BolshevismBourgeoisieCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismGermanyIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismReform PartySocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE THE MILITANT. For a New Party and a New International!
Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of Amerter (Oppoaltion) at 13 Best 10th Street, New York, Bate red as second CAM mall matter, Nerus ber 1988 at the Port Omeo at New York, der the act of March, 186 VOLUME VI, NO. 45 WHOLE NO. 192 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1933 PRICE CENTS Declaration of the National Committee of the Communist League of America. Opposition After the ignominious collapse of both the Social inism presupposes and requires an equally unrelenting Democracy and the Communist International in Gerhostility to the Right wing camp followers of Stalinmany, and the subsequent inability of both these orism.
ganizations to draw any lessons from this historical Party Democracy catastrophe, it is impossible any longer to conceal the fact that a revolutionary organization of the proleThe new party must establish within its ranks a tariat capable of leading it to victory does not exist.
of Marx and Engels, cleansed once again of the re while the tested revolutionary militants have been per regime of democratic centralism which permits freedom It must be created anew.
formist and centrist distortions and falsifications, are secuted, slandered and expelled.
of discussion and criticism on the one hand and unity The National Committee of the Communist League the fundamental principle guide for the new But it is precisely the task of defending the So of action on the other. The free election of officials of America (Opposition) is in complete agreement The first four Congresses of the Comintern, con viet Union at the moment of danger that the present from top to bottom, the control of the officials by the with the declaration issued to the Paris conference by ducted under the leadership of Lenin und Trotsky, Stalinist parties are most completely impotent. The rank and file and the right of every member to express the delegation of the International Left Opposition have concretized these teachings and applied them, in strongest party of the Comintern, the German his opinions in an atmosphere free from baiting and and approves its actions there. The likewise enseries of unsurpassed theses and resolutions, to the capitulated without a sign of resistance to the Fascist threats of expulsion, must be combined with a clearly dorses the steps taken by the four organizations at the Paris conference toward the formation of a new Com basic problems of our epoch. The ten years struggle bands before the latter were armed with state power. defined principle foundation for party membership and munist International and will devota its efforts hence of the International Left Opposition (Bolshevik Len The possibility that the weakest of such parties can a disciplined unity of the entire organization in action offer any resistance whatever to the military designs before the outside world.
forth, in cooperation with all other revolutionary inists. during which the guiding ideas of the first four groups and organizations willing to participate, to the Congresses of the Comintern were carried forward the capitalist states must be dismissed altogether as task of directly assembling the forces for the creation and counterposed on each and every important questhe most dangerous phantasy. The internal reform and Forces for the New Party of a new party, as the American section of the new tion of the living movement to the degenerating course regeneration of the Soviet state and its defense against world imperialism is the joint task of the new parties tuted, does not consider itself a party and has no inThe Communist League, as it is at present consti(Fourth) International.
of Stalinism, have been summarized in the 11 Points in the capitalist countries and in the Soviet Union.
The entire membership of the League has unanim adopted by the International Pre Conference of the tention of anticipating the real establishment of the ously endorsed this course after a thorough internal Left Opposition. All these documents referred to above The United Front new party by proclaiming itself as such. The task discussion of the question and has empowered the Na retain their fundamental validity and constitute, in now is to recognize firmly that our role as a faction tional Committee to proclaim its complete break with our opinion, the programmatic basis for the new party. From its inception, and also in the process of its striving to reform the party of official Stalinism is exthe Stalinist Comintern and its American section and formation which may be more or less prolonged, the hausted, to strike out on a completely independent to renounce the struggle to reform them. From this For Revolutionary Internationalism. new party will naturally take part in the living move path, and to prepare, in cooperation with all other time onward the Communist League ceases to regard Against the Theory of Socialism ment of the working class and employ therein the tac groups and organizations moving in the same direcitself as a faction of the official Stalinist Party, which tic of the united front. This tactic, which presupposes tion, for the formation of a new party.
has become a direct brake on the development of the in One Country temporary agreements with reformist organizations In the course of its struggle to reform the official workers movement, and invites the cooperation of all for specific separate actions, requires the categoric party, as a faction of it, the Left Opposition worked revolutionary workers, regardless of their present afThe theoretical source of the degeneration and rejection of the theory of social Fascism and the out a program, consolidated a cadre of principled filiation or non affiliation, in common efforts leading to final downfall of the Communist International and its united front from below only. On the one hand, the militants and formed the skeleton of a national organithe construction of a genuine Communist Party in national sections, including the American, was the renew party should conduct negotiations and make temzation.
jection of the Marxist principle of revolutionary in porary agreements with the official representatives of These accomplishments can be regarded now America.
ternationalism and its substitution by the theory of as part of the capital of the new movement; not all reformist organizations when they take a step forward that is necessary for the formation of the party, but Taking the necessity to create a new party as the socialism in one country. The Communist movement under the pressure of the masses tactic which the contributions to it.
point of departure, the Communist League proposes which has been destroyed by this reactionary national Stalinist have rejected in principle and on the a frank and comradely discussion with other individ ist theory cannot arise again without a clear and cate other hand, it will reject any proposals for a nonWhat is needed now is the coming together of the uals, groups and organizations aiming toward the goric rejection of it.
aggression pact excluding criticism which the Stalvarious groups or revolutionary workers who have same goal and submits, for their consideration, the inists have accepted.
broken, or who are in the process of breaking, with following points: Defense of the Soviet Union reformism and centrism as well as those dispersed inTrade Union Policy dividual revolutionists who have been repelled by the American Perspectives The ten year regime of Stalinism has strangled the Stalinist bureaucracy and remain without affiliation.
party and the workers organizations in the Soviet The new party will find its road to the masses and Under the territic pressure of the crisis years the Union and has facilitated enormously the danger of gain influence over their movement only on the con10 is self evident that the working out of a common conditions have been rapidly maturing for the class a counter revolutionary capitalist overthrow. The dition that it follows a Marxist policy on the trade program and the eventual concentration of these forces into a single party must be preceded by an exchange awakening of the American workers and for an enorm Stalinist regime has undermined the foundations of the union question, that is, the most important question of opinion anu discussion and, very probably, will ous acceleration of the class struggle. In the next Soviet state and is leading it toward destruction. The of the American movement. Such a policy requires a period the social contradictions will explode in a series social content of the October revolution, however, is volve transition period of cooperation before the penetration of the workers mass organizations as they final fusion.
of gigantic class battles in the course of which the still alive and, by its property character, which is the exist in reality, regardless of their form, and at the workers can assimilate the revolutionary lessons in an decisive criterion, the Soviet Union remains, even with same time an irreconcilable struggle against the capiWhatever forin the next development may take, abridged form and rapidly leap forward on the path the monstrous bureaucratic distortions, workers talist agents within them. The Stalinist dogma of the Leit Opposition is ready now, to enter into open toward revolutionary action. To assist and guide state. red paper unions and the opportunist policy of and comrauciy negotiations and discussions with other this process a new party, wresting the banner of ComThe defense of the Soviet Union, encircled by u adaptation to the reactionary leadership in the groups which seriously set for themselves the same munism from the sabotaging bureaucratic clique of goal. After its long and unrelenting struggle against Stalinism, must be created. And, under the given from within by the Stalinist regime, is the unconditionworlu of class enemies and systematically weakened trade union movement are equally pernicious.
we arrogant bureaucratism and ultimatistic methods conditions, this new party will have before it the possi wwuty on the international proccarat The forma Against the Right Wing Apologists of Stalinism, the Lett Opposition least all can seek bility and prospect of expansion into a powerful mass tion of new parties and a new international uocs not to impose anything on others or to demand the acceptorganization within a comparatively short time.
of Stalinism contradict this task but is necessitated by it. The advance of its proposals, its program or its reform of the Soviet workers state in the Fundamental Principles The new party cannot represent mechanical com leadership. Submitting the foregoing points for and its defense against capitalist intervention and bination of opposition groups, but will be obliged to discussion, we on our part are ready to give attentive The new Communist Party, the necessity for which counter revolution, now depend upon the formation of take a precise attitude toward each of them with reand comradely consideration to any different proposals arises from the complete bankruptey of reformism on strong revolutionary organizations in the capitalist spect to its platform and, especially, with respect and to bring them to the attention of our members and the one side and of bureaucratio centrism (Stalinism) countries which will be capable of putting up a rev to the general direction of its developinent. The supporters by publication in the Militant, together on the other, cannot consist of an indiscriminate com olutionary resistance at home to capitalistic military Brandlerist clique (Lovestone, Wolfe Co. which with our comments on them.
bination of reformist and centrist elements. On the ventures and of exerting a pressure on the internal effected a formal separation from the Stalinists with With this object in view the columns of the Milicontrary, the new party can come into existence, take regime in the and influencing the Soviet the dissolution of the Right Center bloc in 1929, de tant will be open for a discussion of the question of shape and grow up to the requirements of its colossal proletariat. Under the theory of socialism in one votes itself to servile attempts to reestablish this bloc.
a new Party and a new International.
historic task only if it stands on a firm programmatic country the role of the Communist parties has been It remains in fundamental unity with Stalinism on all NATIONAL COMMITTEE, foundation and tolerates no conciliation toward re debased to the task of the pacifist defense of the So the principle questions and shamefully justifies and formist and centrist currents. For this program no viet Union. and for this all kinds of dubious Friends apologizes for its systematic errors and crimes. The COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA new revelation is needed. The revolutionary teachings of the Soviet Union have been recruited and hired irreconcilable struggle of the new party against Stal(OPPOSITION)
We are repablishing herewith 10. The struggle for the regroup national Left Opposition Prethe Eleven Points of the Inter ing of the revolutionary forces of the world Conference Thesis, as amended of International Commun.
at the last international plenum.
ism. Recognition of the necessity The amendment is contained in of the creation of a genuine Com.
Point 10. Formerly this point corresponded to our position as lation to the peasantry and to the all conditions. condemnation of the as well as against internal counter. ilar constructions in the other coun. tons of the working class, both of manist International capable of applying the principles enumerated oppressed nations; soviets; work in Kuo Min Tang policy of 1924 1928; revolution.
a faction working for the re6. Rejection of the formula of including the social democracy as 11.
Itrade union and political character, above.
form of the Comintern, for the the trade unions. parliamentaris Anglo Russian Committee; condem lomie policy of the Stalinist faction the democratie dictatorship of the a party. Condemnation of the ultim; condemnation of the policy of Condemnation of the econRecognition of Party demvictory within the Comintern of the policy of the united front)
Marxism over the Right and main even today the highest expregnaton of Stalin theory of two both in its stage of economic opponproletariat and the peasantry RS matist slogan only from below ocacy not only in words but also in Atact: ruthless condemnation of the Centrist currents. The present epoch of the general crisis of capl und of the whole practise based against Toverindustrialisations wed which carries along the peasant ently the refusal to create soviets. the party, the rule of the usurpers, sion of proletarian strategy in the class (worker and peasant) parties tunism in 1923 to 1928 (struggle separate regime distinguished from in practice means a refusal Stalinist plebiscitary regime (cas.
text contained in this point cortalism, responds with our orientation for regroupings into a new In The Left Opposition rejects the policy of the Amsterdam Congress as its on the kulaks. as well and the oppressed masses in general Condemnation of the opportunistie deliberate its stage of economie adventur. behind it, rejection of the antiternational. This text is pro revisionist decisions of the 5th and in which the Communist party was sin in 1928 to 1932 (over stretched Marxist theory of the peaceful application of the united front pol tion from the session of informa party, etc. posed for the ratification of the 8th World Congresses and considers dissolved in the pacifist swamp. tempo of industrialization, various International Left op necessary a radical restatement of Recognition of the interna song collectivization on the other growing over of the democratic sites in the Anglo Russian Com the program of the Comintern, in clonal and thereby of the perman tive liquidation of the kulaks as a Recognition of the necessity out the masses and against dictatorship into the socialist Fanemittee (bloc with the leaders with merated above, which are places basic position seations. XI.
the importance for the stratesy of the double condemnation of proletariat in the present period, The International Left tion stands on the ground of the rendered competes worthless by olution; rejection of the theory ofminal bureaucratie legend that the transitional slogans corresponding Central Committee, which combines position of frreconcilable hostility Left Opposition in a first four congresses of the Comin the Centristle alloy.
socialism in one country as well as soviet state has already entered into to the concrete situation in each tern. This does not mean that it In accordance with the spirit and of the policy of national bolshev. Socialism. Recognition of country, and particularly under the ultimatist slogan only from to the Stalinist fraction which cur bows before every letter of its de the sense of decisions of the ism which complements it in Gercisions, of which many had a pure dirst world congresses, and in con many (platform of National Lib ecessity of a return to the realistic democratie slogans insofar as it is below with opportunistic practice rently dominates the and economie policies of Leninism. question of struggle against feudal on the occasion of parliamentary the The recognition of these ly temporary character and in intinuation of these decisions, the eration. dividual practical consequences have Left Opposition sets up the follow Recognition of the Soviet state of systematic Communist work in aitterent varieties of open Imperial Democracy. Recognition of the necessity relations, national oppression or pets with the leaders of the Social principles on the basis of the de been refuted by subsequent pracing principles, develops them theo as a workers state in spite of the the proletarian mase organizations, Istle dictatorship (Fascism, bona. Rejection of the theory of the Comintern, is an indispensable tice. But all the essential princl retically and carries them through growing degeneration of the bus particularly in the reformist trade partism, etc. social Fracism and of the whole condition for the acceptance of ples (relation to imperialism and practically reaucratle regime. Unconditional unions, condemnation of the theory Recognition of the necessity practice bound up with it, as serv. single organizations, groups and to the bourgeois state; the dicta The Independence of the pro command that every worker defend and practise of the Red Trade Union of developed united front policyling Fascism on the one hand and persons into the composition of the torship of the proletariat; the re letarian party, always and under the soviet state against imperialism organization in Germany and simwith respect to the mass organiza the Social Democracy on the other. International Left Opposition.
ance The Eleven Points. The Fundamental Principles of the International Left Opposition banner de working class under the the SPEAKERS mass Fora NEW INTERNATIONAL!