AntifascismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PRICE THE MILITANT 2 CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Celebrate the sth Anniversary of the Left Silk Dyers Vote Gangster Attack on Bellusi Case Needs which you and cane Annalist of for. Terzani Accuser Organizing Steel Workers in Ohio Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the post office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME VI, NO. 49 (WHOLE NO. 196 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1933 PRICE CENTS Ballyhoo and the facts Opposition in America for Separate Support Behind It Hail the Movement for a New Party and the Fourth Agreement of Workers International!
When Roosevelt spoke over the radio on Sunday, October 22, he great event in the history workers movement will sit at The great odds fought against Stalinist Hoodlums Repulsed as Swabeck Speaks for months Antonio Bellust, a militant evidently had not read the last of the revolutionary movement one banquet table and take part by the embattled silk workers have Italian worker, has been held in issue of that most respectable bust in America will be the baliquet in the festivities.
been greatly increased by the split New Party and New luternational ness bulletin, the Annalist. In mis to celebrate the fifth year of the the Gloucester Immigration Station Besides addresses from the in the ranks occasioned by the speech awaiting deportation.
declared. Militant, the fifth birthday of comrades mentioned above It vote of the dye house workers uu Chicago. An organized attempt and the situation following the He has been in the labor move The whole picture howeverthe Communist League and to will be an evening of gala enter.
hail the coming of the Fourth skin will be performed for the der the. to accept the bg 150 Stalinasts to break up the triumph of Fascism, He showed ment ever since 1918. He was the average of the whole territory agreement and return to work. The meeting called communist Lot the German working class upon Party and later joined the Italian from coast to coast, the average of International.
Ritteen thousand workers in the branch of the the whole population of 120, 000, 000 Present at this banquet win first time at the banquet by dye houses are taking up their of America (Left Opposition. for the world movement of the prole. In 1924 he took a ship and people shows to any person, will be outstanding celebrities in some of our star revolutionary places at the tubs after a seven comrade Arne Swabeck, last Suntariat. The victory of Hitler meant came to the United States, where ing to look, facts and action of Communist and labor ranks in actors.
weeks strike under a contract of day, on the subject of the new the destruction of the strongest he immediately became a member proud. the United States. Among those Last but not least in mention fering concessions in wages and party and the new International Communist Party in the capitalist of the from which he What these facts are the to attending will be Ben Gitlow, is the delicious union recognition.
was prevented by the quickl: as world and led to a weakenin was later expelled for protesting comrades Secretary of the Workers Com served to the and of Oct. 20, makes very clear. It Under the separate agreement the sembled defense of all workers in the position of the Soviet Union against the expulsion of Bordiga, gives the following record munist League and one of the friends attending.
dyers have obtained union recor the audience.
The victory of Fascism, he showed from the Italian September: Industrial production founders of the American Com. The banquet will take place nition for their organization, the Meeting in response to Instruc only Increased the danger of war Antonio Bellusl was arrested in down Retail trade down munist party; Calverton, Saturday, November 4th at United Textile Workers, from the tions from the District Committee and this was due entirely to the July of this year in Wilkes Barre percent. Real powerful institute of Dyers and of Chicago at Wolkets Hus, a party false policies of the Comintern in on the charge of distributing the percent; and last but not own tecritert the Modern Monthly. at Stuyvesant Casino, oth Ernest Sutherland Bates, noted St. and Second Avenue.
Printers, the manufacturers asso headquarters, the party members, Germany.
radical publicist: Ed Lindgren, Make sure to get tickets for Militant. His home was raided Retail prices up percent. In.
ciation. They have been granted marched en masse to the Opposi Swabeck pointed out that any and books were found which gave deed a picture to be proud of.
prominent figure in the early yourself and your friends. They a minimum wage of 23 which con tion meeting with the aim of break homes for a change in the policies documentary proof that this worker days of the Left wing movement are 50 cents a plate. Dirt cheep!
stitutes an increase of from tive to ing it up. They entered the Opposi. of the were out of the ques has been an active fighter, for 15 After nonchalantly eliminating a in support of the Russian rev. Be on hand for this great gala seven dollars over what they tion headquarters in a body, leav tion, when, after the German years, in behalf of the tolling few million unemployed who preoultion; Diego Rivera, the fam event to celebrate the annivers had been receiving prior to ferred not to work at all Roosevelt the ing a picket lino outside of the events, the Stalinists failed to un masses.
ous artist; and others. For the ary of the Militant, the Com. strike. The closed shop was not hall to tell workers that the meet derstand the first lessons of the The only thing that the continues: It seems, therefore, fair to say that there were about first time in years, representa munist League of America and obtained but the employers have ing was either called off, or had great defeat of the world prole has done so far is to assign Errol tives of different sections of thel to hail the Fourth International!
10, 000, 000 of our citizens who were agreed, according to the contract, been removed to another quarter. tariat. Instead, they only emphas White to defend him (legally. to deal with the union shop com. Even thisp pitiful tactic did not ized the errors made, promising to They have not mobilized their mem.
seeking work and could not get it.
Dmittees over grievances, Gring, etc. succeed in keeping workers from repeat them again under the same bership As a matter of fact the or these, am convinced that at least 4, 000, 000 have been given emVote Not Unanimous the meeting.
conditions. In such circumstances lawyer bad to spend his own money ployment.
The vote for the agreement was Hooligan Tacties Repulsed it was hopeless to think that you to go to Wilkes Barre to defend Roosevelt only added some 400, 000 neither unanimous nor did it in. No sooner did comrade Glotzer could once again push the this worker. Although this work to the Algures for reemclude the majority of the dye work open the meeting, when the hoolionto an internationalist revolutioner is not a member of any political ployment which are by far the most Faces Trial inaccurate of all employment ilgparticipated. The sentiment of in a rebearsed fashion the Stalin. to reorganize the ranks of the gen International Left Opposition. It ures. At a time when all other estimates of unemployment ranged New York City. District At Youngstown, Youngstown accurately by the outcome of the chairman from the floor. Refusing into a tighting revolutionary inter would be Justified in from 15 to 17 millions the torney Charles Colden of Queens steel workers were recently giveu vote because the majority of the to recognize the frenzied outburst, national as against national social sabotaging figures were only 13 million. The County has failed to keep his pro the opportunity to judge the harm. dyers did not vote and because of the chairman announced that the Ism, no matter what its form may commitee against deportation be. reports 871, 000 reemployed ful policy of stalinism in the Steel the peculiar ballot they were ask proceedure of the meeting was so was to be formed, on which Lou representatives of Stalinist Explains German Victory Roberts was the representative of 08 reemployed which amounts to the killing of Anthony Ferro, young in Early in September the SMW to vote on the following questions every point of view in the workers swaboek was followed by Splegat the Phili, branch The committee 400, 000 people.
anti Fascist slain at a meeting of IU led a brlet but successful strike Do you favor acceptance of the movement would be given an op of the Party who entered into a never met due to no fault of ours.
But does Roosevelt want to be the Fascist Khakl Shirts, the Ter in the chipping department of the settlement tertas 3, 311 voted for would be given an opportunity to lengthy diatribe against the OpComrade Roberts time and again.
Republle Steel Corporation. The acceptance and 1, 422 voted against. state is clear BCC should he be why The serurate? Roose. bi Defense Committee charged concrete demands they fought for The second question, which un This deir views from the floor. position, and only emphasized how kept on hammering away, but the apparently was unsatisfact correct swabeck was in his evalur. Stalinist sabotaging machine could today.
velt knows very well what is hapwere higher wages pening. He knows that, as the Commander Smith of the Khakiision of work, and equal dlv. doubtedly appeared to be con ory to the Stalinists who were detion of the present situation in the not be budged. good percentage tradiction to the workers was: terminied either to take over the world movement of the proletariat.
Indoor mass meetings were ar.
Analist states, 40 of the March Shirts was recently held in 400 of the chippers were organized into Do you want to stay out until the meting or prevent its continuance. He denied that the workers had ranged for September 1, 4, 15, but off. Seelng to July spurt was lost by the end ball for the grand jury in Philadel the SMWIU at the time, but they weavers return? 1, 013 declared forEven after being assured that suffered a defent and proved that they were all called of September, and that by this time phia, on a charge of fraudulent proved incapable of building up the staying out with the weavers and they would be given time the German Party, under the heel we could not expect much from more has been lost. He knows conversion of organization further. Several 2, 330 for returning to the job im to present their views they still of lascism was stronger and more the we called an open air He had weeks ago the chipping department mediately.
that all real indicators of business fled from his headquarters early on shut down, throwing all the men insisted on electing chairman active than it was under legality, meeting at 13th and Reed. We activity with the exception of zinc Oct. 12, after members of his sen. out of work. When it reopened ten vote is highly symptomatic The large size of this minority from the toor (at a meeting organ. He dented that it was possible to asked for an Italian speaker. Again the Sned and called by the Opposition. carry on a struggle prior to Hitler the sabotaging now Stalinists was in evidence. Had iron, electric power production, suddenly announced to take the strike were canceled, as none of the dyers, inexperienced in union to go on and began stamping, about the revolution was on the order we not gone over the head of cotton, wool and silk consumption, over the city and seize three arm of the men known to plan auto, lumber and cemento prodenca ories thredin Geheduled for een affairs and taken in by the tricking, and organizing their own meet of the day. Following his speech Stern (the and Sacco and of July. He knows that the An. Por four days Smith was missing. neatly and effectively locked out tion, have gone down since the end Washington Vanzetti branch of the day: to work. They found themselves dyers were faced with a dilemma. bureaucrat, Jack Splegal, to start leave the hall.
nalist Index of General Business Then he came back surrendered, The agreement gave them certain speaking from one of the benches Despite the upheavals of the where we succeeded in getting comrade Nelli to address the crowd.
Activity was 89. for July and only got bail, and audaciously announcof the thousands employed at ete cand consequently the thens In the turmoil and over the pro il cover the workerty remained the request would have remained all the. But it is not to his in organization and push on with his Republie Steel, the chippers repre some sentiment for its acceptance tests of the workers in the ball, tho to the end of the meeting. Hack on the desk. me etrest to admit that the much. Fascist program. He asserted sent about two hundred. The lead. Butthe question must bave no Stalinists began to employ their man, representing the point of view had been arranged without Rob boasted recovery 18 al that he had ben plotted againsters of the union saw hundreds of doubt cropped up: If we have a strongarm Lank and file Party tick of the United Workers Party learned of this we offered our tatcics. Incited by their of the Lovestone group, and MatJerts being informed. When flop. PETER MORTON. by the police and the radicals.
thousands of workers on Xrike agreement, and the agreement is leaders, the throughout the country, steel work favorable, then why not return to members began a struggle to seize also spoke.
support. Again the meeting was The Hooligans Depart and Weirton, and decided that con who may be out for a long time their bureaucratic inciters, who, The Stalinist hooligans, after postponed ditions had been made to order for yet?
during the course of the fight, had inciting a fight, empting a collec. had already arranged a mass meet.
Not knowing that the them. The local leaders Immedi. The Separation of the Dyers ately called a meeting of the laid The question of a national strike atter the Stalinists were repulsed to bat, and urlanting in a backing on October a ve heard of this It that they had indirectly. we arranged one for section of the Alternation Painters health, to do as he pleased; not and this so called perfect union of one section of the silk industry their seats agreeing to a comprom the capitalist system. After this ing a committee was elected to ask bill. Union in the strike is a bitter les that he needed it. But the tragedy decided to pull a strike. For the upon another son about Stalinist trade union of it is that the Stalinists by their rank and file to make such mis clear to the dyers. They did not the Lert Opposition to run its ownlowing their dastardly gangster at: we heard that the had tactice. The strike, which was insane policies appeared to called in competition with the this gangster in the right.
ship allowed to be carried dealing the weavers by returning given ample opportunity to present they left the hall singing. Sol call or our meeting in order to Brotherhood, Local 102 of the Within a day or two, flying away by the blind enthusiasm of to work. They had not years of its own views to the meeting! idarity.
have a joint one. We offered to and crushuug defeat for the Stalin paid visits to most of the APU venture. As none of the employed many strikes to make them aware workers alter this turn about face upon the meeting of the Opposition or for the leaflets. Stern (in the. ists, and the loss of whatever in shops they had not as yet succeed chippers were even called core of this elementary lesson of solid that their real purpose had been was inspired and organized by the name of the District Buro)
Auence they had in trade. They reed in taking over. And after the joint meeting with their fellow: arity. The isolation of the dyers to break up the meeting. They fail. Party leadership. This hooligan rejected this offer. commoittee of three will again general striku, and for entry into Brotherhood Among those that what they wanted a hundred pered craft consciousness. Only va. cept the terms announced in the is the expression of an alien class approach the District Baro the of They sought to transferred allegiance was make capital out of the situation Grossman, one of the key shops in strike of the unemployed chip Iguely did they feel themselves part very beginning by the chairman, Influence and must be beaten back which meets Friday, October 28. It the cent pers. It is undoubtedly more than of the strike led by the American comrade Glotzer.
in the workers movement. This appears that we will have to carry among the painters and build their the industry. The Beckenstein and a coincidence that identically this Federation of Silk Workers.
little attempt at massacre by the on the defense of Antonio Bellus. revolutionary union. What is Minkoff shops are about to sign tactle was being repeated at the Meeting Hears Swabeck On the other hand the dye work local stalinists will not be forgot. independently of the for worse, they refused the offer to and by the time this goes to same time in the Buffalo plant ofers wero take them into the Brotherhood. steel.
ership. Leading to by bad lead.
their section of an hour, tracing the events prior can only defeat the alms of the far as organizing any kind of mass Comrade Swabeck spoke for over ten by the Chicago workers and they have been a deadweight the first week or so the Union pull Bosses San of contract, workers have never been in antiolah but for votes. The dyers What were the results? During bers of Local 102. When the Although overwhelming the strike, were two old line poli to the rictory of Hitler in Germany! Stalinist bureaucrats.
defense is concerned.
attixed Its sig majority of the Youngstown steel Vigorito and Pirolo, self ed down about 300 workers, and nature to settled a number of shops. Nego both the general strike and the union, even they could see some interests were secondary, to their ANTIFASCIST tiations were carried on with the Athfalnters Union were thing wrong. The strike WAS own careeshady figures was the Besides Bosses Association and the party obviously doomed to failure from these DEMONSTRATION leaders managed to keep the paint. Yet, despite this, the party bu the start. The union got out leat conniving and fakery of McMahon The Italian Unitarian Anti Fagc(Negein, The workers of New York are ciated with it, was put into effect ist Committee, composed of repreing them of this and by continually Weitz) still maintain they have a mund. Make the bosses keep their conscious Left wing was not pre once more confronted with a mun. In order to restore prosperity sentative working class organiza making glowing promises of vic union and are trying to inspire the promise to equalize work. The sent in the dyers local. Except icipal election. This time the con Proceeding more and more to introns has set Saturday, October 28 tory.
However, within a short time utile efforts to build the APU. save the ſtupression that the ention could consider Jack Ruben by the fact that it is the first im to the maximum the slight econ. Ism. demonstration will take the absence of a Left wing within Were they to do something else tire Buffalo plant had walked out. stein of the Lovestoneites in that portant election to be held in the omle upturn, the Roosevelt admin place before the Italian Consulate.
fact that it controlled the major office they might perhaps feel dit at them, tore them up and went to take a clear position on most tion of the National Recovery Act Jobs for a thin layer of the six 10. 30 The gathering point: the Brotherhood, coupled with the chan make speeches and sit in the Workers took the leaflets, laughed category. But Rubenstein failed United States since the promulga. Istration succeeded in providing the demonstration while besimit!
ity of the workers in the trade, ferently about it. As far as the back to work Even the local boss of the questions facing the dyers, and the rest of the Roosevelt pro teen million unemployed at the 72nd Stret and First Avenue. Au made itselfelt Shop after shop pocty enderrotre concerned, they les and their propaganda sheets af. Where he should have been strong gram to patch up the crisis rent same time that the prices paid for workers out to the demonstration was taken over by the Brother Council or the rank and file of the able to laugh it off. So it was no and conciliatory. He took no de opportunity that any large group for the population as a whole, the terrorized into Joining Ekoene 102 about the matter. Most of the became aware of the farcleal role the question of breaking the ranks field towards the recovery pro already felt by the leading official ATTENTION All members and sympathizera it by the who signed hendquarters as it pestilence had the strike next day. separate agreement. The policy of tion in this city has country trafon over the failure of the NRA of the Communist League are separate agreements with the swept through there. Jack Kras Stalinist Policy Isolates Militants the Lovestoncites of pussyfooting wide significance.
to produce the much advertized urged to present at 10 Sat.
Brotherhood. Wherever the paint nitz, Belinamen, Spielman and Those workers, therefore, who are expected results, foreshadows the urges to the demonstration, October 28 to proceed in es refused the of placed Friedlander the outstanding party this incident are quite apparent. disastrous consequences here as te pickets outside the building the militants in the union, have seen the class conscious militant work has had in every case.
Stalinists met this move by beating their unflagging efforts to build a ers, forced by the criminal policy Disruptive Role of their interests, will have to act in will penetrate to the millions of up the pickets, who were rank and union go for naught and they are of the SMWIU to remain ether the reactionaries they were conisolated If the dyers were misguided by mind.
the elections with these facts in workers as they become increasing the Ale Brotherhood men and had been beginning to question the soundness from the working class, are further ordered to picket by their officials. of the party communiques. Indeed, than ever away from the masses fused and demoralized by the dis the workers of New York and the for the masses, as they realize that The outstanding problem before complish any genuino prosperity Pot the capitalist government to se OPEN FORUM THE SOVIET UNION AND The stupid blunder, in the training entrance of the Left wing Intolay they were organizing, are almost Fuptive policy of the National Tex rest of the country, which over the NRA is an instrument in the Spielman, has openly been advocat. The workers in the mills, Insofar of countless others, played direct.
tile Workers Union. At the out shadows all else, remains what it hands of the bloated ruling class THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ly into the hands of the business the of Experience is a all going into the Amalgamated set the Stalinists divided the dyers has been now for four years: the to curb and repress the growing Speaker agent or Local 102, Jake the Bum. Not forever costly teacher. but a good one. Association unless a fighting Left Into two unions. They continued unprecedented crisis which First, they had refused the offer the eyes of the party members.
has revival of the labor movement.
JAMES CANNON of the Brotherhood to establish one erican Federation of Labor union, they felt the ground was slipping the land to the bottom, which has tatives of the National Recovery In New York City, the represen LEAGUE MEMBER.
Friday, November 3, 1983 union in the trade, which branded P.
them as splitters so far as the rank MINNEAPOLIS MEETING pletely at the mercy of Mike Tighegan to pack the meetings of the their jobs, and stricken the major administration have already have and Ale of the of was con ARNE SWABECK and his crew of labor skates. Thus dyers with disruption as ity of the working class population their hand. Whalen and Co. have at International Workers School cerned. Then they copied a lent the vicious tactic of the Communist their alm. They succeeded in win. to one degree or another with that exerted all their 128 Kast 16th Street from the reformists and slugged THE FUTURE OF INTER party and its false face, the SMW ning over two dyers on their in sery, hunger, homelessness and the rising movement of the work the workers pickets. To the rank NATIONAL COMMUNISM ers, to prevent them from striking sincere into the hands of the of the old line politicians, Vigorito alone, systematically occurs in the ment of their conditions, to subAuspices: Manhattan Branch.
and Ale of the Brotherhood it was Communist League of America clear that the Alteration Painters at PYTHIAN HALL bureaucrats.
and Pirola!
midst of vast wealth and plenty.
Union was out to smash their or 431. South 4th Street It is significant to note the elab The strike committee of the dyers (Opposition)
vert every workers movement to Kanizatina. In alarm they gave Friday, November 3, 1933, P. Continued on MO Contiuued on page 4)
The National Recovery Act, and ADMISSION 10 CENTS all the extensive machinery 8880(Continued on Page 1)
10000 we The Painters General Strike the Statement on Elections ambito