BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionFranceGermanyImperialismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

69 Payroll 23 working chet.
hotela 85 employees 20 15 20 the SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE year. If of the value of the building were to wear out each year, the whole building would last we kuow that a hotel property can Alone among the three trade un Conditions of Workers Data accumulated by the writer stand forty years or more, in spite (Continued From Last Issue) Led by British Lord representative chiefly because they 1ons in the food industry in and in the course of his work in his own of changes in public taste and in have no official backing. unless The day after their arrival the around New York, the Hotel and unton show that a group of skilled location values, and stili retain its delegates issued a statement: In Large and Ex War Restaurant Workers Broockers the trom iloscow. But our charge cooks was making an average of value.
based on the fact that they reIndustry 40. 88 a week when they took their The delegation thanks the Another item which is used to English and French press of Minister present not a single organization carrying on a vigorous and success o present jobs; now they are averag pad the accounts is the cost of that Shanghai for the interest shown at 18 rooted in the proletarian financing, which may run as high in their mission to the Far East hotel and restaurant workers. This rooms actually occupted increased 20. 64 a week chen in order to break down that masses.
Seorn of Bourgeois Press. The French government has less than 13. and the number of in the meantime, staffs have been as ok of the value of the property.
gentleman prejudices. He assurdrive is the response to years of guests by about the same percent, the amount of work to be done or lars, say a thousand roombotella never placed any obstacles in ed Mayor Wu that as long as he The China Press pertinently ask.
effort on the part of the hotel and age. As a result, the percentage of supervised has become greater. In a larger city, this chars might be the way of the United Front is the president of the congress conference do? The explanation is Anti War Committee, and meet there shall be no possibility of the given that there is such a danger conditions of the workers, cutting throughout the trade studere one of the big hotel kitchens, 140 250, 000. It all this is loaded on have lately been held in congress being exploited by me up the twork, kulminating in stood that 70 occupancy Is the now there are six.
men were employed two years ago to the expense account in one year Paris in crowded halls such as Comununists tas Jumping over 16 war in the Pacitte that it was their present attempt to stabilizeerate and make money.
the Salle Bullier in the presence The bosses themselves are fully that much less, and the manage conditions on their lowest level by of many thousand enthusiastic Prejudices of Imperialist Agentsence in the threatened region. The aware of the connection that exista ment has a better excuse for cutting means of a code under the NRA.
Hotel Failures During Boom between the overcapitalization of wages than if it sprend such charges supporters and sympathizers.
The British delegate Gerald llam assumption is made At the same time, although much of While the building boom was go the industry and the wage cutting over the life of the mortgages at All the more unfortunate and ilton, paid a visit to Nanking to reence would in some way remove the work is highly skilled, they ing on, another warning signal was longer hours and speed up by which least.
Incongruous is the attitude of move some of the prejudices of the threat of war. There appears want to reduce it to domestie slven by the steadily mounting they hope to increase profits. Demandes On Hotel Workers the present Chinese government Stalin old friend, Wang Ching to be no warrant whatever for shown In the Bankers Magazine for Aug.
which, according to the English Wel, whose Leftism last year for such an assumption. No doubt Lord Against these pretensions of the fin Marley and some of his associates The economic background of the by the following figures. press has forbidden any men. ally precipitated bim into the arms are genuinely anxious to help the ust 1932, the following figures are bosses, the workers in this indusbosses campaign 1, first, the con.
Year Number of Liabilities tion of the delegation in ChiFailures given, as to division of expenses try can present indisputable facts centration of capital in this indusInvolved in for each dollar of gross sales: nese newspapers. This ukase, malus. Hamilton was politely in cause of peace. But they can think to show how much is demanded of that try and second, the excessive inIt really issued, must have been of no more original method of acFailures formed by Wang secretary Cents them as workers. survey made decided on after the receipt of vestment of capital during the boom 1921 be could have an interview pro complishing their aim than by hold 2, 625, 000 Bondholders interest 12 by the writer among members of 1922 vided he did not speak about the These scornful words might well times which has lowered the level false information about the de 70 2, 234, 000 Taxes and insurance his union shows that the average legation intentions, which are projected congress. Hence there be taken to heart by the Chinese of profits and induced the bosses 1923 82 7, 129, 000 Depreciation first class cook, capable of taking to try 1924 and never have been to put additional pressure on GA 3, 183, 000 31 the workers in order to raise profits 1925 charge of the kitchen of a first class 82 3, 323, 000 Etical wisdom dictated the fullest Communists. But it is a sad com.
Merchandise (food, etc. 19 hotel or restaurant, has had to in spite of this.
1926 82 5, 500, 000 China national independence exploitation of Wang refusal to mentary on the current state of train himself for his work for some Sundries, supplies, etc.
The hotel industry itself ranks 1927 and liberty.
112 10, 082, 000 as the seventh largest in the United 1928 112 13, 164, 000 eighteen yeurs, going through the Total 00 States, with a capital Investment All this was taking place supvarious stages of his training as The British and French Imperial of the Kuo Min Tang government Communists must seek even the The conclusion which this paper follows: press of Shanghal is thanked by role as alde de camp to the imper. Alphabet of political wisdom in the of over five billion dollars. Alto: posedly in a period of prosperity. draws from these facts for the bene.
the delegation, including the comialist war makers. But instead, we columns of the bourgeois press.
Apprentice Lord Marley and his companions gether there are over 20, 800 hotels So obvious lund the danger become At of the capitalists is, If a saving years munlst Valllant Couturler, for its Hamilton, with truly statesmanlike have now been in Shanghai three Commis (from sixth In the United States, but about halt that IIamilton, manager of great enough to protect the bond interest.
of them are small (less than 25 the Florida Associated Hotels, in a holders interests, endangered by to first) years First Commis years manifested Itselt in attempts to per that he was highly satistted with works and have accomplished Just rooms) or are operated only sea book on Promoting New Hotels. decreased sales, is to be effected, it sunde both the imperialist and Ch the results of his visit. Which is above can be deemed accomplishsonally.
Chef de partie, written in October 1929, that is, at must necessarily come out of the Investments and Wages the height of the boom psychologs last three items through more cf.
congress to be held. Palped sur and its precious congresy is not ment. date for the projected congress is stil not fixed. It is years The following data, taken from of the new cru. warns the indus fcient operation As apprentice he earns either bebe government should have and therefore hardly capable of cake polecendeed. Whetheme British. sprend between More Operation displaying any political wisdom.
French and Chinese authorities Bureau, show the high concentral number of guests has been steadilyeration means, first and foremost sides, the apprenticeship is usually delegation doings which are not Some shrewd comment on the have already made it clear that tion of capital, the large number widening. While both have been wage. cuts. This is amply served on the Continent, particular today, a. and never have been, other projected congress and the delega they will not permit the congress of workers per establishment, and increasing the increase in rooms by an article in the same issue of have no real apprenticeship in the national independence and liberty peared in the imperialist press, so dictions, and it is expected that proven ly in France, as the American hotels than the furtherance of China stlon sent to organize it have ap to be held in their respective Jurlethe low average wage less the been the Com paring New York City country as a whole, the average hotel industry. of late has grown Hitz, president of the National ing from the bottou up, but begin should know that the government News, while considering the con nuitted they will be refused. There size of the establishment is still Management. larger, and the wage level takes Insufficient account of the higher the industry, seeking Investment in Aew York, Cleveland and Detroit ments as soon as a worker enters China national Independence and mischief, declares: In spite of grers, either political or organizais experience, he becomes responsible view to securing the latter alture art who. for some inscrul arrive in Shanghata that only of pared with the rest of the country structures as the Hotel New Yorkeres that his chain methods are bet There has been These figures refer only to hotels and the new Waldorf Astoria were ter for cutting wages than the ind of the kitchen start and for the ex subjection. Or does he perhaps be given this precious organization very dubtous value.
of 25 rooms or more which are op opened long after the crash in gen. the following facts. cites penditure of thousands of dollars of lieve that a little Hattery administ their countenance, it is necessary to erated all year round: eral business had come.
comfortably In June 1932, under chain mans directly and personally responsi may induce Nanking to smile be entirely unrepresentative and of no hotels, waiting for things to hap enscan company are in their Number of Making the Workers Pay 13, 328 agement, 25 cents out of each dol ble for the handling of checks. nignly on the congress project?
509 How did the bosses meet thislar of sales was kept for gross proreal weight. Is it unreasonable to men. They have announced that Number of situation? By cutting wages, leng fit: in the same month of the pre of a seasonal character. Even in a Alorcover, the work is definitely Futile Mission to Japan maintain that an organization which they will stay there six months it its chief sponsor here cannot be necessary in order to get a congress rooms 1, 134, 957 126, 632 thening hours, and speeding up the vious year, under the old manage boom year like 1920, the difference Lord Marley and Dr. Marteaux more specifie in describing has but together. But all the blarings of Average rooms work. According to the De ment, only 15 had been kept for tu employment between the highest went to Japan to try and ratey slender clnim to the hospitality of Stalinist trumpets will be able to Der hotel 240 partment of Labor, the following gross pront.
Total em situation prevailed in August 1933, How was this result obtained and the lowest months of the year wpande wanese delegation.
They a world city like Shanghai give the congress if, indeed, it is ployees 921, 269 41. 390 compared with the last previous He explains: In June 1913. under cent for Industry as a whole, or purpose and had to take the next Exactly! Tord Marley and his as ever able to meet that purposive Total wages and rates of wages and hours: salaries 207, 034, 000 11, 065, 000 Wages Rates Per Week dollar of roome sales 219 had.
slon unaccomplished. Lord Mar. war committees in the countries failure to carry out any serious pre Dining, lunch Present Previous paid out in wages; in June 1942 this wide as in general industry.
ley next step was to address a room and kitchen Union I: WaitThe Bosses Codes and the had been cut down to 18. In this meeting of the Shanghal Rotary from which they come. The imperparatory work, it must be deprived.
100, 140 13, 386ers, waitresses 15 Workers Code food department, In June 1931( out Wages and Union II: Waiters, of each dollar of food sales, 62 In the face of this, the bosses Club, at which, before Ilg business falist organ quoted finds them un Shanghal, Sept. 1933.
salaries 84, 428, 000 12, 911, 000 waitresses cents had been paid out in wages; proposed one of the worst codes men, Chinese and foreign, he ex pounded his opposition to war with Average annual to be presented under Union II. Walters, in June 1932, only 33 cents was NIA: a hour week, a minimum view (in his own words) to disLEAGUE ACTIVITIES Wages for such Union III, Cooks 35 50 30 45 being paid out in wages.
workers 844 988 Hours per week Juggling the Profit Figures usat be 128 cents an hour which entistes et pornofudice that existe on top of this, the bosses are could be wel heed, mere clause pathy of big business to the autt: New Castle Meeting All other 191. 119 28, 795 Present Previous deliberately making a poorer show. 20 cents an hour, a merit Swabeck Tour Itinerary Wages and sal Union 1: a day Union II: aries for all other 54 a week 48 a week order to have a further reseliste for right to hire and fire, and an amaz from his pacifist remarks Lord MarNew Castle, Pennsylvania. About Other meetings on comrade SwaUnion III: workers 172, 000, 000 31, 174, 000 10 a day 12 16 wage cutting. In the alleged costsing collection of tricky provisions kussin good government depends on seventy five workers heard. comrade beck tour are as follows: Average annual wages Thurs. Nov. 2nd. Minneapolis for all other Sour the faster of Union II, we see we notice that des recentiore amounts Mize the workers condicions de trab: construetive criticism of the gove swabeek speak licre out the live the working ernment by the people. This self class at home, abroad, and interna 1, 081 how conditions have degenerated in to of the total. This means tolerably low levels.
Fri. Nov. 3rd. Minneapolis workers 904 Sat. Nov. 4th. Minneapolis The average investment per hotel the industry, wages being cut 25 that of the gross intake of the Sun. Nov. 5th. Minneapolis 1n the United States may be esti while hours were increased 12 2 business has to go to replace the calls for a 40 hour week, both public and private, and only as the result of the NRA Tues. Nov. 7th. Chicago, Ill.
mated at about 260, 000. From the percent wearing out of the building each minimum of 15 a week, no split encouraged as an essential Thurs. Nov. Oth. Davenport, Ia.
foregoing it appears that there are setzt shifts, docent wages for the higher government by the people. The created by Germany, calling for the Fri. Nov. 10th. Davenport, Ia.
22 workers in the average hotel in paid workers, abolition of the spy doubtless made this statement avall international, Since this audience the United States, and about 33 in system, and a workers committee 2010 Les Moscow by wire, for use came through a driving downpour New York City. But the concen.
able scales where made necessary by Felt Oprosition. Even a Lord Marlore the meeting started and kept tration of capital has gone much further than these figures show.
rising up a steady bombardment till al.
In a single one of the largest hotels As a class struggle wnion, organley has his uses.
most midnight, we had When it became clear that both listeners deeply interested in these group of In New York, over 3, 000 workers izing all the workers in its industry without distinction of race, sex or the imperialist and Chinese author questions. In the audience were over hundred. Chain store hotels now embraces operation of erattlines, the. is rapidly ley presence, viewed the dele in the labor movement and young a total of 80, 000 rooms, and is growmaking leadway in recovering mem gates activities as being in some workers and students of diverging NANAMAN ing rapidly.
bership back toward the mark of way connected with the Commun. views. The meeting was held in In the face of monstrous fate of Cuba. With In the last week alone we got War Chest to Fight Unions The concentrated power representodds, the workers of Cuba today boldness on the part of the van it has a right to ask the support remove this prejudice. Lord Mare Socialist Hall, in an atmo almost as many new subs as in the first of all those ley categorically denied in the press in the discussion period ques reported in last week issue the ed by the American Hotel Men must assume their historical task. guard a great victory can be gain of all workers, Association, the bosses trade or. They, and they alone, can achieve in the food industry, in its aim to that At this juncture, it is suicidal to strengthen itsell by building up its Congress scheduled to be held in Year Plan, the Soviet Union and 46 subs. theast week alone a sus the generally accepted fact that workers can set up an efficient form power. In the period directly be the attacks of the bosses and be in pices of the Third International. Quite interesting were the of so to date with the drive still they have raised a war chest of 600, 000 for the specific purpose or of government in Cuba, defeat the fore us, a defensive battle must be position to enforce the workers although, he added. Communist re remarks of a wellknown and out. gaining in momentum, fighting the workers efforts at Intervention of American Imperial waged. serious decision to begin demands for decent living stand presentation would be welcomed.
standing personality who had been ards.
Next, he called on Mayor Wu Teb the main instrument of the AppliAn Ecouraging Sign organization for better conditions, ism, and solve the disastrous con. systematic and regular struggle feature of this drive, one we Under these circumstances it is tradictions that have plun cation of the Stalinist General is developing in considerable massand not surprising that the of kept the Cuban masses in degrada es of the workingmen. But first Line as the leading comrade of encountered rarely in previous the Communist Party here. He drives, is the number of comrades which always tried to avoid open tion. Successful American inter of all, it must exist in the ranks complimented the local branch of who are sending in more than one ed aggregates of capital, has done toat for the Cuban proletariat. The lacking this condition it is imthe Left Opposition, saying that the sub at a time. In the past week very little in this field, and particu tragedy of the Cuban proletariat possible to proceed to a direct or.
by Communist Party no longer existed seven came in from a comrade in larly among the key workers in must be prevented!
and that was no longer a mem Toronto, eight from Youngstown, the hotel and restaurant Industry, this condition does not exist, the ber of it.
two each from a number of other the cooks and the kitchen depart. Seizures of plantations have al not be fostered. On the order of The Cuban masses are militant. direct realization of Soviets must Our meeting adjourned after comrades.
which a group gathered about The Standing As a profit making machine, the ready occurred. Embryonic rev the day is not insurrection, but comrade Swabeck for further disS. Jourard Toronto hotel industry is suffering not only olutionary Soviets are in the pro the slogan Of REVOLUTIONARY ON GERMANY cussion. substantial collection Dunne Minneapolis from the crisis in general, but specuse of formation. But unless the NATIONAL DEFENSE. Self deterThe ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXT?
had been received, testifying to the Abern Bronx cifically from the consequences of movement is led into the proper nination for Cuba! Down with sympathy evoked in the audience. Hedlund Minneapolis తర 100 pages 25 192 pages paper cover Ite own folly in engaging in a boom channels, the Soviets will become the Platt Amendment!
cloth over Everyone looks forward to more Hardy Philadelphia Postage 06 extra per copy was meetings, like this, which Carter Postage 06 extra per copy Brooklyn of overbuilding and overexpansion. only parody: American imperial.
This has resulted in overborrowing sm will restore its rapacious hego Defeat American Intervention thoroughly enjoyed in spite of un Fruitman Toronto and the carrying of a huge burden mony.
Before there can even be talk favorable weather. Shechet Boston ON RUSSIA of interest, amortization Revolutionary Party Needed of passing to the offensive, the MAX HUDSON, Br. Sec. Goodman Philadelphia consequences of this PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF F. Eckelberger New Castle orgy of overexpansion have shown ceed unless a genuine revolutionary American intervention.
The Cuban workers cannot suc Cuban workers must ward off and defeat the immediate threat of Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy Swabeck at Cleveland Kent Brooklyn Capelis Manhattan are attempting to raise profits at takes the initiative; unless the in.
ON SPAIN Cleveland. Comrade Arne Swa Satir Chicago Only the Cuban workers can prethe expense of the workers.
Chicago beck spent two days in Cleveland Ruby THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER the conditions of the work, thel eriti prole vent the formation of another puprevoll satin Amer pet regime, a replica of the Machtariat, particularly of the 19th and 20th of October. The mer Boston seasoned character, and the amount ica, the United States and Canada ado dictatorship this time with Price 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy 18th we had a private meeting and! Barach Boston of training and ability required are is mobilized in defense of ON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION October 20th a lecture at the City Cooper Brooklyn such, that the worker in this in the Fascist trappings.
Cuban revolution. The criminal Roberts Club Auditorium on the theme: dustry is entitled to relatively policies of Stalinism, the collapse manding the immediate convocation The vanguard must lead in de COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM Hitlerism, a Mennce to the Work number of comrades Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy ers of the World. An audience of eingle subs. They are too numer.
through organization in a powerful Cuban workers without their most masses must be mobilize under the 200 heard him speak and we soldous to mention. But we are keep and militant trade union, ON THE THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY Militants and pamphlets There ingay accurate record and if these Overbuilding in the Hotel Industry weapons of struggle. they have no banner of transitional demands.
AND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION were some Stalinists and asked comrades send in additional subs As to the fact that the bosses revolutionary to lead them questions whereby they exposed we will be able to list them in this Free THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT their ignorance. And, by the way. column.
the boom burst, that they were stalin the international proletariat Dress! Freedom of assembly. WORLD REVOLUTION REVOLUTION know them to be the cream of The Youngstown Branch overbullding, there is sufficient evid Icannot come to their support. These must be widely agitated the slogan the which proves the cultural note of explanation is due 180 pages paper cover ence. Between 1920 and 1928. weapons can and must be forged of nationalization (banks and in level of party cadres. No wonder about the Youngstown full year before the general crisis in Cuba, the Left Oppositionists tobacco plantations. Branch.
dustries particularly and cloth cover 00 Postage 06 extra per copy Postage 06 extra per copy Reading outside of the Daily Work When we began to report the drive struck the country, the overbulld must immediately call for the er and the pocket editions of Stalin we listed from Youngstown.
literature is strictly prohibited.
But first and foremost, the vanThe Youngstown branch informed resulted in the following situation party. Iuternationally. the Left guard must organize the united ON CHINA LEO GLEISSER.
us that they ey wanted all subs cred1920 1928 PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION Opposition must inaugurate a uni. front against American imperial. At the Barbusse Burlesque ited not to individual comrades but Number of 450 pages paper cover 100 cloth cover 50 we distribute leatlets. This the to the branch. To date the branch rooms 1, 070, 000 621, 000 teu front in defense of the Cuban ism; and in this united front must Per cent occupStalinites could not stand, so they has accounted for 22 subs. But by workers.
be included not only all workers Postage 08 extra por copy organized a number of gangsters this arrangement the branch as aney 85. 67. Time is precious now. Every day tons of the petty bourgeoisie that organizations but any and all secwho started to grab the lentlets and such is ineligible for the History.
Number of is equal to a decade. In the very are willing and ready to struggle tear them. Comrade Bryar resisted. The prizes are offered to the inrooms occupled 914, 850 1, 028, 198 heat of the struggle, the proletariat He was beaten, and workers just dividual comrades making the best Number of PIONEER PUBLISHERS of Cuba can and must gain the Against the common enemy.
workers, not party members came showing in the campaign Arst, guests 097, 820 1, 237, 835 time necessary to consolidate its Only In this way can the tragedy 84 EAST 10th STREET, to his rescue Barbusse audience three volumes of Trotsky History While the number of rooms avall. ranks, and form its vanguard. Upon of the Cuban proletariat be averted, of 1800 had less workers than the of the Russian Revolution; second; able increased 50. the number of its success or fallure rests thel Swabeck audience of 200.
Two volumes; third, one volume.
workers Discussion Articles Militant Builders die employed in the kitchen atone Problems of the Cuban Revolution the ed. 66 Now that the consation and taxes.
Yet ternational Philadelphienen. 50 SUERT