BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMarxRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1933 EDITORIAL Notes of the Agrarian Question in Mexico Week nitioh pending eve have to look the Roosevelt rikt United Front Against Hooliganism is deures are compared on the 1917 would have been impossible. Sesidential for the students siere of tola you the must be careful and and Statement on Elections in Russian Recognition planation, is expressed in the New York Tribune for The Problem of the Coming Revolt and the Peasantry October 25th by Walter Lippinan: ECOGNITION of the Soviet Union by the President Roosevelt is dealing with a different The period of governmental re, ed altepetlalli under the Aztec re. organizations, many of them mluR United States Goverunneul, facilitating tradu Russian government from the Russian Government that President Wilson refused to recognize. The de ABOLISHING action initiated under Portes Gil gime, were the direct forerunners dle class ranchers tbemselves, counrelations between the two countries, can offer certain cisive difference has been brought about by advantages to the Russian workers state in Every week in this hectic period short of the agrariane cutting of the ejidos of more recent times. Selled support of the new govern its victory of Stalin and his doctrine of soclalism in a bridges new social thunderstorms. small section of the peasantry remained intact until comparatively In several regions however, the struggle for survival as well as to the American single country over Trotsky and those who hold the Last week rickety capitalistic Eur. was satistled with the manner in recent times although the tendency peasants revolted on a local scale regime of Wall Street brigands in its competition doctrine that communism cannot succeed in Russia bpe threw a litover Hitler bolt which this reform, based ou Article in the colonial period was for the and the government linked its atwith other imperialist powers. Under conditions of unless there is a world revolution.
from Geneva.
retarded world revolution the internationalists have Aguin from Lippman article: It the turn of younger, crafty, beca carried out of those lands destroy the primitive village econ: to disarm the peasants, thousands always understood the necessity for the one existing It is the change in Russian policy, now appar. conniving American capitalism this expropriated from the feudal land, omny, converting the peasants into of whom stin heldur loaned Soviet power to establish diplomatic and trade re ently established and consolidated that remove the weck. The farmers out in the Mid Holders, the best. were generally prons or serts of the haciendas. them by the goverment during the lations with capitalist countries, to exploit the only real obstacle there has ever been to the recog. ale West are threatening to upset alued by the politicians and gen. There were a number of peasant reactionary revolts. In 1962, bere Ar. Roosevelt New Deal applerivalries and antagonisms between them, to make nition of Russia.
the remaining arable tracts remain did not acquire great strength. The in the states of Michoacan, Jalisco, cart.
compromises, and to pay for the concession of On top of that read the opinion of the Scrippsed in the hands of their old owners Mexican War for independence was, Sacatecus and Guanajuato. These diplomatic recognition and advantageous trade agree Howard foreign editor William Philip Simms, in the Besides the farmers, there are ren willsides, rocky, dry, stream volt of a land starved peasantry pressed and on some pretext or other. The bar especially in its first stage, the re locul uprisings were easily supments with other concessions, strictly weighed and New York World Telegram for October 21. the steadily enduring, industrial beds, and otherwise military reports measured according to the value received.
Time has vastly modified these objections to strikes, growing and broadening lands were left for the peasants. communal holdings. Other revolu Terred to them as baudit or Cathoundesirable nighting for the restitution of its appearing in the press, usually reThus, under Lenin and Trotsky, the Soviet Union the Third International. so much so, in fact, that out. The compliance boards of the Every hecture of this land has been tions since that time have had the lic outbruks. All news was, of never refused to bargain with the imperialist rob there is every indication that when Foreign Minister SRA are overwhelmed with com. muid for with peasants blood and same objective, culminating in the course strictly censored.
bers and even offered, in return for certain credits fire in the White House study they will have little snowfall promises to bring the un all kind and evlor of strings aro Another such uprising is now in the hostility of the persants to the gov.
In the state of Veracruz, the and other considerations, to agree to the payment employment tension to a high pitch. tied to it.
of the Czarist debts, etc. Bolshevik diplomacy never difficulty in reaching an accord.
otring veritable bag of Ill winds are in some cases, those villages Communal Aspirations of Peasants aspect that the whole state was ernment assumed such an alarming balked at compromise but was willing, under the These devastating expressions of the leading being loose on the heads of the which have shown greatest milit.
compulsion of necessity, to pay for the right to buy interpreters of bourgeois opinion, so identical in North American colossus. qucy during the carly period of the co peasants aspire to communal to forestall general uprising. The Traditionally, the bulk of Mex: placed under military rule in order and sell in the capitalist market. But it always every note, so brutal in their frankness, leave little asked how much and what kind of payments were to be added. They strip the issues bare. American Along comes a new and hardly grants or ratified in the possession holdings Left to themselves they nejoda political faction dominant demanded. Any demands for political concessions in capitalism, haunted by the memory of Lenin Com heartening admonition. The well of lands they had forcibly seized, seldom ubandon common ownership in that state, being unprepared to regard to the Third International were waved aside. intern, wanted guarantees against its activities. Its known economic publicist, Mr. Steine order to silence them and set land is almost always subdivided rection at that time, although it Under the authentic leaders of the revolution Bola shevik diplomacy was inseparably united with a ent now; the Comintern is a fletion; the obstacle Current History, presents sone the greut mass of landles peasan by the village council for cultiva. was itself more or less closely iden starting facts.
try who were being ed on pro tion in small lots by individual titled with the defiant peasantry, revolutionary Internationalist policy. The breaking is removed. There is nothing to fear from it. In Given a 40 hour week work, says mises and government surveys.
heads of families. Primitive meth was willing to compromise with of the economic blockade against the Soviet Union this conclusion, it must be said without qualification, Mr. Chase, the year 1934, in spite ods of cultivation, however, make the federal authorities. Large sec Ending the Land Reforms and the establishment of diplomatic and trade rela. the bourgeois journalists are absolutely right. They of all the government and Nira collective farming impractical extions of the peasantry were disThe newly rich, having them. cepting in rare instances.
tions with the capitalist countries went band in hand optimism, will still find 12, 200, 000 selves acquired great landed wealth Realizing the danger to their cd resistance locality. At present armed although many of them offerunderstand the situation perfectly.
with the greatest advances of the Comintern through But there is a slight error in the calculation in men out of jobs.
in the course of the revolution, now communal unity and the consequ. the strietest watch is kept by the out the world.
Today we see a different picture. Soviet diplom vinoff will be ready with complete assurance. the number of jobless would still crippled, feudal holders and wealthy un, the peasants prefer collective is known that many have secret spite of all. There is no room to doubt that Liture of 10 increase in production, wound elit nec eu ning seekolicacies internet rengthen to conto care permite federal authorittene sto prevent the acy, under Stalin, based on the theory of socialism in one country. has separated itself from revolu. this strangrilation of the comintern. But the living Granting more than that, allow wie beste herwpiese was the maternaiyid who tendre et lois et ne porte che peasants to being the caught tionary internationalism. The diplomatic victories movement of Communism is beyond the power of ing for a decrease in working hours Instituted by degrees in one state would weaken their position as a with arms in their possession. of Litvinoff coincide with a steady succession of anyone to destroy. Driven out of the Comintern by to 35 per week, 000. 000 men would after another, to wind up all pond class and would only serve the letter just received the writer of defeats for the Comintern. The concessions involved the Stalins and Litvinoffs, it is already making its still have to crowd the streets in ing agrarian matters and declare hacendados by playing the individ these lines, from a peasant living in Soviet relations with capitalist powers acquire a the land reforms at an end. Not wal small and middle peasants near the port of Vera Crux, says way again. new Communist International will rutile search for a livelihood.
one sided and, still worse, a political character. The abrogate the perfidious agreements of Stalinism only was this done but the break. against each other in part, The government has taken organizers of defeat in the field of revolutionary and the world bourgeoisie and dispose of both of cully considered, welghed very cau. land grants) was also ordered. priests of the National Revolution few days ago in Villa Jose Cardel Mr. Chase statisties are care ing up of the ejidos (communal Two short years ago, the high our arms away, and even now politics are achieving some very dubious successes in them.
tiously. The farm laborers, the This constituted a still greater beary Party, to which at that time it you entered on horseback carry.
the field of diplomacy. They are being saluted a little bit too enthusiastically by the capitalist press.
miners, the professional classes are trayal of the interests of the peas. the major portion of the peasantrying the machete (came knife) you At the present moment with American recogthe same for themof 1910 campaign subdivision the diers would take it from you. So horse in the mouth. What is he really offering the CONGRATULATIONS to the Chicago Communists up and correlated ly numerous and dating the coming of the Spaniards their duty to their families and basis of. From time immemorial and ante that their dignity as human beings, keep our eyes wide open.
Soviet Union and more important, what is Stalinist ROSALIO NEGRETE.
diplomacy offering in return? The appearance of whose activity called forth the attempt, organ reliable economists and statistic the peasant villagers owned their their individual interests required.
ixed by the panic stricken bureaucrats of the Stalin lans.
land in common. In some cases the breaking up of these communal things is none too reassuring. The first and most Ed. Note: This is the first of pirty, to break up the swabeck mecting. And double the soil was tilled in common also grants into individual parcels. Many outstanding feature of the business is the political two articles on the congratulations on the fact that the gangster attack What is behind this realistic pic and in others by the individual of the peasants succumbed to the offensive of American Imperialism and the retreat Questions by comrade Macan was repulsed, firmly and not too gently Next time, ture of a miserable working class families but without any private arguments of the politicians, especof Soviet diplomacy before it.
The second will appear next week.
The preliminaries do not appear as a relation. ously, we trust, it will be done better and more expedit future! Alr. Chase and his fellow land temure. These commons, call lally when the leaders of their own economists will tell you: techno ship between quals talking business. The Wall logical unemployment Seventy men national Street scoundrels act with the insolence of a conOther workers not members of the Communist in 1933 can do the work of 100 in new Communist league, some of them representing different opin. 1920. The machine is replacing parties in every country.
queror laying down the law. The demand for guar In the ions and tendencies, took part in the defense of the the workers.
United States, our League is now antees against activity of the Communist Internain the forefront of the movement tional, presented by other countries in the past as Chicago meeting. This is an especially gratifying What is this horrible mouster.
for new Communist party. We a formality and lightly brushed aside, is put forward feature of the atrair. In the midst of the general the machine, in reality? It is and it seeks only to reform it. The have been impelled to this gigantie (Continued From Page 1)
in real earnest by the American Imperialists. More disintegration that has been brought into the move was always meant to be an aid to nicht the workers vanguard one positive impulse genuity of man in the animal king and the assurance of its uninter ly cafuot represent the interests of German debacle and the events sucSocialist party is not the party of task by the collapse of the official of the unique in the interests of capitalist protit the class struggle, and consequent communist International after the than that, they talk as though the concession is is beginuing to assert itself. That is the sentiment dom, the tool and the machine were rupted flow into coffers of the boss the working class in that strusile ceeding it, as well as by the in aleady in the bag. That is the way they interpret the theory of national socialism, and not without for workers democracy for the free exchange of produced to help him overcome es, to wipe out every vestige of it is the party of class reconcilia creasingly dangerous situation good reason. Not one of the journalists boosting opinion and the clarifying discussion of differences the obstacles of nature in his militancy shown by the workers in tiott, of collaboration with the pro which the workers republice, the recognition from the standpoint of American interin it comradely atmosphere, undisturbed by hooligans struggle for a happy existence.
The thinking worker who knows court injunctions and police viol class, and consequently it represents sult of the policies of the stalinist their strikes, to resort to despotic gressive wing of the capitalist Soviet Union, finds itself as a re est fails to shower Litvinoff with bouquets and, at and rowdies who arrogantly seek to take away this right and prohibit the consideration of any view. not the machine that is the mou. refuse to remain docile under the ter in the ranks of the workers cannot be defended, its great histhis will not be fooled. No, it is ence against those workers who essentially the interests the same time, to attribute his virtues as a diplomat to the theory of socialism in one country. There point but their own.
ster. The private exploitation of lash of the crisis.
has been such a flood of this propaganda all in the Such a sentiment, becoming predominant among the machine, its utilization for the At the same time, the bulk of bureaucracy in the trade union torie achievements cannot be car.
same strain that one could select a characteristic the uncorrupted militants in all the radical organi heaping up of profits for the few the hundreds of thousands of work movement, the Socialist party con ried on to final success in the inquotations from any one of the leading organs of xations and groups, is a sound and progressive one, capitalism that is the threat to alers who have been subjected to the stitutes the association of the labor cause cannot be brought to frul ternational arena, the workers capitalist opinion. Take the three leading New York It can and will become a mighty force for the re decent human existence.
Curso na va employment in New York lieutenants of capitalism on the tion and triumph in this or any papers, as examples.
generation of the movement. What is needed right unemployment proved by a hair breadth. The other country, without the reconThe New York Times for October 22: now is a practical expression of this sentiment the Technological The Communist party today is stitution of Communist parties Certainly. writes Edwin James, one of the united action of those who stand for workers dem will exist as long as the capitalistic miserable substitute for genuine domluated by a bureaucracy re which inscribe upon their banner first things Roosevelt will make clear to Litvinofr ocracy against those who dare to infringe on it.
of production for profit by the sys Tammany administration passes of will be that the United States Government will not class struggle the unassailable ideas We speak for this solidarity of action and are tem of production for social use under that name, far from being Once a revolutionary and progress and carry out in the reality of the stand for Communist propaganda in this country ready, for our part, to join in a light for the demand technological unemployment increased, has been diminished. sive forec, rallying the workers on ot Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trot financed by the Third International of Moscow. It ocratic rights of other working class groups, just becomes transformed integreater Even those insignificant few who struggle for their emancipation may be expected that the Commissar for Foreign crumbs The Communist League of Amfrom wage slavery, the Communist Affairs will be ready to promise the change will be is we welcome their aid in defending our own right leisure, better health, higher intel have been given the scants downxirty has been systematically re erica (Opposition) has come to this to be heard. united front to protect workers licence and happier, fuller life for of rellet, are being squeezed still further. The skipping of duced by its present leaders and which makes it impossible for it momentous decision at a come even more complete.
meetings from the interference of degenerate hooligan the vast mass of humanity.
If that is not enough, here is more from the elements would serve the interests of the working class movement as a whole. The tasks of such a not yet fully grasped this idea in priations for relief in general, never it now constitutes. The official Com. The League does not lay any preThe workers of America have general practise now. The appro the revolutionary organization which to put forth, in the present elecsame article. One has only to compare the efforts made abroad by the Third International ten years ago and those job is to form a workers guard to defend the right just nibbling at it. They want to whom it was to be allocated the role of the American apparatus te does not yet enjosene aims to made now to see that there has been a change.
Doubtless Litvinofr will be ready to promise the sich a workers guard is organized and gets into ber now for a somewhat shorter working class population the third situation in its own ranks where its ideas into effect in the daily lesson to those who interfere with it. The sooner They are striking in great num. discriminated against section of the Bled by this bureaucracy, creating a acquire this strength and the com change will become even more complete.
action the sooner the movement will be liberated work clay. for a somewhat higher, of a million Negroes in the city the militant and more conscious struggles of the workers against Precisely the same opinion, with a clearer ex. fron the purge of hooliganism.
living wage.
are suffering such intense misery Yet that monstrosity. the class as to make their lot indescribable members are not permitted to their class opponent. The League speak their minds or have a critical of the bosses who possess all under capitalism, mobilize pollee, govern. body of the working class by the problems, the official The deep wounds cut into the and independent attitude towards rejects the pernicious Illusion that ment. And when the workers Associated so that the organizer ment and press against them. Yeterlis more peintulbet by the reposition where it advances its own tions are a means whereby the negotiations committee was demor of the dyers, Yanerelil, made have been rend party has stendily declined to the ancipation by means of rapers alized with fatigue they set the deal with McMahon and the dye the workers.
gime fostered in New York City by interests separate and apart from It is inevitable that the American the abominable Tammany tiop. All the cops were called of the stage for a last act of intimida house workers went directly into workman will, with ever growingtration and its Republican twin the interests of the working class class conscious workers record. Not as a whole. In the elementary or the eppitalist class and its parties, their solldarity, their opposition to their regular beats for duty at (Continued from Page 1)
the mills, rumors were a large gang of strike heed that Evil Result of Separate Organization peed and strength, organize en since the days of the Tweed Ringganizations of the working classe breakers and In the the mass of the wage and a shorter workday, but bilecering plan, beculation, bribery, the trade unions it pursues only the stage of development of their plundering in public the aim of accumulating factional holds that the workers can and repudlated Vigorito and Pirola who thugs had been imported into Pat strikers, the more experienced and against the Loomino prospect milf oflice been so widespread, stelling and sectarian advantage regard. Will liberate themselves from the thought, Judging by the organized erson, the bosses made a permanent unemployment for mil. rant as it is at the present time. less of the painful price the work: Horrors of capitalism only by the applause, that more rotes could be statement that the mila would tested militants in the ions in their ranks.
So outrageous and brazen has been ers are compelled to pay. It sets unceasing, militant struggles against obtained by this unity business. It open and the mayor backed them had no control over the actions of the almost recently uncovered reup tiny sectarian unions under the the capitalist class and all its inwill be remembered that not soup by saying that he wanted to was some sort of reciprocal repre. Unemployment insurance must come office, that it is being confronteelt in the path of the advancement Istitutions, by utilizing all the means see to the dyers. It is true that there Wage strikes are not enough. cord of the Tammany bandity in guise of independence. It sets it.
long ago the a levelled it that any man who shafts of attack at Vigorito and return to work would not be presentatives of the two unions on the next. II. by an almost universal antagonism, of workers movement. It at their disposal, by Pirola as agents of the bosses. The vented from doing so. It was respective strike committees. The powerful enough to compel scores sabotaged disruption of the made under these circumstances that the lack of forces prevented the work.
the united front of through the confining fetters of of parliamentary activity into which calm deliberative meetings of the agreement was made.
dye workers impossible; they sve didates of capitalism who seek to with the social democracy, the it in principle. Together the enemy seeks to imit our er.
an excuse for the voting of the that this split in the strike was weitzer calling upon the dyers to One can say with some certainty eirearmstances temettere di ven Organizing the Steel their allegiance to the other with your te Under the circumstances of our preserve it and themselves by some official Communist party of the Workers dyers on the agreement to be con prepared even before the outbreak remain out until the weavers sot wiat less putrid displays of the United States, together with the inability to put forward our own ducted scretly and by shops instead of the strike. The outcome might a settlement was only a futile Hagrant assaults upon the spoils Stalinists in Germany and the rest ticket in this election, the Comof in open strike meeting. have been different if the dyers gesture. Continued from page 1) than those of Tammany Hall. of the world, bear the common remunist League of America calls And now, as a last fit of de had ben affiliated with the For the worker to vote for the sponsibility for the greatest cntas upon the workers of this elty to Ry the separate agreement with orate preparations the Steel Trust as a last seed of cons. Before the strike, Schweit the afers, the bosses surely have made for this tempest in a tea. warties of capitalism tie they trophe suffered by the working enst there aretes, at this time for Alean. The day before the strike 150 Tammany Hall Fusion of McKee class anywhere in the world since the candidates of the official Com.
plete change of polley but hardly Izer of the turned down an obtayed morala dvantage in the right direction. This is the offer to organize the dyers into the te stampede back to Work Wine The police forgot all about the endorsement to his enemy, to his ot the German working class at against the capitalist parties, not The National Textile Workers THE MILITANT bosses have given them certain con NRA and labor right to plcket exploiters, and their political the hands of the Hitlerist barbar as an endorsement of the blunders The curtain was lifted agents. To vote for Brien, La ians. Instead of acting as the and crimes of the Stalinist lender.
Union stands ready to merge with Entered as a second class mail to go back to the job following the from the benevolent smile of capi. Guardia or McKee is to throw accelerator of the workers move ship of its policies. COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF unorganized workers, into One Dso Post Office at New York, Ganization is to be seen in the fangs for a moment. The workers of the capitalist parties to vote become a retarding force, a brake AMERICA (OPPOSITION)
Workers Union. Not unity but a Under the act of March 3, 1872. action of the jacquard workers in must draw the necessary conclu for any of these tickets is to strike on the workers movement.
new union (There are not enough. the unions now. BOSTON WORKERS FORUM League of America (Opposition) mittee of the and form to the realization that, NRA or no every member of it, and at their stalinists have forced the official Tacties of the Bosses Celebrates the 16th Anniversary EDITORIAL BOARD Communist parties of the revolu.
ing a strike committee of their NRA, the cop is the tool of the class interests.
Nor can the worker conscious of itonary path beyond the possibility James Cannon own.
The canny dye bosses were well Martin Abern Swabeck Meeting his interests cast a vote of en of restoration, the communist RUSSIAN aware of the inexperience of the Max Sbachtman REVOLUTION Maurice Spector The defection of the dyers has it was just at the close of this dorsement for the Socialist party League of America (Opposition)
by hearing dye workers, and their lack of ef.
Arne Swabeck fective leadership. For ten days SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1933 unquestionably made the road of burlesque episode that Arne Swa and its candidates. The Socialist together with its brother organiza MAXSHACHTMAN they wore out a rank and fie nego vol. VI. NO: 49 (whole no: 1963 dificult and more tortuous. But small but rather advanced crowa the reformation, the patching up of throughout the world, has called Committee of communist League great meetings, flattering these gullible Subscription rate: 00 per year a great hold their ranks solid crowd showed a keen interest in party does not set itself the aim revolutionary movement outside the SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, P.
power workers with back slapping and. 50 for six months er is still in their hands, meeting on October 17th. The capitalist system. The Socialist to join together to reconstruct the t INTERNATIONAL and they honeyed words but fighting like Foreign 00 a yr;. 76 for Monthey can yet force a favorable the issues presented, and a lively of overthrowing the present society ranks of Stalinism, to strive to SOCIAL SCIENCE HALL tigers for every point of the agree Bundle rates cent per copy settlement. CLARKE, discussion took place. of exploitation, war and misery: build up a new Communist inter 28 Hayward Place time Silk Dyers Vote for Agreement breaking the and reof