AnarchismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PRICE THE MILITANT CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME VI, NO. 52 WHOLENO. 199 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 1933 PRICE CENTS Probation Tag Day for Terzani Defense Bellussi Wave of Repression in China; Big Sums for Food This Week End in Deporting Left Opposition Threatened for War Workers Imminent Purposes and ul ec!
worker are Hitler Secret Too Much Bread Socialist Mayor In the Fascist Inferno Whispers en les couper low Promises Cheap Campaign ex To all Labor Organizations: 1148 St. Nicholas Ave.
Peiping. About a month ago we movement some members pass over FELLOW WORERS: Queens: sent you a letter in which we gave into the camp of the enemy. This The United Front Terzani Tag 30 Flushing a rough description of conditions is an indication of how blinded are here. Now, however, the situation the bureaucrats in face of a critical day Conference, held at 94 Fifth b206 27th Street in North China is changing rapidly. situation.
Avenue, Saturday, November 11th, Near Queens Plaza The conditions for revolutionary There can be no argument as to Long Island City.
Stalinist Expulsion Order decided on the following addresses Downtown Brooklyn: Quick Action Needed to thank they were a month ago. The in the revolutionary movement. But Huge Appropriations for Kevoked Under Pressure the Tag days. On the 17th and 18th 157 Montague St.
to Save Anti Fascist first maneuver of General Ho Yin at present it is not a question of a Hensonhurst: Chin, the right hand of Chiang Kai handful but of a current, a move Military Revealed the United Front Committee The Irumed up expulsions Shek, upon his arrival in Peiping ment! This movement is taking of sit to Issue collection cans 87 Bay 25th Street The decision against Anthony was the destruction of the place while the bureaucracy is at Uncle Sam War and Navy James Gordon, Seo. Pupus and Coney Island: Bellussi has been upheld and his and the organizations athliated with the helm of the party.
Departments are very Syma Weter Trom the busy. All Boud work receive collection cans from inmediate deportation to Ithly has it and the suppression of the anti2202 Mermaid Ave.
CI wwwustrul Union for the crime collectors of all organizations par Some months ago the Red Flag western forts are being charged.
333 Sheffield Ave.
been ordered by the Department of Japanese fighters.
wrote: About one hundred work ecruiting onces are open and the of Trotsky. were revoked licipating in the Tag dy.
Labor. The danger The necessity of every labor or tant being delivered into the hands of this mili A Wave of Arrests ers. have joined the Communistick of the employed are bemg at the last heinbershty meeting of Adresses of Headquarters the union at when the status iu In a short time mass meetings Youth League in one month! About uccepted. mustly college graduates.
sanization and every worker giving of. Mussolini hangmen is now were forbidden, several party militen workers a day! While they ew barruck are being but qusaurs who put through the oust Brooklyn: the fullest support to the Tag day most imminent. Heroic efforts will tants were shot, a wave of arrests howled with glee over the quantity mearly all government corts er ut tuo euing of tue socialsed Williamsburgh: cannot be overemphasized. Terzand have to be made in the next days spread everywhere, three comrades the quality was Ignored, party educary postulur me goes to trial November 27 and the to save him from this fate.
their 289 3rd Street ural committee were compelled results of the trial will ultimately to make a nameraced retreat under Flatbush: pressure on tue protest movement All that is left now since the important leaders of the party were the Communist party was consequ. Cructs for ammunition have been 84 Utica Avenue antect every worker in American Berseportation order has been con arrested. Practically all the party ently transformed from a vanguard to several large companies to When was rising in the ranks not 2239 Church Avenue only of the LLC Wing workers in Brownsville: political allegiance, we must com Relluss the right of voluntary de organizations in North China (in. of the proletariat into a mass or cluding Chase Brass Copper Co.
Belen, but even ol members bine our forces at this time to departure to another country to find cluding Peiping, Tientsin, Pootin, Fanization. The current of capito unc. Of Waterbury, Comn, and the 219 Sackman Avenue Lite Dual Communist party. In lations is the result of this policy. Sridgeport Brass Co. These conkind. The best way that we tho Lim and to provide him with pas party members who but yetender feat the common enemy of all man. another country which will admit Shantung, etc. are annihilated The Left Opposition Fights On. tracts average 3, 000, 000 aplece.
lead u Dalg Louny expelieu, Bronx: An important fact: Many of the Recently a rumor has been spread veneral Electric got a contract for the caree comrades are now put on w. 170th Street support to the Thug days, This right of voluntary depart. slugged our comrades as prouuuuu.
With and 18th.
around that the Police Department 3, 000, 000. Doubtless the regular 809 Westchester Avenue Winchester, Wone squad of Stalinist func 2700 Bronx Park East ure has been granted by the De revolutionaries have been convert is planning to destroy the Left op arms companies like tionaries from the True Union Ho Yin Chin and 792 East Tremont Avenue UML lue neudeu by Sam NedBoro Park: ers that is nearest to your home, end, if the proper efforts are mde, the Call at the Regional Headquart. Tartment of Labor in similar cases by shirt Fasnia are joining position just as it has destroyed remington, Savage, Western, Duque. Au the party. This is quite possible. out, etc, also received large orders sm, were intendance at the memset a collection can, contact every it should be secured for Bellassi, these gentlemen are saying toulas: The burden of oppression of the vut no complete tigures are avail 1377 42nd Street Leeship moting in order to super enheter une heighborhod and Alcosa olher cases, the Interna haren Principles chand contest the sous et beste were able au mieguros viven here Valle tue escu, proceuure and Brighton: COLICIUsion. They hau nopeu that 1113 Brighton Beach Ave. defeat of Fascism. Bring your permission for deportee to enter the from imperialist attack. The never faltering.
Huge Army Contracts the original expuiston kasu could Manhattan: Hamberse pe card for identification, extent or the bus provided the cornerust erts is foe. we books stebiend you tonne of obeshe Contracts have been let for Coast be put uver Wicuout creating muca East 15th Street or stir, and that they would organization get the collection came weeks ago a case of this kind was The party organ, Red Flag, anal such as The Oply Road. etc. etc. uns. Alte corpulangars, research 100 72nd Street Increby De rid or three militants for distrubution from your local reported in the Daily Worker. Noche del test is inevitable that THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. duxiliary barrucks, magazine Laboratories, ordinance warehouses, 2005 7th Avenue Whose impeccable record in the center.
and union they were quico prepared to 94 Fifth Avenue. TERZANI DEFENSE COMM. Soldarity to Bellussi, and, we can in the process of the revolutionary Peiping. Sept. 21, 1933.
shell jouses, military police ignore completely in view of the be sure, none will be made.
racks, and chupels. These conAs the final hour draws near it tracts amount to at least ten and Tuct thut these Oppositionists had becomes absolutely clear that if he become a thorn in their sides, tighta half million dollars, fully 90 ing their curecrutism and tueir was to depend on the Belrebeing for new barracks.
the Wisations Uncies at every turn.
ports are scattered and not clear Workers Protest uscist butchers. Although he is put evidently from 500 to 600 new The story of an Austrian miner. Hot a member of the Lett Opposi Police in Terror Gutzon Borglum, famous sculptor, barracks are going up in regular in an article on conditions observed army cumps entirely apart from the ever, wie scores of workers, esPECIALLY in the loud and needle the Volksblatt of Linz. Hobenreich sympathizer and was arrested on travelling through the Dukotus, conservation camps for which no trades illustry, made it perrectly Government to of makes the lowwng observations agures are given here.
for work, as he had been unem. ant. For that crime he is re.
which shoulu give us an sigut o ans are also in progress for a clear that they intended to carry Un at de er led light in belli o whats behind the nuuger or farm wetention Farm in Alichigan ownployed for some time. He reached ceny a double punishment: DeAn interesting incident of the re Zwichan in Saxony where he had portation by the Government The following report is taken er an worker alike. He says wed by the Dept. of Justice and for those expelled against those cent weccions is the election in been promised job, to who so crmmally kicked them out, bridgeport, Conn. of a socialist to isth. On the day before he was evaluists. The ball fund of the emper start June udsabotage of his case by the croma news item in a London Burt, in the New York Times for order inspection Stations along Xovember 12, 1933: 50 juba sampy because the une mayoralty and an enure social arrested on the grounds that his was not available for him. From a Special Correspondent tew weeks ago when the poor woundary Lule entire Mexican and Canadian lige job simply because of berust eky aumwustration. Whether papers were not in order and that put the present day, although new and sinister organization est or our farmers were political views.
treking Aew totalling. the coming to decree Poller the news on the towel poora terus mount as those atreuus tet. 10, ers ringing lu teir ears, the Stalin. in another City Desides All unfavorable reports back to Ausaluty Worker us not printed the forefront of morao piled on to a tra 0, 000to ist victus were compelled to rev. radicalism in the moods waukee, indicates a change towards tria. He was carried back and urom Germany, er, tuy expiumed they wanted to of the forth between a concentration and we about his case.
To leave the Wielding for greater use the decision of expulsion ar masses or weether it the trumpu and several prisons. IIe entered the hands of these cynical sabor chan the chlets of the ordinary polla de Ourent capacity and adaptibility of factor help during the winter.
les for making ammunition is thortion and present to the membership witoin the province of this article ved at by their owu jarty tracul good clean government is not complaints against his confinementet independently without delayume but Captain Goering. the drug uue us and the landsharks, cant une accurding to this knowledge are ugers would be a crime. We must we force, and bowing the knee to This farmer himself a chattel ou oughly known and orders for each Heeting. recommendation from o answer. Sigubcant it is, how. Because of this he was brought to save this sterling mintant from audicted Prussian Premier, their sec cnough for his prouuce to tying in War Department tiles ready that the expulsioll action ever, that whatever causes motivo previousir dere he had been held the danger of torture and death in excesses are causing a reign of tersiue Dim Larough the winter. He OP immediate release. Uncle Sam the New York u. Council be reated the majority received by on June 29th. There he ascist haly. derense committee cor in Germany.
voked and the three comrades put per stelevy, the new Socialist was stretched out on a table with is cooperating with the American No one not even a Naxl knows will of his friends and relatives. navy and these he is concentrating must throw himself on the good is concentrating on the army and to them. nayor, his statement to the press three stoor holding himCivil Liberties Union to secure a whether he is sute from them. Noll rhe poor farmer lives in penury on the Westcoast. Fort Expulsion. down, while other storm delay of the deportation and per. only do they Sam do you for these individuals. We must be received with jutation by roopers belaboured him with rubmission for him to enter another war agutust the opponents of Hit e taxes and interest wage uucoutrolled wecause toep price is tuo low Houston, Texas. gets over one and don want to make heroes or marhigh bulu million dollars tur new bar ber cudagels on his back, seat and country. Eforts are also being lee but they also provide the Nazive worker must aunger nevertue rucks. Tue Juncos, largest dirigible tyrs out of them.
No red threat of expropriation arms. Atter forty five blows he made to secure his temporary readers with handy instrument oss. How explain that borgum in the world, has been transperred Purpose of Probation as over the heads or to pro uell ott the table, oue Storm Troop letise on bail. We hope for success for setting private are composed Blves the answer in anuber pur to California.
pertied interests of this New kuger standing with his foot on the in our efforts. Your help is needed. The Secret When Goron, in the course of cand city. The tirst socialist ad back of his neck so that he could send funds to the Bellussi Deceuse of men, hand picked by Captain Aiew weeks before Mayor Cerorph an imissioned indicument of the Hundreds of Millions For War bureaucrats and their course, de ministration to be elected in Bridge not defend himself at all, while an Committee, Cannon, Secretary. Goeringade With Bullets munded to know tle precise nature Jutr, acLevy makes it quite cleur, uther beld him by the hand and cure or the Micitant, 126 last loch inak of Chicago was killed ne tolu All this expansion of the military of tue probution. the Stalinist is out to bring economy into the threatened him with a revolver, de street, New York City.
we: There are over half a mil machine is in addition to the snip refuse to make any explanation at city Tences, to save the taxpayers claring that he would be shot imOne of their chiet roles is that on loves or stale brey in the building for the Navy which runs all. Gordon and Welner both de money the unemployed and strik mediately if he uttered a a sound.
LYNCH THREAT FOR ports reachi London from Germany can get hold of more than a rew many of these hundreds of millions clared that they would accept no one workers are not even mention. While on the floor he was given SCOTTSBORO BOYS conditions. They were not guilty led by implication.
another ninety blows with the rubof the trade union or labor more ranking socialist, 40 administer a rain of cuts on the ears, he was slety over the fate of the Scotts place almost invariabay. comes to aced one of the great overcrowded projects. Compare this with the As we go to press, dispatches being found riddled with bullets. mousind. They are systematically couch for the Army and the Navy. intend says Jasper McLevy. ber cudgel. In addition to this and from Decatur, Alabama, arouse an. The official inquiry that takes uurned, burned to protect the mar. being labelled for public consumpset while Chicago is strugglmg lotion as NRA and Public Works ment, and the charges concocted by the autuirs of the city with common spat upon and called an Austrian Boro boys whose re trial starts this sudden stop. It is found that the readines on the earth.
murder is the work of the Secret substantiated wbica was impossinis statement approximates the On June 30 he was released after There the answer. The farmer need of federal assistance for build.
Lynch mabs are being organized porico and there is nothing more. eaves the land. The prices are ng projects cannot obtain it from ble or to openly withdrawn and post election effusious of Mayor he was forced to sign a statement by reactionary Southern politicians be said.
squashed. The purpose of the so La Guardia or any successful lep that he had no cause for protest or to rid themselves of all legal em The Secret Police hold their own wheat. The city worker suffers because a city weking this help too low because there is too much the Public Works Administration Cated probation was, however, ubiloan of Democratic candidate complaint concerning detention. On barassments. trials at their various beadquart from under nourishment while must ar st nove bonds for monde clear by the Stalinists in an it means balance the budget and July he reached Austrian territory Threats have been diereted noters.
the surplus bread is burned to make of the cost of an undertaikng and indirect manner. Their courage if it fits into the financial pattern where he was examined by a doctor ainst Ruby Bates, star wit to ensure the accuracy of the kind of a system is this for the debts to bankers.
against the nine boys, but The prisoner previously beaten prices high.
buvius failed them, and having then the bothersome many cities cannot do this because unemployed who found ample evidence of the also against his docility is sentenced been compelled to withdraw deinquincles and heavy the will get a look in.
Figure it out for yourself! What or tax treatment which he had received. ness for the defense and the de regardless of expulsions in the face of the in intend to rehabilitate the an.
ſense attorneys.
Larmer and the worker?
Cignation of Left They All Die With the collapse of the NRA wing workers, ancial and social life. will inthey are now seeking to accomtroduce civil service and the merit excellent Prisoners tried by this new Star the government has an Chamber are whisked off to the excuse for enlarging its war mach.
chus of the formal action. We re partments. Don Ine: it puts men to work and money astonished concentration camp at Oranienburg, going to make life miserable for it the workers aren mentioned, near Berlin, the most dreaded of into circulation. War itself will you in this union until you re fore and the cops get attentive cons all camps.
nearkets and ed to giul, was the filumiting ceration. This is a socialist talk markets prosperity for all.
On October 18, 1933, the follow. towards the present Communist In The mortality among prisoners Capitalism will have its roast plg cuservation of one of the machine ing.
ing letter was sent to the Loveternational and the new Communist here is so great that it is reported if it has to burn its own house The final action taken by the have no obligations. No, not stone group by special messenger: International which is now being shortly closed, not from motives of down.
discussed in revolutionary circles meeting, the bulk of which was up to the working men. It necessary Dear Comrades: der the disciplinary Rushing War Preparations domination of will go unhesislatingly out or humanity, but because the death Some time ago there was an everywhere.
One of the greatest boasts of the rate exceeds the supply. We hope you find it convenient But at present there is no Imme.
this the party to fill key posts. No exchange of correspondence between teltonike most of the weep. com doubt a banker would make a bet your organization and ours concern to reply to this communication at have 15 minutes in which to wash unted the curse of child labor Dallyhoo. Even preparedness blood Rising at A. M, the prisoners NRA is that the new deal has elim late wat crisis and no need for trolled unions has been reduced ter administrator of the city fining the arrangements for debate an early date so that the prelimin and dress. Work, under the rule of Brain Trust is willing to con lquiet: without batting an eye or American industry. The hounds must be satisted. All 18 in essence, was as follows: ances than an exploited proletarlant which the fundamentaliterary agreements can be made as the whip, lasta till midday, when a Graduated Sentences realize that cannot introenees dividing us would be dis soon as possible.
Comrade Gordon was put on produce socialism by dinner of cabbage and potatoes cede that wages lave nut been apologizing to any one the govern Fraterually yours, is served. More work follows till raised as high as was necessary or ment is rushing its war prepara.
bation. Comrade Weiner was also victory, but we can sweep clean the reasons, the debate did not mater City Committee. P. when tea with bread is as called for but the Lions, far outstripping other items put on probation, and the job from city government and lay the foun ialize at that time.
provided. Eight o clock is Local New York, Communist abolition of child labor is the ac. of its Publie Works. NRA and With this letter, we renew our bedwhich she had been removed in the dation for a good, sound, construcwroposal for a debate between a League of America (Opposition. time, and so the days pass in a complishment of the generation and Conservation programs which serve party Coope restaurant, was re live administration.
turned to her. also on probation.
Take note of this municipal so prominent representative of your Max Shachtman, Organizer: animal sort of existence.
No one in Germany has yet heard dren released from bread winning not only will we have better times; What is to happen to these chilus bait to public hopes for Jobs and Comrade appas, who could not be cialism. It has great spokesman for One month has passed now since curs. We are prepared to have this letter was delivered and to this for a prisoner coming from Oranien land factory killing toil? Mrs. Per. we will celebrate. On the first fair resent at the meeting because he ties. for the bosses.
burg alive.
was in the hospital, is to be forced our committee of two meet with a date there has not yet even been kins, crusader against child labor to accept a withdrawal card te similar committee from your or an acknowledgment of its receipt, NAZIS INVESTIGATED and secretary of labor bad the fol day there will be an international picnic.
from the union which is a polite ganization to discuss all the less, an acceptance of the de OPEN FORUM way of effecting his expulsion.
involved, such as the subject title bate challenge. The issue was Clarence Hathaway, of the New lowing to say at the Biltmore Hotel MARTIN BEARDSLEE. appas, besides the crime of Trotof the debate, the speakers, the raised by a representative of the York Daily Worker, presented dam before the women division of the skyism. must also pay for the fact THE NRA AND THE hall, the date, the financial ar. Opposition at the mingements, etc. etc. It appears lecture on Trotestone forum Taging evidence, incriminating pro Crusade for Children on Oct. 30 Bert minent American reactionaries, bethat his physical condition has been TRADE UNIONS That means. she said, that measure so designed that the work undermined by the loss of health 10 us that there is a growing inter Wolfe, last week, with nothing but for the investigation of Nazi ac: there are six million children in er can support his child in mo.
Speaker: and blood in dozens of militant JAMES CANNON the union against emour respective organizations take speaker and the chairman. The November 15 in Washington, want and in hunger, not through ments of enforced indigence?
ployers, gangsters, and police. Rare.
Friday, November 24, 1933 the bread winners of their families The solution is the old shell game.
ang stands. public debate pretext offered that a debate would by the Dickstein (Congressional any fault of their own, but because Perish the thought!
would not only P.
ly does even the most reactionary are out of work.
Charity. committee of 400 men Hearings were disrupted union in the country permit itself at International Workers School dred workers but would serve to all the disputed questions, is wiped head on collision between Hatholittle victims, whose bones are beaded by none other than the tamHow make restitution for these and women have been appointed.
so cynical and brutal measures 126 East 16th Street out months confronting the cominunist move so the Lovestone group did agree wa Youmer Rep. Eachreise ho called Tickety from hunger and the lack buddophilanthropist, trhomas taw.
against a militant who has sacri.
Auspices: Manhattan Branch, ticed as much for the working Communist League of America 400, 000 for six raise Open sessions of the investiga the Ryatem greedy for the huge New York City child welfare agenc cut the world.
class movement as has Pappas. Opposition)
We mich to have son comes around.
we are especially inclined to ostpone it until the meeting Setion were postponed to Dec.
profits wrung out of the toil of ies. The Child klaves are convertGordon was given a bare five ADMISSION 15 CENTS the debate take place around the Why do the Lovestoneltes fail to SAVE TORGLER AND children? Or it that is too radical ed into child paupers. That is the (Continued on Page 4)
ERRED question of your position and ours accept our challenge?
DIMITROFF! pass an unemployment insurance great Roosevelt Revolution Lovestone Evades Challenge Emancipated Children potentiall organization and detalls much 1933 buttles of by Lamont,