BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyTrotskyismURSSUnited FrontVictor SergeViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Alignment of Forces in Mexico lished between the and the treeing the working class from the be easily disolved in the amorphous tern. But this alone does not sur, which in spite of demagogy and self and strengthened by the tral Committee of the arty. were OD of Stalin Prepares Treacherous Blow The Left Socialist Conference a allinnee waving entered into an SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 1983 TE MILITANT PAGE intern was capable only of disilla sioning them and of throwing them back. If the as a whole Communist party, within the next ure and firm victory of the prolo couple of months one third of the The threatening clouds of The latest political decisions of Its Present Position and tarian revolution We repeat it new members would return to the proaching civil war once more New Revolt Is Growing for several months the party work the National Council of the British ed with the projective of an inIndependent Labor party show Perspectives by again is possible only under the Labor Party, an other third would discernible on the Mexican poiltl Out of Split in dependent areal insurrection to clearly that after its break with the condition that a revolutionary, that be expelled for conclliatory attical horizon. The revolution, which take place wimuitaneously with the reformists this party continues to Trotsky is a truly Communist party, suctude towards Trotskyism and for since 1910 has cost that country Ruling Party revoltinerals Manso, Aguirre move leftward. Similar processes ceeds in gaining the firm confidence similar crimes, finally, the remain more than half a million lives, wwwwwwwam Exebar. When this rebellion are to be observed in other coun mass movement.
of the majority of the working classing third, disillusioned in all its with a minimum of benefit for the especially within the last two year tinally materialized however, in tries: a left wing forms within the Withont defining in principle before the overthrow. This cen expectations would fall into indit toiling masses, again shows signs period. While the demagogy of the March of 1920, the ultra Leftist ruling clique has suffered little slogans of the third period were splits off at the following stage (Stalinism) the theses of the Na theses. Why? Out of tact with periment the Communist Party The attempt of the national bour change unless it be to appear each found not to bave completely overcon forces arts made for Westeht it toile Council stop midway in the regard to the ally? Not only that would find itself weaker and more gootsie and the newly rich of the time more radical in its puruse come the prejudices of the majorrevolution, grouped together underology, the government of the revity of the party opportunist cenWhat actually es reflect on one side the deep crisis revolutionary path. These process ists must be criticized as conser cient clarity of the theses with re The can save the workers the leadership of ex prsident Plut olutionary bourgeoisie of 1910, tral committee and of of capitalism and of which is inseparably bound ists, but the struggle with them the incomplete realization of the danger only hund from this new arco Elias Calles, to firmly conso turned counter revolutionary, las hand is that the party peaup must be no less irreconcilable be methods of the proletarian revolu all unclarity and haziness with re rule of the National Revolutionary and demands of the masses. with the therewith and to the tether to the comp cause of it, since British reformismo tion. The thesis speak of the gecessard to the ways and methods of Party (P. at last seems to bus demonstrated its unwillingness putting down the reactionary milicur e State from coming a truly revolutionary party may upset their plans for strangl tic tasks of the revolution, and the Attempts to Crush the rents within the proletariat.
In England, however, the situatat. The policy of a united front it to the but also of the European proletar the capitaking class. But how lessity of inventing anything new in bourgeois stage.
class and to transfer of the prostariat. There is no nec. ing the revolution at its present stage beings for the puxe act.
Min Policy Belore the last echos of the civil war in the north had died out, the tion is further complicated by an with reformists is obligatory but solve this gigantic problein? To this field: all has been said anal. strong Left wing led by Adalof the unheard of combination. Whereas, it is of necessity limited to partial this pivotal question of our epoch said well by the first four congress berto Tejeda, ex Governor of VeraDuring the period included rough government drore the Communist 1920, der round. Several local continues to treat the Left socialist Bles. There can be no thought of phrase: this can only be achieved feeding on bureaucratie substitutes clalist Party, representative of the the revolutionary workers move int loaders, most prominent among organizations as Left social Fasc making the socialist revolution in through united action of the work of the epigones it is better to set radical petty bourgeoisie and varlment, and especially the Commun. them. Jone Guadalupe Rodriguez, ists and as the most dangerous a united front with reformist and the dictatorship of the prole the study of the resolutions of the ly split off from the dominant party, tional and peasant ideology, pro Durango and member of the Cenor ing class. The struggle for power all the members of the to ous peasant groupings, has definite ist Party, permeated with a na ugrarian Icader of the state of counter revolutionists a permanganizations. The principal task ent collaboration has been estab. of a revolutionary party consists in tariat remain abstraction which can first four congresses of the Comin. and has elaborated its platform, duct of the soil of the country it xecuted on charges of plotting reCommunist the tenders of the Comintern of Great Britain. Intluence of reformism. The error Despectives of the united front. fee. It is necessary to open a disconfusion presents certain positive portunist colonial policy of the volt. Other Communist, trade unof the Comintern bureaucracy conIn the realm of ready made rev. cussion in the party on the lessons features. This new party has Communist International, support ou and agrarinn leaders were murcombine this collaboration with the sists not in the to hat they see olutionary formulae the decade was mark openly proclaimed its intentions to ed with a mildly critical attitude dered, almost all of the foreign theory of social Fascism remains the most important condition cracy of the British Communisted by the struggle between the Stal participate in the clections in op the a mystery. In the July issue of the the the candidate of the personified in Calles Obregon. The of the best militants of the revolutheoretical organ of the Comintern, leadership of a revolutionary party ped. Precisely in this lies now its position. The content of this strug official and heretofore almost omni several counter revolutionary uponary e victory of the proletariat in the party is immeasurably better equipinist bureaucracy and the Left Opposition to pointed secretary of the is that that being incapable of gain the And it must be said portant stage of the world revolu. Alexico, especially under such cir landlords, were suppresesd by the definite perlod of reaction set called a counter revolutionist asing the confidence of the working openly! this superficial, purely tionary movement; cconomic and cumstances as those created by the government, thanks in large part in now that the ruling bourgeoisie heretofore. Why the British Com masses in daily struggle starting formal advantage may under the political tasks of the profound economic crisis, can mean to the collaboration of the peasant felt sufficiently strong to no longthis me not from below but from demands this confidence in advance, liquidation of the without the policy of de recon: nothing but an armed struggle for masses led by members and sym require the cooperation of the munist party made united front as a minority in molest roles, it present circumstances lead to the problems of the Anglo Russian power between the opposing groups. pathizers of the Communist Party. and its supporters.
above, moreover, with leaders who renty win. tums to the working any gain neeruing to the Commun committee: methods of the united All the political forces of the nation Latein 1028 however, with the The National Iterolutionary Party and alimente todo et rent medide not for multed front les other organ objective conditions have more than the causes on the serie de montrer le mpenaline gets themselves for stabilization of the bourgeois com was then formed in order to better one single practical action but forzations are not willing to voluntaronce pushed tens and even hundreds phe. This enormous cycle of prob The National Revolutionary Party turn in the Communist Internation of the ruling class and to in collaboration in general, no mor lly hand it over the marshal of thousands of workers towards lems cannot be passed by. These Calles Portes GI Ortiz Rubio al (third period) the relation be curate institutional rule. Withtal can solve these contradictions But if the principles be left aside baton. This is not Marxian policy the British section of the Comin are not Russian but international Rodrigues) has moved constantly tween the party and the bourgeois in this party. Calles, while remaintowards the Right since 1928, and politicians were rapidly the mutter can be explained very but bureaucratie sabotage. sec tern, but the leadership of the Comproblems.
altered. ing in the background, was enabled In our epoch a revolutionary nevertheless to dominate the polsimply: under the exceptionally party cannot but be international.
icles, and soon showed himself favorable conditions of Great Britain the comintern managed com What is the position of the very adept at playing the different on this?
pletely to isolate and weaken its the Communist party British section by the ruinous poleach other, thus assuring his own Icy of the Anglo Russian commitSoviet delegates, unable to mus all brought to special trial. the has not determined its (Con ILO Trom Page 1) tant national problems must find re hegemony over the whole tee, the third period. social. ter any reasons for the justification It is clear clear water hand to every with the secona sinternational rahe only in the bloc of four which sign tection in it. The receipt of vari coloranta tor concernentin e mbeten Fascism and the rest on the other of violence against comrades Rakhand, the deep social crisis of Brlovsky. Victor Serge and many leinkine person that the Bolshevik made an albance with the Third Concie boeclaration but also to the ous political documents and in gence struggled valiently, the tish capitalism pushed the others, declared at the conference have even less relation to the eco ance with Left socialist parties. er with two representatives of the that might help in the cliborations decidedly subservient role in resharply towards the Left: Lot heed of teachers which took place in nomie sabotage of the workers This alliance, in its turn, is not and one representative of of this or that part of the Manllation to the governmnt.
ink consistency or logic this totally Reims that a trial will soon be state than the German Communists homogeneous. There are elements the Norwegian party. We, the festo is most desirable.
The Institutional Regime krabbed the alliance proposed to it held in the which will to the Reichstag fire. The Left Opin it which gravitate towards Bol Left Opposition, cannot expect and and the Crisis with both hands.
show that Trotskista bave partict position has always faithfully supshevism, but there are also elements do not expect anything positive In every other Hell, the national We could have and should bave pated in sabotage and counter rev. country not only theoretically but Workers Party, that is in reality ites PS. APP. and in the tion will, of course, exert all their lug its institutional programban ported the industrialization of the which pull towards the Norwegian from this Committee. We consider The sections of the Left Opposi bortreoisie of the vauntsupported thith the bacromionist jaerty had it reserve argument with which stal. ed and considers the economic sue position does the take on Committee (the RSP, the party of efforts to give the Declaration of attempted to consolidate its noslnot been based on evasiveness, sup his journey. Referring to a Mogenses of the Soviet states in office supplied the delegate for pressions and ambiguities on both cow radio announcement, bourgeois only against the successes. It has tought and fights to share the fate of the already mittee) as a glaring contradiction, and popularization.
Tens of thou wermanency of the Mexican revolusider.
false economic historically doomed Comintern, does we consider also the voting of the sands, hundreds of thousands of tion, and perpetuate their class of the Communist party the Na newspapers afterwards carried the leadership of the uncontrolled bu. It want to try to remain in an in represetatives of the. and revolutionary workers will breathe rule.
tional Council says that it is rev. Skyists were actually arrested in termediary position (which means the for the resolution of with relief upon learning that there many chormons difficulties of an olutionary in outlook us ourselves the Ukraine and charged with sab on the Ukraine, they cannot have reformism. or is it ready to parti error which is capable only of now. Ary impage. We must strike while selves. The world crisis has not It real sabotageurs are arrested to return by round about ways to the majority as a grave political is a way out from the revolution. economic nature presented them That is all that we learn with re otage and state treason: they were and have no relation to the Teftcipate in the building of a new in ing Illusions and confusion. But it the iron is hot!
spre Mexico. The collapse of gard to the appraisal of the Com munist party and of its policy. EvOpposition; it adherents of the left ternational on the foundations laia would be entirely wrong it we September 1, 1963. GOUROV. the petroleum Industry and the fall Opposition are arrested in the by Marx and Lenin?
should on this basis renounce the of the price of silver would cerery serious and thinking worker Ukraine they cannot have and have to the serious reader it is clear honest attempt at collaboration tainly have plunged the country Cuban Situation will inevitably ask: why are two no relation to into purtles necessary if they have both turmoil before now were it ment of the abotage. The Indiet that our criticism is least of all with these two allies. Their parti German Letter not for the agrarian base of the in counter inspired by animosity towards the cipation in a bloc with us is the au equally revolutionary outlook country tevolutionary activities can only be On the contrary, we see tomorrow. Their participation Large sections of the proThe worker will be more astonished (Continued from Page 1)
upon learning that the leaders of based on an amalgam that is a clearly that if this party should the Committee is the yesterday. ON THE DISCUSSION WITH letariat are searcely a generation.
removed from the peasantry, and by parties the ideale e della tornare soldiers to settle the disputes be have no relation to each other. scene socialism would suffer a new consists not in demanding that our (Correspondence from Berlin) returning to the family corn and leadership be recognized a priori, other party as counter revolution tween the sugar workers and the Another Wrangel Omeer Frame Up blow. And this danger exists and not in presenting our allies at everyl and workers we are to weather the crisis. It is sti While in our discussions with bean match have managed somehow ists and Left social Fascists. the demand of the Imperialists, and the car. Dock formerly an afect of it is impossible to remain Tongo in occasion with ultimatums and Penetrating relatively easily with mated that there are close to a mil.
far back agent our epoch Possibly the National Council re has sent troops against the work Wrangel, ofered his technical as intermediary positions. Only poll threatening with a break, with the our arguments in the questions of themployed in the republic alliance itself? But an alliance of which means, not the bourgeois op Left Opposition and on the basis aim of these lines is to help rev. other to some impatient alites. We among the comrades of the Recovery Ballyhoo of the its ally so as not to undermine the dissolution of all political parties munist Youth, sympathetic to the for the proletarian revolution. The leave such methods, on one hand, future, we are even today encountexions from the United States revolutionary organizations which based on a plomberie wat onder het om bave organized armed revolts but Leninists were accused to connee. August 28, 1953. to pave its way. realize full well that disagreements the supernciar adgamaliel education the illegalization of the Communistitions. not with the but between us and our allies will arise so far as any education at all was highways and irrigation projects, TROTSKY.
over by the first cal storm, like to tady party.
of with a Wrangel ofcer. Now It is more than once. But we hope, more received, the setting up of ready and schemes for colonization of the The theses of the National Counthan that, we are convinced, that made absolute truths continue unemployed on farms, have been an. See the declaration of the Left the march of events will reveal in to exercise an evil influence, still nounced and in some cases comThe final capitulation of the San a question of a crime of far greater cil explain the bloc with the Com tartin government to the combined magnitude. Stalin is in urgent need Opposition (Bolshevik Leninists) at deeds the impossibility of participaralyze the critical powers, and menced. The Mexicana munist party, first, as a step to pressure of American imperialism of shootings of supposed Trotsky the Paris conference.
pating simultaneously in the prin so it is understandable that the has Ivarned much from the bally.
wards the united front, secondly and the Cuban bourgeois is indicat ists for real crimes, or of real Trotcipled bloc of four and in the un bureaucracy has succeeded, with hoo methods of its North American revolutionary party. Each of these among the government, Welles, and tify the repressions against irreprincipled bloer of the majority. the help of its illegal apparatus, counterpart. Dozens of plans, protwo arguments has its weight; but the factions of the bourgeois opposi proachable revolutionists whom he ing ultimatums we retain, how. ing.
mechanically placed side by side tion, and the ABC which are pre has kept now almost six years in in spreading new illusions launched, an enormous amount of they contradict each other. The paring a bourgeois coalition to bup Jalls and exile.
suptheses repeat that the united front plant the present set up.
appear under our own banner, but in temporarily strengthening its promptly disappears into the void.
Even from the infrequent official communications on the progress of also to tell our allies openly our op thoroughly shaken authority. The As in other countries, attempts should embrace any and all organi.
But no bourgeois coalition cannot the party cleansing, one can see The life long fighter in the cause zations of the proletariat insofar as they wish to participate in the cope with the situation on the basis that the Left Opposition can not ot the oppressed masses of China, consider their mistakes. We expect however, will hasten the process national program of economic the same frankness from our allies of disintegration; further large well xulliciency, an idea which is of trade unions, even the co operatives ocracy. The bourgeoisle can rees ies of the country, in full view of geons of Chiang Kai Shek. The In Our alliance will only be strength section e the working class will course inevitably doomed to fall But we know well, and not from tablish their rule only by the arm. responsible party officials, the Trot ternational Labor Defense heeds the ened by this.
fall into passivity, while precisely literature but from the tragic ex ed suppression of the workers. It skylsts group together and act. Stalinist slander the best part will necessarily have dece because of the oneness of world and relate the comintern rejects the ant this purpos. the army goes over show that the Left Opposition is nounces its duty to defend him. The elaboration of program. The following conversation is government program is becoming Faselste. organizations. How does and will call upon the armed might wants and the local control com Sangmen of the Chinese revolution of the new International should precisely now, after the defeat, weapact, although the communist sympthythe local com why Chen is imprisoned by order of the day. The Manifesto So you are of the opinion that apparent to the whole nation. Mass the intend to build a united in alliance of mist organizations For the Cuban workers there is missions would have no need to by the agents of world imperialism. give general picture of the mod must close ranks all the tighter party has been unable excepting in front with the Communist only one road to travel. They have drive and threaten the expulsion of Chen tong magnificent record in ern capitalist world (as well as of around the only revolutionary solated party. only from below and under seized plantations, and have set up Trotskyists.
No less clear and the Chinese movement is well known the Soviet Union. of its economy, party, in order to utilize the pain sielated files to break through its the leadership of the Communist workers committees to control and evident are the successes of the to these people. They are perfectly politics and international relations fully built up organization. But cisive part in the growing strugTo this question there is no answer threatening to take over mines and learena. The Stalinists know no ing the party and his years of de wars, crisis, fascist barbarism) Instructions to distribute leaflets Bolicies of the party when its split Mentioning in passing that the fruit plantations. They must now less than we of the important gains voted service to it. Twice before should be explained as the result with slogans that are mere phrases, ing tactles on the trade union bloe with the Communist party has begin to establish their soviets as the threte Bolshevik Leolintatsian among have the imperialists and the Chloe the tardiness of the proletarian to paint Give us back Thaelmann. liela, tande sits attitude ficial movement to the right, the For this is necessary Commun. guard. The bureaucracy is in great bute of arresting him and on each this tardiness must be placed on stupid contents you recognize, anders, have hindered the party growth.
that these prejudices can be coned in the questions of revolution. ining and right away! But what his liberation. And this time he is als. special chapter of the Mant Naturaly and my comrades The general sympathy towards by. he senere consummatby the reactionary prejudices of the American and, in the Arst instance Bolshevik Leniniste stand to gain. ter having been sought for by the tonals. Conclusion: the problems purpose. We only carry out what istorted form through the activ. rapidly. This expressed in a leaders of the Labor party and of the American proletariat. If the No, drastic measures are needed! pollee for many months, he made a of the proletarian revolution, as seems right to us.
the General Council of trade unions Cuban workers are not to be blood satelinhas not stopped even by the magnificent stand at the trial and well as the probems of saving the But in this way you are break ities and program of Tejeda Left fact that by demand the creation of ing discipline, and if you have not socialist Party. only does the credit. the yoke of slavery As frightful as hinders greatly the world proletar Chiang Kai Shek. Fifty five years a new International. The conclud yet been expelled from the padl. In the forthcoming issues of The Unfortunately, however, it is not that of the Chinese coolle the Am. sataim of the ele 15 both the camera scatene er inting and comgram of struggle of the new inter functioning of the apparatus. Like Militant, an attempt will be made party.
the Communist bureaucracy de movement against armed intervenproletarian revolutionists are in nese Jalls, means the slow death of volved.
clares that reformism and Fascist tion in Cuba.
our comrade.
The elaboration of such a docu of the opinion that our demand for problem and the character of the. not only criticizes the The solidarity of the American Warns of Crime reformist leaders incorrectly, but it proletariat with the Cuban workers It is the task of the Left Opposi left to his fate? Is the to three months. 8o responsible a volves your immediate resignation the role that the Communists must Is this great old fighter to be ment is the task of the coming to the creation of a new party in Left Socialist Party as well as the reformist workes. The theses question. The worker in the Buffalo of the whole world of the crime a revolutionist because of preserva collective manner. Athough it is alleve that during this transition to assume their proper place as It is true, say that the criticism of steel mills and the Cuban iron min. which is being prepared. The poltion of bureaucratic prestige of question of a document of an inter time you should carry on revoluthe proletarian vanguara. ROSALIO NEGRETE.
reformism should correspond to ac er at Daiquiri work for the same soned weapon should be turned Stalinism? Was not the Interna national character, the most importionary work in your nucleus, by tual facts and push the reform. boss, the Bethlehem Steel Corporis time we must vigilantly watch that the defense of all class war prison bringing before the eyes of your If the number on comrades, on the basis of the criticbut the Communist party is not menors of the Cuban workers are the the rightful indignation of the ers? Is it not necessary THE MILITANT the 191 your wrapper is ism of the past, the necessity of Entered tioned in this connection by one oppressors and explotters of the world proletariat at the Bonapart working class to second class mail make common truly Marxist Leninist polley. new matter N28, 1928, at the your subscription has arptred.
word. What can be made of the American workers. They must un set methods Bhoteld not turn its sym. cause against the imperialist op from the ground up. You must re Post Office at New York, theory of social Fascism? And ite their forces to overthrow their pathies completely away from the pressor and its hangmen? The If you want to get the MA cognize that the breach of discipUnder the act of March 1870.
tant promptly every week how can the policy of the united common enemy.
line which is unconditionally nee Published weekly by the Communist front be built on this theory? To The Cuban proletariat which has guard should take upon itselt the because he, after the disastrous ex renow your subscription at essary with regard to the hureau League of America (Opposition)
once: per year for alty pass such questions in silence in entered the resolution does not mean to re before on the revolutionary rond defense of the beritage of the Oct periences in China. ndhered to the cracy already represents in fact the EDITORIAL BOARD the American proletariat ober revolution against the Stalin Left Opposition. He has remained two weekly tasus; 61 hall first step, which in its consequences Martin Abern your for twenty six weekly move them from life. An open dis cannot wait. The Cuban workers ist bureaucracy.
a revolutionary fighter James Cannon contains our demand for the crea Max Shachtman Issues Maurice Spector ONKEN.
cussiou could possibly force the need help now. The American work.
and a fighter better equipped with tion of a new party, in which the Communist party to adopt a correct ers must be aroused to come to Arne Swabeck the weapon of Marxism. The maintenance of the strictest dis SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1933 THE MILITANT position, diplomatic evasiveness can their ald. That is the immediate READ YOUNG SPARTACUS workers everywhere must demand 128 East 16th St.
clpline in action is no longer in OUR YOUTH ORGAN Vol. VI, No. 44 (Whole No. 191 only pile up contradictions and pre duty of the Communist movement.
that efforts be made by the contradiction with your pare a new catastrophe for the next political Subscription rate: 00 per year T, STAMM.
OUT EVERY MONTH convictions.
for the liberation of Chen Du Sla.
Foreign 50 cente per copy of Demand Freedom to. for Chen Du Siu on being growing Tulever since