AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNon-aggression PactRadekRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Discussion Articles on the Tierra Del Fuego defend thout International Notes Ac.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1933 TII MILITANT PAGE Stalinists blame social democracy. events in Germany prove is what The social democrats feared the has always been understood by united front because it would in Marxists: there is no hopeless situaexorably have led to the proletarian are no guarantees for the proletar. Un cyile revolution. The Stalinists played tlon for capitalism, just as there into their hands by preventing the int. The decisive element in such all, take some planks which serve execution of this tactic. The social situations is the party of the workSome time ago comrade (Argentine Reactionaries as ata kama ana begin democracy carried on a pure parlia ing class. Post war events have Islas, secretary of the Left op the walls of the vessel. The steam Two Internationals mentary struggle against Fascism, shown that in most cases it was position in Argentins, was exil Use Torture on Militant pipes burst open. The hold is till.
the did likewise, warning precisely this subjective factor that ed to Tierra Del Fuego. He ed with smoke. We are suffocated the Brown Shirts, following their was lacking. In order to bring about was shipped to Ushuala, the Bolshevik Leninist like rats. Several men fall but we (Continued from last issue) tially in an active political sense march before the Liebknecht House, victory for the workers. In Ger southern extremity of Amer.
continue to bang awily furiously.
no different than the policy of so to beware the results of the Ica, in a seml polar climate, the Finally they invite us to a parley.
tragic con. regular place for forced labor.
The German socialdemocracy. cial democracy. The likeness lay tions. Social democracy declares factor has brought about subjective There were those old reprobates We demand to be let out, in short not to be distinguished from its In in that neither programs led in the that Hitler is on the verge of col sequences for the international Islas was arrested on board a from justice inured by the storms to travel like men and not to be ternational, did not perlod the proletariat. Quite the con minent: the Stalinists declare tbat defeat revolu direction of a possible victory of lapse and that his overthrow is im.
ship en route to Montevideo to of life who could not hide their trapped like beasts. Accepted.
tionary class polley, but the German Dowing this Party offers the policies of Lenin Jemotions.
We gend the remainder of the of approaching civil war continued trary, the line pursued by both or the revolution is today on the or conditions by which to overcome and Trotsky at the Anti War Propaganda in Prison trip on deck except when we enter to travel the road of reform. It ganizations, spelled inevitable de der of the wave been entirely cor. borrowed almost totally from the were e day. Both declare their Fascism. These conditions feared most of all, the possibilities feat for The grey days drag by intermina port.
German workers. And policies to Congress. Upon his release he ably. We have neither books, pen After ten day we arrive, half of of a proletarian revolution in Ger here, the question of consciousness rect and signify their intention to proposals made by the Left Opposi. perience in exile which we pub cil, nor a plece of paper. No news us are sick. We have returned to many and the bureaucracy of the or unconsciousness than 10 real continue along the same lines. The ton of Germany, in December 1931.
of any kind from the outside. Villa Devoto. Strange thing! They hie from the August issue of veritable tomb for the living. we place the political prisoners in power to prevent such an occurence. march of social democracy and draw his own conclusions on the posals have no concrete import. Bulletin of our Argentinian decide to break the oppressive quarter 30 which is meant for comTaking advantage of the bankruptcy Stalinism led to the victory of basis of these facts.
ance. To think that you can today comrades. Ed.
of this of Stalinism upon all important Fascism.
routine life. mon criminals, Instead of sending IV.
organize a united front of the workatmosyother comrade we begin a us to quarter 20 where we belonged Villa Devoto prison, cell 20. Mid With questions confronting the German It Social democracy held to the workers, the officialdom of the theory of the lesser evil. the party, the backbone of the comine nothing from events. Or, to believe night, grating and chain rumbling course on trade union organiza. The police are cooking up some toyed with the idea of the Stalinists advanced the position of tern was broken. Aside from the that it is now possible to establish Come on. they call out names of of the worker in the revolutionary vain. The fourth day, anticipating anited front, hoping at all times national and social emancipation German party, the largest that it would never really be con of the German people. When Wels strongest party in the International tense corps, to carry on the fight name, deliver a short speech to request of comrades, we start a tions. Outside are workers, waitsummated, because the development and company came out in support in the capitalist world, the is against the Fascist butchers, is to those am leaving. conclude: lecture on historical materialism ing our release, who Ivaru of our of the united front strugle against of Hindenburs. Thaelmann and New composed of small ineffectual or run about two years behind events. Long live the communist party and political economy. And also protest. In quarter 30 several have man The Recognition of the German pushed to the forele redke store ante tine substituting the historie were they exist. With the collapse what is necessary in Germany to live anarchism!
Working Class This is repeated in every cell. The on the request of all the comrades, prisoners cut themselves and wave Ing class.
slogan of the proletarian revolution of the German party, the most day, is clarity. The workers must the truck leave to the southern the cultioisms and program of the Internet first with water one minute later Revolution of 1917 and another on through the window. The cards main policy adopted it wit the petty bourgeois and reac. powerful defense instrument for be taught to understand what took docks. meb of policemen are Left Communist Opposition tear gas. They cansupport of the lesser evil as ciution. Advancing the theory of stroyed. Yet, apparently undaunted, German working class will reconoce los montantes, elemento acconterest shown than by these com to the quarter. en order from the against Hitler. Under the policy of Social Fascism, Stalinism refused the stalinist leadership organizes stitute itself in a final struggle and over the gangplank. We are rades who followed the explanations chief of police clemad they ments in Germany, it proceeded to effective united front strugele musicians. actors, paciasta, soldiers, certain, this reorganization of the as the Poorlar bare et ToolbeateDuring this time we carried on as appeal and they will be put at On of will as the bulwark of democracy, against it play directly into the hands of stripe who are and represent nobody not take place upon the basis of the sing Sons of the People and the intense political life as the prison liberty. We have won.
rigor would permit.
Again At Liberty Prisoners Manifesto We are again on board the Fascism were purely parliamentary. In the course of the past three of the Soviet Union. The anomaly lessons of the social democratic The police plan, which consisted and its fire was directed against the years, it successively denied the consists in this that the revolu betrayal, the confusion and error After two days of selling we land Pound that stad ending for this in allowing several days to pass Communists.
growth of Fascism, Now that Hitler has taken power, that a victory of Petariat, the only real defenders of brought about the same results as and unloading lasts two days semblance to a slave ship than a to put us at liberty in order to lock tionary organizations of the pros of the stalinists, which objectively at Ingeniero White. Here Yoading proud boat which bears more re so as to whip us to the department, how do these people look upon lead to the immediate triumph of the October Revolution, are hamaid the policy of Social Democracy. Anarchists and Communists decide become worse. They put us in the ind failed.
The war transport. Many things had us up again Por carrying arms.
events in Germany?
What have the proletarian revolution.
they learned over a period of years of preparing the extra legal strus thus unable to bulld truly revolu. letariat. The essere theory workers of the district. The mant last hold, They close the hatch. We are again at liberty. We will in which they pursued the policy of gle, the party of the revolution tionary organizations for the strug. the policy of toleration, Social Fasc. testo is written. Immediately satisty All our needs here. furthe grip of the langmen of capital refore cost of personing. be levam democracy, of capitalism? At the international differing in no way from the meth the Soviet Union. while neo sym. trism and national socialism, are the day of departure hundreds of rolls and grinds. Everyone is Del Fuego which can in Tierro held in Paris last month, the Gerocracy. Its vaelllating and specu who are rallying to it since the any role in the reconstruction of powerful protests against the capi: urine and excretions roll with the We are taking up conference of the 2nd International. ods of struggle of the social dem. pathizers of the Soviet Union (those dead in Germany, and cannot play workers are in evidence, shouting thrown pell mell: the pans full of rectly enllet Tierra Maudlize.
man situation was chlefly discussed lative approach to the united front construction of the isolated, inde the German revolutionary move talist reaction simultaneous with our places from the point of view of its et when Hitler was made Chancellor, pendent and nationalist sociallatment. The German working class repeated declarations for struggle men who vomit over one another. again in the ranks of the Left Op.
tects upon the world socialist move bound the proletariat hand and society) are being made the defend will reconstitute itselt on the basis to the final victory. Fight On the Prison Ship Insition, the advanced guard in the ment. The main points of view are toot.
It is no longer bearable. We try struggle for Communism for the ers of the Soviet Union and apos of the proletarian revolution, upon We leave. We arrive at our de presented below.
Fascism and Social Democracy tles of anti war work. The latter, the foundation of Internationalism, stination ten days later. Snow. cov: guards. He answers with insults. Buenos Aires, July 1613.
cov. to speak with the officer of the world proletarian The opening speech Friedrich Now, the working class is taught as life has shown time and again, above all. EDUARDO ISLAS.
Adler, Secretary of the Internation to believe that it has to go through will be the first ones to fall and The latesward a new period of building of the proletariat al, reads as follows: The Cernuan ne brutal stage et Fasciset dhe force Starmy to reach their homes, when anarchica hot. Betrayali byer social y. The commandins volce rub 18the background, the triangular We cry out. We decide once for with its immediate problems and the proletarian revolution. The de the first armed with WAS THEIR MISTAKE: cimated ranks of the Communist Io. while the revolutionary has been democracy for twenty years, ten beard. Get in line. No THIS BUT THE REAL TROUBLE WAS and made to believe too, that the policies of Stalinism are forcing Mausers, shining bayonats. EncirCapitulation to Fascism THAT THE SOCIALIST MOVE height of revolutionary strategy definite changes in the ranks of the cled to the right and the left by THE IN LITHUANIA Switzerland. After approving the Before the Nazis gained their vic world proletariat. Clarification. barbed wiro, the caravan painfully The Left Oppositionists in Lith new orientation, the conference TER HOSTILITY OF ORGAN. unity of the German workers, and tional always boasted about what class in the era of wars and rev. the famous rotunda they strip us tuted in an organized group. Marxist IZED COMMUNISM, and so Soem conversely, that the united front would happen. AFTER. Pane teme olutions in Indispensable. The needs are four elet hade Boarecariehelse og in conditions of illegality. The same namer hele hy new organ under the phasis mine And from Otto Wels, the leader was made Chancellor, the once come into power, the united period of clarification, the worla prison garbs.
revolution on the day that Hitler Relchstag: It they (the Nazis) Ination of our own ranks. In this are given shoddy and Infected comrades have begun the propaga first number dealing with the very of the German Party, under whose proclaimed the main danger to be front of the proletariat will be proletariat will march forward on direction the traitorous policies of the social democracy. When There are 170 of us in all, twenty documents of the League of Inter clections, has is very nig that organization was initiated: Fascists were marching into power, away. They will come to grlet and a reorganization of the forces The others are thieves, forgers, ped sat of the organization has been that the members of the Lithuanian language. secretar nificant and eubeurtening to note We made various mistakes but our the Stalinists continued to assert more speedily than any other gor upon an international revolutionaryerasts, all sorts of critics mostly forget the circum that the main struggle must be ernment.
stances and facts of the in which we worked. Why did we of these outrages were committed eventually and finally the prole formist Social Democracy and the situation directed against the Al 18, 1931. We do not doubt that Marxism, mullated today by Retics, lepers. Rote Fahne, October foundation. That foundation Many are till: tuberculars, syphilis elected. The Lithuanian comrades living in Switzerland belong to this write that the number of our sym new organization.
Prison Life Begins pathizers increasing, particularly. Great opportunities are opening not declare a full socialist revolu in the name of Marx and Lenintariat will come to victory in Ger National Socialist doctrines of in the ranks of the official party for our Swiss comrades. It 18 a tion in 1918? And here Wels goes And at each new stage of the strug. many as on to attack the Allied countries and ele, when comrade Trotsky in his elsewhere. What the Stalinism. ALBERT GLOTZER.
Our life begins. Frightful brands The intellectuals of the group are known fact that a development to on the prisoners. one day they sus conducting political courses among the Left has taken place in the to say: If they had been humane numerous pamphlets and articles, pend someone (which is death ac the workers The activity of the Schaffhausen organization, still at to our TENDER REPUBLIC EV. and the o. in its declarations, cording to the guards) to the mid. Oppositionists has provoked an Aliated to the o. of Brandler.
ERYTHING WOULD HAVE BEEN were pointing the revolutionary dle of the snow with bands bound. odloys campaign by the Staliniste DIFFERENT. emphasis mine way out of the difficult German slt.
At night we hear howls of anguish against them. Every member of THE ILP AND THE MOVEMENT And again: We were driv. uation, new repressions, new slan from the prisoners in the cells the official party has received a FOR THE NEW INTERNATIONAL en by terrible circumstances. Onlyders, new characterizations were where the guards beat them with warning fraternization with a people who do not understand our invented by these organizers of detron rods and clubs. Oh! mother, Trotskyite means immediate and organ of the British Independent The London New Leader, central terrible position can criticize us reats.
oh, oh. This continues day irrevocable expulsion from the Labour Party announces in the because we thought internationally Accepting Fascist functionaries after day. We estranged the middle class into its ranks, cannonizing fascist Tomorrow is the first of Mayor Opposition are published in the here, the publiention of a disene in the crisis and Hitler won them army officers who excelled in the quired a sort of currency in the against the Soviet Union and at thousands upon thousands of work. darbai (Party Activity. This is controversy the London paper saya There are words which have ac fensive on the part of Poland says comrade. The vision of illegal organ of the party, Partijos sion paper entitled Controversy, verho fought us fariously to the very Germany, publishing their name for example is the word wis takes pact does not contain ang relato era celebrating the ya Papae toe polivalent to denunciation to the will. we hope. All the need for an The French Socialist Party articles a bere Which Poland to participate tour corners of earth passes be police.
phlets and prospeed their ad sort of a formula in the Stalinist in any economie war against the our eyes! And suppose we We greet our new adherents and other points of clifference can be organ where party policy and ader of the French Social. herence to the Paddy when it issued ritual, which is indense because they ist Party, Leon Blum, eloquently de its nationalist slogans, only The clared: Real political democracy ened the collapse of the GAC Grand Master of defeats. prince, the pact is conducted for Ushuaia. Yes, even bere. Anis impossible without economie dem. Party.
But there are mistakes and mis three years only and historically archists and Communists together itensive information on thelr activ liner party circulation and met ity bers of the will be expected ocracy, bourgeois democracy being Revolutionists never expected the in Germany takes place it is due period three years is a short We tweet at dawn. Songs, reclts NATL CONFERENCE OF SWISS Tanging over its pages. The first takes. It disaster such as that to participate in the cussion but a stepping stone. The Bol prosecution of revolutionary not to mistakes. it is due to shevikl think it is necessary only to course by social democracy. But a break with all the fundamental Radek Comment tions, speeches. Two comrades speak for the anarchists, two for Our Swiss section held its na Issue will appear on November 11 gain power and to hold it, but we they did expect that the tactics of principles of revolutionary Com Karl Radek becomes high and car. others in the name of the Inter. This conference has an enormous on party ollex, an artide by Trot.
At this polnt the Indignation of the and and two tional conference on September 23. and will contain, besides articles liberty.
feel that we want real socialism and the Communists would have severed munism. To call this a mistakeries him away completely into the national Left Opposition. This was importance for the future develop sky on Whither the The the millions of social democratic to dodge the issue criminally. And These men who sank in the same workers from the tail of reformism if the history of the party since realmost noble feelingse Hellooss a memorable day ment of the Bolshevik Leninists in Need for a New International whenever it and win them to the side of the the defeat of the German Revolu: priests of the infallible idol Stalin Prisoners was in their power, throttled move revolution. This was possible only tion in 1923 is nothing but such and indignantly pointing his finger funeral song rendered Some days later we hear the this social order, have summarized front. From the moment that the the stalinist factory of mistakes We establish the fact that the ed corpse on a truck. half an penitentithe colossal German defeat. You refused to utilize this sup cannot stop by itself. It can be former minister of foreign Affairs hour later, another. Exactls, Com ry music. Several prisoners loadhave the results. 1) The by were untriendly to the tender rep tariat, all thought of Winning the speed Russland timely internettenet of Poland is attempting to convincerades! Four prisoners are dead in hostile to social democracy. The Illusion. Experience is the only version of Leninism succeeds in tical documents on non aggression pneumonia. pleuresy. The better public (2 The Communists were social democratic worker, was pure proletariat before the Stalinist per the world, that the Polish diplom the twenty four hours we are here conclusions. 1) Greater detense of test for policy. What transpired invokluk a terrible disaster on the and accepting the greatest political informed prisoners signal to us by ON GERMANY Armation of the policies of the Ger est indictment of the policies par. Polish Diplomcy Bluntly Explained whole world is only acting a play new one appears on pavillon man social democracy.
sued by social democracy The ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXT?
Here you witness no criticism of Stalinism.
Take for example Izvestia. the tor short period of time which at first saddeus but then the general line. no questioning 192 pages paper cover 100 pages Official organ of the Russian Evaluating the German Events of the theoretical outlook of social It sounds unbelievable, but here Alls us with burning indignation.
cloth over Ilow does the comintern evaluate vlets. In the issue for September is the sad truth. Polish bour. One of the dead ones is comrade Postage 06 extra per copy Postage 00 extra per copy democracy nie eers hetism of the tac the German events? From a dis. 1982. Beance Redreta ke stared Foods statemaan informs the Polish Juan Garros. fongshoreman, tics of the leadership to waste graceful silence of almost three sinister Ford foreignesidaira at Pole language that the non serression an inspector of the Patrlotie League ON RUSSIA cumstances and. it itself in PROBLEMS OF THE DE VELOPMENT OF that were resposnible for the de a decleninist press. The contents Informs us that this prince wrote iy. That if Hitler wants to com Class justice: twenty years in the feat. Along with the admission of Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy defeat, there are set muched as follows: The victory of Germany should be compensated ridor it is no use for him to get subdue his proletarian revolt. NothHitler regime cannot ON SPAIN longer. The German socialists and Fascism is not a defeat of the Ger for the loss of the territory which embroiled with Poland. That ing could subdue him, nefther borse THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER workers will fight bravely and their man workers. The German revoln. went to Poland in the corchelrand style farther to the East. land water. which slid by in the better way out is an expansion 10 whipping, nor months on bread Price. 16 Postage. 01 extra per cupy inflated optimism and the promise but is well nigh on the upgrade and farther to the East than Poland. Radek sees tar enough to state that dismal and Intected cells of pavilON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION.
It is quite true that little else German Communist Party is strong than to smash argues, is cheaper the warning of the prince about lion 5, unsanitary, sleeping in Alth. will break forth very soon. The This, the prince head on the smashing one head against the obliged to suffer terrible temperaCOMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM Price 15 could be expected from this rather and more active today than prior barrier of the corridor. corridor is nothing but an offer tures.
Postage 01 extra per copy ering. Every revolutionary worker to the victory of Hitler. The pol. Here you can see that the Polish to give away the corridor if both knew that there could be no other icles of the under the lead prince, defending the interests of Poland and Germany can agree They Will Find Him Dead ON THE THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY evaluation of the German events by ership of Thaelmann (that means his country and his class both about this grand style of destroy. Under the Uriburu government, AND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION these people. They prepared the the policies of the Comintern) were nationally and internationally, in ing the Soviet Union and compen the hangman Cernadas, the warden ground for all that has taken place. absolutely correct. There were no alentes a concrete way out of the sating themselves for the expenses of the penitentiary had him ferocl. THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT We have treated them briefly be errors committed. The social dem. present difficulties. But then of this destruction, ously beaten. In this way three of WORLD REVOLUTION REVOLUTION revolutionist, his ribs were broken and his hand. 26 180 pages paper cover 50 of them and of their role in the of Fascism. The Party could not who does his bit in helping to Radek, becomes indignant about lacerated. Insufferable man. labor movement. But it is import make the revolution Postage 08 extra per copy cloth cover 00 ant to observe their actions during not have the support of the did build, complete socialism in the the chicanery of the former state have heard him called by an old work Soviet Union alone becames indig politician and tells the world pro inme In the end. some day Postage 06 extra per copy and after great events in order that ers in Germany. Then the nant that Prince Sapega 18 atletariat that this politidan should they will find him dead in his ON CHINA we may learn from such occut. statement concludes bs garbling tempting TO DISCREDIT POL be watched because. he wants to cell. He has been in prison for PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION Here nothing has changed since the Lenin on What constitutes a rev. OF THOSE WHO SUPPORT THE ticfans who signed the non aggree two small children in Buenos Aires. 450 pages paper cover 100 cloth cover 50 first betrayal of 1914. We turn now olutionary situation, in order to POLISH GOVERNMENT. un slon pact with the best intentions. He remains here, burled in this Postage 06 extra per copy to the Communist International and prove that such condition was derlined by Radek. KOGAN.
its relation to the German events. absent in Germany prior to March Further Prince Sapega writes NEXT WEEK not quite so hard and cold. how III.
18, 1933 that Poland would be tied by the 5th Anniversary of MILITANT ever, as the bard and frozen bearts The Comintern What essentially is different here non aggression pact with the so In next weeks issue, which marks of his keepers.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS with regards to the Comintern. The the social democracy? Nothing of obligate Poland in some more ser tant, special articles commemorat memory. comrade speaks. wa no to his 84 EAST 10th STREET, polley pursued by the Staliniat bu genuine importance. Social dem lous matters. But. there reaucracy in Germany, was ensen ocracy blames the Staliniste, the no immediate prospects of an of members of the editorial board. The spectacle was a very sad one.
The Stalinist Mistake Factory Karl Radek and the Polish Prince fore to the Soviet Union. Besides, adds the bave meeting. we too? Here, in we hope soon to be able more ex thrashed ont. Why not?
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