Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1933 EDITORIALS SOCIETY NEWS New Light on the Notes of the United Front Week of the workers and its full mobilization at the mo. Ginner furty last night at the Halfrom clownited front only as a general strike as the last plant in Austin, Minnesota.
tun is mutual self fueritand kter is under no compulsion from the workers at it has become a matter of superall from the ned this on Sundaysuid about an mwever was cipline of action and aptness into temporary agreements with the bourgeois state Five Years of the Militant powers which the workers aim eventually to overthrow, in pretty much the same way as trade unions Five years ago this week the Militant made its First appwarance of the spokesman of the ideas burgain with private employers whom the workers (Press Reports)
sinn to expropriate.
and doctrines of the Russian Opposition the heirs New York, Nov. 13 The princess The testimony for the defense of was the decisive factor in over Worker, Farner Join Up The condition for the making of an advantageous Alexis Aldivani (Barbara Hutton) a former Communist deputy at the turning the government. These are and defenders of the Bolshevik October. The tive bargain is not under any circumstances the good will reuched the age of 21 yesterday aud Lewig trial incidentally threw a instances, which were referred to Worker, Farmer Join Up. 14 years of the continuous publication of our paper bave of the capitalists. The talent of a Soviet diplomat received a one third share of the revealing to the contradic. repeatedly by Communist papers in not, as yúu might suspect, just a been a period of rich in great events which put all as much ice as the shrewdness of a business agent or grandfather. Woolworth of the German regarding the before the eyes of the workers currents in the labor movement to a historicul test.
pens to be the new head of a story in trude dispute the masters are acutely conscithe live and ten cent store operatur. The Social Democracy. Despite the chtel rosecuting Attorney: Does with the strike of the workers ut General Strike and Civil War in the daily press. The story dos Our current alono stood up under it. We have ous of their material interests and cannot be talked in her honor, her father, Brank theory of cal Fascism and the the witness know that the reue George Harmel Packing Co.
every right to a feeling of deep satisfuction that out of them. What decides is the relative strengthy Hutton, stock broker, save a loma of the we have held true to our course Ours is a profound it now appears that stage before a civil war?
ton home, 1, 020 Fifth Avenue, sur. Hivate negotiations with Stampfer Neubauer: wouldn formulate and unshakeable conviction that what we did tive ment of negotiations The strikers, suy rounded by fifty guests at sinull editor of the Vorwaerts, were being it that way. But do know that pers. send the plant, seventh the Best years ago, and all that has been built upon it, was By disorienthug the workers vanguard and partables, a Hungarian orchestru in undertaken on the eve of the March the general strike, in the opinion largest in the world. after right. On the fifth anniversary of our paper militant alyzing its activity, Stalinist dilpomacy deprives the pra singers as entertainers, his elections.
we repent nothing and retract nothing.
Soviet Union of the pressure and influence of its daughter made it evident she still Testimony of Neubauer ditious Icad to cividere certain conclush with suaris. The stekkers. is were the most reliable ally. That is why the question of soit as she did before the spectacu.
The warning signals of the International Left. Opposition were false alarms. The tens years deel as an internal affair of tbe bourgeoisie, untold the world: It going to be Ober 28, 1955 contains an interest but by the measure of its enemies. The headline Worker, Farner ing report of the textimony given cither the government or those Join Up. merely sums up a cold of reaction against which the Bolshevik Leniniste struggled without success have come to their tragic the previous day in the Reichstag Istries who take opposing meas fact.
iniluenced by any serious working class demonstra un to be a rincess.
Under such conditions it can be taken for (Adolph Gerstenzang, forty. Kenburner, former Communist memlire frame up trial by Dr. Theodor Trikes without armed lusurrection and still stachmatter of fact general culmination in the downfall of the Comintern. What kranted that American cupitalism will concede only eight years old, unemployed chemW most important in the whole world today is the what its own requirements dictate and will take full ist, who was to have been disloor of the German Reichstag. After and general strikes with armed in lacudline sends a thrill of uppreciafact that forcus making for the reconstitution of the advantage of every weakness of the Soviet Union possessed from his apartment at conferred in the Reichstay building or another does not depend on the site has within it th. com pekerast international movement are already at work, that in presenting its own demands.
885 West End Avenue, committed with Toruler on February 27 (the will of the It is obvious magnificent perspective. It forthe skeleton of its future organization exists and that its fundamental program has been elaborated.
The humiliating spectacle presented by the one himself. suicide Surxay night by shooting day before the fire. and that he that if the CP. attains its objec bodes, by recounting a live incident, has been in a concentration camp tive with a simple general strike, such a union of the mass of toilers In this preparatory work, carried out under sidel discussion of Russian recognition in bourgeois hailstorm of slander and persecution, the Militant circles can be endel, and the Interests of the workBarbara Hutton Mdivani a led that he had ever seen van der calling of an armed insurrection the doom of the ruling capitalist played a purt. The new party of Communism in ers state and of the American labor movement, in apt go lucky good nature girl. Lubbe, the Nazi tool, until enter. Chief rosecuting Attorney: Per class.
achieve America, which will constitute section of the this is in every case, can be really defended only by she is generous, easy going and fun ing the court room. Questioned by us, but if that doesn your goal?
Fourth International, will mark its The productive forces of society launching in the independent Intervention of the workers van leving. She likes to dance ango Dr. Sack, Naxl attorney entrusted guant. The revolutiopary workers must fight foring is her favorite pastime. She with the defense of Torgler, Neubauer the simply states on either ple on the farm and in November 1928, as an important and significant date the interests of Soviet Union without the aid of usually drives her own car and is Neubacur then went on to explain that certain situations it is not the factory. instinctively juin if it does not tract its genealogy directly to that date.
Stalinism and against its perfidious policy.
Our struggle to set the counter current into In the first place the visit of Litvinoff shoula 1936at the litz Carlton. That stagfire.
She made her debut in December. Torgier the day before the Reich ponents whether the general strike viewpoints, they may have varying motion and to prepare the way for the new move.
not be allowed to dampen down the working class party, the largest ever given in die ct the political situation wich Tor means, it the opponents defend closer to each other in he ment was conducted from the first and is still con.
Chief Prosecuting Attorney: That But they are drawn closer and situation for recognition. On the contrary, it should conor cost 50, 000. Silver birch Gler, and especially the question of themselves, then there will be an defense against the destructive force ducted with inadequate material means and forces.
Our chier wennon almost our only weapon was the be the signal for its stormy development on of society in defense aguinst the Militant. The canacity of our movement to endure, todext possible basis. Recognition should be made to transform the great ballroom into making contacts to build a united aruncu insurrection.
Democratic After some minor questions by ravages of capitalism.
to survive and to gain an influence under these cir.
which would shake the country with its clamorous was hung in blue gauze and little Party. Ile continned (verbatim other attorneys, Dimitroff took the floor and asked Dr. Neubauer whecumstances is testimony to the power of Marxist The events at Austin, Minnesota ideas. They make their way in spite of everything.
demands for unconditional recognition in the midst stars mide to twinkle in the make translation. On the Sunday before the Reich. Reichstag fire the German oble getting together of workers ther, early in 1933, before the bear a striking proof of this The celebration of the Militant, alive and strong on cf the negotiations at Washington. Every reactionary cleve blue heavens.
its fifth anniversary, is a celebration of the vitality group is busy with demands and conditions and restrictions on the Soviet Union. Let the workers year old of 2731 Hughes Avenue, cratic Editor of the Vorwaerts), er. This the witness denied. Ask selves. The unity which is to deal (Mrs. Maria Bogrusco, forty two informeri me that the Social Demand poised the task of leading an aud farmers. It is spontaneous. of the doctrines of Marxism which nothing and notumer their own demands on the Roosevelt Gov. Bronx, was found dead in a gas stamford tried to make comed by Dimitrof what directives he the decisive blow for the preserva body can kill By all that that has gone before the militants ernment to recognize the Soviet Union at once and filled kitchen of her lian Rockway. To learn how the felt and the Reichstag fraction had with tion and defense of humanity in apartment at tact with us in a perfectly absurd withont any conditions. p. yesterday by grouped around the Militant are called upon to play sough, a welfare worker. Mrs. abont cooperating with the Det to extra parliamentary ac this country is still in the groping reactionary the main part in assembling the elements of the new In the second place, while every stage. More Austins will dot the Bagnasco had turned on all leaned Aimed at United Front Rusian Embassy in Berlin. This party in America. They are the bearers of its ideas.
map as time goes by.
clique ix demanding concessions from the jets of the kitchen range the Stampfer went to it official of the Thon, Neubauer continued. the workers should present their own demand against a wash tub and covered official, of course, answered that he The directives for the Reichstag.
The Militant, as the spokesman of these idens, only Joining up of farmers grows in significance as the new turn of events mula for a Concesion from the Wall Street Government. her head and the stove with a luad absolutely nothing to say on fraction and for all organs of the tiplies the opportunities and responsibilities.
That demand, which unites the interests of the Am blanket. She was separated from the question, that for this purpose German were based on the workers will become more than a Thinking All that has been done up till now is only a crican with the Russian workers concretely, is her husband and was destitute. Stampiter must go not to the itus den that the whole political devel. spontaneous outburst.
sian Embassy, but to the benguar opent depended on whether or not larmers will give more thought to Long Term Credits to the Soviet Union!
work of preparation for the future. Without minNone of the Woolworth hersters of the stampfer conclude united front, a broad muss front the idea of linking up their tight imizing our weakness or hiding our faults we can Over three years ago the Left Opposition raised that is, the young ones know the ed from this that Moscow was not of workers, including Social Dem for lite with that of the city pro face that future, and all the responsibilities it imWas denounced by the Stalinists its counter revolu Nores. When the princess Mdivani expect himself to the newspaper could be created as a whole work workers, with all their strike ex this slogan is an issue of the labor movement. It business end of the huge chain of interested in this question, and so ocratic and Christian workers, ducer.
the Na.
poses, with confidence It will be up to the industrial The foundations that have tronal Socialists. The arrives in any city one of the first mall.
been laid are impregnable. If we build on them we tionary. Now it forms the central tople of the nese things she does is to visit a five Negotiations with Stampfer was concentrated on this cardinalperience, with all their natural diswill build for vitcory.
tiations between Litvinoff and Roosevelt, but the and ten and buy something in it. When problem. Nothing foreign newspaper man. xurrection. and everybody else leadire struggleto impending armed in give the home. He is free to accept or reject the proposal, ton with the family. said to my friends that it was in at that time would have regarded Litvinoff Visit and Russian ar to beze it about with restrictions, conditions and penalties, as the interests of Wall Street dictate. The (Owen Gallagher, thirty four tician like stampfer couldn man situation was absolutely not such ing class policy, and above all the Recognition comfort of the Stalinists to agitation for Long year old, an unemployed sales are to differentiate between the as to enable the arty to do such assimilation of International Term credit deprived the Left wing labor movement man committed suicide yesterday. and an Olichotency of the a thing. Our directives were the serience will do more than any of a living innen and has worked mightily to weaken at his home, 439 Bronxville Road, not and may not bother with in.
attention visit of Litvinor and his discussions with trousevelt, the Position of the sovlet Union in the present nego Fonkers. He left three notes for retuar derman politiche amatwy. sabor for strikes, for the solidarity ears to build up and buttress the the question of Itussian recognition is an outstanding liations his wife. He said lie had been a looked tynewToT man whole prosecuting attorneys next farmers for of the workers and tighting front issue which is stirring all interested political circles The slogan of long term credits is just the link dreamer. unable to provide his a decisive, revolutionand economic groups into an lucreased activity; that needed to tie the American workers directly to the wile anl their two year old so was in touch with Stampfer and diresed questions to Neubauer ury solution of their common proMecialist construction in Russia by their own mater Ind. He urged Mrs. Gallagher Wight, let wees day and of Germany orders, and with the things they should have asked him to tell Stampfer with the aim of establishing that blems.
is all circles except the one to whom the issue bewing tal interests. Opposition to it is a crime. Long term not to let their son hiteh his stupidity and assivinity, and that that it dici permit individual terror. the possibilities of successful strusgher that he had committed major except under longs first of all. tre Communist and Left never acted Austin lights the way. It unfolds labor movement. While these varions elements in credits for Russia, to finance the purchase of Amer wagon to a star. American bourgeois society discuss terms, make con rican machinery, wonkl serve to alleviate the un The should address himself to the right place, that is, to our Party Questions by Dimitroit The exact amount of the one li offered at the same time to put it is also an admonition, ditions and bring forward one program or another, cmployment situation to that extent. At the same Dimitroll countered a challenge to workers to prepare agitate heatedly and exert pressure for or against time they would aid the development of Russian in. enigde islamic in her igrandfather myself at his service to establish witollier questions which brought for the opportunities that are bound the recognition of the according to their cco arise.
special interest, the one section of the population there. An immediate mutual interest would unite untitled yesterday could not being the Social Democratie ws. German had always been learned officially, but, allowing for paper man lager. Informeel which has the createst sulke in the issuie the radi the American and the Soviet workers in the fight multiplication by time and depel. that Stampfer was ready to have a bater also stated that the decisions me opposed to individual terror. Neu If They Won Raise Emcal labor movement stands paralyzed and refrains for the demand. The fusion of this demand with tion by depression, They ll Stretch Em.
was estimated from any intervention. What is the explanation of the demand for unconditional recognition would he would have at least 20, 000, 000. Relchstag building on talk with 118 about this Tuesday directive. if the German Party take but has the interests of the Not a step that the New Dealers this anomoly? This neutralization of the working create the motive power to build a great movement. All that could be lorned was morning at 10 o clock. At the brand another view it had to justify working class at burt. Recently class in a matter of the most vital concern to them bong the American workers, hard pressed by un that she was not taking pocsession time Torgler and put the greatest that other view before the they put over Repeal. But, you Is more of the rotten fruit of Stalinist diplomacy. employment, within a very short time. From this of the entire amount From the point of view of the Marxists, the What has Repeal to do grat development of international solidarity would alwut 10, 000, 000 or so. At the Forestereoti conference.
There We German Party conducted a very high personally asked Torxter that wide campaign some months before with the interests of the workers time of the wedding the Prince re he conge along. After the stupidity the Krichstag fire, to fight against in particular?
relationship between the workers state and the capi. Haturally follow.
It is high time to make an end of silent acquie officially revealed but was under want to downmittel, didn anyja terrorism, bels. If you re heard of the New York ceived a dowry, which was never that had been in the Party to talist governments is an expression of the class The answer is pretty easy. That with Stampter alone, ward struggle, that is, a fundamentally irreconcilable con yerine in the back stairs diplomacy of Stalin and stood to be an outright gift of 1, but thought it important that Torcause we held such inclinations, flict. One or the other must finally triumph, said Litvinoft. Ii is high time to organize a fight of the 200. 000 to the prince together with ster be there so no more blunders ne either to provocations or the State Poulations for the sale Lenin. While the final outcome of this conflict re working ckiss on the question of relations with assurance of an anmul allowance would be committed. nous tension of the political sit. liquor. Bottled drinks are to be sold cash down only.
mains undecided, the Soviet Union is obliged to enter Russia.
of 50, 000.
Dr. Sack then asked Neubaner nation, to be extraordinarily danThis provi. On the dump heaps, jugged Ing to the question of the mited anyone representing such a long ago had the occasion to show some other questions and return gerous. Therefore we ordered that slon, New York State dictator of with scraps of old tin pieces of front, Neubarter stated that the clivation must be expelled from the serap iron and bits of broken creation of such it united front was party as harmful.
his love for the workers in his glass, two children played. One the sat that are work capacity as police commissioner of of the The last question addressed to the city explains, is motivated by was a Negro, the other a white of the Neubauer came from Dimitroff.
been in exile abroad to the ranks the Bolshevik Leninist Party will child. It was raining hard, but (Contined from Page 3)
a desire to prevent pay cuvelopes Dr. Sack: Dhil you mean that in the Negro child had on nothing adulition to the ballot When Adolf Hitler came to from being emptied out by heatedbe guaranteed by the proletarian of the Communist Party of Cuba. mexer close its doors.
The future of the world belongs but a cotton blouse.
the masses? tional Socialists in dictatorship, and that this prole These new forces, which the bur to Bolshevism.
He played with Neubauer. the working tarian dictatorship will not appear eaucracy is very careful to keep on Long live the Bolshevik Laminist tin that match strips of ola attack by enlling our power on January 30, were the Na. np charge accounts. It is in other Berlin and words, designed to the walls of the was to oppose the government by the Communist movement? Were class Germany engaged in a drive against Shacks around. Inside one of the strikes in factories and in ontdoor there not a series of attacks made much to brius NRA and the codes havent done after the revolution, but on the the periphery of the party, clash Party foundation of the revolution itsell, objectively with the old routine CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF most nondescript his as the only force capable of elev sectorian tactics of the leadership THE BOLSHEVIK LENINIST ed his baby sister who lay in a on Workers organizations?
living condiA Journalist As Intermediary PARTY bed of rags, sick for three days ing the agrarian and anti imperial IBut the intensity of the clash tions. But the New Dealers are toned down, because the sectarian Harana, September 25, 1933.
Ist objectives.
Dr. Buck next asked the name of the Presiding Judge cut the sea determined to do right by with something bad with his le Journalist who informed Neu despite Dimitrofl objection, sug. Working man. 11 NRA and the the leader inip maneuvers capably, exstomach.
It is necessary to leave no room tending to these new elements the for doubt in this respect. An en. strings which will definitely tie it baner about stampfer maneuvers; prendei further questioning. Asked codes won do the trick no doubt LOVESTONE APOLOGETICS This mother is one of the fir Neubaner stated that it was Fred to take the oath on the testimony the liquor regulations will be poverty exists to the worn out and worm enten IN TORONTO teen or twenty womers who ledlerie Kuh. Kuh, at time re he had given, Neubauer refused a.
ution which, how party apparatus.
Toronto. Lovestone whole If they can raise wages, then ever, the Bolshevik party does not hesitate to tackle. The These comrades still believe that speech here was an apology for children when their morale was Berlin, Hus since been withdrawn of his statements.
they ll stretch them.
by his organization: it has been sectarian group has never been it is possible to restore the Com all the false Stalinist policies. So beaten down by frequently recurable to answer these essential munist Party to its political nor much so, that workers began to ring evictions, when a shack fast been use he is a jew. The Editor. generally supposed that this was questions, simply because it has maley. and that this restoration ask why aren you inside the of great iron drums, even from the ioned from scraps of tin boxes, Asked to explain what sort of not roolized its responsibility must take place from the inside cial party? What is the difference hacks of abandoned gas meter baner went on as follows: regard to them. In a petty bour. In spite however of their actions were contemplated, Neuhoxes, a geoisie manner The shutting down of all fac (Contina from Page 1) a close after their infamous proced.
ideological confusion by tacking We proven useless. The degenera. Not ene hostile question or, as against the show and cold of this torlies as well as of transportation, minntes in which to present bis ternationale. sley maska chile efforts and sincere purpose, it will between you and the Stalinists.
ure with. the singing of the Intogether a half dozen anti Imperial tion of the party is complete.
a matter of fact, not one word of coming winter.
with the necessary effects on allan ist slogans from the international criticism was uttered against Lovet was either come here or put public life. These actions could wint of view. The pre arranged We wid last week that the Stal.
We have fought hard ever since stone by any of the big crowd of store room of catch words and the kids in a welfare home and never bave had any objective with claque of the machine interrupted aldvanced one inch curter, and the rent capable of saving the prints Stalinists present. The loudest and try to live without them, said respect to indicidual persons, be him constantly with boos and Rinists would not be permitted to it difficult for him to inaprunity. That the left wing carry their agrarian and national questions, perents ver en Corruption. These marks came from the stalinists: ily of five to the Tin Mountains y against any measures of indivi timed in the hanted so hextension workers would let themselves be granted him. The beard from before the case would The e comrades who still strug when we recall a few months ago We couldnt pay the rent in a to be false in theory and Practically tried at Gordon by one degenerate Curelucratie maenine. We add now. However, they furiously attack these latter, perhaps becanseule for the regeneration of the when Lovestone spoke in Toronto, We stood by after of a special desire to contradict party, do not yet foel the pressure they could not sit straight in their lat, although it was only a themselves.
of the ruling bureaucracy, because seats. It was only when Lovestone month, and feed the kids too. ery Individual action against indivi came soudest from two individuals that after this signal victory of the old theoretient conception. Ev in particular, the outstanding Trot our comrades whose fight compelled Possibilit of the latter and the menace of our began to explain, in reply to a enough for the present. As pointed question, the few tactical told the friends who wished her ordinary condemnable for tabor. We are very happy, the Princess and persons we magarded as extra Sky waiters in the fanions. who the machine men to back water, the Official Communist Party soon as the stalinist wing of the diferences with the official party, well last night. Prince Alexis also Dr. Seuflert (prosecuting after scream all the more loudly because we shall not be content to rest. The Before deciding to make the turn party is definitely entrenched in did the stalinists refrain from ap was pleased.
Executive Committee of the Com towards the formation of a new its position, it will turn disloynlly planding. He is amusing, smart and in have ation to the possibilities of a gen attempt to suppress them, party, we have given due consider against these new elements in Then, Dr. Neubauer: We have the often picious, shady elements who had tend to fight out this battle to the haen once been discussed as suspulsions will not be allowed to eral political resurgence not only the friction between the two forcestion by Max Shachtman, promise Vote to his wife, she said.
of the Communist Internationul will push towards the Bolshevik some time ago by Pioneer PublishCuno Strike a mobilization of the to be watched.
end, ziving no quarter to the offibut of its Cuban section as well. Leninists, the most capable and crs, is soon to appear. The pam SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT! men was enough to turn the gov Then They Sing the Inter cixidom and their henchmen who The development of recent political revolutionary sections of the party. phlet was long delayed due to fin READ SPREAD AND SUPPORT ernment ont. We also pointed out nationale bave brought the progressive and events, has returned the most valu. To those militants who still ancial and technical difficulties. THE MILITANT that in the Kapp Putsch of 1920, In a disgraceful mockery, the Left wing labor movement to able and honest elements, who had conserve their ideological honesty, it will sell for five cents.
IT IS YOUR PAPER labor went on strike and that this stalinists brought the meeting to brink of the abyss.
Manifesto of the Bolshevik Party of Cuba Shelto stretch Watges and guarantees debent higher ply United time in the helsebaren berubare enheter och Probation for Food Workers Tt nes. It is not yet clear how strike of the fact that even in the District racket which the Stalinists are The History of the Left Oppositeresting and he has leisure to dehy effect on crushing Face munist Party here they hnve more how substituting for outright ex the