BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

movement Builders or the bis OL eking out It cu tot be the tirnt.
branches ers, namely, tue skilled crats but Joint steps with other groups ruind luternational, ils iniera cover their own misdeeds which workers union) two Spanish field u any cash money. All through closed and the winners who are tion of intricate mucumery to wu great task of building the new In mollowed after Lenin death by its ass work and which stand as driver, une civil engineer (formerly proyed Bronding together we sisend judgment. When we us PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1933 LEAGUE ACTIVITIES earlier in the evening bare some of FROM THE MILITANTS bya 32 Workers en dhe petitiones vai followed with a banquet lunch ini scaol to meet in. When comrude Militant e mediately preceding comrade Swa.
Sessoas steere made his report to the Party Swabeck Meetings Lo spread to other countries. beck talk.
The New Revisionism At Workmen Circle Open Foruin Statement on Expulsion be excudeu and ostrucized from the lor approaching granges anu smali Swaluck explained buw, after entire workers Minneapolis and community mprovement ciuus wita the death Toe Workmacu Circle branches from Party of Leuin, revisionism shunned by all organizations. On any sort of a petition. He was ac the other hand, if the accusation cuseu of inding the tace linneapolis. Au intersting series national. tle showed how the statsleak it their opeu lurum at the The Western Worker of October is a slander, the slanderers can be pury und of savocaging the worn aguiu erept into the workers Inter schuld comrade Swabuck to of meetings was held im Aliunca uist theory of socialism in que cor Lyceum on Sunday morning oth issued a vicious, lying and culled to order, the reputation of the Unemployed Councils.
THE WINNERS polis during comrade Swabuck country was gradually substituted the title bus uddress was he warranted attack on myself and the accused restored and the right stay from Thursday, Novermber 2, for the Murxian theory of the World He pointed out how monopous capsund Hot seen for months and with contirmed. One way or the other. amzer in his pace. Even soters from last week of any organization to accept him or thrue weeks standing as uuic or tg of the lunghest scoring sub getThe section appointed a comrade One change of bote in the standto Sunday, November inclusive. Revolution. He reviewed the record ital bik book strengthened by te worn at thút time had no conOn Thursday eveningu seme pub of the Third International under lic meeting was arranged or as present leadership in the Chineconstruction Finance Corporation jurticularly in its work on the ac Toronto from third place by Cup group or trade mooists at which nese situation from 1926 to 1931, and by the closing of the bank lastetos this article the bus matters of this kind must not be steele continued to guide the uut, the displacement of toward reaucracy brunded me as a servant allowed to stand. Let the facts bemployeu traction, and to draw new lan of Kansas City.
comrade Swabeck explained the in the British General Strike in March. This was part of the the police, is a stool pigeot. established. trude union policy of the Commuu 7020, and in the German situation Justinent of capitales to the When protested against this rom the. so the party they stood as follows: Juurard U. as fust us they Cuplan Since then Cupa vertised only by means personal revolutionists (Trotsky, Rukovsky, is designed to make further party, they remained silent. They readiness to join. Although the contact About people were etc. have been suppressed, per adjustments iu American capitalism ve vor und me the columns of the petition of the did not list with 27 and llardy of PhilatKoehler of Youngstown to the present and everybody showed a socuted and exiled, and how the Forbera cuale it to Port western Worker to reply and de in Mass Work gain support from any substantial delphint is next with li lle is high degree of interest in tbe sub present soviet regime has become world market ble showed myselt und Luve excluded me ject as the meeting progressed. thoroughly bureaucratiu. World War the workers can nope to rom the meetings of the party. Oakland Calif. The blight of ranges, it did accompliso its main To koehler go the three volumes This was distiuetly demonstrated Congress has not been held sluce set any betects except through They force me to throw this lie Stalinism in the mass orguvixa purpose. It started brbor con of the History of the Russian Rev.
in the interesting youstion period, the oth Congress in 1928, and there ir own organizations.
back into their teeth. challenge trons is shown once again in the roversy in following Swabeck lalk, that lust is no sign that the 7th will ever About 50 workers were present them to offer facts to prove their experience of a comrade who car which has grown steadily since first prize to Hardy two volumes these organizations lution by comrade Trotsky, the ed until after 11 o clock.
Le culled. But worst of all was at the meeting and among them accusations. demand of Sum rled on activity among the unem. ut credited a wedge, splitting the and to Caplanone voluine, secoud Swabeck began his talk by re: the criminal silence of the Com were quite a number of socialist. xtrey or any of viewing brictly the present worla muunist International when police The Brotherhood for the betineir petty bourgeois leaders, and The looks will be in the mail crisis and gave a picture of the Nazis brought the iron heel the will matters and the tactic or the cent with which umor ever terment of the Unemployed (B. wegun to rully these elements them within a week economic forces that are resposible asciu down upon the German uited front were askou the wie beeu nissociated. They can was organized by a single com around the banners of the class for the chisis. He showed low workers. All this, said Swaberk, speaker. One member of the auto ut do it. They will not admitrade in the little farming center of strukcie, so that today, one year SHORTCOMINGS capitalism, if it is to live, must is unmistakable evidence that the cace wanted to know how. it was their die They can only remain wayward. The majority of the uter, these organizations are break the totale che start wo koberecht continue to espund and how this workiug class of the world can be are all apart over wage and labor con dred and sixty live.
expansion is deprindent upon being longer depend on the Third Inter tec sume waited front with reson that their accusation is semi proletarians, With that tig their roversies which were unknown Whure the drive closes.
living on small chicken ranches or until the advent of the BBi. culled a success. revious drives able to conquer ever wider markets nationel to lead it in struggle actionary labor lenders who are slander.
for the goods it produces. He against its enemy, the capitalistically betrayed the worktug us. Six months ago withdrew pointed out how world cupitalism class. It is time for the workers swabeck salu that this is the best il Communist party uctivities con also working on jobs in Oakland or able support both directly and in netted many more subs. And they had already entered its stuge ol to build a new international (the method on exposing their betrayals. Vinced that could no longer func San Francisco. The crisis caught wirectly for the unemployed.
were conducted in condition that decay and was now on its down. Fourth International) and new Everybody at this meeting wewed on under the insufferable buretu thousands of this element were less favorable for their sucTwice in this time Steele was cess.
ward curve. He showed bow every Communist parties.
to be pleased with the answers crate clique which dominates the their little ranches unpaid for and capitalist country is striving to con Comrade Swabeck pointed out swabuck gave to the numerous ques rty und destroys all concrete or undeveloped. They were forced to arrested for inciting to riot. At the beginning of the drive we quer world markets for itself and that the International Left Oppositions asked.
bazat. onal activity.
how, in the present era of capital. lion does not consider itselt In this six months carefully them one week of road work each colour addressing a mass meet. wurdt new subscriber for every ist decay, it can only result in the Fourth International, nor does the refrain from any activity which mouthi or 24. They were intense in the second time when the one then on the list we could dou further exploitation or wage work Communist League or America de Shactman Lectures could in any way be contrued sly dissatisfied and anxious to unger march Came through Hay be our circulation of single sub ers and a further lowering of tuer clare ibat it is the new American ullacking the party. On the con night, and in their ranks numbered ward.
scriptions. We fell below that tigstandard or living party. Instead it will In the two tendencies ure. We rell below haid that tigure.
take the in Boston sary, have supported the party, many splendid, though not us yet Bus Ol of Unions initiative to bring together the var.
cle. were evidenced almost from proletarian the It is assible that we set too for the drive and The history of the traue union jous, independent, revolutionary Boston. Comrade Mux Shacht. Collurides who like myself were ments.
movement Amoricu Wils roww groups who agree that a new In man at a well attended forum weet guder the lush of the busanize these elements over a year icians, were for a political light took more time than we thought Comrae Steele undertook to or the Portuguese and the Porto that our he most exploited workers. short mrades and which tue of Lumous une agree with the first four congresses ang in Social Science Hall, Sunday The Darcy burotucracy of Dis. ago. Hifteen attended the first and mass action. Tue second fac was necessary to swing into line.
anu li was shown to rest on the his closer connection the Left Op de benutit of the audience, the of the obscruity where was conorganu was examined detan of the Third International. Out of rening, November ütli, reculled for uict No. 18 have drageed me out meeting, consisting of Portugu tion, primarily Americans, worked that is so it will show up in the carpenter, to turn the organization into a co next few weeks. We will continue (American, of trade un uperative movement.
LO record them as they, come in.
aristocracy of We American work position how to be able to take events in the early life of Lenin tent to remum and have endeavorout to use me as a scapegoat to one ionist. one puinter, two laborers, In November road work ended But, of course, they will have no due to tu turtuur division of ward the formation of a new Inbrewery worker (Brewery and the unemployed were deprived bearing on the drive which is labor and be continuous introduce ternational By this method, the west ideology, its robust growth, wave disrupted and destroyed the workers (rallroad. vne truck be all months numerous unen isted above deru mustry, crust Ames are rapuu lernational and the new parties can lection with the Utsuse of stal Wallt of stone between the works of the of and more Am growing bad been organizing And in view of that possibility by Deluxestroyed and the buses undertaken on the broadest cuisin, to the progrussively shrivel maxies in the Communist party.
for organizing umbons ulouy sucn possible basis.
wery erican laborers. An organization there were principal grouw: the know we will offer our exqwanation Shume roman only be cleften was formed. Comrade Steele was Unemployed Cooperative Reliet As for the failurere og drive.
added lines are rapidly disappearing. The question and discussion pering eit ect of which The American workers, Swabeckiod lasted until 11:30 Sev. catactically. three suggering is read. call upon ailbonese Courade Steele reported the re and around 000 members; the Xaelected secretary.
sociation, with is affiliated units continueu, will be forced to organ eral stalinist sympathizers took wlows: the Chinese workers delent members of the Communist party The work of building the Militant ize in the immediate coming period the floor and argued from the point of 1927, the debacle of tie Angloto rodate the careerist elements results of bis meeting to the Party tural Development Company, will continue. Let us see if we to make a struggle against the one of view that the Soviet Union would kutssian Committee 1926 1947, 1933: thie. join hands with the working not affiliating to the Unemployed Councils with a questionable 200 we have struck in this drive of living. They are ureaus mock. wernational should continue to es. German wetent crushed und mutil brasses of Americu. To march for secure brought everyone comrade total membership. In addition there about thirty sus a week. Thvit ing luto the AOL amous by jouse the theory of the World Revated tayond recovery, a body whose ward together in one mighty mass steele brought a Portuguese work were a number of independent or should not be very difficult. If we tue thousands in spite of its con olution.
watermat val organs had been liuotted front agalust the common er into the party he was permitted sunimtlons such as the Bo to it with a will it will be surto continue work with the organizaservuuve leaders. Luder such! substantial collection was ans, all but consumed by the un toe. CREQUE.
Leavitt and Shern, leaders of the prisingly easy.
circumstances al is megbuy mportaut taken up at the meeting and. com. chucked rotting process of a uccade NOTE: The acusation tion.
BOUND VOLUMES OF THE conservative faction of the mude huw we mukaut POVOIULIONY iderable literature was sold, in. Sisus.
aglist the writer of the abovel ganisation drew up a petition calle attillate with the UnemploymentWe want to make a standing offer At the second meeting the cr: proposed that the organization MILITANT workers react to the couservalve muss units. Suvuck pontou out what Next. by comrade Trotsky The speaker drew several jurul. Her is a matter working class organizations in the iug for support from all workers, Cooperative Relief Association as to sub getters. To every comrade wat tue puce lor matuts is in The Banquet tels in creats and in praucines be mora rast Bay section. No turmers, and small tax xayers or it would leave the organization who sends in 20 subs (either half the conservative 01 uuions banquet was arranged in the water the historica criode van de where the muses are. It is their Labor Lyceum for Saturday eveSee Suy individual confronted with for the unemployed in the County tional advantage of a large centra: series two. Series two is the file tueur tactics and lots direcuy to mais an hour at this banquet, com. Cerents of the Lumiste an accusation is entitled to und end of discrimination in its commissary to draw from. The that runs from the tirst issue of the workers and where they canrade Swabeck gave us an intimate period lowed inevitably from the ministration Party fraction had twice brought the present. unist xury Work side by side with them to picture of comrade Trotsky. About Marrian jirinciples of revolution air and luuest trial. If the ComTeruses to comply In the this method that milituuts can neveral who hnd had liecluding internationalism which was live wit be uemand of the accuseu Hayward are some 80 old commun with the Unemployed Councils but Scoring will begin on November their uniy struggies. is outy by 45 people were present territory surrounding forward the matter of affiliation the end of 10 mat, July 1, 1931 to or no cuidutig ideology of the Third uterhope to couvert the masses to their contact with system of granges, had twice been voted down due to 20 and will continue until further the have community clubs, farm bureaus the arbitrary conditions laid down notice. Weekly reports will be revolutionary antional; and so also did the cat: or such it trial, then the other ities with lues and be able to win leadership. movement. Swabeck talk made ustrophic events of the Staliniste las organizations He severely condemned the Trade Chess people. As a matter of factor Marxian principle of socialisme our opinion, for the local organl workers. In these communities are came unit No. 10 of the False Policy of Stalinists a profound impression on some of periodow inevitably from the oright and the duty to act in which are widely attended by the by the Leavitt proposal Horde in this column. WHAT NEXT IN RUSSIAN.
Union Unity League policy of the impressed the League comrades one country.
Pioneer Publishers has just rexations of the Communist League, a sali works, sugar retinery, six with Steele, Leavitt and one ottical Communist Party tor having no less, The cotoposition of the audience to arrange a public hearing on the canaries a pickle works, gravel other as delegates, celved a number of copies of com.
pursued the very opposite course In comrade Swabeck speech at represented practically all of the case, invite the Communist party to pits and similar Industries as frait Suddenly relief was cut to rade Trotsky monumental work by pulling all the Lert wingers out the he related several of tendencies in the tomato of the conservative unionis aud or en while in Europe and communist mooist and bring its evidence and invite repre dryers, etc. Among these workers miserable dict of puree. What Next in the Russian langsincuding sentations of other organizations in in th ganizing them into separate, sopoiuted ont some of the extreme some advancing elements still all the radiont labor movement to members of these organization. Throughout the country the unem: Pioneer Publishers, 126 East 16th to the st. at 15 cents a copy.
only isolated the militum aurados have to make in order to was a lively and instructive period and voto. By this method the facts wittees to these clubs with their board of supervisors in protesto MY LIFE left the masses more thaly in the carry on the work of the movement of questions and discussion in the can be clorrly and publicly estab petition.
demanding free choice of food, few coples of comrade Trotcontrol of their reactionary leaders. reliminary speeches were made period that followed the lecture. lished. If the accused is guilty o The second meeting was attended cash, road work, no evictions for sky brilliant autobiography are The masses, not being revolutionary non payment of rent, against water, on sale at Pioneer Publishers, 84 minded, will not join the sas or electric shut off Hundreds East 10th Street, at the Mob Fury to build a bigger When the masses become conand stronger crowded the hall and other huc reduced price of 50. Avail your scious of the need for organization they will stream into the couserva the pickets. fight? Outnumber pelises of the prosecution. Strik did, militant, spontaneous united is too late.
tive unions as they are streaming tux tue strikers six to one, armed ers, and those connected only re front.
IMPORTANT DOCUMENT Into the of at the present with pickluules, guspipes and motely with the strike were slug Russia and Germany at Bresttime. Swabeck said that the mili.
rocks Lucy waved into this peaceful, red, tarred and feathered and left READ AND SUBSCRBE Litovsk by Judah Magnes in tants should be in on the ground meu group of workers and lifeless along the road. Incoming TO THE MILITANT be obtained from Pioneer Publishfloor to organize the masses now, lound uuvutiet for their crazed, freight trains were searched ery for twenty five cents.
and that the militants must lend a The tranquil quiet of Yakima Val. it was quite unreasonable to the menteu fury by cracking their agitators. The kept press un constant ear to the needs of the ley, Washington, where the hops masters that the slaves should pro bones and sculls, beutiug them into leashed a bowl of lynch talk. Au masses and be on deck when they are grow, later to be dispensed test against working in the fields Usinity. The pickets fought sorts of ruses were used to find a over a brass rail as foaming New for a piece work rate amounting to Valluntly but the odus were are ready for struggle.
too pretext for frame up. The workIn the question period that folclass war. For some time now the and sometimes merely for their skughter bud cloured they marched ing from vagrancy to criminal Deal beer, is raging with bitter one and one half cent on the pound, greut. When the smoke of the ers are indicted under charges rang: lowed it was brought out more laves who pick the essence of your meals and the privilege of sleeping those workers who still could walk syndicalism.
by fully how a revolutionary worker refreshing drink have been in full in the barn. Decent conditions of into town.
should act in the labor movement revolt against their profit lusting existepee and lucrative protits don Unspeakable Conditions generally; how it is necessary to masters under the auspices of the jibe.
Here without warrant, trial or Conditions among the imprisoned work not only with conservative Agricultural Workers Union No. 110 arrest they sung the workers into workers are unspeakable. mild and reactionary workers, but even of the Harvesting Ceases u makes it contraption of barbed description is contained in this let.
ON GERMANY What do these slaves want? They The hop pickers organized and wire, a bull pen. The legal sau ter received by the General Defense tionary leaders through the medium want to live, decently, like ordin presented their demands to the the ballpen, bardly kuown in the in the can are in a very bad shape the Lion was, of course, quickly granted. Committee: All the fellow workers The ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXT?
100 pages 25 paper cover ఆర the workers seemed to be very something to fill their bellies, to them. 36 to 00 cents an hour? The ist, is a millar Western institu ove blanket each in a chicken Postage 06 extra per copy cloth over much pleased with the meeting and stop that guawing ache that never eight hour day? The abolition of Stocmployed to sup every grain bouse. All need clothes bad. Postage 06 extra per copy at. seeins to cease. They want a root child labor in the field under the ers. The only comparison that ap 18 inches 70 miles from bere; at tending subsequent meetings at over her heads and a bed under age of 18? Never! The strike was snow ON RUSSIA which comrade Swabeck spoke their toil weary bodies.
proaches it is the black hole of present a cold rain is falling. The The Future of International Calcutti. It has been used time Lellow workers are dressed for PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF Not much, you think In these The hop plckers left the delds. and again to imprison striking July in Florida, without coats many Communism.
Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy Swabeck spoke to a crowd of Si or goals thun mere animal existence was formed. The rich farmers tooktion given it in the bulletin issued now, as all of the fellow workers On Friday evening, comrade ple should be striving a higher the bevesting of this colden crop metai miners, the in Idaho for them. It anything can be done ON SPAIN 90 people at Pythian Hall on the tasn the grioning Noses in Wash this little spree of the workers by the General Defense Committee have colds, etc. Fischer THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER subject The Future of Interna. Lugton led his people into the pro. jocularly. At first. But when in on the Yakima struggle: Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy tional Communism. Several So. mised land where hunger and wantimidation failed, when spends half his time in the county cialists, Farmer Laborites and are no more, where the well fed Americanisın hospital.
ON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION The Bullpen and rice prejudice trade unionists were present at the workingman consecrates efforts were ignored, when all their elab. These stockades, commonly callMeanwhile these strikers are to COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM meeting. few outspoken Stalin. to culture and character building orate strategems came to naughted bullpens. were rotten ram stand trial where the boss class Price. 15 Postage 01 extra per copy ist sympathizers were also present to you believe this? Then listen and the workers remained firm, the shackle atrairs, open to wind sun Justice will endeavor to railroad which added considerably to the to the dream shattering story of farmers became desperate at the and rain, often two stories high, them from five to twenty five ON THE THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY liveness of the question and discus. Yakima, Washington, sion period. However, none of the The Beer Ballyhoo sight of their golden crop rotting with toilet facilities such as they They are to be tried in the city of AND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION leading lights in the official Com You remember the ballyhoo that on the ground.
were in the same enclosure where Yakima where mob law prevails They too began to organize. Not men and women had to spend every and it munist party were present to at attended the propaganda that the THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT WORLD REVOLUTION return of legal beer would make the kind of organization intended moment of the many days they were howling for blood, where the slight.
REVOLUTION tempt to defend the party position mallions of jobs and bring prosper to bring better life to human beings. there was hardly more than enough men is a crime punished by lynch 25 the weakness of the second Interity In its wake. If your pockets They were bent on the direct op room to stand up in. Such a strucing.
180 pages paper cover. 50 Postage 08 extra per copy Postage 08 extra per copy cloth over 00 national and brought it crashing to are empty and your eyes open then posite: grinding the heel of opture is the place where eighty men This is a class battle of the first the ground. But out of the Second the Great Delusion must be apInternational was rescued the Marx parent to you. But what of that?
beep into the workers and women were placed, for the water. Action from the organized. The rife raft of the town ON OHINA lan kernel that, under the leader. Prosperity did come to the brew and the country was called to arms elements to attack and the crowds militant workers are the only ef.
to stare at, in Yakima City. And rective instruments in his fight PROBLEMS THE CHINESE REVOLUTION ship of Leinn, made the proletarianery owners and the bie farmers who lobiste pielhantes Powergales coum here they have tryside. Pickhandle brigades arm tbat memorable day in August when slave.
remained since which is the fight of every wage 450 pages paper cover 100 cloth cover 50 set up the first workers state. It These ranchers saw the vision of ed with clubs and pitchforks terPostage. 06 extra per copy GEO. CLARKE was the new revolutionary leader. gain, of making their pile. The rorized the striking workers, bull terror broke loose in lovely Yakima Valley.
Contributions for the defense of gathering up the Marxian elements damaged fortunes would be repair to club and murder. The business Then martial law was proclaimed the Yakima strikers should be sent from the wreckage of the Second ed, they would get rich again. Kut men and their aw and order Street meetings were forbidden and to Harry Clark, Yakima Defense PIONEER PUBLISHERS International to build the Third one thing stood in the way. They hoodlums were determined to crush broken up. The. camps Committee, Box 360. Seattle, Wash 84 EAST 10th STREET, knew that if the workers state is workers were demanding considera attain this end was too low, too out, the property burned. grant Committee, 2422 Halsted St.
to survive the revolution will have tion. Downright unreasonable! Yes, brutal, too savage.
of 3000 was asked of the state Chicago, Ill.
place to be wuere they can pruuseuing. In a speech that lasted jer the subjent period of Stalanismes into 11 punks. At the same ance, a higher standard of relief course and would have the addi a bound volume of the Militant, The Flames of the Class War a In Yakima, Washington for 192 pages. 65 to OF