CommunismCommunist PartyFranceStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers FederationWorkers MovementWorking Class

PRICE THE MILITANT CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Oppoadtom) at 128 Best 10th Street, New York, Bate red as second clasa mall matter, November 1888 at the Post Odee at New York. under the act of March, 189 VOLUME VI, NO. 46 WHOLE NO. 193 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1933 PRICE CENTS General Silk Strike Sweeps the Industry!
Workers Hold Battle Line Firm as the Great Struggle Enters Sixth Week Union Organizations in The Record of McMahon as a Misleader Solidarity Welds Ranks; the Silk Workers Strike of Labor; Bos Agent in the Ranks Truce Rejected of the Working Class oni.
The silk workers have not lacked toward unity. Instead of cementFifty thousand silk workers are Workers has become a great magunions that purported to repre ing the solidarity of the workers, entering their sixth week of strike met of attraction for the independwent and defend their interests. Dues was their clementary duty, they Labor can fight the bosses out in of the Exeentive Board of the Old Friend of the Bosses with their ranks bigger and more ent, scuttered and craft unions that of the industry, the relatively high pulled rabbits out of the hat, such the open giving blow for blow. Far working hand in glove with The employers could hope for no solid than ever. The mills remain are flocking to its banner from degreta di sabail required ens have been divided into many The National, as a left wing, was und under the cover of his friend largest shop, the Duplant. it was against the strike than all the cope been frustrated by huge picket lines to the national strike committee of the work set by the Associated for the strike. my that pretends to be a friend ers, sabotaged the striking at its or far more service to the bosses attempt of the busses to reopen bas Allentown workers buvo atliliated unions and they have not enjoyed umble to exert any influence on the sales the workers in the only against his disruption that six and all the forces of law and the The United Warp the benefits of an all embracing in the then timid leadership of the back. Such is McMahon, the presi shops in that city were pulled down order. But McMahon serof angry workers.
er League of laterson and vicinfon that organized without regard Associated. It was shortly before dent of the United Textile Workers by the ES vices did not begin with yesterday.
to craft and which included a large this strike that the Associated at of America.
existed in the great 1913 strike ana Hotel emerged from the strikes my the midler til deeds of this aman: promise to strike the south of his actionary cherous woco machinere to seven league boots to every silk. has come forward us has come to the fore again in the a shell of what it had been at the tion that sets out to improve the code was unsatisfactory and that which he was long a part, runs will, large or small in the Unite cuersion of all the silk workers States. Strikers travel hundreds under one common direction.
the opinion of the majority of back for more than 20 years.
present battlo in the form of the outset.
of the worker: the silk workers if not of McMahon of miles to pull down shops that MeMahon commenced his double he is doing everything in his Textile Workers furnished strikeAmerican Federation of Silk WorkDecline of the Again As far back us 1912 the United have not yet joined the ranks. The Armed its uushakulle will not to has afers, and its Paterson section, the Associated Silk Workers.
the from 1981 to date has before the strike got under way.
The story of what happened in dealing treacherous tricks even power to knite the strike at thelbreakers in an attempt to smash National Strike Committee of the return to work under anything but very time when the silk workers The Associated Silk Workers was already been told in the Militant. Prior to the outbreak of the silk need the most the American Federation of Silk Work a national agreement. The disrup ers, voted at its lust meeting to live role of the which had born in struggle against the Ten The lack of freedom of expression strike MeMahon urged the strike top of it all. An on the Lawrence strike led by attempting In 1913, one of close every shop that issued a public statement declaring tionary leadership of the for the workers within the union, committee of the American Federa: to starve the workers back to the the Greatest still at work to bring the New its readiness to sign suparate shop in 1910. For winning conditions in the strike of 1919 which the man be selectiull of uticals from above. tion of silk Vorkers not to strike shops luy refusing to sanction strikes in the history of Panalaglaud sector of the silk industry agreements on a lower scule than facturers and the the formation of craft organiza until the code was wettleil, promis meuls for strike relief by the later struggles, when the strike solidly conducted by the to a complete standstill.
the one demanded by the think they deserved the notorious Associated for not calling the preactory he would tie up the whole tions, the carping criticism of the ins that if the latter were unsatis son strike committee under Big Bill Haywood, Job As testimony to the fighting spiritxution that it wus compelled to issue so diskredited this organisouth. What happened?
ofticials of the of expelled sent strike sooner than they did sicut band waters who formed and then the right about face pro bickerig in Washington to bring Golden and Sara Conboy, the then that is catching on everywhere una denial in an evasive statement leaders of the made a sep der the impetus of the silk strike issued by John Ballam.
the Associated Silk Workers.
posul to delay the strike after it wilts, and fully aware that the IMPORTANT arate agreement with the bosses is the decision of the silk truck This organization was a lighting had been called by the Associated, without the support, dolorkers knowledge and drivers not to handle sub silk The demands of the strikers, remilitant union from its very incep the formation of a rival national hearing in Washington were delitrying in that Pusing to compromise, lauve remainNOTICE way to sell out the workers.
The monster demonstration of the same as at the outsetul tion. In 1924 it again had the strike committee, the under et re berately intended to paralyze the honor to incur the wrath of the ports of the offer by the National lighting will of the workers, the which advised all union of individual strike settle called the workers out.
In 1919 a strike was called by the more than 20. 000 silk dye workerte strike 36 for Weavers, the the Associated With this issue the Militant Paterson ribbon weavers for the 44 on Monday, October 2, in the Hinch of unions not to support the ments and a lower wage scale. Unofficially MeMahon endorsed the strike conducted by the Associated, of this has made the workers bit strike by sending a telegram to the the of the Communist League toward calling it an outlaw organization. ter against the Its lead. Dort Jervis local of the the UT. The was for point of the greut textile battle. By system. text of the strikers millin Commuway of a new party of compromising on the 48 hour work their enthusiastie singing and cheer took Hace at the Crew Dye plant ing militants in Paterson have left to walk out together with the dyo Record of the Associated ing the embuttled silk and iu America. Our lleven while the War Labor Board workers have an utassailable evid. Where the strikers clashed with the The Associated Silk Workers was it and joined the Associated where and by representing that aim is to transform the Militant was for giving the men the 42 2 permeated with a radical outlook. they play a prominent part.
union and its strike demands in com a propaguudu orgau intend hour week. In a short time they cance to the bosses that they had stekebreektes. Several workers On its Executive Board the Left On the other hand, the Associated conferences with the manufacturers cu mainly for Commuinsts into sold out completely, agreeing with clenched their fists and gritted their were arrested. Truce wing hyd a majority. member Silk Workers, barring minor errors at Washington.
a popular agitation paper up definitely) the shortening of hours. won. By this great demoustration come to bring industriul peace the manufacturers to postpone (in teeth iu tim determination to reof the Communist party was one here and there, has done itself But MeMahor quickly revealed Dealing directly to the muss of Senator Wagner, of the NRA, has of the organizers he officials o proud in the present strike situa where his real sympathies lay. He American workers. To facilitate stubbornly on strike and won the vicinity have given heart and hope so long ago the silk workers learn the undership to the militants tion. Through its militant actions accepted with open arms the strike this transformation, and double strike. And for this 300 were exto the workers everywhere. The ed what the Industrial peace of leadership our circulation as the first step, pelled from the held for the inft wing and its class of the silk workers. It has earned turers for a truce, ale week. cool. we are cutting the subscription During the 1924 strike of the silk workers are showing the way. the NILA meant for them in reality, rates to 00 per year and 50 struggle union could be found no of the entire labor movement.
strikers were to return to work, cents for six months. The prices boy of the sent a letter Associated in Paterson, Sara Con. The American Federation of Silk calling off the strike in a Ave where in the country. In spite of and tried to ram it down weeks truce during which time the of single copies are cut to tv to the unions telling them the government and all of these meritorious qualities the bosses worker throats. The workers cents, bundle rates to one centa the stupid stalinists, in pursuance would have none of it the strike copy.
organization and advising them not Historic Strike of on the workers. In spite be code of their blind and disruptive policy.
began in real earnest, spreading split the Associated Silk Workers to support the strike.
treacherous agreement of McMahon over the We intended to tell you all e nation.
Frustrated in this slick, underin 1928 and formed the National about it, and our new action publicly denounced and attacked The under McMahon to this truce the strikers voted Textile Workers Union.
cover maneuver to drive the work. program connected with it, in it down as a man. They must be the great Passale strike of 1926.
just as wary of new maneuvers It is ridiculous to oppose a split ers back into the mills MeMahon this issue. But the silk strike Its local leaders tried to call off of the NRA and any of his agents under all conditions. When a The strike in Paterson and face. He called a meeting of the a beginning what we mean by becomes the creature of reactionthe strike and force the workers Nevero be forgotten by those in labor ranks.
ary oficials who make the sell out throughout the Eastern states in national executive board of the back into mills and urged all who took part in it, or those who an agitation paper, crowded out The answer of the strikers to the explanation, so we will have lief to this strike of unions to refuse to give re have heard its story told, the tradition of the great silk strike of 1913 every attempt to lure them back prevent the rank and file of the tionality of workers and every craft dorse the strike of the silk workers to let it go over till next week.
union from using its democratic in the industry. strong spirit of In other words, this miserable MeMahon real philosophy is ex. in Paterson is the Inspiration be into the mills under promises of rights to change the course and solidarity rrades the whole scene creature of the manufacturers Meantime, one urgent word: pressed in a statement made during hind the powerful struggle that has adjustments under NIA protec We are undertaking this project the campaign of the of brought the fabric of the industry tion has been to strengthen the to organize the south in 1929: to a standstill today.
picket lines and to spread tlie is often unavoidable. But the stal shoulder are the unskilled, low paid long history of the silk workers solely on our nerve. The new price of the Militant recognize Those were stirring days. For strike to other silk centers.
below We aren talking higher was 22 long weeks the silk Workers orl The silk workers strike started We aren talking the cost of production. It reshorter hours.
the Associated. They split the unrelatively well paid warpers, twist. Her der ty refusing to men as ion because they could not fetterers and loomtixers. The situation legitimate.
battle arter the NRA machinery had alquires a subsidy. We have none. You can express our objectives in aterson maintained the not even the cost of next week is ex: But if McMahon and his no less those terms. We want to sit down lines unbroken.
we ready shown how it functioned in it with their mechanical control. among the skilled crafts Approximately 500 broad silk tremely important for the strike treacherous lieutenants would not issue. We need your help and with the mill owners, we want to clubbed and shot by policemen another strikes, in collusion with the weavers followed the National un and the silk workers union in the recognize the strike officially thes count on it. If you see the need take up their problems as our pro detectives. Upwards of 800 stractionary labor leaders, to muffle of a Communist paper that approceeded at once to recognize it in blems, we want the mill owners, ers were thrown into jails unfit for the revolt of the workers and Associated and the National entered For some time three of reality by trying to herd the workfon on its rulnous course. Both the future.
peals directly to the mass of Ito sit down and diagnose the in ourselves, and the general public dogs. The organizers were prese break their fighting ranks with deated. The strike was vilified by aceitful promises and threats. The the 1931 strike about cqual in craft unions of warpers, loomixers ers under the jurisdiction of the American workers, records their strength. The strike of that time and twisters have existed in Pater back to work. In the struggles, and talks their langu with tragic experience of the Pennsylwas only a shadow of what it is son which failed even to organize kthode Island shops in Stroudsrage at the revolting slaves, and vania miners has not been lost on see there is a practical way for means to heal themek mutually aying press which screamed demanded There stands McMahon, revealed that the leaders be tarthe silk workers.
to lay but here again the National an appreciable section of the trade Escave orders that the Hazleton, Pa, and elsewhere you to help. Send a donation to union revealed a glaring incompet in these imions. As in other cateTHE MILITANT by his own statement as well as by red and feathered and driven out With such vigilance as the strikence and an unwillingness to face gories of the silk industry the work strike be called off and the workers his actions as an agent of the boss nunciation at the men and women ers have exhibited to date with facts. Instead of a genuine offer erstred of the exclusive over return to work.
126 East 16th Street of common action with the Associ cautious tacties of the Sabotage at Hazelton New York City organization only to be in a better who wanted a better life in this ing militancy thut has animated ated they sabotaged all real moves (Continued on Page 4)
position to betray and sell out the world. But with grim determination the silk workers they are bound In Hazleton, Thomson, a member workers. Continued on Page 4) straight for victroy!
Independent Craft Unions in Strike 20 Years Ago union outis Workers One Hundred Years of Trade Union Struggles in the Silk Industry Paterson was the cradle of the strike was lost and the leaders dis fed back into submission. Signifie Out of this strike emerged three LIVING CONDITIONS class struggle in the United States charged. However the bosses later ant about this strike was the ap craft unlous the Horizontal Warp The wretched conditions of the its disbanding in 1923.
few lost strikes were the cause of weeks, in 1928. In the same year the Associated conducted a strike just as Lyons a great silk center, conceded on the noon hour dispute pearance of an outstanding leader, ers Association, the Ribbon Weave years following the turbulent open. The crisis of 1921 hit the Pater for a wage increase and unlon re was in France. Paterson has been the storm center in the battles of PATERSON 1835 the silk workers for more than 100 The next strike in Paterson dta whose slogan was organized a bite or lonta Set rense Union and 1912, 1913. According to the tal blow and it passed out of exist work, the usernwand side was lost.
advocate of industrial unionism and Twisters Union and also two uning of the twentieth century pre son broad silk workers local of cognition. But the strike was not craft lines pared the way for the great battles the United Textile Workers a mor solid. Many crafts remained at years. Innumerable strikes, some not come until 1835 that ended in victory, and some in cotton mill workers struck for the huge strikes of many months took the Silk Workers Union.
Silk Association the average wage ence.
utter rout. some that were bloody. eleven hour day, the abolition of place in Fall River imongs and INCH BY INCH and others that were peaceful, some the store order system and exces again in 1884.
Strikebreakers The 1931 strike is also reported in by crafts and others by the entire sive lines. The workers were led smasbed the strikes in both the Paterson, only for hell to break of living rose by 60.
For a while things simmered in Weckly and in that period the cost HOUR DAY SLOGAN IN 1924 me he costuriko In 1924 the Associated Silk Workindustry, have been fought by the by an organization called the Patcases.
loose again around the period of 1912 IN CONCLUSION Paterson workers. These battles erson Association for the Protection SLAVE WAGES 1894 1899, 1990 and 1902. icketing. The Detroit faction of the Paterson in a strike for the hour silk workers, and great lessons are ers led 13, 000 broad silk workers of great tradition belongs to the were the road. pavers for the great of the Laboring Class, Etc. They conflict that shakes the textile in were aided by the Newark working driven to desperation by the wretch tion from the press and the pulpitled an unsuccessful struggle against day, to offset the 4 loom system, to be learned from it. In the silk The silk operatives of Paterson, police clubbing, arrests, denuncia headed by Rudolt Katx conductdustry today men who sent in 20. for relief and edly low wages, which according run through the last years of the the four loom system. This strike a 15 wage increase and union re workers struggles stretching The first strike of factory workened committees for the same puro were insufficient of the time last century and the opening of this proved to the scopties that the Eng cognition. They won a partial vie over one hundred years mangan monest food and purchase siege during which time strikers workers could stand together and ing the union and granting wage workers have had to cope with bein 1826 among the men, women and ont for six long weeks and then coal and wood. walked from were Jailed for calling strikebreak fight side by side. The story of the increases.
their ranks were broken through all trayers on the one hand and craft children cotton operatives. Silk mill pulling down ers scabs. the United Ribbon 1913 strike is told in another col THE PASSAIC STRIKE 1926 division on the other. Sometimes make its appear compromise offered by the bosses the shops. The New York ribbon Weavers Union won a one cent a umn of the Militant, as is the Asso as a fabric did ance till twelve years later. These in which two thirds of the workers weavers joined the strike and the yard increase on the plece rate.
returned under a working day of Paterson strikers trudged all the ciated Silk Workers strike of 1919. slugged by gunmen the slik Clubbed and tear gassed by cops, they have won and many times they dyd had to return to the mills. van.
slaves had been tolling from twelve The United Textile Workers be AMALGAMATED TEXTILE workers of Passaic, Garfield and quished. But the amazing vitality rise to sunset. They lived in compelny owned tenements. They were we hours for five days in the way to New York to visit their an Its career in 1901. Soon after nine hours on Sunday. fellow strikers. The workers te the Paterson craft unions afiliated WORKERS UNION Lodi, New Jersey held out valiantly of the struggle of the working class striking against the attempt of The merciful bosses had yielded one turned the visit. But if the strik lto it.
the and one half hours. The workersers were united, so were the bosses From May 1919 to November 1922 agninst a 10 wage cut and for is attested by the present strike a militant, class struggle union, union recognition under the left the greatest in the history of the bosses to change the lunch hour remaining out for the 11 hour day lof Paterson and New York whol Pleket lines again in 1902. Ledwheed was one bis union for Textile Workers. They lost the hot cease with the conclusion of wing United Front Committee of silk workers. This struggle will from twelve o clock to one and for the ten hour day. Marking the first were blacklisted as were the chil had a binding compact to break the by the Ribbon Weavers Union the textile industry swept the field, strike after a long and memorable the present strike. It will become act of solidarity, the building trades dren of the leaders.
strike. Many a striker received a against which an injunction was winning big battles in Wohale Pawtucket Marking the first act day comes when the working class government In 1879 the International Labor man nightstick. The strike was for fines in picketing cases, the Hoboken. It had SOLD OUT by its united strength will build terror against striking workers, the Union waged an eight months bat neither won nor lost some of the broad silk weavers and the dyers 50, 000 members. This was the Am The betrayers of New a new system where strikes will militia was called out to drive the tle in Paterson against a reduction mills granted the raise in pay and won an increase of one and one algamated Textile Workers. Bad Bedford sold out many silk work become memories of a post age of workers back to the shops. The in wages. The workers were starv. others did not.
balt cents on a yard. leadership, adverse conditions, alers after a stubborn battle of 221 slavery and oppression.
to and. Lawrence, struggle.