AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionEnglandFascismGermanyImperialismLeninMarxismNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1933 PAGE The Cuban Challenge to Before the Court of the Fascists Before the of Convention Imperialism them Letter from Shanghai St. Louis Strike Briefs found efect Rights.
the Four men are on trial for their movement, which has for its leadHves, at the Leipzig supreme court ership the Stalin clique, what has Reactionaries Plan to Harness Labor at Momentous Gathering Opening Oct. In Germany, together with the Nazi it done in this situation? Vociferous lupe Van der Lubbe. The charge protests have been heard against Reports from Cuba, no matter developed to its highest stage So is high treason and whatever the the Naxl attempt to railroad the vancing claims for the coming NRA machinery of regulating class former. Despite this juggling the President William Green is ad in the chains of the brand new most fifty percent of that of the from what political source, indic viets. major shortcoming is the monstrously farcical court procedure accused. But these protests have of convention, to begin Oct relations and reinforcing the means truth remains that the overwhelmate that the revolution has passed fact that we have a stalinist com may reveal the accused are in ad come almost exclusively from the obor 2, to become the most moments of keeping them in subjection as a ing trend of labor organization tows ot a simple poll munist Party in Cuba and not a vence condemned to the execution liberal bourgeoisie and petty bourous gathering of this body in six cinss. But on the other hand, the at this moment, toward the tical revolution beyond the and has entered the Marxian Communist Party. Withoutlers Axe. That is, if the Nazis are geoisie. Even sections of the rise teen years. This comparison every developments growing ont of of Li while the TUUL wious, in first stage of a cantante la press corn to the wartime convention nola e already indicate that the A, making certain gaipedoutsolated class are in confusion. The crisis tion regardless of the revolutionary. It is the aftermath of a drama travesty on justice too revoltin Gompers, together with his whole roads with a spoed which is truly where; and precisely in those cases and economic conditions had reach struggles of the masses. Worse yet.
ed a breaking point. The American we do not have a Marxian Com. of two world forces at grips Pasc. In other words whatever comfort stall, made their heroic efforts to America. Ilow it will attempt to, where the of has growth ism and Communism. But the and help has reached these victims imperialists, fucing the coming Panmunist Party in the United States. Fruscista, drunk with victory, are of a dastardly frame up has come harness the American Federation of or rather how it will fail toto of life itself, this proves the record. Once more, and by the American conference, pressed upon it is our task to hurry and build tightening their strangling body from these quarters and not from serve the interests of the imperial decisive importance for the future fact that the oficial party TUUL Labor as an auxiliary machinery to with this new situation will be of process all sides by the new measures one. The revolutionary struggle in on the throat of their victims.
They the official Communist movement.
adopted to surmount the mounting Cabn shows the importance and the demand their blood to the very last The party and the Comintern is ominously sinister in its implica The of executive Claim tion to the curve development of drop. What an insolent challenge at least 500, 000 new members, the living movement.
place America uses a new form of The Cuban people must abrogatemunist movement, not only to the tempting to strike a blow. That No doubts need exist of this ga There is no reason to doubt this delay open armed intervention, la Must Abrogate Platt Amendment is this trial, not only to the Com capitulated to Fascism without at tion.
The present record growth of the intervention, a method of bottling the Platt Amendment. The present working class, but to all that hear fact bas burned it self deeply into thering becoming a momentous one. titre, the acrolatie ar tāmetics of of almost amounts to a up the island with the Atlantic geet potty bourgeois government cannot the name Justice within this capi cur conscience But have they also it will he so, not by virtue of what Statehel the head of the TUUL stampede with genuine mass strikes and secretly aiding counter revolu carry out this task nor will it talist world.
tion within, and at the same time be able to stand the pressure of the against the Nazi hangman work tendance can be expected to do, but Werker article, of September 19, by unions. In such cases where the Communists Meet Challenge endeavoring to further worsen the class struggle between the national The Communists, who are before procedure? Almost the entire westional conditions under which it of claims and padding the the former are, by their radically which is now cloaked in a court by the special period and excepthe process of deducting from the party unions exist alongside of economic arrender or hastenperialists against the workers and the bar at Leipzig, have met this tern world is aroused by this hang takes place. In the first place this TUUL claims, all on paper, he sue false jolley, forced to trail behind.
situation to capitalists and the American Imeither force a bourgeois revolutionary government for a free and democratic constitu only soliders of the proletarian army officials give vent to their condemna of another herole effort to hrown satisfaction that the latter conservative in their demands, and the downfall of the present petty. pents. The workers must feel challenge and stood up manly a man work. Even the of Comention gathers under the sign ceeds in provins, apparently to his in many cases they are even more headed by Grau San Martin. ent assembly. The workers must can do. They did not disavow thelirtion. What is the so called anti nan American working masses has made gains amounting to al impotent to influence the workers where they are not entirely elimindemand that the clection be called creedor bildethel. convictions, but Fascist, united front morement do Communist Activity in Cuba ing about it? The truth is that ated. These are salient facts of ber the 20th, reports: Comrade. This can only be accom aims. And the official Complut remnins as dead and meaning The New York Times of Septem while the revolution is still on the proudly aserted their which the reactionaries do not fail lens is intended by its Stalinists in Plished if the organs of Soviets are selgure of mills approaching functioning to protect workers dem.
itintors. But what is the Cominabove all, must take notice and act with no government curb Work: ocracy, to beat down the head of tern doing abont it? What are the accordingly.
official parties doing ers hold 15 mills. Communist counter revolution, to further devel.
about Around this issue was another opleaders have been very active since the revolution, and to thereby Shanghai. About Huang Ping, been reduced to a skeleton of his It would be idle to speculate on whose capitulation the New Senor Machado fall. Cuba is contine the Constituent Assembly York former self. wracked and tor what the reactionary of ful protest movement on foot. And now at the cross road and must go to its proper pengtes united front portunity to actually set a power stader. am in a position to gone, stood limply before her. List convention. First of all they will deny as an Opposition tured body, the physical aber all capiatlist agents will do at this right or lett. The Cuban labor In the United St. Louis Six thousand workers the official party in the United give you direct information supplied less, lifeless eyes stored out from endeavor to strengthen their own their own trouble began with the spontaneous mass Statse when it proclaimed its de meetings must be called seleure of sugar mills by syndical throughout the country. The fact on strike in St. Louis and the boss monstration in New York mobilized by Madame Sun Yat Sen. Notwith what once had been a human being positions and ist unions and is now taking the that the stalinists with the huge build an organization to kill the about a thousand workers: less than swing her close connections with but which was scarcely one now. relations with capttalism, by corre the League Against Imperialism and Madame Sun questions brought spondingly reinforcing the means of an organized Communist apparatus have not started this organization of the working class. the party membership itselt.
of the St. Louis League the Paris Anti War Committee she no answers. Had be been tortured of holding the working masses in movement that is sweeping the lo shows how seriously they take the No Protest in Soviet Union From the Soviet Union, from the workers cause in China, she has ous. licad bowed, Iluang made distinctly in this sense that they is genuine protagonist of the the question seemed so superflu subjection. It is in this sense, and and is dally approaching closer to unions must be drawn into this of the big open shop clothing manua. other papers report so protest. Financial aid must be tor facturers, 11. Curle, ls to combat proletarian stromabela has come and wared a prominent part in a hodge no renly, but the guard returned an uave embraced the NRA. The viets are being set up.
indus itself to the demand for an apolog lectuals known as the China League to his charge. You have not been presentation in the machinery The revolution in Cuba is the and anti imperialist forces must be disturbing and preventing because its reporter was molested for Civil Rights, which has been tortured, have you, Mr. Huang? created u under the codes, says Green.
most important political event of organized behind Cuba struggle trial recorery in St. Louis.
by the Nazis, in the American imperialism. The With 1500 silk dress workers with the Kuo Min Tang political pris own question.
the day. It overshadows the NRA abers and liberal forces in every turning to work there is great dap trial and it remained sales of the agitating for better treatment of Of course not! answering his Will this be for the purpose of adin importance in spite of the provancing the ideas of workers con the explanation that this was a loners. The organization is now Torture of Huang trol of production? Will these leadQuestioning was obviously use. ers demand that the books of the bave on lives of the American pressure upon their govements to dress workers will lose their strike. which Tenin Pravda has sunk. against too many matters involving less, and Madame Sun last you open for the inspection of labor t ques industrial enterprises be thrown people and the class relations. The protest and demand that the United The silk dress workers bad been States withdraw the ships and the most militant (over 300 arrests But the working class cannot re class issues, which, because of its tion to lInang Ping was: Did NRA in all its magnitude is a stopgap and capitalist attempt to stem Marines from Cuban waters. Cuba in one week) and their golng main satisfied with such explana comunition liter was to incapable. potere de aer crise our name for the arrepresentatives and by this method Cuba is a wave of the social tide inntion. Such a more in all of the open for the expounding of the with the Cominter The Pseits secretary. Sang Chen, was past? Huu hunx his heal and course not. The of de abilicnton eten tient and inevitably failed. Whentaining a renunciation of your matter of control of production? or breaking through world struc Latin American countries, connected leadership circus talk of the right of protest.
ture of American imperialism. This with the struggle of the American about the new Messiah Roosevelt. ist executioners axe le hanging over sassinated recently by Blue Shirt save no reply. His failer auswer mand will be advanced with the Huang purpose of strengthening the rela must be studied in detall, especialism, will have powerful pressure. honesty is the best policy. They demand that this menace he fought Chimne Kal shek, most of its more wrote it didn you Mr. Huang. tious with capital for more effecit That was all. Ilang failed to tive class collaboration under the ly by the American revolutionists. It will also make a distinction be are strict advocates of class colla every inch of its way. In this prominent adherents become repudiate the article when given new conditions.
would be healthier if they because it foreshadows and cont ween words and deeds of many so boration policies. The Left wing there is not a minute to lose.
even more respectable than they had the opportunity of doing so. All But there are also other trends been that could be done to a man capitalist defenders said was im Latin America and expose the pup tinue to fight against the leaders of possible. That is, the first steps pot povernments to a greater degree the ILGWU lest one half of their Int Workers School toward a sodal revolution on Am. before the eyes of the workers and union membership is sold out.
Madame Son had occasion to visit the verge of the grave he refused trial form of organization for the But to get on with the mors. obrontza bene come to me hau The Motul Trades Department is erican soll, in one of America mostThe argument that the commun cap workers, settled by Mar Zarit The strike of the 2, 000 hat and Fall Term Nanking shortly after Huang Ping the opportunity of vindicating him basic indstries. This shows the arrest, connection with her work selt before his comrades.
ists of Cuba cannot establish a so sky arbitration powers under the Reristration Oct. 15 every eve in the Chine League for Civil At Gates of Imperialism Most significant is the fact that let Government at this stage and banner of the NRA, may again be Itumor has it that Huang Ping Pressure to which the of Announeement of Courses At the time Huang Ping has since been done to death, his yied, if not now, then ater. This while American hegemony over the in the plans of the revolutionist more modest demands has no place manufacturers are refusing to re Organization Principles fate was unknown. beyond the fact Jaiters finding him an unnecessary pressuer will increase under ing to a greater that he had been tortured and that burden on their hands, but it is not new conditions. Most significant, earth and desperate steps are being and the Left Opposition. No doubt employ the unton strikers, as they ABERN. recantation had appeared under possible to obtain confirmation. However, is the statement inade by taken internally and international Soviets are very difficult to estab tled. The hat and cap workers are Applied Marxian Economics his name in the People Tribune, From the time of his arrest the Green that the of is going Wang Chin Wel organ.
in the downward curve of decay cial revolutior, are started in this ion conditions as they were with. FIELD.
only one interested in his fate who to be the recognized all embracing Madame Sun determined to find managed to see him was Madame spokesman for American labor.
capitalism America finds that she decay stage of capitalism it can out what had happened to Huang Sun, and she seems satisfied that That means there is no room in 18 confronted with the meance of sweep beyond Cuba, providing there their open shop conditions. The State and Revolution Ping. Due to her wrsonal influ the recantation attributed to lluang the United States for any other laSoviets at the gates of her 48 states is a communist party, and a lend only difference. as one striker ex WEBER.
prevent the spread of the October the American Her world struggle since 1917 ership with a proIt is up to pressed it, is, that now the winKno Min Tang authorities to allow red from him in the anguish of bor movement.
to come to dows are slightly closed. Hell Fundamentals of Marxism WRIGHT. her to interview Huang. She chal. Physical torture, when his wracked make good on this threat is certain.
revolution, can be revealed by the the aid of the struggles of the winds will blow here in St. Louis leged them to produce him and To that the convention will unevents in Cuba and its implications Latin American workers just as it this winter unless the bosses and Write or phone School Headquar prove that he had not been mur live questionably be keyed up. That is for America is a futile struereld to was the duty of the European work tiheder. pada sebe oder gerne die anters for information: redane was brought to her at the Chiang Kai shek Blue Shirts. capitalism imposes upon its agents China capitalism as a leader of proletarian workers after the October days, cap workers some concessions. There 126 East 16th Street Yangtse Hotel, accompanied by a who commenced their activities in within labors ranks to be carried ian defeats.
The Culan revolution must be used union workers get 10 checks.
The Cuban revolution comes at as a lever against American imperTel. GRAmerey 9524 the interview. such as it was. In through the local police organiza its intention is to crush any and. most difficult period in world polialien HUGO OEHLER MARTIN PAYER.
Madame Sun words, luang had tions, and succeeding in arresting all militant or progressive unions ities. The Cuban revolution as the first stage of a social revolution seizure of power.
suspects. have now invaded North this manner, help to anda na We must not expect that the China. Scores of Communists have forestall the development of workthe heels of the victory of Fascism slogans will appear in America un arrested in Peiping (now vir ing class militaney finding organ: in Germany and when the world proletariat has just passed through the most disastrous defeat, and The following article is a con geoisie, the question of compensa ple, that in the case of England, elsewhere. We work with condi, mast couple of months Wacho Com this may be comparatively easy in a period when reaction flows tribution to the discussion on munist arrested. is offered tion is entirely secondary, if not where the Labor Party exsted an tions as we find them and it is his liberty if he will renounce his out will be contradictions of the to really bring to we would from it. It is logical to face world irrelevant. It is entirely a matter a stumbling block in the road of not at all necessary that a labor principles and sign a declaration to of position because it imthe NRA. It represents the fore wide repercussions from the vetor views of the author movement that effect. Torture is employed, plies more open to develop ious October Revolution. And It Other articles are invited but matter of principle, as is indicated the proletariat, it was perfectly pro party or a reformist induce prisoners to suppression of is not a surprise, yet seemingly a the militancy bound in the work Whither England. per for the Communists not merely exist to advance such slogans, nor of course, to Jarations, which are should not exceed 700 words.
contradiction, to be confronted with Besides the financial side of the to pose the problem of nationaliza that a labor party arise as the di make these the Cuban situation after the Ger (Continued from last week) question of secondary import tlon but to set in motion mass presrect result of their advancement. Immediately used as propaganda within its own ranks. In this lles revolts from man event.
Communism. Many of these the prospects The slogan of nationalization of ance. The pripcipal task is to sure for an actual struggle for its if in advanced countries the period against have lately been pub. within.
Trotsky Prediction industries is at the present stage create the political conditions for realization, at the same time point of preparation for the seizure of recantations The of Officialdom is enand the dictatorship of the lished in the press of the north. In It was almost ten years ago that not one of immediate agitation but nationalization, wherhase, that te does this apply to America where but the actual seizure of power with one instance, only last week, a group rering upon its thorny road. The comrade Trotsky startled by puring out its inadequacy. But how lotariat will be more prolonged rather a propagandaslogan laying chase or without were reconstitution of a Left wing is many of Communist renegades the basis and setting directives for of no importance. In the last in the 80 backward, where nomic center of the world was shift heaval which lies ahead. Even with death for the bourgeoiste Revolu. Ing the reformists in this category. Driet existence for the purpose of where they adressed larte crowds when he pointed out that the eco the movement in the period of upstance it is a matter of life and the mass animations, even Includbe much foreshortened, then these brought by the Kuo Min Tango now more essential than ever.
intermediate slogans will live their ficials to a public park in Peiping ihen the Forecase making up the American cconomic development ton is inevitable for the reason that are eo few in number? The ans crystallizing the struggle, only to attacking the principles they had NEW SPLIT IN CHILEAN the on as COMMUNIST PARTY ternational Left Opposition and its for the capitalist class even, that itself to be strangled by Fubianto the mode of awakening of the be quickly transformed in the course renounced.
American section have pointed out is, with a coinciding of the NRA banking operations. Even a The Communist party organ in Each day the disintegration of Roosevelt is acting as the spear.
masses and the speed with which China. learned this week, the officialC. of Chile (Laffertist tions goes increased class conflicts resulting in the temporary liquida by bourgeole society in its present this will occur. We are opposed head of the bourgeois attack on the circulates about 100 copies. Com group (becomes more accentuated its former stand pletely disorientated, it falls of to to the point where the few Bolshe even at will necessarily take on new such as would render the other things ards of raiser, informing America will have its share of the forms wing to the trend of devel. success of these measures extreme the English experience warned think at the moment that be ises and is entirely unpopular. One selves obliged to openly unmask the unionization party member expressed to a friend adventurist bureaucracy in the leadred menace that haunts the capital opinent towarum will be mil principle of nationalization and of the masses from a real struggle and many are The new state capitalism. ly doubtful, thus compromising the how such a party diverts the energy actually encounting into the of mine who has just returned from Jership.
Ist world the proletarian revolutantly imperialistic. The violent with it the Labor Party. The bour acts as a brake and helps to dep. of It is our plain duty to go the North his disappointment with In the last national conference tion. The NRA stop sap, and the struggle for control of markets will seolle would oppose ES class feat our aims. But in that case with them and to form a Left wing party activity.
lying and of the party, which took place re.
ducting a gigantic scale with Eur.
special struggles America is con base itself at home on the ever every straightforward attempt at it is our duty to take over those in the unions. We must help set exaggeration are the chief charac cently, with the participation of three different fronts. all indicate working class for the moment the other branches of Industry would and lead in a progressive direction towards workers control and na As this man remarked. We read and absolutely without the knowl ope, Latin America and Japan, con a stream of mass pressure follows the resort to lockouts, to sabotage, to making them the basis not for protionalization. We must belp set up in the party organ things we know edge of three of the members of the that conditions and class relations Roosevelt, but as events (the pro a boycott of the national industry. Frams to fool the masses, but for permanent shop (grievance) com. are not true. Voicing what was, Central Committee these latter were in the United States are going grees of inflation for example) clar: bring about a life and death but alling them with our content, pureeste tot disclosing volations of ing criticism of this companhiasa accused of being oppositionists and mittees at first ostensibly for the probably annwittingly devas were summarily expelled.
to shift rapidly forward to strucify the situation the stream gles that will take on a revolution over the confining walls.
will struggle. However guarded the actual class struggles conducted Until recently all three of these first steps might be, the task will with every weapon in our power.
ary scope.
The Cuban revolution, under pro We cannot wait expectantly for nevertheless lead to the necessity of Our Tanks out for the closed shop and for ever presentation of the facts, however comrades were per guidance and cooperation from swell and become a could the period of open at du ploiters. Here we are clearly workers are showing initiative in we must propagandize the workers need to resort to lying and exagparty policies, they have been exbreaking breaking the opposition of the exgreater workers control of produc unpalatable, and their correct inter Rolsheviks and now for having The way in which even now the tion. Through the shop committees pretation. good cause has no protested against, and criticized the be the spark to start a more rapid cate the workers. We must met even the dialectie nature of the taking full advantage of the pact codes of action. Unless we prepare geratione can the contrary, it pelled and branded a traitors.
the left. Will that be its direc in plan of action now. correction Natlonalization and the Labor Party in the NRA, gives every hope for masses in time when, through its Their treason consisted in de manding a discussion of the past PITTSBURGH MASS MEETINGS errors of the man wered within the next few months that will naturally adhere to our or sooner. However, tate the very rough draft as we go along. Mens Nationalization stated in their tovelopment of class consciousness in program and thoroughhe anaitatae ARNE SWABECK The Political Bulletin of the Chilleast, if we consider the worse var. time we mattently answer the quer port in 1926 that the struggle for that American working class. Tu question of power becomes the or will speak at ean Communist Left reports that the units to which the three exlant that reaction triumphs and tes and objections raised by the ser nationalization would build up that case the slogans of national, der of the same WEINSTEIN RESTAURANT JACK WEBER.
American imperialism gains its ob tous workers looking for a solution Labor party. We Communists are ization and of workers control of pelled Central Committee members 1830 Center Ave. 2nd Floor party. Why then propose national Industry will be pushed more and jectives (as well as the fact that to their problems.
belonged are also to be expelled en one must take into consideration Compensation or No Compensation catlon?
more to the fore and we must be on masse.
the position of Stalinism) neverNEW HAVEN MASS MEETING It might be conceded, for exam ready to all them with our Friday, October 13 at P.
In the mind of the worker the theless, the importance of Soviets question of compensation naturally content at the proper time, and to The Future of make them the basis for a real and BRONX MASS MEETING THE FUTURE OF INTERNAon American soil, in Cuba, must not arises when antionalization is under BOSTON MASS MEETING TIONAL COMMUNISM Communism not a sham battle. Under proper be underestimated.
Saturday, October 14 at P. FOR NEW COMMUNIST PARTY consideration. Lorovsky. in ap ARNE SWABECK conditions these slogans offer every Marxian Communist Party Vital proving of the slogan at the 15th possibility of rallying the miners, Speaker: Ame Swabeek THE ROOSEVELT PROGRAM AND NEW INTERNATIONAL the rallrond workers and the entire significant fact is revealed Congress in 1927, at the AND THE WORKERS when one studies the economic and thought that the Aght for no com THE FUTURE OF INTERNA working class for a struggle against Workmen Circle Center, 72 Legion New Hollywood Gardens social forces of Cuba. The objective pensation serves to distinguish the TIONAL COMMUNISM the capitalists, they offer means 896 Prospect Ave. Nr 162nd St. The September issue of YOUNG conditions in Cuba are in favor of Communist from the socialist. But FRIDAY, OCT. 6, at P.
of striking a bi at finance cap Ave. Opposite Dwight St. Speakers: Max Shacht man and the task of carrying the revolution to Trotsky, viewing the slogan as theyond the present stage. The spon opposed to the formation of labor 28 Hayward Place (ore Washington egy on the widest scale for orientSOCIAL SCIENCE HALL tal, and with a real struggle they Tuesday Evening. October 3rd, 1988 SPARTACUS is out. It contains James Cannon at PM news of the youth movement and Friday, October 6, 1938 taneous action of the workers in means of engaging the workers in Admission 10 cents articles on the current working strike struggle and united front la gigantle struggle with the bour St. near Whites) Ting the working class towarde the Ausploed: New Haven Br. class Jesues.
Auspices: Bronx branch of the Communits League of America (O. er en generican Helsingin Discussion on the NRA. The Slogan of Nationalization for that with the shifts in world tell and a real expansion of production nationalization can be understel political class consciousness of the of the struggle.
this state world that within to party: ti од At