BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

PRICE THEMILITANT CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the post office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME VI, NO. 48 (WHOLE NO. 195 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1933 PRICE CENTS Hitler Bombshell at Geneva Strike Wave Hits Canada Trial Exposes Nazis Guilt Struggles Show Labor Revival German Fascism Bids for Frame up Victims Face Death Arms Independence political Order Bellusi to Be Deported Unemployed Die nations worker all of e of proToronto, growing movement of the masses Every day raises in bolder relief to tear away the gng, sends shivers During the past several months and as such it assumes a con before the entire world what of fear down the spines of the inthere has been developing in Can character. In Canada stantly more definite political gruesome farce is taking place in alcters. more patent frame up ada a strike movement of portentous character has been brought brazLepig. Even the wretched trave has not been known in this crook.
moment. Parallel to the movement enly into the open by the intersty upon justice conducted by the capitalist world. The spectre of in the United States although much vention of the military in StratNaxl savages has heralded to the the denunciation of the whole world smaller in size, the strike wave ford. Much depends on the out in Canada is sweeping across the victory here would spur the the act hun driven the Fascist persecutcountry, gathering momentum with vacillating furniture workers against the Soviet Union; Seek French Aid.
cused, the brave Communists in the ens fruttic.
each victory and giving the urge throughout the province forward, dock, but Ineradicably on the lit The contradictory evidence of to increasingly greater struggles it would set the spark to the Can Last Saturday Hitlerite Germany he makes the just demand: oni to evince that political deter lerite necusers.
the Nazi dupe, Van Der Lubbe, thew the first monkey wrench of the masses.
been on the verge of strike for bolted the League of Nations and that basis to be allowed an oqul mination that was necessary The evidence that appears before into the well oiled plan to place Theoretically, the situation bere several months now. and these the Geneva Disarmament Confer apportunity to arm up to the stan. for throwing down Communism is of very broad significance, espestrikes in turn would give an im ence in a precipitant action which the court. the evidence that has the heads of the Communists on cially in the contrast it presents petus to other struggles.
Faseism Seeks Military hold it down.
leaked into the trial, the testimony the hangman block. The solemn the press universally describes as verdict of the International Com.
to the American situation. The LEVINE.
Independence a bombshell. Insofar as the Ilit aseist Germany is out to get a leader alludes further to the aims question of the immediate source In the same speech, the Nazi or any of those that have been able mission of Jurists that sat in Lon.
of the strike wave is somewhat lerist maneuver contributes to a tree hund in girding itself for its of Germany newly gained indedon confounded the executioners.
The thundering indictment of Torsimplified because of the absence more complete and accelerated de next, external atack. The unkind pendence of action sler and Dimitroff. tortured and of an to inculpate; that composition of the farce of capital. ese cast by the United States upon It is not immaterial whether this immediate source is the cyclist internationaliem. the bomb the British French hegemony on on the Rhine or on the North beast, has announced to the wide ical upturn can be concretely 11the continent, its disinterested shell has no doubt hit its mark.
Sea the outposts of the spirit.
lustrated by reference to the spe.
that the diabolle scheme of in Fire and neutral stand; the aloor ually revolutionary and expancific Instances composing the move After the departure of Japan last position of Mussolini, growing out sive Asiatie world empire stood year, the German Austreten as of Italy special interests unAnd voice of the revolutionaries.
ment for example, the strike of watch. when the National Los Angeles. now the Brown Book of Hitler Ter.
the workers of Hallman and Sable Philadelphia. Antonio Bellusl, athe Nazi diplomats express it doubtedly aids Hitler strategy.
took place at a time when the firm militant Italian worker, has been leaves little more of the League France and England are faced with Socialist movement snatched Germany back from the brink Capitalism cruelty and stupid. ror looms ominously before the was doing its heaviest businescuck The deportation proceedings against The sudden and startling move for military independence.
in ordered deported to Fascist Italy. of Nations than its bare name. u fait acompli in the German move ity have taken a toll of 88 unem drum head court martial. For the Fascists four years, the upholsterers The of this threatening catas poe; it not only the proyed in Lah Angeles Griffith time being the German Park fire of October. All that retempt to place the onus of guilt under the condition of similar him, which have been pending for of the leich followed repeated and hope for allied control over Ger.
have been diverted from the at.
people, but also rendered a industrial pick up; and the strike some time, resulted in this deci increasingly difficult attempts, of man armaments arising less from historical service to the rest mained of 61 missing men were for the Reichstag fire on the com than of Europe.
cured at a time when new orders ed in Wilkes Burre on the charge to hold the lines of the status quo from a view to more distant ad. Hitler Eastern Orientation charred bodies have been identified. munist victims. They are busily were bringing the workers back to or distributing the Militant. He achieved by their robbers treaty vantages hins been badly shaken preoccupied with exonerating Goer.
Several hundreds are in the hospital and his accomplices, who are On the basis of extending this tals. number of the injured will the real incendiaries.
their jobs.
has been in Gloucester immigration of Versailles, and of Nationul So by the Nazi bombshell Radical Term of Movement station for several months. We cialist Germany, on the other hand. historical service. by a transition die.
The Iteich government, on its from the defensive to the offensive The work at which the unem The curtain has been lifted.
Because of the absence of an want all workers sympathetic to to achieve arms equality and a part has made clear that in strik (for which full armament freedom ployed are put consists of build. Nothing the Hitlerites may do will NRA, however, movement here Communisun to write to comrade free hand in war preparations. The net fornemmelpende in needed. the French ruling class ink roads, camp sites, bridle paths, Blind the world as to who is the has taken a more radical direction. Bellusi there.
In Canada, even more than in the Comrade Bellasi has been active conomic situation into spostwar cements com eration, les a German rapprochement. It de more attractive to the parasites of deed. The secret pissage from the the workers are still unorganized americal since 1918. In that yeurship a clique of political adventur. et al. On the contrary. In bis more fuly. But it already knows Park were 00 men Politica! deliberate absence of the Berlin and therefore more bitterly oppress, he joined the Italian Socialista prepared speak meble the setion, sem hierota Hitler er noget ed by the crisis. The growth of Party. Later he joined the Com was only to be expected that tbe action, Chancellor Hitler goes Drink Nach Osten more than surcharge Ablaze started in one of blazing proof that the spark was the depression gave rise to a promunist arty of Italy founded by themselves to any degree masters latest step is not at all intended ficiently clear.
latter would, moment they felt of his way to point out that this Eastern orientation. the experienced fire fighters were in had done its intended damage, 18 cells of gradual liquidation of the Bordiga. It we do not stop this of their own house, initiate drastie as an affront to the above the blind canyons.
ignited by the brown hordes to lower strata of the bourgeoisie: deportation comrade Bellusi will action on the foreign front.
two and now that the industrial revival be delivered over to He goes further than What is involved is an attempt The day had been hot and the porvide the exeues for the proserip, Mussolini is returning the workers to the cuscist murderers.
German Communist The Adventurism of Despair that. The Nationalist liter makes Russia and the colonization of the time the 3400 men were told not Party.
factories they are indir them The men whom the agonizing bury the hatchet with the Erbfeina Ukraine. To this end the French to go home but remain to put out selves integrated into larger and Torgler, Dimitrofi, Popof and units assistance from the in power are destined to extend there the hereditary enemy who takes bourselsle is prepared to talk busi the fire. The moro rebellious Which in itselt would produce an Philadelphia. The Commit adventurema este despair Beyond the sich dan important place in the elemento consider the question spirits, who refused were threat. Taucft stand in the shadow of the urge to unionize.
teo Agaiust Deportation failed to na tonal bordered interese Calle at ideology of the Nazis. It is generally known that such orders, and with clubs.
gentlemin of motley liberal shad It would be a tremendous Rise of the Strike Wave hold meeting week web event. said Hitler, it the two had armament propaganda which has a direction of Nazi foreign age! Who were these unemployed ings have agreed to their innocIt is of interest to truce the Deen arranged were postponed characterized the inter European peoples could once and for all gression is more immediate than Agul and youthral laborer and ence. But that is not enough to progressive development of the unive the support of the the World War, Hitler attempted will have to be done diplomatic maneuvers ever since ban force from their common a war against France. It is known white collar poorly stay the hand of the Fascist butch.
movement over the course of the toor life. After the return of Saar that in such a case, the aid of othered, poorly shoul and poorly clothier. Only the mighty power of the past few months. Beginning with workers for comrade Bellusi.
to the Reich, only a madman powers, financial and otherwise, Ised. They had just finished a fati.
international proletariat can shatter June there have been the following to set universal approval for his Goering plan to reestablish Prussian millcould believe in the pissibility Superative for Germany. repre suing day work underneath the the plant fruhe Hitler strikes. of war between the two states.
sentative This protarism within the framework test has to our meurs. We cannot undestand why totally ignorant of fire fighting not been Strike of 1000 mine workers of the League of Nations. Facing, us French German Alliance?
The working class must not be Glace Bay, Nova Scotia In the Inclination to accept this over anyone sliould unreasonably reOPEN FORUM. movable a version on part of the ture was not meking among French Down the steep canyon walls the silent.
face of a lockout when they re main attached to a type men rushed, impatient to put the the capitalsts that international In its protest it must show cedure and international mech.
fused to accept a pay cut.
fire out, anxious to get home. But solidarity is not dead. Let this cry anism which has missed its Strike of 2000 lumbermen of the THE NRA AND THE AMERICAN er gains og er achieved ruling circles, iminediately after it the flames flared, the men attempt resound thorughout the four corn.
aim, Hitler appeal has created Thunder Bay region for an increase WORKING CLASS Germany by the Versailles pact. ent stand of Germany was an ac.
ed to elimb the canyon only to fall ers of the globe; let it be thun a new situation. In new into the flames like scorched thies. dered forth in huge demonstrations of thirteen cents per cord.
bring about a showdown by an open arose of how to deal with the new fashion conversation seems posSpeaker: Strike of 350 fur workers in Tor.
JACK eiupers (unemployed) are not and strikes: Torgler, Dimitrofr, sible. Le Jour, October 17.
WEBER break which would clearly be of reality. French German cooperaonto which won for them a 20 for state Workmen Com oport und Taneft must be freed!
advantage to him.
French Munitions for Germany increase and reduction in hours.
pensation. Barring an undeterminFriday, October 27th, 1933 tion, on a new, separate basis, was Strike of 100 camning but triviul factory He merely seized opportunity a possibility in any case.
France is preparing to bow beed The P.
families of these men workers in St. Catherines against CHICAGO MEETING offered by the British French stub sentiment in this direction fore the inevitable and to try for mange the slim of county ingrew ARNE SWABECK wages of 10 and 16e per hour. Suc at International Workers School boraness at Geneva last week. The with the publication of the Fascist sew gains, new advantages on a are to be complete objects of the cessful 126 East 16th Street bacitist Hitler throws the onus for chancelor speech in full. different basis. From the appear.
The blood so ance of things, the new French ts of murder of the the failure to disarm right into the striking passage therein reads: Strike of 700 workers of the THE FUTURE OF INTERNAunemployed will not come off the orientation already hus taken roots.
Mereury Mills in Hamilton. Con face of the British and the French, Auspices: Manhattan Branch. When, however, the French TIONAL COMMUNISM and their dilatory tactics. Winning The French firm of munition manu bands of the capitalist class. The premier asks why the German Communist League of America cessions won.
sympathy thereby for his sincere youth is marching and falling facturers, Schneider Creusot, at Strike of 1400 miners in Est (Opposition)
Interntaional Labor Lyceum desire for prace and disarmament in line, reply, it is not to de recently accused of furnishing 400 Into the collective consciousness of Coulee, Alta. Successful.
ADMISSION 10 CENTS from all sorts of neutral bations. Continued on Page 1)
the masses the guilt of capitalism monstrate against France, but 2557 North Ave.
has been branded.
Sunday, October 223 Strike of 250 upholsterers in Toronto under the leadership of the Large wage creases won.
Joint strike of 700 furniture workers in Alve factories, and 80 workers of the Swift Co. in the town of Stratford. This can truly The Hotel workers of New York 18, 000 workers participate in this strike that won the admiration of of the Hotel and Restaurant work the mobilization of all the Frater. of Unions is subordinated wave, from the point of view of to the organization call of the city of New York could not openstead of serving as a basis for out that now, more than ever, the The outstanding organization of movement, so the industrial form its mullitamey, these proportions of Hotel and Restaurant Branch of their dining rooms, because hot further struggles, led to the weak. workers must undertake seriously this nature in the Geneva. Rumors of our union is not always a guar has taken on, and its potential the Amalgamated Food Workers. only the waiters were on strikeening of the union. This was not the establishment of one union In are widely circulating that already antee of its automatte application after effects. This of its leaders have received a fat por. Therefore the workers themselves, adian town of 17, 000 people has it surpasses the most optimistic with their assistants and dishwash. bosses but from the very people comrade Citio were International Balerents of really expectations of those workers who ers. The Hotel Men association who were bragxing about revoluthusiastically by the worked ention of the sum that the Hotel who join our Industrial Union, been witnessing pre. Men Association have raised in must be educated to understand portent. devoted themselves to the great refused very stubbornly to recogtionary devotion and the rest. The sent. The Stalinists could not ac. order to combat the efforts of the four union thororticipate in its they were stalinists split the union in order cept such a proposal because their workers to organize into a power encouraged to and must be Mass Movement in Stratford task of building the union again to nize the union its former strength This splendid forced to grant almost all its de to build The strike of the furniture response is not at all accidental mands, that is, higher wages, the under their exclusive control. plainly in the columns of the Daily sectarian organization high priest Browder told them ful union.
leading committees and especially In other words, the bosses are in its organization committee. Then workers was called on Sept. 14. but on the contrary nus anguistinca establishment of eight hours work, It must be said The strike of the Swift workeration in the fact that this unlon has day off and sanitary conditions organization, the Food that this Worker that many trade union already preparing certain seabbing and only then will we be able to dWorkers functionaries of the Party took place in an entirely spontane shown the workers in the past (lockers, washing rooms, and the Industrial Union, did the worst working in other untons must at is necessary to follow carefully the Hotel and Restaurant industry while machinery to defeat our efforts. It all our great task of organizing ous manner on the Monday follow that it can defend its interests in rest. They employed negroes as service to the Hotel workors of the same time try to build ing. It was quickly taken in hand an effective way.
strike breakers and this fact alone the those steps of the bosses. One of so thoroughly as to insure there by the and almost in our city. While accepting partici Revolutionary unions In other our clementary duties Twenty one years ago, in 1912. must teach us how necessary it is pation last August in united words, go out and smash the other proach the members of the Geneva Llotel Men Association. Other knitted into a solid mass movement. their chefs and head Waiters exer. Already many negro workers are to confuse the workers by distri they are unable to rele stently the two strikes became the Hotel Men Association through with equal rights in our ranking for union agitation attempted elements who destroy whatever join our Union and, at the samele, even if the bosses will be is Corcel to recognize the demande Returned soldiers served as buglers cised a virtual terror over the coming to the headquarters inquir buting cards, bearing the addrersThe following meeting took placencter of their leaders who, as temporarily, under the pressure of time, to expose the scabbing char of the workers they will do only factory to another whenever help more effectively. Conditions be also organized a central employ spokesman, Gromber, evaded the and Restaurant Workers Unioning but agents of the bosses. The manent gains, and not permit the to summons the men from one workers in order to exploit them ink about our drive. The bosses of their own organization. Their under the auspices of the Hotel in plainly known to all, are noth the drive. In order to assure per was needed. The whole town is came so intolerable that the work ment office with a black list carry question of fusion of the two un because the Stalinists violated the Geneva especially always aims to bosses to throw overboard all these behind the strike employed unemployed, returned men and iting themselves into a union. The workers.
Anders determined to end them organi ing the names of the militant Hoteljons and spoke the worn out phrases united front by not only withdraw serve one purpose, namely, the in concessions it is necessary to force IN militia men. When it was suggest a. of union, with its craft Because our union did not suc.
of trade unionism. Comrade Giting themselves from it but also by terests of the Headwaiters and this recognition of the union and militia be called upon to maintain and ed in the city council that the divisions did not inspire the Ilotel ceed in forcing the Hotel Men low, speaking as the representative evading the fusion of the two un Captains. Only our Union is in the closed shop.
lons into one.
position to serve effectively the Let all of us redouble our efforts orđer, it was discovered that the and Restaurant Workers. There Association to recognize it andet They resorted to such debasing terests of the Hotel and Restaurant and bring into the union more tel entire militia was out on the line igre, they preferred to tersane thus to secure the closed shop, the and degrading methods is for in workers. The 54 hours a week and low workers in order to force our stance the carrying of huge signs the apprenguee extensively in an we can put a stop to the miserablo which are bosses to recognize our union. Thus the mayor appealed to the govern eccepting in its ranks every retaining a few who were devoted worker of the shop. The 1912 strike and willing to keep the discussed quite ment who promptly sent him is still remembered by many old alive. The next effective struggle To Celebrate the Fifth Anniversary Anns meeting took place informing have been inserted in the code ifend the humiliation that we the troops and four tanks from other e organization ing to the Palm Garden where the other article in this issue, would wages and long hours. We can also towns. This action raised a storm timers the industry as th the first took place in 1924 when the Union of protest throughout the country. militant attempt of the workers to had as closed shops the entire Proc. of the American Opposition and the workers that the mass meeting our Union as well as the other Hotel and Restaurant workers, would take place the next day. In unlons did not undertake their or are forced to undergo, not only The of locals in Stratford euforce humane conditions of work. tors Corporation, that is, the main the Sixteenth Anniversary of of this sabotage hall was inizational drives. Ver soon the from the guests of the hotels, but formed a united front with the ganive the workers, still it Broadway cabarets. But when the Russian Revolution on this issue. Tremend Tacked and was addressed by com hearing will be held in Washing also from the militaristic comClosed the on Saturday, Nov. 4th, 1938, P. rades Cannon, Gitlow and Field and ton, and the stronger we are mands of our head waiters and ous demonstrations were staged at ceeded in bringing home the deter union was reduced to four closed others. The union was succeeded the easier it will be for us to enchets. We must always thear In At STUYVESANT CASINO in organizing more than 2, 000 workforce our demands in the code. mind that besides the kitchen and than half the town turned out. rant workers to put an end to the shore comprising in all not more workers 9th Street and Second Avenue humiliating conditions.
In normal times strikes occur in we The 1929 Strike and Split ers in more than 35 hotels, some The Fight for Union Recognition the dining room departments the The Strike of 1918 sporadle manner and have value ADMISSION In 1920 this same union under 50e As could be expected this rapid can also organize the other workgrowth of the Union created quite ers of the hotels who are equally almost entirely as Individual ecoIn 1918, another attempt at or took the organization of the Cafe Auspices: Local y. Communist New York City.
Bosses Prepare to Fight Union a great problem to be handled by exploited by our bosses, that is, nomte struggles. The present sanizing the Hotel workers was un teria workers and succeeded splen League of America (Opposition)
The bosses, in anticipation of the a few workers. The form of its chamber maids, laundry workers, strike wave, on the other hand, is dertaken by this union, this time didly in mobilizing more than three 126 East 16th Street pending militant light of our union, constitution fortunately, is an ideal elevator operators and the rest definitely organle process, al of a far wider scope. More than thousand workers in a militants already are putting into motion, one. But as the form of the ARIST, CALDIS.
on The Organizing Campaign of the New York Food Workers Banquet 1P20