BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninismMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE Letters from Germany Towards the Creation of a Fourth International Dollfuss and Hitler the fallen.
the In has Tho tbo on British Labour Party Masks Support o de los tres advocates The Agrarian Question in Mexico Concerto en eller annen behether or not to Capitalism at Annual Conference in the Light of the Coming Revolt The Growing Dissatisfaction of the Middle Classes Record of Progress on the Road Towards the Reconstitution of Recent Changes in the Austrian Government Only the fanatics of the Nazi, rate, then Fascism will become The article below is an extract the discussion on its fate.
the Revolutionary Vanguard of the World Proletariat are satisfied with the within a relatively short time, a from the Bulletin publishel ille. The entire world has been able There are a few pure police bureaucratic regime, gally by our Austrian comrades, to see the real weakness of the others, but they are the ones who divorced from the working populaand bearing the date, October 1st. Do government by viewing the lounge in the chairs of ejected tion and the middle classes and The Revolutionary Socialist Party ment within the which led dreds of workers had to be turned since then, the attempt against struggles that have taken place trade union bureaucrats, those who regarded as such by the latter. At of Holland Joins the Interna.
to their wigning the common de away. An exceptional acclaim Tollfuss has clearly proved that within its own ranks after the make the streets unsafe every day ter that stage, when the sentiments claration of the Four Organizations greeted the speeches of Sneevliet, the Nazis are not thinking of re Catholic buy which led to the tional Left Opposition in their capacity as Fascist factory of the masses become transformed (1. German Social. Schmidt, Schlip und Pikshoorn, who laxing their offensive, but on the counter demonstration of the Heim.
On September 21, the Plenum or ist Workers Partsiand traces the course of the proposed contrary of intensifying it in wehr and the Lamband which recell directors, as bonzes (swivel into direct hostility to the Hitler chaiç bureaucrats) of the Consum regime, we will have to succeed in the International Left Opposition at the Paris Conference, new International.
order as quickly as possible befused to liquidate themselves in the ers Cooperatives, walking about in Kiving the mass struggle direction decided to accept the request of presage a unification of In Belgium fore the winter to get a deci. Ikitriotic front. By that, natty uniforms. They have much and objective, in removing from it the Revolutionary Social and in the immediate fu Our Belgian comrades have en son in their favor.
attempt to save the Dollfuss gov.
to do. They must speak at fac every disorientating influence. ist Party of Holland) for aflation ture.
tered negotiations with the League At this time Austria is passing erumeut bus miscarried, the gov.
tory meetings, threaten the unor From Westphalia with the The was The extends warm greet of Communist Internationalists for through a stage the ernmental combination ganized with firing if they don The Its activity re Tline founded in 1929. Its fundamental ings to the entering its the fusion of the two organizations Bruening Papen Schleicher period lustead of leading to a rapproche or the Held period in ment, Dollfuss brought about the in pelle complew anks. colt mens det er additivetaritza combasle matries creation of a new Germany to it that membership dues are collection. At rare intervals mimeo with its declaration of is to say, semi strengthening of the contradictions, paid regularly, because the Third graphed leattets or paper and Communist character.
in 1932, which bears a distinctly fighters to our cause and makes Bonapartist dictatorship, which specially between the Helmweb Reich needs a lot of money.
issued. If these publications did possible the further extension and FOR NEW REVOLUTIONARY maintains itself by the reciprocal and the Lundbund. What is still There are 350 members on its penetration of the ideas of YOUTH INTERNATIONAL neutralization of the proletarian more important is the fact the split Sunday collection tours. There is calling for afilintion to the rolls who are grouped together in Bolshevik Leninists. call for an international con camp and the Fascist camp. uso cuts into the Christian social the Beggary for the Adolph Hitler one would think they were is some 30 local organizations. The gress of all revolutionary youth However, Austrian Bonapartinmurty, which is the strongest gov.
Fund, for the Work Creation Fund. suel by indifferent workers, So party stands in closest contact with THOUSANDS OF DUTCH WORK lems of the formation of an inter yesterday can have only an epis. Pascist and reactionary. democra organizations to consider the prob today, like German Bonapartismerumental party and in which a the Party Convention Fund and devold are they of political guid the a trade union center ERS HAIL THE NEW INTER.
many others. At the same time a ance. Less than 10 percent of the with 25, 000 enrolled members. Both national vanguard of the working odie character, by filling the short te wing are struggling. It is lo press campaign is in full swing party nuclet meet at all. There is organizations are headed by comNATIONAL class youth has been sent out by interval that separates the dem. that that the internal weakness of against the mendicants. The ordino party member now who will rade Sneerilet.
the Independent Socialist the youth organization of the Rev. ocratic regime from the Fascist the Dollfuss regime consists.
nary citizen pays for the first fund claim that the party policy at the Sneevilet is not an unknown had 7, 000 members on its rolls, the land, to be held in Amsterdam on Party of Holland (0. which olutionary Socialist party of Hol regime.
These words were written by weeks, the general weakness of the But in the course of recent second and the third comes along was correct. They recognize the 1st movement, particularly because participation in the building of the December and 10.
he begins to grumble of course guilt of the bureaucracy, but are of the revolutionary activity the new International hus been un Most of the youth organizations year, in this article Austria This Dullfuss government becomes more. not aloud. That is too danger. not yet clear wherein the error lay. displayed even before the war, and animously accepted by the ous and means prison in the Third We hope to clear up this confusion during the war, in the Far East. tive Execu invited to this conference are con Next in Order. Many left social and more apparent. All the cov Releh. Not to give is also very about the material. Most of the weekly paper, Baanbrecker, ever Trotsky has raised in deep interestary socialist or independent ComHowever, the development that has counsellor Schart was quite cor.
dangerous. He is a foe of the prop general line with our All of the discussion on the Paris Conference for lateucuse these democrats thought then that it was ed subduing the washe. se The has been publishing Conference and the alliance with organizations are either revolution regime as a Bonapartist regime coorarythe Nordic propaganda government who does not drop party members are convinced that since its inception.
grown. The social democratic coin luto its alm bag. One has to a new leadership is necessary.
has a cir outside the ranks of the party.
taken place during the last six give. The press reports that this Functionaries often refuse to culation of 3, 000 fact. disThe joint meeting of the ExecuThe youth sections of the Inter month has confirmed our Marxist rect in stating this state apparatus, even the Executive It is Interesting to observe the tive Committees of the o. national Left Opposition have been Leninist analysis word for word.
tary contribution. But woe to the from the center a note out of cow development of the party as re and the Revolutionary Socialist invited to participate in this con. This statement is not made by us completely fingelsed with Nazls; it worker who fails to contribute. ardice, but because of the non lected in the parliamenetary elec: Party (Sneevliet) has ylelded as ference and will send delegates to because we want to appear as hav was become very shaky for Dollfuss.
On the next morning he will be sense and the bull which 40. 000 votes and more mandate de store deler au boration de sponses of the bankruptcy of the Comintern sity of clearly understanding in pounding the From this point of view are plenty of Storm Troopers and some however, who say: their friends to take his place rotten stuff than nothing at all, covering provinces, it received the joint meeting accepted the prin Democracy has brought in bts train a turn which has been undertaken ment are completely undermined.
better covering the proposencial election working class policy. Moreover, and the treachery of the Social presept turn in Austrian politics, coumations of the Dollfuss kovern Often some person from North they distribute material which they 20, 000 votes and mandates. Inciple of the necessity of fusing the a frightful degeneration of the by the new formation of the Doll Isut on the other side, there is still Germany comes down our way in themselves will not take seriously the same year, during the munici two oragnixations into one rev. Young Communist International fuss cabinet.
the working class. Although its search of work. In most cases, The Brandlerites) elections in 50 localities, it resolutionary party. At the next con and the Young Swable to or the shifts in the Dollcuss cabinet not yet broken. The most importsuch a person has seen in some Their local group have directed aceived 31, 000 votes and 12 repregress, which is to convene in the tional. They are Interna. Let us express ourselves clearly: strength has been weakened it 19 sentatives. In the parliamentary Christmas interval, definite pro ganize and educate the proletarian signifies the end of Austrian Bon uut proletarian organizations are his pocket, that the region here is leadership against the general line elections of 1983, Sneevliet, who posals for fusion will be voted on: youth in the world. new rev. apartism and the beginning of de still intact. The government is cleared of unemployment. He is methods contained in the article at the time was imprisoned for his it is the first attempt to many olutionary youth international must eisive convulsions.
directly threatened from this side soon enlightened. The swindle of Against Trotskyite Liquidationismereti defense of the martyrs of years to create real revolutionary be organized. The Amsterdam Con. The Catholle das and the de to the degree that the situation bethe Successful Battle to provide (which appeared in June issue of Seven Provinces (The reference unity. It hus already aroused ference will be the first step.
Work is easily hallon of the patriotic front comes more intense. Gegen den Is to the revolutionary sailors who great enthusiasm, as is apparent exposed before their central organ.
to show the strength of The ground shakes under Doll every there is a great deal of underground that. In this procey Bay participated in the mutiny of from the many successful mass worker. In the factories Strom. Beginning with this issue, the the Dollfuss government to the extas feet. What maintains the with such stupid remarks as one of the vessels of the Dutch meeting held all over the country. department Towards the Creation ternal world and to support the autogenicty of his camp is the com.
grumbling, especially on my day in the article one cannot and should merchant marine Ed. was elect. The Baanbreeker, organ of the of a Fourth International will be former. This attempt to deceive mu tour of the Nazis and the when the rat Naal coordinaters not carry on politically against to parlament with 18, 000 votes. carries an account of the a regular feature of The Militant. the foreign world on the weakness tred of the social democracy, the pay envelope.
sents a faise point of view, it is has been working together tions held in Amsterdam as a reply workers adequately informed about latter, has miscarried in face of the inunverishtont of whten Aus The middle inyers of the popu necessary to criticize objectively, in united front action with the o. to the Fascist demonstration. The every step taken in the redress the internal contradictions of the trian cpitalism like German capllation are also beginning to sober without sinking to the level of the Independent Socialist ball taken much too small. Two up The great and almost unlimit. line loyalty (Stalinism. alism. Ed.
Party of Holland. The developmeetings had to be held and hun went of revolutionary internation Bonapartist governmental combinattalir. co prove its situation.
tion and it has only strengthenedl The attitude of the Dollfuss gov.
ed faith in Hitler among these erninent is dictated by the dependpeople received its first blowe cance of Aulala fance cland through the behavior of the gov.
but he thought that a clear answer ernment with regard to the depart.
The severity of the crisis pushes ment stores and the consumers coforce. He then dropped it to rage against the working operatives. The felgned struggle bombshell by announcing that the clans.
Executive had accepted all the At present, the governmental Institutions had brought him the proposals contained iu his amend.
bases which is being undermined in sympathies of all the small storement and that they had agreed to hundred dele. this last decision discuss report buck to keepers. But after all their inde entes, representing Divisional las raised noisy butunavalling protectie them and conferenceck the calles Rodriguez regime to prevent white has gone to his just reward, fuss to take decisive measures Every effort will be made by the ant organizations. Galvan mean favor of the Nazi cump, forces Dollbeen eats of bed and recurgationes Wince our parties, trade unions and so tests. Then Arthur Henderson gave her the Mexican peasants from rearm but his tradition remains in the he wants to maintain himself, then professional troops, many of these site liste bedien wonderencet terde the State of the party. But a scheme e is forced by all means to modify, Debate Fizzles Out ing themselves, and to disarm those main current of the pensant movele still in possession then rose and of rifles.
artisans, have seen the light. Then British Labour Party held at Hast to enroll ex army officers, doctors, George Latement on behair the last four uprising the During ment which, under the name Na. to change the present relationship the peasants tional Peasants League Ursulo of forces.
ings In the first week of October. lawyers, and other people who coutirmed this participated on the side of the gov Galvan (Genuine. serves today Ilis attempt suppress the Nazt of course, there is the failure of since the General Election disas could not actively identify them of the and in this fasbloernment against the counter rev. as the mainstay of Tejeda politi movement hus miscarried. There upturn. The daily business turn then and the workers wages remain stable, and ery of the Labor Government by by the Conference which suddenly led up and accused the Execu: ernment which has gone over bak tionary Party or local politicians the proletarian organizations, that especially when the wages are re ves, the Executive of the Party remembering that having refused warned them of the dreadful fatetion. During the past revolts the fragments are affiiated to the Work ocracy and the trade unions. If swinging over to the Conserva became class conscious no doubt tive of thers and bagage to the counter revolu afiliated to it, while still other is to say, especially the nucli dem.
duced by all kinds of fund rae.
kets. In the meantime prices keep have been busy upon the producto associate with working class that awaited if they as much as armed peasant guerrillas proved ers and Peasants Bloc, and a Left Dollfuss takes this path and no mounting. Certain local catastrolor new programme calculated communists they could not very heatione delle loro lordsed themselves more than a match for wing wasant movement dominated other ternains for him then the of Bonapartisinis terminthe sentiment. There is the case passing of Ramsay MacDonald has army officers without being asked of the Executive and the Socialist many of which supported the re It has been seen that Colonel ated and the final, decisive struggle of the big Stuttgart factor Adalberto Tejeda, has for many begins.
Field Day, or that of the huge de tory of the Labour Party and that time.
the scenes and so the much delayed to be reckoned with in the coming years exercized great tuluence That is where we stand monstration at the border, near it has passed from. Its Liberal. At this stage the conference Labour programme will not over large sections of the Mexican The new Dolllus cabinet means Konstang. The saloon keepers and Labour stage to one of complete reached the Draft Polley of the known for yet one more year.
the Mexican peasantry. With the approaching that the Fascist wing of the Chris.
Butchers ordered all kinds er extra Socialism. In this task, the Ex Party on Socialism and the Condt Next day the Daily Herald, ot pelicants and their torganisations 1934 presidential clections ecutive has been embarrassed by tion of the People. Arthur Green tclal organ of the Labour Party on with fleld kitchens and served stock, but the Reichswehr moveal the cautious trade unions on the wood moved the resolution announced in streaming headlines, wave played an important role in Tejeda is making a play for power than Socialists has stripped itself pfennig means and thus participants and tourists with 10 careless statements of the Socialistclared that the Party is pledged and then went on to say that ever as tools of the different bour. within the out of which the reactionary Vaugoin, had to to Socialism by which bankrupted the former. Naturally League upon the other.
is meant those who were looking for cools and petty bourgeols political the Left Socialist Party was leave, like Winkler, the Landbund the sentiment of the middle classes. The trade unions dislike left publle ownership and control of asht between Sir Stafford Crippa broken promises or few rusty radical proletarian agrarian pro reactionary reform of the constitu.
is becoming more unsympathetle their craft interests while the leadand the were disappointed.
every day.
The tax situation has mained the same. All sorts of new middle class Intellectuals, glory in railway and mines while the banks League is upon a question of Just them from at any time, playing a Partido Laborista. Partido An that it would cause even in their posed the Socialist League, com our Party brand of Socialism meant sieht as the only difference between position of the peasantry and its seeking unprincipled alliances with proseription of the socialdem sabor new posude of lawyers, Journalists and buying out the capitalists on the the Executive and the nece Sociales organizations naturally prevented other political groups (Soto y Gama, cracy, fcuring the eventualities tireeleccionista, etc. which are If own parties.
taxes In 1926 most of the on the peasants and the middle culled from the text books of their under the control of an investment by the Labour Party at the next This fear is quite justified. But scattered anything farther to the right than classes. Municipal taxes the the Helmwehrs, who are in favor been imposed with which to pay for previously reported in the Militant, ernment. delegate named stick to the old Hablan phrases ortions were federated into the Na There is every probability that of the perfect ascist state, on bare Austrian Marxist friends. As board appointed by the Labour Gov: General Election. Should the Party local. regional, and state organizalarge sections the Italian the newly ordered steel which the Storm Troopers are wear well as the trade a event of the proletariat will support ed. That means that the proserip union leaders back of the whole report as in bis The Labour Party is simply packed all tendencies were represented.
Tejeda because ing. Soon, no doubt, new taxes und warned the Socialist League opinion it was not Socialist with careerists who care nothing This congress did much to cement his radicalism. tion of the social democracy and buy them guns and cannon from the dictatorship question, and as the world safe for capitalist in class but who are impatiently waitists, the peasants and the bourgeois considers Tejeda as the main dan. This is no longer a question of that the hard eared pennies of workers the League was now bringing itsvestor. This did not appeal toing the next swing of the pendul. 13. salved itself into the peasant Social fascism Wased. eeks (or even of days. The government. The Communist Party ger in much the same dynamics of development presses and small bourgeois.
the new Dollfuss cabinet not to We have succeeded, in a Perence. a tha the royal was expect: the drobte sa mwendo mron Poly voted Linment cana Fighted toon gato Pipe movement, and rather than bulla before the advent of Hitler.
whole series of localities, in formed. But as will be revealed below. Istence.
unravel the knot but to cut it.
ing groups of former social dem. the Executive held their hand in Introducing Sir Stafford Cripps plums that are to be picked there. Ing an opposition within it, served This is the second of a series as a bridle to keep the more radiWill it succeed in striking down Following the German Path ocrats and Communists. Our ma the Interests of unity.
terial meets with spontaneous apFritz Adler Speaks Then came the eagerly awaited But these clever parlamentarians Carios and peons trom resisting the In Mexico. In the next issue, we they do not succeed, the proletariat plause and approval. The will to appearance of Sir Stafford Crippa may be making a sad mistake and policies of the ranchero and petty shall attempt an analysis of To must detach itself from their cowardly, treacherous leadership. Can ieroberom relee the Sociale weier om den dreamed may be verywoliticians in the leadership. These eda Lett socialist Party.
following well be shipwrecked the dis same of Dollluss drive of the Fascist danwho brought about ference the assembled delegates Leaguots: That the whole re trustful won Chans the present heavy defeat, and, in were addressed by Doctor Fritz who are National Peasants League TERZANI RELEASE ger? We do not believe 80. All proceed with the outliding biedene the Austrian Social Democrats that com les instructions to speel the corto erkeasley. Athos Derzans, avea te thout their time will come and great dificulties to declared of port be referred back to the beginning to smong all the consta de marihe costs prepared for socialists 45 Austria. Esbour Government for respect and Cernban social Democu rey into the tex Munister over de moerior, edhe has outrade autengo Flero. trumpa tver stahreubers, they would rades are also agreed among them but we will call for general complete conversion of the capt concentration camps of the Fascists ported the organization with Calvan and prosecution of the real and Dollufsis.
selves that the same road will bave strike If trad unions are talist Into the Socialist system in being travelled by their British and Co. on the payroll; and the known perpetrators of the crime. One thing is certain. Bonapartism. in Attorney has served its time for the work Paris Conference is regarded by Party is made illegal. This state olition of the House of Lords. 2) refuse to face up to the problems boasting in its reports to the Com Charles Colden of Queens new era of the revolutionary labor delegates who later pissed a resolu government power to take over and lems of unemployment, Fascism, tion of 300. 000 members. But this Edmund Phillips of Philadelphia, in order not to lose everything movement tion pledging support to the Aus regulate the financial machinery war, they have no solution and the was only one episode in the oppor Spanish American War veteran Since we only attract reliable trian Socialists in their struggle and to put into force any measures capitalist class can afford to smile tunist history of the Mexican and former organizer for the Khaki people and go about our work as against Fascism. In opening the that the situation may require for while the Labour Party leaders Party publications were maintain Shirts of America.
cautiously as possible we have not Conference, the chaleman, Mr. Comp the immediate control of Industry keep their thousands of faithtul ca by government calmand the Shirts Philippe letter was made Int Workers School had up to now any losses whatever. pton, also warned the delegates and for safeguarding the food sup followers sately trapped in the party principal footholds in the publlo through the Terzanl Defense We know that the process of the against the danger of Fascism but ply and other accessories. 8) The snare of parliamentary illusions. iabor unions (Jalisco, Tampulipas) Committee. The Committee con Fall Term disintegration of the mass basis of apart from vague statements upon revision of the procedure of the The danger is that events may were owed primarily to the support tends that Flerro actually was Announcement of Courses Even the most dle hard Stalinist no to maintain democracy, there was inery of government so that a rapta storm may blow up before the class the Communists as a counter weight Khaki Shirts while defending a longer belleves in revolution for no mention of any policy calculated transition to socialism may be car conscious British workers have to the reformists of the CROMWho friend who was being Jected from Organization Principles ABERN.
October. But the fact remains to defeat Fascism. Having alredried through constitutionally and been able to build a new commun were at that time very powerful in a meeting of that organization in that the processor Fascistaisin. their views upon Fascism, the dictatorship avoided. 4) An Eco 1st leadership capable of leading national polities through the Astoria, on July 14 Applied arxian Economi tegration is making progress in all Conference then got down to bust nomle Plan for Industry. finance the masses against the capitalist ido Laborista.
It was Mr. Phillips to whom the FIELD.
the cities. But the immense preseness and first ruled out an emer and foreign trade designed rapidly enemy In 1920, with the inauguration of committee referred October 25, ure of the terroristic regime will sency resolution upon the Leipzig to put an end to unemployment FROM SOUTH BEND, IND. the Third Period. and after the when it charged that Mr. Colden State and Revolution yet prolong the existence of the trial and then banned a list of and poverty.
faree of the march days (discus had failed to make a promised new WEBER Hitler government. We therefore Communist organizations such as Sir Stafford was received with The change, printing moresion in the party on armed insurree Inquiry into the Fierro killing, and have plenty of time to build up and the Anti War Council upon the loud cheers and in the course of articles directly interesting ton which terminated in support declared that one man in Phila Fundamentals of Marxism to entrench our young organiza grounds that they were being used his lawyer speech he made it the workers in their daily to the government) the splits com delphia who has vital information WRIGHT.
with decline in quite plain that he agreed with struggles, will do much more meneed. Galvan finally broke away, about the case, and whose name the mass influence of Fascism, the Labor Party Socialism the Executive of the Party that good. believe your orients and denounced the party. Thence has long been known to the Dis. Write or phone School Headquarinfluence and the strength of our As three Labour Party candia. Socialism must come peacefully. tion is leading the Left Oppoal forward there was a series of trict Attorney office has never ters for information. organization must grow. If this ates, as well as the Labour Lord that he was opposed to both Com tion in the correct direction splits and counter splits, expulsions been visited by any one representprocess continues at the present) Merley, are members of the Anti munist and Fascist dictatorshipe, and counter expulsions in the pea lng Mr. Colden.
126 East 16th Street one now.
be events.
41 will be thought up with which tolgainst the too dangerous play with document, but one designed to make for the suffering of the working the relations between the Commup. Mennwhile the Communist Party the trade unions is not far o.
in these and Co. were mostly all memberi