CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerItalyLeninMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1933 THE WORKERS FRONT Militant An Open Letter to Browder: On Hooliganism League Builders Activities G 2 our Optical Workers thut the workers are ready for rev.
HOOLIGANISM IN CHICAGO movement all my life and have par. ed and broken up? Or is the ans.
olutionary unions. And the dead Licipated in many demonstrations, wer that you can only hope to imOut on Strike weight of the workers undevelop ment in the class struggle gives To the Central Committee some of them bloody and brutal, press the American proletariat this Five hundred optical workers in lie, time and again, to their absurd Communist Party of the facing so vicious and irresponsible called to impress them ideological me New York City went on strike Oct. policies. They lourn nothing from mrl Browder, Secretary ober 23, 1933, under the guidance defeats and continue, light hearted and anti social a mob as the one ly?
CANNON SPEAKS AT NEWARK As we appronch the close of the Dear Sir: which came last Sunday under the of the International Jewelry Work and carefree, to discredit the week twenty two more went to swell Last Sunday afternoon, October banner of the Communist party. Several months ago, severed my Newark On Thursday, Oct. 26, ers Union with which they are Communist movement.
drive sube are still coming in. Last 22, attended a niceting of the wonder if you as a leader of connection with the Communist comrade Cannon spoke in Newark 24 to 27 having accompanied a of the on the Hellwig week before. But it is to hoped quarters, called under their cut in wages of from To sum up brietly the blunders our list. That is less than the left Opposition in their own head. the Communist Party realize all rty (after twelve years of mem. on the need for Wirty and shortening of hours provided by Strike purticularly. 1) Calling the that it is only the brief slackening auspices, at which comrade own that such a thing meansy party bership) over occurances in Ger International.
the NRA code together with the strike adventuristically, after only of pace that runners take before Swubeck was scheduled to speaker of the most degraded section of the excuse offered by the thatrades reported that party members Arne which conducts itself in the man many. At that time stated that Early in the day one of our com.
cipetated the tie up of cighteen of with only about 150 to dismissal of active union men pre couple of weeks of organization the final sprint down the home on Germany. Before the meeting the very lumpen proletariat plus the German party was not rooted were ordered to boycott our meeto prior to the largest shops in Greater New Song on strike, during the women week issue we will be able to communists. members of section body of a rotting social system be a real cunction for Communist numerous questions kept the alert stretch. We expect that in next could start, a horde of some 250 from the deenyedande degenerate in the factories needed further ex. Ing. Comrade Cannou talk was enesetite Organizational activities in both relves and then the metal frumo and cellulold seculely over the question of Subus since the drive opened is 102. Organizer, Jack Splegel, and of a when the moment arrives; on the Maybe last Sunday event throws the strike stunds now the total number of der the leadership of their section to its ranks nor lead the revolution rty when its composition is main. anduce intact until 11:45.
tions of the trade were begun the raise for the women workers. 3)
middle of August this year, neither oportunism in hunting for com Hection knowing of the activities munists as though they were crim. fair. The standing shows that.
It is by no means a one siden af David Poindexter. On their own of Fascist forces. party which one light on the question. If the of the other at the time. Optical inals. Also on the workers illusions The Starling: admission, they had come fresh cunnot raise the intellectual and readership of the German party STATEMENT ON THE UNITED FRONT ANTI FASCIST workers being highly skilled, this about the NILA Jourard Toronto DEMONSRAION is an exception to the general rule the right to organize. 4) Giv express purpose of breaking up the on the contrary trains fine clements other workers by Ideological convic Hardy At a time when Fascism is comPhiladelphia In the present wave of organization in the workers grandiose promises Abern Bronx in which literature and furniture no right to use the name Com the organized and hoped to con mencing its braxen recruiting cam of the unorganized, as unskilled of assistance from their paper or Dunne Minneapolis were destroyed, workers were beat munist.
duct, then a revolutionist knows uixa in Americu, when the degen.
are primarily the ones affected. The sanxution the k. prior to why the Communist party of Gererute clements of a capitalist wys Hedlund Minneapolis en up and trampled upon, and such Is it too much for you and your many was not rooted in the mass tom torn by four years of crisis two sections of the trade have been going oli strike. 5) Deserting the Goodman Philadelphia a commotion developed that the party to learn that a meeting of es.
united and the plans are to spread workers when the majority were won away from their leadership. Konikow Boston the strike police came into the ball from the workers, come together to talk of instituting here the same hear Carter TOM HALLIGAN.
Brooklyn street.
Sincerely, anyone at all, must not under any Their demands are for the 1920 bloody regime that has conquered Fruitman Toronto I have been in the revoltuionary Icirenmstances be physically attackin Italy and in Germany, it is ex.
wage level which ranges from 18 Shecbet Boston tremely urgent that every working per work for glasa uiters helpers Striking Cotton Pickers Furman San Francisco class organizatiou learn the importL. Hurm San Francisco Militant Resentment delegates. but ance of participating in force in with 40 to 60 for the majority Murdered in Cold Blood Schlenore Bronx paid atlicials which they could not Rousing Meeting Aids ever single anti Funct action or of workers, for recognition of the Chiplowits Deliberute cold blooded murder is Boston demonstration. Such demonstraunion, and for relustatement of the Eckelberger New Castle Against Fakers in the ukers signed a statement in the Drive to Organize tions form the preliminary grounddismiysed union men. Their wage the description given by attorney Kent Brooklyn work for the establishment of a demand being above the specifica Wirin of the Civil Liberties Capelis Manhattan Pocketbook Union the meeting. Lut this be a warn. Restaurant Workers broad un dpowerful working class tions of the code and their present Union after a four days investiga. Satir Chicago ing to the rank and Ale that these united front against Fascism. Pre.
wages being below the code level tion of the shootings in the San In addition to the comrades listfakers must be severely attacked cisely because of the importance of the strike is directed against both Joaquin Valley, Calif. during the In October 14 issue of the MHI. till they will be forced to break New York. The Hotel and Rest this movement toward united action and cotton pickers strike. Two Mex ed above who have sent in two tant the writer gave an analysis with the administration. aurant Workers Union, Branch of of the workers, through their orgun. GEO. SAUL.
ical strikers were sliot und killed subs there are nine listed in pre. atrout the present situation in the On October 20, another meeting the Amalgamated Food Workers of izations, against a threat that may score have been injured, many ser thirteen comrades who have sent Pocketbook Makers Union. Now of the Pocket Book Makers Union America, has intensified its organisather impetus at tremendous Stalinist Unionism in iously.
High waition drive during the last two speel, it is necessary to condemn in one sub. And there are twenty. the last two weeks in our union. School. The manager of the union, weeks.
those organizations that give per Violence was carefully planned two sent in by the Youngstown As have stated in the Militant, Stein reported that the adminis. As we reported in the Militant functory lip service to the cause Philadelphia before the strike was called, accomrades.
curding to attorney Wirin. Ranch Double the Record bosses are but actually sabotage it. Fraternal Club administra tration was not able to proceed with for October 21, the re The call of the Italian Unitarian Philadelphia. The Lere, anticipating trouble organized In the time remaining we meeting fue about four months of tax worked the act tot per otter sig sorting to delle coll knowheading Anti Fruscist Comuniteteve the dehas just completed two of their wigilante grups commitees of want to double the record made so October 19 they called a meeting it already collected from the work machinery that is, the formation monstration before the Italian com: light hearted adventures in unionism here in the northeast unge the breakelugod let the in the drive kundred subs at stüyvesant Khigh school me tout let al are not much for our emmbership two thousand workers were presection of hiladelphia heated discussion on the 10 Geneva Club, they have attempted, was answered by the Communist They were successful in organiz. called ranchers, were armed. It ing and taking out on strike for walk agreed, according to the fact it is a modest goal. If we go of this meeting was to force 918 tax followed. Rank and file speak ukte unsuccessfully, to line up Party, the the Create wecks the Petter Rope Co. Lou report, that the workers who Let us prove it.
to it with a will it should be easy. tax on the workers to the ten per ors, ove after another, attacked the through their agents, the chets, the socialist party and ers, and the Hellwig slik Dyeing be threatened and terrorixed into take the leaders and win one of out their approval.
There is still opportunity to over for months from the members with the administration is not doing any this club held on October 19, the (Left Omnition. All agreed to thing to improve the conditions of executive committee attempted to participate Nevertheless aside Co. u shop with over 100 work returning to work, that those who the prives: for first place Three from it large banner of the When our manager Stein. gave ot town. They also pointed the Workers in New York and out matlut of a Federation.
ers. After successfully combat refused were to be driven whole. volumes of the Iristory of the Rus his report and tried his best to that the administration Maid not outpan motion concerning the for and one or two delegates from This Federation scheme is all at leach of the organizations, none of workers of struggle and deprivathe starving of the strikers and dans this tame volaines are cure deux farebe workers is employment situation in our trade low interne erine, a ne ja praeger siden med olie tions both who are buck at work their ſumilies, and for the lynch third place one volume.
now for several weeks, under seting of all outside agitators CHICAGO report. Le finished his report with lar tux.
es uld pay any attention to his workers to vote down the ten dol into one body, In order to establish presente ore, we nevertheless tlements reached through indea company union. Eighty nine performed the bulk of the demonstraCelebration of the 16th Anniversary an appeal for a 10 tax in order pendent unious. These are API JUST RECEIVED!
of the Russian Revolution to enlarge the staff of organizers Hoor a wote was taken. The tell other motion of the executive communist party must be After a two hour battle on the cent of the Vatel Club members tion.
voted down this motion and every ently company unions, started by Tbe sabotage of the official Comout of town.
the bosses to break up the National OCTOBER RUSSIAN BULLETIN Tuesday, November 7th, P.
The October issue of the BUL at cepted his appeal very coldy. The ones sont was as followme for smittee because it was plain to all denounced. It is in line with the Textile Union, mions International Labor Center which the intend to control LETIN OF THE RUSSIAN OP2557 North Avenue a hard job to put over the tax, 80 votes. The fake progressives, as aimed toward the forination of a working class action not under its through their henchmen, the force IOS VTION has just arrived. It TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK they became desperate. Then anal voted with the suministra company union. las vanished into contains a very importaut article thin air.
direct and immediate control. The THE WORLD TILE CLANS NATURE OF TIIE Our anton immediately issuede sabotage of this demonstrations other star came forward and gave thou.
will be shown a report, this was Louis Waldman, There are arti When the SOVIET so called Indendent Speakers: Unions were starting to win overcles by ON.
Trotsky and let.
Arne Swabeck and Albert Goldman union. His report dealt with the the Fraternal Club administra forming its members what took not to embaruss the recognition of the and lawyer of the trate all its energies on ousting Association (German Cooks. Also in line with the official party ters from the the workers on the basis that they Subscriptions are 50 a year: Code. He showed how the Industion. place in the Vatal Club and warn: negotiations between the and trial Council, with whom the un.
ed them that a similar attempt will the Soviet Union.
the Wawak nighting more, 25 for months single Century of Progress ion has an agreement refused to did nothing worse still be made by their Executive Com The Socialist party follows ite up a joint code with the Five Cents a Bar.
draw and comrades mittee.
they told the workers to sign overies of this issue The mental poison union to present at Washington.
the Geneva is busy explaining to ustal conduct of avoiding any millone by one into the other unions, wishing to obtain copies should im.
tant intervention in this or any propaganda that the last 100 After he, and the union officials the members the scabbing role of other phase of the class struggle The next time you stop to buy their leaders.
and today the bosses men have muliately writo for same. Money years has been a century of manenvered for months with the a bar of Hershey chocolate stop It is too busy at this moment seek full sway in those two ludepun must be sent with order.
Comrades out of town are asked bons. The steady, visible improvement in dent unions.
employers support to think a minute about the Cuban! In view of these developments in municipal offices in the elec.
the open shop code for 12 13 a workers slaving on Hershey plantion Committee and the Otticers of aldermen are elected, they will see the lot of humanity is paralelto get in touch with bookstores week, and refused to raise wages tatit, railroads and mills. Here the Union are working in full speed to it that Fascism is interdicted in the Executive Board, the Organizations. No doubt it a few socialist The organisation of these two and new stands selling papers in led only by the real poison that or reduce hours. In spite of the is some information you wont find in educating the members of the shops was loudly hailed by the the Itussian language and see has killed workers in industry as a vindication of their whether they can get them to sell 100 years ago and today. Un fact we are working 40 hours al lease get in touch der the headline 22nd Worker week, and over 2, 000 workers are on the wrapper.
Union and activixing them in order America.
absurd policy of new revolution. the 15de Spiegel.
ary unions in this third period of with idle in New York. He concluded Dies of Radium Poison. the We caunot over emphasize the The Hershey sugar recuba) employed in the Hotels. Already gravity of the situation unfolding is to bring to its ranks every worker post war capitalism. Of course, New York Times of Oct. 28 that the code will have to be the largest on the island of tlum awyrkers are ready for revolu: Swabeck Tour Itinerary carries the following news Item: Collo washrin ton, instead werde isque of the most industrial union has been made. ality, of danger fur the working Its melting capacity is one mil. Many bousemen, chambermaids, class in the rise of Fascism. Thero Communists. at least Fryer. 35 years old, the twenty with the employers.
of the. Successful and rousing meetings second vietim of radium polsonlig As soon as Waldman Anisbed his hon jounds of sugar per day. Its launtry women, etc. have entered will be further occasions in the struggle, they combatted the Com. on his national tour. Reports from United States Studium Corporation, Basteln, who was one to keep order Granulated sugar plata in bags for the benefit of those Hotel anead for the establishing of a real by ng on the hunt Springfield, Staunton, III. St. Louis. dled thai morning in Homeopathle in the ball started a fight with with these me of prejudiced Kaunas City and Minneapolis will Hospital bere. with the other was beaten up because he reare sold for export as well as for loon mass meetings the Union bolaling HS Organizations to give their worker. The worker later he dred and twenty five pounds which wuable to attend the three after appeal to the workers in all work.
don know any Communists Militant. The tour is now drawing victims of the poisoning, was ern fused at a shop meeting of Morris local consumption. The dock an Evening Meeting last Friday, whole hearted support to this For Communists. appear in subsequent issues of the Miss Fryer, in this union, they said. One to a close with the following capartment, where many of the dollar tax. This shows the kindlast summer is the unbearable hall was packed. Organizers Con. may become a matter of life and in the watch dlal painting White shop to vate for the ten workers in Cuba went on striko October 20th at Bryant Hall. The movement. At no distant period it party member was instructed to maining dates: deny he was a Communist. Byl 7th. Chiengo Ill. workers we have and for weight of these bugs. stas and Lyons spoke about the death, development of Hersles activities of and Deleevery twist and turn they try to Thurs Committee tly in the face of reality and provel Communist League of America with their Fri. Nov. 10th. lavenport, Ia.
wants a 10 tax. When the fight Miss Fryer contracted the pol started a riot call was given by crease in them are remarkable. coln Hotels spoke about the kitchen (Left Opposition. the pur and dining room infernos. Comrades However, until Hive years ago she willinn Hve minutes, about case of ten thousand acres and cannon and Gitlow mykke for the YOUNG SPARTACUS SUB DRIVE she had to wear a brace on her if the police had not come in acres The total acreuge owned speeches were frequently interrupt the YOUNG SPARTACUS is on!
The subscription campaigu for and controlled (today) is one huned by stormy applause.
by back because the polson affected people would have been adared and thirteen thousand acres. The Union is planning to acquire Our goal is the double four her bones.
For those workers who believe workers refused to meet with the addition to the sugar pros a large new headquarters where subscription list, the stabilization in spite of this, that we have really suggers and demanded those who perties, the Hershey interests in mass meetings and shop meetings of the paper and a semi monthly YOUNG SPARTACUS in the near witnessed a century of progress we started the fight should leave the Cuba include the Llershey Cuban will be held.
future. The closing date of the turn the scene back 100 years, hall. Under such circles it kailway and the Hershey Termin ON GERMANY Due to lack of space we have drive is December Int.
the al Railroad.
change the place from New Jersey was impossible to The ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXT?
Lo England, the women to children meting. All realized that including The Hershey Cuban Railway Is been forced to withhold several The YOUNG SPARTACUS ha be important articles. One by Albert proven to be our best, organizer 192 pages and the watch factory to a match Waldman. The Fraternal Club a modern public service line paper cover 100 pages chairman adjourned the meeting tween the cities of Havana factory.
and Glotzer on the Two Internationals. We must save the paper so tha cloth over Postage 06 extra per copy from comrade we can go ahead with our work Postage 06 extra per copy The manufacture lucifer Waldpun had a chance to see how Matanzas. It is electrified through a communication matches dates from 1833, from the organizers in socialist union tout, power being supplied from a Harry Strang on the Boycott of Up to now we have been compelled very little funds discovery of the method of apply have, and what democracy means Lurge and modern electric plant at Hitler Germany, as well as a story to function ON RUSSIA Central Hershey (Central means by Ing phosphorus to the match itself. In a socialist union.
bas! The next day the Yellow For plantation. Incidentally this powercomrade Kogan of on So The japer was unable to appeal viet diplomacy.
PROBLEMS OF THE DE VELOPMENT OF regularly and this was great plant supplies all of the current rapidly developed in England, and ward. which defends all labor rac lor the city of Matanuns and the Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy shortcoming in our work. Unless CHICAGO FORUM we can raise the necessary funds LECTURE: ON SPAIN the thickly populated parts of Lowumn headline Communists Itroakumerous small towns in the vieln.
for the paper, it will remain in don as well as in Manchester, UP Pocketbook Workers Meeting. ity of Central Hershey. The COMTEMPORARY REVOLUTION danger. Let us seriously takes up THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER ARY IDEAS IN THE ORIENT the task and make the drive Liverpool, Bristol. Norwich, New. The Fraternal Club gang knew Cuban Review, February 1927. Postag, 01 extra per copy Prlee. 15 castle and Glasgow. With it has the workers would not vote for the can onttity interested in Cuba, AND OCCIDENT success so that our YOUNG SPARby ON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION spread the form of lockjaw, which tax so they provoked a light to like the Chase National Bank, the TACUS may continue its existence Comrade Lichtman COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM as the propagandist and organizer covered to be a disease peculiar The underworld will be better or Hershey company is a piker. The on of a youth Communist movement Price 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy Sunday Evening. Nov. 26 1933 to lucifer matchmakers. Half the gamized for the next meeting. If Name capitalists grind the Cuban in this country, workers are children under elgh our manager Stein, could break up and American workers down to a YOUNG SPARTACUS lays down ON THE THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY International Labor Center teen. The manufacture is, on ac a section meeting, why can not coolle level of existence. Together the challenge to the Spartacus 2557 West Uorth Avenue AND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION count of its unhealthiness and un. one of his organizers make a but they can put an end to it.
Admission 10 Cents pleasantness Unemployed Youth Clubs. It is up to you! You in such bnd odourter job and break up a membership can decide whether we are going THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT Free that only the most miserable part meeting?
BRONX OPEN FORUM to expand our paper or not. Get QUESTIONS DISCUSSION WORLD REVOLUTION of the labouring class, half starved it is significant for the Pocket PRIDAS, November 3rd. THE NEW REVOLUTION after expired subs! Get new subs!
widows and so forth, deliver up book Workers to know that weeks YORK ELECTIONS. How. 50 Every member of the Spartacus 25 180 pages paper cover their children to it, the raggi, ago the socalled fake progressivex Should the Workers Vote?
cloth cover 00 Youth Club dubscriber! Every Postage 00 extra per copy half starved, untaught children. called a symposium and David Speaker: TOM STAMM Postage 06 extra per copy member to get at least one sub!
of the witnesses that Commisfyer, in his speech said the Frnt P. Sharp at If the number on 197 highest To the club getting the sioner White examined (1803. 270 ornal Club administration are 535 Fast 146 your wrapper is St.
ON CHINA average in this campaign will be were under 18, 50 under 10 only crooks, and traitors, and must be FRIDAY, November 10th. LYNCH your subscription has expired. given a bronze relief of Lenin.
PROBLEMS OF THE and only years old. range of ousted from the union. David CHINESE REVOLUTION INGS: The Problem of the If you want to get the MLThe drive is under way. So far 450 pages paper cover cloth cover 50 the working day from 12 to 14 or Meyer, and the other fakers de tant promptly every week Negro Worker.
the score stands as follows: Postage 06 extra per copy 15 hours, night labour, irregular clared themselves in love to the Speaker: GEORGE SAUL renow your subscription at meal times, meals for the most Rauk And File. and talked about New York once; per year for Afty 00 P. sharp at the head.
part taken in the very workrooms united front with the Rank and quarters at: 335 Fast 146th St. two weekly issues:. 50 a half Chicago 00 that are pestilent with phosph le to oust the administration.
St. Louis year for twenty six weekly orus. Dante would have found the Two weeks later the same fake pro. SUBSCRIBE TO THE Inc.
This is only the beginning. Let PIONEER PUBLISHERS worst horrors of his Inferno sur grelves who divided the union MILITANT!
THE MILITANT go! Send subs to: 84 EAST 10th STREET, passes in this manufacture. with the Fraternal Slub a few New Rates: 2e per Copy Taken from Capital by Karl months ago again voted at the Joint 129 East 16th St.
YOUNG SPARTACUS 00 Year 126 Fast 16th Street Marx; Vol. I, pages 721 and 272. Council meeting for a 10 tax not. 50 for Six Months New York City of the in the inner circles so they said New York City Their 200 ఆర. 65 ot nt 100. 75