BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCuban RevolutionDemocracyEnglandFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE Discussion on the German Defeat Relativity and Even Slander Needs Meaning Pacifism world. Lave The article appearing below is theory which the Stalinist school workers will argue that the Discussion with those Stalinistsians and the bonapartists against deny that the hostility of the world Who Reflect cussion on the problems of the of national socialism advanced, of and the remained silent German situation after the vie Aicially and unofficially, may be ex. while Fascism rolled over our or ganizations and broke the backbone On every occasion the Stalinists it aided Hitler against the prolet bourgeoisie originates from the fear tory of Fascism. The views ex presed as follows: of our movement for liberation. Why The New York Times of repeat that the Bolshevik Leninists tariat in Germany. Is this true or the extension of the proletarian pressed are those of the writer. The mere existence of tho sohuld we break our beads for the Einstein, world working in favor of military in Comrades are invited to particl. is a beacon light to the world pro Stalinists when the Soviet Union ber 10 quotes Albert tesco Septem. whom they call Trutaky ist ure not? This is the decisive question. revolution in other countries. This of course our criticism does not danger. in any case, effects the pate in this discussion but their letariat. If the can obtain a manned by Stalinism, finds itself were a Belgian would not refuseshameless absurdity of this kind is of the Stalinist faction, but than the midation of chissey comeribution should be limited to breathing space for a number of encircled by world imperialism military service under the present fumus pacifist, as follows: If Iltervention in the Al contribute to raising the authority workl bourgeulle more immediately about 700 words. Ed.
there aware tine article berran talist world powers the file actively related field Beate the chance to a contribution toward securing Eur a thing is simply an invention, there is present pel beter dan gen personer: In the New Republic of July a platicas loans, trade ete, the Such a viewpoint would circumstances, but would, or the calculated to mislead ill informed one put the prestige of the bureau in the The Huslevik om can be established with the capite calamitous and the o. would contrary, accept it with a clear honest ouc, must inevitably say to world proletariat on the same plans stalinist bureaucracy of with the sentiment of historia e sto possibile lat much comuniste bureau ele seyne hotel practically renounced the policy of Catastrophe (reprinted Lernthe socialism can be developed within neverthelesiko sexistes matberechnen verse opean civilization.
must be some truth in it. And unvices of publications, pers, theor basically true or not, in any case Militant) which subjected the pol. teh Soviet Union. The resultantrents are likely to make themselv The present circumstances are fortunately there are not a few cicians. journalists, has not even such an accusation shonla diuinish icy of the Central Comittee of the socialist construction will be a felt widely. The must take and the to a critical an Kreat inspiration to the oppressed measures to forestall the possibility Einstein fear of a threat of warlof such courugevus men in the prouched a refutation of our and not augment the danger of inemanating from Hitler. Einstein alysis. The substance of this docu proletariat, who will then, seeing of such phenomena.
criticism. Is it not truly astound tervention. Am indeed one can ment was that the failure of the a finished socialist structure as an There is another danger that thinks that the tide of war will How then must one understanding that the has to book which ing tens and modrek of proofs ing to. minded workers wil lose. le will full beneath the Nazi chariot and the Social Democracy toljective reality. be only too will of passivity. Many Communist roll westward and that Belgium the aid thut tbewervention will draws the lessons of the German to best thint the bourgeois believes form a united front. and the fair. What shall the proletariat do in caused the tractivity the wheels. llence the gratuitous ad that mean that the Bolshevik Lenin surrection and a series of otherwiser. national than the Does events of 1923, the Bulgarian in that the policy of cialise in one ure of the to propose it, the meantime? In the meantime in a all revolutionary movements and monition to Belgian workers to of Trotsky im. that is of the was responsible for the catastrophe. the abandons its orig. withdraw from the struggle alto train for the defense of their. StS are on the side of imperialism events of lesser extent. Thus, a.
With the substance of this critical program of world revolution. gether.
country, in the struggle aguinst the ter the miserable report of Heck inm, limited us it must be within in fact, the proletariat of other Lastly, the greatest danger British labor skutes want to de in overthrowing the workers state causes of the victory of Germantomatie jositions of Stalinism. It. that is, that they will beert they have put a cross on the international 10th Ferolution.
Left Opposlthe contines of a short article, we countries must mark tion can only strengthen the dir time not is that of liquidation. When, in have no argument. But this exagainst with the aid of the military force Fascism. By treating our criticism ant to the root of things. The this would disturb the Soviet capl the revolutionary situation, the reFascist and Soviet pluation does not go far enough eren attempt to seize power because 1923, the failed to respond to fend European demoutorship of the imperialist bourgeoisie? counter revolutionary the Stalin serious American bourgeois, Camptalist reader gets the impression that the fact for the time being, the world of workers to re enroll under the open civilization against the far as such assertions. In the me that we assail the principle of its recognizing the Soviet Union by recohabitation. To sult was a steady streaming back Hitler, too, Wants to defend Fur There are people who even go ist bureaucracy merely says by that bell. has shown the necessity of leaders of the were free say agents acting in accordance with proletariat must be prepared to banner of the social democracy. Fast. How many saviors of Eur ority of enses, these are slovenix infallibility. This principle ls no ferring to the words of talin, sayneed of demonstration whoever ing that the course towards inter the dictates of their own judgment sacrifice its historie mission the Such a danger is magnified today opean civilization there are!
national revolution was liquidated it is difficult to reconcile this onere fintervention, revolution, Marx doubts it is expelled from the or with the expulsion of Trotsky. It leaders of German Communism actism in the Soviet Union.
which proved to be erroneous. The sake of the cupbuilding of sociale in Germany and Austria. In latest position of Einstein with ed as they did not merely because These arguments have not an been able to carry on only because Stalinist Ainsterdam World Antiply serve the master of today and in the then the family these words. Let admit that Germany and Italy Fascism bas endorsement of and services for the will unhesitatingly betray this mas of the criminal is deprived of dom they were said to Campbell it by icile.
has. the ter in time of danger.
Stalin himself, but by one of his cause they consented to become out the war scure which the Stalinists ranks of the workers. The danger will have to explain away. Wel But is or is not the Opposition associates: let us even admit that pets of the existing forelen polley use to justify their pulley is strange therefore exists of large masses warned in time against entrusting At bottom, these udarniks (shock What then he has military greatest impression, has himself orders from Moscow to offer only ly similar to that used by the Ger streaming into the folds of Fascism the Tradership of the fight against brigadiers) of slander continue the correct in its ception to co wireCampbell, order to make the a dilatory opposition or passive roman social democracy in 1018. When because of the breakdown of both imperialist war to well meaning tradition of the reactionaries, who it? However in its chuse for rut this argument into Stalin sistance but no serious strueste trom 1914 onward and particularly stronger and stronger arguments. mouth. At bottom that does not Kod advice the Stalinists guve us against Hitler. What proof is were called upon by the workers the 3rd.
after the German Revolution they Internationals, the 2nd as well as intellectuals and pacifists. For OUFrom 1917, Trotsky were Aventsstruction of the Leninists, the Stalbell uts a positive feature of its of de Conclusion curses and blows.
that Lenin and there for these assertions and to establish workers government what were the motives for justify and come to the assistance of the The Stalinist police, can now, be This latest advice of Einstelu of the German General Star Attornists with more and more frequ stalin that which lite Let oppkowiing this policy?
these words. we come to the abandonment we the Lenintet er, well known advice to the entire which such events as the Octobernacy advance the argument of in. Concern warfarbis Is rigtig The organs of the noticedistance of the German proletar program of world revolution.
the strange silence of the forint and establish a workers gov Nominal existence for the is the formulator of the pacifist idea creation of the 3rd International tervention. Their reasoning is com Crum his point of view marths preceding the frontsernment the allies will march into Muzzling of the as import that if only two percent of a popu and the intransigeant struggle of ing lies: the Trotskyist say that it wamyciso, to accuse the Stalin March 5, they called attention to Germany and occupy Berlin. Thus ant world crises arise.
lation refuse to bear the Bolshevik Leninists for the Socialism in a single country is im limited does not hinder, but facili num dolo defeat the war xistance and to the failure of the revolution will be destroyed. It is ism; no international class strug plans of the imperialists.
the deget the Stalinist bureaucracy have are not destroyed; that to make adequate defense therefore much sifer and more cergle.
But if you think you see a con taken social democracy is not Fascism. relations for it with the bourgeois states. What then to the elso ignored appeals from the Lopath to socialism of the Weimar centralisin in the con. He explains this point: There does military espionage. Miliukov, vention. The conclusion here does not exactly explain the basis of the lecture on Interventi? It can cusation formerly fabricated by the forward on the road of inter however be said thnt that we do for action on the German crisis. Constitution. Now we can under version of the party into a semi ot mean renounce my previous Rourtya and Kerensky.
These were the outward symptoms stund the silence of the be military administration and ruled opinions. desire nothing of the crisis in the fore and after the coup etat. Now from the top by a dictatorial olig than to see the moment come when we can understand the passivity archy.
Others of the more prudent bu premises Only a little reflection Stalinit Arumentation. Let us the refusal of military service will reuerats do not trust themselves is necessary to be convinced that take their official press. We have at hand the last number of Htman the part of the Stalinists? We knowing class and with it the hopes of it is obvious that we mere accidents and oversights on Were these features and eventuf the The German work: Where does this policy lead to be the means furu etlicious to use the question in the spirit of the very conclusion stands in direct lite (August Ta surmont not deal struggle for the progress of human the British and Carist counter contradiction with the promises the lytural reprnance for slander that in politics there are no accl The world proletariat were sacrificed in any more with collis idea of refusing inilitary ser the Trotskyists, they say, objective to be convinced that the very conte functionaries of Humanite.
Seat ity. You see, he merely postpones espionage. They add a wise word: Only a little rettection is necessary and let probe the arguments or bureaucracy might nurse its on Iwelieve the answer is to be found in sory bope of peace calm and quiet have tactical differences but with time he advocates the exact oppos the intervention. Such a formulation with the premises. The Stalin counter revolution, they cite the Right wing opportunism, the changed foreign policy of the living together with world capital Upon the shoulders of the Is there a contradiction which itselt pretends to objectivity ists themselves have repeated on wouls of Simone Welt: The dip From a thirty commit ism.
here? is in reality deprived of all content. numerous occasions that it is more formacy of the Russian State should rests the The Future of the ted to the promotion of world res.
ing the above dangers you look at it. Workers of prevent. Yes and no. It all depends on how Any mistake of the olution it has degenerated into a From the Stalinist course of a acute and whethe Indirectly but the whole question the hatred of the imperialist for the diplomacy of the capitalist should party aids the enemy directly ortion of socialism which shuren of war as in onse of peace. Just as party of nattonal socialism. In or half liquidated International there sulting for decades the entire work author or the theory or relativity consists precisely in this. on whose the and try that bring states, if not to the sume degree.
Suwito the consideration of the fol. If the Soviet Union should be these behantecal movement. Under which des pilte really threatened with war, inter must is there is no Jective world inde events have justified our arguments) Leninlehdeclare that there. The power which dominates the its positive the It is cominon knowledge that anvention or both, the danger is that transition from the role of an Op pendent of consciousness and that that the policy of the Stalinist butual successes are far from beinst. has nothing in combutions to science, Implies that Lenluists have demonstrated (and But then is it not the Bolsherik panther on they cite the words of government operating under the ant countries will not respond with role that of the leading to nuclew the world is only the result of the reaucracy has aided the bourgeoisie as great as the Stalinist faction on in spite of its rics with the isolated workers revolutionary the workers are the various import position within the to a discussion of a party committed to the same enthusiasm to the slogan for the organization of a new In words if you stick your head be workers in China; that it aided theism push the bourgeoisie on the these two quotations, of which we new position of the measurer. In other and foreign imperialism against the lattorms? How then can this critic October Revolution. In alleging must of defending the Workers Republic ternational.
of necessity have policy of world revolt and as they have heretofor. These BROWN.
tween your legs and look at the British reformists against Communroad of intervention? Let them cannot guarantee the authenticity strained relations with capitalist who, when they are not pire State Building a row ledwo wide and it aids the thermidor. No one who knows anything will these are word for Wored the write spirin actively to destroy 10 from the sky and calling on BelAlth that appears in the press of are protesting against the outgian workers to enter the military the other white Russian or French service of the capitalist class to counter revolutionaries, of the Rentrages. that a foreign party. e.
defend the capitalist state is not aissance of General Miller, in the the should be conducting propaganda on their territory in contradiction to pacifist ideas.
and in Populaire of Blum RosenDernieres Nouvelles of Milukov That is generally the conclusion the Hence, since the termino. The capitalist press says now be suitabad and place in power a more Cell.
puppet but events and con to which the petty bourgeois, concontinues given the owners until Saturday to So the White Rhians accuse So say it does. It began with the es ditions got out of control. Within fusionist theories of pacifism lead.
tion of the active interventionist tablishement of the Revolutionary unrest ers have demanded the cessation unta of five. The whole Atlantic American set up. The Cuban situs us if we see in his playing with time which claims to be antimure of the estates should complt the level of bourgeois revolutionary month history passed beyond this we hope that Einsteln will forgive unabuted in Cuba and the new grant thelr demands and the sex Met diplomacy of having sunk to by the of Communist propa Aleet was sent to Cuban waters. The tion is characteristic of the quick serious question the bankruptcy perialist but willing to fulfill all of ance not be made is likely. The or having betrayed the heritage of Banda on their soil. In the langular fleet and marines were mobil sand upon which American Imperfpacifism and its objective sup increasing difficulty in maintaining mines continues in spite of effort thing tuore stupid or more ridicul age of diplomacy this means the led. Cuba was bottled up. new lalism has built its world structure port of imperialism.
suppression of the Depending form of intervention took place. Attempts to solve one contradiction STAMM. itself between the pressure from of the students and soldiers to arous be upon various situation in the interarmed intervention had not been pave the way for a new and bigger Wall Street and Washington on the bitrate. In this parvular cases what he in order to national Aeld they have threatened established? Cated! As soon as independence contradiction.
and the masses some weakening of the workers at tanate functionary accomplishes to sign trade agreements, treaties, the new government was establish its shadow across Cuba, an outpost to break of relations, bave refused has not been from the left on the other. While titude is to be noted in their apmore than he can: the accusations The proletarian revolution cast several hundred of the old army of parent willingness to accept a truce of the two camps coincide word for from American Imperlong as the was an active ialism extend loans, guarantee credits as el pwcreased from daude of American imperialism. America National Hotel, Colonel Sergeant would return to work.
In reality, the white guard press Batista. army chief of staff, is busy promoting enlisted men to replace Once more the dock workers of exerts all its strength to prove to viet diplomacy countered with the in the lead had slowly yielded and tion. Workers seize sugar planta argument that it was not responsi helped check the pressure of the tions, American imperialism is de the former officers. Fraternization Santiago are threatening to strike the fourgols governments that the ble for the actions of the and rank and Ale and the workers from demanded. The Red scare becomes evelt New Deal to southern continues. This is what the capi cepted within 72 hours. The strikes criminal work of the October Rev.
nounced. complete independence is The murderous meaning of Roos between the soldiers and workers unless their latest demands are ac Stalinist bureaucrncy coutines the that no Soviet government agency below. Nevertheless, the new rewas engaged in any hostile action igme which is compromising with the beadliner overnight in the rabid Negro workers has been brought to talist press means when Mabay retinery in Santiago olution, that it does not limit itself on foreign soll. Mr. Henderson, American imperialism is sitting on American press. But the economic Our attention byas been brou icts plains of the breakdown of disci and on the coffee plantations of nationalams and fore to the works and British foreign minister to mention a dynamite keg and the proper and political implications run deep which have arisen around the issue pline.
the same province continue.
only one ease, refused to accept Spark can blow up this regime er than the diplomatic and yellow of wage differentials between white The native bourgeoise In many points throughout the lint is why the conclusion of the this contention insisting that the causing repercussions which will press was responsible for the acts be felt by the most backward strata than Amers. It runs deeper und Negro workers. firm in already consistently subotuging the island the workers, especially those Franco Soviet non gression pact of the which he considered of the American workers. things for the Pan American Confered the blue eagle Insignia pays its withholding taxes due to the govern eshte qenesene government or of the words, the reactionary Russian and attempt to patch up Atlanta which prominently display. Grau San Martin Government by on the sugar plantations, are armor the recognition of the Soviets by ing themselves. The a propaganda arm of the Soviets.
Why is America so careful in her ence.
Negro 13 hoping in this way He informed the Soviet Union that dealing with her colony, Cuba?
if the Cengaged in propagand Cube is at present the determining ference to smash the attempted unt of Jim Crowism transferred to into the partyeest er interest oodlefoane to from the sugar mills and planta chet Sordet diplomacy is not Eur o British soil relations betweer factor which will decide to a great ted front of Europe. America the wage diferential question is Wall street Increase the pressure ready seized will undoubtedly bc bourgeoisiert and it sees in its re the two countries would again be degree the outcome of the impend. positive role at Europe conference given testimony in an article in on it from that direction and turn broken. As long as Lenin and Troting Pan American Conference to be was to deliver a few destructive the New York Times of August 27, the army against it consequent met by violent resistance.
in that. But the Stalinsky were leading the u. held at Montevideo. This confer Llowsc America role at the Pan from which we quote in part: its failure to pay the enlisted rank At the same time camps for mili Dor intervention there is at least tary instruction are being organists have nothing, except absurdit. was energetically resisted. bitter struggle to raging among This is America set up. It is the nation an example of barbarits The workers and students, real sized the rest ook een niet one of The Whites hate the Soviets But with the death of Lenin, the the imperialists to decide who will England time to deliver a few de based on an economic condition. ixing the danger of counter revolu and authorised spokesmen for atha with a vehement hatred and pre down of world revolution and the the trade relations with the South expulsion of the the slowing obtain a more favorable position instructive blows.
Below the surface of this impertheir engines with flares and then ert mass pressure on the bourNegro firemen were lured from tion and in order to be able to exPress representative: arguments that have political mean rise of the policies of national so America countries. England, Gerialist struggle for markets and the shot down. Others were slain or geoise, are taking steps to fortify We are attempting to preventing. It is an entirely different cialism, the Stalinist leadership of many and Japan are still makins fundamental struggle of the imper cabs. It can be assured that how tempt to prevent the triumph of a happened to these boys during the ary defende a cause which is quite the has gradually yield inroads in America private back talists and the proletariat. The ever true the statement that the counter revolution, led by the Meno Machado regime. We want them foreign to him he throw into the Preparation for war runs the more seriously wounded in the engine their present positions in an at a recurrence of those things which thing when an appointed function ed to the pressure of world imperyard. The Americans hope to active International center coordin date of the conference.
ialist powers. The benefit of an overcome this between now and the American wroking class has an ur living costs of the Negro justifies cal conservatives gent and tremendous task to ala differential in wages, the thought nationalists.
Mendieta to have a knowledge of military same sack all the absurdities which training so that they may be pre come into his poor head.
ating The functionary receives his task was as insignificant compared to the benefits of recognition will increase Tatin Amhatred peasants. The overthrow of Amer are forced to live in miserable sur abated; the militancy of the work ever it may be necessary to do so. for the day connect Trotsky with trade and credits. The belier grad for the iron heel of the North will the workers and peasants of Latin lowest scale. This situation creat diers to Cogidence. On the ganizers of these military training Rakovsky and thousands of irrewally grew up among the stalinist play into the hands of the other in America are our closest allies. Theired by the NRA regulations beneficlthem being port goes on to note that the or to justify the repressions against burneracy that one or the other perialisth. American hopes to nvoldsight against American Imperialisment as they are in intent (7) is one banana plantations at Antilla, Orl Camps take pains to explain that proachindle Itolsheviks. Then how 2) Is everywhere would have to be sacrificed. The this, which accounts for the new In Cuba our fight.
that must have the serious and ente Province, HUGO OEHLER. honest consideration of reasonable workers have their movement is not of a fascist does the Indifferent functionary act character.
in the cause? He assuredly does with it the international concep government is conducting in Cuba.
men of both races.
not throw himself into a polemle stitute. Dr. Moton realized that tion that the fate of the Soviet As soon as the London Conference Representatives of It would be much more correct with both races receiving the same capitalist interests, especially Am. a polemle promises nothing good.
American with Trotsky or his comrades: such Union was bound up with the fate was over, as soon as America had of the Worla Portariato friheted a few more ropes around Europofitoret try the Lordpressedo note the whole Negro question requires would gradually usurp the places with the Grau San Martin Gover where shond he find such fnets and America turned her attention to the conference that if any nation wreck the consideration of working men of held by Negroes.
ment as well as with the leaders of arguments? The If the number on South American struggle and the edit that country will merlt the both races created exactly this slant on economic and political groups By intelligently playing no relation with Trotsky and he sets Negroes whole the other bourgeoise political two isolnted anotactionary finds 190 your wrapper is investigators Roosevelt sent south United States aid it. Secretary situation. quote further from the questions (Dr. Moton is just one of them against each other ang one of his wits to work to identity these your subscription has expired.
at the very beginning of his admin Woodin, when If you want to get the Milf istration indicated that Cuba was currency stabil ing rumors of same article to prove this state thes bourgeols Negroes) arises them can be mato Wall Street of the white guars which is diragreements ment: from and does not look beyond the agreement favorable to come to an quotations with the point of view tant promptly every week a most critical spot. This sore spot reached at London, said that any, Many men suggested that a dir segregation, discrimination, and the pressure of the masses, how cetly contrary hoth renow your subscription at had to be removed as part of the agreement on this subject will be ferential in wages should be estab subordination to which the caste ever, as expressed concretely within setter. In orier to give proof of and onco: per year for Afty preparations for the Pan American reached in Washington, not else lished. This was successfully done system in these United States re the ranks of the army, by the seiz his seal the functionary adds: two weekly Issues; halt Conference.
where. Soon Secretary Swanson, among laundry workers, where legates the Negro workers.
year for twentysis weekly The objective codnitions for who 18 now busy building a navy Negro workers have long repre SAUL. developments at the manganese he takes no care to give his slander Issues political explosion in Cuba were second to none. can be expected sented the majority of the workers.
mines in Cristo, Oriente Province, even an appearance of sense. No THE MILITANT a hands of policy from the fron future agreement on naval Tatlo lines is another matter and con One year 00; six Months 00 kee imperialism can hope to again more and more turn their backa mature. All that was needed was to add his declaration that any But a drastic differential in other SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT must be reckoned with before Fan wonder if the advanced workers 126 East 16th St. o. heel of the North America dia will be reached in Washington, not tains a danger pointed out by Dr. On Club Plan (Clubs of Four) establish the good old days of un on the dishonest, ignorant and more than that. It helped remove elsewhere. Moton, head of Tuskegee In. Six Months 50 Cents.
Interrupted exploitation of Cuba. traltorous functionary. Cuba and Latin America Cuban Revolution Rising Southern Negroesondere die Temperature waluya, cu which they words. e a Under the it com at the is some osle ican Imperialism is our task and roundings in order to live at the ers and willingness of the sol. The same Associated Press re the white emigres in order by that