BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGPUImperialismLeninLeninismMarxRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 1933 TE The Teachers Can Congress of the 2nd Int Pravda Admission The Boston Needle Trades Upholsterers Organize With Ex Ministers Gloomy. Socialist Workers Awakening Shows Growth of Right Wing Unions Growing. Isolated Union Growing, Aid of Workers Left Opposition Strike Goes On same is las not OL In May 1933 the International, of the Left Opposition, took the (Continued From Page 1) was accomplished in one country Ladies Garment Workers called a floor and unmasked the entire pro The light of the teachers in de alive in the breasts of the social in 1917: the final historical liqui individual party strike in the dress industry. The osals, gave a correct analysis of The balance sheet in the sixil The fense of their living and teaching democratic statesmen that the port dation of social reformism. Under conditions curl but be wou by them als of their respective bourgeois the stunning, blow of the German members of some cells there began industry was seventy live percent the conditions prevalling in the in International Justry and told them what the pro week of the New York Upholsterers Serveis atomie heb experience income ministries have not yet been closed catastrophe, the Second Interna circulate within the past person wurganized.
through to them for aye. No Intoxicating tional is spassing questionaires on th and sunt shops, while the Industrial view of the rising cost of living of the of Lwith a timer to take only recent events, proves the Chicago and Huvunu teachers. means of victory were sung in crisis at the present time. That to insigned anti party syllabuses and controlled the majority of the or rosals meant for the workers in general strike leaves Local No. 76 auteurs de made way for the vocabulary orler Aucted their affairs in so lugu. of the January plenum decisions, organized shops, the uniority of its olisi tumetoployment since there many years. The skeleton to which of state assembled at Paris strations of the Chicago teachers defeat.
which were distributed to indivi: members being in unorganized was a forty bour work existing for it was ruled since the beginning were successful in winning u meus Nenni, as it recalling Vander brious an atmosphere.
dual members in connection with shops. Conditions in general in the years in the industry. She demand of the crisis has been latteaed up ure st rotier. But the attacks on velde vreetings to the Vienna asI a thirty The classic party of reformism, the cleansing of the party. Such Industry were very bad. Workers appealed to the workers bumer about eighteen hundred the school systein and on the team remarked rather malicious the German social democracy has documents were ciiscovered in the were earning as low as seven sour week, and at the cuisiderably by rallying under le upholsterers als cum red to the fuw only continued but lutensated. to come to international congressos leading staff scattered by the lasc.
ers directly and indirectly are not ly about the comrades who used been mercilessly crushed and its cells of the Sacharotrust (Sugar eight dollars per week and in many not to demand of government re in the transport institute, cases even lower. This was true of This can be accomplished with twenty live snobis already Cuba it required the action of the The Industrial Union due to its only through the united efforts of settled aud negotiations being made entire population to us at the dicta ministers of state, and who are list club despite all the assurances in the chemico technological and the union as well as the open shops. Iditions to improve their con hundred it had betore abe strike.
She now emigres. The Russian Men it gave of its anxions servility. The the evening machine building in settlements, thy stitutes. All these documents con wrong policy and with the aid of the working class work until spirit and militancy of the strikers cluding the teachers.
ator who opped the country sherik Abramovitch, whose wisdom Brent Austrian social democracy iain nereersions of party history. the International terror policy lost tlom not to return to Dealed to waily for more is held in doubt even by his con praises for whose cheap Viennese The teachers are employees of freres in view of his questionable bread and municipal apartment program, policy and strategy, and most of its membership, and was they had secured better conditions bas been manifested to such a do the state. In defense of their luachievements before and after the houses were sung all over the world, on some gestions open Trotskyist not in a wsition to call a strike. The government and the union ofree that the bosses and the XRA terests they must contend directly 1917 revolution, declared that the clings piteously to the sword belt interpretations.
agulist its enormous power and German capitalists knew the social of Chanecllor Dollfuss and prepares These lines were published Ine to the workers. The old pol stormy applause when the speaker been forced to beut u retreat. This It signified a strong does not mean, huwever, that they manitold a tratus of coercion and its would not fight. The Cyech to resign Itself to the fate of its Pravda of July 19, 1033, No. 2733. ley of unity from below did not go through the offer. The will be content to mark time. The members protest of movement which can successfully ty of the collapse of the German od criminal in the death coll. The decision of the secretariat or the did not respond. When the mem. Actals were astounded, even fright valuable experiences we have gain resist it onslaughts is indicated try (only yesterday it was the French socialist party 15 Center June 28th and published in the industrial Union more than a year letermination on the part of the Retely lost we do not draw the split into Kiev city party committee adopted bers of the Left Opposition in the ched a bit; they did not expect suched so far in the strike will be comit hurricune which went backbone of the Second Internation two independent parts, Cen Machudu uut reentoring the International in a rose and apologetically asked the wholsterers must reject any furmovement the teachers cannot build national, Fritx Adler, casually men. wing of future ministers. Renau: 3rd.
tions. In the course of his report del and Marquet who are even now The decisions says Pravda, body, they were bitterly attacked workers to be patient since he real the negotiations offered thom los must see todas among thuse Strata was crushed. Even the most hope places in the Cabinet. Vitensenter les of the party cells of those or they had patience, the workers will promised them that everything we can selection offer us is that we In a word the teachers movementſ that the German Social Democracy negotiuting withine Deladilen gefour contain a censure of the secretar The Imustrial Union leaders said the sentimnt of the workers. Ille ore come ivable peolation that this of the population whose intereststul among the delegates the same ine French delicacy. the Renauderganizations in which the syllabus have to come to us when they real will be finproved. As a result, the open shop conditions we leave been would work out, go back under the same bring them into conllict with the Vaydervelde who still presides over wing still remains a pure formes were discovered: one author of ixe the betrayal of the Internationbeated them in testa e associations, the interuentional and scatns to ality and at concession the sockalbet these erits (syllabuses) Kanevsky, ale but time went was and the in entire offer was rejected by the slaving under the pust few years.
chambers of commerce, civic bet transfer his presidency to the cab public opinion, Inside the from the party, another, dustrial Union lost more shops, workers.
terment societies, etc. etc. some inet of His Royal And Puissant party as Blum and Auto moore taken off from all party work, the In the International the workers hold further conferences with the engage in intensive picketing. The while we is strongly reproved and more members.
times tight government policies in Majesty, King Albert of The union leaders went back to od we must continue to strike and Belgium, carrying on what has become special interests, can pump nothing more inspiring chan a lista tider with tion of taxes. But this coincidence than the proclamation that the cisions of party congresses. true the regional cleansing committee few active elements and were very itrator. They sent the members to shops are still on strike and using is more apparent than real. Real International still lives despite all to lite Continental triangle, a French The Stalinist bureaucrats are discouraged. However, these few work with indefinite prices, told every incans to terrorixe um de menage a trois. estate associations everywhere are disasters. now pressing for reduction in taxes of major disasters, there has been Matters are it anything, worse in the party who dare think otot be done to better conditions. The take place where they will aguta mobilize our furues in mass prieket Lundred at the expense of the school system no luck for the Second Internation in England. First, the defection themselves? They ask: How dia international in order to maintain bring further proposals which they she demonstration or three the most militant upholand the living and teaching condial since August 1914, when it TLS of ministers MacDonald and Thom it happen that during two months control in the shops gave all kinds expected to get from the employers sterers of the union in front of the. drastic economy program in educa the camp of imperialism. That ittion of the strong independent Lab Leninism (the bureaucrats make did not want to call a strike. Tollement without the approval of the shown us the way. articipants in workers. Then what took place?
Union Leader Confuses Workers only members of local 76 but also chat tion is proceeding under the whip has been able to survive as a move our Party from the second Inter the gratuitously substitute the word the workers they gave all their exdemonstration included of the United States Chamber of ment embracing millions of workers national, have not strengthened the Leninism for stalinism) have been cuser. Finally they decided to show Commerce.
is due not to any inherent powers position of the Second International song the rounds of the Communists the workers that they tried to im. The next week another meeting was called in Fanuell Hall where woul.
of the Furniture Workers prove the conditions, at the same More fundamentally, the rent of its own, nor even to the support in Britain What is left is the under the guise of scientifle sylboping to organize more shops about a thousand workers came, Men lahuses of a bourgeoisie frightened by the Labour Party. And as the time estate associations and chambers of The enthusiasm with which the commerce are the organizations of prospect of the social revolution. Shevik correspondent of the New Pravda explains the cause of this, and have more funds. For this eager to know under what condi latter were greeted is only another The of work. tout their place is make end of the season. The strike last. Kramer, the manager of the internetului and carry through the attack on wlan revolution and the end of the injured Justification, It should be the rounds in the biggest cells, ed about a week. They demanded national, this time without the con. they can become a powerful force the teachers THROUGH THE Their condict with it is an attempt the degeneration of the Communist the other European socialists grew party feeling (read: the ineffectiveltbey succeeded in getting agree managed to make the employers holsterers in still greater struggles cene to REFORM ITS POLICIES IN and the regime of world Stalinism. ual circumstances that they were to stem the advance of Marxian fought the union bitterly for many cont wage increase, to twenty five Locaj vo they are doomed to remain International Induced by the policy up in such sharply different spirit ness of the GP and the apparatus ments in many shops that had change their offer of a fifteen per against the employers. Outside of THEIR INTEREST AT TILE EXPENSE OF THE WORKING maintaining its stranglehold on the aeg. To the European socialists, those who used them but also the be satisfied since they had gotten one price system for each line. Again weak in influence, and completely were not found in the ranks by living parastically of the decold blooded about important theoring of ties with the cells of those managed to get small wage They knew that the twenty five per taining a meaningless paper orguniCLASSES THE THEME. That is why they the demonstrators in Chicago and feats of the proletariat which it etical and principled questions, they leading party organizations under Creases and the promise that next cent increase, on the one price syszation which would, to say the on them they will be betrayed. That Pears the social democracy. In iators, and short sighted practical took place of which all this season they would get better contm with piece work would mean least, only abuse the contidence of Havana. If the teachers depend helped to multiply for the last ten were too great opportunists, concil the very ditions since they would be organ nothing because should the styles Los These quotations need no comixed. The Industrial Union also this year mean more work, this Untou who have not yet voted with workers in the Industriai is inevitable.
breathing spell it gained after the constitute most of what is of real ment. They speak volumes for the called out its shops on strike at would in reality be a reduction. In the eventos talist society as a section of the unsuccessful, post war revolutionary tlonai.
The position of teachers in canie fatlure of the first spontaneous, and consequence in the Second Interna rowth of Bolshevik Leninist influ. the same time that the Internatione stead, they demanded a minimum terrible condemnation of the working class marks out the road wave, by a parasitic living of the The day of miracles having pass. class, in the biggest cells of the International did and sent the the wage of a dollar an hour for opel bankrupt policy of the TUUL union and ideas among the working al did, demanding only work tors, and that a minimum scale be was very clearly demonstrated at blows at the capitalist class. Thes Its strength has been essentialls Second International for a genuine with all its repressions and deport that worked in open shops were workers, was discouraged by the morning, September 3, at which they must travel in resisting the blunders and crimes of Stalinism. ed It is futile to look towards the lerty and throughout the Sovieters back at the same time. Many established for every craft. Amo a mass meeting of the wees Union. The cynical bureaucracy, of the Industrial Union members tion to this effect, endorsed by the which was called home muut soin hands with the workerst here comes of also principale con progressive me vemenat cathe words ations is powerles to halt the wave told boy debedor leaders toebehores the manager of the web en wore nu e cea caly seven workers showed up.
of which the teachers must become letarian masses. Our policies and forward only by casting it off, byst sentiment for the Left Opposi International with the a part, as they have France, ean suceuses may not be perfect, but accelerating its disintegration by tion.
that way the latter gained many set the motion defeated. He again number is compared to the tivesolve the problems of the free school those of the Communists are worse driving it and its whole ideology members from the former, told the workers to go back to six hundred which attend the daily system and the living and teach that is the beseeching note that out of its ranks. But in marching Union Members Bogin To Stir work, to wait, that he would again strike meetings of Local 76.
ing conditions of the teachers. has formed the motit of the pleas forward, the socialist workers are This fundamental orientation of the social democratic stateamen instantly confronted with the probA long slack period took place confer with the employers, try to shortly after the si e strike. The lett set as much as possible and not to By pursuing their present ruinous must be reflected in the policies of for years past lem: Whither shall we go?
wing workers slowly began to make settle without the consent of leaders of the ganizational forms. The organiza swept tens and hundreds of thou it was a decade or more ago. In of teachers unions has already sands of socialist workers away those days, the break with reformthing be done to improve conditions. workers were told again that the atins, discrediting and isulating the tion given the historie answer to the from their old moorings and set ism led almost directly to the Comquestion. what organizational forms them on the road towards Commun. munist International. At the precourago when they saw that they one price piece work system and body of workers which is now shall the teachers movement take? ism at a lively pace, they encoun sent time, what has changed in the on uus 001 Lou pur soudas puu that all settlements are only tem streaming into Local 70.
It follows that the basic organiza tered a perfectly harmonious united situation is precisely the fact that We must follow this movement fight. More workers attended the porary pending the acceptance of and the code.
New York. The incredible antics meetings, made proposals tional form of the teachers resist: front between the reformist and the the discreditment of the Second 76 Now the code has in full force and with ance is the trade union. And it Sunlinist leaders standing in the ternational goes hand in hand In of the Stalinists have by now be worked out demands to be coming We in Boston are been accepted out hesitation. The Left wing with come so commonplace as to cease season.
not yet affected workers must demand once makes it necessary for the teach way ers to enter the trade union move. Brandler and Zinoviev did as much The workers repelled by internetheless in the interests of working For the last few years due to it. Only the unised ehorts of the! 76, build one strong union in the their progress. Stalin, the bankruptcy of the Stalintern. to be matters for wonder. Neverby it. We can expect nothing from of their leaders: unity with Local ment. The defense of culture lends as mortals could to extend the leasetional reformism are not attracted class education of how not to actional with the bosses in their atthe collaboration of the Interna: workers can improve our condi industry. It is not yet too late.
to the trade union movement. of life of the German and inter by international Stalinism. At the let us record a monstrous piece tempt to maintain control over the tions.
Now is the time.
This fundamental orientation and watcom socialdemocracy by the present time, the existence of als of Stalinist confusion. More radi shops, a system was introduced into Hyman Comes to Boston this fundamental organizational course they pursued in LANKIN.
form does not exclude other, tem powerful Leftward movement. The tinct and irreconcilable currents culous than any are the Puerto Ric the industry of one price for each couple of weeks ago the Indusnt of the in the Communist movement makes an Anti Imperialist Ass porary forms of organized resist. British proletariat in 1925 1926 was imperative a qualification of the carried on which line of dresses. It made no dir trial Union called a mass meeting ance Bit it indicates the relation brought to an abrupt halt and general slogan: On to the Comt. Grant Store in Harlem, New was on the different styles they the union and invited the members him to get into the International struggle against the ference how much more work there with Louis Hyman, president of IIe said that there was no way for in which they must stand toward turned backward not so much by munists!
the teachers trade unions and the Purcell, Citrine and Swales, as by The Leftward moving socialist. Together with several other Span rate. The workers had to work They were going to give a report ready to tight there for his condi movement. ST. Stalin, Bucharin and who propied up these tottering in workers are confronted with the ish speaking auxiliaries of the very hard and could not make about the New York strike and talk tions and would not need him. He pillars of British capitalism. The wide paratus and the Left Opposition, revolutionary organization, the anti this evil be abolished, and a min. as usual the Internationalent, but said that they intended to keep choice of a decadent Stalinistar Sevolutionary of the situackerye of living. They began to demand that as ou math the Boston spread mood for struggle engenderworkers, the office, that the workers would capitalism, did not strengthen the tionary and progressive In Marx comfod that Tafty per cent of the for every craft in the industry, that with their union settlement, did not have a place to back and Communist movement by an influx and Lenin. In many of the organi employers of the Grant Store should prices be settled in every shop for come to the meeting. Hyman spoke of the dres strike, he said that the be Latin American.
Workers Grows for on the code in the cloak Industry, Industrial Union had also partici of socialist militants; instead, the rations which have hung between the streets of the Third Period munism, the choice is even now this error was the nature of each garment according to the moon the roles played by the Indus pated in the strike, had many latter violently repulsed by the Second International and Comthat when we first of ount of work in it.
Reject Bosses Proposals trial and International Unions in shops out and was fighting for con Washington. The Industrial Union attions, nothing more.
New York. The second week of the being made. These include the board of it in the bourgeois press, the Doll camp In other words, not all of the list Workers Party, the Revolution the workers organizations. Wel took place and the union officials there, since they did not represent Industrial Union: IIow do they exing. Already strikers have been cabalisie obscurly about the united ary Socialist Party of Holland, the Were unable to believe that people under the pressure of the workers the cloak makers. Hyman was given pect to get conditions if the Interfinds the strikers militant and fightbeaten and arrested by the police. front from below has succeeded Norwegian Labor Party and groups could present such a demand as price systemadmit that the one the floor, not to speak, but only to national controls the major part of calling themselves beat picture three store houding peronis eliminating inanitely more effect the ideas of the left opposition, mentore non le can read the cost of living rising daily they felt answered that is the cloakmak The len Opposition was that it is Communists also began to admit abolished and answer questions that were put to the industry and we are compelled must With prospects of the strike con above between the social dem the Impulsion towards a new bantinuing indefinitely, we must notlocratie leaders and what passes for her, a new program and a new or bring forward. It was hard to con that something must be done; theers had been given the chance to the duty of the left wing leaders put faith in the NRA; and also the general staff in the ranks oranization, are making irresistible celve that people calling themselves workers were very discontented. elect their own representatives, he and workers to be together with the negotiations in Washington between Stalinism. The former have ex advances. Tomorrow, the same Internationalists could a so to such The International began to call for would have been elected. We did bulk of the workers and become the bosses Association and the Unerted all their strength to pull back choice will occupy the thoughts of an extreme as would only result in conference with the bosses, telling not say much about the New York part of the mass union to lon, over the code, may fall through the Leftward movement of the mass thousands, tens of thousands and the pitting of one nationality them that the wages must be in strike, what role the Industrial against the betrayals of the Interof workers against another.
be started immediately. We must latter have left no means unused lze more acutely the truth of Lux only one interpretation the com of promises. In the meantime the 50. 000 dressinakers were on strike them, guide them and help them at the same time trying to Uniort played and what they accomntional leadership, point out to the Preparations for strike relief muster into the reformist swamp: the more socialist workers as they real! The stalinist demand can have stelselt the members with all kinds prished. He did say however that workers the correcte polics. tead appeal to all labor unions and to push back into the same swamp emburg judgment that the second any should fire a certain section NRA appeared and the government and that the reason the Internation win conditions.
other labor organizations to help us the workers moving towards Com. International is a stinking corpse of the workers employed by them concletes brought ins arbelal kot such a good code was due during the strike. Many of the munism. Amore harmonious and The me does net lle American workers. We were anal the dressmakers was called in Fan on strike. When he was through.
of the Paris Con now and replace them with latin trator. membership meeting of to the fact that the workers NEEDLE TRADES strikers cannot pay their initiation more disastrous division of labor gress of WORKER Therefore this outside assistance of the proletariat. And it is only tions or there for higher of the cools calumny when we saw its eight hundred workers came to Opposition, took the floor and ask fees, because they have no money. has rarely been seen in the history in the frustrated thwarted aspira ly convinced that this no bour weil Hall where about seven o Eva Weiner, member of the Left y understanding the tragic sign former and future ministers of the confirmation in the Stalinist Libere near the report of the conference, ed him why he sent in the cloak: will be gladly welcomed.
THE MILITANT in the union hall and not in the how the corpse of 1914 was powerful subterranean movement of this sheet which not only repeatedles through the government and the through the back door, while he is matter November 28, 1928, at the Workers, demand shop meetings ficance of this process that one can bourgeoisie. It lies only in the acion, an article was published in and the proposals made by th the boss makers into the International Left. this demand but which was union Antered as a second class mail shop, because the boss will try to able to revive and to grow so strong the reformist workers to get the weak ones to go back to in the past decade.
a movement which has already nothing short of a nationalistic and the workers that the employers of asked him why the leaders of the Post Office at Now York, union representatives. They told sitting in the Industrial office; she work by promises. He is The Second International did not broken through the bureaucratic chauvinist tirade of the worst sort. fered a fifteen percent increase for industrial itus this in order to break the strike revive, it goes without saying, as crust in full force at some points. This demand is not only anti workers per week, and a tep against the betrayals of the ce and afterwards to worsen our con revolutionary proletarian organi. The situation dictates the most as working class but is especially lud five making less than twenty with the wood on were not the Under the act of March 1879. to help them fight Published weekly by the Communist Also see that these meetings are stacle to the revolution. Nor did the Left Opposition. The union of of foreign botn workers. Just an this sum. In addition they propos pointed out how they failed She League of America (Opposition)
held regularly, te its revival even as the numerical the truly revolutionary socialist other example of the bankruptcy ed a torty hour week and every to ports are given to the workers to addition of national petty bour militants and the regenerated nec and stupidity of the Communist thing about the same as before.
EDITORIAL BOARD her out asenuine unity polley in act upon and decide.
geols parties of labor take place tions of the Communist parties Icaders cloak and dress industry. Com Martin Aborn. DOLL WORKER.
James Cannon along an unbroken line. Ouite the strangled by the Stalin machine, 1sing work on the Spanish speak in New York.
The workers felt that this was rade Welner also asked him why he Max Shachtman Maurice Spector contrary. Even in the course of the guarantee of the tremendous fuArno Swabeck MOONEY MEETING IN BOSTON its rejuvenation, it passed through ture which lies ahead.
The unte. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT starvation just as before. dia. Unlon position was in the recent the dress strike in New York, and what Vol. VI No. 42 (Whole No. 189)
Ing will take place at the Parkman Many of them afforded the composition will be the proud standard One year 00; six Months 00 workers let them know what they it was going to do now that the SATURDAY, September 9, 1933 Bandstand on the Boston Common, munists the opportunity of extend of the coming movement. On Club Plan (Clubs of Four. thought of their miserable propos bulk of the workers were in the Subscription rate: 00 per year SHACHTMAN.
Saturday, September 9th at P. Jing on to a world scale that which Six Months 50 Cents.
als. Jennie Chiplowitz, a member International. His answer was muld. Forelga 50 cents per copy Chauvinist Policy the elemente chet elmente a lo dice bach time that a new impulsion le mie Whisber si no es simple as or Stalinist Antics purpose we los and she was de route sorkers the following more the industrial Union ure bunge discrete. Which?
into Local more trade union made Strike of the would xato question So were 04. 09doing