BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

PRICE THE MILITANT CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1870.
VOLUME V1, NO. 50 WHOLE NO. 197.
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1933 PRICE CENTS Sixteen Years of the Russian Revolution. THE CREATION OF FOURTH INTERNATIONAL IS THE BEST DEFENSE OF THE SOVIET UNION The Rebirth of Revolutionary InterThe Bolshevik Heritage Must Be nationalism Alone Can Save the Preserved in the Struggle Against First Workers Fatherland The Stalinist Revisionists itself. The Sino Russian crisis ofers to split the working class laWho will be bourgeoisie.
or chas won the whole world. wothica che sono se lewens het die ons eie oor hoe hulle is tarde subores stogu per here have our este og med et bogs berem polarom was caure sources on opereuses were the post decade evlig the of. is the most urge taste the team. com world rebat cu came rouw en het is het somn. mode la mentally tions of the Chinese proletarian, ership of the Communist party. ers of the Communist luternutionul but to conspire with the imperial these were the slogans put forward all the stalinist deportation campo ist states against the Soviet Union by irresponsible Stalinist adventur. and the places of exile.
the oncoming August 1929 wus Chiang Kai Shek times when unity was most urgent. uttack of the This was the line of policy that with German Puscism in the West Opportunism on the international was combled by a national. com und Japanese militarism in the Field munism People revolution. na Lust? Who will lead in the deSixteen years after that glorious blood and their lives depended in With the same national socialist tional and social liberution lense of the Soviet Union ever The end is everything. The best and surest means the preOctober which witnessed the rise the first place upon its active sup purpose in view, the Stalinist lead which grew directly out of the more isolated by a ring of revolu.
of the Soviet Union, the workers port by their fellow workers in ership united with the British Staliniam national socialism in So Lionary governments?
means are nothing. With this conservation and building of socialism republic stands in graver danger of Western Europe, in America, in trade union fakers urcell, Hicks viet Russia and which was to serve The Communist luteruational or ception Edward Lernstem meu tue in the Soviet Union. The theory attack and aggression than ever Axia. Soviet diplomacy was used and Co. In the Anglo kussian the German Communist party as Staliu cannot and will not do the Luck rotor ugalust tue of socialism in one country, thereby the authentie Euskevies use a committee. Il retura 784 al worden nu item or competition with outler sub. Nacional Communism has reservereniging y buen artista de premien yenerelle Led copporsi before.
Soviet Russia arose as the work weapon of revolutionary interna less promile to help forestall Brit. Buscists.
duced the Commuteru to a hollow surutud teat this conception of action against stalinism. It must be ers futherland through a revolutionalism.
Ish military intervention against Non Aggression Pacts xbell of its former sell. Au tion aroused the working as the root of all evils ucs and strategy of reformista The years following the death of the Soviet Union, Stailism subor On the other hand, non aggres canization which has been poison rallied to its banner an interna the Western European revolution bureaucracy budding, in litaut powers, raising false boxes in the wbica has left a trull of frightful and betrayal of the uterests of the Stalinism. It is the modern reThis theory makes tional proletariat that knew how brought forth a spirit of pessimism Minority Movement led by the Com workers of peace by scraps of Mercats in its wake In China, in working class by its alleged loud. visionism.
to all its defense by effective in regard to the international per munist party. Purcell, Tricks and paper and supplemented by anti Germany, in Great Britain, in every cos. Luis wory pouctuary working class victory on either a years of the civil war and the ton regard to the possibility of and authority to sell out the Gent kinds of individual stars: novelists, even at this later date when Wilderness uetermine the end. Without ever impossible bumerable foreign invasions. building an isoluted Socialist society eral strike of 1926 the greatest artists, free luncers Who reprezer threatens immediately, shows revolutionary tactics and struwers Since the First Comintern Congress In 1910, the Communist InterInternational Defense of Soviet in Russia. This national socialist revolutionary action in the history sented no one but themselves. Thut 10 signs of organizational lite, or the movement, the goal of su disease futiltrated even into the of the British working class. The has been the course of Stalinism whose representatives no longer timur communis 13 uver national was formed. It The revolt of the French fleet ot the. or Communist International alien to talism paid for this by absolute The balance sheet of Comintern serious questions such an organ international, of the German social proletariat: the time of Austin must be druwn today, Stalinist op xation is hopely lost.
Democracy at the outbreak of the We live in an epoch of wars and tion at the front of German solits principles and purpose. The passivity dlers, the Shop Stewards defense carries of this discuse were the Chamberlin raid ou ARCOS the portunism destroyed the great de The Communist International was World War in 2014 proved in a social revolutions. The proletarian movement of England, the strike Stallist bureaucracy which grew Soviet trade representation which tense of the Soviet Onion latent in killed by the disease of Stalinist catastropite matter the views of path is toward the speedy consum of the Seattle transport workers up and nutured Itselt like a purus threatened to be a prelude to a the Chinese revolution and in Stal national socialism. The national. Aarx. aeromis brought destrucmation of the latter. Fourteen against the shipment of munitionsite on the body of the Russian rev war aguinst the Soviet Union. inist adventurism aided the German socialist bureu ucracy of the Soviet ton und deuth in the wake of the years have passed since then, yet the estimation of Lenin and Trotto Kolchak the stirring first yearsolution and the Soviet republic.
social democracy to maintain its Union is leading the Soviet Union masses.
The Swing to Adventurism of the Russian revolution are reThe Soviet bureaucracy, the par full of such policies and practices movement and split the working placed revolutionary international establishment of the proletarian Comintern remaing valid today. deThe period of 1925 to 1929 was positions of iutluence in the labor to catastrophe. While it has re Today, sixteen yeurs after ibe sky, of the first Congress of the ternational solidarity and heroism in the maintenance of their OWB in 1933, the course of opportunistler coming into power. With the the non aggressor Freuch bour the revolutionary movement as cou workers in many countries. Deplete with flaming examples of inin uites of the revolution interest of the Stalinist bureaucracy. When class hopelessly on the eve of litasan with uo aggression pacts. dictatorship and the Soviet power. spite the tragie defeats of like these.
existence and position at all costs The international social ocracy, the treacherous Second In. was a butwurk of support for politicians and metropolitan labor working class vanguard, the Union militarism and selling arms to Gere with the ravages and mounce of talism exists. The situation objec dem with the least possible. ternational, acting in the best in Stulin revisionist theory Takers hud terests of the bosses of all coun. building up socialism in one counts aim. After the ultra Lett re the capitalist world. The Fascist Communist party is lust. But the properly labelled Stalinismu. With genuine Communist parties, such as reversed its tactic, but not its strongest pillar of defense international is lust, the German the school of Stalin and which 23 missing are the subjective factors, tries, showed itself worthy of the try.
those years. Taking the helm of The New Revisionism. the directly threaten Soviet Union must not be lost! the theory of socialism in one couu were being built in those early bureaucracy, having belped to Workers Russia!
Keconstitute the International government for their national rulty as against the theory ur per years, and a revolutionary Comma It was with this revisionist idea, wreck the international revolutioning classes, In Germany, in Finland boru put of the bureaucracy lack ary movement, having helped to sell ist International. But these The Down all of the Comintern Vanguard!
manent revolution, Stalinism, in the be built again.
The defense of the Soviet Union There is only one power in the of modern monopolistic im.
Revolutions, said Marx, are the that time in preventing the glowing that Stalinism replaced the fighting lost all interest in it. They tulled mehe Communist International, tionalist Communism. That is a strategy aud tactie of the working tives sometimes are sidetracked, as international solidarity which came internationalism of Lenin in The the revolutionary work reconstituted vanguard of Internal the principles and revolutionary locomotives of history. Locomo.
to the fore in the defense of the Vanguard of the world working ist International with notorious created by Lenin and Trotskytor uew, a Fourth International, group class and particularly the commun Stalinism has done, but they can irst Inbor state from transformations clussStalinism thus began a long incompetentse who bel canale ashed tension of the Russian revolution. sian revolution and the Soviet state in the ranks of the revolutionary over revolution, has been strangled lesson of the past ten years, whoing its revolutionary soul to the At this day, on the occasion of Rus reign of irresponsible adventurism policy of the extension of the Oct ary workers who have learned the revolution, but it beghuis by limit is our task, Russian to the de et de tous The Russian Revolution and the witbdrawing into its own shell and poses of preserving their national no congresses of the Communist viet Union and who kuow that the ist suciety within the contiues of Revolution, one need only record a preventing all possible shocks Socialist utopia they began to set laternational have been beld. While waly way to do it is by the extente, us set, economically buckward the manner in which stalinism has Comintern from without, the Stalinized Com their hopes of Soviet defense dir the policies of the Soviet bureau sion of the October revolution.
It was in the struggle for the munist International subordinated ectly on agreements with the dip cracy have helped to raise Hitler Those who were foremost in the spread of the proletariau, revolu the rollius backwards of the proleextension of the Russian revolution, the vanguard of the Chinese work. Lomats of the foreign bourgeoisies into power, to bring about the battle lines of the Russian Rev tion to other countries as a pious tarian revolution in the Soviet Unin the fire of struggle capitalist intervention and social Chiang Kai Shek bourgeois Kuo of the combination at the top with man working class and to isolate struggle for its revolutionary de the fact of a completely establish against the class, its Communist party to on the other bund the policy antibitation of the organized Gerolution are today foremost in the and hoped for consummation after son and throughout the world, Stalinism, with its basically false Lacking conviction in the social deformists was replaced the Soviet Union, workers dem ſense against the impending attack. ed socialism. Leninism, on the social theory and consequently munist International was founded the power of the Chinese workers by an With them on the most ternational has been completelyvik Leninists, on this day of the expounders, the luternational Left necessarily bowed before the blue ultra Loft refusal to to lead and to enforce the struggle together 1914. From the first, the great of the exploited colonial masses in minimal questions of common actitled. The greatest of crimes are commemoration of the sixteenth Opposition and based on decades lag of the Kuo Min Tane in China.
get ocracy within the Communist In. With firm conviction, the Bolshe other hand, as taught today by its radically false strateg and tactics, Marxists taught the Russian work or that their ultimate fute was the earth shaking rebellion against tion. The allies of yesterday had committed with impunity. The in anniversary of October revolution, of strugeles now concretized aluevitably it capitulated before the national proletariat, that the very hopes in the Chinese bourgeoisie. social reformism the twin kakovsky and their comrades are the foundation of the new Inter strategy of the revolutionary move berately, in the narrow interests they had established with their gift and then proceeded promptly low only. ultimatist demands of parties. The bona fide leaders of parties.
existence of the government which The latter accepted this stalinist Fascism.
United Front from be expelled from the ranks of the national and the diplomacy, it GORDON. ing class on a world scale as the the rising stalinize Wave in The Cotamunists ran to cover before the verbal charge of Dolltus in Austria. Stal inism surrendered to the trade union fakers in Great Britain. EveryCommunist and drags it in the it gives up the banner of Call to Action for the Leipzig Victims of Hitlerism League Organizer, on Speaking Tour, Refused mud. Issued by the International Secretariat And in euch case in the past deAdmittance by Border Authorities cade, beginning with the formation of the Bolshevik Leninist OpposlThe most reactionary travesty tries and in the Soviet Union the Carrying their drive against the, Sluchtman coat, hat und baktion in the Soviet Union under of justice of all time is coming to workers must demonstrate in un end. There can be no doubt errul masses, in a solid How united Iurevolutionary movement to the point were meanwhile being removed Trotsky and Rukovsky, the Inter of surveillance at ports of entry for from the bus. After a few vague Stulinism before the working class The stand of official party concerning the verdict. The pro front, besiege the German cousulas well as the Brand stitutea scientists of German jus ates and embassies and demand the the purpose of keeping out speak formal questions, the officer adopttice nail themselves to the devil to liberation of the Leipzig victims.
lerites) in the Saar Question ap of our British comrades, the tind objective proofs. The acquitpears to me as the cowardice of Red Flag, addressed country, the Canadian The struggle should take on even an open adian authorities was exceptionally well informed position.
tal of Torgler means the condemna higher for os.
pseudo radicalism, as by no letter to Tom Mann, old trade at the border town or Phillipsburg. about everything connected with Why Bolshevisi Will Be Victorious union militant and veteran of tion of the real incendiaries, Hitler true that the Left Opsions.
means rare species of cowardice.
From all sides there has been many labor struggles in and Goering. Let us have no launched the slogan of a boycott British Naturally wo must come out deportation of Max Shachtman from older from a filing cabinet, turned sions, these prostitutes clad in achieved for a Soviet Saar, that is, make togas will do their duty. The false Geruau goods. But the results stand on the king him his Canadu last Wednesday with an in to a page which he kept concealed Stalinism bad its way organiza many imprisonment of Itionally. It has junction against any attempt he trom Shachtman and asked propaganda in the sense of the might make to cater the country questions and heard the auswers now, the Interuational Left Opposi.
pyrrhic victories. For ten years conquest of power. The date of Legend of the Communist arson has obtained up till now bave been comrade Chen Du slu, founder at uny other point.
with als eyes fixed upon what was tion with sinall forecs, too few al this conquest has not, however, been fixed anywhere, while the the installation of the Fascist re German goods will be nothing but and secretary of the Chinese sec Shachtman had been scheduled unmistakably a police report.
date of the Referendum has been gime of terror. The conclusions a pin prick on the body of German tion of the Left Opposition until to speak at meetings arranged in When Shachtman declared that principles, and like Lenin in earlier quite precisely in the Versailles have, as a matter of fact, already ascism. The boycott slogan is his incarceration. The StalinMontreal and Toronto by the local he was going to lecture in Canada, anys bas carried on against the treaty. That means that the been propared. They require only sued by the Second Internationalists have cynically ignored com party which tights for a Soviet branches of the Communist League the official asked if he knew a Mr. stream. The International Left the premises to tally with the con and the Amsterdam Federation of rade Chen Du siu, criminally on the occasion of the sixteenth So and so, naming one of the com. Opposition has demonstrated to Saar owes the workers an uns clusious. That is why Torgler, Trade Unions does not go beyond abandoning him to the hangmen anniversary of the Alontreal ever increasing numbers that it hus wer to the question: how they. particular. meeting! He showed the same in quality; its revolutionary viewpoint should vote in the year 1935.
Dimitror, Poport and Taner must boscotte in the question of the of the Kuo Min Tung and cover every indications partie drades in charge of be condemned for setting fire to boycott, they are concerned, in the ing this stalwart revolutionary ly the huge meeting recently bela timate knowledge with regard to save it that. Now the dialectics of To raly to Hitlerite Germany che Reichstag.
first place, not to arouse any con with abuse and intamy. The In Toronto with Arne Swabeck as the meeting scheduled in Toronto the class struggle are about to Referendum, means, lict with their own national bour following letter speaks for the the speaker pointed to a large uis whole bearing, and the replies transform quality into quantity.
in practice, e. Deretically the In London a counter court of geoisie. This kind of a boycott class loyalty of Tom Mann, his turn out of the local militants to he made to the pointed questions that growth and the problems aris.
speaking, to put national mysticfamous international jurists expos serves very well the reactionary and vided devotion to the prole listen to the views of the Oppost by Shachtman, left no doubt what ng therefrom, stand before us as isan above the class interest and psychologically to conduct a basis of conclusive evidence. The various European bourgeoisies. The interests of any factlon in it. adian authorities were not unaware ecute the order he had received Ilme bas verified once again our Brown Book has compiled all the reactionary policy of Socialism in Ed.
really curlike policy.
material necessary to prove the in: one country of these indications.
theories. These are now to be defrom authorities higher up.
of the Stalinists has Naturally, only traitors can nocence of Torgier and the guilt led the Third International which Dear Comrade, monstrated to an ever increasing demand annexation at When the bus taking Shachtman request to present, of Goering for that means to sacrifice the But the mere establishment of portunist Soviet diplomacy, to pro the Red Flag. When in China has become the instrument of op dressed to me which appears in in Montreal rolled up in front of tion was answered by passing to a new in the building of new Com12 have read the letterad: from New York to his first meeting reasons for baise summary deporta degree in the dally struggles of the most concrete and vital question the true facts will not suflice un pagate the utoplan economie nonthe Canadian customs building in him a copy of the Order for Demunist parties and a new Communof the German workers in the less it serves as an impulse to aggression pacts instead of a rein Saar territory to the abstract 1927 attended the opening Phillipsburg, it was mounted by portation. which had already been ist International; but we are buildof the Chinese Communist Party the official who examined the pas given to the bus driver together ing on an old and tested foundation action. Only powerful and reso solute struggle against Fascism.
national factor.
lute mass action can make the Congress at Hankow, and conticket. It and therein lies our strength. We truth prevail. The powerful pro To serve as a means of support sidered comrade Chen Da Sial man produced his passport. As read in its main part: are building on the first four Con.
test of the international proletariat to the German proletariat, fright and his colleagues a capable and soon as the examiner was Anished This is to certify that the gresses of the Comintern and upon with all the passengers, not one of OPEN FORUM was galvanized by the electrocution felly crushed by German Fascism, courageous body of comrades.
it is to whom was in any way detained, he rejected person above named, that which we have learned since ecuted Sacco REVOLUTIONARY ARTIST uitler Tulceand Vanzetti. Today the will to struggle of the inter ments followed have on many requested Shachtman without a a person seeking to enter Can in our struggles against Stortinist occasions at public gatherings word of explanation, to accompany ada at this Port ex Bus from depradations and practices. We LOOKS AT THE FUTURE the methods of medieval tyrants. workers, by in Central Europe with national probit. The tricel emphatically protested against New York, which rrived are passing from the stage of proSpeaker: His Judges pronounce and his German boats, have already show the imprisonment and demanded bim to his office in the customs paganda to the stage of agitation at this Port on November 1st, building. There the cross examina the release of all class war hangmen execute one sentence of ed how the struggle should be car.
DIEGO RIVERA and organization in all fields of 1933 tion began. It was evident right at 9:30 o clock has prisoners.
struggle of the working class. They Friday, November 10, 1933 terror after another. Still the in ried on. Such actions should be this day been examined by the from the outset that the questions ile and are wrong who say that P.
ternational proletariat remains organized and extended by a united Boned of Inquiry or officer in It my signature is of any were part of a purely perfunctory Communism is dead. It is Stalinand has at International Workers School lethargy.
silent, seems to have fallen into front. The railroad workers and value by way of protest or del procedure, for the decision to prothe maritime workers should be mand am ready to append bibit Shachtman from entering It is Combeen rejected for the ism that is passing 126 Fast 16th Street same, and count it my duty munism that will rise once again.
rallied around it. To save the inreasons: Sec. H (4. Can.
Canada and obviously been arrived Action, immediate and effective nocent victims of the Lelpaig trial, Auspices: Manbattan Branch, to continue to develop opinion at long before the bus came to Immig. Act and On this, the sixteenth anniversary action is necessary to stop the the international proletariat must Communist League of America till it shall be equal to demand. Canada.
And the said rejected person is the Russian Bolshevik revolu.
crazed and enraged bandits of Hit become the prosecutor of Fascism (Opposition)
ing and securing the release of hereby ordered to be deported tion, the Communist League of our comrade.
While the questioning was being to the place from whence he America and the International Left ADMISSION 25 CENTS Tanere must be saved. But how? which is a thousand times guilty. Continued on Page signed TOM MANN commenced, the officed was already (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
In all bourgeois democratic counwriting out the deportation order!
Save Dimitroff and Torgler. Bar Shachtman from Canada Leon Trotsky Tom Mann for the Defense Saar Question of Chen DuSiu on the On Sept. Tth, 1933, the orgalers scheduled for meetlugs in the ed a tack which showed that be and fought for the revolutionary the his charge)
at this portfollowing Regulations