CominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerLeninReform PartyRussian RevolutionSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Wednesday, Sept. 11. P.
ADMISSION: 15 CENTS Notes of the Week Labor Fakers at Work the Communist COM leadership attempted to settle the and only about 30 Stalinists 12 with so much enthusiasm andhausted before all those eager to fore un nuclelice or over 100. mont robbery prices at the the a con inel painters.
PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1933 FROM THE MILITANTS absence of comrade. Moge was LEAGUE ACTIVITIES tactics of the Communist League.
The rude, mechanical expulsion the listory of the Russian Revolu St. Louis Needle as soon as they are organized the united front, by mouple Toyal to the Swabeck Opens Tour tion by comrade Trotsky: second Greek painters immediately ask lor corrupt Stalinist machinery, who place iwo volumes of the listory: Trades Strike third place, one volume of the Ilis charter from the OL. paint, shamefully play with the issue in. at Newark Roosevelt, General Johnson, the ers union, as one of its locals, with volving the victims of tory.
Bascist Steel and Lewis, Murray, and St. Louis. On August 10th 3, 000 provisions suitable for the orguniza. sungs, and their inability to organ At the meeting of the left OD DOUBLE THE CIRCULATION.
MR. REVERE REVEALS We are so confident that the new Co. of the United Nine Workers are if you re in the working class strike to protest against the sweat the stand that the Greek painters stages promised a better result the workers of Newark hud an er orientation of the League and the united in a typical victory or of it you re bound to get a shop couitious prevailing in st. needed union organization in direct Judging by the Hirst response, obliges portunity to licur comrade Swabeck more popular price of the Militant The victims, as usual, are the work es, in this case the headache wuding through the bossLouis aud their low wage standart the trude, not isolution from them to organize a genuin America Kire the first lecture on his makes it possible to extend the the Frick mines of the sea association with the other workers the Trust.
press. Especially now under NRA. Or and week. The strikers representa. Lonal tour. Le spoke of the caus circulation that we have set as our The mutual triumph of all parties The high pressure salesmanship rallied under the banner of the In in a club.
tive movement of working class or les the druwe consequences of which goal a 100 increase in the nummethods of the recovery administrational Ladies Garneut Work. But due to the Stalinists mane Lett Opposition to subscriber, you can do your min. concerned (except, of course, the trution always profuse with theirlers Union because of the impression uvers in dragging out the meeting Sutions to fight against Fascorced the ism.
change its policy and concentrate per of subscriptions. If you are workers) had been recorded by the great pasionate love for the laut strength and support it could points of oruer, etc. more than it must be clearly stated that its forces and activities towardsimum share by getting a sub from slning of an agreement, promising boring masses are simply over them in their struksies ugainst two thirds had left the ball when only one genuine attempt to put life the establishment of a new Party a flow worker. It every subscribe non conditions in the captive overwhelming a vote was taken as to whether in this still born united front was un new Thecrational al coll it will be no job at all to double Frick Coke Co. and by Philip Murer sets that as his minimum goal mines, by Thomas Moses, for the When you re lucky enough to The ILGWU, although in the they should remain independent as made and it was made by ray, vice president of the UNWA.
survive the intoxicating bullyhoo. of for 25 years, boasts of one u club or go to the of in Communist League, in the way of lapse of the Communist interna. the circulation.
of the front page and the stultifying or the most progressive preambles suite of that 77 voted for our pro Jimmy Higgins work and in an at tional and its national sections Then, there are some irrepressible The business smells to heaven with however, find a good sobering bromure to the constitution recognizes tists. They then authorized the tion. The Communist league of revolutionary overthrow of the so anywhere from to 30 subl. 80 and with the bullyhoo of the NRA in operation.
ide in the financial columns. These fact that the workers must or committee to investigate the ways America became active here lutely viet nion. Our hope as a faction all in all the work we have set What have the workers gotten usually tell the unadorned truth. gunize industrially as well as poll and means of getting into the AA branch was organized and good to reform the party and the Inter is not beyond our abilities.
in this settlement of the strike? They re got to. Because Lically in order to abolit. of and present a concret forces are rallying und it. national is completely exhausted, minimum wage for inside miners in stitute the only part of the papertion of the capitalist society be program. LOGAN. Leaving the only other roud: the Pennsylvania of 60 for an eight for the Lore the workers will be in a posi The following meeting, however, boss minus the bullyhoo and minus ton to secure their rights as pro the Stalinista mobilized twice as formation of a new party and a Shachtman Speaks at hour day. If the miracle happens of the miners getting five days a the embellishments uucers.
many of their supporters as were Mirror Workers Strike The meeting impressed the work Philadelphia week of work and having no dedue And here is what we found on Accordingly the garment workers present at the previous meeting er gruvely. Queries penetrating the financial sheet of the were under the impression that the and, instead of beingluga program Ended tions from their wages made for the smallest particle of the vital Philadelphia Pa. The discussion powder, etc. they will get 23.
Herakl Tribune recently: ILGWU leadership, nationally as according to the previous decision With the strong arm of gov well as speaker, the answers to which made ou our new course was net in in the face of a dollar that is ernment around the wage earn all the moral and Huancial support their old program. The workers NEW YORK.
LC increasingly clear, that the Lettladelphia by the largest turnout down 12 this comes to less than er. NYX a certain Rev.
possible, in order to enable them present protested and, although less The veneral strike of the novelty Oppositions prath is the only positive for an opposition meeting here. sit. When the mine company is ere (of the firm of Munds, Winslow, and Potter. the labor were soon shattered. The hotel weer thank eat perfect and traglenky se au centre. The stories so great was the demand for our countries second albu Hural and mode rest vasthu hoe ek allerede by the unions are displaced as guard that was declared on September literature that our supply was ex los arter Hitler Victory be rent for company houses and the company ians of the toiler. The basic strike three times without any con about reason for the labor union as cestions from the capitalists. Dub remaining voted anew whether to hope for the establishment of some receive sutisfied. or the Communist workers.
stores, we have known it in the past insky, president of tue Internation to to, the Alpe de ret hudepende docent working conditions, and in all will be remedio at Suristies Our speaker analyzed the trattor, usual state of peonage. and debt to no longer prevails.
This is Mr. Revere government. 2:4 that the nation or knob non ent. 28 voted for the Stalinists and more or les hore bundred and acting in the near future, to which ous role and severid breakdown of the company. And in the captive more workers, with the most mili we shall go well use Swutbe leadership. Cupped by the strikes, the union will not be recog He speaks of it knowingly. And hel of the Gold Standard and woulu cu by trucing the tragic course of ready fought through two bloody tant determination to struggle anders crowded around is addressing his kind, on the be able to give normal support bed to disorganize the awaken: allowed to peter out without the eager to bave bim explain Once more the Stalinist policy stick it out to the end has been beck after the meeting and were therman capitulation and a coward nized.
No Union Recognition subterancially. The small amounts of not allow them to carry out their selves.
fuges here.
strike relier finally paid out were There The organization of the Although the New York Times sutist actory answer at the meetings of defeat. Forces of regeneration The the of policy of Rule or Rula unton hold by the official party. We gain or new. Communist movement calls it recognition in everything are marshalling. This movement but name the operators of the cap.
the headline, low to Unions Seen and file.
in various of locals who ber of young but energetic workers, ous sympathizers thus making us tells the whole story in a nutshell. workers didn get as goo by Revere NRA Plans. That The only reason the silk dress are willing to support our program was stored away from its correct stronger for the gigantic task ahead defense of the workers state. This during the strike, that is now rag And as if he were anticipating Lact in at. Louis as elsewhere was will carry out this plan.
With their help we contact with the stupid Stalinist which we shall not shirk bu olement uses itset on the lani ing that they had to latera continue on untinchingly in the inism. The cadres, the policy of the tives. And they mean what they the argument of the recent strikes Decause the local union didn get bureaucrats in the shape of the terest of the world proletariat and the bik, successful antonization funds enough to hold out for our KATSIKIS. At one point, when the LOUIS NAGY.
Lett Opposition is its guide. say. Thus the workers are left drive the gentleman from Wall St. demands. it was due to the millPOULOS.
Conrade om lolmes, a young with adds: generul strike was still solid, the other meetings on comrade Swi militant whom the Young Commun with conditions almost as before, Bosses Association offered to grant beck tour are as follows: tancy of the rank and tile and the every assurance in the world Economie forces. work ist League expelled a week ago for that the bosses will brutally crush support given by Bialis, national most of the demands if the union Sun. Oct. 8th. Rochester, Trotskyisin was chairman. He their union as soon as the strike is out their solution in inexorable vice president. AND NOT THE LO: The United Front atkliated to the of The fashion even against the intimiStalinists, concerned far more about Mon. Oct. 9th. Buffalo, y. spoke on the YCL practice of party ended.
dation of the working masses. gained the following demands: shop the fortunes of the than Tues, Oct. 10th. Toronto, Can. Semucracy. Sol Thomas, whom thel. Some very significant statements If we know anything at all of committees in each factory: 10 perin California about the interests of the workers, Wed. Oct. 11th. Toronto, Can. also expelled for the same have been made by General Johnson economic forces (sie) and if the cent increase in wagos; no discrimstood aut for a revolutionary unFri. Oct. 18th. Pitt crime of holding views favorable to and Murray about the settlement.
Pa. the Left Opposition and who open. On Oct. 2nd Johnson came out with present widespread and far flung mination in re employment of strik OAKLAND, CALIFion. Caught in between the two Weinstein Retaurant ly demanded that the Party recog statement that he had practically On September 25, 1933 a meeting forces, the bosses and the TUUL, 1830 Center Ave. 2nd Fl.
mean anything, Mr. Itevere may yet bitration of all discharges. Although of the United Front Conference to the consequent result was, as was Sat. Oct. 14th. Pittsburgh, Pa. trade union policy, spoke on his ex settlement. Already the cold steel.
nise its errors on Germany and the ordered the UMWA to accept the discover that there is nothing quite the contract doesu call for a closaid the victims of German Fascism forewarded to the original organizSun. Oct. 15th. Pittsburgh, Pa pulsion and in defense of our trade hidden behind the NRA ballyboo so inexorable Mon. Oct. 16th. New Castle, Pa union policy.
march to power, as the economic have also been gained, if the st. ple were present. Outside of one all, notwithstanding as the workers ed unton shop, this demand could was held in Oakland, Calif. 12 peo ers the workers got no union at the victory Tues. Oct. 17th. Youngstown lively discussion followed; certain that General Johnson or begins to show itself. We can be solution of the working masses. Louis local had the right kind of delegate representing an unem. scored by the settlement of two Wed. Oct. 18th. Youngstown We might add. even against union leadership fighting militantly ployed organization, one observer shops to more or less favorable Thurs. Oct. 19th. Cleveland, Most of the discussion was from the bureaucrats of the Union proabout ten peope taking the floor. der was a very real order. And did all the pious class peace wishes in their behalf.
from the Sheet Metal Workers Un tering of the labor fakers and all Fri. Oct. 20th. Cleveland, Stalinists present, who tried in their test? Far from it. Gracefully tak.
their the ROSE CASANO. ion and two delegates from The Left Oppositionists, sensing Sat. Oct. 21st. Chicago, Ill.
persistent servility.
Communist League, the other elgbt the mood of the workers, seeing argumentatively weak but neverthe ing their cue, like the well trained Sun. Oct. 22nd. Chicago, Il. less loud manner to defend the capitalist flunkeys they are, they Mr. Revere knows what his class people represented the Communist that they were beginning to lose Mon. Oct. 23rd. Chicago, Ill. leadership and the line. Against obediently signed on the dotted line, wwakening worker and so does the Organizing the Greek party and such independent on and on the then bringen er detergentes Tues. Oct. 24th. Chicago, Ill Wed. Oct. 25th. Springfield, Times; to tell us they were not the strike us they prepared to quote the X: and now are busy trying to break The proof? The first plank viet Union. The majority of them a speedy settlement, by demanding Thurs. Oct. 26th. Staunton, 11. responsible for not calling the 7th nearly every strike action in the Painters represented nothing even of this affiliation to the But Sam Says Murray in calling the min growing working class opeurge and sort. This was the result of sev. Nessin would hear nothing of it.
Sat. Oct. 28th. St. Louis, Mo because they weren in USSR, anders The President then sald to me, New York. The most exploited eral months of muddling on the Instead he violently attacked the of them has been union recogni section of the American working issue of muddling on the united worker who made the proposal, calltion!
cars is that of the unorganized. front tactics, of putting up a papering him all sorts of names in the Mon. Oct. 30. Kansas City, Mo. the point of trying to incite mem Philip. want you to get these of the trong arm of government! foreign workers, and used of screen of paper organizations. best stalinist manner, even going That what the workers think this section is largely bers of a union against a comrade men back to work. replied It of)
Nov. 3rd. Minncapolis on a trade basis. member of the there is anything in God world.
those that come countries inThat this Sat. Nov. 4th. Minneapolis result was considered so far as to call him a spy for the district Buro who was present that can do for you, will be Sun. Nov. 5th. Minneapolis LET HIM WHISTLE Greek by party people as fully represen. that not one worker believed that, Uustrially backward. The Thurs. Nov. 9th Davenport, Ia. equal time with our took the floor but evaded an offer of slad to try. Times. In Pittsburgh, 3, 000 to 5, 000 painters undoubtedly belong to this tative of their lendership is the and later they contided in the op speaker a. And while you were engaged Fri. Nov. 10th. Davenport, Ia. debate.
this loving conversation with the miners, singing as they go, re section. Although their trade is skill fact that this meeting of the uni positionist that they believe all of quest Carnegie steel workers to Tues. Nov. 7th. Chicago, III.
ed they remained outside of thelrted front Conference considered it essin slander holdbefore seson The clarity and boldness of our president, Mr. Murray, what about join a holiday movement with revolutionary position put forward Pennsylvania and Kentucky? But trade organizations, with the excep perfectly in order to expel the Com himself. The workers seeing that 85, 000 other steel and mine tom of a few who are in the Arganizations from the conterence reach and yet not being able to With the Militant by our speaker brilliant speech workers in three states. of because of the fact that they The motion for expulsion was not obtain it, became demoralized and made a deep Impression on the Murray did think of them. Concern Carlyle said: Give me the have no tradition of any sort of motivated in a new way. It called began to go back to work, at first Builders crowd. They remained till attering the President comand he stat.
man who sings at his work! trade unionism. Another reason for expulsion of these disrupters. singly then doubly, until there was midnight, contributed generously to es: Any union or union officials strike seems hardly a a collection (after paying admis who refuse to obey their command about!
to o this country intended to leave as counter revolutionary Trotskyites literally a stampede to rescue what NEW PRICE slon. asked many questions, and will not live long. Thus Murray Beginning with soon as they made a few dollars. Otherwise, the conference looked ever was possibleinist can explain new price of the sue the among the youth asked for informal xumes his masters that the UMW The loug years of the crisis how more like a unit meeting of The stupid Militant will be A gangsters will be ready to help tion the Spartacus Youth which For all of our sympathy with Mr. ever has taught them to realize the Communist party turned inside out the loss of the strike very easily. a copy. The idea behind this reclut. was organized the the bosses in killing of rebellious Brisbane outraged. est lieti idea of returning home rich was than a meeting of a genuine united it it had not been to work all per a wider circulation.
for a couple of duction in price is to give the pa following Wednesday.
in spite his rather impres an illusion, and they had to remain going of meeting is the latest series The Miners Are Fighting For One thing in this stalinist united might have been well yet. The bu. NEW SUBSCRIPTION RATE.
sive appal to Carlyle anthority. There as a part of the American the Philadelphia Union we cannot nevertheless understand working class. As a result of all front was genuine. This was the reaucrat does not realize that it At the same time and for the branch has been holding, revolving And yet with all of this treachery why he should begrudge the work this they began to see the necessity fanatical, blind hatred for the Com. was precisely because of his blind some reason the subscription rates around the world shaking events in among the leadership, the workers ers a holiday the bankers only of organization.
munist League of these militants Leadeyship that several skunks have been reduced as follows: Germany. In early August com are fighting for their union, and had one of their own not so long About four weeks ago a few of who are misled by their bureau say many workers are totally dis. 30. months, 50e (Canada and return from abroad, came here and Workers. Although Martin Ryan. ago.
the more progressive ones assem It is only just, and even Carlyle bled in the cellar of the Santa Crethod used by these people can Party and everything else that is TO NOVEMBER 15th.
spoke on Germany Under Hitler the Pennsylvania strike leader, asks had a warm spot for justice.
to a good audience.
Barbara Greek Church toho When were Lewis and Murray on Still, if the eminent sage of. elected a The Philadelphia branch has rent. the picket lines, at the same time Hearstdon finds strike as holidays committee which decided to call the previous meeting comrade Moss in the mirror Woralization and this announcement will run until will become center for our actiy every mine under their union, the hardly a thing to sing about in All of the Communist League, who suc elsewhere, was de his capacity 28 major shareholder Weeting the following Sunday al ceeded in putting through several defeat. MIRROR WORKER. the 15th of November. That gives ities. Those interested in our activ: UMWA. The workers who are or the same place. More than 350 us about weeks in which to ma ities, study classes and the Spar Oghting in the mine fields are beof a profit mad enterprise, he ought were present at this meeting. Sevmotions, was elected on the ar.
to compose himself as member of oral Greek Staliniste recomanor his meet in the Carpenters Hall. When PUBLIC LECTURE terially increase the number of substacus Youth Club communicate with sinning to realize that the leader scribers on our list.
the Secretary at the address given ship is rotten with corruption.
YORKVILLE LABOR TEMPLE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN We can well understand that he meeting. Wheatheir spokesmas appointed time he did not find any Sathist belowed and are des. To the three militant builders work. New contacts particularly still fighting Martin Ryan calls The branch is experiencing a steady The workers know that the setcannot sing over a strike. Just let Hargelias (Harrison) was prebody there. The reason is that in Thursday, October growth and strengthening of its tlement is a sell out. They are him whistle.
sented to addrses the meeting as ROOM 16 getting the most subs from now till and S. mem upon them to continue the strike representative of the Subject: THERE GOLD IN crowd arose en masse and shouted. ple met in a pool room where only THEM THAR HILLS We don want him and No com Stalinists who had been tipped CAN THE SUCCEED Ing (or equivalents in other books. street meetings, are being made cognizes the entoncando CARL First place the three volumes of continually. Green Backs Plan for code. And now if this revolt is munists here, he a Communist. oft could find them. Still that to Assist Jobless Mine Gold not to be crushed as so many reHaving clad the employed work credited the name of Communism. SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA WIE the stalinist bureaucrats have dis STATEMENT OF THE OWNER printed on the reverse of this form, each individual member, must be holder appears upon the books of you have been in the past, there given. ing class in codes of ermine and did not Har That the names and addresses The Communist Lengue of America other fiduciary relation, the names sanized Left wing in the UMWA PETER MORTON.
the New Deal, American orders as ACT OF MARCH Y. Martin Abern, whom such trustee is acting ts NEW SUPPLY OF MY LIFE Labor Lender prepares to bring were in a unit meeting of the Comdown shower of gold manna (or munist party He stated that un weekly at New York for Oct of America (Opposition) New York. James Cannon 126 East 16th graphs contain knowledge and be by Leon Trotsky, which it is offerO THE MILITANT published Publisher: The Communist League 126 East 16th Street New York, givenalso that the said two para Pioneer Publishers has obtained are we getting it mixed up with less they remove from their tem. ober i, 1933.
statements embracStreet, New York, Max lug afliant full an additional supply of My Life NRA. upon their less fortunate porary committee the disrupters State of New York Shachtman, 126 East 16th Street, let us to the circumstances and ing at 00 (publisher price SS brethren, left behind in the wilder. Katsikis, Poulos) the Editor: Arne Swabock New York, Maurice Spector, conditions under which stockhold. 85. 00. It is also offering the Gerness of unemployment.
88 Managing Editor: Arne Swabeck cannot go forward. He said the County of New York Greek painters must organize them.
Before me, a resident in and for Business Manager: Thomas Stamm Arne Swabeck, 126 East 16th appear on the books of the comman edition of Fontamare. by selves independently as a Greek the State and county aforesaid, Post Office Address: 126 PITTSBURGH MASS MEETINGS Club, and that later they could de personally appeared Thomas Stamm, Street, New York, NY Est 16th Street, New York, So That the known bondholders, securities in a capacity other than Nighly praised by comrade Trotsky pany as trustees, hold stock and sant rebellion against Fascism, ARNE SWABECK cide where to affiliate.
who, having been duly sworn ac That the owner is. If owned mortgages, and other security hold that of a bona fide owner and this in a recent book review in the will speak at Undoubtedly he meant to take cording to law, deposes and says by a corporation, its names and aders owing holding percent or afflant has reason to believe hat Militant Price 50.
them into the TUUL. But why that he is the Business Manager of dress must be stated and also im. more of total amount of bonds, any other person, association, or WEINSTEIN RESTAURANT dictat he clearly state this and TEWEL and that the toil mediately thereunder the names Monteuses, or other securities are corporated on oth any anterest direct e said stock, bonds, YOUNGSTOWN MASS MEETING 1830 Center Ave. 2nd Floor ARNE SWABECK ers of the advisability of such a edge and belief, a true statement ing or holding one per cent or That the two paragraphs next or other securities than as so stated Friday, October 13 at P. step instead of maneuvering with of the ownership, management and more of total amount of stock. If above, giving the names of the own by him.
THE FUTURE OF INTERNA. the proposal to form a club? Sim. If a daily paper, the circulation, not owned by a corporation, the ers, stockholders, and security hold THOMAS STAMM, Business Mgr. THE and the WORKERS TIONAL COMMUNISM Sworn to and subscribed before CENTRAL AUDITORIUM discredited in the eyes of the work for the date shown in the above dividual owners must be given. It of stockholders and security hold me this 2nd day of October 1983. 225 West Boardman St.
Saturday, October 14 at P.
ers than the official Communist caption, required by the Act of owned by a firm, company, or other ers as they appear upon the books RITA WOLF, Notary Public TUESDAY, OCT. 17, P.
March 3, 1933, embodied in section unincorporated concern, its name of the company but also, In cases (My Commission expires March 30, ADMISSION TEN CENTS AND THE WORKERS The policy of the Left Opposition 137 Postal Laws and Regulations, and address, as well as those of where the stockholder or security (1935. Unemployed Free thing to sing UR BRISBANE.
of the front.
skunks them into the promised handen fellas, when snally given the 100 TIONCETO: REAKTRES, BY THE. the publisher, editor, managing Opposition) 126 Festa 16th Street. as the persone corporation for he on