BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionEngelsFascismGermanyImperialismItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

TAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1933 EDITORIALS The New Rift in the Right Wing Notes of the Week lead irresistibly to the fusion of all the genuinely who sought to conceal their own the space return of the Right they wanted to build a new party IROW mccount in the New York an digutty Bellussi setting the old conditions. Positive forces of new (Continued from Page 1) luence, of being won over to rev. the actualities of the labor moverevolutionary life are making their way against the olutionary kaut kyanism the ment and class relations in stream, combatting the disintegration, preparing the perialist war crer lived than Eug noise served only to cover up the United States.
foundations of now movement.
This is the mean one Debs. Ile was however debas retreut of the Centrists into the How genuine and tuuching aced by deportation has been a touchstone of ing of the steps already taken in Europe toward the ed to the function of window. dress camp of the social fitriots. If tribute to the spirit of the late labor solidarity in this country for many years igs Is Pigs Lormation of new Communist International. These ing for the party which represented Lovestone is painting up the Stalin Morris quit! It will be remem.
since the United States ceased to be an asylum fór new developments are bound to exert a powerful in. In this country the International ist parties to make them look pretty bered how the recently deceased It might have been at other chap political refugees and its government officials became Huence to all workers political organizations and to st. capitulation and betrayal. In and robust, rejuvenated instead of fulminated against the left wing tor of the Mad Blatter all the man catchers for the tyrants of other lands. Twenty his day, there were not a few rogues sterile, it is only with a view to ers in his party in 1919 because Marchi Ilure. But it wils actually five years ago the move of the governmentduring the administration of another Roosevelt to revolutionary elements into a single party. Perl xhane and criminal record under wing to pueral centrist grouplugs, such as the will his uuternished mantle, just as What Lovestone writes about the primarily of alleged changes pro. We refer to a story of triumpli.
and discard the old on the basis Times.
hand over a refugee to the rulers of Czarist Russia, for torture and death at their hands, became an outnot be able to stand aside. They will be drawn with years later the Italian social dem. relationship between the German duced by the equally alleged kus aut justice as it is wractised in standing political issue of the day. All the radical takmg ace under the sigu: for or against the new solini wld behind the codlin of the tween them and the CP in of the actualities of the laborwn age. After NILA, after the labor bodies united in a stormy protest movement Communist Party and the New International.
which raised the workers to their feet and stopped practise does not become oue Whitism, thonymous wlemic nainst movement and class relations in the Now Deal and after the Stuosevelt exultation and mobilization The influence of this issue in the rauks of the more alluring when the stalinist deals a still blow to the whole body mure gracefully and persuasively. ut the Iluman Ageng the deportation. Since that time, especially since the war, the club of deportation earned its place as is already demonstrated in the fact that bureaucracy and its kight wing of dogma crected to justify the otherwise the arguments are iden.
one of the chief weapons of reaction and its victims the question of a new litical party has taken the attorneys take refuge behind the queer policy of internatiount Brantical, wally reactionary and in Ia Brooklyn, the other lay, magistrate held court over a villium central place on the agendut of the Pittsburgh Con unguidicent conduct of Dimitrovaterist. In defense of this policy, tentionally mislending.
have always counted on the warm sympathy and Ierence. It would be too much to expect that a conut Lehmig and Berlin ordemagogie Brandlerism has contended that support of the class conscious workers.
who muitreated three por little Culmination of Ten Years CASIVE answer will be given there. The roferences to the thousands of party while stalinism is more than cup The Left wing demanded a Com gesto tiputty built. repre.
This has been especially so in the case of those as a whole is by to nieins yet proxerud to jurtici militants prostrate under the heel able of pursuing a wrong policy in unist party in 1919 not simply be brought up for deportation to countries duled by duite in the formation of a new party of Communism. Fuscism What a decisive is the capitalist countries, it is cap. cause something had happened stative of the uiter white terror and fascism. The soulless brutality of to say nothing or playing leading or monopolistic hot bruism of Matteott! It is able of pursuing ouly a correct in Germany in 1914 or in Russia in pondering over this sight (which sending a worker to prison or denth in another land, role u this enterprise. The plan to change the same but the superbe courage of the polley in the where it 1917, but because August 4th had was use as a display advertise.
without even the accusation of a crime being laid of the to label it the new purtyus in martyrs to Fascism who are now is historically necessary, justified sealed the fate of the second In ment for a popular porcine comedy against him in this country, revolts every human inconcentration and irreplaceable. Now Lovestone ternational, its program, its phil at the luxusa Theatre) had the uicated in the programmatic article by Budeuz in the camps. What counts is the system argues from exactly the opposite usoply, its tactics and because Nov. perpetrator of the. crime. ar.
stinct. More than one intended victim has been Nor. Xth issue of Labor Action is doomed to com. atically fatal policy of Stalinism the standpoint: if new Communist ember 7th had veritied the need of rested sa ved from this fate by the intervention of the radical workers through protests, legal talent and The judge, whose commiseration nothing. roclaiming itself the new arty will not Torgler is in the docks instead of and the rest of the capitalist world, new program and new tactics of with such animals thereby becomes financial aid. Solidarity with the foreign born relieve the organization of the problem which will litter, where the Communists and very obviously, this means a new world wide applicability. We pro understandablo, ordered the logs workers up for deportation has been a bond of unity arise the day after the adjournment of the Conference Socialists are imprisoned instead party in the Soviet Union because it forlay a new Internacional and troud, sculled the detendant und between all the class conscious workers worthy of the and the new Communist party not because mapped the cryptic sentence: and grow more insistent every day.
the name little slip was sincerely ad Pigs is pigs and not subway The organization of a new party is a colossal The Existence of the German are at least as responsible for this Anthony Bellussi, held in prison today with an The certainly exists, the German) course as the genuinely made in Germany, but surdimes.
undertaking. What is to be its principle basis, what although greatly reduced in num. leadership itself.
order of deportation to Fascist Italy already pro because the German events marks Brandlerist Contradiction CONCLUSION does it draw from the Russian Revolution bers, and still includes in its ranks the culmination of ten years of All this may be found to be an nounced against him, presents a case of exceptional and the experience of the Comintern under Lenin some of the most advanced and This is quite correct, even if it stalinist revisionism, because the exact rendition of the Times story importance and appeal. Here in the now long lam ami unuer sulin, with whom is it to be formed, what most courageous class conscious does not constitute the only reason for Comintern has collapsed tre Wednesday, October 26, 11813.
iliar story of the rebel against tyranny in his own shall be its international atliliation? these are the workers of Germany, an essential why a rew Communist party must cause it was shipwrecked after the The magistral mocnient, re.
country seeking asylum in America and finding vatal questions to which all the revolutionary workers element for the reconstruction of be formed in the Soviet Union. But bureaucracy threw overboard its ported here in all its cynicin, a trap, its government officials in league with the in the and those noving toward a revche Upon this fact, says how is such a line of reasoning to revolutionary internationalist blives a goou mesure of capitalist foreign tyrant and catching victims for him. Here untury position will demand clear answer. Lovestoue, any realistic policy in jibe with the previous Brandierist last, weils, rudder, bolmsmen: be justice and the system on which it is the story, ever new, bright and fresh, of the in Germany must be based.
Dig that domitable militant who travels the world as a ree Left Opposition has given its answer to fugee and remnins true to the banner wherever he cluese questions alreads. Our program is Marxism fact it certainly ts, but it is stalinist in Russia was an entity outcome of ten years of the discapitalista alright.
may be. Here is the whole rage and hate and fury Lehrst four Congresses of the Comintern, and the besed. In 1917, and 1918, the Stalinism in the capitalist worla? Ideas put into the foundation stones Subway Surdine Commits Suicide With Apologies to the Police 11 lots of our Interuational pre outerence, the same atid more could have been that stalinism had to be defended at the International, ten years of of the struggle of the workers against fascisin em bodied in the person of a single man, a John Subway Sardine, on election prisoner September 30th Declaration of the League. We are said about the American Socialist in Russia regardless of what criticelulism in one country, of repudi.
marked for the vengeance of the fascist beast oluer organizations for the formation or a new party were imprisoned by the American it elsewhere?
That in a capitalist capitulation to the retty bourse urces the People otherwise Why Is this case not raised to prominence in the radical labor movement and made an issue of the and a new laternational ou the condition that it socialist Party Hundreds of its country Independent Communist series of objective and white the per regaled with culuglies on the be a Communist Party and a communist luterua ilitants were imprissued by the artic (Alsace, sweden) were servation of the discredited socially coor, lestes lienda anti fascist struggle? Why is his name not made a symbol of the fight as it deserves to be? Why are Laul. This is our message to the Com cd, it morthings prohibited. Yet the stalinist robbery of the Rus the waited front from below of porkers. The courts are not for Do serious efforts being made to save him from the vengeance of Mussolini by providing transportation there and that those who stand for a new party clared that the old party nie sonder slingby is not deterd be, and the British revolutionary musean. Elle is not provided with any and securing asylum for him in some other country Let the International Labor Defense answer that Torous will see the importance and secessity of the The old party, its program, its bu carded by the Brandterites, but wellsprings of the Communist part or light that we woother point conference taking a definite and precise atitude to restcracy, had failed to meet the pardoxically cnough because in this les, of corruption, degeneracy and Platbush Treatre. There is no question it receives the support of radical workers ward our proposals.
test of the war, to learn the les mettenlar instance a proudo. luter usurpation of enormously culunes. to prevent cruelty against on its express promise to defend the interests of all sous victims of bourgeois class Justice regardless of their International and to absorb the by Lovestone Co. for his unalterlic, of systematically crushing the Yet, he holds the proud title of affiliations. Let the Daily Worker answer and exteachings of the Russian revolu ed defense of Stalin security in vanguard movement and reducing human being. Ile is, by the law Trade Union Tactics the luternational to a foreign agency free man. Free: to sell his plain why it suppresses all news about the Bellussi tion. The Communists of that day the nationnl Aparatus.
did not (Lovestone deliberately atof the case and does not even mention his name Is it because comrade Bellussi, although not into the AB. of unions a new favorable us today) thereupon give up hopelike swollen thumb in his rejec. divorced from actualities, but the larve when the supply of labor the demand.
member of the Left Opposition, was arrested on a basis for the rapid reconstruction of a strong left or winning over the most advance tion of the new party for the Uni. Lovestones who are hopelessly fancy exceeds!
charge of distributing copies of the Militant? Is waug in the labor movement has beeu provided. did most courageous class conted States. Neither poliltal norinated and love with the pro Tow fictitious this freedom is, it because the persecution of Bellussi for this offense is lowerthe correct tactics are employed, the new Left wing scious workers in the Socialist organizational relations in the rev. Set of being graciously permitted how much human.
should take on a broad scope. The narrowing down kurties. Quite the contrary. They olutionary movement of this com to crawl back to the antechamber beyond the range of swine by the contradicts the theory that Trotskyists are coun.
Inl ter revolutionists and fascists combined? And one of the trade unions in the period preceding the recent met themselves that task and actry have changed materially in the of the Stalinist chancelleries. commodity market which produces more question: Many workers stated for deportation labor revival yare expectional advantages to the com complished it with varying success, last period of time. To urge the a deeper sense thun is generally to fascist and white terror countries have finally been servative allietaldom which bused itsele ou the more winning over the majority in some formation of a new party in the recognized there lies the differ from the only be wathered why news (World. Telegram, Tuesday, saved from this fate by securing permission to enter skilled and relutively well placed workers. Supported cases. But this was nowhere done on the basis primarily of cnce between us. That from the left by the bankrupt trade union policy of attempt of reforming what was movement in Germany, as do both colla sing structure of Stalinism November 1933. the Soviet Union. Will this opportunity be given on the basis of continlug with the alleged changes in the Communist Love tone continues to prop up the JOBLESS, GOING BLIND, to Bellussi? Perhaps Litvinoff can answer the last the Stullults the reactionarios tightened their grip beyond reform, but of building up the Trotskyites and others that by means of spacious argument and HE SLASHES WRISTS question. It is a matter of International proletarian on the unions all along the line. The heavy inilux new and independent Communist tells Zam where he belongs falsification solidarity. Can anything be more important? of new members radicaly changes the internal situa parties.
discloses a loneless divorce from. MAX SHACHTMAN.
Note on Park Bench tion of the unions in favor of a revolutionary devel. When Lenin in 1914, and the Apologizes to Police opinent. Will the Left wing be able to seize the Comintern in 1919, declared that For Trouble.
The Convention Robert Guinewabl sat on a park bench in Central Park beof tactics? Or will the same bankrupt policy, which the Lovestones of that day made the HEN the Conference for Progressive Labor fore dawn today and took stock aided the annihilation of the organized Left wing clever retort that there were hunW Action (C. meets at Pittsburgh on inronds of himselt.
belore, operate to prevent its resurgence now.
At ureds of thousands and even mil. Events in Cuba are moving to which have been making November 18th it will confront as its major problem He was 15. lle was hungry.
the present moment this is the most important questions of workers still in the ranks ward a crisis. The strike wave is into these markets at the expense jobless. He was going blind, and the outstanding issue presented by International de tion of the revolutionary movement.
a matter of fact even experienced against American imperialism is But if the policy of Yankee pirhe could not pay for medical care.
velopments the question of a new International and, The problem is especially acute in the needle a period of growth after the world taking a violent form in the cities. acy is beset with difficulties from it would become worse when consequently, of a new party. This issue of internatrades, and notably in the International Ladies Garwar, without bringing the Second in the interior the situation is still its trade rivalries it is is unhampered winter came.
tionalism will overshadow all the convention :roment Workers Union. The outcome of the strike, on International to life again. But He scribbled a note to police ceedings despite, or more correctly because of the top of previous developments, finally consolidated the known to most six year oldetudincked the workers hold some by the international working class and plantations as guarantees outside of Cuba. Nowhere is there. causing all deliberate policy of bome grown American radicalism prisition of the swelled its ranks with was never a question of the physt. of their demands for higher wages Abroad movement of the workers this trouble then he cut wrists with luxor new thousands of members and eliminated the Inational. It died on August 4th diers and student bands of the Carno the first instance, on the stalin blood. motorist look Guine espoused by the organization. Internationalism domblade. He workers. collapsed from loss inates working class polities and grants no exempdustrial Union as a trade union factor.
tions. It takes its revenge, with a special ironic as a revolutionary or progressive ribean Army sent against twist, precisely on those nationally limited groups The workers who once followed the Left wing. Coree. It was on that historic day have not come to grips with the lzed Comintern, wahl to Bellevue. Doctors said The policy of the Comintern in he might live.
which seek to enclose themselves in a national stockfirst inside the luternational and later outside, are that the progressive function it had workers except in one or two cases.
is also the back in the old union. If the militants now adjust to ade and shut out the winds of Europe and the whole fulfilled in the two preceding de But this state of affairs and the Cuban mw. nist Party of policy of the themselves to reality and work on the basis of the oss class justice denls kindness world.
union, to strengthen it as a fighting instrument of the proletariat away from the bourge lubey unust be resolve definitely in communist Parties outside of the. for committing suicide!
Working class victims The Lovestone group dedicated itrell with a realism to the idea of a special American class parties inevitable. But it they take the position that the came to a dend stop. The posst. Cuban Bourgeois servants. The American armed intervention. There is justice? How long will they This is the 1933.
American imperialists and their involved in the struggle against! How long will workers stand brand of Communism. Within the year it suffered one convulsion over the Russian question and is the International as agents of the non existent Inframework of the old International autumn or early winter. The har. The Communist arty of the United loug will they allow a system of now in the throes of another over the German question. The still more American dustrial Union, they are bound to isolate and dis were completely exhausted and a credit themselves and alienate the workers who renew one had to be built on dir resting begins in December. It is states us clemonstrated again it society which degrades them to a.
is next in order. It is caught in the whirlpool of in.
the aim of the government to drive conception of internationalism. Its funte lower than the beasts, to do ternational issues and every attempt, at Pittsburgh gard the union as their own and want it to serve ent foundations.
the workers of the seized planta agitation is confined to articles in its work of human distraction?
them. By that they will strengthen the grip of the 1914 and 1933 tions, before the harvest season the Daily Worker and forum lecand afterward, to build exclusively on the basis of America will result all the more surely in a demonreactionary bureaucrats in the needle trade for a The collapse of 1914 and the col comes round to insure the Amer. tures. Demonstrations? There was long time to come. Yet this idiotic tactic is precisely lapse of 1933 have this in common ican and Cuban owners their vested one puny a air of the vanguard CORRECTION stration of the utter futility of such a program.
the one which the Stalinists, who learn nothing and essentially: the possibilities for rights and whatever potential profit. Philadelphia. There may have The first waragraph of comrade Internationalism is the motto of our epoch, and forget nothing, are prescribing for the Left wing of programowe proved to be com The workers on the plantations has been no serious attempt to build tant contains a misprint. The tirst the determining influence in all tendencies in the the Internatinal!
labor movement. For all its ardent Ainericanism. pletely exhausted. Just as the col who are armed and organized to a movement of support to the fourteen lines of the article should the Is itself a by product of the crisis This is the a resurgent militant movement in the hospect of lapse 10 years ago was the ex some extent will resist the attempt Cuban workers! Are the American have read an is the greatest menace to the and disintegration of official Communism in Amerien led the attack is which proceeds from international causes. The em The wrecking crew which ruined everything before cracy attempt to save its own hide attempts to evict them that have terfere with the sucess of Lit of reformism against the revoluergence of the as an organized body of by its stupidity is trying now to prevent any serious exdente ori interests of the protestohistrated that the com. It now the immedinte, burning gels. Laying empahsis on immedi. progressives in the trade unions coincided with the first signs of the devastation wrought by the about it is being raised by those workers who want letariat. So the collapse today, exitus coutlict may develop into a task of the advanced section of the atte skins and objectives, Bernstein notorious third period. in America and not to strugkle for a militant policy in the International presses the Stalinist surrender of widespread civil war. If the kov. American working class to come completely subordinated or subby the United to the aid of the Cuban workers.
the cooperation of the interests of the German prole. crument is sucesso accident either. Each step the has taken and, at the same time, count merged the need of revolutionary tariat, of the world revolution, in states warships will not land their the Stalinists. The answer is clear. It is impossi. order to preserve the interests of complement of devil dogs. STAMM.
strategy to guide the proletariat in to the left and that has been the general line of its its ble to work successfully in one union in the interest the reactionary bureaucratie caste But if the fighting should go the BROOKLYN BR. ACTIVITIES ultimate goal of social goal struggles. lle lost recent development would have rendered its separof the ate existence more precarious, unnecessary and, event. of another sou cannot even begin a serious strug: which has usurped the Soviet state other way through the going over Wed, Now: 15th, SP. Aan Meetings which, on the one hand, comditions ually, impossible If odlicial Communism had not reof Sympatizers ou Branch Ac. the character of the strateey and gle inside the International until you make a com wilding of socialism in Russia not impossible, the American im tivities.
plete break with the sabotaging policy of the Stalin. the flected, in the same period, the general bankruptcy work.
ists, to the extension of the revolution of Stalinism on an International scale.
Does this imply a break with those who follow on a world scale. Therein lies the perialists may resort to armed in. WelNov. 22nd, P. Interna lers and on the ot ber hand is detional Workers School The existence of a healthy party of revolution.
Student termined by them. For the means August 4th of the International to corvention. The capitalist press or try to follow the Stalinist policy in the union. day.
ary Communism on the one side, and an organizaAssembly reports that the Washington adminemployed will also determine the tion breaking away from reformism and proclaiming Absolutely. And the sooner the better. Cooperation It is not hopeless, insists Love Istration is looking for a formula Fri Dec. 1st, P. First Open end.
The revolutionary aims on the other, would raise insist in the task of rebuilding the left wing is possible stone: The official Communist by which it can land marines.
Soviet Union and the Fourth In THE MILITANT ently in the minds of the revolutionary workers, and only on the basis of a correct policy. Stalinism party is today more accessible than The difficulty here is the result ternational especially those in the the question of which destroyed the Loft wing will never be the over to the influence of the Opposlthis action and its consequences in Sun. Dec. 3rd, P. Private Entered as a second class mail fusion into a single party. If the contrary has been policy which rebuilds it. The new Left wing in the tion struggle carried on by our Cuba would have in Latin America Showing of the Movies The Rus matter November 28, 1928, at the needle trades will arise from the joint labors of those group. Precisely so did the Kaut. Today the Latin American aspect of sinn Revolution Post Office at New York, the case: if the ill starred bloc with the Staliniste UD.
came so soon to such a sorry end. If the Muste or workers who understand this thoroughly and do not against Lenin and the Bolsheviks The attempt to drive the workers Centrista argue the question is at an acute stage. Fri. Ixec. 8th, P. Open Forum der the act of March 3, 1879.
Jack Weber The New Deal Published Weekly by the Communist ganization even has experienced a certain growth of hesitate to draw the full conclusions from it.
in the formative period of the Com off the plantations coincides in and the Working Class influence in the recent period the real explanation Hesitation on this crucial point out of reluct intern. Lovestone has here dis time with the Pan American Con Clases of the International Work League of America (Opposition)
does not lie in American peculiarities but rather ance to make a division in the opposition can only located the subject and the object, gress which is to convene shortlyers School, Brooklyn Branch, open EDITORIAL BOARD in the American expression of an international phen. paralyze the work of the revolutionary militants and for the sentence should read. The In Montevideo. For the United the week of Nor. 97th. Classes Martin Abern James Cannon omenon the bankruptcy of the Comintern. The play the game of the reactionaries in the InternaLovestone group is today more ac States capitalists this congress is are held from to 10 PM Max Shachtman Maurice Spector owes its transient hour as an independent tional, as in every other trade union. clean break cessible than ever to the influence an extremely important one. They Monday Evenings: Principles of a determined Arne Swabeck effort Communism.
American movement primarily and fundamentally to with the bankrupt and discredited tactics of Stalin. of the Stalinist party. When the will make apologists for social patriotism out there to adjust the South ism is today the first prerequisite for the emergence side the ranks of the Second Inter Latin Amerienn markets in the in. Wednesday Evenings: History and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1933 and Fundamentals of Marxism Vol. VI, No. 51 (Whole No. 198)
factors which are international in their scope.
This situation is, by its very nature, temporary. of an effective Left wing. Those who mean business national clamored loudest that the terests of our own trade. Any Progam of the Left Opposition.
Further developments of the crisis in the interna in the labor movement and see the issue clearly will old socialist parties were on the misstep in Cuba may tip the scales History of the Russian Rev. Subscription rate: 00 per year tional movement of the workers vanguard are upmake this break at all costs and without delay. verge of succumbing to their in. Wat Montevideo in favor of English, olution.
Foreign 50 cents per copy opportunity and press forward with a realistie lune et secoua Internationaalared dea: The Crisis in the Cuban Revolution his directly