BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismRadekRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1933 Discussion on the German Defeat Workers Demand Radek Visit to Polish Dictator act class in seu ibe workers saw There cannot even be talk of the stellt was helpelss in the facol scientitie program to win the deliready on the third day of its Gazeta and of the olish governed bot have any causo to in one Prepares Assault on Europe Stalinists and Saar Refereudum int.
can wrise only on the basis of pro Nerertheless the promoters are not mands of a power of superior are being threatened by the work to bave un efect on broad sections tional character, it is ready to send tion of services rendered to civill.
cided by y nothing or Hands Off (Continued from last Issue)
true revolutionary party is neces bued with its international essence, The new orientation of Soviet, dek, the olish Communist, tho, much. That is a matter of diplomThe article appearing below is sury.
In uther words, the proletariat cauCoinmunists, members foreign polley which is expressed friend of Rosa Luxemburg (it was ucy and Cuba a second contrivution to the dis No true revolutionary party ex not become a class for itself unless in the various non aggression pacts he, by the way, who represented of the party, who have other things cussiou on the problems of the isted in Germany. There, the lead the workers in cach and in the definition of the way the olish social democracy at the to do and are not cliplomats, can bation GL German situution alter the vic er usurped the authority of the gressor clause with France and Zimmerwald and Kleuthal Confer hot bother with cliplomacy. Soviet tory of Wascismu. The views expassed diplomucy is one thing and the pro once revolutionury parties to cor link and act iu futeruational terms.
her vassals has brought about a eucus of 1915 und 1910)
ILU. urage 1)
pressed are those of the writer.
workers cannot 50 Ed.
the working class. Not Iitler, but unless a true international Or Morguu that their loans and the series of amity acts between the through the length and width of letarian struggle is another thing That the proletariat is the only the Socialists and the Stalinists party obtains. Regardless of all maguincent interest organization, notaing to fear from the revolution guardian of Western Civilization centers and even speut a day with poses of their counter revolutionary revolutionary Css in moderno paralyzed the workers. By their other forms of ciety is due to the fact that the silence or by their spoken order, were be to such purty, tlu prole ary juntas. At the same time it is says Maitre Paul Boncour) and the his mother at his native Turuow. work, want to mix up the two. sume forces that atomize all other the proletariat of After the facts of rapprochement at Gdynia, the Polish war port con need of it as long as the Soviet was turat will remain politically a pruable attempt on the kirto the show not to oppose Fascina organçed, und either remain in or these near sighted revolutionists to signed under the high patronage of structed with French cupital for state is surrounded by a host of classes tend to wusulidato the Quai 1) Orally comes a string of workers, baking the culiere more uutil the order to act would be revert to the demuralized conditiou stave nat as is their awe of visits and return visits of repreciation with Danzig audac bouTuis states with wbom it is But as to Stalinist writings (which, torced to maintain relations. But and more. It is the only class sivet. The order never came, and or a eness in self and thercture surely capable of revolutionwow Maxxists are in the protect the crome tue buurgeoiste muce latter egreater is their teure Thuis and son, réceptions to military authori. wt the preparation of the auto precedentic count the opinion or the in still of so called public it is. date back a year two. proletarian its buscore mission without Social. Lat is and what it is capable of, or what ils strength, no matter what brodshed. that is to suy toties, exchanges of favors and com Soviet war!
ternational Radek atlixed his signature to the damental interests. In order to ist lueology Su long as the prole what the party is and what the the objective conjunction of events. translate this phrases to the liments, etc.
Socialist party may degenerate into. To re Fascism is the inevitable program language of the class struggle, of The most significant of these lat Golden Book of the town, greeted please the bourgeois diplomats and tariut is not imbued will beat, the proletariat of Germany of those who rule our destits at the proclariat, ut civil war to vust ter was the visit of the one timet Polish work, landed the olish to conciliate with them it is not at iu colory it remains a cannot uchiese was defeated by Wascism because present. To their program, and to the speriatis und the native great revolutionist Karl Radek, who men o war and remarked philoso all correct to compromise the auclass consciousness spontaneously to truo revolutionary party existed the program of the Socialists as Dourgeoise. Between these two in his capacity an editor of the phically that the seas unify. As thority of the proletarian state in or instinctively. To quote Lenin, Germany. The betrayal of its well as that of the stalinists, e, suns the illy bourgeois Junta sa big Soviet Daily, the Izvestin, went can en his language was very the eyes of the international prole It can only be brought to them rty reverted the proletariat back the oticial Communis urty) must cangul as in thu jaws of u vise and to oland on the invitation of Wur cornet and the ilsudski censor tariat.
from without. And again, Since into a condition of a class in itsell. Le counterposed the revolutionary is womed to any extinction.
atlicial organ, the Polska ship Let anyone whow 118 an eximple working masses developlug their of Pancin. Unless this lesson is casive majority of the working class existepe it has beguu tu retreat ment.
Nor did the Polish Stalinist party of similar declarations in the time This visit, which followed wwn colusy independently during warned once for all the disaster of America, sweeping along behind Delore the revolutionary ascent of the cause the flirt and his flirtation when Lenin wus alive! Laminado the course of their movement thie that threatens mankind will become the true revolutionary party broadest masses of the population even recoils before its own supported up by the Stalinist press (see anime any demonstrations to greet made to it. But you will find 10 the the masses of the proletariat anu US of Litvinoft, was play any discomiiture. It did not or understood the necessity of diplom question is to be posed only thus: a reality.
bourgeois or socialist ideology. Whyther or not scism win in order to overthrow the bourgeoisers. Au Associated Press disputch Humanite) as evidence There is no third. Of course, tuis subcoc in establishing itselt in state within the national boundurur September suys that the Junta change of relations of forces in the latlle had already been greeted such example. The stalinists simply don worry much over the opin.
does not imply that the workers the majority of industrial coun les, and to lay the foundations formas extretly resolved to disurm all international arena to the advan by the government.
de aut participate in the formation is in the life and death question la present aliste per te mos te ne boter en storband met die bestane power tous les response to the working class and the The stahoists, who in their press They think they can always plie not as workers but us thor of imperialist wars will inevitably the goal of which is the establisher ousted Monday night and Let us first recall the exploits of declarations of Radek which were what counts for everything with eticians of socialisan, only to the follow the Fascist victory. In event worldwide socialists Tuscayy. cowardice breeds the famous renegade. Greeted by published the whole bourgcols them is good relations with the master the scientide kuowledge of reinius a class in itsell, Vascism means for achieving these aims is That is the road which the Junta for several weeks did not cease merely by a campaign against the them to buila socialism in their generation and are capable must win in contlict with the pre the International revolution of roud of the proletariat. Slow to editor of advancing it. Lenin expressed letariat.
y mass is travellins. But that is not the publishing photos of the honorable voyage of the counter revolution: country.
part based upon the well as his declarations, ary and who want to hide But even Radek exploit were his complete agreement with KautInternational of move in the present overturn, it received by Miedzinski, the conti his declarations from the eyes of far surpassed by another Leaving all other considerations the communist Soviet sky in condcmniugas absolutely auxide for the moment, the prole. Lenin and Trotsky.
is now raising its voice its de dential advisor of the butcher Pil the international proletariat diplomat, a another Polish Cominnist incorreut the opinion that Social tariat of no nation can fulfill its This is the lesson of the German mandy are, as yet, essentially dem sudski, and the director of Polska wcially from the eyes of the also: Haneckl. Ilanecki, as repreist consciousness (i. Cluss con historie mission, defeat Fascism and experience JOHN WRIGHT.
ocratic and it lucompatible with Gazeta, received by the municipal Polish workers will probably tell sentative of the Soviet government, sciousness) is the inevitable and reorganize society, unless it is im the existence of capitalist society. and governmental authorities; Kad us that all this does not count for that is to say, of Stalin, in the direct result of the proletarian But there are signs that the workcourse of an official Audience transclass struggle. Socialism and the. ers will not stop with demands for mitted to Pilsudski the documents class struggle spring up side by higher wages and better conditions of the Carixt police concerning his side and not one from the other.
Already in the interior they have once revolutionary xst in the They spring from different pre ruseived sugar plantations to force struggle for the independence of quisitos. Of course, Socialisin as the owners to comply with Poland. science is rooted in the same their demands. majority of the Muenced by political motives as a plantations seized are contemporary cenomic relations as (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1) in the name of Lenin, Liebknecht When Benito Mussolini sends his owned by and Luxemburg has sunk so low Polish imitator his photo or when the class struggle of the proletar visory boards and of means of promoting the exportation arbitration who own sixty of commodities. But this, in genAmerican interests.
of autonomy which is absolutely that in order to gain the praise of the infallible Pope ius XI senda isut Socialist consciousnes will make the alliance complete. al will be backed up by the com The lives of American executives correct a slogan that will not fail the bourgeoisie for its staunch nail a cross to Pilsudski in appreciat.
percent of the plantations in Cuba found scheutide knowledge. And at all overlooking its usefulness of the patty bourgeoisie, as well as right through hell. Such a party when the representative of the Soa whole section of a working classzation that is quite natural. But the vehicle of science is not the also as a means of entirely outlaw. national economy, and with that are proletariat but the bourgeois inteling working class rank and file to: beavier political and military preThus the struggle for better con on the workers.
igentsia. Thus, Sucialist consistance. In all of this the releponderence. It is not for the pur ditions and higher wages leads to rightfully belongs on the garbage viets thus renders homage to the Setulus is something that is thenship of the government to the United States naval constructious perlaitism. Anti imperialistsenti ist leadership of the Comintern chers can only call for autonomy. It spear strange to honest Communists, pose a creation of jobs that the the struggle agatust American im And the Communists? The Stalin heap of history.
The slogan for the Saar workers is something that is likely to apbutcher of the Polish people, that Ausskiy liucingetragenes) into the economy fits and performs its rone are now vastly speeded up.
are me crushtlig dead suttered by ments are deeply rooted in the promised the side er um centation for Clois no consequence to the working even those who belleve in the gen class struggle of the proletariut, tion to strengthen the hands of the the German working class signals will the proletariat rise to give outrageous position of the or class if the bourgeoisie calls this eral line! That this act was car and. many. The argumentation this and not something elemental (ur. American bourgeoisie in the home rein for the separatism. Its interests are de ried out by a man with such a wuechsig) that springs from it. market. The executives of advane impecialist ortensive to the has leadership to the anti imperialist the Saar are as follows: It is by means of the party, el capitalism and of the backward ters of Wall Street it stb extension that the next weeks will decide.
that struggle? That is the question facts. It must defend its lite and grand revolutionary past as an and ecki s, that is bound to be painful and the party alone, that the pro labor movement, the presidents, the danger of a further e First of all, by 1935 Hitler will letariat can be organized politically Roosevelt and Green, jointly make of the Holshevik revolution has But the workers of the odious character of the whole thing.
and transformed into a class for their appeal to capital and labor. been allayed. They breathe easier. by themselves defeat cannot long ago have been thrown out of its property in the Saar from mur. for some, but it only aggravates the. In all proba derers and thieves. That is bility there will by that time be awake friends At the time of the last elections such an act is in no way necessit It must also be underscored that te of indret per ty est le plus ing the working class in subjection to the restrongest world tower, eu volitics of Cula are inextricably Seriet gesmoan Scots bat eraseist, in the Sant July 1833. when the ated by any sconomic and political letariat is instilled with Socialist are being reinforced.
damming up against the extension intertwined with the economy and Germany should.
ideology Thus the party oppoNCN The NRA as such, thut is as far of October, has become enormously olitics of the United States. The then there is all the more reason Voelkischer Beobacter and the Before the worker and easant itself the state. in relation by the bankruptey of the same the worker for the the proletariat, the class in itself. try is concerned, is about to face Sealined bateralionkruptmeye telet masses of both countries. her he race leich in order to strengthen the agrion for their position in the masses of Poland, Fighting against question of the referendum, that the bloody dictatorshiy, this uet sis.
in cupitalist society, the party is its decisive test. But, judging by that they can now afford to pro of the proletariats of both coun revolutionary work for the dow) should have opened the eyes of the nifies nothing less than the rehabili Sentiments eingetragenes) and not a subjective appear that its most essential ob mercilessly against their competit Talism is a fight again the oppreslayers of the population sympath for the slogans of the It is ary and a present friend of the struggle against American imperparatism bureaucracy as an old in the workers and in the middle jects enumerated above, are well on ors in the world market. Their force (urwechsig. never good to be praised by the Soviet Union.
The task of the party, as Lenin the way to being accomplished. Lo consciousness of power, their con sors bere at home.
The workers of the United States Utle to them.
class enemy.
The actions following close on the workers movement from its reorganization of American na know no bounds. It is their much must come to the support of their This argumentation was present The lett Opposition must take the heels of the German capitulaelemental channels from its urge The offensive against Europe more complete world hegemony, as Cuban brothers. That is the first ed to the present writer by an au up the struggle with all the neces. tion show how great a part of the tional cconomy in its present stage.
to bourgeois ideology us a class in can a means of self preservation, which point on the agenda of the Ameri thoritative political leader of the sary energy and clarity against the road to degeneration the buremitseli and attracting under the soon Procol full force. American is at stake. It is the struggle for can working class today demon of the Saar as authentic. That criminal policy of the in the crowy of Stalin has already left be wing of the party Imbuing it with capitalism sain proves itself as the maintainance of capitalism as stration of the solidarity of the Am. this is actually so may be ratber. Nunr. The bears a heavy rehind it. They only counteract the Soclulist idcology as a class for it the most advanced of capitalisms the continued form of social relacrican proletariat with the stroked from the party press. Only a ponsibility before as heroic struggle of Polish work this task, the fate of the proletar. elaxs should soon become visible. moro furious contlicts within the Against the Cuban bourgeoisie and the French Stalinist) carried anmust aid the Saar Worketa Tate. Ilaneckl once fought will have to forward stejys upon working also lay the foundation for much or conditions and bigher wages August, Humanite (the organ of new German workers party. We class enemy.
iat becomes inextricably linked with the ideas for which Radek and with the fute of the party which But this question we leave until world arena. That, however, in the American imperlalists. article representing the same point all our might before it is gains absoluto control over the a later point in our estimate.
only one side of of the problem. SimGreen and Woll, Dubinsky and of view.
Hefore they are delivered into a sea be and will be defended by the allegiance of the workers. This The United States, as we already ultaneously with this develops the Hillman will not organize the of blood and tears by characterless Pollsh Marxists against Stalinist does not mean that the party hay know, is the world principal man hifting of gravity of the revolu movement. They are bound to the The whole motivation is course degenerates. PARIS. revisionism. ROGER.
ing once achieved its task cannot ufacturer, its principal commodity tionary center from Europe to Am imperialist state by their position un Marxist, hypocritical and ridiculdegenerate and fail to fultill its warehouse and its principal bank erica. It is here in this country the NRA. It is not their job to stirrues do these gentlemen in the labor movement and through truth is that under no historic role and thus betray ther. The estimated wealth of the that future revolutionary struggles proletariat. If the workers boy United States the party bindly. it is ouly be three hundeoove the on a more gigantic scale than any. The manes to action and organize want to be less nationalistic than mark and by thing hitberto experienced can be the movement of protest and soll the Naxls, regardless of the price darity.
they will have to pay. There may by treacherous leadership: it is only nation. Its enormous annual Cu use they have been blindfolded car ontdistances that of any other expected. ARNE SWABECK.
be people who believe that by 1935 (Continued from Page 1) charge of the Nazi, illegal, foreign because the treachery of the leadtal acrunulation sous annual capk.
iake the initiative in building the Pascism will be replaced by the If this will not perceptibly intlu division. Ile first came to iutercrs hus tiot been exposed to them. to seek new fields of Investments. OUR COMRADES CRITICIZE To first blind the workers and then heavy propration thereof was exmovement. It must approach every proletarian dictatorship. The in cuce íhe fate of the accused, it will national notice in connection with THE MILITANT working class organizations of capable bureaucracy, nurtures this at least, help to make the nature the Chervonetz forgery trial in to accuse them or their blindness is mortel to other countries to be em We have received some criticism whatever political shade or trade belief, which helps it to substitute of the frame up clear to the world. Berlin, in 1980. The notorious to heap treachery upon treachery. Nosed at a higher pront rate. It from comrades Ainsworth and llam union philosophy with the proposal for lack of perspective with an unAmong class conscious workers Drusxelovsky central against the in duly great optimisin. By doing so there need be no doubt that this produced in 1924, the forged in.
united in Berlin, many have been attracted to the the exportation of goods and the the Militant of August 12, entitled tervention of the United States in the Collowing in the footsteps to trial is the culinination of an out viev letter, in 1925, the furgoa ics of Socialist ideology. They total estimated amount of foreign ion. The essence of the criticism masses.
able have been trained to believe that pers held in the United States of both comrades is that this artibroadcasts insults on ing evidence is already at hand. the Sofia cathedral, and wound up the party of social democracy, including the items listed under incle gave emphasis to the conditions the Moscow radio against all those Most outstanding is the secret mem. My establishing a factory for the originally a revolutionary party ter overnment runs into 28, 000, of poverty prevailing. Comrade TERZANI OUT ON BAIL capitulators and defeatists who orandum worked out by the German forging of Chervonetx which was ex gives Llosed in the 1930 triul. Durlug truly continued to represent their 900, 000. But most characteristic of Ainsworth, however, got the wrong do not believe in the Red October detailed description of the varl. the forgery trial Gcorse sell Was Athos Terzant, young anti Fascot 1933. The representatives of ous links in the chain of events. exposed as an agent of the Britisha elas interests. Ilence they obeyed the autre this period, on the fact he conveyed the idea that the popu con rade, Anthony Fierro, in a night iets of that type been Marx many attracted another section but not the form its advanced recorded lation lives worse than hoboes, that which broke up a meeting of the upon the thought that a revolution the brown shirted incendiaries forgery central, Belt was in the ocratie workers because its own to governments for purposes of ple are dying like theas in a frost Astoria on July 14, was released rather waited for someone else to the Reichstag President, Goering to British reporters about the fire.
througla the subterranean passage Reiclistas building on Feb. 27 and was the policies were at the core as treach stabilization tools to Industrial for that party officials, in spite of on bail Wednesday afternoon, after start things rolling. On that fam.
enterprises. The latter are estim their fixed maximum salary and spending 47 days in the Queens ous and therefore could not counteractions. Amerlen Imperialism thus time wiping and dining with for He was given a rousing reception lan of the the Brown Shirt to the building. The incendiaries, came too hot under his feet, he erous as those of social democracy. lates at hont seven to eight bil rigid party discipline, spend their county jail in Long Island City July 20 it was to be the to the Reichstag building and which But he became a dangerous accumand today the dissatisfied proletar the only secret avenue of entry plice. So, when German soll be ocratie leaders. The workers tracted to the communist parts towels. cotes generat henteuropean Thiet ateco too very much as the united front Terzani Defense Star more Trauere to realize the desire the Goering residence leaving behind was murdered by a pursuing Nazi Outside of these two parties, there had the objective of permitting Eur. in question.
of the article remained that section of the Gerope to rise again but within spe. Comrade Hamilton states In public statement issued im was to lead the masses to struggle astounding as it may seem, went. All the details of this jurovocabued with bourgcols ideology and its nations their specific but reduced happen to a casual reader who per solely by the Terxan Defense Com. In practice they merely had their membership book in his pocket slightest doubt that the whole chain man proletariat that was still im se maltodefined limits, to assign to criticism in regard to what would wediately after his release, Terzand That idea was reserved only for to work the firing with his Dutch tive Communist parts de fauneup are not yet uncover those German workers therefore rations in world economy.
uses this issue and without becommittee and its attorneys, and all hands full searching for devia. The clumsy forgery made by the of events will be laid bare and ex could not identify their own interIn the United States the annual ing acquainted with our ests with ether the socialists or capital accumplation has suffered analysis, and gets a bad impression should be sent to Herbert Mahler, general money contributed for my defense tions.
the Stalinists. If they responded an enormous reduction during the from the article in question. It is treasurer of the Committee.
passport is already well known to Meanwhile the lives of the accused gravitate into the camp of Fascism. cipate its rise at a vastly acceler tempt to give an analysis. The de counsel for the American Civil Lib. ant. But the suggestion that the Dutch alphabet. Since then it has tive mass protest of the downtrodThe hope for a swift fall of these the world. This was una de la Gen. Sammuturists are in danger: The Arthur Garfield Hays, the class. is a letter that does not exist in the It can be defeated only by an effecimbued with Socialist ideologs stationa chineries relatempted to prestaneme se the follheaense of one of the trial lawyers and is Saar workers voluntarily turn them also been proved that for the last den and all the enemies of Fascism.
could not and would not act with sulation of class relations is to the word these are penned by a is expected that Clarence Darrow. selves over to the Fascist prison couple of years he has not been a The working class of the world out their parties. Only a bourgeols can pretend astonish Prepare the ground at home for supporter of the Soviet. But that veteran Chicago attorney. also that is nothing short of criminal. member of any Communist party, must not lose one minute in letting more effective operations abroad. in no way could release him from take part in defending Terzani.
but a member of the Nazi party. its powerful protest be heard.
day workers only kpaves or fools could presume uch operations in the past, we tions as he found them. Eventor Calgero Greco and Donato Carhanged, tortured by the tens of man nationalists who had opposed en on the instant with their tradi. that the campalen of American in the truth must be told. And there with murder here the button to If the number on tlons of decades and have acted ance capital for the conquest of the seed be no doubt that the story 1927.
the human conditions in Germany. Ex your wrapper Le 189 on thelr own. The solidarity of world market will actually in its was one true to actual facts.
ery distributor of leaflet is attention of the Nazi led to raids your subscription has expired.
the workers is no myth. They co real magnitude begin only tomor The Militant.
Grover Whalen, one time Cowthreatened with death. Fascist Ger upon his home and confiscation of If you want to get the MIU missioner of Police of the City of many is one big prison, a ghastly ell material in sight. On May tant promptly every week Ing can prevent their being organ For this offensive the principal. When the National Recovery Ad New York and outstanding turture chamber for the revolution he was found dead at his home in renow your subscription at red ary proletariat. And it is into this Kiel, a revolver with an empty onco: per year for Atty tionally but on one condition, and ed up by a now more completely Advisory Board, headed by Green waiter, is now trying his hands at frightful dungeon that people who magazine at his side a suicide one condition only, it an organim organized monopoly, expressed in and Lewis, agreed to the veltea protecting the blue eagle insignia, still call themselves communists month later another dangerous two weekly Issue: half year for twenty six weekly tion exists capable of directing greater centralization and concen en they clared the automobile He surely has his hands full with the workers of the Saar. party who was simultaneously an accomIntes.
they cannot and will not find the one of the initiat means is likely coal barons and other industrial city and new strike threats poppingtionalism should occupy the fore under stul more dramatic cfreumTHE MILITANT way. At all times and under all to be the advancing of additional magnates are now Insisting on the 126 East 16th St.
conditions in capitalist society a large scale loans and credits in same privilege.
almost daily.
most place, which still today speaks Istances. George Bell had been is its The German Communist Trial the