Bolshevik PartyBolshevismCapitalismCentrismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE It is Necessary to Build Anew Communist Parties and an International. How would recipe of in of The Course Toward the Reform of the went out of his way to pave with core busclisme lectus meil one of meer uriat for the socialist revolution. cracy but not ut revolutionaries, en compt wakı in 1912 one for a new historic stage. Nobody of the class struggle. The victory the struggle of the world prole of view of luckies of the bureau mean by this designation the atAt the time of its inception, the Opposition. Analogous phenomena, the revolutionary useent of the pros political prognosis is accessible bureaucracy grows us The result of interestedly as well as externally do unieron atempts of its kind, to of the Left Opposition posed as its task, only on a lesser scale, can be ob letariat. With inevitahle halts and only to thousands or tens of thou the buckward state of the cept by means of a correct policy: unite the Bolsheviks and the Menthe reform and the regeneration of the by means of Marxist critetin in the life of all the sec partial retrearoad littered with subject to the pressure of millions untry) and of the delay of the pro ondary importance or are simply alle a similar attempt not in Aug.
of the it is necessary to sands of men, who moreover are the predominance of the peas all other considerations have Socheviks: ket is reall that Stalin icism and interual factional work.
In a whole series of countries, pur To this we must add, that the ed with the debris of the past. If rent cannot obtain startling vie absence of independent revolution numberless obstacles and encumber of others. The revolutionary cur letarian revolution in the West (the lying phrases.
ist 1912, but in March 1917! In the last years buve revealed with speaking, camiot be measured in adanyone is frightened by this lettories in conditions when the pro ury purties of the proletariat. In party. It is an administrative apvain of reuse one would first of all crushing force, the pernicious char vance, merely with the help of its him step aside.
letariat in its entirety suffers the its turn the domination of the Stal paratus in the hands of an uncon have to recognize the Stalinist buacter of the policy of bureaucratic symptoms. living verification of centrism. But the stalinist bureau events istine impossible in the fact to be explained, createst defeats. This is no reason fuist bureaucracy led not only to trolled the ranks reaucracy as the representative of the whose analysis and prognosis were cisely in the periods of revolu of the proletariat in the there are grouped dispersed elements quire us to post the question of the. and ordinary repressions, opposed, not last year to state that it was confirmed by the whole march oftionary ebbe that tested cadres are but also to u dreadful weakening of two principal parties; proletariation of the second and Third unsuccessfully, its interests and its absolutely excluded that the Bal developments, grows too slowly? it formed which will later on be call or the proletariau vanguard of the lan and Boma jartist Thermidorian. Internationals. Isot there is no caste prejudices to the exigencies of shevik Leninists succeed is necessary to look for this cause ed upon to lead the masses to new whole world. The coutradiction loating above the two, the con question of either one or of the historical development. The result supporting themselves on the sharp once again in the general march conquests.
was that the evolution of the ening of the class struggle, in foreSoviet State and the reactionary gle of extermination took the path not of regeneration ing the onto the path of a New Reserves the aim to mask the fact that the role of the Stalinist bureaucrucy Bolshevik Leninists. While from brandierite opportunits are trying but of decomposition and disintereal struggle against Fascism. The itself as one of the man. time to time coming into sharp cun to get into gooil gruer with Stalin.
attempt then made by the The attempts made more than the left, that is to The course towards reform. to take an independent position did once in the past to create a second There can, however, be no question development. We are forced to allies, the stultists, however, evo Communism. It the ILW uf unevuul Ilict with their Thermidorian, Iris centrs on the basis of amnesty, whilst Bolshe.
taken in its entirety, was, however, not serve to intluence the march of party or a fourth international of their recognition of the Stalinist make this historically kivell cult the road for the wiping out, the vik Leninist phone as their task not incorrect: it represented a neevents ment, the masses await experience of certain groups and ised. Up till now these tett social vur revolutionary policy.
because at the mind their origin in the sectarian leadership so hopelessly comprom uuiction our point of departure strangling and the corruption of the the building of a proletarian party essary stage in the evolution of the critical Bolshevik jarty.
the foundation of prin Marxist wing of the it gave od political leadership from their circles, disonchanted with Bol. ist organixutions have used against The so called Friends of the If the cannot achieve veritieel in the kitent struggles, us the opportunity to educate the old organizations. In carrying out sbevism, and this is why they met us our refusal to detach ourselves Soviet Union (left democrats, paci socialist without the proletarian victories and defents of the imper cadres of the Bolshevik Leninists the faction policy and in educating with misfortune every time. We do trom the and to build anists, Braudteritus and their ilk) revolution in the West, without the talist with.
and was not without iufluence on its cadres as to the experience of not proceed from our own subjec dependent party. Today, this sharp repeat in chorus with the function regeneration of a real proletarium the workers movement in its benevertheless, did not conceal, neither sionment but from the objective march of de trom quen that this policy, the Left Opposition. Live discontentment and disiltu uinterence is eliminated by the uries of the that the struggle international, the Bolshevik Lewin On the New Road ty. At all times the polley of Thus the anainst the Stalinist bureaucracy, ists cannot by their own forces re.
Stalinist bureaucracy was subjected to itself nor to others, the fact all, the criticism of Kenerate the Bolshevik party and The task of these these is to call to the pressure of the Left Oppost the new detent de the coletarian. march of the class struggle. Au discussion is program its false policy, renders aid to the stve the dictatorship of the prolepon the comrades to consider comtion. The progressive measures of a product of the policy of centrism, the proletarian revolution impera. matie and political questions. The couter revolution. This is a point tariat the government of the Will inevitably take on a decisive tively demand a new organization new party will be superior to the pleted, the preacut historic stage and to mark out a new perspective which have held back the coming character and will demand a funda of the vanguard and bring to it the old one it, standing firmly on the and the Work. But what hus been suid basis of the decisions of the first borrowings from the Left the question. faction or party?
above si ill does not predetermine The disintegration of the social pour congresses of the in its The defense of the Soviet Union viet Union, their constant favoring the next practical step, the con democracy proceeds parallel with program, in its tactic and its or against the danger of military in of the united front with the Stalitcrete changes in policy, the rhythms the collapse are the car. However anization, it knows how to drawervention has now become a more Change of Orientation and the meihods of the transition deep the reaction is What is most dangerous in polithe of the German tariat itself, hundred the prole the balance of the terrible lessonsurgent task than ever before. The sts against intervention and couno the new road. It is only after of thousands of the last years.
official sections of the aro im tor revolution all that will bave naving assured agreement of priuThe Bolshevik Leninists tics is to fall victim to one own fate of the Austrian fate of of workers throughoat the world formula, which wus opportune yes. the Bulgarian etc. is irre cannot but pose to themselves the begin orien negotiations with the wil others. The defense of the so oublie. The more acute the dans to believe that such an agrev should potent in this field, as they are internal development of the Soviet and previous experience permis an immense importance on the inciple concerning the new orientation terday, but which has lost all confutable testimony to the fact that question of the further paths of the Left Socialist organizations. We slet Union has become an emptygers at home and abroad become out will be reached amongst us tent for today.
The collupne of the German only the fate of the cued not struggle and of a new organization propose as a basis for discussion ritual plura. se in their mouths. The and the greater the force reprehat the concrete tactical questions, in Germany there was decided but of the forces. Other hundreds of the eleven wints missed by our neglect of the covers itself ities for teh Stalinist bureaucarcy: The Boscow leadership not only near future. To demand of these led the joint of faction and party manner of the anti Mascist congress trian vanguard, the less the Stall the order of the day. In any zation of the international prole uitrerent countries, can be placed policy and or, on the com lind assured Fritler victory but have left the with indignationally, we are ready to discuss ang at trary, a complete strangulation of prohibited discussion of what had and the majority of whom did not other programmatic proposal in aut Austedim. She actual resist wists instar as they remain case, it is not a question of immy vention on the part of the imper united front. The new relationship an independent international, but of of the end the left opposition prohibition was neither rejected years, to demand of them that they should demonstrate and we will dentists will be even more Instyuilic of forces will have to weaken e prering it. The new perspective Way guided by this theoretical pos. nor oven violated. No national con recognize the leadership of the Stal monstrate that transigedemount than the resistance it has put strengthen the Bolshevik Leuinists and dealing the reintegration of dictatorship of the bureaucracy and that counting on reform sibility when, while already progress. ho international congress, ist þureateracy, which is incap principle bas nothing in nouncing the slogan of a new party no discussion in the party meer. Table of learning anything or of for with sectarian exclusiveness. We up against Elitler. To nourish anyside the and open an the Oppositionists into the official the Marxist policylusions on this subject means to for Germany, it still left pendingings, no polemie in the press! Angering alaything would be niso will low that of the reform march with eyes closed towards the incomparably mure favorable Terties should be definitely discardthe question of the fate of the organization which has been awak. tie and only retard the formation signifies the It was clear, however, that the ened by the thunder of Fascism and of the proletarian vanguard. It ist workers into the camp of revolucatastrople. For an active defense rective for the Workers Republic astopian mul reactionary. care aily work should take on an infollowing weeks would have to sup which humbly supports such humi writably, there will be sincere comtion and not in pushing the revoluor the Soviet Union it is necessary as a whole.
Only the creation of Marxist dependent characer determined by porn awer numediately and eations on the part of the bureau munists in the ranks of the stalim soars workers into the campo med olutionary. com ganizations, independent of the stal international, completely independ the possibilities and the forces at auswer would be favorable.
The formation in several couninist bureaucracy, standing on their ent of the stallmist bureaucracy is dead and that nothing will re with fright and even with indigna.
Save: of action. The Left Opposition All that happened after the fifth vive it. To say this openly and tion against our new orientation. tries of strong revolutionary or own feet and having support among politienily oprised to it. And land and that by the formal notion the from collapo by mally casts to consider itself and of the Praestaloud is a real duty towards the For some of themi, perlaps temporanizations, freed of responsibility the masses.
of Marchsituation in Germany. proletariat and its future.
dium Silent official animosity. However, it is necessary formist al centrist bureaucrats, ment of such revolutionary organta fate of the world proletariat recomes an dependent organlation which makes its own road. Not before this resolution, anti Fascistle, that we must take our point to be guided not by sentimental and armed with a Marxist program and nations, their struggle for the So. olution.
Unly does it create its fructions in of of all our future work. personal considerations but by the a clear revolutionary perspective, the social democracy and the Stalcriterion of the mass.
will open a new era in the devel7. Liquidationism. inist mirties, but it carries on in At a time when hundreds of opment of the world proletariat.
dependent work among the non3. Realism against Pessimism thousands, millions workers. These organizations will attruct to The bureaucratic charlatans (and the necessity for an illegal organizarty and organized workers.
Democrat and Communist, which ities. The causes of the collapse themselves from Communism, partly ments, who today still do not dare ites) Nieak of our liquidationism :ment of a hopelessly false prolley: the trade unions independent of the The fact that two parties, Social general, renounce revolutionary pol. Articularly in Germany, separate them all the real Communist ele their lackeys, such as the Brandler tion, but who made it the instruit creates its basis of support in had both grown up half a century of the social democracy and officin ter url Pacim, a majority in the 2k with the Stalinist bureau with neither sense or scruples they they jused as their immediate task trade union policy of the Statin.
parture in the theory of Marxism the Marxist theory nor in the bad tens of thousands of social dem they will gather under their Isolsivevik vocabulary. Liquidation tion, the preparation of armed in conditions are favorable, it partiel apart from the same point of de. Communism are to be found not in camp of Indiference, thousands and clicy and, what is more important, repeat words torn out of the old after the vanquishing of the revolutist burateracy. Where and when work and the class interests of the pit but in the concrete conditions or of the same defeat are evolving to ers.
Towards the letariat should have come to party under constitutional czar were many irreproachable revolu centrist organizations including the end of their road so miserably one the historical processes. It is not and the ism, by trying to replace revolt of them later returned to the rank general principles of the policy of by base betrayal, the other by bank a question of opposition between.
ruptey, this fact can engender a abstract principles but of the strug legality of Bolshevismu. The existence of the Soviet Un the beginning of a frightful reaccouuter revolutionary feeling of despair even in the ranks gle of living social forces with their Where inevitable ebb and flow, with the son, despite the advanced degeneration in the entire world, perhat Wat have we in common with the No lose false are the statements above all, it applies the polley of are the guarantees that the new rev. degeneration of organizations, without of the workers state, remains for decades. The struggle for the liquidators? It would be more op the stalinists and their Brand he united front to defend the so olutionary rise will not suffer the the wearing out of entire general even today a fact of immense rov Conserwatot. the cleansing ders mind the ultimatists (Bogdanov and is creating an August contion and from internal counter reythe fortune on this occasion to call tolerite lackeys that the latt Opponi. viet Union from external interven. The collapse streetheaning of the dist would mark state is indissolubly connected with others) who completely recognized Cerence against Bolshevism. Thesolution.
guarantees beforehand should, in therefrom of mobilizing fresh forces of the Soviet proletariat is as yet not unionized, Aux Into of unions to the particularly in the decisive basic utmost and the fuct remains that industries. This means in the land the great bulk is outside of even the reactionary unions (to say guage of politics that the slogan nothing of the unemployed. The Since March the German pro nuclei. In the trade union meet of livelihood. In order to support posed on paper. This means that stage can be achieved and passed letariat has been cut off from the ings of the Workers Front the mis family, his wife hud to go to to reality the file can net politica very rapidly, provided we ourselves outside world. It depends on rum workers are compelled by threats work as a servant. Instead of this tion can acquire only the political can take the necessary loup aleadors and hearsay. The small cadres with raised arms and singing the stuff like Capital Any comment content of reformism government in this direction. Not vuly must that are still active hardly dare Horst Wessel song. The right of on this would be supertuous. At ownership.
The Isolation of the Vanguard and forming but we must initiate who are kuown to them and distri sions at the meetings, are things of tymus or praise to the Leader. In proposing the slogan for naslogan of nationalization, If divorotionalization, comrade Weber seeks ed from the slogan of workers con In this connection touching the unions where non exist. The trade bute material. The majority of the past. Nobody has any right to he llorst Wessel song was then reformist economic and political organization on theses 2010 Com the comrades of the former parties talk any more, everybody can only Bokuuse of the experience in principle.
to forestall any objections to it trol, could have only content, and the meat of the prole. Bres chart the course that is mare hanging in mid air. The only listen. If anyone dares a single with the book printers, the doors opportunistic) political discount as inmediately aliend. In the periodim. possibility for coming into contact word of criticism le must pay for woro corded by storm troopers In his opinion slogans are large But no proof is presented that the tarlat we ly a matter of expediency: and he slogan ot Workers ce would collequential or secondary the con medintely before us, our slogan must with them is by word of mouth. it in a concentration camp. The in plain clothes and nobody was time. dition of the vanguard itselt. Com. be INTO THE MASSES!
argues that the decision as to the not be adventuristie at disregard But wou we lose valuable time detene tea, hear the answer Abouly thing missing is for the union allowed to leave the hall before the or incorrectness of a Its adventuristie content is ex. rade Weber proposes to let me go, don see or members have to stand at attenfond of the correctness arm during this, emphasis on our judgment of the masses will rally around the slogan lated as set from the backward core studiely that mai vistes et ceeds in talking to a comrade of of the brown shirt caders.
slogan rests to a large extent (our cluded on the grounds that the the fact that the Vanguard is isolereby? Won that restrict our hear anything more. If one suetion while listening to the speeches did not raise bly stag.
got a shove in the elbow Arms first words are usuor unripeness, not of the nationalization. To a large ex. masses, and that even the left wing te Ist that syndicalisin, etc. the this 18 In the People House at Leipale up! And so it was that every in his anxiety to undow tlu eco blat it should come to the cele maanden mobile other new FROM BERLIN.
suced workers but of the mass tent we cannot be motivated by such (including here thereformists) etc. Of course of workers to rally around and considerations. Let us allow that constitutes an insiguificant minor fight for a given slogan. Such an the masses, to all their ofl to distinguish sharply enough betent of the widest possible scope of this misery. the most usual At the book printers meeting the come more difficult every day. Fusc appronch to slogans is one sided, Hess, do rally around the sty.
formalistic, and, in our opinion, nationalization what then Un tween the party and the class in his fervor to advance the masses answer is Only a war can save brown shirt colleague tried to ism is systematically trying less we cun tie up in reality this but also to stress the essential witically contacte en couler pes us. It we ask further, Against ruke an impressfon through his suppress every quiver of revolution fundamentally erroneous. selated looks also the fact that under pre Whom? we hear. Against France, courage in the face of the in. By the use of a terrific expenditure are. every and any strike against Poland, and inally against numerable threatening letters which or police force even those possible slogan Narxism For the Aemands the an control, what will be the political Vanguard cannot alysis of the economic reality, of content of the slogan of nationali. with its true political content. It acquires ul it attains a wide this. But this is silly we, whoday. He promised the printers which we still thought sure. The Immediately a political sis Soviet Russia. It we reply to he was supposed to receive every les of work are being destroyed the political foreground, and of the sution? The answer to this ques is only the power of organization miticance, political meaning of the slogan tion supplies the key to our accept of the Communists that enables the enough sweep, it becomes of primare against war, are boping for one that he would provide work for aseists have been learning As an example let us take a sloganance our analysis of the present the whole class. The unorganized ing the massey for much wider ac mostly. If no war comes, we do him and remarked, Yes, at relief dracouian laws, which new such as revolutionary national From in many defense. We cannot for a mo economic and political conditions, masses themselves can neither leap tvity: The economie struggle of the perish. But after this wa not know how they will let us rates! They were taken out of cases provide the death penalty for ment maintain that our acceptance we maintain that the slogan of na ahead nor advance, no matter how must the meeting and brought into a illegal political activity, are causing of, or objection to this slogan in tionalization cannot be advanced at much sound advice they receive proletariat becomes a political strucoine revolution. Even a non concentration camil At the end. Vacillations and uncertainty in the sle during an epoch of the delle party woman said to me a few the Horst Wessel song was sung. ranks of the remnants of the rev: volves no question of principle but present with a principled political from the sidelines.
of capitalism much quicker than days is largely a matter of expediency content. The question of workers yg ago, would sooner see my The majority of those present left tutionary cadres. Comrades, who of our ability to judge whether the control raises directly the question. True, we are faced with illimit during an epoch of its peaceful de husband fall in a war, than be torthe hall clemonstratively.
able opportunities and perspectives, velopment. Precisely because of tured to death by the Fascists.
were formerly very good commun.
masses will rally and fight for this of the agency whereby such a slogan but we must guard against befuddlthis, we can in a comparative Brown Shirted Trade Union Methods former chairman of the Bookbind certain circumstances. They also At the bookbinders meeting thoists, to lay become very soft under slogan. No matter how backward can be concretized. The fight for the workebers 120g may mally, we Historie task of factory committees cuts of nationalization plus workers cours, we cannot skip som har mes more heavily on the working cleanses his tabor skate, who inna boden sentence executed on the tour com may be, no matter In control over industry is the special me ourselves by seeking for short short time achieve advances beyond We pposed in principle to the lacking this historic agency, the control, we must root ourselves in casury historical stages.
slogan of national defense when slogan of workers control is mean the unions; the decisive section of In the shop, the workers are bechased out by the workers in 1019 munists in Altona.
Transitional Slogans ing forced into the Fascist shop and bad gone over into the camp Still the work is being carried ever the economic and political con ingless.
We must not confuse factory com. and not a small minority as at prethe proletariat must be unionized, of the class enemy, boasted of the on. mimeographed paper is pubThe initial steps must be taken that Life (1. reality special friendship of the great lished, and Unser Wort is districan here no political content other mittees with labor unions.
sent. We must first establish fac. Elementary mass organizations are than that of ouvinism. committees cannot be substity committees not merely as required. And in Economic alone is the final arbiter in the mat lender. Herr Kloth said he would buted. The paper has considerably When the war is an is Toll to raise this slogan is to betray our connection between the as an integral part of the element NRA, we must participate actively. Lionsree with him as to the conclu bookbinders into Nazis. In saying joys great prestige particularly principles. To raise this slogan to seek forector committees as ary mass organizations of the pro using our transitional slogans The song that must be drawn from the other be admitted that the majority among and circles.
a colonial or semi colonial country general slogun, when the bulk of letariat. When comrade Trotsky right to organize! The right of as stage we are opposed to the slogan tnde toward the Nazis. He openly If the number to cast of the yoke of imperlancing into unions is to leap over an hisation for England, he did not over. Only in this manner can the de Hence it is adventuristic, and it means failed.
the workers are not even organized proposed the slogan of nationali sembly! The right to strike! The of nationalization on principle. This threatened more drastic measures (India, China) when it on to your wrapper is 194 is entirely in keeping with our torical stage, from reality into look the fact that the bulk of the cisive sections of the proletariat be advancedl must inevitably acquire drove an attack against slogan Is divorced from reality, nainst those with whom gentler your subscription has expired.
Vaccuum. This does not mean that English workers was strongly un In his moterns If you want to get the Millit is not enough to we do not propose shop committees tonized, that factory committees mobilized. And the import of this an opportunistic political content.
Moreover tionalism. This fallaey, which was tant promptly every week only ask whether under the given in industrial unions of advanced were a reality and not a wisb ful mobilization must not be overlookan invention of that Karl Marx, renew your subscription at What must be done at present is was supposed to have brought the economic and political conditions, workers ready to take this sten Kliment.
once; per year for Afty in it. Once the workers have been to clarify through discussion among working class to its ruin. Only a slogan may aequire an opportuneven now. But we must remember Workers Unorganized two weekly issues;. 50 shall mobilized, once the base for factory the most advanced workers the when it was converted to national istle political content, we must that on the road of the development year for twenty six weekly also make sure that it excludes an of class toward class conscious ness, the labor unions are a gigan only backward, they are still un then the slogan of nationalization workers control, factory commit socialism would it begin to rise The workers of America are not committees have been established, whole question of nationalization, issues.
adventuristic political content.
tie step forward. The bulk of the organized. This is a fact. The ele and workers control will be on tees and what it directly involves, The former Marxist had the THE MILITANT Political Content of Slogan American workers, has yet to take mental urge toward organization is the order of the day. e. Workers Councils.
following to say about Marx, Marx)
126 East 16th St.
Comrade Weber admits that the this step: the bulk of the American manifest. But exaggerate the in. We agree with comrade Weber JOHN WRIGHT, was not even able to find a means Letters from Fascist Germany Discussion Articles On the Slogan of Nationalization In the the