AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismDemocracyEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismParis CommuneRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1933 Declaration of International Left Opposition to Left Socialist Conference Discussion on the and the Slogan of Nationalization rol Content the manuten perinteinen Blusena teemmerter DELLARATION OF THE DELE tied on an international scale by reformism and anarchism, acquire dictatorship; the role of the party document which may be introduced ference lies not in methods but of socialism in one country. VATION OF BOLSHEVIK LEN a unity of programmatic and stra at this stage again an urgent char in the proletarian revolution; the by other organizations and shall in objective conditions: in the One cannot defend the It is of course not IALSTS AT CONFERENCE Logical conception which has evolv acter.
OF LEAT SOCIALIST AND CON ed kradually from the experiencestion of the text of this document the pretty bourgeoisie, especially the the document corresponding space on the foundation, and if in a de be no revolutionary struggles with ques relation between the proletariat and willingly give to the defenders of the bureaucracy bases itself without the revolutionary struggles laid by the proof the world proletariat; there can MUNIST ORGANIZATIONS. of great events and from the strug which should be radically changed peasantry (agrarian question. the in our press.
letarian the THE THE COLLAPSE OF BOTH in accordance with the conditions problem of nationalities and cade it succeeded in squandering ont independence froin Soviet bu.
gles of the proletariat.
INTERNATIONALS THE STRUGGLE WITH of the modern period but its liberation struggle of general spirit of revolutionary ples: work in the colonial peo The question of the the capital of the Comintern, in renncracy as well as from Suriet e trade unions; the is of exceptional importance to the the it has undermined diplomacy. On the other band, Lenite the evident disintegration REFORMISM.
policy of the united front: the re workers movement of the world but not liquidated the foundations the most irreconcilable criticism of of world capitalism as an economie. From what has been said already, tarxist irreconcilability.
aud social system, the workers it is cleur, that the break with the Only under the condition of in latton to parliamentarism, etc. and therefore also to the correct of the socialist state. The Soviet Stalinism does not exclude button morenent of the world is now pase. Centrist bureaucracy by no means reconcilable separation from reform all these questions have been sub orientation of the present confer proletariat, practically deprived of the contrary prescribes a united ing through a deeper crisis thau makes our attitude to reformism ism is it possible and necessary to Jected to a principled analysis by the ence. We, Rolshevik leninista, con the party, trade unions and Soviets front with the Soviet bureaucracy four congresses which has resider the even in its which were seized by the bureau against the common enemies.
Commune, or during the imperialist more irreconcilable now than ever all those proletarian organizations unsurpassed until now. present form as a workers State. cracy, defends by its revolutionary THE PARTY REGIME.
wur. Two working class purtles of before. We see the chief historic which are actually developing from one of the first, most urgent tasks This estimation needs no illusions traditions the workers state from a The question of the party regime bourgeois overturn.
should become the subject of the the most industrial country of Eur: crime of the Stalinist bureaucracy reformism towards communism. We of those organizations which have or embellishment, conuulist parties which ich bezina molteyit renders an invaluable at the mode of actions of the stalih generation of the revolutionary tempe for those friends but the thesis with state capu srcato attention of. Whites Llein 13 million voters, capitulated to social democracy and hinders the ist bureaucracy which treats as movement consists in separating who declure every work talism of the American, Italian, national Workers democracy is without a light before the Pasclet proletariat from going over to the left social Fascists all revolutrom the general mass the principle of criticism against the Soviet boor German type is to ignore the mot an organizational but a social tionary organizations which. by the decisions of the first four congress reaucracy as a counter revolution ruin question of the social order problem. In the last analysis the regime. Two Internationals were ath of revolution.
djected to a test and proved dans Por us, Bolshevik Leninists, and fault of the Comintern find themes, in bringing them in order and ary act. It revolutionists had been namely the property character and stilling of workers iemeeracy is the we trust, also for all of you there selves outside the Comintern, and in subjecting them to a serious dis suided by such rules of conduct, to open the doors wide to false and result of the pressure of elnes en rupt.
this emise through the medium of the The nuclal democracy the bank. com. exen be no thought of constant on the morrow of a catastrophe cussion in the light of the future the October revolution would have an erous conclusions. On question there can be for us no am workers bureaucracy. This historie the imperialist war of 1014 2018 which have not broken with the them into the Comintern as sym conference must, in our opinion, in. We reject as a mockery of Marx: biguities and no compromises. The law is emally confirmed by the his.
re le capable only of decomposing and of this necessary work the morrow of the world catastro which continue to hope for tion according to which the policy imperialism and counter revolution tries as well as by the experience he thereby bludering the workers generation of the social democracy destroying tro Bog over to Communism and as a party or which consider the buty proletarian organizations STRATEGIC LESSONS OF THE of the Stalinist bureaucracy repre remains as beretofore the duty of of the bureaucratization of the not of strengthening and edu. LAST DECADE.
sents a chain of errors in all other every revolutionary worker. But Soviet states The swial lemocracy tittains the to Vue Third International. The rotication of the Second and Third cating them. The cooperation which the political life of the proletar countries, but remains infallible in to serve this defense does not at detent of the Germau social dem Internationals as their mission. We have in mind veruey condirms that reformisGroupings permeatel by such and honest atitude to supposes an Inn vanguard did not stop at the the Such a theory all mean to become a tool of Soviet regime cry for it by means to facts, ideas, mu first congresses of the Communist is based on the negation of the diplomacy.
of a complicated system: on one which has brought the second loacewaan, may pwede, the inworkers and for readele eriticism andre internation dire Under the influence Believer inte helt proletarian declarations of so hand, it xxxtematically expel not mions radically or critic leruationul to disaster cuand on all the lessons of the THE FIRST FOUR CONGRESSES of the anarch of the class struggle, down to a mere sum total of na nce, cially in the past wriod, the trade the party but also from could lead the workers only to Dewant. We want to go forwa Kevolutionary policy is unthink completely gone over from Marr. are always ready to close their eyes indignation of the advanced work wot be brhel by rennerative al OF THE COMINTERN.
the apparatus of the Comintern has tonal kirties the leaders of which the burning an entirely righteous ally inclined workers, if they can catastroplous. The social democracy The 21 conditions for the which held on to the end to the soul centance to the hinter. of rotting capitalism was Itselt national elaborated in its time for Here we need least for any to start alism to national limitedness. have nothing in common with this tional siiion of the Its ministers. parliamentarians.
more, despite all recognitions and jonnalists and drawn into the proven of building of the Third Interna social democratie conception profbureanerats llowever the Third decay. Lenin for the purpose of a deci from the beginning. We stand onwal WHY impossible without International ve separation from all types of the basis of Marx and Engels. The The policy of the Stalinist bn non aggression pacts than the from submitting to discipline with whose task it was to organize the Arst congresses of the Communist cleansing the teachings of Marz reanteracy in the is of through and through opportunistic rear to the party. The combined furces of the proletariat for u ruvInternational left us an invaluable from the layers of reformism, so the same principle nature ay the external policy of the Stalinists, methods of reprexton, betrayal and olutionary rise against the bourge. BOOK programmatic heritage: the chars now the creation of revolutionary policy of the Comintern. The dit permeated by the pacitying illusions tribuery Krmit the social ewweracy visle of all the countries and for acter of the modern epoch a an parties of the proletariat is unthink to retain the seanblance of discusthe victory of socialism has also epoch of imperialism, that is of lable without cleansing the princi sions, clections, control clc. while REVIEW: tuiled in its task. It fell vietin to capitalist decline, the nature of ples and methods of communisma wuruducratie centrism which is modern reformism and the methods from the layers and falsifications paratus of the imperialist bourge based on the theory and practice of and World Revolution of struggle with it; the relation of burcaucratic centrism.
oisie within the working class.
Socialism in one country: in a by Florinsky, MacMillan between democracy and proletarian The struggle of the Left OpposiBy means of the state apparatus, word, it was wrecked by a system Co.
tion against the oscillations of the the stalinist burriteracy liquidated or errors which entered into his Somebody, sooner or later, was Stalinist apparatus connected with the party, Soviet and trade union democracy not only in essence but tory under the nature of Stalinism. bound to write this book. To read. ket, suranceng peace, etc. etc. numerous and heavy sacrifices is At the time when capitalism, torners of the Militant, however, there that prompted the to imprinted in a series of documents This article deals with a sub took the unprecedented step of an also in form. The regime of per by world contradictions, placed the will be little in it that he or she abandon its original heroics. That of a programmatic and strategical ject which has not formerly nouncing at the Congress that he wonal dictatorship has been fully real peace can be guaranteed for character. In accordance with the been discussed in the Militant, international revolution on the oris not already acquainted with.
poke in favor of the theses protransmitted from the to Wristen from a professorial ob the by the world rev most important political stages of it is therefore accepted explicit Llosed on partial demands only un all the parties of the capitalist conncame only a submissive and in potjective (above the clasess) point of olution, never for a moment oc the last decade the following prob ly as a discussion article. The der the discipline of his fraction. tries. The party bureaucratx sole lems have been illuminated in these views exprésed are those of the Between the Third and Fourth Con aim is to interpret the supreme cut chorus to the conservative and a fairly accurate picture of the at. Seeing clearly that the statintern documents: the sconomie construc nationally bureaucracy of writer. Other contributions in resses, Lenin, Trotsky, Radek and will. The party masxex have only title of the Soviet government has abandoned world revolution for tion of the the party discussion of this subject are Zinvity carried on a the Soviet Union.
struggle one right to keep silence and to invited, but they should not ex against the ultra Leftist position obey. Repressions. Waiting, bribery now trying in Hitler Germany to iernational leadership to the quesor quotes the ceed 700 words Ed.
to such good purpose that at the are the snal methods for keeping save the oficial jurty by continuing tion of World Revolution from the tia of February 8, 18:33: Srbit vince on one side, the German experience. Continued from last issue) puurta Conges Scharin hissell order in the party. Such is the the old policy under the new coudi sellest days of the Dolctatorship to declaration not only is aimed on the other the path of the In answer to the industrial codes was forced to read a Declaration path of decay and ruin of the protions. With all our revolutionary the present. This book to examin where there is no revolution, but in dictatorship. the light the adopted by the capitalists in their in which the Russian fraction an letarian parties, Nr. Florinsky has, in against intervention in a country against desperately organized attempt to nonuced that they considered revolutionist is brought up only sympathy fact, gluter we must tell them that in that one particular question. the name of the u. under war: the fight against Fascism, bring about recorery from the false and incorrect the view ex in the atmospbere of criticism of takes the obligation not to inter etc. The basic conclusions of this crisis, the Communists have wrongly directed efforts and sacri no small task in itsell, the all that exists, including also his now pressed on jartial demands, ten fices will be fruitless. Under the aid. own organization on the disticpiling conditions of Fascist terror the at approaching the question of counter revolution. No wonder form of a synopsis in the 11 points ers in the several indutsries, of in the Third Congress theses.
voult of neces that this former czarist and present of the Left Opposition. We are of action. But before proceeding codes Stalinist policy is doomed to a com. World Revolutio In his desire to correct the views trust in the leadership. The traxt plete mas within a shortly bring in the struggle between professor of Columbir can exclaim: submitting this programmatle docu with model of such a code of bad caused Bucharin and can be gained not only by correct time. An illegal revolutionary party stalin and Trotsky or to express it. what an extraordinary atti: to attack Lanin and Trotsky policy but also by in bonest atti to your attention. action as applied to tude to one coal mining as Ilightists and opportunists at mistakes. The ques for at be built on new in a less personal manner betweentude for the knights errant oflents here nous to say that on and involving the slogans of the Third Congress, Lain prosed the lion of the inner regime neynires socialism in One Country and the world revolution.
Truly extraor our part, we will consider with the finalization and workers control questions at issue in the simpleatportance. The advanced The author dinary!
What a conventent promise greatest attention all the theses, it may help to forestall first of all yet sharpest terms. For example: must be given the exibility of a for the thus an extraordinary imworkers had shown that Fascism and the used as his main sources of refer tonnery social democracy, the two polar once the theses and statute of all Towards the end of his book, clarntions in which other organizasogans price ter danger of countries precisely for the purpose and in the direetion of its whole resolutions and programmatic de objections raised against these Communists, adherents the six congresses of the Comin Forinsky nenes the following questions represented here have express tools of the bourgeois tegime ex. turn, and comrade Trotsky Per tion; Which of the two speaks for ed or may express their estimation blundering and of falling into op of alapting, along the whole line olicy. Young workers must be the couscions nad independent particlThird International, exist in No field allation in the building of the party ly but physically, it was necessary anent Revolution and the French the real Russia of today? Is it to put the simple conclusion of thial edition of The Communist Inter the experience as the basis for all our national After Lenin. The Critwearded and black frocked Geof the tasks and respectives. We fortunism than that of partial de in every domain of life, the old given the possibility to think. eritiedo not want anything so much as hands and intermediate slogans. Socialist, trade unionist, syndicalist le, make mistakes and correct international agitation pushing the leism of the Draft Program, Stra cipline, Lenin, with their elaborate and ideas. We wish to state with not reject such demands and slow the new Communst idea. Again: tegy of the World Revolution. and dubious schemes of world rev. great satisfaction that the De themselves social democracy to the path of It is clear, on the other hand, After explaining united front with Communist part acelu regulating aboutdone their rigeneral and inert Saration of Principles at the most prest daun keto just because there is We do not know and we cannot that the regime ne ies. Despite all evidence, the bus with an air degree of accuracy from able revolutionary situations, thelp olutionary Socialist Party of Hol choice of our tactics and sloganurks which now tly in all com can lead to the crea hardthese documents, reaucracy of the Comintern pro comes to some conclusions: The Or is it the young workmen and tons with the platform of the In on Left Communism: The whole political world crisis, will be the organizations basing themselves on Mr. Florinsky inevitable downfall of capitalism and concurs on all the basle quins. was given by Lenin in his brochure tries, fanned by the economic and tartan fighters only in case our ened and unanimous army of jole of social Fascism and having comtion de characterises as the hero new machines and tractors. stand. The present pre conference can these point les in being able to apply one to start the contlagration (in the firm principles of Narxism, aro pletely blocked itself thereby the le period. It was a period whening dazzled by the wonders of the not of course discuss with the neelover actics to raise and not to the sense of a particular awaken ready to fight irreconcilably but approach to the reformint mass oraguixativ:s, it sulistituted inasquer, ists world revolutionists. Iad sud, sent leaders (Stalin, Molotov et and strategical lessons of the worla tionary ability to fight and conquer uuist principles in the cultivation ist influences or u Sudden a group of revoltion future as unfolded by their (pre estary profundity the programmatic lan class consciousness and revolutore bound to utilize our new com, portunistic, crutrist and adventurthe general level of proletaring of the masses. we are there with democratic methods, all op ade bloes with impotent circles o denly seized the relns of power in al. pacifists and adventurists for the revolutionary struggle. But it proletarian policy of the united arth surface. Inspired by their Mr. comrade contry the size of one sixth thel The author happy conclusion is time to make a start. We 18 Thus the decision as to the coruf all and very field of endeavor Walter front. If the lesson of the German sudden success and still mindful of whom he quotes as follows. ench of the organizations repre, ment of the ripeness or unripe catastrophe did not help the staliu the teachings of that bearded Gerthe Bolshevik Kremlin to day resented here reprint our 11 points hess, not of the advanced workers Warranty generacles to express the wish that rests to a large extent on our judes sceaning that there rotten, and The orientation towards a new ist bureauernes, nothing will bely maul professor with a black frock to proclaim a new Inter What were the specific issues in whole course of development. This International in dictated hy the it. New national parties and a new coat they saw the revolution as ary international is necessary.
only one link in the chain forgedane Movement in Europe with real commentaries and that afterwards around and fight for a given slogether with Lenin and Trotsky at nntional THE POSITION OF THE Times, November 20. the possibility be elven 11 to de. Our purpose is not to sink to the We would BOLSHEVIK LENINISTS The participants to the present early revolutionary utterances of bells, Florinskys and Turantys do we obligate ourselves to publish for sinking into opportunism, not to solely for The author hooks back upon those to understand Staling the Comp. recession order On compare to hide the truth from them by somer Sertanyes the ideas out without hesitation hade te orientals conference are of different political Lenin, Trotsky. Zinovlev. Radek not find such hardships.
origin. Some split of in recont with a relieved, it somewhat, up MARTIN GLEE.
the information and discussion of win them over to false slogans and martial confiscation of capitalist been our sections every programmatie to a false ideology, but to take into workers government, workers come to the basic principles and methods nctual, that years from the parties of the Secerior und tolerant, feeling. It was by trasts. experience, agreement with regard ond International; there are final at least, not without a certain ly some of a mixed or intermediary grandeur and it was heroie.
us, the Communists, the present were not given for the future when have not got it. We can arrive at origin. Some acted an independent True The Marxism of it was a little mood, state of consciousness and parties, others considered themselves closer to the letter than the prepreparedness of the class as a revolutionary situation would and worked as fractions. If these sent day Stalinist brand. True principle unanimity and therefore once more arise, but for the perto an international only through organizations enme together today cuough the Communist Internationby Life alone is the final arbiter loul preceding it and which is pre joint revolutionary work and Morionts for the first time at a common con al of those days was much more of in the matter of choice of tactics. aring it. And in view of the ex mutual criticism.
ference to try and find bases for a threat to the bourgeoisie Literature is never decisive, but itsence of the separate organiza new International cannot be joint work, all of them by this than the present edition of it. But, it can be extremely helpful it protions of the working masses at that prepared without practical particl.
very fnet openly admitted tho nee Corgives Nr. Florinsky, those were perly understood and applied. In time (2nd, 2nd and one half. 3rd pation in the unfolding events. To chsity for the welding together of romantic days in a berole per ON GERMANY the proletarian vanguard on now iod. Let us not quibble with the while task to collate all the writ cratic trade unions. kadek pro cousion to the revolutionary strug this sense it would be a worth internationals, and social foundations.
author if he fails to see the whys The ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXT?
ings, particularly since the forma osed the adoption of the United gle would of course be false. It is With regard to Germany our in and the wherefores of the events 25 192 pages these necessary to combine the two. We paper cover tion of the Comintern, on the ques. Pront tactic to carry out ternational organization (Rolshevik of 1993 in Germany.
Or the raison Postage 06 extra per copy cloth over much welcome the fact that the conferLeninists) has after serious and Etre for the fascos in Hungary, Postage 06 extra per copy ers control. For particularly at opposed to the United Front tactic ence placed on the tenda argent heated debates almost unanimously Finland, etc. Others who make adopted this position. With regard greater claim to being Communists with events In moment in America, as to the slogans to which this questions in connection with the ON RUSSIA the Comintern as a whole, tho have not been able to analyze the PROBLEMS OF THE DE VELOPMENT OF speed, with the working class com settling of this controversy, it was war. And in each of these fields question was formally placed by us distinction between the objective mencing anew its lessons in carried before an enlarged Plenumere ready hand in hand with Price. 15 Postage 01 extra per copy in conple of weeks. We are speaking revolution as related to the party with the posing of economic and the first time the gave its step forward.
here in the name of the Internal and the class.
ON SPAIN political problems to the workers formal adherence to the tactic of Comrades! Without leadership tional Plenum of the Bolshevik What is THE SPANISH important, however, is REVOLUTION IN DANGER Leninists which has approved this that on a vaster scale than ever before the United Front despite the argu without international direction the the author is able to distinin American history. it is of vital ment of Bucharin that this essen: world proletariat will he unable to Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy declaration. Our national sections guish between a revolutionary ut importance that we understand tially class slogan might become, free itself the present oppreshave not as yet had time to fully terance and a nationalist utopian ON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION their true dialectic nature, their in a pre resolutionary situation, Sion. The on of a new Inter express themselves. But the quesone. Though he wouldn call it COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM usefulness in elevating the plane a cover for class collaboration. national letton not only on the tion has been prepared to such an utopian but sober. With the de objective course of events but also Price. 15 of struggle at the proper moment extent by the foregoing develop cline of the romantic era, conPostage. 01 extra per cops immediate and interate slogans as being essentially likely that already now we are The argument against intermedi on our own efforts. It is very ment of events as well as by the tinues our author, an era of sober mediate demands to that of power, class collaboration (ineluding that much stronger than it may seem to development of the Left Opposition and responsible stock taking took ON THE THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY and consequently their proper place against the United Front. would many of us. Not in vain does his.
itself that we have no doubt as place. Stalin came forward with AND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION in the strategy of revolution.
to the verdict of onr organizations the theory (bless the mark. of The Struggle Against Ultra Leftism orced from the slogans involving possessing authority but having be correct if these slogans are div tory show us how an organization At any rate the final word belongs Socialism in One Country. Trotsky THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT to our sections reaffirmed the vitality and moving WORLD REVOLUTION REVOLUTION Intermediate sisgans were adopted sexure of industries and these lat keep on piling up errors seemingly Some participants of the present force of the theory of Permanent 180 pages paper cover conference are probably of the opin Revolution. Mr. Florinsky recogCongresses of the Comintern. Just hide our real views and ultimate of events brings the inevitable colcloth cover 00 ion that we came to the break with nizes that the latter theory has Postage 06 extra per copy Postage 06 extra per copy before the Third Congress Lenin goal would be to practice opportun lapse. On the contrary, an organithe Stalinist bureaucracy with an much more Marxian logic than the gave cognizance to the sharp ultra: ism. At all times we warn the nation which is armed with a rell necessary belatedness. It is not former, but the former (Socialism Leftist trend in the international workers that their final salvation able compass ON CHINA the place here to return to the old in One Country) is more sound movement with Bucharin as its under capitalism is ateration period remained in an insignit came disputes. The fact. however, is state policy. So far as the author PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION foremost theoretician in the Soviet sion, that even the partial nation minority, can without the advance such that our policy having taken is concerned, a shift from the pol 450 pages paper cover 100 cloth cover 60 Union. Lenin wrote his pamphlet alization of any industry cannot of a historie turn into consideration objective condt icy of World Revolution (the Postage 06 extra per copy lon Left Communism to combat help the working class in any final higher level. Undedenly rise to tions and not subjective moods, hae as the first fortress of the this infantilism and had it distri sense that only the workers cantion of correct polley on our part, the condigiven by the possibility to form world revolution) was bound to buted among the delegates to the achieve their own emancipation, and such a possibility opens up before stable organizations of Bolshevik take place and needless to say, he Third Congress in order to alter only by the overthrow of the caplus Leninists in more than twenty coun: welcomes it. As Mr. Florinsky the intransigeant attitude of talist system and the seizure of all not to miss this opportunity. Our With joint forces let ns try PIONEER PUBLISHERS tries. Althongh in their majority would have it, it was the necessity some towards partial demands and industries by the workers. revolutionary responsibility is imganizations, their invaluable ass van progress and cadres and not mass or of keeping Russia in step with the slogans. So much did the false 84 EAST 10th STREET, development akin to position of Bucharin and others JACK WEBER.
measurably great. Let our creative work rise to the height of this re tage lies in the fact that they are all nations, that is, finding a marcause concern to Lenin that he (To Be Continued) sponsibility.
democracy pontuella bellesa iyo lewe WORKS by TROTSKY Whole.
100 pages. 65. 255. 50