoff at Washington. Point with the official recognition of the Soviet Union. Dip of this 1833 document reads: 4 lomatic recognition by the richest and strongest coun Not to permit the formation or residence try of the capitalist world and the prospects of credits on its territory of any organization or group. Not to permit the formation to follow represent, of course, certain advanta to and to prevent the activity on its territory of any or residence on its territory of the workers state. But these advantages are far outorganization or group, or of representatives or of any organization or group, or of weighed by the price that has been paid for them fleials of any organization or group which has representatives or officials of any The Communist Party of Russia Does Not by Stalin and Litvinov.
as an aim the overthrow of, or bringing about by organization or group which makes claim to be the govern In return for American recognition and prospecforee of change in the politieal or the social ment of, or makes attempt upon Concern America and the Communist Party tive credits the Stalinist bureaucracy has turned its order of the whole or any part of the United the territorial intercity of the back more openly and completely on the interna States, its territories or possessions United States, its territories, or of the Does Not Concern Russia The Washington Agreetional revolution than ever before. The de facto It that does not mean a complete renunciation possessions; not to form, subsidliquidation of the Comintern as the organizer of and repudiation of the Comintern, as far as the ize, support or permit on its terIndividuals, even many of them xation (the First International) by ment in the Light of world revolution is now virtually acknowledged by United States, its territories and possessions. is ritory military orsanizations or at a time, can be deceived. Classes either England or the United States formal renunciation. The right even of residence groups having the aim of armed concerned. what does it mean?
struggle against the United Sta idea in a somewhat vaguer way in before given to the capitalists, how.
cannot. Lincoln expressed this in the last century it has never Soviet History on Soviet territory of American revolutionists or tes its territories or possessions, their representatives or officals is taken away by and to prevent any recruiting on his famous aphorism about how ever much they tried to extract it the formal pledge of Litvinov. At the same time storm of controversy has broken behalf of such organizations and long a period of time it is possible from the Soviet leaders.
American capitalism is given the unconditional right to fool people.
This promise has now been given viet Union by the government around the recognition of the sogroups. POINT of the same document the Soviet Unof to plant nests of counter revolutionists in the Soviet ion had already agreed to restrain all persons The bourgeoisie is not in power by Litvinov! He gave it in Not to permit the formation the the United States. Watery liberals Union under religious guise. And back of the whole outside the frontiers of the Soviet stilted, but quite unmistakable, disdain to discuss the question. and organizations under its direct or indirect con or residence on its territory of any Union because it is stupid. On the terms of his letter to your illu who was victorious in the negotia.
monstrous bargain lurks the sinister implication of trol, including organizations in receipt of any finan organization or group and to contrary, the decades it has spent strious president Mr.
a secret military understanding which would seek to ical assistance from it. from any revolutionary acprevent the on its terrj. in ruling and oppressing the masses. Then, to assure the American bour the big bourgeoisie on the ono put the American proletarian movement at the ser. tivity aimed at the government. But vice of American imperialism.
that was not enough to satisfy the demands of the of any organization or group skil in dealing with its classic plain to the newspapermen that the fact that in every skirmish of or of representatives or officials point, endowed it with cunning and their fears recurring, he made it ists on the other, both conscious of Wall Street bandits who, according to the Daily which has as an aim the over and mortal for the proletariat.
That is how the latest achievement of Soviet diplomacy really stands. Let the corrupted bureauWorker, were defeated in the negotiations. In throw of, or bringing about by The Russian Communist Party is the class war there is a victor and Far easier, as a general rule, to concerned only with crats of American Stalinism and the dubious friends point it is even agered to deny representatives of force of a change in the political if there corned with an evaluation of of the Soviet Union cheer for the victory and fool revolutionary parties in America the right to live in or social order of the whole or any deceive than the bourgeoisie, is American Communist Party. The avanquished, are far from, uncon. discussions between Litvinov and the radical workers about it. There applause is ritories or possessions.
and blinded by the stupendous caplis concerned only with America. Roosevelt which ended in normal always on tap, ready in advance for anything. Inter revolutionary refugees from America who remain active and unrepentent.
MAXIM LITVINOFE, talist machinery for molding national revolutionists have the duty to estimate the outlook, its understanding of prob the general state of the world reved between the two republica.
its The Communist International, as diplomatic relations being establishshameful and perfidious bargain at its real worth The full significance of this agreement is well lems and events, the proletariat olution, does not exist, for it has The Propaganda Pledge and tell the truth about it.
understood by the most qualified representatives of advances only with the most pain not the victorious Russian party The controversy centers around ful dittculty towards the attain. In its leadership, nor the absurd the last three articles in the com.
the American ruling class. The New York Times rement of consciousness of its class American party in its ranks. munication addressed to Roosevelt interests and historie mission.
Made it plain not merely to the by the Russian emissary on Novplete pledge against Bolshevik propaganda that has It for this reason alone, the re newspapermen but also and this ember 16, 1933. Let it be said THE BURNING Indignation of the revolutionary been given by the Soviet Government. Father Ed sponsible leadership of the work is vastly more important to the right at the outset that with few mund Walsh, one of the chief baiters of the 80 ing class rests its case upon clear millions of workers who read the exceptions, the whole American Litvinov diplomacy has nothing whatever to do with viet Union, is quoted by the Associated Press: The cut pronouncements. Ambiguity capitalist press and who have no press in this country has correctly opposition in principle to compromises by the Soviet Soviet Government, through its Commissar for For.
and over complicated maneuvers cause for taking the People Com estimated them in their true light.
Union in its relations with the surrounding capitalist eign affairs, now pledges itself to termiuate the re are at the very best, and only un missar at anything but face value. The outstanding exception is the world. We, better than any others, have understood sidence of all such organizations as the Third Inder special for as a rule they merely as a clever maneuver against ogetics, the Daily Worker, which, circumstances, an auz. Assuming that this was intended official purveyor of Stalinist apolthat the Soviet Uinon needs access to the world mar.
iliary weapon, ternational) on Soviet territory. The digest of ket, that it needs credits and diplomatic relations editorial opinion in the South American press, ac the electricity of mob violence working class itself is taken which trete effect could not but be an les explanations of the Litvinov docuIn an atmosphere charged with confuse not the enemy but the the bourgeoisie and we have every after a significant silence for days, with capitalist countries and must pay for them with corresponding concessions. not because it can really build socialism in one country. but for preUntou of today is different from Lenin Soviet. The riding every night and burning the core clasp some the fourtees worden douchen diesen Communist couvement Hvery single one of these artidesire to conquer the world has been abandoned. Gery cross on the highways and practising and maneuvertetet passes and whatever there is international de sites the certo ter other, has cisely opposite reasons.
writers, say, holding that bland pacific methods and This realistic understanding of the actual needs economic propaganda have succeeded it. So runs Negro population, the Southern car beyond the stage where it ist, e, Sarxist and revolutionary. been part of the numerous recogof Soviet economy, combined with the aim of uniting the whole chorus of bourgeois press comments. Have bourbons are bringing the nine maneuvent on the pair of state bition pacts that the Soviet governthe American with the Soviet workors in boud they been deceived. Are they, perhaps, mistaken? Negro boys to trial on the notor, ments made to the press by Maxim main about this trifting If any doubts can conceivably rement has signed during the last or common Interest, motivated our three year old Let Stalin come out in the open and say so!
conces ten years with the leading powers posed rape of Ruby Bates and Vir subject of the relationships be made to the American bourgeoisie, cessions forced from a reluctant proposal to organize a fighting movement of the Amtween the American and the Rus Max Bedacht, representative of the Soviet Government, the Soviet Govlong term credits for the Soviet Union.
The facts and evidence in the sian Communist Parties Compromises and concessions as such are not in the least involved in the Communist appraisal of the etic attempts of Daily Worker to pass of the explicit which the star witness for the presists on speaking in the name only like Litvinov (who at least has The Stalinist mamelukes are dellmade of this we may be sure, despite the path. innocence of the Negro boys, to ist Party of the United States in iute Prestige then a tedte del Sitater, he sign such articles with all capitalWashington agreement. What did we get and what did we pay for it? Does it strengthen us or weaken propaganda pledge as a routine matter. The most sited the defendants, and the su representative of the socialist For the thin cxcuse that he is, after berately lying! It is not by chance us in the never ceasing struggle with the interna mapacious of all the imperialist powers has not been preme Court, are clear beyond award, according to the Daily Work all. government emissary. Bed that they reproduced the articles in national class enemy? These are the real questions. outwitted by the clever Litvinoff, as the shame doubt. But the class laws of the er report of the interview granted acht hastened to assure the Amer question without direct comment or Lenin said, at the time of the Genoa conference eleven faced apologists imply. Just as Roosevelt demanded lily white south are undaunted by by Litvinov.
ican bourgeoisie that the Third in elucidation. It is not by an overyears ago. We go there as traders. But the dip and secured explicit pledges, so it can safely be as truth. Innocence or guilt is determust professignorance. re ternational is no longer to be fear sight that they have failed to relomacy or Lenin, bis compromises, his trading. were sumed that he secured deflnite guarantees, that ev. mined by the callousness of the plied the latter. The Communisted that it is nothing to worry produce a single one of the num erous recognition pacts as proof ery concession in the way of credits will have strings palm of the hand and the color of Party of Russin does not concern The New York Times (11 19 83. that it ocntains articles similar to subordinated to revolutionary politics on the interattached to enforce the guarantees and that full the skin.
national arena. They supplemented and strengthened America, and the Communist Party payment will be exacted.
Preparing the Rope and Faggot of the United States does not con which prints Bedacht statement, the ones offered the United States writes: Asked aobut Litvinov Maxim Litvinov.
the aggression of the Comintern. The diplomacy of Stalin Litvinov trades of the Comiutern and the intBlunt reminders of these expectations of 100 Justice is too slow. snys the cern Russia.
This, writes the editor of the statement Friday evening that the Betore examining the articles ernational revolution and, by that, undermines the fulfillment of the pledges were not spared even while barbarious that class which tos Daily Worker with a triumphant. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
foundation of the Russian Revolution also. The dirthe ink was still wet on the agreement. It goes the Scottsboro boys. Samuel whimper, is the correct version of ference is fundamental, and none has understood it without saying. said the Times, that public Liebowitz, the attorney retained by the Litvinov statement to the corbetter than the imperialists who concluded the opinion in the United States will watch closely the the International labore Defense, respondents, and not the one printWashington bargain for Soviet recognition.
nical excuses for violation. Pather Walsh adds: has circulated through Morgan Times, which reproduced a balder do with shoulders of the Soviet. Government, which is now to circumvent the slow processes of found that the prevailing idea is each other.
The difference lies essentially in New York. The Hotel and Rest the waiters, Even the arch reacW in people who are as lacking in allegiance to under solemn covenant. openly and voluntarily ar justice and apply direct action the structure, and not in the sigaurant Workers Union, branch oftionary Grover Whalen for the sake principle as in any sense of reality the miserable rived at, to end the Third International.
to the Negroes on trial.
nificance of the Litvinov declara the Amalgamated Food Workers, is of appearances agreed with Secretspokesmen for American Stalinism are beating the Of course, this invesítgation inton, even if the cotton strained laying the necessary machinery to ary Meld that the whole tipping cluded only the whites, the business Daily Worker account is accepted. cope with any emergency that the system might well be done away drums for the Washington agreement and hailing it The Basis of the Retreat men and their hangers on. The None of the bourgeois papers of Hotel Men Association and the with. Mr. Whalen made it clear as a proletarian victory. That is not surprising.
Those who could defend the capitulation to German UCH SHAMEFUL retreat of Stalinist diplomacy Negroes have been so terrorized, any consequences has been deceiv Restaurant Men Association are that the national NRA administraFascism are capable of defending anything and perialism is not the result of a sudden departure in they go far out of the way to avoid sinople oletters and patienternes the which openly plays a scabbing role should not be considered as wages.
their resources in this line are not yet exhausted.
In spite of this decision we are True, they had to remain in hiding for several days policy. It is a culminating point in a long series of Llebowitz and the other attorney concealed gratification that there on November 18, the local com informed that the Hotel Men Code mistakes and crimes which proceeded from the theory for the defense have an armed presentative of the Soviet Union pliance board of the NRA ruled was signed by the President last in order to concoct an explanation of Litvinov pledges to Itoosevelt. Meanwhile the capitalist press of socialism in one country. This theory, and its practical expression in the abandonment of the in ute of the day on every min has not merely consented to the that the waiters wages must be Friday without any public hearing protecting against threats at formula that republic will not abolished and the gratultles of the which would at least give an opporquoted the documents and brutally pointed out the contrast between Soviet diplomacy in 1918 under ternational revolution, disorganizing the internation Jewish lawyers from New York. carry on any propaganda in the public should be considered a sun tunity to the labor representatives Lenin and in 1933 under Stalin, between revolutionary lomatic assurance of no fundament. 15. 00, weekly minimum for waiters. done prior to the signing of other internationalism and socialism in one country. The of the Soviet Union from within, race al significance but to what Russia Our Union protested vigorously codes. This shows plainly that in for the humillating spectacle at Washington. The of The Real Crime of the has never consented before: not to against this infamous ruling and the case of the food workers Preslcontrasting documents of the regime of Lenin and ficial repudiation of the Comintern at the behest of Scottsboro Boys the regime of Stalin show all to plainly who was the tolerate the activities on its soll of succeeded in forcing the local NRA dent Roosevelt does not apply even Wall Street was only the formal ratification of a fact The ruling class of the real victor in the Washington negotiations. They Southa labor organization which has to rescind their former reveal such a frightful degeneration of Soviet dipalready accomplished in practise. The Comintern wants to make an object lesson hitherto enjoyed its hospitality: the Field said at the NRA hear NRA simply because the hotels and was killed as a revolutionary force by ten years of of the nine Scottsboro boys. Their Third International.
ing that a great resentment exista chain restaurants in New York City lomacy, such a fundamental departure from the line Stalinist leadership. At Washington Its murderers crime is not having raped the two! Beginning with its first utterance among the restaurant workers and and elsewhere are owned and even of Lenin, that the Daily Worker does not dare to women involved but of belonging on relationships with foreign, cap a strike is imminent unless the operated by the banks. This proves marked a cross over the grave.
quote them side by side.
Italist governments, in 1918, Russle ruling were withdrawn. Flore of that capitalist laws can be enforced It Stalin and Litvinoff, under pressure of Amer. Continued on page 4) has never ceased to make it clear the of Jolned Field state only against workers and petty In 1918 the Soviet Congress assembled in Mosican imperialism, went further than they wished to that its government has no inten: ment that a strike onminent. bourgeoisie, and sometimes against cow replied to the message of President Wilson. go; if they were compelled to expose their real tion of imposing the form The Soviet Republie takes advantage of the the The secretary seed cling that emne ale acest robierele Blure to regime upon any other land, that ployees have been coming to policy before the world more clearly than ever bemessage of President Wilson to express to all the Roosevelt dare to force fore; if they felt constrained to make great pabile mente binding it not to carry on and tradquarters with complaints the bankers to accept 80 called re it is prepared to undertake commit. NRA peoples who have suffered from the horrors of an concessions and, very probably, still greater secret and receiving no satisfaction. Al forms. The most ironical item of imperialist war its warm sympathies and its honany propaganda in other countries ways, he said, their representatives this code is the inclusion of the conones, expressed or implied al outasking only a reciprocal engage met with a courteous reception, sideration of the tips of the waitest belief that the happy moment is not far away come of the weakened position of the Soviet Union ment from the world bourgeoisie. received a full hearing of their ers as wages to cover the 15. 00 when the workers of all countries will throw off brought about by the theory and practice of StalinThat is one thing, and in no way grievances and went away empty minimum. And this the yoke of capitalism and establish a socialist was done ism over a period of ten years.
Turn to page for the damn out of harmony with the principles handed. Nothing ever was done secretly only three days after the regime, which alone is able to bring about a just By transforming the parties of the Comin. ing indietment of the Stalinist of the workers state. promise to intervene at complaints that men same NRA declared oficially ind and lasting peace and to contribute civilization tern into mere pacifist frontier guards for the defense course in Germany written by that it would not grant hospitality, and prosperity of the workers.
of the Soviet Union they robbed the parties of the comrade Maria Reese, a leading for at least asylum, to an inte. were discharged for organizational reported in the leading capitalist activities.
press that tips an gratuities should From that atitude we are miles as well as years Comintern of their revolutionary fighting capacities member of the Communist Party tional labor organization, whose aim to attacked the vicious tipping not be considered as wages.
away. mid the New York Times, in quoting the old is the emancipation of the world system which degrades the men and so far no union has been able and, consequently, of their effectiveness even for the of Germany and one of its outstanding publie spokesmen. working class hospitality which demanded that a minimum of document of Soviet diplomacy. How far we are away (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4)
was not refused a similar organ 36. 00 a week be given as wages to (Continued on Page 4)
u Mass Meeting of Food Workers Soviet Diplomacy in 1918 and 1933 meme. politica opinion, Teste fales en seu retour en veral populatione aliments per cor bed nothing to guard Maria Reese Accuse ور