BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE It Is Impossible to remain in the Same International with Stalin, Manuilsky, Losovsky and Company. Conversation)
the state is the It is time to break with the first four congresses; it is an irre Certainly they will say it is necessary to build a Bolshevik so favorable as now. What is lacking faith in revolutionary possibilities. tation, of a bureaucratie degenerais in Moscow. It is impossible to is our foundation. The lessons of time now. What else can they say is the revolutionary party. The However, great tasks do not fall tion, of Psittacism, of demoraliza caricature of an International which proachable Marxian foundation, it They have been saying it for some party again.
The Road of Civil War Stalinist clique can rule only by from the sky: they emerge from tion, or doping the masses, or in bear even a shadow of political re the recent years only the Left Opdestroying the party, in the the course of the class struggle. It terruptel falsifications, of the bansponsibility for the stalinists. We position has translated them into to justify their ignoble persecutions But isn that the road of as in the rest of the world. is in these same conditions that we ishment of revolutionists of the have been very prudent and very the language of Marxism. Our In of the Bolshevik Leninists? But civil war? The One can toar himself away from must seek the forces for the reso selection of functionaries, mercenhas we are guided not by the calumny of Stalinist bureaucracy this vicious circle only by break lution of the greut tusks.
patient with regard to the Comioternational Pre Conference aries and pure lackles. The present Comiutern in an expensive appartern; but there is a limit to every drawn the balance of these lessons the opponents, but by the actual conducted the struggle against the ing with the Stalinist bureaucracy.
thing; now that, before the eyes of in its eleven points. There is, how course of the class struggle. The Left Opposition even in the period it is necessary to build a party Danger of Adventurism atns for the weakening of the prothe entire world, Wels on the one ever, a gap in this balance. The October Revolution, with the Bol. when we were quite sincerely and on a fresh spot, under a clean baution of one own forces often lead it is not capable of doing more. But doesn the overestima letarian vanguard. That is all!
band, Stalin on the other, have licensecisive met on the eve of hevik party at its head, created with conviction for the reform of placed Hitler in the saddle, now the to adventurism?
examination to which the workers state. Now the Bol the The arrests the Pressure on the Bureaucracy Muenzenberg a Symbol That is absolutely correct that the Comintern despite the cat. history submitted the comintern. shevik party no longer exists. But deportations, the fusilades what revolu Wherever the conditions of bourIt would be pure adventurism it astrophe bas proclaimed its policy The complete and con. the October revolution is still alive. least in embryo? In the struggletionary parties of the capitalist we were to proclaim that our reols democracy open up a certain conclusive col the fundamental social content of are these if not the civil war, at And how will the Infallible no man of judgment will lapse of the Comintern is not reany longer hope that this clique can corded in the decisions of the Pre The bureaucratic dictatorship in galust the Left Opposition, the world be able to act upon the present organization is the comice, the stalinists, thanks to the be reformed.
Conference. It must be done by the spite of the technical successes ac ment of the counter revolutionary Stalinist bureaucracy was an instru. Stalinist bureancracy in the munist luternational or it, under paratus and the cast: box, The Comintern As Whole Conference. As far as everything quired under its reign (against forces and by that fact, it isolated The whole question lies in Nelshanically with the vartberg han WoW become a symbolical this name, we were to unite uur late a political activity. Muenzen Ielse goes, the decisions of the Pre well)
facilitates the the the Comintern taken as a whole? The principal documents of the first tion. But luckily. the point of a civil war is placed on the order of seen how the stalinist bureaucracy The new International not be duenzenberg? lle is an Oustrico on the arena. Empty by One must not be decenter points of the Left Oppositioned. With favorable internal and the counter revolution going over before the British trade unions. We built. But one and one in a little bit of Bolshevism, general phrases. The. as a whole is an abstraction, not these are the fundamental elements above all international, to the offensive, and the Stalinist have seen how it is crawling now. should, from today onwurd, change Journalists, literary control is in the hands of the star of the true program of the Com the editice of the workers state the strenger defensive in even before retty bourgeois paci claim the necessity to create a new little bit of Heralism, a stock exdrawing rooms where friendship for inist clique. For six years now.
Ferdinand Lasalle, who was no lhe has its price, there has been no Congress. Who The opponents will, in spite tions of the Soviet state, without a obution the Bolshevik Leninists will truly capable of fighting against has trampled the statutes under of everything say that we are re we have reckoned that we would sowiceto frontenThe listings bloc in efendiss. Will corn adventurism, nevertheless expresses formists, changing easily of stranger to opportunism, nor to theatrical hostility towards into a (Barbusse)
By the right of usurpation. Not one The opponents have been itself, and through it is intermedt how here from the whole situation reckon with them. Such more im. revolutionary politics. Every great and what is important, in section, not one local organization, shouting that for some time, and all ary, in regenerating the Soviet re. It should not, however, be thought portant is the fact that these or action begins by the assertion of adorned cash box, Independent of nettone paper has dared to breathe the more rodily, the more they gime. But the present official party bureaucrales intentant nous. At us authority in the eyes of the alls to the questions: low is a new St. Wenberg is. Living politically word about the necessity of an tremple in the mud the heritage of now bears much less of a resemb the decisive moment, it will break Soviet workers and will thus fin international be built, wlut methods on the aims of the bourgeois demInternational Congress. This means Bolshevism.
that in fact, the fate of the Com. As for us, we shall lance to a party than two or even up into fragments and its compon ally create favorable conditions for are to be applied. wlat delays are ocracy, the Stalinists still demand were the not taken place for more than say to of the entire one year congress se has is of an irresponsible clique.
selves the defense of the banner years and nobody talks about it. the two opposing camps.
party. It is only on this road that sert openly what is: The Cominter strike down the Bolshevik Leninists. That is incontestable, but of Narx and of Lenin, the cor continua. The Stalinist clique is now whit So the civil war is inevit the reform of the Soviet state is is dead for the revolution, Can one sink lower. Yet, let but Isn that just how the matter stood tion and the development of their cling down and reconstructing its able?
possible without a new proletarian On this point, in your opin the bourgeoisie seriously lift the year ago, when we had not yet work in the intransigeant struggle party. as it it were a disciplin Right at the present moment revolution.
ion, there can be no longer be any fascist, or the simple police, fist, withdrawn the slogan of the reformuot oply against the reformist trait ary batallion. The aim of the purg. It is taking place. By maintaining So then: we abandon the doubts and Stalinism draws its tall be of the Comintern?
ors that goes without saying buting and of the expulsions was first the present contre, it can only be slogan of the reform of the Not a shadow. The whole tween its legs and retires docilely No. That is not how the also against the centrist falsifica Lof all to disorganize the party, ter. come more acute. With the further and we build up the new course of the struggle against Na into the void. The Comintern in still hope to save the situation in of the banner of Lenin, organizers bility of thinking and of acting: the paralysis of the international of the Soviet Union.
this struggle and the lessons of this proletariat, absolutely nothing, save We dld everything in of the defeats and the capitulations, now the repressions have as their proletarian vanguard and He Perfectly correct.
conclusionequally indicate not evil inevitable growth Is this tremendous task com only the complete revolutionary ab. The Cominterna on the logic of the situation. If the Com vanguardi, the Stalinists.
of the party. Yet the proletarian of world fascism the victory of the mensurate with our forces. sence of the Comintern but also its Revlutionary Movement Intern were u party in Indispensable if the Soviet counter revolution in the The question is put errone organic incapacity to learn, to mend The not bave tion, its leadership coula Frantzaot to perish. There are would be inevitable. Naturally, the NS. First of all. it is necessary its ways, that is to reform itself. central apparatus, hus become a That the Comintern, as failed to hear the voice of events. Then what is to be done many elements for it, but it is only Bolshevik Leninists will continue to formulate task and then crushing and so unltpeachable, if ment, it is impossible not to acpect a more powerful voice. And it to be done about the st bureaucracy that they can be gardless of the conditions. But the to assemble the forces for its resolu it were not the crowning piece of knowledge, just as it must be It is absolutely impossible to ex about the What is in the stikale aguinst the Stalin their work in the reously the her hearly and courage. The German lesson would not be so brake on the revolutionary movetime, it means that it is a corpse that we consider as lost the achieve. To speak now of the reform of the effected only by the intermediary tony, but that does not at all sig blundering of pernicious errors, of stus, independent of the masses, In still another respect a decisivements of the workers state and Would mean to look of the world revolutionary mwomify that history will grant us a ever more frightful defeats, of is absolutely unrealizable But year the German Communist party insurrection against the Soviet sunge one own mind with empty objective conditions for the regen sources of opportunism is the fear losses, and, in connection with that tions? Are all of them in the same still existed. In the whirlpool of Government?
formalne. In the It eration and its rise have never been of great tasks, that is, the lack of of a complete theoretical devas stage of degeneration and decad.
grent events, it still had to reckon ence?
with the working masses. One was After the German catastroup to the hour of the verificationar phe, we have seen, in Austria as ar well as in Bulgaria, how the Stalthat the development of the struginist parties were liquidated without gle of the masses would not only make Thaelmann Central Commit. SHANGHALi brought to birth the Anglo Russlan, mistakably to Moscow is sufficiently resistance on the part of the mass tee turn about, but also the Prae Long heralded by advance press Committee, the Communist Kuo Min indicated by the presence among tive of the ubiquitous Henri Bar. vance against adverse criticism.
sidium of Stalin Manuilsky. That notices, the delegation sent out by Tang alliance, the Lengue Against the delegates of vallant Couturier busse thut good novelist made a with the arrival in. Shunghnt of ble in the situation is more favor did not take place of the German the Paris Committee of the World Imperialism, the World Congress would not be here without Stalin or politician by the Moscow epi. an anti war delegation from Eurable in some countries than BOLICS.
ope, headed by a real, live lord. everything is not very great. But others, the difference, despite Communist Party nothing nongres Against Imperialist War stalinism carries a stage further let us even admit that one section Against Imperialist War held last Int approval. To be sure, he is not organize and take part in For year at Amsterdam and more re a representative of the Conainted with the Flowever, we are grows weaker every day and be lusteru Anti War Congress, arrived cete by the Anti Fascist Congress at least International or even of the trick. Hy refraining from having Junketings for real revolutionary morning after this tuet. it not on already acl its opportunist and criminally fall of the Comintern or another is conthe masses. The point has been in all, tive delegates arrived Communist International, reached where the Central Commit They are lord Marley. who was by Stalin. That the tracks lend un such charge. but as a representa International insures itself in adlary interepudiation of resolution the Comintern and it will have to Puris the centrist managers of the French Communist Party (he would any direet, official representation work in the international sphere. the eve, it will be expelled from headed doubtless vigorously repudiate any the mandarinate of the Communist with the tee prohibits the Illegal local or under secretary for war in the Mac kanizations from publishing their Donald government in in practice seek for itself a new international 1930 190 which follows from the doctrine of something of that sort happened own articles and appeals; the duty and who describes himself as the 2012 SETE flee the widest degree of inner party socialism in a single country.
in Chile. Cases of that sort took democracy. Tbe various groups large crowd of workers and place also during the appearance reprint the revelations of the Man independent chairman of the de composing the New Party must be uiiskys and the Heckerts. Every editor of the French Communist given the freedom to present their communist Party. wathered at the the French Socialist Party, transstudents, commanded thereto by the of the Third International: thus, movement of thought represents a Party organ, Humanite Georges views to the party membership. whart with bands and banners to formed itself officially into mortal danger for these people. The Poupy, niember of u Left Socialist Iuere must be freedom of discusgroet Stalin newest friends. The Communist Party. But that did victory of Hitler is not really a grouping in France; Dr. Jeau Mur.
nion and the most thorough consi. defeat for them; it has freed teaux Belgian social democrat and them from all control from below deputy mayor of Brussels; Gerala workers that flowed from Stalin our policy with regard to the Sec or the problems before the move earlier friendships, first with Chiang ond International. but now that the strongest Hamilton, of the British Committee ment.
Kai Shek and then with his rell Don you think that thouparty of the Comintern has left the of the World Congress Agulust Im stage there is decidedly no means, perialist War.
We reprint below the article to permit them to have complete The system of discipline can able ally. Wang Ching Wei, would sands of Stalinists sympathetic no channel and no lever, left by by Ben Gitlow on the question hegemony, over the The delegation was met and wel. of a new Communist arty which Communist under no circumstances parallel or seem to have left not a trace in to us will move away from us in which to act upon the clique that comed by Soong Ching ling. Widow appeared in the latest issue of movement, is to invite when the be similar to that of the officia local Communist consciousness. fright when they learn that we are rules the Comintern.
historical conditions in the other communist Party today. The right Thus it was possible for a Lord breaking finally with the Comin.
The German Party of the late Dr. Sun Yat sen, who the Voice of Labor, official organ capitalist countries develop, the of the bureaucracy from ou top Marley to be welcomed by workers tern?
hus blindly followed Moscow lead of the Workers Communist LeaB. Can the German Communistership and lent her name, efforts gue. In view of the prominence respect, a much worse one, than must be abandoned. The election mand. The fatal errors committed same catastrophe, and in many appointing all the functiouaries and students at Communist com The Axis of the New Crystallization Party be spoken of as the strongest and personal prestige to any cause of comrade Gitlow in the AmeriA. It is possible is even WAS suttered Communist or oticials from the lowest to tae by the stalinists in China and absolutely likely. But it is with party of the Comintern? You seem short of Communism, which po can Communist movement, and Germany.
to forget the Communist Party of seases a radical tinge. Thus whe the fact that the group for which highest must be lustltuted. Leader still persisted in, are carried into all the greater decision that they The Workers Communist League ship must come as a result of all spheres. Lord Marley, only re will join with us at the following the Soviet Union.
tigures prominently in the League he speaks split away from the No, have early recognized the need of the worth, not forgotten. Asuinst Imperialism and was a proletion sone months Communist Opposition forces get nomboy and approval of the cently war minister in one of the stage. It must not be forgotten, Lovestone Discipline must be most ruthless and rapelous imper. On the other hand, that in every Even it one recognizes that the minent sponsor of the short lived ago, the importance of his de ting together for joint action and built up on the basis of establish alist governments, is greeted by country there are thousands of revC. is a party (in reality, and now defunct China League for claration is self evident. It is work in order to find a common in the authority of the leading Chinese workers because the Stalin olutionists who have abandoned the within the administrative cadres of Civil Rights, through which she published bere for the informa ground upon which they could be organs of the Party. Bureaucraticists are parading him, like many official party, or who were expelled the which change ac thought it would be possible to tion of our readers in connection gin to positively rebuild the move mechanical discipline, characteristic others of the same ilk as cenu. from it, and who did not join us cording to the will of the clique, unite various liberal people to with the statements of the Left several parties are conducting a tight against the imprisonment, tor Opposition on the same question proposals to the various commun. not be coutinued in the New Party. Thus further confusion is heaped eyes, we were only a faction of covert struggle against each other. ture and killing of political prison.
this party is 10 ang case, not an ers in China, including Communists. tatives of the National Commit form a bloc. They continue to be munist Parties in the various capi oriented Communist Party of China. were disgusted. An even greater Dr. Sun widow has still to tee are conducting discussions the Fresh Stalinist crimes against the number of workers are right now imbued with the idea that by talist countries, based upon The Soviet workers have no idea learn, apparently, that just as tightwith a comittee of the Gitlow of what is happening to the prole ers for the proletariat of China can some turn in events or by some conditions of the respective coun working class are in preparation. separating from reformism and group on the question of a new subterfuge they will get back into tries and the needs of the masses tarian movement in the west: noth be saved, it at all, from the Kuo party. The results of these dis the official Communist Party and ussures the building up of a genuIgnore Shanghai Workers seeking a revolutionary leadership.
ing is communicated to them, in this situation of putreFinally, or Min Tung hangmen only by sweep cussions will be reported in the into the Third International. They ine International Communist or Quite still worse they are ignobly de ing mass actions of the workers Militant Ed.
gation complexeristically, the dele nction of the Social Democracy and celved. Within the Political Bureau through their own defense organiza do not realize that fundamentally vanization.
itsell, with its present composition. tions and that no hodge podge Communist movement is bringing to ist International and its official see circumstances support the present shouted slogans, the while defend whom of worker is rising for The gravity of the crisis in the the whole system of the Commun The New arty cun under no ing demonstrators, who cheered and a stainless banner is needed.
banners from police at The Bolshevik Leninists can and the life and the tendencies such organizations so war workers movement in and xation of a new Communist Party. the Communist crisis. They fail to organization. It must oppose the John Dos Passos. Can should form the the war danger, which capitalist countries.
con The German events have had a recognize unless this system is bas. right of an International organiza ada and Australia. The world conthese numerous elements Then all that is of a living nature The of the reform or comitants of capitalism in the im great deal to do with this question, leally changed there is no hope fortion to dominate policies and deteanpts to seize them. Lord Martes Ition of all the axis of crystalline perialist stage and as inseparable The Party in Germany has been the Communist movement extricat termine the leadership of its sec. addressed the press fustead. He in the Stalinist International hollow phrase. We counted on leopard, can be combatted effective astrophic defcat. Furthermore the able state.
terests of building up an Interna Shanghai was organizd by the world will join us.
of a tional Communist movement.
congress against war held at Am. Are you not afraid that the ments followed the worst road. That munist leadership, and ended solely an aid in preventing the defeat. new Commundet Petersary mhantateThe New Party must peres: delegates were expected from the opposition within our own ranks?
sterdam Inst year and that further new orientation will encounter an Is precisely why we are compelled by a revolutionary overturn of the It was directly responsible for the to declare that the policy of re system which produces them.
form is exhausted to the very end. Those who proclaim, or imply, as Party, which made defeat, at the bringing a new Communist Party State and give it its wholehearterlere had affiliated with it more In the first stage, it is absopolicies of the German Communist now begin the preparations for than 30, 000 organizations, repre. tutely inevitable. In many coun.
leave centrist bureaueracy the which Lord Jarley and his con a foregone conclusion. In addition am of the opinion that the officinlright to criticize the policies of the knowions of people (we tries, the Left Opposition is linked banner of the Comintern?
Stalinist thousands up by all its work, more than any.
Communist Party of the Soviet Un and millions really amount to thing else, if regain ion and its leaders.
exclusively, to the ialist war can be combatted other and the movement routed, that the the confidence of the The labor went on to ex official party. It has penetrated ambiguous formula. What is unwise than by the revolutionary mass German working class was left ficiently to become the instrument to arouse discussion of this import press the hope that the conference very little into the trade unions and derstood byzonbanner? program action of the workers, whose task in terhyded with certo revolutionary of proletarian revolution in the ant question before the Communist would be able to establish a per. had hardly interested itself at all ferte congereprogam naderente do best the war and an armed strugsle for and to prepare it to overcome to this user hose porementene skater in the pathizers and revolutionary work with the help of the people, weet Social Democracy. It is high mixture of opportunism and adven turism. In the course of several bers of the delegation pay lip serto pose the question of the neces. Today want to present very brier. this question of a New Communist thing. We depend upon the support propagandism! The turn should be ceiving the masses. True, the mem these facts that induced Trotsky need for a New Communist Party. ers are welcomed to freely discuss may be able to accomplish some time an end were put to narrow the Voice of all intelligent people both here preceded by a broad and serious years, basing ourselves on the les vice to the necessity for mass worksity of immediately estabaing ally and sharply the basis upon which Party in the columns of Labor.
sons of events. We counted upon ing class action. Even Lord Marley new Communist Party in Germany a new Communist Party must be and abrond.
And then the redoubt discussion. It is necessary that intern by internal means. Now this hesitatingly. But mass action can party that shall be free from the Changing the program of the com does so, though doubtfully and upon the ruins of the old one, a organized. They are as follows: off in automobiles to comfortable reflect to the very bottom of the If the number on 195 hotels a befitted their exalted problem. The events will help: time as the possibility of not be conjured up by phrases and domination and policies of the cannot be organized on the basis of your wrapper sam stations, leaving the demonstrators every day will bring irrefutable to march down the street without new international. do not doubt form. To the miserable eclectic windy congress speeches made by Stalin your subscription has expired.
any one of the Communist Opposi.
their heroes.
If you want to get the MILIBut the question of a new Party Ition Groups. It must fuclude all have no connections with the massoppose our Marxian program.
Detachment from the masses, the that the turn, realized together and tant promptly every week Communist Opposition forces es, represent nobody but them is not only a question for Germany. the The First Four Congresses lofty disdain of the intellectual tor with decision will open up before renow your subscription at selves, and who, most likely. Will It is a question for the most im plus the left forces in th Socialist And the first four congresses find adequate reasons for flocking portant capitalist countries. The and Labor movement the common hert (the support of us a broad historical perspective.
who are once; si per year for fifty all intelligent people is what Is July 20, 1933.
two weekly Issues;. 50 a half of the Comintern?
to their respective imperialist colors Official Communist Parties have be ready to accept the fundamental Naturally Wanted. the pious hope that they year for twenty six weekly we do not abandon in real war crisis.
come so discredited, have lost so principles of Communists and catemay be able to accomplish some Oustrie: Notorious French finissues.
them. All the more so as the Stal.
much in influence and have become gorically reject dual unionism, the thing here is the true measure of ancier. Industrialist, shady stock Inists have long since renounced Motley Sponsors 80 completely Isolated from the theory of the united front from bei THE MILITANT this latest stalinist outfit.
speculator, trust magnate, intimate them and given them over to us. Who are the sponsors of the masses because of the seetarian, low and the theory of social fasc East 16th St.
of politicians in all camps swindl.
er. Finally brought to trial and Our program we will build up on projected anti war congress in disruptive and stupid policies of ism. Continued in the next issue)
condemned Trans.
the foundations established by the Shanghai? The same people who the Communist International, that! The New Party must guaranDiscussion Articles For a New Communist Party by Ben Gitlow me the Party of by the are One should not be misled by Freres have been sent. that impersonally was the party dispersed Communist Party can never of This article is written in order program of the Comintern, we must Dersons of the Marley stamp, who tione line of the Third Interna the acceptance of the program of