AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninismMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1933 EDITORIAL Notes of the The Food Workers Industrial Union and Week the Split from the balance in Germany. Giving no clear word of advice THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS AS Horrible Example of Stalinist «Third Period. Trade Union Policies Tu voyeur The Expulsion of Joe Angelo Site liu its Hitler Bombshell» at Geneva WELS of the boycott and drive the agitation in this direc The Socialist Party After Hillquit lies in the bitter facts.
UN COLLOW uſ the OL conventiou Lur It is a fact that the Comintern remained wlent German goous, Lollowing a simwhen hung aux action by the British Trade Union Congress, uu.
and not even binting at a demonstration action. The AN EXAMPLE FOR THE NKA.
doubtedly raises the issue of the boycott to a higher Comintern imposed the policy that led to the defeat The leading article of the New In 1929 the third period policy ion Kramberg announced that the, while the FWIU stands still or importance and, at the same time, increases the and reaffirmed it afterwards. Soviet diplomacy York Herald Tribune Sunday Alaga. of Stalinism produced a split away strike was settled, that twenty shows insigniticant gains. Unless weight of wist iuiluetice in the international speaking directly for Hitler benefit hastened toxine, last week, makes an eloquent from the Amalgamatod Food work workers would go back to their the Left wing workers can break ers and the formation of the red jobs immediately, and that within through their present isolation from agitation uyuinst Witlorism. jusitive position on give assurance that it would never think of inter plea for No More Strikes Food Workers Industrial Union. three months all the workers would the masses, the labor fakers of the One of the ironies of the the question of the buyeutt, which is now brought foring in another country in either a revolution or series of great strikes took place. Le back on their jobs. This only will be able to mislead it counter revolution. And, most shameful of all, day in this country. it says, Following this, within the newly resulted in disappointment; the the newly awakening workers and into such prominence, is obviously required of all the world has yet to learn a single demonstration Is that one of our greatest or formed revolutionary trade union strike has not been reopened, no thus further betray the interests the various tendencies in the labor movement.
organized within the Soviet Union against the ganized efforts, one wbich bas the bureaucracy began to consoli workers have gone back, and the of the working class.
Fascist butchery of the German proletariat.
always been the loudest in the Wat is especially necessary is preciseless as date itself. By the end of 1930, leadership has not a single explana The Split Fundamental Mistake denunciation of war between It is not in the least what the Bolshevik Leninthe situation, after over a year of tion to give the rank and file. The to the aims of the buyetl, its torus and its limitathe nations, is insisting on its The fundamental mistake, flowing tions. Otherwise the slogan lends itself to vugue Ats, in opposition, have said but what the Stalincrisis, of inactivity and stagnation workers have a special additional out of the third period theory, own right to use force in setgeneralities, incung Hoone iu alytung iu jurticular. ists, in power, have done that occasions the gloating in the FWIU was, as follows: The right to demand an explanation and which lies at the bottom of all the tling its difficulties.
members were becoming dissatistied u: accounting because they were other mistakes, Wils the deliberate Thut is where the agitation on the question stands merriment of bourgeois journalism over the downfall with the leadership, and particu making financial sacrifices in pre split from the in 1929.
now, and that is way the opportunists of all coduof internationalism.
tries are having sucu kupy time with the slogun. 18utfor all that, they are laughing too soon. William Green on the right And then it goes on to quote Larly with the bureaucratic meth ration for the drive for 27 weeks This was one of the most criminal to ods of the then general secretary, straight, and nobody knows yet and stupid examples of Stalinist The revolutionary Wing in Movement ougat Internationalism, after its second historic defeat strike. Another of the ironies of Sam Weissman. He was brought what has happened to the funds, as misleadership, because the Amalto call for u showuwn on the issue of boycotting through false leadership, will rise again and become the day, by the way. The argu on the carpet before the party not even a linanical report was gumated is recognized class Hitler Germany.
struggle industrial union with conotice more the inspiring and unifying force of the went ruus as follows: The Dating control commission, on charges of elven.
Favoritism in Giving Jobs proletariat and the dread spectre of its enemies. sic) have found that force is drunkenness, irresponsibility, mis siderable prestige and a record of As a demoustrative action on an international In this case scale, designed to show working class solidarity with Facing the bitter truth in shame and humiliation, wasteful, futile. They have set up propriation of funds, etc. The party One of the worst features of the militant activity.
the lard pressed German workers and stern protest against their fascist torturers, well organized inalixts will work to hasten on that day. This is the Nations to buvish war from their as it had to cover up its own buInternal life of the FWIU, and one there was not even the excuse, as trade union fakers were threatengreitest work of our time.
It must be carried for midst. Why cant the workers take caucratic regime in the union. Oprised to the principles of a class in the A, of unions, that the He was therefore removed, without struggle union, is the family cliqu. ing to expel Communists.
ternational boycott suspending transport and commuuicution for a definite time could serve uusul ward under the clean banner of a new International. There is the NRA. The NRA is to the reasons for the removal jobs. For example, in one case a The experience made the past years purpose. Such au achon, concentrating the force of concerned with the welfare of the The then leadership of the cafe worker had been working steadily has shown us that the international labour in single paralyzing blow, could of the nations (sic. Why not let to outline a three months programown accord and within a few day must be corrected. With the reviybe a means of lifting up the spirits of the German NRA replace the strike Restaurant workers and helping Viem to their feet again. The as the of activity, no part of which was bud another, while other workers al of the Hotel and German workers, visited and demoralized by the NOUNCEMENT in the latest issue of the League has replaced war?
ever carried out.
of long standing and active in the Branch of the Amalgamated from Progressive Miner of the expulsion of Joe Ang bankruptcy union who have been unemployed a skeleton organization to a rapidall their organizations, and overcome Clique Rule in the Union clo demonstrutus more graphically than any other still another of the ironies of with a sense of isolation and despair, need desperfor months and years, have been growing one, at present the Left single act how closely the leaders of the 4, bave the day. Even while those words the union began to lose both in 10 juta. Sew workers are being a wonderful opportunity to inttuWith the continued inactivits, discriminated agaiust, and received wing cadres and Communists have ately now the concrete and visible proofs of international class solidarity.
they have betruyed the contdence which the Illinois amply which the American workers of the most militant workers left with the promise of a job, so that and build it up as a genuine trade boycott, a real boycott, such as it is within miners unwisely gave them. The expulsion of Angelo sledecu este datingsite Kwiu to join the Afl. The Whey come in, not on the basis of unions that it can becomes the powers of the international labor movement to act enforce for a limited time, could serve as such a despicable imitators very little to Lewis against militancy, of follow Germans further expressed in a series of ing on the union as an employ food workers and encouraged a demonstration. Therein would principal agaiust union democracy, against the deepest im with a bombshell. War talk and against the cliquelsm of the apare belng used as a club over the spect to the value. And, in addition, such an action would repulses of the Illinois miners for an honest, Aghting war preparations are aguin seizinchis was shown sharply, for fu the power of the cliques.
Acades of the workers to strengthen For these reasons we must say vive and strengthen international labur move union against everything, in short, that gave rise a feverish world. most openly that the place for the Left ment by the revelation of power inherent in it. to the magnificent rebellion of the miners, their break tunate example.
stance, in the question of the co All these mistakes and many wing workers now is in the with the Lewis union and the formation of the Of course the of resolution was never While the example is hardly bubetionaries sean the jobs are more flow out of the baste fault Those of them who are now jobs in the of the third period theory, with in the FWIU must propose that intended by its sponsors to lead in such a directiou.
With carey and Keck, as with Lewis and Far. offer a resemblance. It is a reusoring 80 nx to throw workers Monited front from below. solai toru merger of the two unions as worthy of pursuit, it does no doubt coop as a political weapon, man its revolutionary It is a face saving vesturu, calculated to put them trade unions. preparations be made immediately rington, the hounding and expulsion of Communist semblance worth a worker atten out their juls titeyalsagreed on record without committing them to any obligamilitants is not an isolated policy. It is bound uption.
Fascism and other misleading first step towar oue union for tions. The real measure of the Washington decision with the leadership, under one pre slogans.
the industry, and for a general or can be seen in the fact that uruseth, head of the in every case with the treacherous game of selling Both the League of Nations and text or another. This of course Enquestionably there is a great ganizational drive throughout the Seamen union, voted against the boycott resoluout the interests of the miners and is a necessary the NRA were born out of the de only served further to discredit revival of trade union activity go hotel, restaurant and cafeteria intion. This passed without comment, as a matter purt of the preparation for it. By getting rid of the pair wrought by wasteful destruc thie FWIU.
About this time the cooperative try the workers are looking for or ing on how Throughout the coun. dustry course. They Interid no action against German union conscious and incorruptible militants the mis tive cupitalistic competition. In the. JAMES GORDON.
lvaders always aim to disorganize the rank and file first case, amoug the various capi. again came on the order of the wization. The conservative unions Member, Food Workers fascism. They do not mean it seriously. The mere exhortation to refrain from the purchase of German and rob them of the power of organized resistance tulist nations. In the second case, day in the union and in the frac are growing by leaps and bounds, Industrial Union.
goods the passive, voluntary abstentionism of un.
to their perfidious service to the operators. The among the different capitalists in Lion, resulting in a bitter light by organized individuals is not a real weapon of the Illinois miners, who have risen in such heroic revolt both meant to serve as a sort of burvaucratic rule of the party the United States. They were the comrades against the cast iron and who have been betrayed so often by false lead struggle against fascism. Such a program has many leaders in the union. The strugregulator of this competition.
negative aspects. And it is a harmful substitute for ers, are being maneuvered into another debacle. The sie began with the Allerton Ave.
expulsion of Joe Angelo is another warning signal, When the League was an organized action of the working class.
formed, stores. First a tax of 10 sahrper, clearer and louder. Let the miners of the powerful capitalist United Sta proposed on the wages of party and (Continued from Page 1) the united front of workers orWhat is needed is an internationul, organized Illinois be on guard and organize to defend them tes refused to join. It believed it on party members ganization, from top to the bottom mass action which brings all its force to bear ou In can accomplish this task. To selves before it is too late!
could contribute to the welfare of the Copy. and this step moreover, tanks to Hitlerite Germany.
one point at one time. The revolutionary elements the nations on the outside, with was taken without consulting the replying to the accusation, the com. achieve this, the Communists must in the labor movement ought to pick up the slogan Wheu Nha went into effect, the the Tuue was responsible. Al die charge, but uot of the general selves in all organizations in the oue. More interesting is its refer. workers gather enmasse.
of richest single capitalist in the Unione meeting he denounced the non luce to relations with the French Both the preparation against at.
ted States, Henry Ford, refused to parts workers without exception government: tack inside of the Soviet Union as issue an otheiul sanction, can be utilized as a spring Socialist arty, was a unique figure who bute to industrial weliane on the emies of the working class because ORRIS HILLQUIT, the deceased leader of the join. He thought he could contri as counter revolutionaries and en: The company does not exboard for the agitation in the unions. An internawell as against imperialist war in tional strike against the handling or transport of leaves no successor, port war material without gorA European social democrat outside, without national control.
they refused to obey this decision all the capitalist countries de ernment authorization. That re.
German goods and communication, as an antifascist mands the support of the line of on American soil, he was especially adept in dress Gagging the Workers gulution is still in effect.
policy of the demonstration for a detinitely limited short time, Encouraged by this action of the Bolshevik Leninists.
ing up the grossest opportunism in the formal garb Japan and Germany, two of the the bureaucracy did not The statement of the blood. Time is short and events are mor.
should be the aim. The united front of workers of Marxism. lIe cast the party in the image of its major powers, bave bolted from stop at this point. They were de stained war manufacturers then ing fast. The Bolshevik Leninists organizations is required. In such an action, which European contemporaries and made it one of the the League. How soon will it be termined to gag the workers into goes on to accuse those campaign. must live up to their task.
would blow the breath of life into the boycott, very worst representatives of this discredited school. before the big capitalists will be submission, and into mechanical ing thus against it, of harming the GORDON against Hitlerism, the railroud and transport unions The American shaped under liquit hand, bolting from NRAY acceptance of orders. The question pacitie policy France. would necessarily play a major role. Without their had all the vices of European Social Democracy Why is the League blowing up the party camps was under die Op that Hitler has been rearming Bronx Butchers Strike It is common knowledge in Eurparticipation the agitation for a boycott is nothing without its strength in the workers mass movement. Because it is pound by the very cussion in the party fraction. It secretly for some time. It is also but sound and fury.
Hillquit Party imitated the Social Democracy in means ruthless competition. Capt. After a discussion of several weeks Orsay is well aware of this fact.
its period of senile decay without ever having expert talism is war, war of all agalust had resulted in the leading trac Now the munition manufacturers the Westchester Meat Market are Now York. The Meat Cutters of eteru it: effectiveness as the organizer of the work all. Capitalism signifies the perpetlon recommendation, by nearly of Wrance itself indirectly contirmon strike for the 48 hour work and Making Fun of International The American Socialist Party has been a horrible could the League help blowing up? posal of 20. the parts proposed government knowledge. The new ing against a work day of from 11 Communism caricature.
Hoy can NRA help blowing up? a cut of 40 percent. The 20 per. turu bas gone tar already.
to 18 hours a day. Their wages The death of Hillquit upsets the balance of cent cut proposal was then brought have been reduced from 48 which forces inside the Socialist Party and will start The argument is really in favor into the general fraction, against German Japanese Plans in ONCE again proletarian internationalism, the Anti Soviet Front they were earning a year and a spectre which haunted exploiters since the new internal ferment. The pseudo Marxist old of the use of the strike. As long a counter proposal by the District Guard. which lost its head with the demise of Hinas capitalism exists, peace an ong Camp Committee heated discusſ been abundant of a German Jan Jalgamated Meat Cutters and Butchhalf ago by three wage cuts to 20 to consider manifesto of 48, has become an object of their On top of the above, reports have today. They are led by the Am.
scornful derision. In 1914 the rulers of Europe, quit, will be obliged to yield the hegemony in the capitalism and wage slavery, the sion within the fraction, the de ese plan of cooperation. The pur er Workmen affiliated to the the nations is insecure. As long as cut of 40.
plunging into the desperate hazard of the war, leadership to Norman Thomas. Under Thomas the demands of competition and breathed with relier when the Socialist parties, one Will present a superficially diferent appearance. production for profit exist just so and turned back to the party com documents published recently by communist League has coirered to after another, renounced their international obliga It will be more attractive to bright, forward. ooking long must hire and tire, unemplos. mittee. For this, the following the Soviet press from the dossiers contribute its services, speakers, tions and forgot the oft reputed pledges of international solidarity. Then they began to laugh. The the content of its polley will not draw the party What better way has the worker to mittee proposed another meeting, enlightening enough. Now comes fight.
bourgeols press of the world made fun of the con nearer to the militant workers. It will not express gain any measure of security, any in the course of which the writer report from Mukden or a loan Two of the striking meat cutters, trast between socialist words and Now they their impulses and aims. still loss will it lead them degree of protection and improve was demagogically atacked as of 60, 000, 000 to be made by France Dave Cohen and Sain Klein were the picket line on are regaling themselves again. This time the ob.
the Marxian formulae of their breath of revolutionized effort with his fellow workers for not consenting to the decision ahti. Soviet agressionimin charge by the boss of the market ject of their ridicule is the conduct of the Soviet by the strike?
of the Finally a vole was ary negotiations. says the report, of disorderly conduct. They Government and the Comintern regarding the Fascist sury life, Thomas dispenses with the formulae al.
taken adopting the ultimatist de have been concluded between Pre were tried and released. The judge assassination of the German labor movement. together. Workers in its ranks who aspire toward In spite of the eloquent plea, in cision of the for a 40 sident Hatta of the South Manch had to save the face of the boss a revolutionary nght against capitalism, will find spite of the supplications of the wage cut with 14 voting against urian Railway and Andre Olivier, who is violating the NRA code It is a common thing nowadays for bourgeois the atmosphere suffocating and unbearable.
e con and many abstaining a of. The boss to correspondents, pointing to the abandonment of the prostrate working class of Germany, to interpret the supported Thomas as They carried out the past examples. lesser evil against Hui conclusions from of 1933.
cutting the Saturday workday from Stalin policy of socialism in one country as a re quit. will be thrown on their own resources and com. Some day they will draw a final the last convention of the union The anti Soviet front is forming 15 to 12 hours.
nunciation of international revolution. The New York Tribune and the New York Times, both auth.
pelled to formulate thele standpoint more precisely. there is no way of gaining welfare tion for example: Ebermeyer was in the face of these develop GENERAL MEMBERSHIP oritative journals of big capital, discoursed on this MEETING ternal contlict without a clear expression, will break sweeping away the whole capital. FWIU, an organization which out al self deception of the Stalinist theme within the same week. The Times (October special general membership through the struggle of persons and cliques new istic system, with white cambio side of New York existed only in Non Aggression Facts becomes meeting of the three New York 12) jibed at the failure of Moscow, which had proclaimed solidarity with the Communists all over the Luft wine, moving toward Communism, will begin Hages, with its League of Nations his own portfolio; Kramberg was remarkably obvious. real to take shape.
and NRA s, with all its reign of taken out of the union; Bil, the fense of the Soviet Union is imbetober 1913, he Sandy world. to concern itself with the annihialtion of These predictions require no clairvoyant gitt. force and terror. And they will organizer of the Cafeteria Depart. peratively necessary. The stupid. In our headquarters at 126 st the Communist Party of Germany.
Such developments are implicit in the whole situa: do that by force. That will con ment, was removed by the famous quasi practical policy of the Stalin 16th Street New York Members The shameful record of the Soviet bureaucrats, tion of present day Social Democracy, as is verified stitute one of the ironies of another morre etter of the tube and do regime in foreign affairs is due for of all the branches are required to nounced as irresponsible, disloyal a collapse. realistic appraisal be present, ON TIME. The subwho are also the leaders of the Comintern, may well by the happenings in all the European parties. The day.
and intriguing: while twice re of the conditions in the Soviet sect of the meeting will be the evoke the scornful jests of the international class American under the impact of the great events and speaking of fronies, the again an organixer for the union, the standards of living of moved, today this individual is Union, a corresponding raising of position of the trade unions in the enemy. And the poorest of all answers is the answer of the Daily Worker to the effect that the Times has abroad and the class struggle at home will begin to greatest of all is peres article in the open letter. The result was the alliance between the working discussion will be led off by com.
the United States today and the policy catch up with the European developments at a faster that the No More the fact in spite of the public denunciation workers and a strengthening of of the Communist Lengue. The fallen under the influence of Trotsky. The true ex.
in the Herald Tribune is signed by that the plan actually was dropped class and the peasantry is just as rade Cannon and there will none other than Ida Tarbell, the from the activities, because the necessary as a reversal of the follow comments from the floor.
plense, even respectful. If a mother appeal to the American poeple on author of the History of the Stan bureaucratic leadership was not foreign policy.
Luman dard ou Company. crwading roally convinced of the necessity cracy is incapable of accomplishing The Soviet bureau CITY ORGANIZER.
Hoover and Roosevelt of five or more children spends the Mobilization for most of her time in the relief bu Needs. Roosevelt is a greater muckraker and anti Rockefeller of the task. number of comrades, either one of these tasks. It pre ST. LOUIS MEETING reau soliciting for a relle ticket demagogue than Hoover. He dorester campaigner of a past day.
including the writer, were expelled pares the road for Thermidorian ARNE SWABECK There is nothing new under the or a bundle: if thousands of men call foderal unemployment in.
from the party, and a campaign reaction. That has been shown by sun, says the old proverb. Hun stand in bread lines waiting for a surance the dole or other names.
of terrorization was instituted in the entire past.
ger Hoover goes and NRA Roosevelt sandwich and a cup of coffee; if He simply avoids mentioning THE MILITANT CRUNDEN LIBRARY side the union against the Trot The International Workers Front comes and the same boss rule stays millions of working calss children altogether. Instead he glorifies AUDITORIUM Entered as a second class mail skyites.
The preparation for a resistance the rule of bigotry, deception and go to school without a breakfast charity. To him 14th and Cass Avenues brutal force. Roosevelt, however, that certainly American, civilized, fundamental basis of this is the matter November 28, 1928, at the Yet the workers did not take the on the part of the international Friday, October 27, P.
American Post Office at New York, revived activity seriously, because working class to the imperialist BANQUET knows better how to mix all those humane and what not. civilization. a thing essential to Under the act of March 3, 1879. of their baá experiencs of the past. war plans likewise depends upon at Ingredients in the proper propor: Hoover was for all this. Roose the whole American scheme of Published wookly by the Communist Only ten comrades carried tho rejection of the policy of the Stal 7119 Lafayette Avenue tions and doesn forget to add velt is for same. Hoover was life League of America (Opposition)
NRA flavor to it.
whole burden of the dive. There inists. No Anti War Congresses Saturday, October 28, P.
some against unemployment insurance MARCUS.
EDITORIAL BOARD fore the results were rather discomposed of pompous intellectuals, The Chief Engineer of the crisis which would insure the working Martin Aberr. James Cannon appointing. on the whole. The without a stable social basis and was against unemployment insur man against downright starvation SPRINGFIELD MEETING SPARTACUS YOUTH CLUB Max Sbachtman Maurice Spector strike is over, without any ex. impotent because of their individual ARNE SWABECK ance. He called it dole. a thing and degradation; Roosevelt is also AFFAIR Arne Swabeck planation having been given even isolation, will ever serve to wela on un mand so on. If a charity for social Insurance: RoosENTERTAINMENT MEDANCING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1933 to this day as to why it was lost. the proletarian front against im THE ROOSEVELT PROGRAM ing.
Vol. VI, No. 48 (hole No. 195) The workers still cherish certain perialist war and attack on work Wednesday, Oct. 25 at 7:30 hungry, ill clad and ill shod buddy evelt is doing the same. Hoover Saturday Evening, October 21st. Subscription rate: 00 per year Illusions as to the strike being reers Russia. The Einsteins, the at runs after you and ten others ask appealed to kindhearted Americans at the International Workers School. 50 for six months opened after comrades come back Dreisers, the Upton Sinclairs and MASONIC HALL Ing for a nickel that American. to help their unfortunate fellow 120 East 16th Street Foreign 50 a yr;. 75 for Mos. from the camps. Not only that, Sherwood Andersons are already 119 North 8th Street, Christian, humane, and, if you citizens; Roosevelt broadcasts and ADMISSION 150 Bundle rates cent per copy but at a recent meeting of the undeserting the stalinist Banner. Only Springfield, III.
considera The insurgent youth and worker elements, who tinuing to strike. They draw their Camera con il gains Times, October 18, we would comply with the code by pace.
at it