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UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist Lengde of America (Opposition) at 120 at 10th Street, New York, Mate red as second clues mail master, November 8, 1988 at the post once at New York. mder the art VOLUME VI, NO. 43 (WHOLE NO. 190 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1933 PRICE CENTS The Left Wing Needs a New Program and Perspectives for Paterson Strike Ties Up Policy anda NewLeadership Silk and Dye Industries the Cuban Proletariat to the core tent of Consistente lanean by the owner The Militant Workers Recognize Fallacy of the Stalinist Poper Unions IN New Forces for LeftOpposition the lessons Embroidery Swabeck to Start Workers Gain naturally become enormously acce National Tour The revolutionary events in Cuba, make shift government, far more have reached a decisivo stage. The afraid of the Cuban masses than of again on the trade uuion tield after the certainty of another movement, industrial and agricultural, has ing to sidetrack the calling of the a long passivity and controuting a deeper, wider and more militant.
formidable and well organized clues The Left wing must base itselt the struggle. The organization of ers must demand its convocation tie. The class enemy hus organizu for it. That means to begin now to mands and to mobilize the masse abrogation of the Platt amendment PATERSON, to jack up their wages rage to a 36 min tion and a plan. That, in essence. retorn its ranks and begin to as to resist Intervention now rer and the unconditional independence! The strongest sector of the na miserable 13 average from the only by the heroic battle of 1913.
is what the NKA really is. In the sert its intluence in the mass movequires the setting up of their own of Cuba and the nationalization of tion wide strike of silk workers, its imum, to bring down the hours from The great virility of this strugund und. com bons e program ment. Can this be done on the organs of struggle. The formation the Industrial enterprises and Paterson division of more than the slave working day of 11 and 12 seris vividly demonstrated by the of American minialism basis of the trade union policy of of Soviets for the defense of Cuba plantations with workers control 25. 000 men holds firm. The tie up hours prior to the strike to a 30 pouring out of the mills of more than ut the program uited uiguinst the trupsible. Those who try it will be dan is the imperative need of stand in forefront of the demands. In this city has closed every shorn hour week.
Paterson is in the grip of the the first time in 20 years have taken all na their stand on the picket line ready ing class. The strike movemeut of this sequested the decision des an American intervention already w American imperialists and have responded 100 percent solid to strike. Men and women tiomlities, young and old, those to see the light to the end. Burst rendered by the actual exists, even though to shots have the advancing of these demands the strike call.
Striking against the intolerable who have never known the meaning in the shackles of long oppression the workers, on the other hand, has ready been in the labor more warships concentrated in Cubantinction of their interests from conditions forced upon them by the of union organizations and veterans and exploitation they are braving been elemental and spontaneous, developinents yet been tired from the thirty will serve to make clearer the dislucking a conscious direction.
ment. The trade union Loft wing waters. By its economic might, those of the Cuban people and to vicious wage slashing of the four of class struggle, are banding side the police clubs, and tear gas, flock formulate their own battle plan nitude of the new tasks, coordis supplemented by this fleet, the Am develop the irreconcilability of the years of the crisis the producers of twy side on the picket lines, In huge, Ing into the union halla testi(Continued on Page 4)
silk are determined to take no pro enthusiastic strike meetings display many to the great power that lies their own interests? Certainly notates the militant force on mises from the NRA and by struggle ing a spirit of militaney equalled latent in the unorganized mass of workers in this country.
the present leaders of the otional scale and organizes the real werful pressure. In face of these and kindred labor organizations. struggle against the capitalists and conditions it is inconceivable that Meanwhile in Washington, nego These in reality belong to the capi the labor fakers will consist of the cowardly San Martin sovern tiations are in progress between the union officints, the manufacturinuchinery the NRA they are till with the bankrupt and discredited present makeshift basis. it repreers, and the false friends of labor ing of perfection their long estab trade union policy of Stalinism. sents the petty bourgeois interests of the Roosevelt administration. lised rule of labor lieutenants of The tactical line which the Left and is incapable of realizing the code for the silk workers is also the capitalist class. plan and wing must take is clearly marked aims of the people who hate foreign the out by the actual course of the imperialism, to say nothing of the New forces are coming forward jentered the ranks of the Left Option. From the disastrous defeats under consideration. But the worktrade unions, by means of which movement, and no arbitrary scheme aims of the proletariat. It is site to the support of the International position. This party counts 960 of tok working class new reservesers are watchful. They will not members and constitutes the guid for the future struggles cmerge be tricked into any fake agreement, tudi na temele could be contamos Watch a contradicts Elite course de worth a cent. The Left wing must direettider pressure from two Tett Opposition. Three important influence within a powerful and take on definite form. From they will not be content with any from the masses surg European revolutionary groupe adand directed on a national can come only from the left wing, put itself in line with the main us forward, and from the United hered to our views contained in trade union in Holland. the abominable perfidy of Social conditions merely because it bear The Socialist Labor Party of Ger Democracy arise new grouping the insignia of the NRA. Already that is from the class conscious trend of the workers, as shot and se pilete collapse or capitulation to encerrat Left socialist parties remany (8. led by Walcher who break unhesitatingly with the they have turned down. Be code that of But in the preseut situation which gutom and locumne itself a force Wall Street. It cannot be concelently held in Paris to bring workers the Of as the leader of the shit to The Revolutionary Socialist Party of the old Spartacus Bund in Ger All Socialism of Stalin new forcestions that have plagued the silk of inestimable trade for years, collosul wave of strike struggles, paper untous. And the Luft wing vention has witnessed the begiuning of alions into the real unious, not the the end against imperialist interat Ilolland, led by the well known maw, added its signature to our leat which help them find their declaration at Paris. It would be value The real leader of the strike in the left wing failed completely must go with them and organize ils function. The new events which acht inside the unions against the point in the struggle of the United dates back many years in the Commembership at this time suffice to Lenin and Trotsky. By historical Workers, an autonomous local of of Paterson is the Associated slik Cuba is now the most vulnerable tant, Sneevliet, whose recordatticult to estimate the way to the internationalism munist and revolutionary movement should have been foreseen and anticapitalist agents in the ranks.
States for complete hegemony of cuated fuuud it unprepared and The Left wing that is, the real the Latin American market. Omle And who recently serveil time in May that when the Fascists seized events the principled views of the be United Textile Workers which connection impotent. The domination of stal art wing which remains true to the fear of serious repercussions in Dutch navy, has already definitely members.
th the mutinies in the power in Germany it counted 15, 000 Lt. Opposition are being vindici afiliated to the o.
inism deprived tho Left wing of the virinciple will enter and to the interests of the the South, which would also give The third group adhering to our The decisive section of the indusrussibility of intluencing the new mass un an advantage to other imperialist Census declaration at Paris is the Inde rity, the 10, 000 broad silk workers, movement of the masses and of cook and urge other workers to do competitors, explains the fact that pendent Socialist Party of Holland are striking under the aegis of the drawing new life and strength likewise without any illusions about the United States intervention was with a membership of 7, 000.
Associated. It is marvelous to see from it. The dogmatic program the reactionary leaders and without not yet taken the open form of The progress of these groups to the spirit of these workers. They which had been imposed upon it the least of fetishism. Com noop landings and armed attack.
ward are not newcomers to the picket was refule in life. The leadership inunists do not make a fetish of any But let no one be deceived by the line. This is by no means the first its bureaucrack rust en below trade union organization for a dirlomatic mtueuvers rechtstrekte Aerated since the disastrous defeat strike they have participated in.
into local bank cebe as ideale ples. the future, as in the past, au rise Street magnates with real matike of the German working class and On the contrary, they have written New. bankThe long awaited tour of comra a tradition in letters of red in the these bappenings must be drawn up to bring wholesale expulsions to maintain their more than a bil mediately on the heels of the great ruptcy of both Internationals.
But swabeck will begin on September history of American labor. The without delay. The problem of me and splits. It is quite likely that lion dollars worth of property in red strike, 3, 000 workers of the even prior to these events they had th. With the rich experience of workers in this union are wary of establishing the Left wing correct inany of the greatest battles will Cuba and continue their frightful Bonnas Embroidery Blection of the International Comment in Europe, which included at deration of Labor. Years of sellthe leadership is the inost immediate outlaw be organizations temes rele there any possibility for the walked out the generar strike wunist position. In that they tendance at the pre conference of onts have brought this lesson home lave to waged independently, as exploitation of pleuters Uulon of to bring problem of the lubor surgent Left wing again, the real cuban masses to make an end to responding one hundred percent learned to distinguish between the the Left Opposition and a protract to them. The name of MacMahon, ed visit with comrade Trotsky in the president of the is There is a new situation in the ord masquerading as such will re the present makeshift government? This tremendous response to the tion and those of Stalinism.
Som will anathema to the members of the wines must take as the point ve de conditions and not tinch from the themselves, fraternizationworkers are call coupled with all the indepship of the entered have a message of exceptional in Associated Silk Workerser parture. The wave or strike strug: formation of Independent mass or the soldiers, have already indicated the strikers, Trotta the very arst mostanishtirough the Brandler option of a lecture on. The Future to have thrownlenen the darse clo sles did not full form the skies, sanixations. That, however, is a We road to be pursued. They have ment brought the bosses association Group, rejecting its Right opportun. of International Communism. or the fore. The strike committed to nor were koosevelt and the labor prospect of the future than a preTakers the creators of it. The fear sent problem. We will keep it informed Joint Committees. Comites to its knees almost immediately. Ist ideas of national parties, and the Roosevelt Program: What It controlled by genuine progressives Conjuntos) which are nothing less and make possible a settlement of linally accepting the international Meat for the Workers.
ful sufferings inflicted on the mass mind and let no labor fakers cry than a spontaneous striving to the strike in only a few days. position of the Lett.
The larger branches which will pelled by the horrible mismanage Left wingers who have been te es during three and onehalf crisis (Continued on page 4) build up their Soviets. The present The union also pulled out on Such is the process of differentia retain comrade Swabeck for several ment, the crimes and the fearful years, the starvation rations of the strike certain sections of the indays and in have both bureaucracy of the Stalinists.
unemployed, the multiplied wago dustry which were never organized lectures as well mings But for the dye workers, the before, such as the stampers, pin with branch members and sym ranks of the strikers are united.
Which goaded the employed worker Left Socialists Meet ners, finisbers, spoolers and pleatjathizers Comrade swabeck lec. Here the forces are divided between ing machine feeders. It gained for ture re tour is the opening gun of the the Associated and the Stalinistauthors of the present strike move.
great new campaign of the Com controlled National Textile Workers them a small increase in salary and ment. The workers resentment and reduced their munist League which is designed Union.
dissatisraction was due for an ex48 and 52 hours to 35 hours per to lift all of our activity to a plosion and it was reasonable to The dye workers are green to week. By taking these workers intgher plane on a new basis. All the struggle. They came by acclassume that it would coincide with Strike Wave The International conference of ruptcy of the Second and Third In into its ranks the union has to an tuendirst signs of an economke up soft socialist parties and independs or or caly concentrate their full attention deut to the paper union of the Stalinists. They were ready to actation for new national parties and unionism to which it has clung Powerful strikes are again sbak of these meetings and utilize them in anunt is that unfered opin This was foreseen by the most in Paris, August 27 28, adjourned a new International. As already tenaciously in the past period. But perspicaciousche NRA was devised ture common course That was to the Revolutionary Socialist Party entering into close alliances with try. Following right upon representatives of Without being able to define a fu mentioned the representatives of the union must stop all practice of the very foundation of the counor the strengthening of our move ton In Paterson among the more capitalism.
mature workers in the industry as a means of coordinating the et be expected. The reason for it is of Holland, the of Germany the bones who wisely were deter heels of the big walk out of Penn The following is the schedule of that the will be unable these workers sylvania miners some weeks ago cities: to hold the dyers permamently.
labor lieutenants with the Govern presented, ranging from an inter of Holland adhered to and signed from organizing and acting ef and that of the New York dress. Fri. Sept. 20th. Newark, There is more than one fact that ment in a single scheme to arrest national Communist position to this declaration.
fectively through their unions. The dustry new strikes are popping Sun. Oct. 1st. Bethlehem, Pa. cat be produced in proof of this.
The criminal (after listening to and to keep it within dete botas. es that of outright reformismo. Hence on the opposite side were the deather crafts although not getting daily setting workers into motion Tues. Oct. 3rd. New Haven bounds. the main resolution adopted speake legates from the Party of Proletar their hours reduced from 12 to 35ening the class relationship which Wed. Oct. 4th. Boston, Mass. the stories of good, reliable fightThurs. Oct. 5th. Boston, Mass. ers one is tempted to say, insane)
of the NRA precipitated the striko tional unity of the working class wegian Labor Party. They took hours per week.
to regulate Yet the NRA attempt Fri. Oct. 6th. Boston, Mass. policy of the Stalinists and their morernent. But at bottom it basis. The position that the strength of the first reaction at the workers what we witness today is unquese Sun. Oct. 8th. Rochester, naper has driven many of workers with their unbearable be recorded from this the Nevertheless distinct progrence by Mon, Oct. 9th. Buffalo, the best militants into the AssoTues. Oct. 10th. Toronto, Can ciated made them bitter against conditions and their aspirations to virtue of the fact that the beaches through the unity of the organizanitely against it beacuse it failed much bigger battles coming tomorWed. Oct. 11th. Toronto, Can. the T. Prior to the strike, improve them at the first opportunnings of a firn international sertions. By that they meant the unito Increase the pay. The Love row.
The olutionary keruel emerged. Three ocratic organizations. In support strike committee displayed the usu now decide to strike and their walk Fri. Oct. 13th. Pittsburgh Pa. the had practically no Sat. Oct. 14th. Pittsburgh, Pa. influence among the weavers, and These causes will remain and will important groups, the Revolution of this tendency were the represen al brand of Lovestone opportunism out in splendid resopode makes an Sun. Oct. 15th. Pittsburgh, Pa. the weavers, the more conscious evoke increasing powerful move ary Socialist Party of Holland, the tatives of the Roumanian party, of by speaking a cainst the areement estimate of how many are involved Mon, Oct. 16th. New Castle, Pa group in the silk Industry, passed ments of the masses after the balls. of Germany and the Inde the Left Social Revolutionists and at the general meeting of the strik at any given time almost impossible.
hoo of the Roosevelt program has pendent Socialist Party of Holland of the Maximalists, the latter, hower anoting for the same agree. But it can easily be said without Wed. Oct. 18th. Youngstown and made common cause with the spent itself, leaving conditions subdefinitely committed themselves to ever, declaring themselves against met de the small strike commit any fear of contradiction that dur Thurs. Oct. 19th. Cleveland, Associated. So discredited, Impotstantially unchanged except insofar the position taken by the Interna unification of the two Internation tee meeting.
ing the last few weeks there has Fri. Oct. 20th. Cleveland,. ent and uninfluential was the are tional Left Opposition.
The agreement although now the been it continuous wave of strikes Sat. Oct. 21st. Chicago, Tu. at the outbreak of the strike struggle. Bitter experience will represented in the conference in between these two tendencies best that could be reached neverthe embraeing several hundred thou Sun. Oct. 22nd. Chicago, III.
that this is common knowledge work rapidly and mightily to free were the following parties and the British found a position less carried when voting on by secsand workers. We will attempt to Mon. Oct. 23rd. Chicago, Ill.
in Paterson the tried the workers from their present 11Tues. Oct. 24th. Chicago, Ill.
frantically to postpone the date of lusions about the purposes of the Croups. 1) the Independent Labor While its representatives criticizedret ballot, the vote being 1603 for list some of them as examples of of England. 2) the Socialist both internationals they expressed and 396 against. Summed up in the general movement.
Wed. Oct. 25th. Springfield. In the strike in order to make preNKA. The capitalists will not vol. Labor Party of Germany (S. hope in possibilities for the reforme Interpreted as a victory for the Most furlous is the battle now Thurs. Oct. 26th Staunton, ILL. prations. Further, so great was Fri. Oct. 27th. St. Louis, Mo.
in the Slaves under the beneficent influ. Party of Holland. 4) the Inde ilar was the attitude of the Swedish strikers.
Sat. Oct. 28th. St. Louis, Mo in the and its adventurlst It is imperative for the workers bings and tear gas has been emtry, silk section, where police clubSun, Oct. 20th, Kansas City, Mo. tacties, that Stalinists themselves ers will gain nothing they do not) the Swedish Communist Party agreement with the critic in Local 06 to create a strong Leftployed in full force but without in Mon. Oct. 30. Kansas City, Mo. were instrumental in forming a craft Thurs. Nov. 2nd. Minneapolis union of the warpers, independent perialism will not become leaders Norwegian Labor Party: the further course. It should be noted that the of is capable and the least shaking the solid ranks and organizers of militant strug.
of their paper union! One more Fri. Nov. 3rd. Minneapolis Sat. Nov. 4th. Minneapolis fact. member of the gles, but on the contrary will do Spanish Italian Maximalists. 8) tho that by its participation in the ready to organize the masses oferson, but has now spread to in Sun. Nov. 5th. Minneapolis ganized 3, 000 workers throwaters Communist Federation conference the Kilbom party broke workers into unions that will be volve a total of approximately 60, all they can, now and in the future Workers and Peasants Bloe. the the discipline of the Brandler or militant fighting organizations of 000 workers taking in also the silk Tues. Nov. Tth. Chicago, IL. hitberto unorganized and brought as in the past, to sabotage and Independent Polish Socialist Party ganization of which it is still the workers. The masess now fol aying industry and extending to Thurs. Nov. 9th. Davenport, IA them not in to the but defeat them. represented by proxy by a member part.
Fri. Nov. 10th. Davenport, Ia. Into the Associated. Can there be The Left wing cannot depart for of the delegation. 10) It was any doubt now whether the Stalinquite inevitable that series of disillusionments and will York City, to Phillipsburs Port Ist outfit will hold the dyers. moment from these self evident the Party of Proletarinn Unity of ld not find their way to a from the present lend of or Jervis, Stroudsburg. and Allentown MINE PICKETS SHOT IN PENN. The advanced, experienced worke groups of such propositions. What he divergent views probably and eventually break away has Frarco. 11) the Independent could com been happening in the way of work. Roumanian Socialist Party. 12) a mon orientation and a Pa. as well as the New England and look to common Fifteen miners picketing the ers in Paterson will have nothing ing class activity in the recent representative of the Left wing of course of action. Before that can them bulld at others who will help textile region. Throughout New Gates mine in Uniontown, Pa. were to do with the The instrong fighting militant to come. It is possible of its. 13) the Leninbund, Germany: tion is necessary. And with that lead such a movement the Left wing the silk textile and dying mills are puties opened here wn Saker wandte en probable, that the 18the International Left Oppmal there is also likely to be further communist workers must be there practically completely shut down. Putyine med force one them, de decisidhing out the Justice of their NRA swindle will succeed in hihethon. Participating as observers in differentiations, those who remain to follow the movement closely and against the terms of the cotton code wounded. the conditions of the workers are streaming into the real time. The Illusions of the masses can Socialist and two delegates of Bolug their own way, while the besering to sow our seeds of influence textile bul in particular it is for miners cand tiloise bituminous region unofons, They are paying no atten are very great. But the higher the the French Socialist Action.
Revolutionists parsue their course immediately in this fertile ground unton organization and for shorter blessings of the NRA. with which stalinists. There is no place for pointment and the expressions about conference revealed three distinct ternational. However, due to the 88, organize into a strong Left wing operation with the parent organizatoranteed Whem. The gilded 1119 or transform into a powerful weapon During the general discussion the toward the restoration of the In, and we will soon be ready to reapl working hours and higher wages. the miners are being hopped up by the Left wingers in Paterson but a rich harvest. Workers of Local The Associated silk workers in co the UMWA this diasppointment in more reso tendencies. The first tendency was confusion still existing and express lute and determined class action represented by the International ed at the conference, the resolu group! That is the only path yoution, the United Textile Workers Pennsylvania, Governor Pinchot, for the militants ander te nationally a workers. con and win better con the struggle tentative beginning, a preliminary tained our analysis of the defeat (Continued on Page 1)
detailed agninst the bosses and the reactiontesting of their collective strength in Germany, recorded the (Continued on Page 1)
bank LEFT WING WORKER article will appea rin next week slaries. CLARKE Two Steps Forward, One Step Backward Rising Militancy home thing around on Shown in Growing the ment, the being waged In