BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Militant Builders 3 Boston V.
Dunne alisema Edgar Philadelphia League Members Repel Stalinist Hooligan Assault muti ei loe more at the volunteers who attended his lecture, Sunday PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1933 self time and again as conducivo LEAGUE ACTIVITIES to police interference in workers the subu sene in from the the realitet FROM THE MILITANTS to the branch and not to individs meetings. Hooliganism is an aid to the activities of the police against uals except in special campaigns like the present one; in which case successful in getting into the vari the class conscious workers. Only Hundreds Hear Maccaught uns wares. It also was now ous of unions and in sev. their bankruptcy forces the miserthey want at the individuals credited. New Method of forced to call their strike for the erul instances are already playing able Stalinist bureaucrats to resort Our mistake lay in overlooking the next inorning without consulting Donald at Toronto leading roles. In fact it can be not merely to misrepresentation of proviso.
Expulsion their inembership.
xaid that almost the entire activity the theoretical position of the The branch has sent us a detailIt was decided to call the strike Corouto. With over 7uo workers or the branch is devoted to mass but to the combined method of wled list of the subs sent in since New York Every member for 10 the next morning in in attendunce at Temple work to last Sunday, Juck MacDonald spokewalk addition to the trade union and hurling the vilest and most de brings the total up to a hundred comrades who sent them in. Ac. the party. and it must be admitted time in which to collect the strike of to on The Need for a fourth Inter work several comrades are engaged spicable slander.
and thirty five. That is something, cording to the list one comrade acthat if this bureaucracy does not tax passed upon at a previous memnational. The meeting was comp in uneployed activity. Working ed of a large rection of Left wing with a group of trade unionists and stalinist denial or non party class that are presented by the reduced list is large he appears at the head be a basis only for criticism but ceeded to pick the full time workAt the same meeting the stupla but very far from the possibilities counted for all of them. Since the grow beyond certain llits it can berita meeting. Then they pro socialist workers, about 250 Party cuemployed some of our comrades organizations of the workers was prices of the Militant.
of the list below.
not opposition. But every fewers for the conducting of the strike.
One reason for the slow pace is Goodman Philadelphia party members are conscious of the When reminded them that they number of members. Councils for United Labor Action, Labor Defense League, declared its the fact that our comrades have de Carter Brooklyn fact that there exists a bureau had forgotten to formulate their The speaker pointed out the in an organization for the unemploy district secretary, believes in free layed organizing their participation. Konikow Boston cracy over the party which con demands, they adopted demands of ternational significance of capital. ed. As a result of working in this dom for working class propaganda The New York units, the Kansas Shechet siders itself beyond criticism. 00 per hour and a thirty five ism and showed bow the greedy organization two League members but not for counter revolutionary City Branch and others have only The Standing: The Upholsterers section of the hour week in the slack time and a parasitie land of capital must of were invited to join the volunteer Trotskyist propaganda.
now begun to swing into line in a Koehler Youngstown 27 Furniture Workers Industrial Un forty lour week in the season necessity expand beyond its owu Commitee for the Reorganization Hardy ion, of which am a member, con which was considerably lower than Philadelphia 13 To comrade Krehm analysis of drive to get subs. That means national frontiers. This led to of Minneapolis ublic Relief collapse of the Communist in that the results they set will show Jourard Toronto tains within it the former Left those of the of My objecA. Kaplan Kansas City wing of Local 76, of Totion to this was not supported. theory of seciulism in one couremen, Socialists, Farmer Labor ruptey and as a result of the re will report these results as they Abern Bronx wards the latter part of July local recess was called and was not alN. Sutir Chicago 76 called a mass meeting of all the lowel to remain when the meeting stated it was the opinion of many various shades. At the first meet actionary and utopian theory of come in. But they will not count Minneapolis upholsterers. It was rumored that was resumed. was informed that workers that this was purely an ing of the committee which our socialism in one country foisted in the race.
The Youngstown Branch Hedlund Minneapolis this meeting would call a general there would be charges against me acudemic question. He shattered members attendeel, an claborate upon it, in lieu of the perspective It seems that we blundered badly Ruby Chicago strike of the upholsterers for the but was not informed of the nathis opinion in the minds of many plan of decentralizing Minneapolis of the world revolution, by the petty Krupka Pittsburgh next morning but no one was certure of the charges.
by showing the significance of this public relies had already been bourneols bureaucracy in the Soviet in the question of the Youngstown Ruby Chicago tain.
Since then was not allowed to theory in practice. He quoted from worked out. The plan was ideal, inton: to his incontestable conten Branch and the sub drive. They Stalin und Lenin to show whereinererybody agreed, but when one of marked the necessity for the creaOn the same night of this mass attend fraction meetings. After a German catastrophe meeting the leadership of the long delay was finally called to the difference lay. He pointed out our comrudes raised the question on tion of a new (Fourth) Interna Industrial Union called together its the District Discipline Commission that Iron this theory came the how the committee proposed to put party traction and a few who were of the CP. The bearing was postclose to the party for a meeting. poned and when demanded to to confusion and would the preservation of the workers This meeting opened by baptizing know what the nature of the lend to disillusion. He challenge the lux est ideas on the matter.
Antherland, now in the most precar.
It remained for our comrades to ious position, the Stalinist spokes those present as the strike com charges were was told that at the Stalinist to show wherein the mittee of the union which began present there were no charges. Af Internationalist charter of the mose the call represen, men could only reply with abuse composed and with the gratuitious and absurd Philadelphia. The scourge of see the manner in which they treat its own about two weeks later.
to lay plans for a general strike of ter another delay again was callpresent arty lles.
ed to the District and the of delegates from the trade unions, assertion that the Communist In hoqjganism received another Beted workers of other political or.
In comparing the Red arms at and the entire labor movement ifternational are now stronger than back as the Party and mis sanizations.
During the discussion a party bearing was held.
the present time and the Red Army possible, to sponsor a program of ever.
member who has since dropped out. was charged with giving in of 1023 he stressed the fact that action to organize the unemployed The advanced workers of Moned for the Phiadelphia Police force called our comrades together and joint about the possibility of formation to the Trotsky faction. leaders; Mills and Hathaway call It was past nine o clock and we asked in 1923 it was an strike the Army that at the present time it avec bralization of Police, not other real are learning to see these un to bar the Left Opposition from decided to enter the ineeting. Ben coupholsterers. The framemakers Club a year ago where worked had degenerated to a national army demands of the employed much in their true colors.
scrupulons and impotent leaders the 16th Anniversary celebration der was at the door. He told Good. were then, as now, controlled by with the party fraction of the club He showed that in 1923 the Red as unemployment insurance, of the Russian Revolution at the man and Thomas he would not per the Industrial Union. The reply in stop. ance of the German proletariat Idea was finally adopted. cal Swabeck Meetings in Precipitating a gangster attack was, that Mt. Thiez, the Busines positioning a Huancially corrupt op In order not to be accused of agent of local 76 of would plied for membership in the case revolution broke out.
Was contrasted with the present policy when der Sonne om bor leaders, co wrators, liberals. werdeuteen prominent Individuale: Successful leatlets caling upon the workers another committee to talk with trial Union to keep the upholster. against my application of which tion engaged in the distribution of breaking up their meeting we sent sign an agreement with the Indus. There was a charge of Trotskyism for a protest meeting in the defense Bender. While this was going on ers out on strike in sympathy with knew nothing about. Upon ques Kansas City Arne Swabeck of Antonio Bellusal, this reprisal Arts and Hathaway bad entered the frame makers then the indus tioning admitted my disagreement for 18 months prior tollitler like art of the Langue comrades three day visit to Kansas City comes, as another in the series of the managers office and used the trial union would keep the frame with the party on the trade union seizure of power.
on the committee the call has been out in sympathy with the question and that thought it was the crimes perpetrated by Stalinist phone No word came from the Kremlin sent out to about 150 organizations October 29 30 31 Our committee came back and through officials sources but it was for a conference to be beld at the under the banner of the Commun. Last week, after a few the rapid strides the branch has made hooliganism.
left to a bourgeois correspondent. headquarters of the Central Labor of our reported. We had been refused further saying that the unity of a a counter revolutionist. denied comrades had participated in admission. We decided to remain strike is not a matter to be left everything else. The makers of Walter Duranty. to make a com union, Sunday, October 20, at 12nIxt League of America (Oppositnited Front anti Fascist demon outside until the close of the meetto Nr. Thiez and was answered the charges were not present at the meut in the Times that Mos Through our special efforts on decision was reached, cov hnils with uneasiness The adress of comrade Swabeck, stration, Mills the district organizer ing. While Render was regarding in effect that nothing else could hearing. No Browth of the revolutionary prole political, connomic, fraternal, co The ttoosevelt Program, the NRA made a malicious attack upon the us with a cynlenl stare, up drove or would be done about it. Uncon however, and was told that Comment ou aprrative and unemployed are being and the Need for a New Communist Left opposition and incited a lynch the Philadelphia Police patrol with admitting that the upholsterers about two or three weeks this was unnecessary. Not only invited.
Party. was enthusiastically receiv spirit among the Stalinists gather a squad of cops.
would overwhelmingly follow local Months have passed and have was the Red Army not mobilized offel by a crowd of a bundred workers ed after the demonstration in a At first out comerdes couta 76 of in the strike. Yet not yet been informed of any de for the defense of the German our whole work in working class but not a single de Committee is the fact that the com October 20th.
structed the party and But after the bluecoats walked over committee to go to local 76 for to attend either fraction meetings Swabeck pointed out to the audi members to attack the Trotskyites to the entrance and were directed the forming of a united front, theor furty mit meetings. Neither Pascism has taken place in the comrades to make the 30 minute eral messiah, Roosevelt, and his to defend ourselves and our dem: from the scene.
amittee picked one of our Walence that the ballyhoo of the band beat them up.
lending at us there was no other conclusion motion wasn even ascended. my fraction to my party unit was Tuesday Night we were prepared possible. The cops ordered us The policy which was to be car. allowed to take up my case in my took power. It is perfeets allt tion to the conference. He is consFasciate a se steamed mlohyscon ocratic rights as workers to distri ried out, as expressed by comrades presence where might defend my for the workers in capitalist coun also to submit Home well formulated meant nothing but added misery for bute our leaflets and to sell the tries to protest against Fascism but esolutions on the organization of the American proletariat. The et Militant, despite the repeated Insurgent Yipsels And other Pixer and Hirsch. was so evident self.
at workers who was what was being that one dared to second my The policy of the Stalinists, as not be done in the Soviet Union. Volunteer in the sycohants, the Brain Trust. to crats showed what they thought of has quit the leadership of the union cratie handlin of my case, the de.
These are not only the works of There will be there about this prove that capitalism can plan will hoadome side of the entrance com such conduct by actively particl and is now a foreman in a shop. feat of the in Germany, and Stalinist spokesmen but also the conference in a subsetent Iste fiend in nothing rights their rade Tom Holmes boldly displayed pating on our side.
but privation and deeds.
We then received information by the fact that no congress of the the Militant.
loss of the worker phone that the meeting of local 76 Third International has been called At the present moment we call was discussing the general strike in almost six years proves to me At justice comrade MacDonald quoted from Litvinor specchi che minteapolis comrades are in a gennfue united front of the work the entrance comrade Grant, recent organizations for a united front to of 40 an hour and a thirty boution where can express my opin In pulte of the mass activity that conniving efforts are not halted by the Militant and proceeded to sell es where the Soviet diplomat con rotveel in at the present time, weers.
ly expelled from the was protect the democratic rights of week and that it was a certainty on without charges being made tinually assures capitalist countries are will able to carry on considerThe penker also showed the distributing the that under no conditions will the able League activity. The member hopelessness and blundering of the leaflets.
Bellussi defense free speech in the labor movement. The membersbewild were then against AR Soviet Union intervene in foreign ship of the branch has been divided bureaucratic under the preHIRSH. leadership The tools of the petty bureau. ARTHUR BRANDMARK.
affairs. lle then ended up.
stirring appeal to all revolutionary a spirit of rivalry in the present from their theories of social Facecrats began to flatter about and cackle.
workers to study the problems Militant sub drive. This tactic las ism and socialism in one counhonestly and objectively and embere applied before in the Minnea try.
They saw we were in group phatically stressed the need for all branch with good results so and prepared to defend ourselves The need for a new Communist For the first half hour we were un.
Fourth international based on the we are trying it again.
International, a live and fighting molested as several abortive at teachings of Marx Engels and Cee Kay. one, and not the one buried in the held in check by the petty bureau. and further to celebrate the Re thing in that borowed bon mot. The of his whole demagogy. In honor of Philip Zausner, actually imagined he had said some. Something that crowned the glory Lenin.
Moscow archives, was clearly point tempts by individual hoodlums were birth of the Brotherhood of Paint silence which ensued was broken the Union conditions will be Said he: In the discussion that ensued ed out to the worker audience as crats who were brewing up some ers!
a few party adherents attempt to 300 at Montreal the west forward step of the world plans to liquidate us.
pin comrade MacDonald reference proletariat.
to the Red Army as meaning that Rally The affair took place Saturday, near seutleman, who piped He is forced on whole industry. If neces Separate them and beat them Oct. 28 at Beethoven Hall, as ad doing his best.
sary. If necessary! That reAnd to prove to our comrades Zausner is a crook. somebody minds us of the br rave general Into Germany before and as Hitler Montreal. The Left Opposition is the world are fired with the idea sent out, that the workers in this part or up Individually. was the first ordervertized, with the exception of the yelled with the top of his volce who, lacking both guns and ammun.
starting time, which was changed Bang; took power. This speaker in reply becoming a factor to be reckoned of a new party the collection at One of the well known bureau trom to 11 due to the ar boom. General Bedlam: mention, ordered a furious beating of. whizz. boom.
stated that this was not so that with in the class concions labor the conclusion of the meeting was crats, not seeming to realize Grant rival of the celebrities. At four in rushed towards the centre of the drums to scare the enemy and heartthe question of intervention is de movement of Moutreal in the the largest ever received by the had been expelled for Trotskyism the morning it was still in full trouble: bare backed ladies stooden his followers. It is laughable escided by objective comtitions and U, at the anti Fascist con. branch at any of its public rades and mistook them for The gathering was one buge con are the Communists? Who wants enemy. the master painter, the that in case of Germany he blamed ference on the issue of Joe Derry meetings.
the party for refusing a genuine and the possible illegalization of on the chairs. What is it? ho pecinly when one notices how the Canhuist nied front with reformist the Young Communist League, the Klomeration of painters who still to fight?
The meeting the next night for Dont you know what Mills sald. had paint spots behind their organizations and to building up O, is making its influence meinbers of the branch and class It took several minute before does not put his tail between the a solid front axninst Fascism: that The Stalinists are esikcially the sympathizers only rivaled our pehe directed them, When you see from previous days toll of labor order was restored. little later legs and hike, and how some of the these Trotskyltes knock them on leaders in dashing tuxedos since the roletariat in Germany because by its honest and clear blie kathering. Aside from laying their ear. Just then Goodman Black Low tles, and their lastairs. The orchestra started East em. The poor simps, who paid or and two menads were led down the Phil. Atta boy Phil! Tell it to with blood streaming down brothers do cheer the br rave did not fight it would have been Marxist ļxsition at in their anti. Fascist the basis for the new Mintam stepped forward. He walked away gorgeous evening gowns and sparkle both futile and adventuristic to do Conference, the is getting a drive a substantial amount of con hastily.
60 under such conditions but that foothold in Verdun, which has the tributions and pledges were made.
ing Jewelry. It was one creat side West side. Those nearest were forced to pay and extra Mills, the party organizer was e of baggard faces and dirty to the stage and furthest from fight for admission, actually believed they Army only militant unemployed orgunixaThe branch feels sure it will meet should have been mobilized to offer tion in Montreal.
Civity will had broken out. Many arguments, the bankrupt stalinist give the winner one hell of a Roselle and Miler approached tions, of booze, beer and perfumed cut that the crowd really wanted never was a time when it was not Instead of producing ideological either win the Militant sub drive Heaze the signale for attack and empty heads of hates and disap by kinging and swaying.
As time went on, it became evid. and calculated mockery. There If necessary! What deliberate other questions were asked which hud no direct bearing on the topie anc declare the Left Op. The last day of comrade comrade Thomas who was also cigarettes.
ado, but which were nevertheless ans position counter revolutionary beck stay was occupled in renew. him. leaflet. He tore it up. He Star Spangled Banner. the speech. cnough for them. They wanted to the whole industry. In time when Swedistributing leaflets. Thomas save Shortly after the soup and the mug face on the Menu card wasn necessary, Phil threatens by wered.
That the meeting from our point organisers of the greatest defeats, position of the League among snatched At few more Thomas taking monstrosities began. The hear what he going to say it local Secretaries are encouraging cause it clares to reveal them as the ing old contacts and solidifying the its has in his hand.
orgie of inordinate feeding instant has been a poor season, and thouof view was successful was proven tills with irresponsible and outrage many friends and sympathizerswhen many workers expressed ous shamelessness they spread the an urgent need since the Stalinists. Is that all of them, he asked. ly succeeded by an ople of inordin sands of inters had spent the painters to work for 88 a day themselves favorably after the ownright lic that the is con like the proverbial Arabs, folded Thomas ignored him. Keep dis lato monologues. First came the peak of it in the picket lines. What Instea:t of scale, in order to get meeting the price.
sciously working hand in hand with their tents and stole away silently tributing the leaflets, he told the string of clever labor lieutenants have been the results of the strike that 50e a day tax, of which more to the onsis of Omaha, comrades con and invited guest politicians, who ho far? How much strength has than 3, 000 runs daily into the Max Shachtman, member of the tinued with the distribution of the delivered themselves of much clever the Union gained during this or Union treasury at present. How the National Committee of the Commun Bellyel leaflete.
talk of complicated nature, of Banizational drive? What about spirit of 1933 buncounbe reverber ates in those imitation artillery Minneapolis Branch British Thomas learned disputations. But the prac After season. etc.
Communist, of and of the editorial board of the Mass Turnout to Hear drum beats!
Mann, speaks for the defense of tical painters, who composed Finally the dignified gentleman in Action threw Chinese Trotskylte. Read all about good half of the crowd of almost was introduced. He rose.
And Phil standing heroically erect Montreal, Toronto, 160 ton to speak Cannon at Toronto it in the Militant. Holmes was one thousand present, did not seem nis cigarette aside and unfolded at the honor table, faces the enemy, Minneapolis. The renewed on the 16th Anniversary of the Russelling his papers.
to like them. At times this disap his prepared speech. Many workers some of whom are sitting right at tivity of the American Labor more sian Revolution was arrested at Toronto On Nov. 3rd a gather Bent up the Trotskyites, the impromptu musical performance of at his direction, humbly, hopefully wig w1g his approval and congrament is also quite well reflected in the Canadian border and deported ing of more than 600 Toronto work pretty bureancrats shouted barbaric nature, as is produced by expecting any moment to hear tulations at his noisy and harmless spoons and lave joined the various of in Montreal was formed to replace liver a stirring address on The The hooligans Jumped the. com painters were seeking amusement, le of the great leader. It the bluff. And Phil, in reply, with his was back to his brothers. solemnly local unions and a vigorous cam. comrade Shachtman by comrade Sixteenth Anniversary of the Oct onder with the militantes comarnas well and good. Unhappily, they woticeable that the average, trall. winks the other eye, progress. Unions that were former. The meeting was patrolled by International. The notices an Roberts and a few others went to all claimed to deal in painters wel ously impressed by the commandlog ently organized, to dictate Will the industry ever be suffiel ly dormant, and in some cases prac. the Red Squad and everything sata nouncing the lecture had informed the aid of the comrades with the fære, but they found that they could personality of the secretary treas to the bosses?
terms sprung to life and already occupy grapher. The Stalluists attempted Shachtman would speak but the edly called Bellisel meeting the waith long enough to satisty the workers Hedgling for something to be drop to say, when painters and all other Yes, when necessary which is commandine nosition in the local to break up the meeting and suc Canadian immigration officials who did not materialize. Now the party so they wil took to general apprais: Ped his mouenos workers in other industries compel ly of such minions as the plist the spot, who were probably called tripe, would not believe that he was some sabotaging role attempting to himself as a solace, and having old demagogy with which all class think it necessary or not.
But nothing happened. The same it to be done whether the Zausners former at the present time is con obvions taken by the authoirties him to keep out of Canada, erers and the General Drivers. The in by the detectives. The measures a counter revolutionary and warned stop the distribution of leaflets sense of humor, tried to shock the Com calling for such a meeting.
familiar congregation present into believing conscious workers are and the latter is putting on an or militant workers organization, did order not to diasppoint the can delusion, the NRA and its benepathizer!
ganizational drive that has practie not prevent the inspired socialists onto workers and they were not all canned comedy that passed for fits to the painters. Working upon ally quadrupled its membership in in one country from burling the disappointed.
If the number on the susceptability of crowd psychol.
last 198 10 weeks. local contemptible accusntion that the spoke a second time on Sunday, minutes the struggle was fast and takers! Near superman. Comrade Cannon lluing sama des sought back hard Wit and reason.
Superior mortals, these laborogy, he even used, at times, some your wrapper is unions are reporting substantial had called in the police to Nov. 6, at the Labor Temple on curious.
They very radical phrases. But nothing your subscription has expired.
gains with the exception of the the great indignation of the audi the subject of The World Crists Read the Militant. Comrade the working class and they are from his lipe that would don consider themselves part of concrete, nothing definite slipped If you want to get the MAIL building trades. Due to the lowence (some 300. benefit tant promptly every week ebb of the building industry renew your subecription at basis for organizing these workers Stalinist hooliganism reveals it meetings were highly successful Holmes was still selling our organ. not, if we mean by that the produc the workers from political and propea enda Why is the creation of Fourth ing class. They are merely flunk. exempting the members of exessi we once; per year for fifty into bona fide trade unions has BROOKLYN MEETING point of view and marked a further International the best defense of les, lackeys and valets of their su dues payment during the unemplos two weekly Issues; 50 half been narrowed down amost to the Diego Rivera will speak on periors. And what a valet to ment, of dividing of available work year for twenty six weekly vanishing point. REVOLUTIONARY ART AND advance of the Left Opposition in the Russian Revolution. Toronto.
the members.
The Minneapois branch has not NATIONAL MINORITIES reaucrats who provoked the fight master!
Roselle and Miller the same bu prod ace besides a well groomed more equally insurance system of proposing an THE MILITANT been slow to take advantage of at MILTANT HALL now suddenly became ardent pacl Zansner is the greatest leader during the slack months, etc. not READ AND SUBSCRBE 124 East 16th St.
this revival in the labor movement. November 25th, P.
in the country. Long live Zausner! word.
Several of our comrades have been 154 Watkins St.
TO THE MILITANT They did not want the workers to shouted somebody. The poor slmpl Yet finally he said something!
Canned Comedy at the Painters Banquet Lers.
11. therears do not merely. without battle.