Antifascist FrontBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismGermanyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

Rousing Swabeck Meeting at Toronto Hails New International Activities of the Frisco Port Workers muss the new to Anti Fascist United Front in Montreal 80 it is in the labor move eace in principle bis heart was set the issue. He pointed to the suc. which looks toward the establish did not appeal to the waterfront based ey could speak the lan. Worker again. And if this paper had Even before the beginning of the The Stalinist leaders who follow. applause, an indication that his speakers appearing early in the into complete confusion. Every one lawbers were elected ent. The latter Revolt Against Stalinism in California Party PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1933 News from Canada existed as a faction of the In California and attempts to hoping to reform the Coinintern explain these things to the crowd one morning striving to bring it back to Leninism. Through our efforts have not on the waterfront. number of been without effect, the Stalinized workers tell the speakers to get Cominten hus gone from bad to out, qud stay out, at least until worse, has been responsible for one we, the longboreme, have had the international defeat after another.
opportunity to organize and de.
You will ask, Why did we not prostroy the company union.
claim the new Interuational long Stalinists in Predicament Toronto. The first great stride, leaders. Marxism and few days later a leallet upUnion Leninism, intern offers the proletariat not a events themselves had to prove to San Francisco Longshoreinen bave from the company union ball torpeurs ore the Waterfront urging and a new international was taken bitye die building up the personal wally Silent. not the communist was wankrupt kat nese events have won of the most open formen under devteaduse dropped on a some days: medies to boo bee man eines et des in Toronto on October prestige of Stalin. Revolutionary International that was formed un taken place, events that may be in which the rank and file have had visited there sometimes, but tall to discuss and form real lougered in the Labor hear by the pernicious theory of social mains today but a hollow shell. many, Wascism.
and working itme. Also in the. an oppor. unity to attend this meet.
turn. It was not only a sm in one country. In the face For ten years, said comrade. Conrude swabeck then described ditions in all these years have con und unemployed parades and anu. ing but beliable incoronation large meeting but a historie one of world shaking events, the Com. Swabeck, the Left Opposition has the tragic defeat On the platform were three comworking class, le causes of the were in person and Star Wage cuts war and Slooney demonstrations on that about 200 attended this moverrades who embody the best tradidefeat the treacherous role of the were added to our life, until we participated. The writer knows al were not longshoremeu. urged tions of the revolutionary move social Democracy, the failure and are worked into complete exhaus most every one of the three to four several longshoremen to attend this retusal of the to rally the tion in performing our daily work. thousand workers on Frisco wa meeting, hoping to have at this ment in North Ameria. With comrade Swabeck were comrades Jack this mass meeting lurge audience. MacDonald and Maurice Spector series of attacks of the Fascists armed with only one thing the ary leadership. We do not expect companies were never lived up to the third attempt of the Party bad, its first meting with about 1500 Montreal. few weeks ago ideas nor plans. They came there workers the united front against Even those working rules formed tertront, so no mistake in little while later the of three comrades who had been among upon workers organizations arous. decision of the party to kick out revolutionary Leadership from the When the interest of those compan was the issuance of a monthly pub. 2000 participating. Now we find then dort peties and were the cama u the working class of Montreal the best opposition delegates Canada, comrades who had been to a high pitch of excitement and As such as our delegates entered. but we expect it and have the right Longshoremen were the only ones Worker, dealing directly with our This paper, the Waterront Worker the hall Rose, our self appointed to demand it of the together one roscow the 1982. They sromowing uomost attack alones en redes sociale intercoolele urmele geniet de auto bili was taken attempting to regione per test test moment esporting some of the forener og strane. terhes could not write any more Communist to lose at all times. Any member situation on the waterfront and could not appear, because, in order had all passed through the bitter mittee was tored for defense a couple of stalwarts, tried to German defeat at its door. Stalin out of bis job. Here, as in other successful attempt made by the cranization articles without attack struggles against Trotskyism in the gainst ascism. Ou the one side seize us bodily and throw us out sm is dead, the Comintern does parts of the of unemployed: this paper every month copy of ing the of union as well party and later had taken their of the table and ou the other side of the ball. They did not how: not exist. new International large percentage there was a and every one bought a places under the banner of the In there sut. Reichel, a leader of ever succeed in doing this. We must be built to lead the workers the union oficials used this as a per also contained articles of in Left Wing in the of Union This pa as the company union.
ternational Left Opposition in or.
der to uphold the traditions and lie Revisionist Zionists, the Jewish proceeded quietly to distribute our of the world to emancipation. club over our beads with great structions for the formation of a Puscists. These Revisionists in leaflets among the delegates. The We formed a Left wing in this Toward the New International principles of Marx, Lenin and Trot zulestine ar organized in strike Stalinites had issued a leaflet in success.
real union.
Comrade Swabeck was careful to sky. On Tuesday night, the three breaking bands, carrying on a ter connection with the conference point out that we are not proclaim This situation was finally sized up newly organized union. Only a few The On the Waterfront Foramtion of of Union members and sympathizers comrades met again on the same roristy agamnst the Jewish labour couple of days earlier. But In ing the new International now. by the Communist Party a year or In the existence of about eight were actual longshoremen. There to proclaim the necessity of platform, this time in new effortoveneat quite after the fashion their panic at our very presence we are merely urging the necesso ago, and they attempted with nonths no progress WIS made for fore our slate of candidates for or the Nazis)
creating a new Communist party they were determined to sto every sity of creating it. For the imme. their best forces to organize the newIU were closed on account ments who to our estimation were The writer had the pleasure of expression of our ideas.
organization. Finally the doors of office was composed of mixed ele.
and a new International.
being present at the touching scene The whole diate future, the Left Opposition is waterfront workers. The first ap uten Wupport and funds for rent. the most progressive of those avail New Conditions and New Problem at took place. Comrade Reichel gan to turn about crence soon be leviting Left wing groups to en pearance of these so called labor Around June of this year a couple ſable. The reactionaries bad their Comrade Swabeck prefaced hlso Baker and Rose addressed our leaflet as an axis.
talk with a few remarks concern: mm) conferred with com. Baker. Krelim took the floor first. He pro. Opposition, standing on the shoul of this article, having always own for the formation of an of Just before the election of of Comrade grams and perspectives. The Left the Western Worker, the writer members, started collecting names sle change and motion. Nothing in Reichel. var beit from us to let the leaflet, stressing particularly appears before the world prole organizations, watched every moveled any organizational or oratorical an idea to publish the Waterfront this world stands still. he said. nude the fuct Relehel was against the need for scenuine, broad unir urlat with a program of revoluhoping against his better judgment, processes of change and motion organizing at Anti Fuscist Concerted front, and the clans nature of ionary internationalism, a program for a success. The Western Wonker gifts, but Time creates new conditions on Jewish well defence corps. This cessful Anti Fascist demonstration meut of the proletarian dictator workers and very few coples were took advantage of the NRA labor tot out the Party policy to of the waterfront. They they would be obligedand new situations and the work United Front with the Jewish Fasciu Toronto last July as an ship on a world scale as the neces sold.
code. In a very short period they attack both the Right and Left ing class, far from resisting suchsts against Fascism was shattered ple or what can be achieved by the sury transitional step to socialist. The second attempt was made succeeded in signing up about 90 wing candidates. Therefore they his un the rocks of the principled in right nethods. Throttentively Wheu comrade swabeck fluished with street speakers. In coure of the workers on the waterfront. thought it best not to publish it.
the policies his talk, he was greeted with loud time we had several of those This threw the organizers The rank and file carried all our by and most of the executive tactics suitable to each occasion.
message had fallen on responsive mornings. But to my total disap of the comrades made some board the First and Second Internationals real branch of the Left Opposition tious and confusion. One He then sketched the history of burlesque just recounted the Mouled revealed a wealth of cours. In the question period which pointment none of those speakers, squawk that now, after we, the am feeling sorry for those abandonment of revolutlonary prin of lovisional committee for the in its program tho struggle for bet sion of how the new International conditions the course them could ground already for organizing the aid many neful deeds along the showing how in each Instance the way proceeded with the formation urged bat the Conference toclude followed, he entered into a deus was familiar with our miserable members have prepared the young honest comrades who ciples had brought disaster to the calling of a working class united ter wages, and rellef, against wars, was to be created and answered speak the language or a long bore workers with the publication of waterfront, trying to organize this disappointment.
Marxists to begin the building of learned that the Verdun Workers conducted about the one issue (corrade union policy of the Left Op has in a side line, mentioned the months, these of men are pating in the red lam partici. new revolutionary fount bead. Association had already issued an rectly, of course. The position.
Comrade Swabeck stressed the fact appeal tor a United Front Confer. turther proposed that delegations company union and its destruction stealing the show away from us. higher ups in the Party told these Speech of MacDonald Before the meeting ended, com jeet workers life. The main sub We must act at once in order to lesser lights to go and organize but of the that at these great historical mile: ence against Fascism, we exerted be elected to protest to the Mayor drifted toward China, convince the workers that this gave them such instructions and stones, not numbers, but political our iniluence to bring workers or and the Attorney General of the clarity was decisive. The decision ganizations to it Even before the province against Fascism! Comrades MacDonald and Spector ad. Soviet Russia or such other distant same of is a fake labor policy that prevented any success these organization. And that the MWIU and made them waste their efforts.
to create the Third International Airst meeting of the Youth dressed the large gathering. Com subjects. Participation in our rade Smith of the Spartacandalong rade MacDonald, speaking with the meetings was very scant at all is the only revolutionary union Now that they see the movement wah first propagated by only a comrades visited trade unions and Club, in the face of times, and no progress whatsoever that knows how organize and growing up without them, it is to handful of revolutionaries but so obtained their support for the railroading from tho chair that dignity of a tried revoluaist was made toward organization. conduct a real workers organiza be hoped that they will learn from powerful were their ideas that in Anti Fascist United Front.
drew protest from delegates pro polemnicled against the the experience what their leaders 1917, gulded by the genius of Lenin, At the same time we issued a sent; rebutted some of the distor abandoument of Marxism, against Marine Workers Industrial Union tion. Communist speaker appears could not teach them. NOIX.
to the victorious Octoberce revolus addressed to the delegates bare en the procedere nu are per te radac os are waitional serotoky and lako The Marine workers Industrial tion. The Communist International conference outlining our proposalshe course of militant mass actionary national socialism of Satlin.
the bourgeoisle, proposing Instead Comintern and agutust the reaction.
was bullt upon solid Narzlan foun. tor the program and basis of dations and, during its first four Conference. We stressed the Dec by way of demonstrations, man Let us not forget, he said, that not one of those who sigued the call revolt in the ranks of the torted Marxism Leninism in those have been expelled had no connecThe conference adopted with one to the first congress of the strategy and tactics of the world United Front and not one with tion with my case. For the purpose revolution. Revolutionary Interna Jewish bourgeoisie or ascists, the dissenting vote a resolution for the Is in a leading position in the Com Stalinist party in Oakland has situations.
tionalism was its watch word. The mucussity of broadening it out to in organization of defense corpo. intern today. Lenin and Platten been signalized by the expulsion of My honest bellets are that of throwing and in the eyes of the existed for the pro clude all workers organizations, th. of some 38 members are dead, Trotsky is in exile, Itakcomrade Stanley Laycock and the district situation is a reflection party members and creating sen letariat and every scussion, the freedom whether it was on the internal lifeganizatie of criticism, the or was chosen. Krehm was elected ovsky (as far as we know) is in the statement protesting against of the bureaucracy all the way upcral confusion that article was u of city wide centralized us representative of the Leftop cral disgraceful capitulations, now parts members. That the revolt represents the tolling masses. The one of the several alanders in Siberia six additional the line, that the party no longer published.
of the Sovlet Union or the revolu defcuce corps to defend all work position and Smith from the Spar licks the heels of stulin. Let us gris the strangulatinge bureau Germau catastrophe, coming after this asinine article requiring tionary movement in the capitalist ersets and mass demo The Conference in its present not forget the German defeat of cratism and stupid policies of the the lessons of Italian Fascism, re answer is the allegation of my bav.
world, was based upon that con mass cept. Under Lenin and Trotsky, tions in order to draw in the form is far from a true United 1923, Jet the was indeed the organizer whole working class organized and Front: Apart from Left wing or graceful role of the Stalinist re shown in the fact that two new the We have a similar situa obtain machine guns some time of the world revolution.
unorganized weld it into one canizations it includes only the slot the Anglo Russian Trade branches of the Communist Leaguetion to the time when the second ago. Were it not for the serlousThe work of the Stalin Clique mighty front against Fascism, tbe Verdua Labour Union (close to the Union Committee in 1926, let us not have been formed recently in the international was declared dead ness of such a charge, tending as and the 3rd international estab. It does to invite police persecution. But now, said comrnde Swa issuing of elementary it would be unworthy of recogni beck. That is no longer true. The in Freuch to clarify the backward cope successfully with its tasks inism in the Chinese revolution, The statements of the expelled lished.
Signed: tion. However, since this was suppast ten years have witnessed the workers in the Challoux ANNA ROBINS, posed to have occurred during the in the Soviet Union of a zations on the true nature of Fasc to include the trade unions of the defeat of the German proletariat STATEMENT OF ROBBINS city. To ensure this we must com. 1963, and let us not forget that, To Au Party Members Member of the Unit time when was still in the party, ucratie clique under the leadism.
District No. 13 why wasn this brought up against manifestation ership of Josef Stalin, clique We came to the conference with bat every in District 13 me before now? Comrade Anna (these professional ed in the past five years, there has Dear Comrades: carefully elaborated list of con Stalinites which has stamped out every vest.
folsting not been a congress of the Cominnot only denies ever bay.
Disregarding the questions which STATEMENT OF SIX COMRADES ing made such a report 1ge of party democracy, wihch has structive proposals for acceptance wreckers of conferences)
rt but demands turned the party into the lifeless by the delegates. The stalinists their mechanical control on the time since 1928. These are facts have asked, and neglecting to To All Party Members proof from the party to back up and passive Instrument of the top appeared on the scene with neither conference.
e views have expressed in District No. 13 the minds of the working class pertaining to the developments in Dear Comrade :s this plece of provocateur exposure. also demand proof!
these are facts we cannot forget. the Communist International and for quite awhile the sincere! This article in the Western Speech of Spector Comrade Spector then took the Lambert, section organizer, de dissatistled with the conditions in party can make to the growing in the world situation, comrade comrades in this district have been worker is the only reply that the floor. It there had been any manded from me a categorical re the party: the turnover in the number of expulsions of comrades light together for a common alm. been wrecked uy the putting aur doubts up to that moment, they pudiation of these utterances by membership, stiling of all critic who are demanding a discussion Montreal Tow Derry was arrested while Actually, moreover, the committees ward of ultimatums to reformist How worked to the air. la demanding a statement of alleet ism, bureaucratic control indicated the German situation, the right minutes, ance to the or else the for that something was fundamentally of criticism, a change in the trade addressing an anti war meeting and are being etsablished, if at all, only organizations, condemning reform comrade Spector, putting forth a felture of my right to membership wrong. The calamity of the Ger. union line, removal of all bu.
charged with being An allegedly unlawful organization, levitable result of the whole course dubbling it social fascism. The great agitational effort, recalled the in the Communist Party. Such a man defeat only strengthened our resucrats in the party. The growth member of in Left wing organizations an in ism as a political method and even united front for the defense of Joe bishlights of the earlier speeches. procedure is a flagrant violation convictions and when the Young Communist League of pursued.
the party of the Left Opposition in the East of Section 38 Instead of united front the Derry demands agreement on only branded Stalinism the greatest in of Bolshevik Leninist democratie failed to discuss this catastrophe Bay area is making the party bu.
cortatea stanice Stalinism its fail.
in the future similar personal atComrade Laycock been used ir order to inter eight case take place, is being conducted and its freedom of criticism.
ance against Party. By not allowing me to atconvinced us that it was no longer itical arguments.
penitentiary for a total of 37 years, mittees. This is but the expression justification for returns tore che und balled the new turn is tho tend my unit meeting and deprat from the party ou false charges the party method of meeting pola peal ten diensten the communist Party or sectarianism, and uuwarranted united front from beloved its they ng class movement. It the stal member, the bureaucrats are trying statement demanding a discussion to remain quiet. His Signed. necessity of a unist been to. STANLEY LAYCOCK.
in the rest of Hlegal. In Ontariot Joe Dertilizing the workers organizations correct united front polley today. learn uothing from the German the party. Not a word has been of members to express themselves, Is convicted the will auto by means of a democratie and all. The Left Opposition and Spar events, it is capable of learning expressed or written by the party etc. met with our approval. Upon New York School Starts matically find itself in the same sided conference.
tacus Youth Club refuse to share nothing.
regarding my status and now ask, further investigation on our part position as the Communist Party. No matter how strenuously the course that must ruin the splendia in Canada, faced with a growing Why this silence Off with a Bang democratic movement, the The following reasons which into the international developments Include other workers organ preparatory course to the creation prospects of a powerful movement. the Stalinites were poll have expressed explain my secret which formerly remained confused. conducted by the International many matters became clear to us. The first two sessions of classes mation obil over the country is more of a broad united front movement, freedom tercersanization. There the headlar dunpotent relation we will expulation from the party than probable.
That comrade Laycock devotion Workers School opened Monday of and loyalty to the principles of both of them. The first lecture of Section 98 was put on the statute the preparatory work must be car. working class we uphold the ban Party. The workers will learn the best true. tried and sincere Marxist Leninist activity cannot be the course on The Fundamentals books of Canada for the immediate ried on precisely with the perspec ner of the Leninist untedfront. who are the slanderers and who proletarian clements in the party questioned to evidenced by an There is a sentiment afoot in are their true leaders. MacDonala and condemn their framed up ex tivity in the past and present. We attended by 23 students, 28 having of Marxism. by John Wright, was of the Winnipeg general strike of Axed for the convening of a rep stalinist circles that since Joe and Spector are the same revolu. pulsion on false charges.
1910. It constitutes a powerful mesentative concertencenter to les tront is too late to initiate a broad united of Canada almost 15 years tonterey as section organizer when all literature of the Left Opport and Scientific. The next lecture with. Utoplan class to keep the whole working from below. e. no united frontfront movement in his defense, Joongo. We have revised nothing, wel bis disruptive work in Oakland hadtion, to study the mistakes in will be given on Monday, October class in subjection. Only broad at all, is being with the Derry has already been in jail for have changed nothing. It is the discredited him there in the eyes China, England, Germany, etc. We ment of the organizarly of the in Left wing on the books of Canada, and Lenin, it is have not warrant use the weapots to the hands and the moved away from the path of rev. the role of a functionary in the and the establishment of new bee Steate lecta Revolution given working class, youth tions.
ing of real revopltionary party Commodity as the theme.
organizations, irrespective of their United front conferences have ruling class ders of the Canto every honest worker, the workers olutionary Marxism. We appeal party.
affiliation and views, can free Joo been fallures in the last year be struggle. The Derry. This achievement would love cause, for one thing abstract adian Labor Defense League con honest rank and illere among the district hat. 18, thela Coweet lon882. protecting the Russian revolution black Weber was equally sucand overthrowing international costul. About thirty comrades of slogans were put forward, not fll skdered it too late to set on foot Stalinites to consider carefully the false reports were made of the present. The first lecture 98 al towards an unpreting in with a concrete situation a united front for the release of measuge dealt with Primitive Society. There en und with we delivered to be work the Bast Bayrerea printed Down with the bureaucracy!
were questions and discussion. The guaranteeing of free speech, assem. case has up to now not centered Montreal precisely because the five of a revolutionary party, that when in the Western Worker in which Signed: second lecture which was held MonSly and organization to the work around the question of freedom of had already been sentenced. The the revolutionary crisis arriver, it is stated that reported com STONE day, October 23rd at P. sharp ing class.
organization and the abolition of Joe Derry case must not suffer the in Canada we ll be able to rally rade Laycock was negotiating to HESSER dealt with the Origin of the State An effective common struggle can Section 98. Due to the pressure of same fate.
the majority of the working class, some machine guns is absolutely EVERETT WILDER and the First Slave States.
be set in motion only by dem. our delegates the committee elim. The Joe Derry Committee must on the side of the proletarian rev false and wish to e faced with CHRIS JOHNSON There is still time to register any proof to substantiate this ab ANNA ROBBINS Readers are advised that regis.
of the representatives of workers issue struggle against war. No mittee and transfer its powers to The applause which marked the ominable lie. HESSER tration for these two classes, as organizations.
one would think of calling a united duly convenedorned front cam was an indication of the sympathy trai Committee of the party, polenta con close of comrade Spector speech The open letter of the Cen.
well as for the two which are given on Wednesday (Organizationmerely setting up. committee on om because someone has been actions for the defense of Joe Derry with a watch the workers received ed out our failure to hold the STATEMENT OF LAYCOCK al Principles by Abers, and ap ponines las calling of a conference throw. correct program or recrueerima ke sure ready ted front then declaration force new Interna masses yet it failed to show that To All Party Members is still open. Registrants should to the remote and indefinite future, tion is necessary for every from the many members Stalin policy which the party is following Dear Comrades: parti utmost.
see the course secretary constitutes a retreat from the cular united front. Such a pro. MONTREAL BRANCH OF Clons gave evidence that ist and other political organiza and its deviation from the correct the Western Worker there 8:30 eltber Monday or Wed course of a centralized united front, gram, however, without the means before Bolshevik Leninist line.
THE INTERNATIONAL LEFT long the Left Opposition will re6. The party has never explain. ciplinary committee which contain stred. Literature for each course appeared a statement of the disnesday, according to the class de The effectiveness of a united front of carrying it through reprethe mvaluableness of its experl sentative conference 18 tueaningOPPOSITION celve under its banners many who ed to the membership the falseed the news of my expulsion along can be obtained at any time of the ence. consiste precisely in the fact legs.
SPARTACUS YOUTH CLUB themselves in other organiza policy of the in China, Eng with that of several other com day from the local office, 126 Fast that workers of different aflatlong United front conferences have OF MONTREAL LUNE land, Germany, etc. The party dis rades. The others mentioned, whol 16th Street, Classes begin on time!
Robbins Open Letter to the Joe Derry Defense Committee ous anti labor law has already Ranizations, which would In any Zation maintains its independenceure to create an organized resistence and growth of a Communist ac.
eland power actionisted of love howed adition of the orament. with The Marzand analysis of