BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

Discussion Articles Perspectives for Revolution in On the National Recovery Act United Nationalization and the to make a the att vetiResolution on the Paris Conference protte Perretty markilable Adopted by the Int Left Opposition out SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE ism are proletarian revolutions. an international only in the sense Upon the recognition of this de of the international betrayal of pends the tactics of the revolution labor; the Third International is ary party.
as incapable of rousing and leading Are the Stalinists capable meeting the test? Germany, China national is unwilling what can be and to an extent England show that expected of them? It is necessard the National Industrial Recovery When President Roosevelt signed Strike Wave Points thel During the period of growing capitalism the uneveness of de the past. History shows that the China new parties are needed. The Act be expressed the belief that Way of the Future velopment of the various countries Comintern has been transformed deceitful and lying accounts about history would record it as the most was far greuter than now. Today world the organizer opsurge in Germany proved to ustion ever enacted by the American from the Development center of the Soviets in China and revolutionary important and far reaching legislathe world has become more sini ;tion as a class, the American work of gigantic defeats. But what are that these people are not revolution. Dess. effort to stabilize for which, as comrade Trotsky remind torm. The backward countries have. It represents. he said, one must understand bourgeois dein logy remained separated from his regeneral of the International and play badly at the game. rey. all time the many factors which us, is more of a historical reality with the latest industrial advances.
To interpret correctly the NRA. with his individualistic psycho the for the rebirth, theists but miserable clowns who play supplemented their backwarduras ocracy in its full form and base his fellows through year after of Lenin and Trottky? Drugged olution make for the prosperity of the nathan a law, the United States reach The German ment of capitalism.
ment. This took on the form of omy extending beyond the legal Bourgeois democracy, symbolical returning hip with hopes for better times is in one country, welched down live to travel in working class wilt tion and the preservation of the ed its stage of combined develop Capitalist Columny is world conthe road of revolution American standard of living.
ly speaking, is an elastic substance The ruling class in the United cracy the perspectives are dim and cruel and senseless defeat, of its constant motion, which economic ideology which is most directly relations. Its outstanding feature is by the oppression of the bureau again. Upon the wreckage of its stabilize for all time los labiekly advance industrial system boundaries and intertwined along en countries where it exists, the Suriat la courbele walka prose few. The stalinist International blasted popes, out of the dead squilibriums are established to be nected within the working class. berdegundence of the various demokratle concept to an extent condition of the country and the 17 anywhere. It has met its ath of will spring its regeneration, its re possible in a capitalist world and the semingly limitless expansion contendig necessary to meet the conditions am reactions of the masses, townstitute threatening forced August. If its betrayal Was un birth. But these will not be blot still less so during its period of of the home market is, of course on the world are dejendent eyuilibrium and and conscious it was nevertheless fatal ted out by the hideous nightmare decine and Hent the system. As the reac and Glastrous. Its well meaning of the past. The dialectic of the Roosevelt kuew his ritual. ste knew for this retarded consciousness. Most of all is that decay. Nevertheleme the main factor and forms the basis subject to all of its slocks talism.
cover up the shortcomings of caption of things always are in accord and its good intentions can be joint situation lies in the fact that out that the NRA would form the foun. Enormous capitalist protits and su of the United States bec980 the conditions bring them aberes det er en serieltpo wereak in about the sea is the logical thered to only with a feeling of her of the recognition of its weaknesses dation upon which American lm per protis allowed for a wide marcar tung luturusts. It should vested in him by Congress, said some otecting American conti hell is paved with good intentions, its greatest strength in the future cances and new conquest, we ora higher standard of living for to the disputable fact that whes that it was done within the boundation and therefore the American Never before has history imposed the cautious selection of its leader World market. Today the administhe labor aristocracy. Class colle United States penetrates furtir of democracy. He was correct. way of doing things.
The boundaries of democracy reach On the one hand this is an ex faces a small group of revolution the lendership of tried and seasoning shape in order to start serious means of keeping the working class interests arise in all their imposing Such a slantic task as the which set outWhen it travels the road det trators are impatient to get this boration untolded to almost perfect water the world market the mighty out far. The ruling class outlines treme move to stop unemployment ists today. The capitalists are again do barriers in these boundaries and moves them on the other, the execution of a murderous offensive and the ad revolutionists, those who have ny upon this advance. But today a whole in subjection. Uyou wentude, clase contending with enervating very little Nicces in a system based when we look at the situation at shevik October.
100 contending met het ehervating by Tsch the XRA can have weak defensivo such is the picture and battlers of the victorious Bolsch an advance is also a problem such a foundation the super strug Future Trends within the Country But this is only one side of attain its greatest triumphis, and the problem.
large. The Second International is Results of Early Expansion Within the. ROBERTS.
letariat who threaten the existence The NRA meant to have one American capitalism in its early secure for itself a long lease flis states itself, its new world advance of their state, will they change other function for the ruling class period of development had at hand American Capitalism Depending will impose a territic strain upon their form of rule. When bour and that is an institution through all the prerequisites for monopoly Upon World Equilibrium the class relationship existing at yevis democracy in its most extended which they will try to share the capital within its own borders.
But spenking in historical terms present. This relationship can by form Buils to cover up the distdeology of the American working When centered within the indus American imperialism arrived be no means be beld withiu its present crepaneles of capitalism (I the class in such a way as to check states, it latedly upon the worla arena. It bounds even with the assistance of power themselves) the democratic into revolutionary channels.
workers are not ready to take over their disentisfaction from flowing The initial stage of the new re perly coordinated with other slogans found, by pushing westward, a was therefore deprived of the lux the AKA machinery, which is de lations of capital and labor under and actions suitable for the objec mighty field of expansion for export ury of floating leisurely with the sigued primarily for such a puurdies in the struggle between the Through clever maneuvering the the Blue Eagle has given rise to tive conditions.
two class and is replaced by cupi. La characterize itself as a labor of all shades of undeformisthe most people bring the question to production, But the resulting pow. talism as was enjoyed by British in the sconomic conjuncture which of the workers. It thereby Rims is due to the fact that, in working require that we place the other the vastly expanded productive of time. The American counterpart to spur the workers on to make the masses. Fascism.
to give the impression that all diront the slave endes for the differ slogans and actions that and table produceres capital avall was compelled to red to acuurbring more to the surface and make the forces surplus of forced increasing demands and thereby II.
industries, the trap was baited slogan ferences can be met by the NRA.
of nationalisation is secondits opposite march at To say that the NRA is a step This gives it the form of an Am: with concessions to the workers. ary, and as an auxiliary slogan toward state capitalism would berican institution for the collaboraThis enabled the capitalist to put the other.
economy. American capitalism ex coincided with the period when the by the capitalist mode of producincorrect. What we understand by Tonot both classes meaning to bronch plan with a minimum The Working Class Approach tended its structure throughout the system on a world scale tlon. With the NRA institutions state capitalism is that when busl instill into the minds of the worker working class problems have been workers can both use the slogan or to this point the law of uneven in a downward direction. That its they will assume more of a jollFlauberstrMany of the old Since the capitalists and the wordt and acquired a world basis. Tad pissed its peak und was head attempting to check these condicts ness in country disintegrates to that with a thing is possible.
present presented in a new light by the the extent that it no longer pays nationalization one must answer the development of capitalism by which own Inner contradictions have betical character. At profit on investments, the state The NRAIN desperate nttem. One of these problems is the question of how it will be possible the Vitrious couniries is through come vastly intensified by this pro. heavy crop of strikes which takes over these industries to save of the with the term system for exploitatical. stocracy to prolong their system of sountries. Therefore, it is essential the one from the other. The boor and different temps, has acted as a crists reaching its greatest protura Indicates the future trend of devel lever fayoring the United States. tions precisely in the highly adopments.
is not In this country we are moving to o inevitable, however, that, xploitation HARRY BRAND.
Through this uneven development, vaneed United States.
explain the relation of nationaliza question of workers control. This capitalism of a country when find tion to reaction, reform and rev. is the working class approach to longer within the orbit of conditions ing itself in such a position must olution.
the. The margin of capitalist Whem develop into state capi.
Conclusions from Coreplete nationization of indus netton must be in the director maintenance of a higher level for try cannot exist under capitalism, working class control. Slogans the labor aristocracy has become We know that when aggravated but nationalisation of different in serving this aim must be applied.
conditions arose in other countries seriously narrowed. American capIt is time to follow up the Agita German Defeat Custries in different forms sa the ruling class there used violence essential part of capitalist develop tion and action in the trade union italism, in order to effectively purand open suppression of the worksue its furlons onslaught upon the ment. In the period of decay capl. teld with propaganda for workers ers in order to maintain themselves (Resolution of the Plenum of the the banner of the new International for the competition it meets, needs world market, and to be prepared in power.
Furthermore, we do not know just greater crime than the defeat of the tion of capitalism. This is also and nationalization withont com. Bolshevik Leninists) on the con Mortern history will record notice is often cuestion of nationaliza control of production, open bookOpposition a number of other revolutionary above all a low wage level through what form state capitalism would German working class and the rise frie in times of organizations and fractions.
essary immediately to begin the maintain the tranquility of class assume if it was to come about. of Fascism under conditions which can lise the star war. Either class pensation. The main emphasis must ference of left socialist and Com.
of nationaliza. be plesed on propaganda and ac.
This would depend upon these were favorable for a far different ton of the Industries. The application dealing with the question of The Plenum considers it nee relationships of the past on this munist opposition organizations essary immediately to begin the eral economic conditions and the result. The German proletariat, reaction, reform or revolution, de workers control of Industries.
Sharpness of the class struggle in the flower of the International pending on conditions and class re. The most important action today. The very fact of a conference of cul secretariat which could, while sharply Intensified struggles with held at Paris, August 27. 28, 1933. elaboration of the programmatic basis is not possible. We must there documents and to create technie in the United States us one of the country at that period.
Measures of the NRA alone with working class, was defeated with lations and on how the slogan wintoward this end, deals with the 14 pirties, organizations and groups yet in the process of editing the clue added phenomenon of disturbmaterialize in life. Fascist reaction, trade union question. This box of most heterogeneous character Manifesto and the resolutions en ances reaching revolutionary pronot lead the country into statel The dialectic of the whole histor reformist social democracy, labor. heen pointed out in the Militant and tendencies was the result of ter into contact with sympathizing ortions not at all out of the ques.
required conditions could out a struggle about class collaboration does not womapen. Not only was this un the class stresle require a prolons, armed with a correct policy exactly the fruit of the collapse not a relection in the text of the pro. real and substantially favorable capitalism. Its attempt to bring cal procesS WIL toward the Bona ism or communisme in and week out. Without a very deep crisis of the socialistoranizations so that their opinionition.
partist regime of Von Schleicher each of at certain stages of strong Left wing in the trade in and communist movements, or more suggestions and criticisms may find necessarily carry such germs.
No one can as yet predict whether change in the economie conjuncture er speed than before. We must tition on the point of a needle Slogan of Reform natiore lization and workers con other causes of the Third Internal presentative in the programmatic States. But the contacts and disknow that monopoly is part of im Fascism or Communism was not trol in any concrete To begin with, one can say that The working close antent of the tional understood and the stalinists. com: There can be, it is clear, no baste ideas expressione di tebe the commission to be guideal by the turbances which will grow out of In predicting the transition to inued to play with the treacheroue slogan of nationalization, by itsete. Halbshed from the toy insiston: thought of the building of a new claration of the Bolshevik Leninists can be state capitalism there lies the dan theory of social Fascism and the is a slogan of reformism and the tent on the question of propaganda International by organizations which and made publie at the Paris Conorable sceltnited States The fornierly favger of mistaking centralization of isolationist theory of the united ing else. Even it one adds to wealth, accelerated the crisis. front from below. The enemies of slogan the demand for her par! The question of workers control opposite principle bases. The Left and action toward workers control. have profoundly different and even terence of August 27 28th constituted by the uneren develop for the ente borenedown ment of capitalism has been turned nomy of the country and the transl. ask for nothing better.
is still contined within the realm of includes the question of nationalt. Opposition partielated in this con With regard to the decisions into its opposite and is reacting tion to state capitalism.
not of itself include or imply work the aim of assisting in the princi ity of the conference and permeated now compelled to seek the roads and a few other industries there but becomes a defeat for the toward partial nationalizations comers control. It is up to the work pled separation from reformists and through and through by this hotero roads of advance within a decaying are taken over by the government, world working class. In Hitler is industry. It is the embryo.
Theers to decide this question. To grab centrists and of drawing together geneity, the Plenum of the Bolshe world system. It is compel revolutionary vik Leninists does not find it posted to assume the the period of state capitalism, Thts of the world imperialist bourge industries are divided on the ques. play into the hands of the reform. The only real result of the Ity for the decisions may lead tol for the crushing of further proleit would not mean that we entered to be perceived the super Wrangel capitalists of the coal and rallroad the problem at the wrong end will truly homogeneous major reorganizations.
sible to take political responsibil sponsibility for checking further has been done by governments un oisle. Not only has the world rev. tion. Some are urging nationaliza: against loose talk on the question conference, but an ists. The revolutionists must guard these decisions. Insofar as class disturbances and it possible, der different conditions before. olution been set back by decades tion, with compensation, in order exceptionally the adopted Outlining state capitalism as a but at the same time a way has to be relieved of a bad investment of nationalization.
possible phase of capitalist devel been opened up for an attack on If the NRA does not bring the de.
The best way to insure the proper signed by four organizations (L. example important one is the declaration this or that practical action for tarian revolutions inevitably grow.
opment, it would be incorrect to the Soviet Union through the desired results, through the organiza application of the slogan of na two Holland parties; the Lere boycott of Hitler Germanying out of the more intense worla really accord exploitation. It to this is to be assume that the former can begintruction of its most powerful ally. tion of a form of cartels and the is to speed up the work and beliS. and which represented ing to circunstances, to take furt added the possibility of failure to before the crisis threatens to wipe the organized German proletariat, elimination of the small producers, ley or the present stage which dealsection of the building of the new seneral principles tionalization and workers control the first deliberate step in the dir in actions which correspond to its arrive at a out the top layer of the ruling Nor Is this all. From a potential steps toward nationalization of the with our trade union policy economic conjuncture, then it is class. It would also be incorrect ally possessing merely the weapon sick industries will be taken by trade union work. Once the rev. foundations of Marx amitles the left Opposition will alives for the United States assume and International to assume that the capitalists will of a general strike the German pro section of the capitalists and reform olutiopary Communist is entrenched on the On the basis of practical activ necessary to say that the perspeeEngels.
without a struggle, give up ways aim at a closer drawing to a much more directly revolutiontem in a way that it will curtall tionary state rifles, artillery, can become permanent until the in becamericano le lien this stage of different political origin cannot this condition can a broad and forces have changed with the rise phase of competition in their sys: STATE ally possessing the repotu emergency measure to which orare in the trade unions this slogan at The Plemm clearly realizes sether with parties and organizmlary caracters be incorrect to say that the capl brought forward in the struggle for To issue the slogan of nationali.
gain pay dividends. HUGO OEHLER. attain complete unity on talists can use the machine of bour the defense of its sister republic. zation of the industries, such as the principlestactical and or er our for immediate political aims shifting of the world economie cenN. CHICKEN DINNER inte ettes en pleplenish The red Russian revolution stage in the the NRA, would be to render ser: Chicken beinherent The Given result createst suficient basis to be days. At any rate, the attained the new Communist International. became more definite and more di.
rect. But with this shift, there is dissatisfaction of the masses that GREEK WORKERS CLUB The Plennmn calls upon all sec also a corresponding shift at first organizations on the programmatictions of the International Left Op only slowly but sure to gain in lows proportionally with such con basic contradiction of capitaltam, action. Does this mean that ditions next to the antagonism between the close the door to the use of the PROTOMAGIA The mistaking of the NRA with productive forces and the national slogan of nationalization? As an Saturday, October 14, P. will make it possible not only to torte importance of the step made center from Europe to America. In separate, propaganda At 126 Fast 16th Street state capitalism creates the danger)boundaries whleh points to the in isolated, slogan, yes. But not if it is proof confusing the workers as to what consistency of the national state, ADMISSION 500 Iceptions, but also to attraet under consists in giving the Seclaration and upon the revolution to be accomthe stage of the struggle they are has been the existence of the workin and bringing them to the false se republic to the one hand and THE DEVIL GRANDMOTHER AGAIN of Four the widest possible published in Europe first and non Licity in conclusion that capitalism solves the capitalist enclrelement on the Com Socialist, the victorious European proletariat its own problems by the process other. The eclecticism of Stalintrade union, and especially, youth to fight to hold its own against re.
of evolution and will eventually Bucharin, which combines the reranks. Through newspapers, lent actionary America. It is now poschange into some form more bene actionary non Marxist theory of lets, posters, in speeches and dissible to say, still speaking in a ficial to mankind.
in one chassion it is necessary to popular general sense, that this outlook has At the present stage of develop spocritical lip service to the slogan ize and to interpret the meaning teen reversed by the dialecties of Humanite of September 19th of the London counter trial and in hopeless wil surmise that a unting any effort it is necessary to struggles here move up to the very of the Declaration. Without spar. the relation of forces. Ievolutionary ment a section of the American of world revolution, is a dental and masses retain their false that the capitalist state operatesly correct viewpoint of Leninism. zinsky, the former socinl democratie witness Grzezinskyanite should have been started before and the building of the new Interna Immelinte possibilities concept a renunciation of this fundamental reproduces the photograph of Grze particular the of the tel front with the social democracy rouse the proletarian vanguard to top of the agenda of historically tor It is said in informed! quarters expose the NRA as a step toward theoretical departure there follower witnes in before the London coun: Grzezinsky against Goering. Is when Communists and social demThe declarntion of the Bolshevik. that a reporter of an important nor would it react favorably for the and strategy from which and from of the Relchstag. It is clear that lore than two years ago we prisoned, but when the recorder stim Leninists made public at the con capitalist paper ventured the pres ference ends with the words: Our workers who are not class conscl terrible tragedies of the Chinese not think about the significance of Hitler we are rendy to make a unl. Hitler.
Many which alone can be explained the the poor editors of Humanite did wrote that in the struggle against full possibility for vietory over revolutionary responsibility is im tat nered with the New Deal ous would welcome the idea of and the German revolutions. printing this photograph. ted front not only with the devil Had the leaders of the Comintern measurably great. Let onr creative the worst president the United you be known to state control as a way out. The Marxist theory of the Pered with shame, admitting that they Grzezinsky himself. The unfortun Communist AB Otherwise, they would have resign and its grandmother but even with known the first lessons of the work rise to the height of this reIII.
and not repeat sponsibility. let fully realize States ever had. Roosevelt ans try het vast natural resources and loca per altism as the last, the de The United States, being a counsence, the only theory that follows Working right to be in charge of a ate editors of Humanite and the ed obediently the idiote formula that these words refer first of all with the New Deal e will be Cahiers de Bolshevism spilled not that social democracy and Fascism textos e Bolshevik Leninists them known to posterity as the last Prehaving entered the capitalist phase of at later period, indus cay stage of capitalism an epoch attempts to establish the truth in our complete adherence to social sitting in Jall but Goering and Hit PLENUM OF THE INTER ARNE SWABECK.
trially on such a degly large which will be NATIONAL SECRETARIAT scale that together with its Imperrevolutions marked by wars and the matter of the burning of the Fascism. Truly fate is unmercifuller himself. More than that, it is rotting structure Reichstag is an act of political to these people. Grezinsky could very probable that by now Grzezin. Sept. 13 1983.
lalism It was able to keep its of imperialism captialism weighed struggle against Fascism. The have died in time, or could have sky wonld have had time to join If the number on called equilibrium until the begin down with the contradictions which judges, witnesses, experts make sono over to Fascism so as to them, for his forced participation 193 ewhat the lot of the in the struggle against Fascism In taking this ning of 1929. Because of that, the are inherent in its now outgrown their appearance at this trial not listen position the your wrapper is.
your subscription has expired.
crisis came to this country upon property relationships threaten in through compulsion but in order to pu tatel editors of Humanite. But could not free him finally from the Plenum only makes use of the right different conditions from those in its death crash to snull out the achieve a definite political aim: the Grzezinsky lived through, emigrated, responsibility before the proletarian which the Conference granted until It you want to get the MII.
Europe without Anding a strongly whole of mankind technical and struggle with the bands of Hitler. appeared at the trial in favor of court for the murder of the Berlin October 15th to all the participat tant promptly every wook The Grzezinsky detests Communism; he the tried Communists and thereby workers. Will not the editors of ing parties, namely: to ratify, or renow your subscription at The past opportunities of the next stage in the evolution of Soprovod it in deeds, having shot forced Humanite to print his Humanite have appear some on the contrary, to reject the re once: per year for Atty country actually monopolized by the clety is communism. The next and down Communist workers. How. photograph as an ally in the united any before the proletarian court for solutions of the conference. two weekly issues; 50 a a half the systematic confusion of the once: per year for fifty application, created in the Unitea to become conscious and to carry ly appears at the London voluntar come The London counter trial, no mat minds of the workers? They can OF CONVENTION issue.
States a bourgeois ideology within out the tasks imposed upon it by trial to testifs in favor of the Com ter how modest its political signific. hope for acquittal only on the basis Next week Militant THE MILITANT its working class Unlike the Ear history is the proletariat. Hence munists: Torgler, Dimitrov and ance, is nevertheless very much of the formula: they knew not carry a report and review of opean workers who passed through the epoch of revolutions which fol others against the Fascist Goering worthwhile. Perhaps the readers what they did.
the of Convention now 126 East 16th St.
scores of years toward crystalliza low in the path of decaying capital and Co. By pulbishing the report of Humanite the editors are September 20, 1933 In session at Washington to the monopoly in industries that for en but tbe Bonapartist regime Erm of nationalization. The slo the revolutionary Communist can only of the Second but also on an Isrammatic documents.
the NRA leads to this with a great. Itselr which posed the whole ques. Ban must apply to that reqnirement. not eren consider the question of other historical level and due to The Plenum instructs Its recan be accomplished in the United Umekdentaminen ei ole tento modesto Reformitate pe Take the comple, as new Opposition is Communist About the United Front with Grzezinsky.
one country with do will