BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCuban RevolutionDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

WORKERS OF THE THE MILITANT WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Com montet League of America (Oppottom) at 128 Mt 16th Street, New York, Hate red ns second class mall matter, November 8, 1928 at the Port Once at New York. under the set of Marca 187 VOLUME VI, NO. 44 (WHOLE NO. 191 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1933 PRICE CENTS Gourov Left Socialist Conference Joint Declaration Silk Strikers HoldFirm; for New Internat Reject Truce action: cal Historic Words Civil War Looms in Cuba; Situation Tense above the only serious result of the world bourgeoisie knows who is the its efforts to the extension of the brought them to the point where onnie life. Out of fear of the work.
class or Firm Nucleus for New International Emerges The conference is over. As yet cisions adopted by such a heterowe have neither the minutes nor geneous majority can have only a Forms Splitting Strike Committee; All the tal text of the resolution. platonic, decorative character. Not for full realization of the great gether of the proletarian vanguard one of its most important task the sions can be drawn. These concludemu the Second International. to ed upon them, the undersigned or The undersigned obligate themselves perialism and internal counter rer, of. Unions Must Unite in Associated Silk Workers Left Opposition. This can be seen to carry on in predSo as Kanizations have unanimously deto direet all their forces to the forolutionde revolutionary sions are entirely favorable to the shout about its policy of cided to combine their forces formation in the shortest possible time defense of places Despite all the efforts of the boss autonomy. The reaetionary best of all by the comparison of opportunisin. Not a few are will Joint work for the regeneration of of this International on the firm upon us the imperative task of free es the national silk strike still holds valership headed by MacMathe revolutionary forces of the solid. Monday morning. Septem hon, did not sanction the strike but what we obtained. In preliminary of the Third International somment on an International scale. As strategie principles laid down by entire world from the corrupting ber 18, the bosses of Paterson, the attempted from the outset to smash discussions and correspondence we to carry on in reality a policy of the basis for their activity they lay Marx and Lenin.
intluence of the Stalinist Comintern tronghold of the strike made it by maneuvers in Washington with all agreed that it we should succk stage combinatious which are down the following principles The mortal crisis of imperial While rendy to co operate al. Only under the condition of after getting plenty of support fron. Maestahon entered into and accept ceed in getting four or even three in spirit very much akin to bureausignatures under a clear and pre centrism. Not only are de ist capitalism which has taken the with all the organizations, groups complete independence of the in the the new bunciation of the Second and Third prope out from under reformas developing from reformist or be from the Soviet bureaucracy and quickly shut them again.
che and which are actually ternational pers Militan cise document in favor the truce settlement for organizations mass picketing by the workers he had no inthority from the work enormous step forward. We obtain vanced workers but the bure admisternational, the bureaucracy of the reaucratie centrim (Stalinism) to the tireless unmasking of its false 50. 000 are on strike for 36, a 30 cened its proper reward in the unInternational, we would make an internationals insufficient to ad(social democracy, the Second InOvers. This treacheron attempt reed the fou: signatures that we sion or the necessity of a new lu International Federation of trade. wards revolutionary Marxian pol methods before the working masss hour week, two looms and the atoll mous Tendintion of the truce counted on (the Revolutionary So ternational does not sutte either. unions) poses imperatively cialist Party of Holland, the sout is necessary to say clearly what question of the break with reformime declare that the new Internats a successful defense of the Soviet tion of night work?
Union possible.
On Saturday the bosses had offer of Marathon should serve as a settlement. But these maneuverings cialist Labor arty of Germany international we have in mind theist policy and of the revolutionary tional cannot tolerate any concilia10. Party democracy is a necesed the workers a temporary truce serious warning for the striking and the Independent Socialist Party restoration of the miserable Two and the establishment of the pro The necessary unity of the working development o revolutionary peoniereuse to four and a halt cents further attempt to sell them out: of power con towards reformism or contrism of Holland together with the Inter and a half International, or the letarian dictatorship as the only by the blurring of reformist and letarian parties on a national as for 100, 000 picks (approximately they must be on guard against national Left under a unitication of the international prodocument which is the only tangi tariau vanguard on the basis of capitalul de a se intorna bocialist revolutionary conception, or the na walloween international scale 22 a week for weavers and sister se endeavers to present the Polar which may and should become of responding to the problems of our society: The problem of the proletar only by combatting the policies of without the elections of function until the adoption of a permanent a really representative organiza epoch. To elaborate such a proWe achieved this momentous re raw in the company of Tranmaellan revolution bears, by its very niremain equal to its task the New rank and Ale, no truly revolution the strikers overwhelm libe ranks of the strikers by offering y na both lankrupt Internationals. To arles from top to bottom, without code. At the membership meeting tion.
New the control of the apparatus by the of the Associated Silk Workers. The jacquard bones tried to split sult not by some chance combina cous Seller, Maurin and others, of protectar laterna hond character. The International must nee skietmet New ary party is possible.
ingly rejected the bosses truce and heir workers, a skilled section of contrary, in this field we made some international organization in com cialist society only on the basis of deviation from revolutionary prin The need for secrecy under con otele Sacional strike Committee mbodying a standard scale. This the trade, a separate settlement Errors) but due to the fact that the mon with them would mean to sow the world division of labor and civiles in the question of the insur historic step made by us has fully chosandedeulogical demorali ed categorically reject, therefore, ship the Soviet form of the state, pletely the forms of the Interna! very correctly pointed out in a learn maneuver. The offer consti matured. In spite of ten years of tion instead of the necessary saving the theory of socialism in one life of a revolutionary party and increase by only a part of the silk workers in the lower paid shops and world wide baiting and slander of clarity.
country which undermines the very the Left Opposition; in spite of the The Yesterday and Tomorrow In adation of proletarian internacial foundations, by the incontesto possible. But even under the most The only settlement acceptable to paid shops. The jacquard workers fact that this slander left its trace Beyndts class basis, by its so tionis difficult, it not altogether immanxfacturers offered no guarantee wage cut of and cents per of the Movement that all the bosses would accept it. yar ably prevailing forms of property. difficult for the workers in the better even in the consciousness of the No less energetically must be the remains also today stances the basic demands of the that conditions and circum the strikers is a national agreement. unanimously rejected this attempt in the ranks of the social democratwo of our allies (the German elected the theory of the Austro a workers state that is an instru healthy party regime retain their The strike was called by the Amto split the ranks of the strikers.
and the Holland. Inde: Narxists, centrists and left reform. ment for the building of a social fail Yorcer honest Information of crican Federation of Silk Workers tic workers in spite of all pendent Socialist Party) enter notists who, under the pretext of the Ist society. The new InternationAlong with the fierce struggle three organizations which lead international character of the 80 al will inscribe on its banner als few tens of thousands of workers (Continued on Page 1)
which is now part of the United against the bosses and the disrup(Continued on Page 3) cialist revolution, advocate an ex Textile Workers but having local tive tactics of MacMahon, the work.
round no other path but to unite rectant passivity with regard to ers face the danger of disunity pre with us on a common document their own country, delivering theresented by the Stalinist controlled which presupposes a long and stubborn struggle. wide brunch was by the proletariat in reality into National Textile Workers Union.
the hands of Fascism. proletar Cast Sunday the NTWU arranged made in the wall surrounding the The situation in Cuba is developThe Gazeta Polska, official organ ian party which evades the seizure with certainty that new and more of the Polish goverument, writes en la tier under the present historie ng into civil war. Soldiers have Military Intervention by fernment suspended over an erupt returnere lentowest planerade bestelle ing volcano. The workers are sex independent Allentown Silk Work organizations and fractions which on the reasons which détermined trayaly. The victorious proletariat workers to recapture from them the ing the sugar plantations and areers Union which is under stalinist are pushed to the revolutionary one country must strengthen its plantations they have seized. The business houses in protest against workers committees. They attempting to operate them by influence. Representat path by the whole situation will the Soviet Polish rapprochement: are several independent groups met socialist workers are armed and are deter: Workers acts of violence. Another arming themselves against with every passing month convince One of the reasons, and not the national dictatorship by themselves that the only banner least, was the defeat of Trotsky construction, which remains of neemined to resist. Conflicting press report has it that they threaten threat of the government to retnke Strike Committee. To the 40. 000 under which the proletarian van line qud the triumph and strength essity incomplete and contradictory reports state that the soldiers fired to close their doors unless the gov. the plantations by force. The strike militant workers following the real the there and formed o National guard can rally is the banner ofening of Stalin line, the building tical power in at least a few ads with the workers. At any rate the positiou (bourgeois factions) and Santiago is threatened with a com: American Federation of silk Workuntil the working class seizes polion workers that they fraternize erament compromises with the or wave is spreading continuously. National StrikeComuniteteve other Bolshevism Leninism.
of socialism in one country.
vanced capitalist conntries. Simul struggles of the workers for in agrees to a coalition cabinet that plete tie up. The struggles of the ors this dual strike committee can Only Serious Result Gazeta Polska, Aug. 29, 1933 The Polish government like the taneously. the victorious working creased pay, better working condi will satisfy all, win recogni.
The Declaration of four is called of one country must direct alitions, s, and against imperialism has tion and restore the country econocieron los brengeng their fine or more our fellow workers of the fade direct contlict with the bourgeoisie pendent Allentown Silk Workers vague decisions of the majority are the bourgeoisie, Millions of work. Iries The contradiction into the side of the workers? Or will. imperialists, to suppress the Cuban revolution, the influence of leads to a division of the strike army. Will the soldiers over and the upon not and with the Amertean imperialists Cuton have been confused and de concerned, they have no future. ers will note the reasoning of the the nptional character of the We should alyze the compost correct conclusions. Let the stal character of socialist society can be ment, which it is leaning ever more the rising tide of workers strug Communism is growing.
This will not be hard to understand Polish Goverument and draw the lure of power and the international the soldiers support the ranks.
tion of the conference. If the de inists raveresolved only by courageous rev. heavily upon the Cuban bourgeoisie sles is leaving the San Martin govtion room its birth the government National Strike Committee are ar Already the effects of the dual legates of the four organizations olutionary action.
which signed the declaration made The Third International which next days will decide.
up its Left wing, then the Right of the petty bourgeoisie, both as parent. The Daily Worker of Sept.
grew out of the October revolution with the passing of each day the ofl. Leaders wing was made up of the represenlald down the principles of pro ground is being cut from under the spring, the san Martin government, ent to Senator Wagner declaring tatives of the Norwegian Workers letarian policy in the epoch of im. fect of the San Martin government.
has pursued a steady course toward that the UTW does not represent party which aims at the creation perialism and gave the world pro on the one hand it is being subthe Right, toward the bourgeoisie the national silk strike of a Scandinavian International ietariat the first lessons in the rev. jected to enormous pressure from and American imperialism.
Allentown Ntrikers and that only AL through an alliance with the Swedolutionary struggle for power, tell the Cuban bourgeoisie and the Unithough it came into power as an authorized to represent the strikan the national strike committee is ish and Dutch victim of a chain of historical conted States. The Menocal and Menanti imperialist government 19 afraid, then cocial democracy and tradictions. The treacherous role dieta factions together with the to compromise ers.
mised the payment of all foreign itself by proximity to Communists.
of the social democracy, the imma ABC are insistently demanding the obligations, that is to say, of the These things bole no good for the One must be a hopelessly naive per The international commission of turity and inexperience of the Com resignation of the government. The It is a well established fact that enormous debt to Wall Street which wilk workers. The false policy of son, or what is worse, an unprincl.
pled schemer to hope for a union lawyers at London, which has just Imunist parties led to the breakdown financial sabotage continues unre the of executives have all can be paid only by the sweat and the NTWU and its efforts to cart of.
or collaboration with this, through connected with the German Reich ments in the East and in the Westing and plotting to replace the Mar. accepted and through, opportunistie party or stag tire, bas exonerated the Com. The isolated position of the proletin government with an outright al administers in the government. 14th of September it guaranteed is not serving the best interests of regardless of the investments of the United Stathe workers. The Allentown workwhat the exigencles of capitalist tes in its statutes: No one shall ers must be made fully aware of tate to it like the French Puppiste, munists framed up by the Nazis. tarian dictatorship in a backward bourgeois regime.
gave an extraordinary The petty bourgeoisie, too, bring politics might Party of Proletarian Unity. the cused and found it physically im power to the ever more conserva ing pressure to bear on the govern ities they have fully she stupid. be deprived of legiimate properts the changer that threatens from this y shared without except by competent authority and whe Silk Polish group of Doctor Cruck, or the aito turned the accusation of the in ence of the sections of the Comin strikes are paralyzing business and they have usually been further to This regime which began to con. the main stream of the movement active part in the fire. It has bureaucracy. The slavish depend the workers, on the ground that ness. Where they have differed, fare after proper indemnitication. forts to draw these workers into gether humorous party of Stein(former People Commiscendiary right back where it be tern on the Soviet tope led, in its ruining them. In Havana they the right of the capitalist govern ciliate the workers by sending arb of the silk workers. The sentiment berg 18 longs upon the Nazi themselves. turn, to a new series of grave de threatened a 24 hour closure of all ment. Continued on Page 3) among the Allentown workers is var. Thus The commission says in its find teats, to bureaueratie degeneration Urbahns represented at the conwhen the Roosevelt adication casts its eyes reported favorable to the AFSW.
ference that little which remainedings, that, no connection whatever of the theory and practice of the The Allentown Independent workers want a place on the National Strike of the Lentubund. It, with all his could be traced between the Com Communist parties, to their organidiscuss possibilities of recognition of the Soviets, with closer trade Committee of the AFSW. This the bahns proved anything in the last the Reichstag On the other band that the Comintern proved not only relations and advancing of credits AFSW must grant to the Allentown the of executives have alcollective work, on one side, and exists for suspecting that the Reich role but became more and more of unity between the American Fed.
for systematic thinking, on the stag was set afire by or on behalf an obstacle in the way of the rev: The following is the schedule of ready come forward with their pro test, exposing themselves as even eration of Silk Workers UTW in other. Alone his laughable theory of leading personalities of the Na olutionary movement. The advance of Fascism in cities. In 1927 Chester Wright, edit Allentown and the Allentown Indeof state capitalism which puts optional Socialist party.
put the Fri. Sept. 20th. Newark, more reactionary than the capitalgan of the Federation of Labor. erhaps the clearest example of the same level the theThere need not be the slightest Seworking class to a decisive to St. Regis Hotel 34. Park Place ist government. Perhaps this coun or of International Labor News, or nendent Silk Workers. the Germany of Hitler and doubt that the findings of this combe explained by their more ingrain and English Secretary of the the maneuvering of the the Italy of Mussolint excludes the mission are entirely correct. Work The social democracy once more confirmed the designation given it Wed. Oct. th. Boston, Mass. greater fear of revolutionary ideas, brought to Washington the account the warpers in the United Warpers Insebes Creation of work Winter and frame up methods will enter. Pekelt for the second time as the Social Selence Hall, 28 Hayward Pl. acrobaties of Bill Green and John the Machado regime. This evidence tarted by the unw. uchas tain no such doubts. But what atinking corpse The overcoming tional Whites)
will happen at the trial of the of the organizations, ideas and meth.
The Swedish Ind. Communists Lewis in obedience to their mas was given much publicity. The means to corral the unwilling workThe Swedish Independent com. controlled supreme court at Leipals prerequisite for the victory of the Thurs. Oct. 5th. Boston, Maas. tets voice.
New York port workers voted to ers into their paper union has long Fri. Oct. 6th. Boston, Mass. The Anal munist party (Kilbom) and the Germany, which is now on, that is working elass over capitalism.
Sun. Oct. 8th. Rochester, carried an ext of the coal code sabotage Cuban sugar arriving in since got out of the hands of the interpretation of the the port. Then something happen local Stalinists. They have British Independent Labor Party again a different matter. The acstand in a class by themselves. Both cused are in reality denied all de6. The German events revealed th. Buffalo, famous section (a) of the ed.
Tues, Oct. 10th. Toronto, Can. establishing the workers Machado hastened to Washing Saturan dia be me pare capturing it.
these organizations are at the cross lense. The working class of Ger with no less force the collapse of bargaining ton and met Green in the Belgian that the United Warpers League of. Fri. Oct. 13th. Pittsburgh Pa. throuch representatives of their legation Green thereupon issued a Paterson send two delegates to the tion to follow the policy of Brand blood thirsty brown shirted execu battley despite the gigantic year the experience Weinstein Retaurant own choosing. In this interpreta public statement that from this Allentown Conference. Militant tion the following sentence oecurs: date on the condition of Cuban workers in the League got up and 1830 Center Ave. 2nd Fl.
ler Thaheimer, based entirely on tioners. Right along these bandits moral support Sat. Oct. 14th. Pittsburgh, Pa. The law does not prohibit the ex workers would be improved. After denounced the idea as an attempt uilsky will pardon them and call munists and anti Fascists to keep muntat party of Germany revealed the servite hope that, perhaps, Man. are staging new raids upon Com of the Soviet state and the plentl Sun. Oct. 15th. Pittsburgh, Pa. Istence of a local labor organiza all a great labor leader must feel on the part of the NTWU to lead them to power. On the other hand, the demand for more blood alive under conditions of a grave economTues. Oct. 17th. Youngstown pany union and is composed only upon him regardless of the fate of from the main stream of the silk the party of Kilbomis, apparently. They are sharpening the axe.
of the employees of one company. mere workers as yet strongly infected with rightIs, social and political crisis, con Wed. Oct. 18th ClevelAt first these two gentlemen made workers. The proposal was voted Wright presently was out of his down by the warpers by an overThurs. Oct. 19th.
Workers everywhere protect this ditlons exceptionally favorable for tendencies and especially with a revolutionary party, an absolute Fri. Oct. 20th. Cleveland, a lame protest but later signed the two jobs, and despite the fact that whelming majority. After distrust towards the Left Oppoal outrageous frame up!
this Sat. Oct. 21st. Chicago, Ill.
code with this interpretation in the conditions of Cuban workers conference, the warpers, who were tion. It cannot retain its present Save these militant workers from revolutionary incapacity and had Sun. Oct. 22nd.
Chicago, cluded, but President Roosevelt, has grown steadily worse, that as not willing to follow this direct Intermediary position. It must the Nazt Axe!
thereby shown conclusively that deMon. Oct. 23rd. Chicago, Ill.
make a choice. We must help It spite the herolem of many of its Tues. Oct. 24th. Chicago, Ill.
make the right choice.
NEWARK MASS MEETING members it had become totally in would thus appear that Roose men thon jailed are today in jail delegates to the committee formed Wed. Oct. 25th. Springfield, Iu velt is more progressive than Green without trial, Green never once has at Allentown as observers only.
If the party of Kilbom vacillates capable of fulfilling its historie between the Right and the left Comrade Arne Swabeck will speak role.
Thurs. Oct. 26th. Staunton, Ill. and Lewis. But let us not be mislifted Cube by Caring of the United Warpers League, their behalt. At a Joint Strike Committee meetFri. Oct. 27th. St. Louis, Mo. led. President Roosevelt was only From Communist oppositions, the Inde in Newark on Sept. 29th at the The position of world capital Sat. Oct. 28th. St. Louis, MO a little more farsighted and wanted leton Beals, page 247 the Independent Loomixers League pendent Labor party vacillates be ism; the frightful crisis which Sun. Oct. 20th. Kansas City, Mo. to avoid the serious trouble which and the United Twisters Club.
ST. REGIS HOTEL tween the Comintern and the new plunged the working masses into Mon. Oct. 30. Kansas City, Mo. he anticipated with the company BOSTON MASS MEETING men on the committee International. Maybe not at once, 34 Park Place unheard of misery: the revolution Thurs. Nov. 2nd. Minneapolis union clause remaining. Green and ARNE SWABECK brought forward a resolution corbut inevitably the bureaucrats of the ary movement of the oppressed colo Fri. Nov. 3rd. Minneapolis Lewis, on the other hand, showed on rectly that the Joint Comintern will push the Independnial masses; the world danger of Sat. Nov. 4th. Minneapolis themselves once more as the servile THE FUTURE OF INTERNAStrike Committee of these independ ent Labor Party on the road of the THE FUTURE OF INTERNA Fascism; the perspective of a new Sun. Nov. 5th. Minneapolis craven tools of the employers ready TIONAL COMMUNISM ent craft organizations be representnew International. Sooner or later TIONAL COMMUNISM cycle of wars wihch threaten to de Tues. Nov. 7th. Chicago, Ill. to render them service whenever FRIDAY, OCT. 6, at P.
ed on the strike committee of the this party, at least its revolutionary stroy the whole human culture Auspices. Newark Br. these are the conditions which im Thurs. Nov. 9th Davenport, Ia. required even at the cost of dealAssociated. But it also demanded nucleus, and we shall meet.
Fri. Nov. 10th. Davenport, Ia. Ing a death blow to the organiza 28 Hayward Place (Off Washington that other textile organizations It is absolutely clear, that the de Iperatively demand the welding totion they are supposed to represent. St. near Whites. Continued on Page 2)
Reichstag Fire Frame Up Unmasked Accept Company Union Clause to Swabeck National William Green Tour Begins Friend of Cuba workers hetk vay can there is of Stalinists not on