BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerItalyLeninLiberalismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

PRICE THE MILITANT CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition The New Rift in the Lovestone Boycott of Germany Food Workers Turn Food Workers Group and the New Party To Trade Union Action from Union Sentiment for Aggressive Organization Struggle Follows Fiasco; Hotel Strike in Prospect alon is into a meals Bleacainst Hitler interational 29 plus de constante con Good Government Cleans Up in the same. Apod workers are readers New York Municipal Election Published weekly by the Communist Lengue of America (Opposition. at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME VI, NO. 51 WHOLE NO. 198 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1933 PRICE CENTS Stalinists Expel A Letter from Prison (Resolution of the International Nov. 6, 1933 Pleaum of the Bolshevik LeninGloucester, ists. The Militant, The boycott is an important Comrades. After having been slain so otcen, Fascists were allowed to come into weapon in the believe you should know international the very much alive flesh and blood power and to consolidate it with struggle against Hitler Germany that the bare not given specter of Trotskyism has risen out the Communist party lifting a It is an elementary truth that again to disturb the equanimity of Ainger to organize the slightest reNew York. Three militants of me any consideration whatsoever the Lovestone group. call has sistance to them; the fact that the the boycott cannot overthrow years standing in the revolutionary at any time during the months Hitler. But it can force him to that have been incarcerated been issued for a national confer last of the parties in the Comintern and labor movements have just been owing to my active work for our every law New York. While the organiza talists would violate ence next month, and the current that retained a mass basis up to certain concessions and it expelled from the Food Workers tion campaign drive of the Hotel which might hurm even slightly can help the defeated German issue of the Workers Age prints a then now lies crushed, bleeding cause. expect no action from and Restaurant Union Branch of their sacred interests.
working class, as well as the industrial Union in New York for this source and feel that the discussion supplement in which are from a thousand fatal wounds, com the is going on a reported No results whatever were accom.
world working class, in regainpublished the statement of the mapletely incapacitated that is, has the crime of disagreeing with the encouraged Attorney is not being en hebat now with a new serious situation. up to the NRA was an arbitrary previously the is confronted plishel, whether the matter brought ing confidence in the power of political views of the Stalinists ority On the New Party and Trot. collapsed; the fact that the catas to exert the energy in my proletarian internationalism.
that know he can and is quite The bosses realize that our Union ring of skyism. and the minority statement trophic course which rendered this an individual or of a control of the organization and for The boycott or goods, support supposition. At the same time that is perfectly but is by Zam For a New Perspective for outcome inevitable has been officito do. am contient is becoming a powerful force and whole crew of cooks, whether it the standpoint of the Our Group. The dispute is the ally canonized by the Comintern and ed by bourgeois and liberal Jew Left The they are preparing to strike the concerned wages or hours.
ish organizations, transforms this that this reactionary deed was com year to wrack the all its sections without the slightnot receiving the attention anal Union a blow.
new ruling that tips are wages, and second one of mitted, the Stalinists borrowed an.
care to enable him to forge ahead frail body of the American Right est attempt at self criticism or They failed to line up the Vatel the forthcoming signing of a hotel in the cause for which contid.
ns of bourgeois com other leaf from the book of labor ently stand.
wing, and the latest one promises valuation; these facts and dozens to have even more far reaching con of others which proclaim from the Club inembers for the Company men code without the participa petition and lueologie preparation fakerdom used the economie sequences than the one which prehousetops the collapse of the Com.
tor war, and into the creation of am personally without funds Union and they are concentrating tion of the workers, are putting the a collaboration between the club against one of the expelled by and deprived of even smoking, at present on the Geneva Associa finishing touches to the hopes and ceded it.
munist International are blithely bourgeoisie and the proletariat firing her from the job which the also other incidentals which a tion. The big Hotel owners are confidence of the hotel and restauThat the discussion should re dismissed with the observation that, union bureaucracy controls.
in view of coming war.
person really needs. am sure working methodically in creating rant workers in assistance from the The boycott of German goods The militants Involved are Seb my comrades do not know these events on the problem of Caernewest principles hadeherrenationalistic the scabbing machinery. They have NRA, another already begun to force the workers Now one ruling after is also propagated in the same astian Pappas and Sylvia Weiner, circumstances for am positive of Tatt and New Yorker Hotels to weakens the position of the work Communist party and internation dogma of socialism in one country. sense by the reformist lackeys two founders of the union, and one that they realize face my duty join the company al arising out of them, is already and aims (the people revolution of capitalism. The revolutionary of its most qualified organizers, undlinchingly and so do warrant highly significant. In the first and the national emancipation of proletariat can take part only in obvious reasonagy bulon and forers: the hours of the waitressestat Hotels So Loft are being lengthened. the James Gordon. There is not an consideration in our unity of place, it is a warning revelation of Germany. the Stalinists were not organized worker in the food in cause.
far have very few union members. waiters are not getting their fixed how the overwhelming pressure of so effective with their tactics. Here an active boycott, which also de dustry who is not acquainted with velope the class struggle against (the socalled for you have revived the theory that it This fact alone should convince ev minimum wages, cooks and waiters It would please me so much lery food worker that in order to are being fired arbitrarily, and the its own bourgeoisie: boycott of all three militants for their activ.
eign. questions Inexorably crush the monarch lost both battle and ities in the union, in strikes and on Modern Monthly and keep mo if you will kindly forward the protect his interests he must not impossible burden of proving that es every futile attempt to establish kingdom, it was only for want of shipping, strikes of seamen, longshoresmen and railroad workers.
picket lines, for their combativity a revolutionary organization and a horse shoe nail. The story was only Join the Union but convince the discharge is for inton activity in mind as am sure you realwhich has more than once brought his fellow workers to do the same. is being put on the organized work The 3rd International, refusing policy on purely American issues plausible and amusing in kinderabout their arrest and imprison. comrades.
ize rightly warrant by my The NRA Illusions even amongers.
any boycott in the interest of realize the unionized workers were very They are beginning to ment. Despite the fact that all (whatever they may be. In the garten books. In the present case, seoond place, it again attests the it is nothing less than a despleable the commercial policy of the So three of them enjoy a blameless reThe Militant is coming to me strong. But now they begin to that their fate is now in their own fact that the regenerated Commun attempt at whitewashing the Stal viet Untou, shows again its in cord in the movement, the Stalinability to defend the class inter ists sat in judgment upon them in realize that the only road to follow hands, and that they must look for regularly and want you to know that appreciate all you will and can come inist criminals who are responsible is a more direct action against the help only to their own organizaist mocence primarily on thel for the tragedy of the German pro.
into ests of the proletariat; an in basis of the position taken towards letariat and, implicitly, their dis Marxist policy of socialism in ability which is due to the nontypical star chamber proceedings do to inspire and further what bosses. The NRA officials did not tion, their trade union. Thousands is Right For All.
lift finger to help any worker of organized workers, whether and promptly expelled them. have not beard any definite but surely they did work very hard working in the hotels or in capitulation to Fascism in Germany. seek re. biring.
the August 4th of Stalinism: its charged Right wing flunkies who ong country. Experience has Culmination of Long Fight in. Harte prepara news for quite some time, the proved that the boycott has no And not as an Isolated instance, or The expulsion comes at the con latest given to me here is that bosses.
ing for decisive action, completely meaning unless it is conducted the Genuine Opposition to Fascism an episodic incident, but clusion of a long fight within the be deported to Italy.
Besides the above mentioned be independent of the NRA.
crowning point of ten years of The Stalinists in Germany have by the mass organizations of the havior of the local NRA officials The workers for their part are union which began even prior to With Kindest Personal Regards, policies which have converted the not had their August 4th, argues proletariat, and if it is designed inexcusable splitting of the Amal. Belleve me Sincerely, news reached us from Washington prepared to draw the inevitable to attain an aim in a definite gamated Food Workers Union by COMRADE BELLUSSI. that the President is ready to sign conclusions from the situation which general staff of the world revolusincerity and genuineness of the. No period of time This is why the Note: Letters to comrade Bel.
the stalinists for the purpose of the Hotel Code without any consul. has been forced upon them. They tion, into a bruke on the boycott should be preceded by world official opposition to from creating the red Food Workers lussi slould be addressed as foltation with the Labor Unions, or are prepared to fight back revolution operated by the omni ascism at any stage develop lows: Anthony Bellussi, Deten.
systematic propaganda and by Industrial Union. For some time ponent Stalin secretariat course this is an open violation of now on against every aggression of ment, it declares. There is no the creation of united front! now the expelled members, whose tion House, Philadelphia Immi the law known as the NRA but the the bosses, whether by the picket The attitude to be taken to the way, however, of measuring sincer. ever been able gration Station, Gloucester City. class conscious workers did not line or the strike, and if necessary problem referred to has already ity in politics. There is no such of the boycott with a determin. to challenge, have been attempting New Jersey.
lentertain any doubts that the capl. they will surely not shrink from a ed aim and at the same time to correct the pernicious course be.
general tie up of the whole hotel aroused stormy discussions in most thing as a sincerometer. as Lenin sections of the radical labor move once told Serrati, nor is there a with all the necessary force.
ing pursued in the by come and restaurant Industry in the city ment of Europe. However content need for one in politics. Sincerity It is in this sense that the Its Stalinist officialdom. The aim of Nw York with the way matters have gone up scales of the class struggle, and position has addressed itself to organization has consistently been that only a Union based on class to now, however reluctant they what is important is not an instru.
all workers, organizations on to establish one united union in the struggle principles is able to defend may be to engage in a discussionment to measure it and there is August 28, aut again in its ap industry and to re establish a genutheir interests. That is why they of the problem of the new later. none. but an instrument with peal on the subject of the trial ine Left wing movement not isolated got rid mighty fast of their illusions national which is now posed as in which to take the measure of poll.
on the burning of the Reichstag from the masses of the food work.
about the NRA and they are deperiously as it was after Augusttical tendencies, of programs, of for joint action of all workerders.
The Tiger tail has been twisted their pound of flesh then the dem termined tight for their demands.
the 1954. Cute en el sectos son into the reste actions. That instrument is Marx International Secretariat.
Never able to meet the arguments The rascals have been driven out agogic phrase mongering of La Their fight will not be an isolated made by our comrades, the Stalin of office. The millenium of the Guardia will give way to cold one. Tens of thousands of unor.
pores of one organization after anSeptember 28, 1933 ganized will No sincerer opponent to the im.
the ranks of the ists have instead sought for some end of bossism has come to New reality.
other. Not even the Lovestone group is exempt from this pene. Continued on page 4)
time now to whip up the member York Lonest to goodness govern. The necessary funds will come Union when it leads the fight for ship to a lynching spirit for the ment and the out of the hides of the toiling popu the abolitiou of the miserable con tration. And if the official Stalin ist parties will be among the last purpose of facilitating the expul. days of corruption.
sion of the workers who were a and political racketeering are over. Education facilities will be stripped clation inserted in their code which to reveal an open concern with the of cheapness and problem and to bring forward a Progressive Enginemen Organize cracy. Then, having reduced the and honesty in municipal adminis. be wages of the teachers cut. the NRA Administration and the a.
sector which will contribute seri. HOTEL WORKER.
union to a caricature, not much tration, the master demagogue, oblivion. Unemployment relier will ous forces to the new movement, greater in strength and influence Fiorello La Guardia is ensconsed be drastically slashed from the misit is not because they enjoy any than the stalinist party fraction in City Hall to the great resocong crable pitance it is today. the Rep. COTTON PICKERS ARRESTED IN STRIKE organic Immunity from it, but only because the molecular processes of its chief Cotton pickers arrested following differentiation already at work hase Of Convention at Cleveland, counter to some gag law which will charges against the three militants mention the Big Boys who backed terrorism, strike breaking it is a growery armed Bore. Oth, 1983, at the recent police and program without running otheialdom brought trumped up comerlane: tommello e press the to sempre lowers will be Injunctions, police the attacks on the strikers by the committees of to breuk the momentarily effective einemen was started by 14 mem The and pronounced sentence of expul and financed his campaign.
San Jocaquin stranglehold with which the bus bers of the progressive block in strangling, as much as possible, all the most despicable act of the with recrimination abuse and char and his retinue. The mayor has wirin of the Southern Calif.
official bureaucrats are slon upon them.
It was a tense campaign filled towards liberalism from La Guardia Valley, Calif. will be defended by reaucracy throttling all criticism that Convention. The progressive mempership activity for the many stalinists consists in the firing of and progress.
movement has already taken on an needed changes tu The Lovestone group suffered organized form inside of the of unions. It is almost impossible Coops. Stalinist Job in the acter assassination in which the changed but the system remains. ornia branch of the the railroad Sylvia Weiner from her right was no doubt shared by all Capitalism rules. The workers Seven workers are charged with blow several months ago when the This minority institution the contestants for the mayoralty suffer, murder, a strike leader with crimmovement to get them to attend Union meet where she had been at workpot alike. There can be no doubt that views of grew up and developed on and ing with a constructive program the time of her expulsion. The this election must have been a real The Labor Vote inal syndicalism, seventeen pickers Gitlow which has now taken a around a 25 point program of much listed for discussion and action capitalist uses precisely the same tickler to anyone with a sense of with resisting an officer and rioting, For the militants and revolution. four with vagrancy and disturbing favorable position towards the needed changes in the organizataey are urging cancellation of method of fring and blacklisting ists, the reso gratifying. Under of the recent elec the peace.
The and international broke away from gressive minority program called nomy because they have no program the shop until they come to their downe ocure a les eley was tos por no the elusive sway the shooting of a Mexican striker it ho The new coteinaltiores de that for the Initiative Referendum and to present to the membership at senses The of agents on bossTammany candidate, the tantalizing promises of La Guardia, at Arvin. Though the strikers, acFapture. The statement of H, Zam and secret work and the reinstate ng cheese and keep you out of the order to read themselves moet tertico others admitted, was square the brain trying confusion of the cording to all witnesses, were with colabores and unions: tative or the minority on the Na new set of officials with lower gineen as well as kailroad Coun. take them off the job, keep them had an evil genius behind him whis Jing backwardness cast their votesers carried guns, not a single Krow.
tional Committee, declares for salaries; for the removal of into for the representatives of the capier is held. The indictment against Sew. coma unist party in the United or headquarters from Cleveogical and practical reaction of the or getting work elsewhere, and thus ins ear. Holy Joe McKee the talist parties. Barring the vote Pat Chambers, the leader of the States and in every other capitalist Land to vecs at all railroad terminals is a unemployed without the possibility pering Mephistofelian advice railroad workers to the bankrupt try to starve the class conscious crusader against Tammany dicta stealing. election gerrymandering strike, for criminal syndicalism is country, that is, for new Com.
to the tion was accused of being munist International outside of the However, the Johnston machine program of the overpald and use fighters into submission boss dom. a constant factor the parties pur. Chambers, it is reported at all Soviet Union and exclusive of any bad a sufficient majority to control less swarms of craft otticials who machine. Sylvia Weiner discharge paw of the same kind of the eats and violence at the polls these are called a frame up by Mr. Wirin.
inering which he invelghed soporting to represent the Russian Section. Zam member the convention, and were able, with keep the railroad workers divided does not leave a single spot on her strongly against And La Guardia, made frightfully poor showing, sort to violence. His bail was first ship on the National Committee facone or two exceptions, to prevent and helpless for their ates for the time being his role the proposals of the progressives beneat.
does, however, brand the cynical ever ready with radical phrases to The Socialist party, and its set at 000 and then raised overas official representative of the new from being enacted into law. When The Progressive Club of Engine bureaucracy which committed the please the deanos, was charged with standard bearer Charles Solomon, night without hearlug to 20, 000 a Communist whose whole campaign was of such writ of habeas corpnis filed in the current, although the genuinely pro these progressive delegates saw men should put a full time fane act with an ineradicable stigma. Rude Awakening gressive tendency in the Lovestone that their program was being detonary on the job at its headquart Rank and File Indignant group does not and cannot find in feated they decided to launch aners in Cleveland, launch a monthly Scores of workers are seething for the masses in New York when votes cast for illiquit last year. charged with vagrancy, the District The rude awakening will come Guardia stole his thunder, recebe provedeno vaikino reduce the ball liberal on the ball for the four strikers him anything more than fortuit. organized progressive movement in paper or bulletin to guide and ac with indignation at the expulsion they discover that the election pro. The socialist vote dropped from Attorney of Kings County declared But although truer volces will Brotherhoods to perpetuate and is the membership of the different stands to be based exclusively on an end to corruption, whether car peak out tomorrow, it is the two keep alive the progressive program Clubs, with a circulating medium for the political opinions of the three ried out or bursting like soap bub able were the programs of La cause they were strike leaders and us at present, the official statementation, and the result was the Pro of the Progressive Club of Engine comrades. Militants in the food bles, will not make a particle of sailing opinion among the socialist them in jail. The bail was set at official currents which concern defeated at the of conven. their ideas. The General Secretary Guardia and Solomon that the pre urged that the ball be high to keep and needle trades industries who difference in their economic condiAge.
Locomotive engineer, freman and Division No. 3, of 822 have worked and fought side by tłons. The dead weight of the four voters of a year ago was to vote 200 and raised at once and the mea Let us first examine the declara bostler who is a member or eligible 167th St. Cleveland, Ohio.
finding committee investigating the side with our comrades in a dozen years of abysmal privation, and for the man who had a chance to released. Governor Rolph fact tion of the Committee majority.
to membership in the two enginebattles, refuse to swallow the crude body wracking unemploymentwill get elected. RAILROADER.
and disgraceful action of the Stal not be lightened when and if the The Vote for the violence reported Without question the civil rights of the strikers have inists. The latter have not heard grafters are cleaned out by La The Lovestone document Inter. mens brotherhoods and who subspersed with the customary false scribes to the progressive program, YAKIMA HOP PICKERS STILL the last of this expulsion. There Guardia.
The Communist party and its been violated. We appeal to the hoods, inventions, distortions about Enginemen.
may join the Progressive Club of IMPRISONED IN STOCKADE mayoralty candidato, Robert Minor constituted authorities to see that are many workers who are deter: Quite another matter are the received 26, 864 votes or an increase the strikers are protected in rights the Trotskyites proceeds from More than make a vigorous protest the idea that no new course is. There is certainly a bls and fer seventy members who were in everyo organization against the promises Mr. La Guardia has made of 2, 600 votes over the vote conferred upon them by the laws last year. of the state and by the federal and no change has taken place in the sive minority movement in the Enade at Yakima, Wash, during a hop to finish of their business in the extraviagent waste these peevalled voters this year the administration, where he contends Considering the huge increase of state constitutions.
Communist SEEEEE situation. The sole criticism that ginemens Brotherhoods as as piekers strike late in August by dark of the moon and in the confines under Tamang. When Lovestone musters up boldness in the 21 Railroad Unions. The pickhandle brigades and vigil. of their trial chambers will, we are talks of economy be is not ad campaign conducted by Minor and Guardia vote has remained stationary. The of Stalinism in the German ment aims to do the sume thing in stockade for trial accodring to a resolute militants. The stalinists, to the gentlemen of Wall Street the most vulgar oportunism. The THE SOCIALIST PARTY situation, is contained the weasel side of the 21 rallroad unions that report received by the American In this case at least, will be com. who will supervise his actions in crimes of Stalinism in the unions words about its failure to apply the Progressive Club of Enginemen Civil Liberties Union from its local pelled to answer for their action office. The New York City gov and in the class strugle in this AFTER HILLQUIT effective tactics to realize its cor. aims to do inside of the Engineers representative. Six persons, four before an infinitely more authorita ernment is saddled with huge city, the repercussions of their Speaker: rect Communist principles and and Firemens untons. Instead of of whom are Communists are chars the court than that which tried debt to Morgan, Rockefeller et al. bankruptcy throughout the world, MAX SHACHTMAN alms. Nothing more!
Friday, November 17, 1933 The fact that the Communist road Brotherhoods have a well or with unlawful assembly. thirts and their organizations. the westers who want it honored, the principal is sadly registered in this election.
and the interest. The panaceas her8 PM party was deliberately prohibited ganized bureaucratic at International Workers Sehool by its own the Moscow bureau which has entrenched itself behind trials will be conducted in an atmo tants in the food industry in the sided by La Guards and others. BROOKLYN BRANCH AFFAIRS: 126 East 16th Street cracy from effecting that element gak laws, obligations, secret work sphere bitterly hostile to the strik. needle trades unions and elsewhere holders will balance the budget and Watkins St. Near Belniont Av. Auspices: Manhattan Branch, ary, obviously imperative and ob and a very tightly censored Brothers. Mark Litchman has been re and made to explain.
provide funds to meet the This crime will not be allowed obligations are so much Communist League of America would have crushed Fascism before 21 Railroad Brotherhoods can even General Defense Committee of the to pass with impunity bear that ranting. If this debt is to be met era on Revolutionary Art election Sat. Nov. 25th, P. Diego Ris. Opposition)
and It came to power; the fact that the mildly criticize his administration I.
in mind, Messrs. Stalinists. and the bankers are demanding ADMISSION 25 CENTS Oppresed Minorities.
For Reform of Railroad Unions de OPEN FORUM course No elect