AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismDemocracyGermanyImperialismLeninMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1933 Conference euuiue SS organizations. Lebility for the light of what the generul abstract mauer of reludcut unluus have a very sum nonopoly. In.
was Harverstraw Shop orship of the reactionaries; to breaHOW. In a money way times have class in closest :BOOK the Cuban REVIEW: disrupting everything they could (Continued From Page Continued from age 1)
sund men is still in full force de Proletariat ers are concerned, but a section of spite all the attempts to make it THE UNTRIED CASE By Her of dual unionism blutk us out of not control and silencing all critical (Continued from Page 1)
then came out in response to the legal under the courge of being bert Ehrmann ers are coucerned, but a section of Communist strike.
Vanguard ress, 00 portuut puuduty ut view, failed to it, but just as tirmly we must revoices with threats und expulsions.
of the National Textile Work From St. Louis comes the report It is six years suce the two mar.
pose the orientation of the new In use to accept the pupper unious or They had a monopoly on the leadwere is also their ILULILL. age 1) ers Uuion of TUUL.
that the city is in the grip of many tyrs, Sacco and Vanzetti ternational. Where it Neaks in the Stalinists as substitutos for ership. Consequently, the responsiWithin a few days this mass nurikes. In the main it is the tramed and murdered by the State tries the international units cancy in the preslil situation, happened in the past three months. Fuvolution time with any form of wovement may even be dwarfed by this shops which are hit, about lowers of Massachusetts for uf the working class, that will buveual is bot bocu use there is muy on top of all that wout before, it! Anrican dolution.
absolutely The Cuin workers and peasants, new miuers strike now looming. being out at the time of this crime that a professional yang had as many todos os distinctele erat uw to this effects the Lovestone necessary. to draw the tinal ballowever, can rely only on tueirowavut in central and Westeru enusy have been arrested in Cleveland as the Morrelli gans of providence, encies represented. Some of the Torce capable or organizing them is ance of their trado union policy. Strongtubeur owu popular o Ivania. These miners are losing a street car strike of 3, 000 work According to the confession resolution because ai pustponed the chuck messes toward the conservative was the great opportunity and test western asian poet wees mises made to them before that company agroting to recognize the the guy who took part in the south new regrouplug of revolutionary unions cannot and should not be of the Left wing and its leadership. nothing in common with the Stairesident Roosevelt and the NRA mon and to have the demands for braintree hold up on April 15th, force outside the two Internation counteructed. For Marxists inde Given a correct policy and a. com. conception et les aute coul code would soon remove all wage increases settied by urbitra 11:20, where a payınaster und a yet consider it necessury to create or fetish any more than Of the labor movement could not fail proletariansurrection. That returning to reliance upon their a strike of 16, 000 truit pickers and Vanzetti, innocent victims, were a new International and finally unions are. intluence and organization at the aily demonstrated by the Stalinist of a code bringing favors to the increase. Fruit pickers in Jackima on August 22, 1933, six years thenor were there who internationales. But to the least to proble. expense of the reactionaries. wcy in China, to the failure to miners recedes into the background. al. Wasu, are un strike for bet after the legal lynching of sacco and Vanzetti, Ehrmann, one of the as proof of the necessity of uniticacation which excludes any widelt happened differently, as every: Turgau Soviets in time as the rew: The efforts of the UMW otficials or wages in working coudhuis.
There are just a few examples, defending Counsels that were ustion of all workers or animations suread development of independent novement in America, as in every the workers and peasants, or else the advent of the code suems to be culteu ut random, of strikes going sigued to investigate the Madeiros ut at this moment. glauce will confession, for the first time tells without regard to divergent prin act that the stalinists, who have vital problem of the working class to the organization of caricature of little avail.
revolutiouary An effective strike of 1, 000 min convince the most scepticul observ. real inside story of the South ciples.
made a dogma of independent class throughout the world, Stalinism resoviels atter the Summed up this conference never struggle unions, have succeeded in mained true to its mission as the wave had receded. Sovies are crs in the state of Utah has been er that there is today a strike curve Brulutree crime to the public. On theless presents to us a picture of discrediting the idea and alienating creatorenzendeleats. The houded now, not merely as the tu in progress now for some time with culisantly moving upward. This is reading this book that is full of u movement. We recall the time of operated in building them in these workers throughout the world are currection. They are needed in the capitalist state institution mass. ccaitve for the future. The ex of gangsters, etc. pertaining to this crawing must also be drawn here. order cllectively to mobilize the ed against them. Clubbings and tremely low standard of living to Kangster murder, one wonders why the rise of the Bolshevik revolution industries where their existence had ele uilings are on the order of the which the American workers have it is that the legal defenders of and the collapse of Social Dem certain justification and neces necessity for a complete break with mentary muss urgan, for a success day with military control in the wees reduced demands improvements Sacco and Vanzetti, withilield the is stupid groups within it were struggling to trade wir arrogant burvanerat. obvious and imperative. And their can cats and assure the in of martial law. This strike is un animation to set it. As the now ring class and intellectuals who decenter, their and their way to Coinmunisin and tactics, disastrous leadership lu this field tegrity of Cuba. The time for der the leadership of the National pay upward moving cost of living manded freedom for Sacco and Vanin most cases not without dificultism, their hooligan abuse and expul is only but, as it appears at an accelerated on their subordination of the unconeral. The question brooks the demands of the masses against bers of the UMW have begun strik much stronger.
les. Again this process is repeated, sions of critics and pulltical oppon illustration of leadership in Cuba is now when the struggle for and wastern Kentucky fields mem the workers will surge forward that own words found on the last page tempo. The lessons of Germany was to the market rolique interest delay. The liberation of the left the vacillating government and es. Even the anthracite miners The strikes in progress also prove Fuller decision was relensed on stirring. in Lackawanna beyond a sliadow of doubt that the August 3, 1927, Mr. Thompson and of these present groups and parties version of the decimated organiza: the strangulating grip of Stalinism sion of American imperalism, is county several sbafts have been shut American workers do not rely mere refruined from any public comdeveloping Lettward toward intersection per monteres egen der hole policy is the key to the problem of plan wurulding aud gaining in intensity. down. and the liberar sovernor y up the despite a ment. We believed that it was development is the fact of monuit eam independient uuion move the elemental movement have covered the of the American workers, of raising The Cuban masses have already Pinchot las taken this occasion to builyhoo, to accomplish this in contrary to the ethics of our promental Importance standing out adea to new stu arms to their cadeavor to lustructhis series to prevent allerosement, Generally speaking the Cession to try our case in the new defend the. picketing.
above all dificulties and all the went with their own disgrace. Theights. This is today the crux outrauy mude. To further that Outside of these two most impor neptul, but they also believe in care, however, has been closculi confusion till apparent.
The verdiet of doom has already the trade union question.
The decadence and betrayal of unions under their domination. As of been prouounced on the sucalled CANNON.
process is one of the main tasks of tant fields, mining and textile, in retorcement by their own strike cath, and our duty now is to the Soviets. The musses of the numerable strikes, some of consi power to actually obtain its bewe record of history. This shows that Social Democracy became the comfor the unorganized workers, they people must be armed to the teeth derable size are either in progress, aus. Apparently we will be justified hompson and Ehrmann, although pelling force driving many of these are pissing their by and the nonin the elementary interests of the or have just been settled or have suyung: In the main the workers liberal lawyers, did not understand parties in a Left wurd direction Status wombers who have not Such new groups will still emerge been experted are leaving them.
le cose of Cubu nyalust Amrican and for threated the stage workers were la signs of taking action WAN Co and Vanzetti case case. Their clients But the stalinist control of the Nuke no mistake about it. Unions The revolutionary problems of demands are met. Notable, how regardless or it. Tomorow, when understood it very well. The law.
Comintern instead of has hindered this process, and that it cannot grow now when new the Cuban masses are now posed in every kind a fact that one practicante. o de tote nastala protesting with consell not want ang public de Dr. to nie ustere measure accounts 100tle Ward and seeking organization are unknown) says that the best thing problemus cumuut be solved by the une e already been arrived at 10 used by the hey imagined would burt their amongst dead beyond the possibility of rotor young and growing paper is Cuban masses alone. They can gains hae been scored by the workthem. In their further developsurrection. The Left wing inilitants subs. All subs are good. They are count surely on the solidarity clients case.
This book, published Inst month, ments those parties will therefore who want to play a part in the two kinds; new ones and renew the Latin American masses who ers involved.
find themselves ever more faced new situation in the labor move als like the one that came with the so suffer under the domiuation Walk Out in the gives an interesting story of how In New York City 10, 000 cleaners the South Braintree murder with the task of smashing the Stalement danst for their backs on tie etter popierinted bow. Please read wd oppression of the summe worth and dyers have struck for shorter actually committed. From Madeiros inist barriers.
confession we see that the crime Before this conference the Left cross over the whole experiment proper conclusions in the form of ned the energetic and immediate The delivery truck drivers threatwas committed by six professional Opposition affirmed its break with THE NEW LEFT WING all gangsters. Their names are new subs and renewals. This is a support of the working class of the en to follow. 25, 000 underwear stalinist Centrism and its greater PROGRAM.
kiven, favorite theme to which we of will United States. The freedom of the workers have declared a strike.
irreconcism. That position Cuban people froin the imperialist 1, 000 already Mr. Ehrmann shows how Madethan before to! To see the present strike wave Feturn in the near future wards After over three weeks of intenwas neckwear workers are save organization work, the work iros made his confession Waubun, Minn, yoke is intimately linked up with out. 10. Workers will in the coming period stand out as only the first stage of a resurthe more impressively and win its sont class activity of the American Dear comrades, the struggles of the American work strike. Several thousand emers of the spiuwak plant in Haver. in Dedham jail at the time together way within the parties groping for workers and prepare to induence it seems as if will never get as against the same exploiters. broidery workers scored important straw, X, for years the open with Nicholas Saeco and he smug.
an international revolutionary of its further development; to call the collar together again in my life. The economy and politics of the sains in their strike settlement just slopinx on the mens garmet kled a note to Succo on Nov. 18th entation. The firm kernel which workers to enter the trade unions so am sending you fifty cents are the dominant force in Cuba. mnade 25. 000 millinery workers market, unanimously voted to go 1925 saying. hereby confess has already emerged augurs well and to go with them on this path: Here with and beg you to extend my The fate of the proletariat of threaten to go on striko. 4, 000 out on strike against prevailing being in the South Braintree operators won sweat shop conditions and for the bee Company crime and that Stucco for the future.
unions against the policy and lead amount pays for. My Militant ex sepurably connected. The active Against an attempted company un cognition of the Amalgamated and Vanzetti were not in the said pires with No. 190. Very close support of the American working ion by the threat of a strike and Clothing Workers Union. Local 178. crime. The same note was sent resolutely and completely with afr. Splewak is caught short with by Madeiros to the Boston Ameri reached demnity.
It appears that the coal operators uniinist sectarian piper uniong been even harder than Mast year ghting Cubo Solidarity with the picketing of many theatres.
masses, can defeat An injunction against pleketing mass of orders that he cannot can. The note actually did get busy and are try these in our opinion, are the main with no prospects of improvement the American intervention in Cuba os been issued usainst the New No ter tem cubor od produs: This note started as long and ther: code discussion. When sigued at theses, which the best wing re much better anywhere else or withditional independence of the Cuban is now running into several months whose cutters are strike will uous journey travelled by the dewill, we assume also carry the anires.
anybody else.
duration About 3, 000 are still out. now be tied up since the cutting Cense attorneys, that led to the exWith the company union clause ee hot enough The Lent wing also and can no longer provide us with the American working class. There er strike, lovolving several thou cesty sariward to be his finemetshed the facts of the murder, he new program, by itsell, Capitalism is simply played out heavy responsibility rests upon similarly the Brooklyn Shoe work was all done at Haverstraw. News posure of the Norellt gang.
tained. But what made them get requires a new leadership. Up till the barest necessities of life. should be no delay in their sym. to organize this active sup York, and has spurred it ou towards telephoned to the assistant district busy was the fact that the workers now the Stalinists have dominated Yours for Communism got into action and struck the jobs. the movement, disorganizing and pathetic action. It is the duty of wrt of the American toilers for the a 100 percent organization of the attorney prosecuting the Sacco and the the Communist movement in the Cuban liberation struggle!
Vanzetti case. Eemate of mine continues All the preliminary organization He had been a production under the present syssle the working class loses its pol. Soviets arise. If these Soviets are work to the was handled by Crankly to him. To my surprise tem, particularly is concerns the itical independence, it becomes the captured by the bourgeoisie so the stratory calling or at college and felt could talk Avrin in close collaboration Sara he showed no interest in the news plete, idleness in the various large ter to the great slogan: The em struments we stand opposed to piants. Kather than attempt to ancixution of the workers must be them. Thus too we are against The author describes how Judge set a uniform system of accounting the task of the workers themselves. capitalist trusts, with the emphaWebster Thayer listened impas sively to the arguments which lastThis article introduces a sub uy the demagogy of fake wage in determination vote tually involve the lo facilitate the political devel. sis on capitalist. We assume more of the socially neces ment and the political organiza sponsibility for the bourgeois mode Bosses and NRA ed for five days. He was uniformly ject which has not formerly Cras ana mouicuting of the sary labor entering into the production of the working class is our of concentrating industry, but we courteous and engaged in an occasbeen discussed in the Mutilant, Ional pleasantry. It was the same above the class ready to mediatetration has been forced to abandon Those who push this task into the cess to advance the working class tu die Defeat Workers udge who denied every motion for It is therefore accepted explicit a new trial.
ly as a discussiou arucle. The suite mterests of all, it tries to this ambitious undertaking and to lackground, who refuse to subord movement along the path of revoluWhat does all this signify? That Views expresed ure those of the uil the workers into passive ac adopt a blanket code. The other inate to it all the special tasks and tionary struggle.
writer. Uther contributions an wptauce.
The Slogan of Nationalization, The shipping department of the the whole State apparatus, Gov. NRA is an organized muthod generalities of this blanket code. Ing on to the wrong path and cause discussion on tus suject are Geo. Hand Coua paper house, Fuller and his Commission con: For Ripened Industries invited, but they shoulu not ex cor unloading the crisis on No, this is no planned economy: serious barm to the movement. Speaking still in the narrow but went on strike, September coou 100 words Eu.
watcks on the workers. It is the such an economy can only be set a minimum Powell Iue bourgeoisie is presenting the urganized method under govern The writer is well aware that perfectly clear sense of the terms. alter being refused or 11, 1933 taining a Liberal Professor like crime they committed but for their radical ideas. The only Natwaru luuustrial Recovery act well auspices or setting the most alone can see to it that not the and political above in the nar ble presents itselt at the same shipping clerks demanded.
Year pian, as the bollur roud Of Peotelariat. It is the nation wide production for the workers, who are counterposed to each other.
In involving the government and the the machine girls and the other ally loyal to their class. They were as the uuswer to the Soviet stive wretched living standards for the work ethion le folhe producetion about row, restricted sense in which the time as clearly a political struggle to spread the strike so sisi ko include guilty of was that are being use capitalist planned Columy. The stagger plan which reducus hours for profit.
alone can produce use and not the broader sense of the term, pol state. It takes enormous labor on workers and so as to get the sup agitators They did not believe in pan wbich is to solve the previ work, at the same time throwing itice is concentrated economics so the part of the Communist to port of whatever union included patriotism and war. They Organixsent crisis and bring capitulum e sop to the workers of a nom7 The relation of NRA to in that to the Comenoist every social transform the ordinary economic stripping clerks. out of the wilderness me lo pro al increase of luvurly pay, the wet lation is worthy of closer attenpublean the economic included, is a struggle of the workers into a poli. The buss, knowing the raw con. They were also on defense committion of trusts aloux tou lines of a vout one week buy a mouth. The ernment intration has become a unrrower interpretations aid in ap ARA the government has been the chances we had for spreading raids and deportations, after our kuropeun cartels on a semi voluut wages thus saved, it is hoped, will necessity for the bourgeoisie as a Nying a corrective to policies not forced to take the initiative and has the strike, defeated our first tactie Liberal President Woodrow Wilson ary basis for the purpose of regu we used by the bosses to hire extra class. NRA is one of the ways of suficiently all enubracing. thereby presented us with a prob by immediately after our walk out saved the world for Democracy.
lating competition, allocating pro mands.
preparing for the later stages of Function of Intermediate Slogans lem which is at the same time e both the papeterie and machine is no hint of a connection between the wages of the employees ductavn, setting standarus or min Inflation and is itself, thru Throughout the whole book there the NRA is the atteinpt to drag noinic and political, involving state At each stage of development it power. How can we take advan loors.
imum wages au maximum hours of on the workers either in company price fixing provision, an attempt to becoines the task of the Communist tage of this fact? On the whole Our second tactie failed because Crame ups that have occurred in the this case and a work. It includes the aim of raisulous or under the leadership of able inflation. control the course of the inevit to search for that particular and the workers incline to accept the there is no shipping clerks union day to day struggles against capithousand other ing prices and increasing the pur. Le treacherous clues collaborationPrecise intermediate slogan which pretences of the ruling class, the and because the shipping clerks talism. It is evident that Ehrmann chusing power of the masses.
Aims of the Communists usts. It is a weapon drawn against Exposure of NRA Our Task esist the wiles of class collaboruNot alone does the Communist being of actual benefit to the tually desires to so organize the in ers Union stated that because their of capitalism as Sacco and Vanzetti It is the obvious task of the Com Lion, then the open shop will be expose the real nature of this bour workers if achieved secondly. dustriell as to put the workers back hands were full at present they understood it.
munist to expose this bourgeois out over cu the entire American sevis attack on the working class whichow Healtain rallying the work on the job, and to increase their could not take up our strike.
method of solving the problems of working clat mellate struggles of the workers c1988 solution and in favor of its sions can be destroyed only by en complaint against the firm for grossment for fature historians to refer The book, however, rends like a The strike then decided to fille detective novel and is a useful docuthe crisis solely for its own benefit with the most shameless and crim We must emphasizo also that conditions, the right to strike, the problem diese dhe problem which will put decisive tests and machine girls 14 hours a day, is list courts will reject every proof ence of the working class. This wiat we know as planned economy of the worker to democratie justice, the workers along the path of clans sive decisive answers, which willing to let the shipping clerks of innocence no matter how con exposure takes on wide scope. bor planned economy is the organ etc. aims of the struggle so these towards our final goal or call the blufr of Roosevelt. Why deal with him collectively. paying vincing if it favours the frame up What is here presented is part of wing of industry for ever greater the parpose of guiding the strugge larger discussion on the new pro production, for the increase of com that they coincide with the interests such a slogan that presents itself and the railroad workers that of and gave the boss a complete white proves even to the intelligence of seizure of power. Is there the nationalization of the mines, have the coal miners demand below the lowest level of the NRA. victims. The book is full of facts blems posed by NRA.
modities, not for their restriction class as a whole, and also At this time in any siven indus the railroads? In the eyes of the nothing but a scheme for reestal organizing of waste, of sabotage of Idence of the proletarians through words are necessary before stating then put the workers back to work er for the selves, thus showing which class control Mode Same and wenzetti were bishing of profits for the capitalists production, of restrictions of output correctness of policy, and through it in its general terms first.
and so ordering industry as to give iu short it is the organizing of struggle as to make the worker The Communist must be quite workers at once? And why should not the their first disillusionment. They The strikers have experienced SAM FISHER.
the ruling class an all the more hunger with the greatest ingenuity. politically conscious in his resist clear as to what constitutes pro of producipate in the controll have made their first move in the powerful griup on the means of pro simply and solely for profits. The ance to the ruling class. gressive development of economic tion of the industryThe problem direction of organization. Condi masses are getting into motion. Are the These are stirring times. The duction, the basis of exploitation allocation of production within the lenin states that the workers forces. For example, no Commun of nationalizaiton cannot of course tons Willore them to make the militants on the job? If not.
12. It is an atempt to organize cartel mewus and with better planning better the very good beginning is to American capitalism on a stronger leas a lage base for the purposes of imperialinery of protectage of the mach only from without, only outside ofl of trustification. On the contrary all from without. It must link upl It has even the economic struggle, outside of we look upon this process as in with the concrete fighting slogans GEO. SAUL.
1st expansion. Naturally this in been proposed to tax such idle the sphere of relations between evitable. What we do oppose is and arise as a working class de take hold of our literature and cludes the possibility of luckly machinery out of existence. Note workers and empolyers. Hence bourgeois control of the vast power mand along with and from these CORRECTION bring it to other workers. In this transforming economy to a war foot Eastman plan for scrapping old our task is not merely to serve embodied in highly the Militar should be included.
concentrated narrower slogans. With this In our article on the Los Angeles ing when the ocacsion arises. And railroad equipment. The plan sup the labor movement at each of its industry, and we propose to substt view we will attempt to show the Unemployed Movement, appearing in fact the present campaign to put posedly involves the figuring of separate stages, but to represent tute our own class content in place over the NRA is but the prelude, costs of production, but to engage the movement as whole, to point of the capitalist class content of allzation of the slogan of nation in the issue of August 12, a mis this movement at the time of for to mining and the tran: take occurred to whteh our atten mation of the county Workers Prothe rehearsal for a war campaign. In any real analyses of the capital out to this movement its ultimate trasts. In similar fashion we are roads in later articles.
America is in desperate need of ist mode of production would mean aims and its political basis, and to not opposed to unions, but we are tion has been called by the Los tective Union. There was nothing (To be continued)
Angeles comrades. In reference to incorrect about this characterizalinserialist bases on the Asiatia the exposure of its anarchy before protect its political and ideological opposed to commented by capitalist unions; that is mainland.
the Mays Case, it recorded the vote tion, but our Los Angeles comrades JACK WEBER.
the entire working class, would independence. Isolated from Social to unions as being against him. It should be point out It permits more efficient and show up the serious disproportions Democracy (read Communism) the influence. No institution or social READ YOUNG SPARTACUS Union has since concentrated action against the of capitalism in the various sections labor movement becomes petty and instrument is sacroscant the Another section of the article dis grown and acquired a broad basis.
working class in the event of work of the country, would expose to full inevitably becomes bourgeois: in working class this very account.
OUR YOUTH ORGAN cussed the sectarian, adventurist All militants are co operating in ers resistance. At the same time view the waste and inefficiency of conducting only the economic strug. Thus in the struggle for power OUT EVERY MONTH policy of the party group within activities within it.
Discussion on the and the de bovenster une esatore non Slogan Nationalization of Industry the In motion by the proletariat who Lenin eed the terms onomic it is rare that an economic strewage of :20 per week which the cor aardered two workers, not illuin the opposite. He WOR out 35 to the Protect despite this policy tc