BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1933 Militant Volaner WI. No se, Wald, No 19) The Boycott of Fascist Germany Notes of the Week vas de DUS, Llo a part in the struggle and the course they have fol uger, leader on the liberal side much has yet been done. The re toe German tanker Mal Kuh was read or us to competition.
Hitler will compra elfective and etc. Wont move unless shoved. they lo such things better in Leuwey ve Bus Oswyers to nitby na proYour editorial advocating a well him is a pace him is to ex against the Hungarian White Ter. eclipse of small fry a business and The to Discussion Articles chem.
Ihe Saturday, November 4, 1933 Published Every Week by the Editorial Board Sympathyzer Writes on the Strategy of the Anti Hitler Struggle Communist League of America (Opposition)
Martin Abera James Cannon Dear Comrades: ganized action against Fascist of cott is just one move in a long There is some noise New York City Max Shachtman Spector Swabeck in bour all maribe, railroad, transport and struggle. Its limitations are no 126 East a6th Street Who Are the Chiselers. seois circles about refusing to buy other workers in the form of an more a ground for rejecting it than substantial part of the presiGerman goods as a protest against industrial and transportation boy are those of trade uulonism for re dend last radio uddress ciple suffer from a disease that is very hard to cure. Hitlers persecution of Jews. There cott. It proposes the following secting that.
voted lovituperation against toe The Illinois Miners The fact that Allard at one time passed as a example, 11. Macy Co. owned ary political rights of workers; only, of course the final stage in or te working class we Armed lusurrection is only. a big chiselers. Although, as members have a supporter of the Communist League makes it incum. by a Jewisha family which includes moeration of all political prisoners; a ung process of which both trade ways been ugutust this coiseling beut on us, in the interest of truth and clarity, to lucu. Ambassador to France, abolition of concentration camps mou struggle and a real boycott system of capitalism we cannot nois mine tields and the fate of the Progressive Miners organization will not long remain unmeution him specifically in this connection and to declines to join the boycott move cessation of violence against poli can be important parts. As tacuerp poming out the injustice or suy that the course be followed had nothing in comers action, a decline in the sale of Supplementary action of many be a means or litting out the Muitant said, such a boycott can uw attack iu itselt.
decided. The magnificent movement of the Illinois mon with the policy of the League.
German eye glasses and cameras, or miners, which arose with such bright promise out of We shall take occasion to return again to the vella complete stoppage of the varieties may be cited. For exam spirits of tae German workers and For who, after all, are these purthe fires of struggle, has been caught in a net of minots mining question and to set forth again in sale of German crockery, would be trade unions bas ordered a protest a wemonstration which woulu revive tue main, the small ple, the e. of the Norwegian helping them to their feet again. ticular weinclers. They are, in internal contradictions which directly threaten to greater detail the Communist opinion in regard to put a plupick the leathery strike against the visit of any Nazi and strengthen the international pezut vunen. Tacy ure, or strangle it. The enemies from without could not Austunce, tue social prop ur that is break the union; the greatest danger comes from have no more important problem than the just and And, look at the demands of the representative to Oslo, Norway mubor movement.
Dr. Fritz Schles capital. Only hospital and firemen accurate appraisal of the leaders who have played Jewish boycott!
But to the all this is sense uur land Western roon. They are exempted from the strike.
less! No wonder the Captain of are the boys who live in deadly Percy and Keck are louding the union on the lowed. They will not be able to cope with the American societies in New in the recent row in the German York, However, tine all this sounds, not surprised when, on August 17, Compath of Lewisism, and their pace becomes faster every Percy Keck treason machine until they have secured has made the positiou of bourgeois solutions are noble in purpose but munist workers at Loudden, we Take the Swopes, the Owen day. They joined in the ballyhoo for the NRA and an accounting from those who had their contidence Jewry clear. We have not reject they haven been carried out. Howe, refused to service mu boat Youngs, we steel magnates un tue went, hats in hand, to beg crumbs from the capital.
and who failed in their duty to put them on guarded the Nazi dag, he suid; the can they be made effective is as long as it blew the Nazi ilan vextile barotis. man code of ist politicians. They are stilling every sentiment of and organize their counter struggle in time. dag bas rejected us. So what question which throws us face to even though they were employed competition that is just their militancy in the ranks. They have invoked the aid Accept us and we ll accept Hitler. Lace with some familiar, untortun by a napta firm belonging to a meat. They have big capital re of state authorities to suppress radical meetings and nice piece of petty bourgeois ate facts. The bureaucrats of the Soviet trust. No wonder be com serves, tremendous credit resources, now they are expelling Cominunists and other millnism and the sumers boycott be horse craving. Let the Jewish con 2nd International, the of plained to reporters, suylug thut sugunue mass production wachtics.
American Com tants from the union in Lewis style. In every rewand with bourspect they are trying to demonstrate thut the Some Communists oppose the ingrad where he lew his out of my luor proA. is ditterent from the organization of Lewis only Russian Revolution geois Jewry. He will not ouly boycott because it will inean los pennant unmolested for nine days: vastons. what chance has the in name. Percy and Keck are preparing the way to TN the interantionalist concept of their authentic partment store owners, which he dough German workers who those on January 14, 1921, for example, we them? He has to live and repeat the sell out of Walker if, indeed, the actual deal has not already been made behind the scenes.
representatives, the Russian revolution and the woes already, but he will come to same Communists claim) can ap the Executive Committee of the proguce on a namu to moto morement of American Communism are inseparably an understanding with the whole prove the baving re proclaimed a buycott of Spala position. The bank is down on nis But they have a long way to go before they can share they may have in succeed in destroying the movement against Lewis ou each other. This inter relationship, expressed prim Germany. And at that moment the loss of jobs. Some say Fascist derstand the boycote med goat The workers of all Spauise Contederation of Labor. Legal sharp charges extorsitant countries. Lees. Can he helpleugtbening ism that has been hardened in such desperate strugarily at trst in the influence which the Russian rex. liberal Jewry will grow silent the boycott will bevett capitalists declared the which was murs and cutting wages. Can be gle and sealed by so much martyr blood. Powerful olution exerted in bringing Communism to life in and the boycott will be over from of France, Americu, etc. If the then under the leadership of Lenin do anything but perpetuate the forces for resistance are latent in the rank and tile of the The next developments of the class America, is manifested again today in the Interna Labor viewpoint, and even from a USSR and rightly trades with and Trotsky, should refuse to load sweatshops and skill his neighbor. tional struggle to safeguard the beleaguered fortress genuinely democratic viewpoint, such capitalists despite the factor unload goods coming from or Not ir ne wants to keep his place struggle will work to strengthen them. What is of the Soviet Union and to defend the conquests of the whole thing is a joke. Note that they make a protit, why should destined for Spain.
They should under the capitalist suu. Anu yet, lacking is an organization of the class conscious and the October revolution.
militant elements and a leadership worthy of the ilar consumers boycott called for some say that boycott provokes Isolated from the rest of the world, Venus that sun is setting for him.
task. From the very beginning of the new moveThe unity of the liberation struggle of the pro by the Second International, war. And they are the same peo its barbarism exposed by the prol ment we pointed out the necessity of a tirmly orletariat in a single world process is strikingly illu o. and other reformist organi ple who proclaim that Hitler is letarians of all lands, the Spanish strated in this intimate connection between Russia zations, capituHearst to the Rescue ganized Left wing in the union. The delay has been war that whatever helps smash bourgeoisie will have to costly for the miners and for the union. Now the and America and their interacting influence on each The NRA obviously hastened the move, that to re late. The story of the boycotts other. The advanced workers in a backward coundangers of another debucle have accumulated and dual boycott train from and communi pedite war.
press on every side. There is not much timo left.
try Sospired, by their example, the formation of as ror Government and against the industry. No douut the real frum revolutionary Communist nucleus in the most bighis most sensible proposal have seen arguments against the boycott is are too well known to need re centralization of business one of cation for a detinite time is the Most fantastic of all Stalinist olish intervention in the ers or at mude reorgunixution and The signal of a rising reactionary current in the developed capitalist nation. Now It is our turo.
union was tasbed months ago when the officials of little were bold the mun objectives.
Por Ammediate must structele une aipost that it can not overthrow Hitler petition des taches the started a red scare in the organizat At the present juncture of the international class Hitler, World Fascism and the war any more than trade union action working class tactics, and they had clows telt.
tion. That was the time for the militants to awaken to the futernal danger, to recognize the to play a decisive role in support of the Russian The idea is rooted in spontaneous the job. No doubt. But a boycott by the 1. to its glory and benefit unfailing When up sign of the employers class intuence ut work and from the singularly dominant position of the United of such action. Let me give you him or by a revolution. The boyrevolution. Our importance in this task is derived missed them we press has a webs can undermine Hitler so that the at a time when the u. was the big bad wolf, uc became thel Wol. Alr. Ford, of course, had no to organize their struggle to preserve the union States in world affairs and the extraordinary sus some samples thus far unknowa, HARRY STRANG. Deed of a code of fair competition.
against it. Unfortunately they lacked the leaders ceptibility of America to the influence of a clear believe, in New York: 2018 There are no smull fry for such a tight wipe out siglited Communist current at the present time.
in his field.
July 2: the Charlotte SchroThose who were expected to speak out clearly, kept silent. Instead of fighting they retreated. IuWe can aid the Russian revolution to its. feet der, Rostock, sulled through the again by contributing our efforts and our energy Brussels Cunal. The Captum later Xow Nr. Ilearst comes to their reported to Hitler official organ dom and defending the policy toward the revival of that revolutionary Internation that some 500 men, women and eats in outcoilrescue. And tout encouraging for class struggle militancy which was alism which first gave birth to it. The distortion childret on the baluks showered the real point of the attack The blighting effect of NRA Allard and others responded with shame faced den.
of this original and basic idea and its plece meal the boat, which was flying the Nazi policy. says the white Lope of the ials of the euctionary accusations on their own climination from the Communist International by us, with about 300 kilos of stone, Two Internationals middle class, has been so complete part, and the expression of mealy mouthed liberal the Stalinists in favor of a utopian national socialism smashing the whole superstructure.
that a justitiable interpretation of sentiments about the rights of others.
has yeur by year undermined the illuminating strength, July 12: the Storman, Hamthe letters NRA would make them of the first workers state. Only the rebirth of rev burgdocked in Odense, Denmark.
be revolutionary organizatave read appropriately, No Recovery By the miserable capitulatory attitude The International revolutionary when it subordinated the strategic Allowed.
before olutionary Internationalism, its embodiment into a The protest strike against the Nazi the reactionary offensive they paved the way for once again approach aim of the workers to the exigencies all that has followed. The fact that Allurd himself new dynamic international organization, can preserve tas was so tumultuous that the movement Soviet Russia and bolster up the great work of world local trade union Council fell all ing a period of claritication and of the tactical struggle, fually The Hearst newspaper chain was Wis promptly removed us editor of the Progressive intoll begin by its founders. By sharing in Over itself to endorse the workers reorganization. This time it oc liquidating the former entirely.
curs as a result of a major defeat transforming Miner, and thus became the first victim of the treacherous bargain of Perey und Keck with the this task, by rooting the new organization in the August 8: the case di Bre of the working class (Germany. the world party of reform. When and boost the New Deal. Its preAmerican soil, the revolutionists of America coal operators, does not alter or mitigate the responsibility he bears for the success of their treacherous begin to repay the great debt they owe to the Rus to load wood. The Captain refused of the proletariat is not the only would have been the height of folly with an extra sharp sting to it.
xian workers vanguard.
the longsboremeu demand to low axis around which such revaluations to expect of the 2nd International policy. And there is no reason to conceal it. The Which Way Is the New Wind most necessary thing now is to see clearly what has These internationalist conceptions, which the beritage of the great Marxist teachers embodied strated are came down from the mills, demon Lenin, without descending into ary struggle for power. It embarkBlowing?
While it reflects a widespread happened and what mude it possible, and to tell the in the October revolution, hold the central place in any on the pier, and gave him mechanics, described the epoch ofed upon a course of saving and truth about it.
hour to change his mind. The imperialist capitalism as the era of patching up the rotting structure Half and half radiculism, the policy and pracour minds today as we commemorate its 16th anniv lag cate down. When the boat wars and revolutions. all the time of world capitalism, thus creating movement, the Hearstiun pronunciatice of pseudo progressivism, played here once again its characteristic role as an aid to reaction. Allard and inspired a whole world. On the same line the pier and sung the Internationale oped not in one straight line, but ternational of the proletarian rev owner. Hearst a jingo patriot of the first. And cumspect in his patriotism personified this policy and practice and, from all appearances, bas not learned anything from He backed the New Deal in its scattered forces again and lead to the final security they beld fast and forced the boss berent in any form of decay. Trata. This new international (The Comof the by the extension of the world es to rehire them.
evil results it has brought. People who lack prin revolution.
In the same week in Apenrade, ary politics, this desiguation sis of conditions created by the Rus efforts to barness American capi.
Denmark, workers protested against bitled that on a world scule the sian revolution and the collapse of the Naxl lng on the Maja.
factors necessarian rest 23 Social Democracy, reorganized the concentration in the preparation ofket.
Colonization at loud. The trade uulons of Apen olution, were present. The analyse af peste klepartures the protes. When the national concentration rade went on a one hour general did not exclude, but insisted, that or point of departure, the promo of capital reached a point where it ation order, until reversed, constistrike of protest. The tagecame the speciic conditions of a giveu tion of the world revolution. The threatens the political concentras from Canada tutes a permanent ban against down.
Shuchtman ever entering Canada Heritage agate. This is not the first time docked at Valdemarsvik, Sweden. as would lead to the triumph of coptou of preseut day Capitalism, case of war, the middle class is the August 24: the Delfin IV ed, in order to effect such policies International rested upon its con man is the indispensible prop in the Canadian authorities have (Continued from page 1)
entering its final stage. Any other Anal rexort of Big Business in case struck a blow at the activities of (Continuedt rom page 1)
Not even threats of expulsion by the proletariat.
reactionary union ofliciais deterred The Subjective Factor policy would not have conformed to came to Canada. Such con the Left Opposition. Prior to this, veyance shall be by the first the objective conditions and a con. of a workers rebelliou.
In such an epoch the primary tlouation of the line pursued by 80we huve encountered difficulties Opposition rededicate themselves to the protest against Hitlerism. The with the mails, and at least one of those basic tasks which the com. You will doubtless be glad to overthrow of capitalism, is the other result than a weakening of indictment against the NRA, upon available ship or train of the forces required to bring about the cal democracy could bave had no It imposed, runs Mr. Hearst Transportation Company which Leon Trotskys works printed by us munist International originally set learn that others endorse the idea subjective factor, the organized the proletariat. It the Communist industry, struggling towards recov.
brought the said rejected person in New York has been denied ad for itself. Our aim as before re of an organized intornational trans movement of the working class. It international galued great strengthery, shorter hours and ligler pay to Canada. Dated at Phillips mission into Canada.
mains the international proletarian portation boycot. An early dis lis burg this 1st day of November As we go to press, we have as 1933. signed. Poissant, yet no report on the manner in revolution. That is, for the strug cussion of the idea was by the Neus 18 a period in which the main during its early years, it was due and greater employment. than strategie aim of the proletariat (the only to its revolutionary interna Inudstry was able to bear (sie. Weltbuhne, a Germanlanguage pa conquest of power)
which the Montreal and Torontogle for workers State power the per published by exiles in Prague. lit. the outcome dersomes a real tionalist policy. It entered into de in handing Shachtman the de meetings took place. full report transfer of power from one class This portation order, the officer pointed will be given about them in the to another. It is the order of the the coup is the feeble volce of well the workers movement carries substituted a nationalist dogtna for NRA: the remedy is a return to on how cline precisely at the movement it There you have a successor to a significant finger to the reverse coming issue of the Militant. day in this epoch. In the Soviet which has not abandoned its light tional point of view, the proletar When an international of remnant of left bourgoolste out its tasks. It from the Interna the International revolution. longer bours, less pay and lesser side on which was printed. It is economic against Hitlerism; of its outstundian revolution is on the order of the working class fails to respond to mau can bear the burden, the sployment. If the small businessunlawful for persons rejected or and political administration on being leaders, Carl von Ossietsky is day, it is of paramount importance the needs of the objective condi worker can!
deported to return to Canada with hult of the tolling masses are as in a Nazt concentration camp, and for the proletariat to so organize tions, when it substitutes the main out the consent of the Minister and heavy and decisive as at no other Kurt Tucholsky bas vanished com its tacties, that they will lead die strategic aim of the revolution with persons entering or remaining in time perhaps in its history. The pletely. These people have called ectly to victory. The subordina refore or returning to Canada after such (Continued from Page 1)
This great vision is dubbed by Russian Bolshevik Leninists, despite on the organized socialism of alltion of the main strategie im reform measures or purely tactical Mr. Hearst: Back to Democracy.
rejection or deportation are sub The Internationalist Communist the extreme conditions of their countries to join in such a boy: the proletariat to the tactical phases ates the luterests of the world rev. dent of the Tribune, thinks of considerations, or, if it subordiu. Mark Sullivan, the Tory corresponject to arrest and detention and League (Bolshevik Leninists) pro existence, will assist the Soviet cott as you favor. formal call of the class struggle would mean olution to the construction of naon summary conviction to a fine or poses to all the workers organiza power in the correct direction As was sent to the 2nd and 3rd Tnter the surrender of the revolution and tional socialism, that organization that its proponetits should be call.
imprisonment or both, and to de. tions in the world to organize a before the dictatorship of the pro nationals, the agent was as much ILS saying: late a program of common action, Soviets on a world scale remains atist Internationals and to many Because the struggle will resolve revolution.
cooper. ment into reform. International of the proletarian You need not try to enter by any to build fighting labor organiza our goal. The theory of permanent minor workers organizations protest finally on the basis of the International Social Democracy so cynical, every time there is London news dispatch says tha the speculators there have become other Port because the information tions.
a about you has been very effectively There is no time to lose in set. which guides the International Left to draw up slogans and the detail strength or weaknesses of the rev. earned its spurs during the war.
olutionary th distributed. They ll be watching ting the workers into motion. If Opposition toward that soal. We ed strategy of the boycott.
the terroristic sentences of Leipzls are small we need more cadres This proposal has been accepted revolutionary. corkert to constantes ported the capitalist war, opposed they crush to sell hert. bukvery It surrendered to imperialism, sup some new declaration about the Protests were of no avall. Even are pronounced, as they no doubt more leading forces. These must by the independent Labor Party of examine and re examine his party the October insurrection, betrayed time the boss class and their press the demand for an appeal was an will be a powerful protest of the begathered old revolutionaries England, the. and several in order to observe how well it Liebknecht und Luxemburg entered lackeys begin to talk about Back swered by giving Shachtwan na international proletariat must be are beginning once again to return other labor organizations. Appar meets the demands of the objective coalition capitalist governments a triplicate form to sign, but not to unleashed.
to Democracy and Liberalism. fill out. The official informed him Workers of the world, force your are welcome. But above all we action congress of Scandinavian whether or not it furthers the lo of saving world capitalism. cobur den somewhere for the workers.
that the signature was the appeal organizations to take a must win the new forces of work workers sport clubs met in Copen. terests of the proletarian revoluously, among revolutionaries, there himselt makes out the appeal pro against Fascism. Halt the hand of labor of revolutionary movement Social Democent moet betale metey be corrected, adjustments made and tion of whether or not, the 2nd In As to the Workers per!
the The NRA like the League of NaApparently unaware that he was tlonglist proletarian hetontesen take the arst steps toward a rev German de boycot. La seule et senter for sengehiemingpoor en el tiempo la represents the interestations tumbling the worker the Arbeiderbladet of August 12, correcting the organization, then it Since the war, much has dealing with the vanguard of the lives!
serta terme probationem inthe officer bad ore ne reply to the shameful verdict The Third Congress of the Com Tranmaelchairman of the Nor will prove to be necessary to reors been back had better join a union. And packed into an automo of Teipzig, not a single German munist International raised as its wegian Labor Party. which be ganize the ranks of the workers written on this topic, and there to get his fellow workers to join. It so no need to belabor the the building of the American cus raw material worked on. All the This, and more, is our slogan today. Brussels Resolution of the Second the aim of class conscious and revise of Fascism and following HitBill Green has been talking about, toms authorities on the other side cities of the world should organize Into the unions! Organize the un. International as meaning trans latlonary workers; the overthrow is interesting however, to that his party interprets the vague that it can proceed to carry throuxits actions in Germany do observe looks of things. And it ll take all during the of those 10, 000, 000 new members of the border, in Swanton, Ver Fascism under the sign of powerful organized.
Ination of his passport, which was the liberation of Torkler, Dimitroff. for the up to you and you to do the job, mont. There, after another exam. mass demonstrations! Fight for ousness.
Widen the foundations Most important of all, a joint re fetishism of an organization will further the above contentions. Then Bill Green is just talking. It found to be in regular order, Popov and Tanel! For the free the United States and a new, Fourth the Norwegian Labor Party, tha and policies can only be determined actions alongside of the actions of Green and no Green. Working Shachitman was released and obligdom of the tens of thousands of communist International to the German and the Dutch byl objective analysis.
ed return to New York.
imprisoned workers, demand Representatives are being made suppression of the barbarian con shevik revolution of the Rusalan signatories of the Manifesto of ner draw the necessary lessons from the six hour day, five day week October and extend it.
Downfall of the Second Interto the State Department at Wash centration camps.
this highly important event. for unemployment Insurance there ington and to the Department of Four along with the International national International Secretariat.
is the first step to get rid of MARTIN ABERN. Left Opposition) favors direct or ALBERT GLOTZER.
The 2nd International ceased to Continued in the next Issue chiselers and cbiseldom. the Bar Schachtman utawa, particularly as the deport: The Bolshevik Save Torgler!