AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyImperialismLeninismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

New Internat Delays ore y war during brought about 8, 000 painters dowpars have passed since their for isolated councils with per meanor Ferro, friend of his, who was of Criticism of the Militant (b) the pre a was Extends Organization In PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1933 Declaration for a LEAGUE ACTIVITIES Painters Strike FROM THE MILITANTS Terzani United Stalinist Union Successful Meetings Red Army, as an auxiliary arm of tion can sweep through the workBrownsville Jobless Front Meet the international revolution, viring class drawing the millions of (Continued From Page 1)
unemployed behind it. The disaptually intimated that only in case in Montreal Councils Collapse nointment which the NRA New York. The Terxan Cuited the party. freedom of criticism and of an armed occupation by foreign to bring to the employed, makes Front Conference was called for the a real inner unity between the lead Montreal. With the beginning of imperialists of a country close to Brooklyn, Nowhere has the moment more propitious thun aligeu purpose of maining was ership and the party majority. this rull the Left Opposition in the Soviet Union with the view or NEW YORK Haying suppressed and crushed the Montreal has proceeded to turn to an attack on the general strike, called sudden the reptitude and bankruptcy of ever. It is only necessary to cast pressure and thancial surt lor ly Monday.
the Red the reformist bureaucracy turned which stalinist burcuucratism and Army into that country. He also York Painters District Council, to self regraphically as in the artyles of the City Council and the ulti Italian student worker wil is.
party der u trumped up iudictment of me unions into impotent bodies despite neathlest elements. Up to now our been for a revoluat Trotsky hadlake place the next day. has controlled loomuloyed Councils. atistie directives of the the the wrongly stated Despite the fact that almost four Leadership. Instead of sectarian, ond degree murder for the burde from the jobs.
small, all the Brest Litovsk negotiations and This strike was not entirely unmation; countless inner party meet bership, a feleration of unenploy killed by the lascist Khaki Shits lions. Having stilled bad favored ocracy, the Stalinist bureaucracy the German events has more than the slogan of a dem. young comrades. But the 105chat Trotsky himsell Party for expected. Several weeks ago the ings hell and thousands of proel cabracing the various unem at their meeting in Astoria, stifled also the Comintern. The new Lubled our sympathizers. Particu: America. Workers who look today to check up on its membership, leadership, the membership and in the strugkle for immediate relied conference is to be done this fluence of the councils today con must inot be isolated from the fight cialist wanted to try their hand at adhering thereto, must build their cluding YCL ers are being won overprise at his method of argument. and taxed all working International, as well as the partieslarly the best youth elements, in Buhay with respect expressed sur Istarted an organizational carrers stitute ero. Since the inception for social insurance and the ulti stage managing a united front conentire Inner life on the basis of to our side. We also have some fifty cents a day. These obvious of the councils thousands of rank mate abolishment of capitalisın. Letterence. The socialists, wymas democratie centralism.
contacts in the Party and the Jew prepurations, the fact that the and tile Communists have untiring the Communist prove from within of their blue with the aud 11. The undersigned created a perish field is particularly ripe for painting season is at its height, the ly and courageously devoted entire the ranks of the unemployed that the avarebis und by means of We intend to proceed terrible conditions in the trade, the weeks and months in the struggle they are correct and they will sucking the hall during the vote manent commission of delegated re. Our activision a Spartacus succeeded. That is about all that presentatives and assigned the fol to the Youth Club and as Unser Kamt wave of strikes throughout the told mass unemployed achieve their objective. AY. Ler.
can be really said of this complete lowign to it.
wing in the Brotherhood (such as tion were displayed in scores of ly heutive conference (a) The elaboration of a proOn September 2, Comrade Krem it is, and the Alteration Painters better with the police at evictions Youngstown Steel The conterence was called by the grammontie manifesto, as the lectured before an audience of 100, Terzani General Defense Commitcharter of the new Interna including many YCL ers and Party To the Editor of the Militant: plenty of time to get ready for the Burest Yeterlilies that has a Workers Meet tee, upon which the Social Party, tional: the the Civil Liberties members, on the subject of New Allow me to protest the printing strike. But as usual they ed every other project of the buL nion, the International Labor Depreparation of a critical Communist Party in Germany of the article. The Daily Worker caught entirely unprepared analysis of the organizations Sketching the history of the Goes to the Masses. In theMill At the meeting of the Bronx local reaucratie apparatus in the past, Youngstown, About six hunfense, and various Anarchist groups of the the same Monday repeated itselt tragically in the at 1ts tant of September 16th.
at are represented. The Communist and tendencies of the present. comrade Krehm There is absolutely tended a mass meeting of the Am. on the ground that it was represent rkers movement (theo natural weakness (due to retie commentary to the Mani. the November 1918 revolution; its nature which ar y thu holaw in night the organizer reporting on the tempt to organize the millions ofdred enthusiastie steel workers Party was not given representation that a Communstrike presented the proposals of the unemployed.
Igumated Association of Iron, Steeled by the For example: the Brownsville and Tin Workers held in Youngsfesto. Patal hesitation (thanks to stalinist paper should not take up the the TUUL that we watch for de Brandler. in 1923, when had the question of sports of even breakfasts routes in strike mere om dagend Hochan one or mer employed town on September 17. Gene Blair, ly had one of the best memployed local organizer, presided! than ut like Stalinist atrains. This But even less was accomplished (c) the elaboration of theses on majority of the working class on menu on the contrary, it is oblig to go out on strike next Monday.
all the fundamental questions its side, and its inability in the story for Communists to approach. This proposal brought protests councils in the district.
of the revolutionary strategy last few years to keep back the and penetrate into the sportsluha from the rank and sle, some of weeks ago the lessons Allow, of leaders, was the was based upon the principle of Mike Lyden, one of the Youngs was a genuine united front that of the proletariat. d) the representation of the from below and its market com and explain to the workers the and that we should go on strike the base for the prep talks with self to be little more than a typical tion. TheStalinist conference of social Fascism. united front class point of view there, of course, malu at work would be scabbing out the city and Brownsville for organization but revealed him cluding particularly ull contuli ucundersigned organizntions be wetition with the Nazis (its slogan class struggle from the angle with right away. In the face of this which Winters and Sullivan stenthusiastic trade unionist. Then amount to the Party and ats perifore the outside world.
of national and social liberation, which they are most acquainted protest chairman Weitx retreated to bolster up the decils. The end of labor. was given the floor. Leudung that they represented the murale and stated that the TUUL proposal of the various other Judge Beckenbaugh, so called fri phery meeting together and preSIGNED: etc. with and interested in.
was to go out on strike as soon as Bryan eviction the embroglio with After dealing to a lot of petty moll. worker united. At least at such Bauer International Left In the discussion period the Stal Writing about workers sports or psible.
the police at the Home Relief Burotician, vote searching flattery of contence the larty can transact Opposition. Bolshevik Lenininist spokesmen Fellow worker Kitt took the floor the resulting shrieking headlines ists) pidities by the treacher Celr stu even surmbitting medical advice is of the so very important and even necessary and demanded that we strike the in the yellow presy were pointed the and its great leaders ils own business, subejet only to Schwab Socialist dial democracy, accused us of con. a workers Sports Club Mara: same time as the Brotherhood. He out as real achievements of the muchos Gompers and Tighe, this a little interruption from the trotWorkers Party of Germany) saling before the workers tbe rev zine or the Bulletin of a Workers winted out that the clementary unemployed. Winters, Sullivan and good judge advised the workers to skyites who are naive cuousle to Schmidt Inclutionary mass actions in Germany Matual Benefit Society. duty of class conscious workers is the other beads of the City Councils organize and collaborate fairly believe that united frouts are made dependent Socialist Party of Walch hey themselves trump up For the central cronof the to support their fellow workers in kuew that while they are making with your employers. for the purpose of uniting all real Holland) and repeated Heckert falsited Cominnist party however, to emu a strike situation. He said that these blatant speeches the Brown Mike Tighe, president of the working class organizations in comolutionary Socialist Party of of parliamentary Stevliet Rev. quotations from Trotsky in defense late capitalist papers fatheir Irive remaining on the job, even it only sville actions were not the result was the main speaker of the after mon action.
At any rate, the Socialist mujorHolland challenged them to a debate which advice to the sick and the love lorn clared would play into the hands exerted over the unemployed but completely (to those who are due to the pressure of the crowd, and the well dressed; to waste of the bosses and the of rather to the bravery of a handful able to understand the city passed a resolution putting the they accepted intentionally choos prnges in all sorts of nonsence telof the Brotherhood would brand us this was permitted to act as alleles of the Al and its parent indictment against Terzani dropped and fakers and that the rank and file of Party and YCL members. Yet of politics)
the principles and pol chate Governor Lehunan order this curisider the most academic tople. absolutely impermissible. Bolas scabs and strikebreakers. This, sange for carrying out future work. granization the of. He and the Khaki shirt, who commiting what these practical people tomfoolery of that sort. that is of Can socialisin Be Built in Russia shevik paper should be a Bolshevik he declared, would result in the Nothing could serve better to give said in words almost as plain asted the murded, Indicted. This was Alone paper. Its circulation and influ complete discreditment of the cbare price of the simeement that ity of capital and labor. that the lever even total de telectivity of the New York. In the September dience of 300 the Sata todas reported the workers, by becoming a leader should follow he stated the Brownsville Unemployed Country to topico de esos lugude mass pressuru alone will save Teron September 6th before and trating into the organizations of in outlining the policy that the these speeches were being made workers who are associates in bus conference, the Socialist answer zani.
front mass meeting of the Amalga scholastic Bucharloist argumenting to political life strata of indit workers was to be with the masses oblivion that the sporadle and inheir profit but only ask that the mated Wood Workers and the Food vix, Trotsky has no faith in the interent and solid workers. It can and to inttuence them with the cor dividual actions of a few comrades profit be shared between capital and labor.
As for the Stalinist minority, they brought in a resolution which led by the Stalinists, was brietly int the revolution in Russias has by sing and answering the burn explained that under the influence Naturally cnough, this artificial He spoke frequently of the neces was a miniature Stalinist program, reported. As we predicted the unt already taken place, noting problems of the working class of the NRA and the pressure of method of building up a movement wity of cooperation between employ. which stated the rovelvon ted front was broken, principally other countries if not socialista providing leadership in workers conditions the workers at this stage has its resultant conseyuences.
What cand workers, and said that the main support from the Pascist on account of the hall heartedness shall we build capitalism in Rus struggles and by working out cor are standing into the right wing really in the case in Brownsville workers should always deal furly bands, the need for united strug of the Stalinists participation. Our sia? etc. etc, ad nauseum.
comrades and the Gitlowites pro reply comrade Krehm pointed will inevitably be attracted. It for the to enter as a block pussed without a single meeting of should organize and then dis Tom Mooney, and succo and Vanposed that a fusion of the two un into the of the executive, let alone the inem cuns their problems with the boss wetti.
ions take place, because it was left Opposition, which fora Ave All this should have been ex could support in plained simply: clearly. the pur this point of view with the same that neither the former or the lat led into strange pastures menning this document, as evident that an organization drive years (1923 1928) demanded could not be sustained forever with vain a speedy tempo ration and industrier collect those of a Bolshevik paper, its fune line of tripe NO characteristie of ter exists. Entire days pass with strikes and other militant action. the Left Opposition could not sign.
whole. Even two unions competing for me that the workers republie can be mere through inability or because he just the workers see through the trench of the council. Secunde and Sadie that the Amalgamated Association its name to it, because of its monu tions, etc. etc, but either the Stalinist bureaucrats: When out a worker crossing the threshold He echoed William Green in saying ship within the industry, and unavoidably confusion would be ly the base (for a breathing space created in the ranks of the work though prolonged) for the extension didn want to, splurged through a ery and fakery of the of Berg. secretary and organizer, sit would help Roosevelt to put over mental confusion on the relation be.
of the international proletarian rev. all sorts of smart nsides worthy them. Others took the door at innumerable icatlets; while they ately, however, the majority of the minority resolution, did however, lot of stuplaitles accompanied by they will come to us. said one of in the headquarters drawing up the Recovery Program. Unfortun woon aseisnud. NRA. This The result was that. last construction of fontsolatea sociale.
College Thumor with brilliant compting to justify delaying strike wait for something to happen and workers do not yet understand the contain proposals of action, that Thursday, September 14, the Indus ist society.
Such stuff does not beong in a preparation was needed, made sim Nothing does however, are helpless, med significance of Tighe state amese generally correct. These stal trial Union called a mass meeting Baker declared the very origin lar arguments entirely evading the Three years of ruinous leader that he is only willing to lead General Defense Committee. of of the hotel and restaurant work of socialism in one country to Bolshevik peper.
issue, ers. The attendance was so poor anve been mistaken and subsequ. Editorial Note. It should be Ship three years of disappoint them as long as they do not three course to include the formaAttempting to crawl out of a bad ments for the workers who come en the interests of capital, that tion of local Defense Committees view! needless to say that we agree entire hole Weltx amended Kitts motion to the councils: three years of op whenever they are forced to take local and city wide demonstrations, postpone the meeting.
that the Stalinists were forced to ently to have chain from thelly with what comrade ys for an immediate strike to the efportunist and reformist policies. really militant and determined ac were referred to the present Gen.
Baker devialet Workbow sections at the the. ow. Stalin propounds the Messianic of the Communist party. But we elected to decide on the date for moralize the uneinployed of the government in order to defend their doubtless they will dio a lingering Following this action the Hotel general line by denying that about the duty of the central organ fect that a strike storemittere be have served either to repel or de tion against the bosses and the eral Defense Committee, where September 18, in the same hall at the one country in the whole world time of the Jest we made in our ar taining the support of the member the council built up by Bamboyant and all called a mass meeting for Tely compilation contain Ramn of the rely accent is critic the walkout. He succeeded in ob neighborhood. And the prestige of right to live that Green and Tighe death. We think that it is time that these maneuvers which about twelve hundred work where a self sufficient classless sorticle in question. Moreover, some ship for this compromise headlines and shricking sensation on the side sort will be found bickering when the fate of class ers appeared. At this meeting sev. clety robe constructed. The Stal times we even feel a temptation to At the Sollowing evening. the Party and of the strike com alism has disap who are workers down.
versing tooth and nail to keep the at stake be made eral workers described the condiinist spokesman took advantage of Jest at the humor contained in the inittee, the an end of. It is the duty of every tions in the industry, the miserably his being the last speaker by hurl. Beny Worker political articles and TUUL leaders again succeeded in unemployed show that they know These workers, as a whole, stiu pressure to bear that the Terzani class conscious worker to bring low wages and long hours prevailing abnse and making personal at retrain only because it is too tragie. throwing confusion into the issue the futility of the councils accom Bave faith and confidence in Tighe, defense be taken seriously on the ing. The meeting was addressed But when confronted with the son of an immediate strike in solidarity wishing anything, by avoiding it then do the A, of L, and the basis of a united struggle by all by Ben Gitlow, by comrades Krehm lectured before an audience the cowarkere department, what told the workers that if they felt it is no wonder then, that the hard experience has convinced the organizations willing to fight in his hele and courage cannon o of 100 on The Foreign Polley of close could we do. Sometimes rid uneasy they could stop work. This Tammany administrated Home Re that they must take more cradlien defense.
icule becomes an effective means of provoked an uproar, but the confu lief Buro has taken advantage of steps in order to better their condi the Left Opposition, This time Buhay, an old party correcting foolishness.
sion remained despite the fact that the collapse of the Unemployed tions and solve their problems.
Secretary Bourget, before ad leader, attempted to divert atten most of the workers who spoke Council. The furniture littering They naturally and inevitably look Journing the meeting, made it clear tion from the logic of the argu DANCE AND BANQUET were for immediate action. Finally the streets of Brownsville bears for the easiest, the most conservathat the Hotel Workers Branch of ments made by the speaker adoptmotion prevailed, against the mute testimony to the havoc that tive way out of their predicament, union, and accepts as members with comrade Krehm what right have tion for the ovening of its beautical strike call for Monday the fol crable amount of food that the buro sram, until they are convinced that Not since comrade Caplan genuine Industrial ing an allwise attitude towards The Chicago Branch of the Left Opposition is holding a celebra wishes of the leaders to leave the the impotence of the councils has and they never take a step to the cxxxx all workers employed in you to laugh at Manluilsky! The ful new headquarters at full only cooks and waiters, Soviet diplomats know what they re 2559 NORTH AVE.
lowing week. It is therefore no allots is in danger of being cut this step is necessary and that any Kansas City made sub history in but also dishwashers, porters, about with their maneuvering ON wonder that the workers left this down. Rumors have it and they thing less than this is futile. Many the last drive has there been anyelevater men, etc.
the very Friends of the Soviet Un meeting discouraged and dissatis are not without foundation consi battles will have to transpire, the think like the work comrade Newby ion and the SATURDAY, OCT. 7th P.
Anti Imperialist The hotel code has been delayed League show that the Comintern. Real Spaghetti Dinner because so far the bosses have not has the international revolution at. Peppy Orchestra The Stalinist trade union policy Home Relief Buro will shut down be put to the test many times, be late. Within the last two weeks he been eager to sign it, since no press heart (as if it were a question of has left the New York alteration in the near future, this of course fore the workers finally lose confid has sent in sixteen suus. That, of painters in a blind alley. These would condemn thousands of fam ence nthese labor fakers.
ure on them was exercised by or good intentions rather than of false leaders failed to steer a course to ilies in the neighborhood to starvacourse, is an evidence of the inTwo possibilities then exist. 1) creasing Interest of the workers in st sign of orientation. why bring in the the splendid organization by the question of socialism in one coun ward unity with, and affiliation to tion. Despite this, there is no re in the absence of workers who the ideas of the Left Opposition.
the of Waldorf Astoria, Astor, Pennsylv conceiving, as we do, of the Soviet men to remain on the job while and gloomy state of affairs have have a militant program to offer result of comrade Newby efforts (Continued from Page 1)
ania and others have made the not affiliated to the Associated be there be any better proof that they the unemployed. Apply this picture after another until they quilt fight That is the bright spot in otborbosse uneasy and anxious to sign Blven representation on the strike have failed and failed miserably. to every section of New York City ingin despair, helplessly enslaved wise unexciting routine of renewals the shameful code with its provi FROM THE RHINELAND.
committee. This was defeated on BILL KITT.
sions for a fifty bour week, a twenty Things are terrible in Many the ground that representation on is happening the unemployed of co workers who have been tried trickle of new subs. record like cents an hour minimum wage and movement can be goten.
and tested in many skirmishes and this is very encouraging.
a whole network of treacherons comrades have been arrested. The the strike committee be restrictaINTWU which is making of the the unemployed, when years of the heating program to offer they will feverish ambiguities, which by no means will students belonging to our group to those having no political affiliaefforts to capture control Why this inability to organize trials and who have a practical, ameliorate the present miserable have been expelled from the uniconditions, but on the contrary will versity. The leading comrade was proposed by the NTV for repre these groups for that purpose. The an unparalleled opportunity to do badership, revolt, and placing rev. The details will appear in next Undoubtedly the rejection of this strike and is attempting to use greatest destitution have presented become dissatisfied with their old There a new sub drive coming.
worsen them.
Hundreds of workers are pouring serious condition in the hospital. was caused entirely by the supplcvent these craft unions from being who working with the unemployed to victory. Consequently, it is our warning so that all our sub getter into the offices of the union every At the present moment there 18 ion which the disruptive maneuver drawn into the dual National Strike workers and having a virtual mono duty to help strengthen the unions can shake the dust of their sub day, join its ranks and engage ac Acho recently for many throader ins of its leadership has created in committee. That would serve only poly in the field are the unemploy that the workers accent, to fight getting abilities and warm them up tively in organizing their fellow political activity. printed pro theless idea is impossible erto Magere uniting them. It is absolutely eated? It is due, of course, to the that later we can help them to free to a good campaign with more com workers. Dally the numbers in letarian newspaper seems like a crease and before long the entire with the motivation. The fact that sential for the victory of the strike incorrect and opportunist approach themselves mentally and physically rades participating in it than in hotel and restaurant industry of fairy tale.
New York City and environs will in Y, on the other hand, the work clous direction should in no way request of these groups for repre general incorrectness of the party use their organizational strength to line, drive. This will obviously comrades meet regularly. Issue ant in a united strike leadership. This step can lead to the further unemployed it ended with the mere bosses.
necessary for the radical unionists the question of a more decisive mimeographed material, and have the correct way to put the ques strengthening of the American Fed granting and in most cases just We must not make the mistake to stay inside the conservative trade ana mielele action which is un created to points of support fation would be, te demand from the entrancing Silk Workerte has a bods inigines ise pe tot ticket efa mount. Thatustria tot onda de tal workers want ons and there propere the ground force the powerful hotel trust to the big shops.
recognize the union and accept its In general, however, the situation ment, that it make common cause There no prolongation of the meeting. Although many of the leadership of the union or else a demands for decent standards.
has become terribly sharper in the with the majority organization in fight for higher relief; no continu facts and criticisms of the mars reorganization of it.
last three weeks. Difficulties in the strike and become an integral PITTSBURGH MASS MEETINGS Ons struggle for the revolutionary it offers against this union are ley of the as put forth The pol carrying out work are increasing part of its ranks by joining the ARNE SWABECK In a.
will speak at Situation should be clearer, but the The Independent craft unions of ut ever was it explained to the peting with it is incorrect ante com in its leaflet distributed at this BOSTON ANNOUNCEMENTS unemployed that to do away with time under the present conditions, plays into the hands of the con WEINSTEIN RESTAURANT VETCHERINKA Saturday, Oct. perspective is one of a long period Paterson are in a critical state to 1830 Center Ave. 2nd Floor the taip elise yt at P.
of hard work. The comrades are day On the one hand they have state must be done away are ready to join a union with a allowing them to have uncontested FORUM every almost exhausted.
Friday, October 13 at P.
Friday evening not yet been made a direct part with. Can there then be any won more radical organizational and control inside the unions) and SOCIAL SCIENCE CLUB meets The is no longer to be seen of the Associated strike committee THE FUTURE OF INTERNA der that the unemployed councils economie program does not prove thereby indirectly into the hands of have collapsed like TIONAL COMMUNISM every Monday evening at P. In this district. It is supposed leading the largest section of the a house of that the majority of them are pre the bosses who like to see the radicards? satrting Octoebr 9th.
to be still working in the Ruhr dis 22, 000 striking textile workers in Saturday, October 14 at P.
pared to do so. And until the maj cal workers isolated from the conMARXIAN YOUTH CLUB meets trict, but nobody really believes Paterson. On the other hand they THE ROOSEVELT PROGRAM But the unemployed councils can ority of the unorganized workers servative ones.
every Thursday P. that.
are being sorely pressed by the AND THE WORKERS be revived. wave of regenera. are ready to take these steps it is KOEHLER.
ers his and of the capitalists fight war prisoners are The by tacks.
SUB NOTE of hotels Silk Strike tions.