BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismImperialismSocialismStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PRICE THE MILITANT 2 CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Oppoaltion) at 120 at 16th Street, New York, Satered as second claw mall master November 28, 1928 the post odloe at New York, under the set of Maradona VOLUME VI, NO. 47 WHOLE NO. 194 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1933 PRICE CENTS The Evil Genius of the American Labor Movement New Issues Disturb 53rd Striking Silk Workers Monument to Gompers Protest New NRA Code of Convention We have no argument with Roose und vilification with which the rul the ballyhoo spirit of the New teeth. As has been the case for hand the unions for whom the innot countenance this step guarding the dues. on the other clear the suik workers its Khaki Shirts Get Medals the proposed code of hoe beslenme Miners Strike Bucks The Cuban Government Moves to the Right It is fitting that in the apl of what has to be done. like The Paterson silk strikers have. At the present time a hearing is tal of the nation a statue should to lay my mind alongside of a met the latest intervention of the in progress in for a silk code.
stand through the ages to re mind that knows how to pull in Hovernment in its attempt to im. What will emerge from this hearing mind future generations of the harness. The horses that kick pose a code containing lower wages is still a matter for conjecture. But services that nation of a pa.
over the traces will have to be Mass Movement Surges against Old Forms; Roosevelt Threaters Strikers strike. They have chan those obtaining before the this much is certain: it the silk triot who served his country put in a corral.
well. In Harness. For the Bosses a man. The battle lines and regard to the conniving of the NRA From the outset of his career as These are President Roosevelt The fifty third annual convention of life belle it, then Johnson has the convention was inescapably it is this institution that is supsolid.
and the of the words of tribute in dedicating a labor leuder, Gompers caused the of the American Federation of this to say: The plain stark truth confronted with the issue that has posed to raise wages and improve ing. then theo epresented by Panken at the hear.
of the strike miral or an imperialist free booter Knew how to pull in harness uotLabor, now in session in Washing is that you cannot tolerate the Jurned within the labor movement conditions the NRA which has will be far evercome ble for the monument not to a general, an ad capitalist class little worry. He pers, the deceased president of the a lucrative hurvest from the plus us of this body representing more the workers have recourse to the cor decades: How to organize the silk workers that they return to but to a labor leader Samuel Gom for the workers. The bosses reaped per fare mods flap flere ste gather strike: I, in spite of this threat, senerelly and within the federation made the proposal to the striking strikers, The extension of the strike, the who workers, according to the official strike weapon then Johnson has the vast sections of the workers in the work uuder a minimum wage of maintenance of the picket lines president of the United States is uraded the fighting batallions of the Agures, than any time since its con collowing threat to make: Public trustified basic industries, rubber, Loosevelt New Deal is beginning to erson workers wrest victorious So lavish with his praise for Gom proletariat for the Judas gold of tab in Buffalo in 1917. Its attitude opinion is the essential power to automobile, steel, oll, etc. in craft peel ork for the Paterson workers settlement from the bosses.
miration for the man whom bel Gompers founded the American towards the NRA, the rising strike this country. In the end it will lor industrial unions The convenat least. The first intimation that pers because he feels a deep ad. respectability.
rightly considers not a tribune or bederation of Labor; he was its wave and the burning problem or break down and destroy every sub luon divided into two campe. On such raw deal was being put over versive iniluence.
the oppressed or a warrior for a president until his death in 1924. craft or industrial unionism are new society but a stanch pillar of for this activity he has not sur up for decision at this meeting.
It is unnecessary to write that the one side, the impotent craft uw by Roosevelt and his crew brought OPEN FORUM is challenge and ting it back into this the delegates did not accept the tous, Jealously guarding their auto delegation of striker from THE NEW YORK ELECTION CAMPAIGN profusely showers Deal. President William Green years the Lett Wing was conspicu. Justrial or vertical form are a mut to slave conditions that they would served this country ter of growth or stagnation.
when class Speaker: Gompers, quotinent. On the contrary be is glori blessings of the NRA, saying that ottice Bolders are monopolizing the MAX SHACHTMAN ed by Roosevelt, a to. a settlement on the picket line Friday Night, October 20th, 1933 Issue of Industrial Unionism in the citadel of American further, that the president himself whom Johnson has words of praise The New York Times reports that lenge to the bosses lie.
the masters are indebted to Samuel Imperialism. curse at the death will rely upon the hosts of labor tu as against the rebellious coal miu where they make the greatest chal at International Workers School Gompers.
of Big Bill Haywood, sigh of see this thing long and bitter debate took so tugrant was the proposed 126 East 16th Street If may be permitted to do satisfactorily ors, are running this show. The place over this question. The code, such an outright concession relier at the passing of Debes and through. Exactly what this reli. stalinist party, which has consist. and the arewery union de to the rayon bosses, that a peculiar so. said Wilson in 1917, want Auspices: Manhattan Branch.
to express my admiration of his Communist League of America a monument for Gompers! The ance on the president will mean the ently robbed the of of any legations led the fight for changing form of united front took place in Uligarchy of capital knows how to delegates were not long in finding orgauized Left wing, sent its the traditional form of the of Washington. Not only the delegu (Opposition)
patriotle courage, his large visestimate the work of labor lead out. Senator Wagner came before. of Committee on Unemployed. The craft form of organization tion of silk workers, but preachers, ADMISSION 10 CENTS ion and his statesmanlike sense ers.
It never could be said of dr. Gom that the working class, which had was refused admittance on the disputes wracking the Federation Dosses went to the capital to propers that he kicked over the ing class. His long years of ser four years of crisis, should resort to repsation and it was perempt the beavy industries.
already seated at in organizing the s0 largely to extreme met bods after the in are making the most of this coin vice, earning him such profuse revival has begun and when further brily thrown out by the police. No By a vote of 13, 872 to 5, 859 the cidence.
praise from Roosevelt, began with revival depends upon the success of word of protest was raised in the advocates of industrial unionism with unconcealed delight over what renegacy from the socialist move the program of cooperation. The couvnetion.
The Paterson Evening News purrs Inent whose ideas he assiunilated as strikes are plainly disturbing the were defeated. But the huge size a young cigar maker. He deserted Roosevelt administration Family Faction Fight of the minority vote foreshadows it considers a demonstration of New York City Silver medals a pure and simple craft untou socialism for the respectability of It is true that there is a faction the scope that the demand for incluse collaboration.
Jolinson Threatens Strikers tght in the Federation, But this dustrial unionism will assume in Paterson is making history to In spite of Senator Wagner, and for bravery in action have lately movement whose motto was a fair uch sharper, much blunter, and is only a family quarrel over the the future. In the end the push day for its industrial records! all the big and little flunkeys of been bestowed upon several mem. Jay wigo for a fair day work. ar more threatening was the warn spoils. John Lewis is making a away from the obsolete erait union The trek to Washington, which the of the striking miners Green is solidly en. will be irresistible.
brought several hundred Paterson in Pennsylvania have not accepted of America who took part in the socialists because they preached eral Johnson, Green had complain trenched. It appears that Green clash with anti Fascists in Astoria, doctrine of class hatred anti violed that the wages set in the codes and his lieutenants will retain the is provided in the resolution offer businessmen and clergymen togeth. ent policies of th An ironic touch to the convention silk strikers, manufacturers, dyers, this wisdom. When the magicNRA were reFierro, anti Fascist student was ers. No connection with the so urged that the organized workers cial servants of the capitalist class California Federation of Labor, cause, is an epochal demonstration cement that did not recognize the his comrade Athos Torxanl faces who might be contaminated killed. It is for Fierro death that cialists or the mass of the thought was so generously offered! These squabbles for place and urging a message to the California city.
use their power to gain what they in the labor movement.
stating ihat Mooney is innocent and of the civie consciousness of this United Mine Workers in the captive with inines of the Steel Trust, the minof radical ideasthis was his credo under NRA. This was mani sluceures give a picture or an accusation by General Art. La founding the For Lain issue wested the best at strike as a ver that there are severe tuere organetic ace your des cl well be remembered emploping thoughts and Juhom hand and Johnson had ordered them to Khaki Shirts.
ers standing outside of the sequest. spouse of the working class. Notization sworn the combuisie Stooney release and rk has been the almost automatic re this is seen a tidal wave of union that it was this same Scharrenberg in hand and, forgetting their basic 20 back to work, vice president Astoria atrair, including Smith. Lubor were also outside the contempted to persuade the delegates austries, have been added to the of Mooney bitterest condemnation, their proverbial enemies, the boss Eight of those who were in the ered cloister of the aristocray of so with General Johnson who at. Cederal unions are country. 300 who sabotaged the movement for differences of wages and hours. Murray of the NMWA had rushed the target stand shoulder to shoulder with head over heels to accept the setlement, Murray had promised that were decorated recently in Khaki cern of Gompers.
that their rights were effectively of in the recent period. Sigulticant it is that even the Schares, then there is some powerful mov iny miner who did not return to Shirts beadquarters in Philadelphia. Bulwark Against Radicalism protected under the NRA adminis. Whether they liked it or no, the renbergs are forced to give lip ing force which is welding together work would not live long. and This was done with pretentious The whole career of Samuel tration. And if the workers will bureaucrats of the Federation were service to a cause they hate. The so solidified and impressive a move still the miners stayed out.
ceremony. The silver medalla de Gompers was predicated on curry. not believe this, if their conditions forced to wrestle with this problem. masses are moving.
Even if Lewis, Murray and Co. scribed as the American Fascisting the favor of the master class, meritorious service cross.
This statement is calculated to try to pass off a sell out settleof showing them by deeds that the After General Smith received labor movement that he led was deceive the workers. The interests ment the miners understand the this honor from the, general staff good 100 American a bulwark of the bosses and the workers are difference. After all the money of his organization, he bestowed a against radicalism. In 1804 the far from identical. The Paterson which auch sellouts put into the like decoration on Adjutant Gen memorable strike led by the Amerisilk bosses are opposed to the preparses Lewis and Murray is eral Monaghan, Col. Pasquale can Labor Union and its great in sweated out of the hides of the Rogliano, Emilio Torres, Frank spartional force, Eugene Victor rank and tile against the officers wages and better conditions.
The recent flare up of the army force their demands for higher pay the exorbitant rates of the astrous to their business, their prominers who remain in peonage and Moter, Mario Martin, Albert Debs, dared the power of the rail barricaded in the National Hotel in American owned utility companies. fits, in the struggle with competit slavery. Even when the UMWA. Government Turns to Right New York City, which has ors. The silk workers can rest as misleaders threatened to outlaw the he At the same time a sliver cross sent the militia against the was pinned upon Mrs. Domenico. crs. On the other side the rail and strengthened the soldiers. The against the workers and the forci kilowatt hour. In Havana it How to weakened the goverument The sending of arned detachments electricity for domestic sured that the bosses will fight for strike, the ranks held firm.
The Miners Force Reconconsideration ized as the first martyr at the Knights of water and the paymentes tenporizing policy of governable suppression of the Communist seventeen; in the interior it is as policemen clubs white dispenser Result: President Rosevelt is now Khakl shirts. Sica was killed in Alliance which promised read ment with regard to the agents or Party in Havana and other cities high as twenty.
Altho they were pretty muy llor class collaboration.
almost talking of union recognition South Philadelphia in June, and the strikers. The country was in the Machado terror and now the marks end of the Martine sex whole towns are forced to do with Murray is again rushing headlong press reports said that he met his an uproar, the class lines were champlous of De Cespedes. The ernment development to the left out gas and electricity. Rev. Green Preaches to open new negotiations. The death during an attempt of the drawn taut and the unions soldiers attacked the otficers follow imperialism, and its evolution to the Under the pressure of the increas.
Lo confer with the Khaki Shirts to break up an anticlamoring for action for supporting the latter provocation testitied right out of fear of the workers rexluced the publie services. All The President of the American bort, the miners have forced Roost ing difficulties of his rule, Machado Fascist meeting in a hall. Inves of the Pullman workers.
of the Cuban bour Sica WEB not injured during the of Executive Council and Teriors and their dissatisfaction geoisie assure of break up of that meeting, but was refused to call elther general with the policy of the government. ists. This change of directionThis exLabor and a bureaucrats to begin all stabbed afterward on the sidewalk local strikes in support of the be The suiping from roof tops and which is characteristic of the whole tended to a lemer degree to the low sali steater friend of the bosses sain dan their attempt to swindle outside, evidently by some private leaguered railrond workers. Debs windows and the innumerable min. course of the petty bourgeoisle and er schools. Practically a enemy.
was charged with contempt of court inture street battles which follow was to be foreseen, is inherent in generation was condemned to anybody has any doubt of the labor their strike. If, instead, the minrs had accepted Senator Wagner Inquir Killing for violating the in function. Gomed the battle of the National Hotel the position of the petty bourgeoisie mules was thirty two cents a day has only to read his sermon decovery philosophy, they would be District Attorney Charles Per seized this opportunity to sharply emphasized Colden of Queens County, who prove to the master class that the large numbers of the population are The social structure of Cuba is agreed on August 28 to make a labor organization associated with armed. Following the overthrow cast in the capitalist mold: bour hospitals ceased to function, twelve! ton Cathedral. In his heart rend. except bullets and deaths from its The Pressure of the Crisis ering appeal to the bosses to banish Steel Trust gunmen.
poverty from our winful carth Fa The strike is far from won. AlThe merciless pressure of the ther Green said: ing, has before him the declara radical action. The strike was lost, armed its members and sympathiz working class. But for the bourgethough Roosevelt is talking bravetions of Terzani and another eye in no small degree because of the ers. The student Directorate did oisie it is a distorted one. The crisis, the domination of the coun Masters, render unto your y about collective bargaining. he is still the same man who a week witness servants that which is just and made on the night of the tragedy to Jail Gompers won the good era armed themselves as best they house. The almost total concentra and the tyrannical rule of Machado ago accepted the equal, knowing that ye also have that Fierro actually was shot down graces of Wall Street. Gompers could. In Clienfuegos the workers tion of the economic resources of drove the petty bourgeoisie on to union. The the path of revolution. The same a Master in heaven.
Murray, who is now lacking the by General Art Smith associat was learning the lesson or solidar. sacked the hardware stores and car the country in the hands of Americactors pushed the workers along Ye merciful bosses: ity with the ruling class.
es nl the Khaki Shirts.
hand of the steel bosses, National Civie Federation Instill in those who have lowing the establishment of the very few avenues of development the same rond. All the efforts of same man who threatened death to Mr. Colden is running for Bor.
remove made possible your success the all miners who did not accept the ough President of Queens on the It was as president of the Na Grau San Martin government and for the Cuban bourgeoisie except the petty bourgeoisie to power to continue living a good out.
sell From such people the Democratic ticket next month, and tonal Civic Federation that Gom the rising tide of working class in the service of Yankee Imperial Machado life. Among them let your bless his othee voiced no objection when pers earned his spars as a trusted struggles the students organized is. Thus, Machado on the road workers intervened with general miners can expect nothing but the Carribean ing be shown in the form of ade.
an armed to power became the vice president strike. The continuing struggles of treachery. If the strike demands the Terzani defense asked recently lieutenant of the capitalists within ryta Land army. of several American corporations the workers provided the Left auxiliary quate and steady wages. are to be won, it will not be won for two months postponement of the ranks of labor. An organicToday the armed detachments of in Cuba.
bourgeoisle with their opportunity Bill Green, as we see, is not only hrough Roosevelt promises or the trial. It is now set for Noy. clon composed of notorious labor students are being directed against But the petty bourgeoisie can to remove the servile De Cospedes a faithful servant of his earthlyhrough the negotiations of Murray.
omber 27.
haters like Ralph Easly and laborihedevorkers to recover from them not aspire even to vice presidencies. Kovernment.
bosses but also a devoted preacher They will be won only through the So far no brlet has been filed (Continued on Page 4)
the mills they have seized to en. The student in the university who (Continued on Page 4)
of the Gospel of the Big Boss in militant struggle of the by the prosecution in support of heaven. MARCUS.
studied law knew that nearly all Assistant District Attorney Joseph of the legal practice of the country militant policy in the Loscalzo resistance of the defense was in the hands of large Amerian will these demands, once won, be demand for photographs of all.
maintained. For that policy to er Anger prints on the murder gun.
large American ist, there must be an organized Left Just what tangible reasons Mr.
owned mills and corporations, on Loscalzo can offer for with withholding Workers who have trouble these while in the three months ended on only market for which is these which he raised sugar cane, the Seene it or belleved by observing days getting a nickel for a cup of Sept. 30, 621, 660, 000 pounds of same mills and corporations, was ment to the farmers to plow up turned over to the tender mercles The recent advice of the govern this surplus. It will then be CHICAGO MEETING lawyers here that the prosecution contee ought to have their loyalty 13, 782000 gass, were destroyed, either hopelessly enmeshed in the net of ARNE SWABECK to the position that it should not be by the followiatem enricren treno eburning or by dumping into the American property and Anance at least 10 million acres of cotton, whether it hearted, alty bosses to the of October 7, about 15, 500, 000 bags of coffee Into big bourgeoiste in Cuba standstion is clad in the shoddies of regs, with it. They say openly they will THE FUTURE OF INTERNAon the gun in advance of of trial. 1933 are held in the Brazilian ware the American imperialist colossus was not enough The Losanity to destroy It it necessary.
TIONAL COMMUNISM at Terzani four page afidavit which Since July 1981, the National houses now, against 25, 048, 000 a accompanied the petition for the Coffee Department of Brazil has de year ago and 27, 900, 000 two years) The Impoverishment of the Petty American proletariat square in the In the land where millions walk Bourgeoisie finger Impressions, contends that he stroyey 3, 060, 121, 000 pounds of cotago.
Interntaional Labor Lyceum face is the news that there is too the streets and starve; where hue2557 North Ave.
CAD have a fair trial unless he fee, having a value of app imate you go without coffee now you On the other hand, the crisis in much butter! The solution? Well, ger stalks the country like some Sunday, October 22 P.
1s permitted to show by expert ly 200, 000, 000, according to re know the reason. There is too sugar, which began years before the there are many. But one and all gaunt wolt, leaving a train of testimony that the finger prints on ports to the New York Coffee and much of it.
present world crisis of capitalism, are directed toward one end, to cut death, disease prostitution and ST. LOUIS MEETING the pistol are not his. He chal Sugar Exchange. The program of CHICKEN DINNER impoverished not only the workers the existing supply of butter. To crime in its wake; where million ARNE SWABECK at lenges the state to produce those destruction so far bas eliminated Saturday, October 14th at P. pay the interest and principal on to say that it is necessary to kill learn on empty stomachs that but also the petty bourgeoisie. To bring this about the dairy compan. underfed school children try to printa in court.
the equivalent of a full year worla Machado loans from Wall Street a large number of the cows now on George Washington was a great CRUNDEN LIBRARY Money is needed urgently for consumption.
AUDITORIUM PROTOMAGIA his extravagant public works pro hand. But this will not of course man; where infant mortality Terzani defense Contributions In the last few months the should be sent to Herbert Mablor, Brazilian Government agency has Speech by gram, and his army, he levied in solve the question of the surplus suicide present a steadily rising 14th and Cass Avenues Friday, October 27, P.
treasurer of the united front Ter been speeding up the destruction.
DIEGO RIVERA supportable taxes, which fell upon butter which is already on hand. percentage, where demonstrations BANQUET ADMISSION. 500 the petty bourgeoisle with crashing For this they need money and they of starving workers are common zal Defense Committec, 94 Fifth In September 196, 430, 000 pounds, or at International Workers School Avenue, New York City.
force. Out of their decreasing in. have already asked the RFC for a and frequent in this land there is, 2119 Lafayette Avenue 1, 511, 000 bags, were destroyed, 126 East 16th Street, come the petty bourgeoisle had to fund of 30 million dollars to buy up you please, too much butter! Saturday, October 28, P.
the did not recognize the dent that aves little room and Is the pretty themselves. And only throuers Too Much Coffee!
land from The colono, who rented Too Much Butter!
wing in the underER MORTON.
on And