BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFootballFranceHitlerLeninLeninismMarxOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1933 60th Birthday of Rakovsky Brandler International Makes Overtures to Stalin British Labor Skates Have His Activities During War Own Way at Congress The Brandler Lovestone Inter the catastrophes resulting from its State and those of the internationnational. or whatever is left of it, own policies. These Right wing al proletariat there is and there can held a plenary meeting, following lamentators have no complaints to be no contradiction. But it is false The sixtieth birthday of Chris. policy in the Balkans) as the map right upon the heels of the gigantic make over the disastrously false to the roof to transfer this law over EDINBURGHGerman experiences, and once more and opportunist bloc with Chiang to the Stalinist bureaucracy. This trade union bureaucrat and in this tian Georgevitch Rakovsky September 1, 1872) beings to. 1st fan (born elected by Suedekum to assist in demonstrated its incapacity to dis Kal Shek in the Chinese revolution is precisely what the authors of. To outward appearances, capital frame of mind he arrived at the life during that crucial force of what spiritual springs some zeal eliberations it er ystallized into Committee, or the many other sim selves as flunkles of the statinis depression. The Inrge towns are cal election as delegates to these the world war when the proletarian ous Stalinists have quaffed the in new ctforts to pull the revolution llar combinations.
Their fulminations against Trot into its good graces.
bureaucracy anxious to crawl back managing to conceal thelr troubles congresses and as a consemenee the under a veneer of seeming well official Tolicy as formulate bly the the sea of as agents of the Stalinist Right Centrist bloc. skyism. that is, agutust the Left Defenders of the Theory of Social Doing. New buildings are being con General Council is well guarded slander like new of the primeval slide surging out Rumanian Sigu. Schlyachta, etc. entation as binding upon its af Stalin, and they have made no im. If it is not the theory of social new designs for shops, houses, and elements who might wet the bnChristian Rakovsky was the in Rakovsky Imprisoned ated groups. But hardly spiring lender of the modern 80 On August 16, 1916 Rumania fn Ink on the signatures was the provements upon them. It is quite ism in one country, with its re cinemas raise the enthusiasm of the reaucracy if elected in sufficient dry before natural that these people should sulting reactionary national posi local Journalists who have deve! numbers by the branches Bri No Opposition to Bureaucrats labor movement as such took share archy. The last public anti war (kalbom) Communist party, which in this respect for today after the ist bureaucracy into contradiction taln. The theatres and This year, at Brighton, the buthere only in 1966, under the direct meeting of the Romanian socialists, was not represented at the meet terrible German catastrophe. It has with the interests of the Soviet are crowded and the masses roll reaucrats had it all thelr own way tion, and it bore an almost exclu xurrounded by troops; the masses attended the Paris conference of than ever that the left opposition, the world revolution, how then ex themselves hoarse at football match gress, Atr. Walkden, made the opensively economie character. Later were dispersed by cavalry charges. Left Socialist and ing speech there were no interrupon, writer one of the founders of Two weeks later, the daily paper parties. Meanwhile the split oft Sonal parties and for a new Inter in the German catastrophe? But The speed up in industry and the tions or no lll mannered attempts the Rumantan communist Party of the party, which Rakovsky help Citlow group in the United States national, represents the main kerned with this the authors of the docu spectre of unemplyement has crent to find fault with his carefully pre when the government proceeded to suppressed by the government. Al Brandler polley and proclaims the proletarian movement. Moreover, they stated further: The ports: anything to detract the mind dress was model of bankruptcy mas deportations cranian workers enlled to the front. All the Were collapse of the Brandler Lovestone these people also know that it is fights to liquidate the false tactics from the reality of impending disent it neted like soothing syrup on of Jewish, Hun most all the members garian and mem International.
only throngh such fulminations of the not, however, to and banished the labor leader Rak bers of the Central Committee, with This is true; this international that the requirements can be met the policy of the in not. The financial journals have the bureaucrats. Before the Great let this phenomenon pass with War, former presidents of the con ovsky from the land, the movement two exceptions, were instantly ar 18 collapsing. After Jllek and Hals for application for re entry into the the Soviet Union. Ry this they out notice and they advice thelr cress extolled the great industrial took on a political coloring. In the rosted. Rakovsky himself met with of Czechoslovakia led their trade Stalin bureaucracy.
spring of 1909, the arrest of Rak the same fate and was interned a union following back to the social only further reveal themselves, not get rich quick readers to invest in system and social legislation of Gier.
The Anti Trotsky Crusade as reyolutionary theoreticians but cinema and greyhound In essence this Right wing docu as practical opportunits of give The small investor has alreprises many. The fatherland was the patalready been tern to be copied.
coinciding with the protest meeting The two members of the Committee national, the French Start ment, except for its lamentation and take you let us have our problemus hed erat here and it has computed counas new yeach in America. Las on the occasion of Ferrer execu who had remained at liberty. We cloth. The Neurath group of Czecho inism from any complicity in the we will let you have yours. Forlars have found their way into the few years ago it was llenry Ford tion, produced the first significant then also arrested after having collision between the working mase sent a written protest to Bratlanu. Slovakia took the opposite course to German defent. It says we quote them as for the reformists the in. British entertainment the president of the ministerial tbe Left Opposition, and the Swiss from the document published in the ternational situation is a sum of whero fortunes are being a who was their hero. Not only did his system of mass production stag ex and the police.
The representative of the human council, against the imprisonment of Brandler section is permeated with Workers Age, of September 15: the national situations. But this the exploltation of sweated labor. ger the minds of these gullible ques ian social democracy in the Bureau Rakovsky. The party itself was and learning from the ideas of the Especially is it necessary to ex is also what led the social reform. In this connection the attttude to but they actually thought that at the outbreak of the war, was com Rakovsky, the valiant leader of ogically, this international is dim: tactical mistakes of the and To Reestablish the Right Centrist ital is a new one of hostility and with which to. Bloc in line with the presente diplomatid Ford is replaced by Roosevelt hand rade Rakorsky. It is gin (the rabid bourge arian or the Rumanian social democracy inishing organizationally. With all the and the defeat of the press al as he was called by the attorney, embraced masses nor brought cored national Interests of the Soviet its opportunist practicality it neither German working cláss to the allegThis remarkable document con poltcy of the ruling class, a definite the nolley of the American Drea anti American tone pervades the which organized Labor has long and wars referred to him contemptu. Nicolau, remained ously as the Rumanian Rak. Jassy for months. In March 1917, rect ideas into the movement. From Union. The assertion that the cludes with a proposal from the prees.
Brandler Lovestone International vocated as a solution to the preovsky. far from militating against the proletariat of Rumania, despite the German experiences it has theory of the construction of social to the Comintern for the settingsking ndmiration for America. of workers strike against the Despite this, however, there is a sent crisis. In America thousands his activity in Romania, contribut the occupation of most of the coun learned nothing. Its orientation to ism in one country has made the tbe up of a working bloc, which. can ed to making him known as the try by the German the Balkans, one of the leading pro Intoxicating news of the overthrow laclous in this epoch of deep going countries, must be branded as dan ont united front tactics, for a commedia business people of the mid the u. Ainds time to praise most prominent Internationalist in brought to its feet again by the comes so much more distinctly fal interests of the workers of other establish joint action for carrying Kwenst be this the among the Roosevelt policy but here in ritalin mon struggle against reformism. Ale class who greedily devour the Roosevelt.
of the Balkan Federative of the Czarist regime in Russia and differentiations in which groups and serons anti bolshevism.
Bow to American Plutocrats Not a message of frnternity and equally at home in Bucharest, Sofia, MASSOR For the first time since are groping their way toward Com against so called Trotskyism. But. Here we come to the very crux press and the motion pictures, where of all the members of the doomed and women appeared in half spon Right Wing Prepared the Ground itically dishonest distortion of the the Right Centrist bloc for a com and become millionaires as it by encouragement to the scarred flichtviews of the Left Opposition in sub mon struggle against For Bureaucratie Adventurism the progressive secret dream of every British Bab. Working Cate of Wall Street and bow to only one who remained a genuine streets, demanding bread and freehitt. In this category belong the The Brandler Lovestone meeting stituting Soviet Union for the bureau force within the revolutionary thousands of well paid trade union Tammany Hall. Not one voice was cither to the standard of the Allies atscussed on every hand and the theoretically verifies what has been cratic interests of the Stalin e reformism and centrism is thrown officials who have been raised by destroy the Comerise agalost the Internationalist. The others flocksdom. The Russian revolution was brought forward a document which the ss the national interests orisition, against the the Left On magie. To emulate America is thers in the ranks of the American or of the Entente.
outlawed socialists began to resharebove. This document chargime. Between these a definite distheir monstrosity. Likewise upon made. Comrade in only for embellishment.
Delegate to Zimmerwald The Rumanian party instantly soon be effected.
as off the relense of Rakovsky wond tester altra Letiam pervading the Trotsky, more than anyone elettract that much in the Brandter link tlie country on union business on the general strike was brought Comintern, for its fulmination has repeatedly pointed out Lovestone criticism of the Stalin or sitting in conference with the and until the country was drawn took a position against the war Russian Troops Release Rakovsky against Trotskyism and for its Letween the interests of the Sovie list bureaucratie adventurism has bosch in some paintial hotel, these shelf and when a lone delegate rose Into the European Shambles the became alarmed at the ferment in the basis of live and let live.
The German forces of occupation overtures to the Stalin regime on BOSTON ANNOUNCEMENTS been stated correctly, but it is ant gentlemen soon develop a new out to protest against this travesty he mated by entirely different motives look on life. They begin to see was promptly steam rollered by the tion against it. In February 2011 den. The May Day demonstrations of the former Right Centrist, ble But it is precisely these partners VETCHERINKA Saturday, Oct. and is hending for an entirely dif er for good points in the capital chairman at P.
terent course from ours. From the 1sts whom they formerly vigorously On Fascism, Mr. Citrine deliver Balkan protest meeting against warlobtained, were ordered called off ultra Leftism it should be call FORUM every Friday evening.
for which permission had first been who prepared the ground for German experiences they draw the denounced in their trade unioned a well documented speech exposing the horrors of Hitlerism. Ac.
organized in Sofia by the e Bulgarian conclusion for the practical absolbranches.
SOCIAL SCIENCE CLUB meetsing of responsibility and for the cording to Left wing socialista (the Narrows by the German, officials. But the ed by its correct name, bureaucrati every Monday evening at P. further strengthening of the Stalin tending to drain thementen Conca but upon the question of how to Strikes are now frowned non as Irine speech womiters, Ar.
la ment took place there at the same time, arley was celebrated nevertheless, which prepared the zig znes to the MARXIAN YOUTH CLUB meets he conclulons leading to the crea upon as being a source of trouble light Fascism the speech is strangely others. At a conference which alltinternational proletarian solid so much. It is their oppotrunism the Rumanians joined with the The Russian revolutionary soldiers, Left. to adventurism by the fact tion of new national parties and to the anton. Is it not much easier vague it not completely silent. Acnew International. There is the to negotiate wage cuts with cording to Citrine, the real reason Left wing Bulgarians and the Serb: od Rumania from the Ukraine, Marxian position. In pursuing its SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT to of pleasant employer than to reason for the advent of Hitler was the reactionary nationalism as conclusively with the right wing moved in upon Jassy, red flags atempiricist outlook and methods it On Club Plan (Clubs of Four course toward the strengtheninst with angry strikers or discontented huge army of unemployed which their head, and tore upon the prison recolls from opportunism to adven. One year 00: six Months 00 revolutionary Internationalism. unemployed? Thus reasons they made the calling of a general strike Bulgarians (the Brond minded. doors which confined Rakovsky And Furiem when pressed by events and Six Months 60 Cents.
impossible and it here in Britain In July of the some reading term na comardes. The international CHICAGO LECTURE then Citrine will not be respon the unemployed continue to increase Palm Garden, by posting pickets Bulgaria, Greece and Romania (the head of a triumphal procession that and distributing leaflets in The Friends of the Militant Club sible for what will happen, which from sending went through the streets of the nelghobrhood of the hall, to anall sounds very much like saying announces u delegate because altions. the social patriots of Eur. Immediately thereafter, Rakovsky city.
that Fascism is inevitable and that nounce that the Tuesday Food Workers had been postponed until Well the opening of the season with so long as there is an unemployed ope were decisively condemned and passed the frontier into turbulant day at the same place. where their a lecture on army then the trade unions cannot own meeting was scheduled. fight.
International. At the same period, ents at the disposal of Bolshevism Instead of engaging in such a The following is the schedule of THE SPLIT IN THE SECOND About four weeks ago a leaflet Unmployed Refused Hearing INTERNATIONAL left protested against themselves openly with the Zim and the proletarian revolution. Aslened by the Amalgamated Ford low type of petty bourgeois cnt cities. Sun. Oct. 1st. Bethlehem, Pa.
hew epoch was commencing in his workers and the Food Workers in throat competition, splitting merwald Commission and delegated lite by Comrade Albert Glotzer this speech without obtaining much comrade Rakovsky to attend the MAX SHACHTMAN. dustrial Union was circulated among Stalinist leaders should have em Tues. Oct. 3rd. New Haven On Sunday, Oct. 8th at 8:30 Mployed who had marched all the support. As for a band of unemfirst conference at Zimmerwald.
Workmen Circle Center ers, calling for a united front mass phasized the necessity of united ac at the Scholem Aleichem Sdiool way from London in order to place At Zimmerwald, Rakovsky found meeting on August 22 against the tion against the bosses, 80s to 72 Legion Ave.
1214 North Washtenaw their demands before the Congress, himselt side by side with his life intolerable conditions in the indus front, and as Communists urged Soclal Science Hall, 28 Hayward Pl.
concretize the slogan of the united Wed. Oct. 4th. Boston, Mags.
long friend and comrade, Trotsky.
they were refused a hearing, which try.
does not look as though the bu At that time, as is known, both their membership to support this This leaflet sald, For the first mass meeting. Such united action (of Washington St. near reaucracy is really greatly concernand Trotsky were stiu time in the history of the Hotel and would have served as a first step Whites)
caged in that sharp dispute with Restaurant workers, labor and frat toward unity.
Thurs. Oct. 5th. Boston, Mass.
thing in connection with unemploy.
Lenin which marked many of the pre October years of the evolution ment was shelved and the Governernal organizations, representing The Doll and toy workers, 000 workers Fri. Oct. 6th. Boston, Mass.
The reformists and the reactionment has now a clear field when of Bolshevism. Internationalists to strong, are now in the fifth week of united, set aside all differences, and aries within the trade unions, as Sun. Oct. 8th. Rochester, NY launching its next attack upon the the core though they were they did their strike. We now have one are pulling together with one com comrade Trotsky has pointed out, Mon. Oct. 9th. Buffalo, unemployed.
Tues. Oct. 10th. Toronto, Can. New York. With strikes in New much advertised debate upon the burning problems of the day, ers who forced the chose work: mon purpose: to eliminate the in function to split the ranks of the Wed. Oct. 11th. Toronto, Can. York City spreading and sharpen workers control proved a complete Trotsky, in particular, exerted his led by the Stalinists to liquidate working conditions in the industry. munists to unite them. In this case ing the NRA here is rapidly strip muddle as the delegates were not Fri. Oct. 13th Pittsburgh Paping itselt of all working class clear upon whether workers com tlon which would not only produce union and come down on strike. united action of all workers re has assumed the splitting Weinstein Retaurant coloration and nakedly manifesting trol is possible under capitalism or a unanimous manifesto out of the The Stalinists, matched their gardless of affiliation will be our task of the reformists, and this 1830 Center Ave. 2nd Fl Sat. Oct. 14th. Pittsburgh, Pastrike breaking.
itself as the bosses weapon for only after the latter system has Zimmerwald Conference but would step forward with a corresponding mightiest weapon against the em under the title of a step forward been overthrown leave the true Left wing the opporstep backward: they entered the players.
Sun. Oct. 15th. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Perspectives Under NRA tunity of maintaining close contact of individually, not as a The only way we can force the note or This is brought to our attention The Congress ended on Mon. Oct. 16th. New Castle, Pa by an article in the New York pessimism which even the well oil.
with the millions of confused at position to offer organized resistance even force better conditions out or are opened for the reformist organ workers are not in a employers to live up to the code and Under the NRA new perspectives Tues, Oct. 17th. Youngstown war socialist workers who had Times, Sept. 22, 1933, written by the ed bureaucratie machine could not Wed. Oct. 18th. Youngstown yet found the revolutionary path. as a Left wing to the administra them, is when we will organize and Izations for rapid growth of forces, Thun. Oct. 10th. Cleveland, Oation Committee, Henry Wolte, NRA chairman of the Labor Modt senere. From the point of view Bleskovsky milk andening bola voters flat which is showing signs of capi. Akht!
Fri. Oct. 20th. Cleveland, who points an accusing finger of main feature of the Congress was Now is the time, the NRA gives there is a powerful Left wing in mines, needle trades, etc. Unless Sat. appended their names to the com. Cannon and Farulla, the Right us the right to organize.
Sun. Oct. 22nd. Chicago, Ill.
manifesto of Zimmerwald wing leaders of our union, are folConneil. The he publishes the following list of policy of the these unions, the movement, though Mon, Oct. 23rd. Chicago, Ill main issues of war, the general cated by Trotsky.
strikers: lowing a policy that will lead to Let us test this right.
Tues, Oct. 24th. Chicago, Ill.
a progressive step compared with Underwear workers. 25, 000. trike, Fascism, workers In France, the internationalista, acfeat. They refused to let certain the conditions of the unorganized Against One Union Wed. Oct. 25th. Springfield, painters 15, 000; toy makers 5, 000, simply cried aloud for a Communist In admitting that the proposed workers for the time being, win Thurs. Oct. 26th. Staunton, Ill. allors. 500; metal enlisted the aid not only of Trot have a mass picket line. At united front was a step forward, inevitably he led by the Frl. Oct. 27th. St. Louis, Mo. 000. sboe and workers Interpretation but, alas, there was not one Leninist there.
Sat. Oct. 28th.
slipper workers sky, but also of His meeting of shop chairmen, workers the Stalinists must have realized fakers toward degeneration in the. St. Louls, Mo 000 waist and blouse makersSun. Oct. 29th. Kansas City, MO 6, 000 bakers. 2, 500: neckwear Conspicuous by Absence polemle with the chauvinist Charles from the Rosenberg Toy shop came that their past action in splitting direction of class collaboration and Where was the Communist party?
Dumas, was published as a broch in and asked for a mass picket line the and organizing a ser company unions.
Mon. Oct. 30. Kansas City, Mo. workers 2, 000: belt and leather year ago, the Party announced a The food Industry is by no means Thurs. Nov. 2nd.
ure both in Bucharest and Paris, because scabs were working there arate Industrial Union must have workers S00; mirror makers 200; drive back to the unions. From and circulated clandestinely Farulla told them to do without been a step backward.
excluded from these perspectives.
Frl. Nov. Srd. Minneapolis knitted goods 3, 000.
time to time, great successes have which The Left wing must be ready to Sat. Nov. 4th. Minneapolis throughout France by the first in mass picketing because the union What was the conches of the meet this situation. But the poll Sun. Nov. 5th. Minneapolis With deep concern he looks upon been claimed for the new trade ternationalist group of Rosmer and had no money to get arrested ple we drew from the the mood and organization of the union line but here we arrive at Monatte. The French chauvinist kets ont of jail.
Thurs. Nov.
9th. Davenport, Ia. city 35, 000 transportation work the Brighton Trade Union Congress Stalinist lenders at this mass meet icles of Stalinism in the press denounced him as the grand The Freundlich Doll Shop pickets Ing? The organizer of the cafe are an obstacle in the road. Fri. Nov. 10th. Davenport, Ia. ers and its longshoreman who will and the Party representation bas Tues. Nov. 7th. Chicago, Ill. It chlet of Austrian espionage in the asked for mass picketing because of terla local, comrade Kramberg, In We appeal to the rank and flex Trotsky was descans. Again the leadership tried necessity of one union for the in bership to bring pressure to bear his speech said nothing about the of the party and the FWIU memexclaims with anger, the time has is not hard to find. The majority nounced as the principal agent of the tablete commending met three anstrs, devoting on the whole price on their leadership and the man come to call a halt to Industrial of the 4, 000 Party members are un strife.
employed and are not members of Rakovaky, wrote the Paris days later, Tuesday, September 28, to the question of the Wolff refers to the President trade unions while the trade union no strike truce concluded with Wm. members of the Party are not conMatin at the end of 1917, In order the leadership was forced to give as present. The chairman, com they have been pursuing up to this ECOSS Green of the of some weekssistent in their trade union work.
to be approved by the sharp change in the course which to establish ac enter of surveillance in 400 strikers pieketed the shop, and propaganda, granted funds to and their nailitancy and solidarity rade Reich, in answer to the speech. very day.
Subs are coming in a very en ago and observes that their pro The leaders of the Party have deg Trotsky and the latter opened a lit Struck fear into the hearts of the es of Gitlow and Lyons, represent Concretely, the FWIU must take couraging way. Here is what com has not worked. Industrial lected to train the trade unionists tle bookstore in Vienna where pascabs. Only about 10 percent of ing to comrade warfare is sweeping over the city for pers and pamphlets in the Slavie them showed up for work Wednering the of in which they immediate steps toward reunitin vaule this paper very highly. to such an extent that the machin. consequence me unlons and as a With the AFW in the reformist officials language were put on sale. Au day morning and even these didn emphasized the urgent need of one with the etical articles. The articles on the encies has proved insuficient. Communist recrults whose passion Vienna would come together in this even pleketed. No one was arrested urgent necessity now is not for one on the other hand, it should pro NRA are very enlightening. He proposes measures through for propaganda speeches bored the bookstore which rapidly became in spite of what the leaders Folatos union in the industry, but for a pose a concrete program for united heir habitual meetin were not alone to come there they pleket lines at those shondor mass united front against the bosseafront action as a first step toward From Montreal comes the follow which the NRA, and more especialrank and file and plays into the place. They Workers we must fight for mass code presented ing: one union in the industry.
ly its committee which he heads, hands of the bureaucrats. We wish to receivo twenty. flvo can hope to break the worker The Is in much the same Cut Throat Competition PAPPAS.
encountered Serbians, Bulgarians. scabs and we can win the strike.
coples every week instead of ten strikes getting the public to con plight although they at least adMacedonians. revolutionary clrSome of the scabs said that the What has happened since then?
as heretofore. Sympathy for the demn the strikers forcing the mit their weakness and are now DANCE AND BANQUET cle, a laboratory of espionage. Trot reason they went back was because Not a single step was taken toward sky bookshop was still another they have to eat. We must demand even united front, not to speak The Chicago Branch of the Left hever beotron he e fino Montreal ls growing as werkers en het to other for a glaube calling for den attempt to hammer thing: a mouro trap, coming out of and fight for strike rellet, men of unity. The two organizations Opposition is holding celebrar end of the country to the other. It wakes or better their conditions, Brighton Congress brings home to which certain revolutionists could The workers should be on guard held separate mass meetings in sup tion for the evening of its beauti That is how it goes from one. The speech of Mr. Wolf reveals the militants the need for a fresh plcked ful news head markers. Elsewhere, Rakovsky WA Regular and frequent meetings of drives. More than that the 2569 NORTH AVE.
all our sub setters will take the the purpose for which the NRA 18 start in the building up of a strong workers trade union opposition based upon ON that presents itselw we know that with concessions and attacked by the Futter press of the all committees (shop, strike, settle ership of the Industrial Union made strike. sound principles and free from see.
French bourgeoisle (Itself heavily ment, etc. must be had so that we a conscious attempt to sabotage the SATURDAY, OCT. Wh P. our mailing list can be increased breaking them when try to gain tarianism then it may have been subaldized by the Czar Foreign can collectively work to win the most recent mam meeting of the. Real Spaghetti Dinner. many times over in a comparatively real concessions.
blessing in disguise. DOLL WORKER. TA. on Tuesday, Sept. 19, at Omce to support the Pan Slavic strike. Peppy Orchestra. short time. GEORGE SAUL. September 17, 1988.
Stalinists Split the Serbs were presented the war Swabeck Tour Itinerary the the Doll Workers Strike Strong New York Strikes a nou the camera plage de comery Alarm control Rakovsky.